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21 November - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

10 pm MST

The US Government Continues To Side With Saudi Arabia Over 9/11 Families

Jon Gold at MintPress News - 11 hours ago
For years, the U.S. government’s handling of the investigation surrounding the role of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks has been a slap in the face for the families of victims. The post The US Government Continues To Side With Saudi Arabia Over 9/11 Families appeared first on MintPress News.

Verify your SMS messages with us

adam at LaRouchePAC Feed - 11 hours ago
LaRouchePAC uses Chatbox as our SMS Application Provider. Enter the code below to verify that you're speaking to a LaRouchePAC organizer, or have received a LaRouchePAC approved message.

The Real Ukraine Scandal Story: Maidan Coup Was a British-Obama-Nazi Regime Change Operation

adam at LaRouchePAC Feed - 11 hours ago
[image: Then Assistant Secretary Nuland, Ambassador Pyatt Greet Former Ukrainian President-elect Poroshenko, before he met with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry in Warsaw, Poland, on June 4, 2014. [State Department photo/Public Domain]] PDF: [image: PDF icon] 20191121-real-ukraine-story.pdf In Washington, D.C., as the hours and hours rack-up of House Intelligence Committee impeachment hearings on President Donald Trump, what remains constant is that the real “issue” regarding events in Ukraine in recent years, is that British and traitorous networks in the Obama Administration st... more »

Election 2019: Disabled Lib Dems complain to their party over candidate’s disablist tweets

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
Disabled Liberal Democrats have sent a formal complaint to their own party after it failed to take disciplinary action against a general election candidate who admitted posting a string of disablist “jokes” on social media. The entire executive committee of the Liberal […]

Election 2019: ‘Tories forced a million members of disabled families into poverty’

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
Labour has accused successive Tory-led governments of forcing a million more people in families with disabled members into poverty over the last decade. In a new report, Labour highlights 10 areas in which successive Tory-led governments have failed on poverty as a […]

Election 2019: Lib Dems fail to explain disability omissions… and snub disabled members

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
The Liberal Democrats have refused to explain why they have omitted disabled people from key measures in their equalities manifesto. The equalities manifesto includes measures that address discrimination in the workplace, the criminal justice system and education, but they focus on LGBT+, […]

Election 2019: Lib Dems overlook working-age social care reform… again

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
The Liberal Democrats have failed to offer a detailed policy on how they would reform care and support for working-age disabled people if they win the election, although they have pledged to reopen the Independent Living Fund (ILF). The manifesto failure comes […]

Election 2019: Greens set to outdo other parties on independent living

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
The Greens have become the first major party to pledge to introduce a solution to England’s social care crisis that has been devised by the disabled people’s movement, if it wins power at next month’s general election. The party says in its […]

Election 2019: Labour fails to set accessibility targets for ‘housing revolution’

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
Labour is refusing to promise that all the 150,000 council and social homes it would build every year would meet basic accessibility standards, despite the government facing legal action over its own failure to act on the accessible housing crisis. Labour has […]

‘Horrific’ stats show how most disability benefit fraud allegations are false

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
A “staggering” and “horrific” proportion of allegations of disability benefit fraud that are made by the public are eventually found to be completely false, the government’s own figures have revealed. The response by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to a […]

Disability History Month’s stark messages after Tory austerity decade

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
Two leading disabled campaigners have delivered stark messages about the impact of a decade of austerity on disabled people, including the deaths of countless benefit claimants and the “unprecedented” loss of user-led organisations. Professor Peter Beresford, co-chair of Shaping Our Lives, and […]

Tens of thousands of disabled workers ‘let down by equality law enforcement failure’

John Pring at Disability News Service - 11 hours ago
Tens of thousands of disabled workers are being let down by the government’s failure to ensure equality laws are enforced in the workplace, according to a new report. The Let’s be Reasonable report by UNISON, based on nearly 2,900 survey responses completed […]

CNN: Why Frackers are Using Sewage to Collect Oil and Gas

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 11 hours ago
America’s oil industry faces a number of challenges, including low oil prices, the rise of electric vehicles and proposals to limit fracking. But one of its biggest problems: The industry is running out of water. The towns of Midland and neighboring Odessa, Texas, are now selling most of their municipal waste water to oil companies […] The post CNN: Why Frackers are Using Sewage to Collect Oil and Gas appeared first on Health Nut News.

Prosecutors fail to convict humanitarian aid volunteer Scott Warren for a second time

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Photo No More Deaths By Leila Pine Censored News TUCSON -- Scott Warren, the No More Deaths/No Más Muertes humanitarian aid volunteer charged with two felony counts of "harboring" immigrants by giving them food and water in the desert, was found not guilty today by the federal jury in Tucson, Arizona. A guilty verdict would have had a chilling effect on all human rights organizations

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 21, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
Wikimedia *David Axe, National Interest:* *Yes, America Is Using Stealth Drones to Spy on Iran* *It is very likely.* Key point: Drones carry less risk to human pilots, but are easier to escalate with. U.S. forces on deployment to the Middle East include F-15E fighter-bombers, F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters and B-52 bombers, among others. But as tensions escalate between the United States and its allies including Saudi Arabia on one hand, and Iran and Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels on the other hand, it’s worth considering what other American aircraft might be in the region. ... more »

The Search Is On for a Red Panda that Escaped a French Zoo

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
A search is on for a red panda that broke out of a zoo in the Rhone region of southeastern France.

