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2 February - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 3

10:00 pm MST

Is This a Picture of a Male-Only Refugee Caravan Heading for U.S. Border?

Dan Evon at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
The United States is not the only part of the world dealing with an influx of refugees.

Seinfeld Sued Over Sale of Porsche Alleged to Be Fake

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
Jerry Seinfeld has been sued by a company claiming it bought the comedian's 1958 Porsche for $1.5 million only to discover it was a fake.

Why Do Groundhogs Emerge on February 2 If It’s Not to Predict the Weather?

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
Groundhogs – also known as woodchucks – don’t emerge at this time just to be furry weather predictors. So what’s the real reason?

Groundhog Doesn’t See His Shadow, Predicting Early Spring

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
It may be hard to believe as a large swath of the U.S. thaws out from a bitter polar vortex, but spring is coming early, according to handlers for some of the country's most famous prognosticating groundhogs.

Russia to Pull Plug on Nuclear Arms Pact After US Does Same

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
Russia will abandon a centerpiece nuclear arms treaty but will only deploy intermediate-range nuclear missiles if Washington does so, President Vladimir Putin said.

Did Ann Coulter Say This About the Oklahoma City Bomber?

Bethania Palma at Snopes.com - 9 hours ago
The conservative social and political commentator even requested that her remarks about Timothy McVeigh be recorded.

Massive Protests Underway In Venezuela

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
Venezuelan opposition leader and self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido is greeted by supporters as he leaves a rally against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro's government in Caracas, Venezuela February 2, 2019. REUTERS/Adriana Loureiro *Daily Mail*: *Venezuela air force general calls on the army to rebel against Maduro as President speaks at rally celebrating late communist leader Hugo Chavez and thousands march in Caracas to demand socialist dictator steps down* * General Francisco Yanez posted a video recognizing self-declared Venezuelan acting president Juan Guaido ... more »

Four Signs Your Endocannabinoid System Is Out Of Whack

Karma Yoga Daily at Karma Yoga Daily - 9 hours ago
By Mary Biles, Collective Evolution In Brief The Facts: Our endocannabinoid system (ECS) is vitally important to maintaining homeostasis throughout our bodies and minds. An imbalanced ECS may contribute toward conditions such as depression, anxiety, fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, and obesity. Reflect On: What can you do to take greater care of your endocannabinoid system? Where […]

We Are the Holy Grail: What is ‘Sin’?

Karma Yoga Daily at Karma Yoga Daily - 9 hours ago
Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia www.voiceoffreedom.ca As one who’s never studied the Bible or gone to church, I’m curious about the word, ‘sin.’ With that said, I’ve come to see that the guilt I feel for the unexpressed or expressed hatred for my own physical mother or the feminine, and physical father or the […]

Most U.S. Mayors Support Legalizing Cannabis but Feds Still Say it’s as Dangerous as Bath Salts

Karma Yoga Daily at Karma Yoga Daily - 9 hours ago
By Vic Bishop, Waking Times When the ruling class of a nation is so removed from the reality of its policies that its unable to change with the times, you can bet that a revolution is on its way. In this case, the non-violent revolution of cannabis legalization is working its way from the grass-roots […]

borderless Babel

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 9 hours ago
Syrian refugees burst into Turkey after breaking through a border fence and crossing the boundary separating the two countries in this June 14, 2015 photo. Turkey has been building a concrete wall along parts of the border in recent years. (Lefteris Pitarakis / Associated Press)\ 7-31-2016 More broadly, those who deride borders are unwilling to address why tens of millions of people choose to cross them in the first place, leaving their language fluency and native soil — at great personal risk. The answer is obvious: migration, as it was in the 1960s between mainland China and... more »

The Week in Pictures

co2islife at CO2 is Life - 9 hours ago
Nothing to see here just CNN labeling Ralph Northam a ***Republican*** pic.twitter.com/zTGHqG17JE — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) February 2, 2019 (source) Please Like, Share, Subscribe, Re-Blog and Comment Advertisements


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 10 hours ago
*China could champion by case Delta 15 218 at Larisa court. That is also human rights abuse and media repression.* *China can put sanctions on countries which refuse to prosecute George Soros and Alexis Tsipras for their crimes.* *By championing my case, China can also prove what a villain George Soros is and stop any colour revolution that he might be planning in China in its tracks. * *China can use my case even if I am killed by the Globalists as a result of the show trial on February 11th. There is no statute of limitations on first degree murder which is proven just by the pro... more »

Canada's Government Corruption Continued: Let me guess....yet another Expensive Police "Terror" Investigation, exploiting a Vulnerable Patsy?

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 10 hours ago
*Police Leaving Home in Kingston Ontario* *….this time a vulnerable 20 year old* *Syrian Refugee* I've had this post on the backburner for a couple of weeks now. The endemic corruption in the Canadian body politic--Federal, Provincial *and* Local is so overwhelming that it's hard to keep up. Last week, I posted about the* Federal corruption *surrounding the kidnapping and holding for economic ransom of the Huawei CEO Meng Wanzhou. Abrogating our own laws regarding Extradition and our own* lack of sanctions* on Iran, Ms Meng is being held under house arrest pending the order to C... more »

Norfolk Island grapples with change and political tension

Jessie Davies at Just In - 10 hours ago
A peaceful paradise known for its iconic pine trees and spectacular coastline, Norfolk Island is riddled with political tension and simmering social unrest.

