Channel: oldephartte(in training)
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1 February - iGoogle Portal - Tab 11


  Australian Food News

  • Dear loyal readers, Australian Food News will be taking a break over the Christmas holiday period, returning in 2019 with a new mission. Stay tuned, and you'll never go hungry for our...
  • KROGER is progressing its driverless grocery delivery pilot by moving this week to remove humans from the vehicles and going full-on with a self-driving "car"...
    • ForPurposeCo, the innovation arm of food rescue charity OzHarvest, has launched Juice For Good an Australian-first vending machine that uses imperfect and blemished oranges...
  • Mike Pence is the most hated vice-president in modern American history, and mountains of abuse have been heaped upon his wife Karen Pence.  The left hates them with a passion, and...
  • Isn’t it nice to have a press secretary in the White House that is not afraid to speak the truth?  Sarah Sanders has an extremely tough job, and she has done it with dignity and grace. ...
    • It seems like virtually every major Democratic politician in the entire country is at least considering running for president, and a bunch of them have already officially entered...
  • Its Vietnam branch reportedly posted and removed a conceptual video meant for the Unpacked event.
  • This year's production will feature some groundbreaking 8K and augmented-reality tech.
    • Password managers are a convenient and secure way to remember all your passwords. Do you trust them to keep them safe?
  • With Will Griffin Writer, Dandelion Salad The Peace Report February 1, 2019 The Peace Report on Jan 31, 2019 Join The Peace Report to fight empire one video at a time: Weekly Newsletter...
  • with Michael Parenti Writer, Dandelion Salad January 31, 2019 “But you can’t do that with Class. By definition, you can’t say we’ll have a society where the rich capitalists...
    • With Will Griffin Writer, Dandelion Salad The Peace Report January 30, 2019 The Peace Report on Jan 29, 2019 Venezuela has been the recent target of U.S. imperialism with a U.S.-backed...
  • Federal workers need to be prepared for more pain.  If President Trump and Congress cannot make a deal, there will probably be another very painful government shutdown in just a couple...
  • The left has been salivating over the prospect of voting Donald Trump out of office in 2020, but now something has happened that could change everything.  On Sunday, former Starbucks...
    • Apple iPhone sales are never supposed to go down.  For nearly two decades, Apple has been an unbeatable economic miracle, but now it appears that times have changed.  Global sales...
  • By Alasdair Macleod* After years of uncertainty following the country’s 2009 crisis, Greece’s corrupt government was replaced in January 2015
  • The Philippines is undertaking a review of its1951 Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT) with the U.S..  Philippines Secretary of National Defense
    • By Robert E. Hamilton* (FPRI) — Once again, in 280 characters or less, Donald Trump upended U.S. policy that many
  • Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org A number of new science studies have concluded Earth’s systems are nearing tipping points. Is this true? Or have the tipping points...
  • Dane Wigington geoengineeringwatch.org Climate engineering operations continue to create winter weather chaos in parts of the US, Canada and Europe. Chemical ice nucleation...
    • Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Yet more dire news on the insect collapse front, can we survive if they can’t? What is the core cause of the catastrophic die-off? Aluminum...
  • Media reports in Pakistan claimed yesterday that “an international spying network” had been dismantled in the country following the arrests of at least five intelligence officials...
  • Morton Sobell, an American radar engineer who in 1951 was convicted of conspiracy alongside Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in one of the Cold War’s most prominent espionage cases...
    • The British Security Service (MI5) has over 700 officers —more than 20 percent of its entire force— stationed in Northern Ireland, due to fears that the Brexit process might reignite...


  •           We all have dream careers that never actually materialized. Some people wish they could have been astronauts, ballerinas, professional athletes. I will tell you mine...
  •           In my last blog I told you I signed “Zorro” on all my hospital forms. This is absolutely true. My handwriting is so sloppy that it kind of looks like the way I sign Joni Hilton...
  • Alter Ego

    17 days ago
    • Here’s how to look like a super spy. First, have a mastectomy that requires a drain. This handy tube will connect to a little bulb that looks like a hand grenade.  It will rest in a little...


  • NATO vassals ‘fully support’ Pindo action on INF treaty Reuters, Feb 1 2019 BRUSSELS – Faschingstein will soon announce plans to suspend compliance with the INF Treaty with...
  • Is Pindostan Meddling in Venezuela? Max Blumenthal Asks Congress Critturs Grayzone, YouTube, Jan 31 2019 Amidst Russiagate fever, the Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal heads to Capitol...
    • Briefly about the development of the crisis in Venezuela Colonel Cassad, Feb 1 2019 The European Parliament by a majority vote of recognized appointed from Faschingstein “President”...