How Public Vaccine Policy Apologists Use ‘Firehosing’ to Spread Misinformation

Joyce Ghen at Children's Health Defense - 11 hours ago
Tran states that “anti-vaxxers” use systemic strategies to spread their misinformation, including “firehosing”, but is it really Dr. Tran, along with the Guardian and every other major media organization, who is systematically engaging in science denial and utilizing the strategy of “firehosing” to misinform the public about vaccines in service to the existing political establishment? The post How Public Vaccine Policy Apologists Use ‘Firehosing’ to Spread Misinformation appeared first on Children's Health Defense.

Leaked Memo Shows The U.S. Still Does Not Understand Turkey’s Syria Operation

InfoBrics at The Duran - 11 hours ago
Will A Leaked Memo Force Trump’s Hand Against Turkey’s Syria Policy? More The post Leaked Memo Shows The U.S. Still Does Not Understand Turkey’s Syria Operation appeared first on The Duran.

Anti-Corbyn propaganda on full blast as UK election nears

InfoBrics at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The Conservative party is actively undermining Jeremy Corbyn through a campaign steeped in deception... More The post Anti-Corbyn propaganda on full blast as UK election nears appeared first on The Duran.

Dazed and confused Sondland, ‘ASSUMES’ quid pro quo with Ukraine (Video)

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 11 hours ago
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 378. More The post Dazed and confused Sondland, ‘ASSUMES’ quid pro quo with Ukraine (Video) appeared first on The Duran.

Alcatraz the Occupation: Images of Warriors

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
. Nov. 20, 1969: Photo of the Native American occupation of Alcatraz. Activist John Trudell embraces a caretaker after landing on the island. | Vincent Maggiora / The ChronicleAbove: Previously unpublished photos of Chroniclehttps://www.sfchronicle.com/oursf/article/Occupation-of-Alcatraz-discovery-640-unpublished-14836597.php . FILE - In this Nov. 19, 1969, file photo, part of a

Pt. 2: ISIS Went To Syria From It's Iraqi Birthplace. Rewriting History for Perception Management

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 11 hours ago
*Read Pt. 1: ISIS Went To Syria From It’s Iraqi Birthplace - Rewriting History for Perception Management* before tackling the info below:*Let’s travel down down memory lane... to 2013* Keeping in mind that ISIS was already operating in eastern Syria- Just across the Iraqi border in Raqqa for example. And attacking non ISIS rebel groups- *Wilson Centre: The Rise and Spread of Islamic State* *August 2013: ISIS begins attacking rebel groups including Liwa al Tawhid, Ahrar al Sham, and the Nusra Front in Raqqa and Aleppo.* - *November 2013: Meet the Rebel Commander in Syria That... more »

Former White House Aide Hill Is No-Nonsense Russia Analyst

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
House impeachment investigators are hearing from Fiona Hill, a no-nonsense former White House national security adviser who was alarmed by what she saw unfolding around her.

Education Department Releases Average Debt, Earnings of Specific College Programs

Jessica Ruf at Diverse - 11 hours ago
The U.S. Department of Education has released information providing the median debt and earnings students graduate with depending both on the institution they attended and the program they graduated from at that school. This is the first time the department has released program-specific data. Before, users who visited the College Scorecard were only able to […]

Nuckin Futz Newz - Will someone please take the WH Stationery Away from Him?!

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago
*Letter from Trump to Turkey President Erdogan* As the *Impeachment Charade* clogs up the newz cycle, providing excellent cover for the latest Israeli attempts to steal land in the Middle East, we again realize as if we hadn't already, how truly fucked up the United States of America is. The miracle is how the so-called "Republic" has managed to stay afloat and intact for the past decade...as it becomes more and more hollowed out and rancid from the relentless assault of the parasitic Ziofascist occupation. As just one tiny example of the terminal rot, the President of the United... more »

X-Zone Broadcast Network - Colonel Charles Halt

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 11 hours ago
Charles Halt, of Bentwaters fame, was the guest this week. The discussion was about the events of December 1980, what he personally saw, and the reaction of the senior officers of the Air Force to those events. He mentioned interrogations of the enlisted personnel that including hypnosis and chemical regression. His Colonel Charles Haltsuspicion was that outsiders were responsible for these interrogations and that it was the CIA who conducted them. You can listen to the interview here: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/20149199 During the discussion, we touched on exactly what he h... more »

NEW REPORT: Evidence of Turkey’s War Crimes in Syria and ISIS Members Within its Ranks

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 11 hours ago
*Khaled Iskef* | Available evidence suggests NATO member Turkey has committed war crimes in Syria, and is employing known terrorists under the banner of its armed forces.