How the 'only African in Port Fairy' became a small-town inspiration

Just In - 10 hours ago
Tanzanian Seif Sakate stood out in the small, Australian coastal town he called home but it helped him get noticed by the locals who eventually followed him to Africa to build a school and a kindergarten.

'The towns are fish bowls': Mental health stigma leads to #PillShaming in regional Australia

Laura Collins at Just In - 10 hours ago
Regional Australians are feeling 'pill shamed' and are avoiding treatment due to the stigma around mental health medication and a lack of confidentiality in small-town pharmacies.

Globalist bankster Rees Mogg says Brexit could be delayed. Illuminati Queen panics at the prospect of Chinese soldiers on her lawn?

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 10 hours ago
*Former Rothschild banker, with links to George Soros' Quantum Fund, Jacob Rees-Mogg has signalled he may be ready to delay Brexit if it is required to finalise legislation. * *https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jacob-rees-mogg-brexit-delay-date-erg-brexiteers-conservative-party-theresa-may-a8759591.html* *Or save his scrawny little self from Chinese troops sent on mop up operations if the Globalists engineer the world biggest ever economic crash using a no deal Brexit as the trigger.* *China shows every sign of planning to protect its economy and market from the Globa... more »

Yellow Vests march against Macron's police brutality

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 10 hours ago
*Former Rothschild banker Emmanual Macron had to mobilize 80,000 police again this weekend as Yellow Vest protests continued, this time marching against the shocking police violence, which China should condemn.* *An RT video appears to show a soldier in a light blue beret (serving in the UN?) going around in the background shaking the hands of protestors.* *https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwzkKHeuKyY* *https://www.lemonde.fr/societe/article/2019/02/02/pour-leur-acte-xii-les-gilets-jaunes-marchent-contre-les-violences-policieres_5418386_3224.html* *It would be very welcome if China star... more »

Russia Recently Sent this Deadly Supersonic Bomber Close to North America

Mark Episkopos at Test Feed Using Fields - 10 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * [image: Reuters] Why? North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) scrambled three U.S. and two Canadian aircraft to intercept two Russian Tu-160 “Blackjack” strategic bombers flying close to the Canadian Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), an area of controlled airspace where unidentified aircraft may be intercepted for identification purposes. The Tu-160 is a Soviet nuclear-capable bomber, travelling at maximum and cruise speeds of 2,220 and 960 kilometers per hour respectively, and boasting a flight range of around 12,000 kilometers depen... more »

Silicon valley has created this present dark-age for America

drinkingwateradvisor at The Drinking Water Advisor - 10 hours ago
“Left-wing axioms, premises, and narratives are increasingly accepted as articles of faith within a progressively censorious society, warned Prager. “This is what we are now at in the Orwellian world that the left has created,” assessed Prager. “Any difference is … Continue reading →

Venezuela Air Force General Defects From The Maduro Government

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*DW:* *Venezuelan air force general rejects Maduro in video* In an online video, Venezuelan General Francisco Yanez publicly renounced Nicolas Maduro's "dictatorial" rule and endorsed Juan Guaido. The military leadership quickly responded by accusing him of treason. A senior officer of the military's high command rejected the authority of Nicolas Maduro and endorsed his opposition rival in Venezuela, as the country gears up for rival rallies on Saturday The uniformed man identifies himself as Air Force General Francisco Yanez, before rejecting Maduro's "dictatorial and irritatin... more »

A U.S. Destroyer In Search Of A Mission

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
USS Michael Monsoor (YouTube) *Press Herald:* *Navy struggles to find a place for Bath-built Zumwalt stealth destroyers* *It wanted something that could operate close to shore, attacking land targets and providing support for ground troops. Then came the conflict in landlocked Afghanistan. * BRUNSWICK — To those who kept a close eye on the development of the Navy’s futuristic, next-generation destroyers, the Zumwalt-class program has been a disappointment to put it mildly. In the early 2000s, the Navy proposed building 32 highly advanced stealth destroyers at Bath Iron Works, giv... more »

From the Dark Side of the Moon

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago
On the same theme, here's more of the past week's big BBC bias rows - from *(scary music)* 'the other side': *1. Spitfiregate * During the closing headlines of Wednesday night's BBC *News at Six* black and white footage of a spitfire landing and other spitfires in flight were accidentally broadcast as newsreader Sophie Raworth summarised the Prime Minister’s plan to reopen Brexit talks with EU leaders. Many laughed at this, but others didn't see the funny side and accused the BBC of doing it deliberately. Yes - as the *Guardian* reports - the BBC was being accused of staging a ... more »


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 10 hours ago
*The UK government has admitted that the country could suffer a catastrophic gridlock which could kill millions as a result of a no deal Brexit by announcing plans for NHS staff to sleep at work.* *But if NHS staff can't leave hospitals due to traffic jams, as the UK government has now conceded, it follows, no one will be able to get to hospitals either. No patients will be able to get there. No food suppliers etc will be able to get there. How are NHS staff expected to eat?* *Health secretary Matt Hancock has said gridlock at ports could last as long as six months, long enough, in... more »

Your Complete Guide To The NYTimes’ Support Of US-Backed Coups In Latin America

Zerohedge at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Your Complete Guide To The NYTimes’ Support Of US-Backed Coups In Latin America appeared first on The Duran.

New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff’s Trump Tower Conspiracy Theory

Zerohedge at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post New Evidence Destroys Adam Schiff’s Trump Tower Conspiracy Theory appeared first on The Duran.

