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Here’s an inconvenient fact: Australia had the highest number of very hot days in 1952, back when CO2 levels were 311ppm and humans had not yet emitted 87% of our carbon dioxide emissions. Something else was causing that extreme heat. If only the modelers knew what it was? For years the BOM site had this informative graph below, but yesterday Craig Kelly M.P. phoned me to prepare for his Bolt Rep
History is being wiped out The Australian Bureau of Meteorology has not only disappeared the Very Hot Days graph but they have wiped out thousands of 40 plus hot days in the years from 1910 – 1963 — years when almost all temperatures in Australia were recorded on Stevenson screens by trained officials under the central management of the Bureau. Volunteer, Chris Gillham, found the data and the chan
… Rating: 9.1/10 (9 votes cast) Rating: 9.1/ 10 (9 votes cast)
I visited the famous Giles weather station a couple of weeks ago. It’s an ACORN top ranking site, it even has a Met office. Because it so central and so remote the measurements here are used to estimate temperatures across a vast area — indeed, arguably, it’s the most influential site in terms of Australia’s area-averaged temperature. It’s 1,700km drive from Perth (1,000 miles) and the last 800 k
Postmodernist reasoning taken to its logical conclusion. Starts with zero, ends with identity-maths. Is Maths Racist? Free Press International News The Seattle Public Schools Ethnic Studies Advisory Committee (ESAC) has determined that math is subjective and racist. In a draft for its Math Ethnic Studies framework, the ESAC writes that Western mathematics is “used to disenfranchise people and com
… Rating: 9.1/10 (14 votes cast) Rating: 9.1/ 10 (14 votes cast)
Oct 22
On fire — Ann Widdecombe lays out the situation. The only kind of Brexit is a clean break. October 18th 2019 “The Brexit party will take Leave and nothing else.” “We gave Europe their freedom and in return they want to take ours.” She’s 72, and has studied Latin, Philosophy at Oxford. She was a Minister in the John Major Government. What a powerhouse. Bring on an election! h/t Jim Simpson. Rating
Oct 21
Petition EN1116 – The case for leaving the Paris Climate Agreement Petition Reason We the undersigned petitioners request the House reconsiders Australia’s commitment to the PARIS CLIMATE AGREEMENT that was ratified on 9 November 2016 and declared ‘entry into force’ on 9 December 2016. Australia is meeting its emission targets. We contribute approx. 1
UPDATE: Live results coming in at See Decision Canada: 170 seats to win, currently Liberals (Trudeau) 145, Conservatives (Sheer) 106 * * * Canadian polls are on a knife edge election day rolls out Click to enlarge In the US, Brexit and Australian elections the pollsters missed the hidden conservative vote. It was so strong some people said they’d vote Labor, but then they voted the o
Back in August I posted the extraordinary first quotes from Prof Andy Pitman that there was no link between climate change and drought. Prof Andy Pitman, Climate Modeler, UNSW The news about droughts was banal and obvious, because more water evaporates in a warmer world, and therefore, more rain falls — how could it be any other way? What goes up, must come down. But that quote was very important
Oct 20
… Extinction Rebellion leader says its not about climate — it’s about toxic white European racist heterosexists, especially old Brits Basden o-chosen-one is here to save us from our delusions — if you thought fossil fuels caused climates to break, you are in denial. Storms and floods are really a symptom of the toxic infection that is European civilization! Apparently even the IPCC are denialists
Oct 19
… Rating: 9.6/10 (17 votes cast) Rating: 9.6/ 10 (17 votes cast)
Oct 18
I admire The Guardian’s honesty. If the sun drives climate change and a foreign unaudited UN committee is grossly exaggerating, at least we know that The Guardian will be the last commercial news outlet on Earth to report it. The Guardian helpfully puts this message on all the pages we read — just in case we forget for a moment and think it might be pursuing actual journalism and full fearless in
Oct 17
Case #412 of religious fanatics overplaying their hand again Two protesters in London had stopped the Jubilee line train by standing on top of it with a banner. Two more were planning to glue themselves to the train, but the crowd was fed up. Mahatir Pasha is a journalist for ITV News who apparently witnessed and filmed the furious commuters. He writes on twitter: “One commuter shouted “I need t
Oct 16
Add Susan Crockford’s name to the list of scientists being tossed out of the academic cathedral because they dare speak the truth. University of Victoria give no reasons for suddenly ending her long unpaid role as adjunct professor, but if they had evidence of incompetence, misinformation, deceit or poor performance, you can be sure they would say so. The academic casualty list includes Peter Rid
Oct 15
The AEMO, theoretically the Australian Energy Market Operator, warned that people in Victoria and NSW face a high risk of blackouts this summer. Today the Sydney Morning Herald describes how big business is fed-up, calling it “disgraceful” that they have had to spend millions to install back up generators. The chief of Coca-cola Amatil Australia compared the situation to what they face in Papua N