Boy Suspected of Using Remote Control Car to Smuggle Drugs

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
California authorities have arrested a 16-year-old boy suspected of using a remote-controlled car to transport $106,000 worth of methamphetamine across the border.

Massachusetts OKs Ban on Flavored Vaping, Tobacco Products

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
Massachusetts lawmakers passed a groundbreaking ban on the sale of flavored tobacco and vaping products, including menthol cigarettes.

Green Steel

BEIJING, China, Nov 21 (IPS) - How Indonesian craftsmanship is undergoing a revival at the world's first ‘bamboo university'. It's fast-growing, flexible and strong. Standing underneath a bamboo canopy, it is easy to understand why people have been using this grass plant for years, in the construction of houses, bridges and scaffolding. Read the full story, “Green Steel”, on globalissues.org →

Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election Brings Back a Polarising Wartime Figure

BRUSSELS, Nov 21 (IPS) - On 16 November, Gotabaya Rajapaksa – who served as defence secretary during the final phase of Sri Lanka's brutal civil war – won a decisive victory in Sri Lanka's presidential election. Read the full story, “Sri Lanka’s Presidential Election Brings Back a Polarising Wartime Figure”, on globalissues.org →

U.N. Group Launched to put Afghan Women at Center of Peace Initiatives 

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 21 (IPS) - Afghanistan's first female ambassador to the United Nations this week launched a U.N. group that aims to put women at the centre of peace initiatives in Afghanistan. Read the full story, “U.N. Group Launched to put Afghan Women at Center of Peace Initiatives ”, on globalissues.org →

Cops Dump 10 Rounds Into 82yo Partially Deaf Man Because ‘He Couldn’t Hear Them’

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 11 hours ago
[image: deaf]A family says police officers opened fire on their partially deaf 'granddaddy' because he couldn't hear or understand their orders.

State Fines Company $10,000 for Not Having a Permit to Help the Blind and Elderly Get Ubers

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 11 hours ago
[image: state]A company who helps the blind and elderly obtain Lyft and Uber rides is at risk of being shut down thanks to bureaucrats in the state who want their cut.

The Truth About Israel's Secret Nuclear Weapons Program

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/MIDEAST-CRISIS-SYRIA-ISRAEL-RC1D6EF6AF90.html] They've just established a nuclear triad. *Key Point:* The country still refuses to admit to its possession of warheads. In a private email leaked to the public in September of 2016, former secretary of state and retired U.S. Army general Colin Powell alluded to Israel having an arsenal of “200 nuclear weapons.” While this number appears to be an exaggeration, there is no doubt that Israel does have a small but powerful nuclear stockpile, spread out among its... more »

Yes, America Is Using Stealth Drones to Spy on Iran

David Axe at The National Interest - 11 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, Middle East* [image: By DoD photo by Capt. Jane E. Campbell, U.S. Navy. (Released) - http://www.defense.gov/dodcmsshare/newsphoto/2013-07/hires_130710-N-LE576-002.jpg, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=27210997] It is very likely. *Key point:* Drones carry less risk to human pilots, but are easier to escalate with. U.S. forces on deployment to the Middle East include F-15E fighter-bombers, F-22 and F-35 stealth fighters and B-52 bombers, among others. But as tensions escalate between the United States and its allies including S... more »

House Impeachment Inquiry Day 5: Live

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*WNU editor:* What I have seen so far this morning is the same stuff that I have seen since the start of these live hearings. A lot of government officials who disagree with President Trump's policies, who have their own opinion on what is right, and zero evidence of any crime or misconduct that rises to an impeachable offence. You do not impeach a duly elected President because you disagree with his views. But that is the only thing that I have seen so far.

Wheels Within Wheels: Did Deval Patrick Enter the NH Primary to Damage Elizabeth Warren?

Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
*by Thomas Neuburger* Wheels within wheels. One of the more cogent speculations around Deval Patrick's "entry" into the Democratic primary (actually, just the New Hampshire race) involves his close relationship with what Alex Parene calls "Obama World," the circle of people around Barack and Michelle Obama, like Valerie Jarrett and David Axelrod and others like them. Why did Deval Patrick, former governor of Massachusetts, re-enter the primary race after having already dropped out? Why did he enter the New Hampshire race but no other? Why did he think he could divest himself of t... more »

Cold periods correlate with civilization collapse – Video

Robert at Ice Age Now - 12 hours ago
I highly recommend that you watch this video by Peter Temple, who warns “just when we need more energy and warmth, we have politicians trying to tax it out of existence.” It’s a cycle, it’s a cycle, it’s a cycle! “The sun and the planets are the main driver of climate change on our tiny ... Read moreCold periods correlate with civilization collapse – Video The post Cold periods correlate with civilization collapse – Video appeared first on Ice Age Now.

DNA Test: Hunter Biden Fathered a Child While Dating Brother’s Widow

Luis Miguel at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: dna-test-hunter-biden-fathered-a-child-while-dating-brother-s-widow] A DNA test confirmed “with scientific certainty” that Hunter Biden is the father of a child born out of wedlock to an Arkansas woman.