The Need for a Compelling Anti-Capitalism Narrative

Jason Hirthler at The Ghion Journal - 11 hours ago
There’s a scene in George Orwell’s Homage to Catalonia where he describes how the communists propagandized the fascists during the Spanish Civil War in the 1930s. Orwell was with a scruffy, makeshift band of fighters high in the Spanish Alps. Both the communists and fascists were dug into their trenches and a general stalemate had ensued. During the frigid mountain days, certain soldiers were tasked with communicating to the enemy. They would first position themselves… The post The Need for a Compelling Anti-Capitalism Narrative appeared first on The Ghion Journal.

Team patriot Italy to pass law to defuse Globalist banking crisis plot

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 11 hours ago
*ROME (Reuters) - The Italian government intends to approve in coming months new banking regulations, including a rule that separates banks’ commercial and investment businesses, Deputy Prime Minister Luigi Di Maio said on Friday.* *Speaking to parliament’s lower house, Di Maio also said that if the government needed to enter the capital of troubled Banca Carige it would take control of the lender.* https://www.reuters.com/article/us-italy-banking-rules/italian-govt-plans-to-separate-commercial-lenders-from-investment-banks-idUSKCN1PQ4JQ

China's puts the frighteners on Canada, a warning to the Nazi Queen?

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 11 hours ago
*“You cannot live the life of a whore and expect a monument to your chastity … If Canada insists on wrong practice, it must pay for it,” said China's state-run Global Times in a wake up call to the Nazi Queen of the UK, apparently the handler of Donald Trump.* *https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/02/divide-and-conquer-china-puts-the-pressure-on-us-allies* *If she continues to try to engineer a global meltdown, the Queen can expect a very blunt response from Chinese troops sent on mop up operations.* *And they should check every single island around Scotland, Scandinavia too.... more »

Are the Globalists planning to flee to private Greek islands?

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 11 hours ago
*They will be found if they do try to escape this way.* *From Greek Reporter* *There are dozens of real estate websites offering private Greek islands for sale. Usually the asking price is not revealed. For the purposes of this article we used information from the following sites:* www.privateislandsonline.com and www.vladi-private-islands.de. https://greece.greekreporter.com/2019/02/02/top-10-private-islands-for-sale-in-greec/

Kim Jong should threaten Trump with blackout warfare, and a super EMP, if he won't end sanctions

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 11 hours ago
*Globalist Donald Trump may be planning a war with North Korean to divert from attention from his financial and other crimes. * *He is set to have a second summit with leader Kim Jong-un.* *https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/feb/01/us-north-korea-envoy-says-trump-is-ready-to-end-this-war* *Kim Jong would be wise to keep his nucleaar missile capacity ready, also for black out warfare to cause an EMP which will be hard to attribute to him.* *A " high-altitude nuclear explosion-generated electromagnetic pulse as an existential threat to the survival of the United States and its all... more »

China Shows Off Its Next Generation DF-41 And DF-26 ICBMS

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*SCMP:* *Next stop Guam? China shows off its next generation DF-41 and DF-26 ballistic missiles* * Beijing announces second-strike exercise involving an ICBM capable of hitting any point on the US or Russian mainland * State broadcaster releases first ever footage of ‘Guam killer’ DF-26 intermediate-range missile in action China’s ballistic missile technology is advancing rapidly and recent demonstrations of its capabilities leave little doubt that when it comes to military dominance in the Asia-Pacific region, Beijing is keen to send a message to Washington that the United States... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 11 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Surviving a Catastrophic Power Outage - DHS Microplastics Found in Every Marine Mammal Surveyed in UK Study Sonar Makes Beaked Whales Suicidal Sen. Cory Booker announces he's running for president in 2020 America's Apocalyptic Debt Crisis: 63 Of America's Largest 75 Cities Are Completely Broke Biggest Fentanyl Bust in History: Border Patrol Seizes Enough Drugs "To Kill 57 Million People" Europe Launches SWIFT Alternative To Send Money To Iran Venezuela Central Bank Begins Shipping 18 Tons Of Gold To UAE9 Dead As 'Polar Vortex' Leaves 11 States Colder Than North Pole... more »


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 11 hours ago
*Any negative impact caused by American tariffs on Chinese products can be easily offset by China using simple measures and will damage Trump by causing inflation and likely higher interest rates.* *U.S. tariffs on Chinese goods are due to more than double on March 2 if the countries can’t reach a deal, but that does not need to shake China if it redirects the exports to its own internal market. * *The Chinese state owned central bank can print money to stimulate demand as well as supply.* *It can print money out of thin air and step in to buy all exports that companies cannot sel... more »

Global Disorder Rising

Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 11 hours ago
Watching the COUP in Venezuela, the unraveling of US-Russian nuclear accords, the escalation of covert war with China, and the growing numbers of dispossessed people everywhere has shaken my faith in the possibility of a sustainable future. I was asked to comment upon the dissolution of arms control between Russia and the US. Here is my response: The New Cold War, whose contours are being chiseled in bellicose rhetoric, the dissolution of arms control agreements, and intensification of hybrid and information warfare, serves no interests beyond short term economic profiteering b... more »

Virginia Democrat Says Northam Won’t Resign

Associated Press at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
A Virginia Democrat who has spoken with Gov. Ralph Northam said that the governor now does not believe he was in a racist picture in his 1984 medical yearbook and has no immediate plans to resign.