      Inter Press ServiceInter Press Service

  • The protests in Venezuela demanding an end to the presidency of Nicolás Maduro in the last 10 days of January, whose soundtrack was the sound of banging on pots and pans in working-class...
  • From the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social ResearchThe post Twelve Step Method to Conduct Regime Change appeared first on Inter Press Service...
    • Amina Mohammed is the Deputy Secretary-General of the United NationsThe post Ending Violence Against Women & Girls in the Sahel: Crucial for Sustainable Development appeared...
  • The U.S. Postal Service (USPS) is planning to honor the nation’s brave and loyal military working dogs with a new booklet of 20 stamps The post Our Postage Stamps Are ‘Going to the...
  • Black History Month 2019 begins with the Google website honoring Sojourner Truth with a doodle. Here is an excerpt from the Biography.com entry about Sojourner Truth: Sojourner...
    • Need a laugh? Then listen to this. From Scooby Mania : Shaggy Incarnate: Matthew Lillard Some actors do Shakespeare. Other actors have farting contests with imaginary dogs. Actor...
  • After remaining all but mum for the past two years about news reports detailing its ties to Russia, the National Rifle Association finally spoke up this week. The gun group tried to...
  • We’ve owned a cat yurt for several years, but the cats never took to it. It just sat in a corner, forever lonely and unused. But last week, for some reason, I decided to see if I could get...
    • This week: All of The Marías. Why were into it: Blending together the best bits of indie and Spanish pop, the unique and psychedelic sound is delectable, satisfying the senses...

      RFF Library Blog

  • Union of Concerned Scientists https://bit.ly/2HBMIIY The Trump administration over its first two years has shown a pervasive pattern of sidelining science in critical decisionmaking...
  • Texas Railroad Commission http://webapps2.rrc.state.tx.us/PDA/ice/pdaIceHome.xhtml The RRC Online Inspection Lookup (RRC OIL) allows you to search for inspection and violation...
    • Columbia University, Center on Global Energy Policy / by Jason Bordoff and John Larsen https://bit.ly/2Rtd98k [Executive Summary] How does a society pay for the environmental...

      RSS Feed for Author: Paul Craig Roberts

  • A Lawless Government Paul Craig Roberts I remember when a suspect was regarded as innocent until proven guilty in a fair trial. Today prosecutors convict...
  • The Exceptional Nation Asserts Its Exceptionalism Paul Craig Roberts Washington has chosen a president for Venezuela. I wonder if Trump saw the black
    • To prevent whistle-blowing, NSA has "a program now called 'see something, say something' about your fellow workers. That's what the Stasi did. That's why I call [NSA] the new New Stasi...

      Unexplained Mysteries

  • The Chinese military reportedly resumed testing of the world's most powerful naval gun earlier this month. First seen back in 2011, the warship-mounte...
  • The outline of a bear created in the snow on a canal in Montreal has left a lot of people scratching their heads. At a quick glance the image, which w...
    • Wildlife enthusiast Bret Jones had been out filming birds when he noticed something unusual in the sky. Jones had been just outside Greensboro, North...

      The Watchers - Editor's Picks

  • February 2 - Close approach of the Moon and Saturn - 07:05 UTC. The Moon and Saturn will make a close approach, passing within 0°37' of each other. The Moon will be 27 days old. The Moon...
  • The tornado that hit Cuba's capital city, Havana on January 27, 2019, had wind speeds of 300 km/h (186 mph) and was rated EF-4 on the Enhanced Fujita Scale. Four people were killed and...
    • According to imagery captured by satellites and passengers aboard airplanes, the Tinakula volcano in the Solomon Islands is active again. Its last eruptive period lasted from October...
  • In more than 1,300 instances where cleansing was required, overall compliance was 15 percent, according to the report published online Jan. 28 in the Emergency Medicine Journal...
  • The FDA approved the new version for use in people age 12 years and older for the temporary relief of mild symptoms of intermittent asthma.
    • Experts and people with schizophrenia describe what it’s like to live with this debilitating mental illness.
  • A Fact Check on Black Unemployment ; Scandal at 'Der Spiegel' ...and More Picks 2/1 The post Venezuela Has 20 Tons of Gold Ready to Ship. Address Unknown. appeared first on WhoWhatWhy...
  • A new organization seeks to take on ‘climate breakdown’ and global capitalism through direct, nonviolent action. The post Climate Change, Civil Disobedience, and Extinction...

    • 19 Million Lack Access to Clean Water in Yemen ; Howard Schultz Often Doesn’t Vote ...and More Picks 1/31 The post Deep Space Radio Waves Baffle Astronomers. Aliens Not Ruled Out...

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