Trump’s Poll Numbers Improving Despite Impeachment Attempt

Bob Adelmann at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: trump-s-poll-numbers-improving-despite-impeachment-attempt] The latest poll from Gallup shows Donald Trump to be impervious to the three-ring impeachment circus performing daily in Washington and being covered by a supportive media.

Democrats Attack Trump, Support More Spending in Atlanta Debate

Steve Byas at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: democrats-attack-trump-support-more-spending-in-atlanta-debate] The Democratic presidential debate held Wednesday night in Atlanta had two main points. One, that Trump is a liar and a criminal and needs to be impeached, and two, big government is the answer to all our problems.

China Set to Sell Weaponized Drones to Saudi Arabia

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: china-set-to-sell-weaponized-drones-to-saudi-arabia] China plans to sell weaponized drones to Saudi Arabia, drones with capacity to kill many in the Middle East.

Lt. Col. Vindman admits to falsifying a Trump phone transcript

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 12 hours ago
On April 21 Trump talked on the phone with Ukraine President Zelensky. Prior to the meeting Vindman had told Trump to raise the issue of corruption. For whatever reason Trump did not do so. Yet Vindman put in the official transcript of the call that Trump had raised the issue of corruption. Here's Vindman trying to defend his action: HUGE#Vindman admits he falsified a call transcript btwn @realDonaldTrump & Zelensky He added a reference fm talking points he made before the call to the final record Even though Trump never said it on the call Watch him squirm when he tries to expl... more »

Quebec effectively bans cannabis vape products but still plans to open 15 more stores

Matt Lamers at Marijuana Business Daily - 12 hours ago
Quebec will not allow cannabis vaping products to be sold through regulated channels, though the province might reconsider its position in the future. It is the latest blow to legal businesses trying to eke out market share in Canada’s second-largest province. Quebec effectively bans cannabis vape products but still plans to open 15 more stores is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

President Trump's ex-Russia Adviser Tells U.S. Lawmakers To Stop Promoting Russian Election Interference 'Falsehoods'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Reuters:* *Trump ex-Russia adviser Hill tells U.S. lawmakers to stop promoting 'falsehoods'* WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s former Russia adviser Fiona Hill urged lawmakers in the House of Representatives impeachment inquiry on Thursday not to promote “politically driven falsehoods” that cast doubt on Russia’s interference in the 2016 U.S. election. In her prepared testimony, Hill said some members of the House Intelligence Committee, based on their questions and statements, appear to believe that Russia and its security services did not conduct a campaign again... more »

SMA Negotiations: Why Trump's Demand of $5 Billion from South Korea Is Wrong

Daniel R. DePetris at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Daniel R. DePetris* *Security, Asia* Distributing security responsibility fairly is ultimately positive for all participants in an alliance. But burden sharing is about more than just cash: it’s also about capability, capacity, and will. Trump should invest more attention on these factors than on aggressively pursuing a silly proposal that is as likely as Kim Jong-un waking up one morning and deciding to hand over the keys to his nuclear weapons program. Nobody thought the cost-sharing negotiations between the United States and South Korea were going to be smooth. Last year’s ta... more »

Study This Picture: Britain Is Getting New Frigates

David Axe at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.royalnavy.mod.uk/-/media/royal-navy-responsive/images/news/ships/type-26/190815-milestone-in-royal-navy-type-26-programme/rs97125_approved-type-26-16x9_2.jpg] How good are they? *Key point:* London wants new frigate for the Royal Navy. The U.K. defense ministry has tapped a builder for the Royal Navy’s latest class of frigate. The ministry on Sept. 12, 2019 announced that U.K. engineering firm Babcock will receive a $1.5-billion contract to build five Type 31 frigates. Babcock beat out several competitors including BAE Systems, ... more »

Old But Dangerous: How the F-16 Still Fights All Around the World Today

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* [image: By Copyright ©2006 K. Krallis, SV1XV - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11995850] There's one reason. *Key Point:* The F-16's affordability helps makes it a very attractive and useful option for many countries. Fast and extremely agile, the light fighter does have some shortcomings in range and payload compared to larger twin-engine fighters like the F-15 Eagle, but that was easy to forgive due to costing less than half as much—around $18 million in 1999 ($27 million in 2017 dollars). This favora... more »

GRB190114C: No Longer Speculation, Tera-Electron-Volt Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected

News Staff at Science 2.0 blogs - 12 hours ago
While they last, gamma-ray bursts outshine stars and even galactic quasars. They are the most energetic phenomenon known to humankind, resulting from the formation of neutron stars or black holes as dying stars collapse. They are triggered by outflows of plasma ejected near the speed of light. They usually display energies in the region of tens of giga-electron-volts but why not even greater? Indeed, it is no longer speculation, a gamma-ray burst in the region of a tera-electron-volt has been detected. Which means these energies might actually be common. read more