Behind the scenes

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Following on from a post this morning, concerning the Democrat governor of Virginia's blackface/KKK-robes-sporting youth, and the BBC's fogging-over of his party affiliation (starring Jon Sopel) - plus the BBC's many edits of the report - ... DB now has another question, following still more edits to that BBC online report: Which BBC Dem supporter inserted this irrelevant sentence before it was removed? "Northam told the NYT he had voted for Republican GWB in his presidential campaigns years earlier, saying that his decision was 'wrong'." From Newssniffer you can see very clear... more »

Saturday Morning Links

Greg Fingas at Accidental Deliberations - 11 hours ago
Assorted content for your weekend reading. - Edward Luce writes about the reckless greed of the U.S.' billionaire class which includes far too many people willing to see Donald Trump re-elected as the price of avoiding paying a fair share toward a civilized society. And Noah Smith compares a wealth tax to other alternatives in the effort to restore some sense of fairness and justice to the U.S. - Meanwhile, David Macdonald studies the effect of exorbitant executive pay, and finds that it bears no meaningful positive relationship to stock performance: It’s far more likely that, like... more »

Police Shoot Mentally Ill Veteran in the Back, Multiple Times, Stand Around as He Bled to Death

The Free Thought Project at The Free Thought Project - 11 hours ago
[image: police]“Common decency demands that the police not merely stand by while a person endures the pain of serious injury."

Time is Running Out to Oust Maduro

Tom Luongo at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Time is Running Out to Oust Maduro appeared first on The Duran.

European Companies “Won’t Dare” Use SWIFT Alternative To Send Money To Iran

Zerohedge at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post European Companies “Won’t Dare” Use SWIFT Alternative To Send Money To Iran appeared first on The Duran.

Yellow Vests march through Paris on 12th weekend of protests

RT at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Yellow Vests march through Paris on 12th weekend of protests appeared first on The Duran.

India Must Not Permit The West To Play India Off Against China

Global Times at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post India Must Not Permit The West To Play India Off Against China appeared first on The Duran.

Nations should explore better system to break US hegemony

Global Times at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Nations should explore better system to break US hegemony appeared first on The Duran.

Global Times: Junking INF will destroy global arms control

Global Times at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Global Times: Junking INF will destroy global arms control appeared first on The Duran.

New Images Appear Of Russian Autonomous, Unmanned “Hunter” Stealth Drone

Zerohedge at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post New Images Appear Of Russian Autonomous, Unmanned “Hunter” Stealth Drone appeared first on The Duran.

Key stage of Russia’s Poseidon underwater drone trials completed, says Putin

TASS at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Key stage of Russia’s Poseidon underwater drone trials completed, says Putin appeared first on The Duran.

Russia starts developing land-based hypersonic missile with intermediate range, says Putin

TASS at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Russia starts developing land-based hypersonic missile with intermediate range, says Putin appeared first on The Duran.

Russian defense ministry says US started production of banned missiles two years ago

TASS at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The post Russian defense ministry says US started production of banned missiles two years ago appeared first on The Duran.

Putin Meets Lavrov and Shoigu; Responds to US Withdrawal from INF Treaty

The Duran at The Duran - 11 hours ago
Russia responds to the US's withdrawal from the INF Treaty. Works on counter-measures. The post Putin Meets Lavrov and Shoigu; Responds to US Withdrawal from INF Treaty appeared first on The Duran.

Reactions And Commentaries On The End Of The INF Treaty

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*DW*:* Europeans aghast as end to INF treaty looms* *EU leaders are concerned that the US withdrawal from the INF treaty could spark a new arms race. Can Russia and the US be convinced to resume talks?* The US has announced it will withdraw from the Cold War-era Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) treaty on 2 August 2019, blaming Russia for violating the agreement. EU foreign ministers, meanwhile, are unsure how to react. Some fear the beginning of a new arms race, while others urge the US and Russia to do everything in their power to save the treaty. So far, however, no concr... more »

Everyone Is Losing Their Shit Over Northam-- Joe Biden's Going To Be Their Nominee?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
*Northam now says it wasn't him in the photo. Was it Joe Biden?* Ralph Northam has a long, horrible, conservative career in Virginia politics. For starters, he admits he voted for George W. Bush-- *both* times. In his own 2013 campaign, Northam said "I don’t consider myself as a liberal... I think the less government, the better" and said he is "very conservative fiscally." He has a record in the state legislature to back it up. He's also been generally anti-immigrant over the course of his career until very recently. Soon after he was first elected to the state Senate in 2007 he an... more »

Russia Announces Its Withdrawal From The INF Treaty, Putin Directs Ministers Not to Start New Talks

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Putin says Russia will follow the US and withdraw from Cold War-era nuclear missile pact and build new hypersonic weapons - as he accuses Trump of being too 'immature' for 'meaningful' talks* * Vladimir Putin said on Saturday in Moscow he would exit the Cold-War era pact * Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced the US were pulling out on Friday * Putin said the Kremlin would have to wait until their partners 'matured enough' * The Gorbachev-Reagan treaty kept intermediate range missiles out of Europe President Vladimir Putin says he is suspending Russian participati... more »

Invade Taiwan or Sink Two 2 U.S. Aircraft Carriers? This Chinese Admiral Seems to Like Those Ideas.