So much for expert judgement In a test of scientists abilities, the same data was sent to 27 teams of researchers in cognitive psychology. The idea was to test the theoretical inferences they drew. But those expert teams drew conclusions from identical data that varied, oh boy, all the way from “zero to 100 percent.” One of the research team described it as a “jaw dropping” result – where only one
Welcome to the new complexified energy grid where a cloud can cause a system black event — knocking out power for as much as nine hours. This affected the hospital for 30 minutes and the prolonged problems caused many businesses and supermarkets to close. Alice Springs is an island microgrid servicing about 29,000 people in the centre of Australia. It was 38 degrees C yesterday when the power wen
Oct 14
Looks like a religion, acts like a religion… @ExtinctionR Just another group profiting from “climate change” What other grassroots movement has fears of “six figure tax bills”? And these are just the UK figures. How Extinction Rebellion climate change zealots – including a baronet’s Cambridge-educated granddaughter – are paid £400 a week to bring mayhem to our streets by Holly Bancroft and James
Oct 13
Adam Bandt, Greens MP, set up a Parliamentary Committee on Climate Action which aims to declare a Climate Emergency in Australia. Five Liberal (conservatives) have signed up to the chicken-entrails committee. Rowan Dean has a message on Sky News for Tim Wilson, Dave Sharma, Jason Falinski, Katie Allen, Angie Bell and Trent Zimmerman, said in a Swedishy indignant voice How Dare You! You have stole
Oct 12
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Oct 11
The Catholic Church eyes off the competition — the Green Church of hippie witchdoctors. Thinks about discovering a new commandment — thou shalt not hurt silicon dioxide, (or something like that.) Some catholic delegates call it an ecological conversion. I call it a marketing campaign. Harming planet could be a sin, say Vatican delegates by Tom Kington, The Australian Delegates at the Pope’s synod
Oct 09
Sometimes we fool ourselves into thinking that destruction is creating something and that the government is a wish-fairy. Nice quote “The Industrial Decalogue” from 1916. You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
Oct 08
… Rating: 8.6/10 (31 votes cast) Rating: 8.6/ 10 (31 votes cast)
Oct 06
Trying to fix past mistakes through homogenization Lots of things can muck up a perfect thermometer spot, like shade, new roads, new screens, or old paint. In order to remove these annoying non-climatic effects, the BOM compares each station to those around it to look for odd changes. In theory this sounds like a good idea. In practice it’s more like hepatitis – bad news that spreads. It’s a rogue
Oct 05
…. Rating: 9.0/10 (19 votes cast) Rating: 9.0/ 10 (19 votes cast)
Oct 04
All that global warming and nothing to show for it? Headlines rang out telling Australians that last summer was the hottest ever. But, according to the UAH satellite series, the hottest — just barely — was in 1991, when CO2 was a wonderful, safe 356 ppm. Since then, humans have emitted more than half — fully 58% — of all the emissions we have ever emitted since we crawled out of those dank caves.
Oct 02
Is This the Wackiest Weather Station in Australia? Guest post by Ken Stewart South Australia puts thermometers beside incinerators. Victoria puts them behind prison walls. Tasmania has one beside piles of human excrement. New South Wales has them beside freeways. But Queensland goes one better — it has one on a roof. And not just any roof, but on the shiny steel roof of a sugar loader, high above
… Rating: 9.8/10 (17 votes cast) Rating: 9.8/ 10 (17 votes cast)
Oct 01
The cheapest way to prevent man-made global warming is stop the BOM altering the data First the BoM had “high quality” data. Then, with fanfare, after we asked for an audit they had the miracle of ACORN circa 2011. Then early this year ACORN 2.0 was quietly birthed with major adjustments as expert data became “more expert” but the BOM strangely didn’t want to mention that what was so good is now e
Sep 30
Just a quick note to say I’ll be out in the Gibson desert beyond phones and emails for the next ten days. Apologies, as I won’t be able to reply and haven’t set up an email auto reply. Responses will be very very delayed. Posts are still coming, David will keep an eye on things. Thanks to the moderators for keeping discussion going. Merci! Back soon. — Jo Photo by Karl JK Hedin on Unsplash Yes, I
Sep 29
Putin doesn’t think humans control the climate, and has said so openly. Now, he’s finally agreed to ratify the Paris agreement, though with very low targets. He even did it by a government order (which means he has bypassed the house — the State Duma) — presumably to avoid the people who would voice “the same kinds of arguments against the need for collective action that he himself has frequently
Sep 28
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….. Rating: 5.5/10 (2 votes cast) Rating: 5.5/ 10 (2 votes cast)
Sep 27
A declaration of a fake emergency is just like yelling “fire” in a crowded theatre Photo by Takver. A couple of days after skeptics were banned by The Conversation, came an article advising how people who do illegal, potentially dangerous things can use the “climate emergency” as a legal defense. Skeptics and scientists might rub their hands with glee, waiting for the climate emergency to be vapo
Sep 26
The only reason Climate Scare Machine played the Child card was because they’ve given up the adult contest of persuasion. As a marketing tactic it has a lot going for it. Playing the “girl under seige” card brings out protectors. Holding the “girlie hype” card whips the gullible and emotional into a frenzy. The people