How Snakes Got Their Bite But Lost Their Legs

News Staff at Science 2.0 blogs - 12 hours ago
The evolution of the snake body has captivated researchers for a long time because it represents one of the most dramatic examples of the vertebrate body's ability to adapt. A limited fossil record has obscured our understanding of their early evolution but now an ancient legged snake, called Najash has shed light on the origin of the slithering reptiles. The fossil analyses reveal they possessed hind legs during the first 70 million years of their evolution, and provide details about how the flexible skull of snakes evolved from their lizard ancestors. Scientists performed high-re... more »

For World Philosophy Day, Here Are 3 Women You’ve Probably Never Heard Of In The Field Of Big Consciousness

The Conversation at Science 2.0 blogs - 12 hours ago
Ask anyone to name a philosopher and they’ll likely name a man. So, let’s turn the spotlight on three women: Mary Calkins, May Sinclair, and Hilda Oakeley. They each defended “idealism” – the idea that consciousness composes, or somehow pervades, the universe we live in. Big consciousness theories are trending right now. Ecologists such as Suzanne Simard argue trees can “talk”, and philosophers such as Philip Goff argue elementary particles exhibit basic forms of consciousness. These women should be remembered as part of this blooming tradition. read more

Green New Deal Begins... With Public Housing

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
The Green New Deal resolution-- (H.Res.109) is not a bill that funds anything or specifically passes any legislation; it's a *resolution* calling for "the creation of a Green New Deal with the goals of..." *•* achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions; *•* establishing millions of high-wage jobs and ensuring economic security for all; *•* investing in infrastructure and industry; *•* securing clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all; and *•* promoting justice and equality. "The resolution calls... more »

Details On Collective Punishment Meted Out By Hashd Upon Jurf al-Sakhr

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
(Google Maps) In October 2014, after thirteen tries Jurf al-Sakhr in northeast Babil was liberated from the Islamic State. The operation was led by Badr Organization head Hadi Ameri with the assistance of Iranian Revolutionary Guards Quds Force Commander General Qassim Suleimani and involved mostly pro-Iran Hashd units with the support of the Iraqi forces. Prime Minister Haider Abadi praised the operation and visited the site shortly after it was declared free. The entire population of the district, some 70,000-80,000 people were forced out by the Hashd and it was converted into a ... more »

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 21

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
1914 British troops entered Basra after Ottomans abandoned city 1926 Jaffar al-Askari became PM of Iraq for 2ndtime 1927 King Faisal asked for full Iraqi independence and ending roll of British High Commissioner in negotiations over new Anglo-Iraq Treaty 1946 PM Umari forced to resign in aftermath of Kirkuk Massacre where oil strikers killed 1946 Nuri al-Said became premier 4th time (Musings On Iraq interview with Historian Phebe Marr comparing PM Said with PM Maliki) (Musings On Iraq book review of *‘Independent Iraq’ The Monarchy & British Influence, 1941-1958*) 1983 Iran’s Op W... more »

Ukraine indicts head of Burisma Nikolai Zlochevsky??...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 12 hours ago
*is this true?* If it is, why is no one except *Gateway Pundit* talking about it? Wait - my friends over at Nox and Friends posted *Burisma case blown wide open today in Ukraine *(H/T to Nox for the video from OAN too) They also posted: Ukrainian MP Claims $7.4 Billion Obama-Linked Laundering *What's going on??* *More* Don Surber: *MPs demand Zelensky, Trump investigate suspicion of U.S.-Ukraine corruption involving $7.4 billion.* Virtual Mirage: *Scum and Rot* *Amazon Today* *Save up to 35% on sweaters, outerwear, and more from Our Brands (Amazon brand) * I receive a smal... more »

We Thought the House Was Empty: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2019)

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 12 hours ago
21 November 2019 — Tri-Continental Visualizing Palestine, Gaza Diet, 2018. We Thought the House Was Empty: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2019). Dear Friends, Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. On 13 November 2019, as part of its deadly attack on the people of Gaza, Israeli armed forces bombed a building in the Deir … Continue reading We Thought the House Was Empty: The Forty-Seventh Newsletter (2019)

Europe’s Economy Today & Tomorrow, Part 2: Artificial Intelligence, Uberization, & Capitalist ‘Sharing Economy’ Ideology

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 12 hours ago
The Wall St. Journal page one article of November 18, 2019 broadcast: “Europe’s New Jobs Stoke Discontent”. It asked: ‘why are workers so angry’, when millions more jobs have been created since Europe’s last recessions (2008-09 and 2011-13), when millions more job openings remain, and when minimum wages have been raised in most countries’?

Lawyers launch $500M class-action lawsuit against Roundup makers

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 12 hours ago
Darryl Singer, the head of commercial and civil litigation at Diamond & Diamond, said the plaintiffs involved in this class-action lawsuit are looking not only for financial compensation, but also what he calls "behaviour modification" so that the same thing doesn't happen again in the future with other products in Canada.

Cooler Heads Address the Ukraine Question

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 12 hours ago
The relationship of the famous Ukrainian oligarch and billionaire Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky lends itself to various interpretations. Both Kolomoyskyi and Zelensky (rather, his spokeswoman Iuliia Mendel) are in denial mode about their past business association, but the impression lingers that the oligarch has been the kingmaker.