Michael Peck at Test Feed Using Fields - 12 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Lou has previously urged an invasion of Taiwan if the U.S. Navy uses the island, regarded by China as a renegade territory, as a naval base. “If the US naval fleet dares to stop in Taiwan, it is time for the People’s Liberation Army to deploy troops to promote national unity on the island,” he said. *Sinking an American carrier would be an act of war, period. If Chinese like Admiral Lou are right, then America is finished as a major power. If 10,000 dead American sailors aren’t worth fighting over, then neither will the U.S. defend Taiwan, or Japan, o... more »

The F-22 and F-35 Is Dead: Why 6th Generation Stealth Fighters Could Be Amazing

Sebastien Roblin at Test Feed Using Fields - 12 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * And deadly. *The U.S. Air Force envisions three categories of airborne DEWs: lower-powered lasers for disrupting or damaging enemy sensors and seekers, a mid-level tier capable of burning incoming air-to-air missiles out of the skies, and high-power class capable of destroying aircraft and ground targets. The air warfare branch plans to test an anti-missile laser turret in the early 2020s which may eventually be installed on bombers and F-35s.* The American development and deployment of Fifth-Generation stealth aircraft like the F-35 Lightning is... more »

Could President Lincoln’s Assassination Have Been Avoided?

Warfare History Network at Test Feed Using Fields - 12 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons] There is some debate. “Early in the year 1861, I was at my headquarters in the city of Chicago, attending to the manifold duties of my profession. I had, of course, perused the daily journals which contained the reports of doings of the malcontents of the South, but in common with others, I entertained no serious fears of an open rebellion, and was disposed to regard the whole matter as of trivial importance.” – Detective Allan Pinkerton, detective, just before being summoned to guard President Abraham Linco... more »

Rifle Problems: Why U.S. Troops Hate the M4 Carbine and M16

Task and Purpose at Test Feed Using Fields - 12 hours ago
*Task and Purpose* *Security, * [image: Wikimedia Commons] And what is being done about it. *While small arms and other infantry equipment cost far less than the Defense Department’s modernization programs, they have not been a top Pentagon acquisition priority.* For decades, troops have been complaining about the limitations of the M16 rifle and M4 carbine, both of which are hindered by the same flawed operating system that makes the weapons jam easily. But after years of ignoring small arms in favor of expensive aircraft and warships, the Pentagon is taking a long, hard look a... more »

Do You Hate “Smart” Meters? New Video Explains How to Get Them Off Your Home and Out of Your Community.

Activist Post at Activist Post - 12 hours ago
By B.N. Frank Activist Post, sister publication Natural Blaze and countless organizations and individuals have posted information online about why people want to keep utility... more »

Snow-Free Snowdown Update

tonyheller at The Deplorable Climate Science Blog - 12 hours ago
Snowdon Webcam Climate experts say Mt. Snowdown will be snow-free by next year. Snowdon will be snow-free in 13 years, scientists warn – Climate Change, Environment – The Independent

Record Minimum And Maximum Temperatures In The US

tonyheller at The Deplorable Climate Science Blog - 12 hours ago
All time record minimum temperatures in the US peaked around 1990. There have been three reported so far this year, though the data from NOAA to date is not complete yet. All-time record maximums peaked in the 1930s. Daily record … Continue reading →

Amid Civil Unrest, Internet Shutdowns are Making Zimbabwe’s Economic Crisis Worse

Activist Post at Activist Post - 12 hours ago
By Kudzai Chimhangwa Following the January 12 declaration of an official fuel price hike in Zimbabwe, civil unrest and political paranoia has rocked the nation.... more »

Bolton Threatens to Send Venezuela’s Maduro to Guantánamo Bay Prison

Activist Post at Activist Post - 12 hours ago
By Jessica Corbett (CD) — National Security Adviser John Bolton—the neoconservative who’s played a key role in the Trump administration’s effort to overthrow the Venezuelan government—suggested on... more »

The Media Loves Wars and They Love The Media

Activist Post at Activist Post - 12 hours ago
By Joziah Thayer A few days ago the Senate voted 63-23 to continue combat missions in Syria and Afghanistan. Because of the media’s refusal yet... more »

The Economic Argument for a Carbon Tax Is a Work of Fiction

Activist Post at Activist Post - 12 hours ago
By Robert P. Murphy We live in strange times indeed when an environmental reporter for The New York Times writes that we should stop pushing for... more »

Meet the Woman Who Rented Hotel Rooms for the Homeless During Chicago’s Deep Freeze

Activist Post at Activist Post - 12 hours ago
By John Vibes Earlier this week, we reported on the inspirational story of an anonymous Good Samaritan who paid for 70 homeless people to stay... more »

Prime numbers tell a story

Keith at musingsofanoldfart - 12 hours ago
A revealing item in my make-up is I have been around the block with mathematics, even though I have long forgotten most of my learnings. Prime numbers are part of the past I still remember as numbers only divisible by … Continue reading →

This Day In Iraqi History - Feb 2

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
1970 Iraq went to UN over Shah placing troops on border after coup he backed vs Pres Bakr failed 1987 Iran Op Karbala 5 withdrew from bridgehead on Iraqi Fish Lake defensive line in Basra (Musings On Iraq interview with author Anthony Tucker-Jones on Iran-Iraq War) (Musings On Iraq interview with author Tom Cooper on Iran-Iraq War) (Musings On Iraq book review *Iran-Iraq War Volume 3: Iraq’s Triumph*) (Musings On Iraq book review *The Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988*) (Musings On Iraq book review *Iran-Iraq War, The Lion of Babylon, 1980-1988*) (Musings On Iraq book review *The Iran-Iraq ... more »

