Let’s start by stipulating that the Jeffrey Epstein story is so sordid and outlandish that it’s like a made-for-TV movie about the evil proprietor of a nightmarish enclave...
No Other Democratic Candidate Does. Eric Zuesse Emerson College polls are rated B+, well above average but not great, in the 538-dot-com carefully tabulated rankings of 497 polling...
Of all the things to come out of the Chernobyl catastrophe, a new vodka might be the strangest. Vodka is Russia’s national drink, much like wine is France’s and bourbon is the southern...
Over fifty years ago a sailor from Russia threw over a message in a bottle. He was on the refrigerated cargo fishing ship, the Sulak and put a letter in a bottle and tossed it overboard...
The Wire – Valchek Goes Ballistic
4 hours ago
United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Thursday, August 15, 2019 Indian Premier Modi Unwisely Abrogates Constitutional Guarantee of Autonomous...
United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Wednesday, August 14, 2019 World Contraction of Real Economy: After UK, Germany Posts Decline in...
The U.S. law firm of Baum, Hedlund, Aristei & Goldman added 100+ new documents to the Monsanto Papers on Thursday. The new Monsanto Papers documents are available for review...
Internal Monsanto documents released in August 2019 via litigation against Monsanto describe Monsanto’s campaign to counter a U.S. Right to Know investigation into its business...
South / North
South / North
Brahma Chellaney, The Hindustan Times A final deal between the US and the Pakistan-reared Afghan Taliban appears imminent, with the Taliban saying major differences have been resolved...
BRAHMA CHELLANEY SPECIAL TO THE GLOBE AND MAIL India’s action in revoking the special status of the mountainous northern region known as Jammu and Kashmir (J&K) was driven...
After completing the chanting of the divine sloka,the Boy,still holding a much surprised Le Vellian’s hands,closed his eyes for a few moments and silently offered his personal...
These are called Vyaktha Kshetras,that is where Lord Vishnu makes Himself available as Idol and thus becomes Describable. There are also called Astakshara Temples as they represent...
Last night I watched Anthony Scaramucci on CNN, who said to Erin Burnett that Trump is “not a racist,” but is “transactional,” meaning that he will say or do anything to get...
The New Orleans myth continues to crumble, despite efforts by privatizers to call it a miracle. The latest state scores (LEAP) were released, and the scores in New Orleans stalled...
August now marks the expansion of Friday reruns to more of the late night shows, meaning science and technology opportunities on late night decrease further. The only repeat sort...
Last week marked a new entry in the U.S. late night landscape. Comedy Central has premiered Lights Out with David Spade. Aside from Spade’s comedic sensibilities the focus...
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward Bjorn Lomborg has picked up on this story from the German news site, Taz: https://twitter.com/BjornLomborg/status/1162311408144531457?s=20...
India’s Monsoon On Track
6 hours ago
By Paul Homewood From the Guardian: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/aug/14/india-flood-alert-monsoon-kerala Unfortunately, as the Guardian states at...
Climate poster child Greta’s is sailing across the Atlantic instead of flying – in order to minimize the climate impact. Teenage climate rescue warrior Greta Thunberg. Image...
Higher frequencies of drought and extreme rainfall are assumed to be associated with modern climate change. But long-term studies in both hemispheres indicate extreme precipitation...
Janresseger: State Takeovers: When Traditional Public School Educators Set Public Policy and Speak for Public Schools, It Makes a Difference If you are a proponent of the Jeb Bush-“Chiefs...
The Conversation: Curious Kids: Is Homework Worthwhile? There’s a huge debate about homework and whether it helps kids learn during the school year. But everyone agrees that...
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Some 80 years ago, on August 23, 1939, Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, formally known as the “Treaty...
The Strange Case of ‘White Supremacy’
2 days ago
Victor Davis Hanson // American Greatness Any majority population must be careful not to revert to pre-civilized tribalism and oppressing minority groups. The United States, like...
How Robert O’Rourke Became ‘Beto’
2 days ago
"'As we have stated, Greenland is not for sale,' a spokesperson for the Danish government said on Friday. 'We have noted, however, that during the Trump regime, pretty much everything...
As Bitcoin celebrates its 10th anniversary, there’s no better time to look back and reflect on the world’s first digital currency. How has it evolved, and how is it likely to change...
#MoscowMitch Putin Parrot (Cartoon)
4 hours ago
1. How the life sciences actually work, very interesting. 2. Prophets of the Marginal Revolution: last month I suggested acquiring Greenland. 3. Exponents: a new neoliberal on-line...
David Wright interviews me
4 hours ago
Dave is an actuary, super-talented, and one of my very favorite interviewers and best prepared interviewers in the whole wide world (do say yes if he offers to interview you for his...
The importance of economic growth for Italy
6 hours ago
Originally posted on The Soulful Veteran's Blog: Mental Health America says, “Writing down your thoughts can be a great way to work through issues. Researchers have found that...
VIDEO - C. Mitchell Shaw joins Top Headline to discuss the attacks that have happened at an ICE facility, where windows were shot at, and employees were threatened by protesters...
Age is catching up with Joe Biden, and the critical independent voters are catching on.
The Honduran corruption canard keeps the focus on police resources and individuals rather than on the pangs of privatization, and so it is often the line favored by the U.S. State Department...
“Aloha,” says Gabbard, “is a powerful force that motivates us to take action for the well-being of others and our country.” In King’s famous words, “The arc of the moral...
WeWork, frankly, looks like a giant scam(tags:business fraud )WeWork isn't a tech company; it's a soap opera(tags:business fraud )The five ChangeUK MPs might not vote out the government(tags:UK...
13 Things Mentally Strong Parents Don't Do(tags:parenting advice )If Brexit undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be no chance of US-UK trade agreement passing Congress(tags:UK...
The toes can turn red because of cold weather, injuries, infections, or other health issues. Learn more about the causes and treatments here.
Brain function and memory naturally decline slightly as a person ages, but there are many techniques people can use to improve memory and prevent its loss. Learn about them here...
Wolf Richter wolfstreet.com, www.amazon.com/author/wolfrichter House prices dropped again – and ironically the most in San Francisco and Silicon Valley. In the San Francisco...
via Zerohedge: Global real estate consultancy firm Knight Frank LLP has warned that the global synchronized decline in growth coupled with an escalating trade war has heavily...
So, you say you want a candidate who can beat Trump? Well, there are two.Here’s how it breaks down: If it’s Biden vs. Trump, the election will be about who gropes women more and who...
Cup of Tea
2 days ago
I’ve been waiting to write this for a while, but today is the day: my latest book of poetry, entitled “Cup of Tea” is published, that is it is available for purchase on Amazon and...
Bernie and the Press
2 days ago
- The headline read “Daily Kos Presidential Primary Poll: Corn-Free Edition” and the picture showed the table where the kernel poll – in which everybody over the age of 18 can...