Freshwater lakes already emit a quarter of global CO2, say researchers

Hifast at Climate Collections - 12 hours ago
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: The carbon cycle [credit: laurencenet.net] This seems to be underlining the futility of pretending that humans could somehow control or manage nature’s carbon cycle, to satisfy a strange ‘greenhouse gas’ obsession. Lakes and ponds are the final resting place for many of the Earth’s plants. Rivers collect much of…

‘Are We Doomed?’ Why won’t the other side debate?’ – John Stossel

Hifast at Climate Collections - 12 hours ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? Good video from John Stossel: ?

Delingpole: ‘Greta Who?’ China Ramps up Coal-Fired Energy Production

Hifast at Climate Collections - 12 hours ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? A new report out from the Global Energy Monitor (formerly Coal Swarm) brings news that China has 148GW of coal-fired capacity under construction or likely to be resumed after being suspended. Dellers takes up the story: China is planning massively to…

President Trump Reads The 'Riot Act' To The U.S. Navy

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
The Navy will NOT be taking away Warfighter and Navy Seal Eddie Gallagher’s Trident Pin. This case was handled very badly from the beginning. Get back to business! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 21, 2019 *FOX News:* *Trump declares Navy will not take away Eddie Gallagher's SEAL Trident, as attorney blasts admiral* The attorney for Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher said on "Fox & Friends" Thursday that the Navy is trying to humiliate his client by potentially taking away his SEAL Trident, as President Trump reaffirmed his support for the embattled soldier. "This is an acti... more »

Judge Temporarily Stops First Federal Execution in 16 Years

AP News at Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
A federal judge has temporarily halted the first federal execution in 16 years as a lawsuit on how the government intends to carry it out continues.

The Canadian Military Is Refusing To Take Delivery Of Its New Search-And-Rescue Plane Because The Manuals Are Not Bilingual (English and French)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Airbus Defence and Space released this photo of the first fully painted CC-295 on Oct. 8, 2019 (Airbus) *CTV News/Canadian Press:* *Military facing likely delay in delivery of new search-and-rescue plane* OTTAWA — The Canadian Armed Forces is refusing to accept the first of its new search-and-rescue planes from European manufacturer Airbus because of concerns with the aircraft’s manuals. The new plane was supposed to be delivered to the military by Dec. 1. Exactly how long delivery could be delayed remains unclear as Airbus, the Royal Canadian Air Force and the Department of Natio... more »

Japan Is Set To Deploy Its First Aircraft Carriers Since World War II

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Japanese Navy carrier Izumo, photographed in 2016. She will be modified to support F-35 jets.JMSDF *Forbes:* *Japan To Get First Aircraft Carriers Since World War II* Japan is set to deploy its first aircraft carriers since World War II. The Japanese Navy will modernize two helicopter destroyers into de facto aircraft carriers. This will increase the number of carrier operators in the Asia-Pacific region. Historically the Imperial Japanese Navy placed a heavy emphasis on aircraft carriers. The Hōshō, when she was commissioned on December 27, 1922, was the first purpose built aircr... more »

Tectonic Shifts Unnerve Both Factions of the USA Ruling Elite

Denis Rancourt at Activist Teacher - 12 hours ago
My latest social analysis article, published at Dissident Voice: https://dissidentvoice.org/2019/11/dear-young-progressives-the-white-supremacist-anti-immigration-anti-political-correctness-free-speech-fascists-are-your-friends/ Dear Young Progressives: The White-Supremacist Anti-Immigration Anti-Political-Correctness Free-Speech Fascists Are Your Friends Tectonic Shifts Unnerve Both

Immigration Research for the Future?

Bryan Caplan at Econlib - 13 hours ago
Question from an anonymous reader, reprinted with permission: Hi Bryan, First of all, I’d like to say that I really loved your new book Open Borders! It’s an amazing feat in terms of making a clear case, exploring many arguments and counter-arguments and presenting everything in a fun, engaging way. I have one question for […] The post Immigration Research for the Future? appeared first on Econlib.


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 13 hours ago
*The Irish government has just settled out of court with a victim of the swine flu vaccine but refused to admit liability for giving a vaccine which was neither proven to be safe or effective under emergency epidemic rules.* https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/nov/20/swine-flu-vaccine-case-settled-but-hopes-for-legal-precedent-dashed *As the entire NWO collapses, the top tier, Prince Andrew faces the FBI and ultimately jail for his role in Jeffrey Epstein's paedophile and eugenicist ring and his murder, it is time for the Queen and the other Globalists to get real world and settle... more »

Yellow is the new white: How Democrats are acting as though Asians are whites

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
For years leftist colleges like Harvard have been discriminating against Asians. To get into a college Asians need higher scores than whites, whites need higher scores than blacks, and blacks need to mention their race. Democrats discriminating against Asian Americans isn't new. After all it was FDR and the Democrat governor of California, Earl Warren--yes that Earl Warren--, who put Japanese Americans into prison camps during WWII for the crime of having Asian ancestors. But now Democrats are being more open about it. Essentially they're declaring that yellow privilege is the new ... more »