Could Iran's Missiles Sink A U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Image credit: U.S. Government Sebastien Roblin, National Interest: *Could Iran's Missiles Do the Unthinkable: Sink a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier?* *The next threat the navy has to worry about?* On the morning of January 20, 2019, a six-by-six Mercedes-Benz truck in al-Kiswah, Syria crewed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps began elevating a missile mounted on its back into firing position. Once the nearly nine-meter long missile attained a roughly seventy-degree angle, it solid-fuel rocket blasted it on an arcing trajectory towards Mount Hermon, twenty-miles to the west on th... more »

More Religious Belief Correlated To Lower Belief In Organic Food Claims

Hank Campbell at Science 2.0 blogs - 13 hours ago
In a recent experiment, participants were asked questions to gauge how religious they were and then about their willingness to purchase a fruit cup. Half were told the fruit cup was organic and half were told it was gluten-free. People who were very religious had more favorable attitudes toward the gluten-free fruit cup and were more likely to say they would buy it than they would the organic kind. read more

A Canadian (Armenian Heritage) Embedded with Kurds “fighting’ ISIS.

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours ago
*Of course I view this feel good story differently then most everyone else will. Presented as a do gooder. Just defending his beliefs......* *Global News* *“Craig and I both are really proud of Kyle and the courage that he’s shown to stand up in the way that he has to defend his beliefs,” she said.”* *What are his 'beliefs'?* *Most people reading the information below will think nothing of it. For me, it speaks a bit differently. A hint that possibly more is going on here then we are being led to believe* *“His grandfather, who traces his Armenian roots to Turkey and Iraq, also co... more »

Iran Releases Video Of A Long-Range Cruise Missile Test

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
#Iran unveiled surface-to-surface cruise missile dubbed #Hoveyzeh that is manufactured by Defense Ministry’s Aerospace Industries Organization https://t.co/vVjOpRaviE pic.twitter.com/C1LpQuMgxy — Tasnim News Agency (@Tasnimnews_EN) February 2, 2019 *Times Of Israel:* *Iran says new cruise missile successfully fired on revolution’s 40th anniversary* Defense minister says ‘Hoveyzeh,’ allegedly a high-precision weapon capable of carrying a large payload up to 1,350 kilometers, is long arm of the country in defending itself Iran on Saturday said it had successful fired a new long-rang... more »

Weekend reads: New revelations about CRISPR’d babies experiment; Impact Factor developer warns against using single metrics; is peer review just a game?

Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 13 hours ago
Before we present this week’s Weekend Reads, a question: Do you enjoy our weekly roundup? If so, we could really use your help. Would you consider a tax-deductible donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured eight retractions at once for a biochemist in Spain; a … Continue reading Weekend reads: New revelations about CRISPR’d babies experiment; Impact Factor developer warns against using single metrics; is peer review just a game?

Rio Nightlife Guide for Saturday, February 2, 2019

Jack Arnhold at The Rio Times - 13 hours ago
We have the top three picks for this Saturday, and below there is a list of bars and lounges that are always a good option. PARTY: Rio Underground Seaside Edition @ Secret Location (?) – Rio Underground is back with another stellar line-up for an open and free Carnival party. This time it will take […] The post Rio Nightlife Guide for Saturday, February 2, 2019 appeared first on The Rio Times.

New York eco-extremists vs. the middle class

Craig Rucker at CFACT - 13 hours ago
Environmental agenda clashing with real energy needs for businesses and residential living. The post New York eco-extremists vs. the middle class appeared first on CFACT.

A fact about electric cars I didn't know

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 13 hours ago
Eric Peters warns of a drawback to electric cars in colder climes. Electric heaters cost a lot to run – in energy and so dollars. Anyone who has ever run one for any length of time knows this, or comes to know it – after receiving that month’s electric bill. It is no different in an electric car, which is heated electrically – except that the heater draws power from a battery rather than a grid. Your mileage – your *range* – begins to vary. It would be interesting to know exactly the effect on EV range of keeping the interior of an EV warm – not survivable, but comfortably warm – o... more »

Depression not caused by chemical imbalance

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 13 hours ago
Do you know what causes depression? Many people would respond that it’s due to a chemical imbalance in the brain. This chemical imbalance theory has been widely promoted by drug companies and psychiatrists alike, to the extent that it’s accepted as fact. The glaring problem is that the chemical imbalance theory is just that — […] The post Depression not caused by chemical imbalance appeared first on Health Nut News.

We were taught that childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime…not so after all

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 13 hours ago
“In the original description of herd immunity, the protection to the population at large occurred only if people contracted the infections naturally. The reason for this is that naturally-acquired immunity lasts for a lifetime. The vaccine proponents quickly latched onto this concept and applied it to vaccine-induced immunity. But, there was one major problem – […] The post We were taught that childhood vaccines lasted a lifetime…not so after all appeared first on Health Nut News.

Government to Facebook Pipeline Reveals a Corrupt Mix of Social Media and the State

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
The next time someone tells you that "Facebook is a private company" ask them if they know about the dozens of government employees who fill its ranks.

God's Man?