"I Grabbed Reason..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
"I grabbed reason by its ear and said: ‘O reason! Get out. Today I am saved from you. O reason, take your hand off me. Today I attained insanity, and held on to it." - Rumi

Ukraine President Zelenskiy Lists His Four Key Issues For Upcoming Peace Summit To End The War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy visits a section of a restored bridge, which was damaged during the military conflict between Ukrainian government forces and Russian-backed separatists, in the frontline town of Stanytsya Luhanska, on November 20. *RFE: **Ukraine’s Zelenskiy Names Four Key Issues For Upcoming Peace Summit on Donbas * Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has said he will advance four key issues during an upcoming four-way meeting with the leaders of Germany, France, and Russia on a potential peace settlement in the Donbas conflict. While visiting the ope... more »


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 13 hours ago
*One hour after Prince Andrew was forced to resign his royal duties over his links to eugenicist paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, the Queen gave an award to David Attenborough, a vocal advocate for halving the UK population.* https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-7707709/Queen-puts-brave-face-present-award-David-Attenborough-Blue-Planet-II.html *Attenborough as the patron of the Optimal Population Trust pushed a plan to bring the UK population down to 30 million.* *https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/uk-population-must-fall-to-30m-says-porritt-9n8lw8hfvt9* *The Queen must now be the p... more »

The New York Times unconsciously admits the Democrat Debates are rigged and racist

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
45 minutes into tonight's #DemDebate, Elizabeth Warren has spoken the most of any candidate, followed by Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Pete Buttigieg. Follow our real-time tracker to see more. https://t.co/H0HzW3yvz4 pic.twitter.com/S0hA4Q0925 — The New York Times (@nytimes) November 21, 2019 Given that the Democrat establishment is clearly keen on either Warren or Biden the skewing of time away from Blacks like Harris and Booker is clearly problematic. Evaluated in light of the insanity that the Democrat base believes is good both Harris and Booker are at least as viable and c... more »

Probiotics Help Prevent Cognitive Decline

Michelle Edwards at Health Nut News - 13 hours ago
Written by Joseph Mercola, D.O., Ph.D. Story at-a-glance – Probiotics can help improve cognitive function and ward off dementia, including Alzheimer’s Elderly Alzheimer’s patients who received a probiotic milk product containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus casei, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus fermentum for 12 weeks significantly improved their cognition scores, while controls continued to decline The level […] The post Probiotics Help Prevent Cognitive Decline appeared first on Health Nut News.

New Homeland Security Asylum Rule Allows Removal to Central American Countries That Have Signed Agreements With the U.S.

pmargulies at Lawfare - 13 hours ago
Closed U.S.-Mexico border crossing, Lochiel, Arizona (Source: Wikimedia) In a new rule, the Department of Homeland Security has taken key steps to implement what it calls asylum cooperation agreements (ACAs) signed earlier with Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador. The rule authorizes removal of asylum seekers at the southern border of the United States to any of the above-named countries, as long as the removed individuals are not nationals of the particular country that will receive them. Moreover, because Homeland Security has issued the rule under 8 U.S.C. § 1158(a)(2)(A), a pr... more »

Apply to sit on our Board of Directors

Rachel Oldroyd at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 13 hours ago
The Bureau of investigative Journalism is seeking to recruit three new trustees to support the organisation

The Two Americas - Our New Reality

A Political Junkie at Viable Opposition - 13 hours ago
No it's not your imagination, there really are two Americas....at least according to a new study by the Brookings Institute entitled "America has two economies - and they're diverging fast" by Mark Muro and Jacob Whiton. The authors open with this observation: "*We’ve been harping for a while on the stark economic divides that define American life in the Donald Trump years.* *To be sure, racial and cultural resentment have been the prime factors of the Trump backlash, but it’s also clear that the two parties speak for and to dramatically different segments of the American economy. W... more »

SLIDESHOW: MJBizDaily Awards US Market Leader finalists

Kate Lavin at Marijuana Business Daily - 13 hours ago
SLIDESHOW: MJBizDaily Awards US Market Leader finalists is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Israel’s War With Syria Escalates Under Cover of US Impeachment

Steve Brown at The Duran - 13 hours ago
Israel's military repeated its usual claim that missiles were fired at Israel from Syria (detected at Mt Hermon) and all incoming were defeated by a short-range missile defense system given to Israel by the United States. More The post Israel’s War With Syria Escalates Under Cover of US Impeachment appeared first on The Duran.

Australia Serves Washington’s Indo-Pacific Strategy By Continually Criticizing China

InfoBrics at The Duran - 13 hours ago
The Commonwealth should Balance Its Relations with China and the U.S. More The post Australia Serves Washington’s Indo-Pacific Strategy By Continually Criticizing China appeared first on The Duran.

Turkey’s ‘White Elephants’: S-400s Or Patriots?