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 13 hours ago
This week, Sarah Huckabee Sanders claimed that Donald Trump was God's choice for president. Dana Milbank writes in *The Washington Post:* Sarah Sanders, asked by the Christian Broadcasting Network this week about Trump being the right man for the moment, replied: “I think God calls all of us to fill different roles at different times, and I think that he wanted Donald Trump to become president, and that’s why he’s there.” This makes sense, because Trump has of late been acting as if he draws his authority from the divine right of kings. He’s asserting his absolute power to act wit... more »

Congress is pretty damn sad

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 13 hours ago
Look at these hacks in Washington avoid questions on Venezuela from Max Blumenthal like he has the plague. Both parties are buying into this Venezuela BS. Shows without a doubt their complicity with the fossil fuel agenda. Any talk about dealing with Global Warming by these same politicians is irrelevant because most of them are being intravenously fed by oil and weapons production money for their campaigns. Their job is to keep the empire in tact - but actually it is collapsing. These corporate lackeys figure they can say most anything because the public is flying blind when ... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 13 hours ago
I agree with the many Democrats (and opportunistic hypocrite Republicans) who've called for Ralph Northam's resignation. A photo from Gov. Ralph Northam’s medical school yearbook shows him and another person in racist costumes — one wearing blackface and one a Ku Klux Klan robe and hood, though it was not clear which person was the future governor. Hours after the 35-year-old photo came to light Friday, Northam apologized for his decision to appear in it. Elected officials and activist groups from across the political spectrum called for him to resign. But in a video posted to Twit... more »

The US’ Anti-Venezuelan Sanctions Might Tip The Scales Against Maduro

Andrew KORYBKO at OrientalReview.org - 13 hours ago
Venezuela’s economic fundamentals are very weak after years of withstanding the US’ Hybrid War onslaught, so it might not even take all that much to throw the country into a qualitatively new level of crisis that could ultimately lead to its collapse. The chances of regime change taking place in Venezuela are higher than at any time before. The post The US’ Anti-Venezuelan Sanctions Might Tip The Scales Against Maduro appeared first on OrientalReview.org.

These Shutdowns Devastate the Credibility of Government

Activist Post at Activist Post - 13 hours ago
By Jeffrey A. Tucker I’m writing in the midst of a hiatus in the government shutdown — a three-week period, which, as Saturday Night Live... more »

After killing INF US has ‘free hand’ to reassert ‘supremacy in the world’ with ‘new arms race’

RT at The Duran - 14 hours ago
The post After killing INF US has ‘free hand’ to reassert ‘supremacy in the world’ with ‘new arms race’ appeared first on The Duran.

Intelligence officials around Trump push President towards destructive path (Video)

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 14 hours ago
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 72. The post Intelligence officials around Trump push President towards destructive path (Video) appeared first on The Duran.

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Russia suspends nuclear arms treaty after U.S. says to pull out https://t.co/c5u3DXFoAA pic.twitter.com/7LwhF2Mv4h — Reuters Top News (@Reuters) February 2, 2019 #UPDATE Iran's defence minister has announced the "successful test" of a new cruise missile with a range of over 1,350 kilometres, coinciding with celebrations for the country's 1979 Islamic revolution https://t.co/85OLAvtXSg #Hoveizeh — AFP news agency (@AFP) February 2, 2019 VIDEO: Venezuelan Air Force General General Francisco Esteban Yanez Rodriguez recognizes Juan Guaidó as President of #Venezuela - @Gbastidas pic.t... more »

Flashback to 2007: Snowdon will be snow-free in 13 years, scientists warn

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 14 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public Only one year to go then. They’d better get their blowtorch out! Those who originally named the peak spoke as they probably found it, calling it "Snow Dun", from the Saxon for "snow hill". But Snowdon may lose its snow cover within 13 years as a […]

RIP INF: China, Russia, and America May Enter into a Deadly Arms Race

Stratfor Worldview at Test Feed Using Fields - 14 hours ago
*Stratfor Worldview* *Security, * [image: Wikimedia Commons] What happens now? Highlights – The end of the INF treaty would again place Europe between Russian and U.S. intermediate-range nuclear missiles. – Withdrawing from the INF allows the U.S. military to build up a formidable arsenal of missiles to challenge China and Russia. – The termination of the treaty will galvanize an arms race between the great powers and could threaten the future of the New START arms control agreement. President Donald Trump announced on October 20 that he intends to withdraw the United States f... more »

Why China Loves and Hates Russia's Su-57 Stealth Fighter

Michael Peck at Test Feed Using Fields - 14 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Asia* [image: YouTube Screenshot] A unique insight into what Beijing thinks of Moscow's latest wonder weapon. China should learn from Russia’s Su-57 stealth fighter, according to Chinese media. The article in Chinamil.com, the Chinese military’s English-language news site, was peculiar in that it both criticized and praised the Su-57, of which Russia has only built ten so far, with thirteen more slated for 2020. “The Su-57, Russia's fifth-generation fighter jet comparable to China's J-20 and the US’ F-22, is usually considered not a true fifth-generatio... more »

Meet the Walther P99: One of the Best Guns on the Planet?

Kyle Mizokami at Test Feed Using Fields - 14 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * [image: Wikimedia Commons] Let's find out. One of the most futuristic-looking handguns is also the product of one of Germany’s oldest firearm companies. The P99, produced by Carl Walther GmbH, was originally designed as police pistol but has found commercial success in the United States and elsewhere. Although the basic design is two decades old, the P99 continues to be a popular handgun in the crowded nine millimeter market. Carl Walther Waffenfabrik traces its lineage to the eighteenth century, when the company that would eventually becomes Walther... more »

Could Iran's Missiles Do the Unthinkable: Sink a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier?

Sebastien Roblin at Test Feed Using Fields - 14 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Middle East* The next threat the navy has to worry about? On the morning of January 20, 2019, a six-by-six Mercedes-Benz truck in al-Kiswah, Syria crewed by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps began elevating a missile mounted on its back into firing position. Once the nearly nine-meter long missile attained a roughly seventy-degree angle, it solid-fuel rocket blasted it on an arcing trajectory towards Mount Hermon, twenty-miles to the west on the Israeli-controlled portion of the Golan Height. Skiers vacationing at the ski-resort there could see ... more »

Russia pulls the plug on Cold War-era nuclear weapons treaty with US

Just In - 14 hours ago
Russia has suspended a Cold War-era nuclear weapons treaty after the United States said it would withdraw from the arms control pact over alleged violations by Moscow.

Industrial wind turbines cause adverse health effects

drinkingwateradvisor at The Drinking Water Advisor - 14 hours ago
“Research has demonstrated how various forms of pollutant from IWTs can adversely affect human health. These include noise, infra-sound, dirty electricity, and ground current which can each, along with shadow flicker, contribute to ill-health among those who live near wind … Continue reading →

Rachel Maddow Has Lost the Plot: ‘Russia Will Make Americans Freeze to Death’

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 15 hours ago
*21WIRE* | Tragically, the MSNBC host has permanently retreated into her own private fantasy land of imaginary Russian plots.

On The Philosophy of Labor

Anoop Verma at The Verma Report - 15 hours ago
Karl Marx looked at labor as the very essence of man. He proposed a system of education that was weighted towards labor. In his *Capital: A Critique of Political Economy*, he says: “When the working class comes to power, as inevitably it must, technical instruction, both theoretical and practical, will take its proper place in the working class schools.” He believed that such technical education (vocational training) would make workers fit for “a variety of labors, ready to face any change of production,” thus solving the problems of excessive specialization and redundancy in the div... more »

An old theme

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 16 hours ago
People watching *Dateline London *and commenting on it whilst so doing are usually politically-partisan twitterers - or fair-minded bloggers. 😇 Today's *Dateline London *had two fairly standard *Dateline *balances - (1) one right-leaning guest (Alex Deane) versus three left-leaning guests (Nabila Ramdani, Eunice Goes and Michael Goldfarb), and (2) one pro-Brexit guest (Alex Deane) versus three anti-Brexit guests (Nabila Ramdani, Eunice Goes and Michael Goldfarb) - but the politically-partisan twitterers only had eyes for "far-right" Alex Deane. They were aghast that he was on... more »

Senate Republicans Say No To Trump On Syria And Afghanistan-- Will House Republicans Join Them To End The Genocide In Yemen? And What About Jim Costa?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
Thursday, most Senate Republican took a stand against the dangerous psychotic in the Oval Office, joining all but a handful of the most progressive Democrats to rebuke his foreign policy framework. Ted Cruz (R-TX), John Kennedy (R-LA), and Mike Lee (R-UT) were the only Republicans who stuck with Trump.The specific measure declared that the Islamic State and al-Qaeda remain serious threats in Syria and Afghanistan, contradicting Trump's self-serving and entirely delusional statements and his justification for withdrawing troops from both countries. What makes the episode really no... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*PR boss says parents are lazy and don't teach children respect or discipline* *She is obviously right that parents are confused about what values to teach their children -- now that the Leftist dogma "there is no such thing as Right and Wrong" prevails. But the Left do not at all apply that dogma to their own beliefs. They just use it to discredit non-Leftist values. And they go on to teach their values in the schools.But the transfer of value education to the schools is fundamentally wrong. Take the trendy belief that physical punishment such as spanking is wrong and ha... more »

St. Patrick’s Breastplate

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 16 hours ago
Something very evil is circling the globe through witchcraft. According to Huffington Post, witches are asked to chant on a specific day for Trump’s downfall or impeachment. Wonder to whom or what they are appealing? Christians are being asked to pray the Breastplate of St. Patrick prayer to protect him. This request was also suggested for the Kavanaugh hearings. I arise today through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity, through belief in the Threeness, through confession of the Oneness of the Creator of creation. I arise today through the strength of Christ with H... more »

Record cold? Let’s call it a ‘cold snap’

Robert at Ice Age Now - 16 hours ago
“Cold snap: A FedEx worker found dead at a delivery facility was one of 17 killed,” reads the headline on msn.com. “A 69-year-old FedEx worker has been found dead outside a delivery hub in western Illinois, and police believe the extreme cold snap that hit the country this week played a role.” (Ahhh, well, at ... Read moreRecord cold? Let’s call it a ‘cold snap’ The post Record cold? Let’s call it a ‘cold snap’ appeared first on Ice Age Now.


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*How climate change is undermining the war against HIV in Africa* *There's some fancy footwork below. It's true that much of Africa has been heavily hit by drought in recent years -- which is a change in climate. But what is the cause of that change? We are undoubtedly supposed to assume that it is Americans driving around in SUVs. If we read further in the article however we find the admission that it is all an effect of an El Nino, which is a natural phenomenon. America's SUVs are in the clear* Widespread poverty and worsening droughts, floods and other climate risks make... more »


Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 16 hours ago
Found on Gab: "Pasta Flambé. An old family recipe." Clickit to biggit. Peter

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