InfoBrics at The Duran - 13 hours ago
Turkish President Erdogan reaffirmed to his American counterpart that his country won't completely abandon its purchase of Russia's S-400s like Washington wants but that Ankara would buy its Patriot competitor as well if an offer was made "under suitable conditions", suggesting that one or the other air-defense system would become a 'white elephant' under that scenario, with the odds being likely that it would be the Patriots which would fulfill this expensive but useless role and not the S-400s. More The post Turkey’s ‘White Elephants’: S-400s Or Patriots? appeared first on The D... more »

Prince Andrew BBC meltdown. Why did Royal Family let this interview take place? (Video)

Alex Christoforou at The Duran - 13 hours ago
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 377. More The post Prince Andrew BBC meltdown. Why did Royal Family let this interview take place? (Video) appeared first on The Duran.

Dollar Exchange Rate Surges in Brazil But Central Bank Remains Calm

Lise Alves at The Rio Times - 13 hours ago
SÃO PAULO, BRAZIL – This week the exchange rate between the Brazilian real and the US dollar surged, with the Brazilian currency falling by 0.30 percent on Monday to R$4.20/US$1. But as Brazilians planning to travel abroad over the end-of-year holidays worried about the higher dollar, Brazil’s Central Bank remained relatively calm, monitoring how the […] The post Dollar Exchange Rate Surges in Brazil But Central Bank Remains Calm appeared first on The Rio Times.

An example of real corruption: The Clinton Foundation

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
Today the Clinton Foundation is collecting only 10% of what it collected when Hillary was Secretary of State in 2009. While the foundation is ostensibly a charity groups that analyze charities have thrown up their hands when they've tried to examine just what the foundation does. For one thing the Foundation provided jobs for Clinton staffers when Hillary was out of office which is clearly a political not charitable function. The reason for the drop in funding is simple; Hillary can no longer trade influence for cash bribes funneled through her "foundation". Extensive reporting ha... more »

You Get What You Pay for with China's CH-4 Drones

David Axe at The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*David Axe* *Technology, Asia* [image: By U.S. Air Force photo by Paul Ridgeway - http://www.af.mil/News/Photos.aspx?igphoto=2000398487 ([1]), Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=11200394] Cheap price, cheap quality. *Key point:* U.S. drones are better made and customers are learning the hard way that they are worth the higher price. China’s CH-4 killer drone appears to be falling out of favor with some of its major operators. The Iraqi air force is down to just one operational CH-4 out of a fleet of around 10, according to an August 2019 report from ... more »

Ukraine Accuses Russia Of Returning Ships 'Stripped Of Toilets, Lights, And Sockets'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Ахаха! А унитаз-то на месте pic.twitter.com/4dLkZ0cBqD — Александр Коц (@sashakots) November 21, 2019 *BBC*: *Ukraine accuses Russia of returning ships 'stripped of toilets'* Ukraine has accused Russia of removing weapons and equipment - including toilets - from navy boats it returned after seizing them in the Black Sea. "[Russia] removed even dome lights, sockets, and toilet bowls," Ukraine's navy commander Ihor Voronchenko said. But Russia's Federal Security Service (FSB) said the ships were returned in "normal condition and with good plumbing". The boats, which were seized las... more »

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
#UPDATE Israel's President Reuven Rivlin tasked parliament Thursday with finding a new prime minister, as he sought to avoid new elections after incumbent Benjamin #Netanyahu and rival Benny #Gantz each failed to form a government https://t.co/FCNVjqyL9k pic.twitter.com/tlwWhDSixG — AFP news agency (@AFP) November 21, 2019 Bolivia crisis: New elections proposed as violence rages https://t.co/Ut41cjaEre — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) November 21, 2019 VOA News - Iran's Internet Shutdown Extends to 5th Day, Further Harming Economy https://t.co/2McUnOFZqH — Small Wars Journal (@sm... more »

China angered over US Congress legislation backing Hong Kong democracy

Just In - 13 hours ago
China accuses the United States of seeking to "destroy" Hong Kong and threatens retaliation after Congress passed new legislation supporting the pro-democracy movement that has thrown the city into nearly six months of turmoil.

UK government held secret meetings with US big pharma. Merck and Ebola vaccines discussed? My warning about the appointment of Ebola fixer Dr Daniel Bausch as the UK's PHE

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 13 hours ago
*The UK is not well placed to deal with any Ebola outbreak or false flag thanks and that failure is a deliberate stand down, I would argue.* *In 2017, I wrote to the UK parliament health committee chair warning about Dr Daniel Bausch's disastrous record in promoting the spread of Ebola in West Africa in 2014 and asking for an investigation into his appointment as epidemic response leader at PHE.* *Dr Sarah Wollaston refused to investigate, said I should write to PHE with my concerns.* *The UK government hs been holding secret meetings with US pharmaceutical companies about drugs ... more »

Cops Forced to Apologize After Video Caught Them Beating and Mocking Man for Being Gay

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: mocking]An innocent gay man who was pulled from his house, beaten by police and mocked for his sexuality is receiving $500,000 and an apology.

US Names Service Members Killed in Afghanistan Chopper Crash

AP News at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
Two U.S. service members who were killed when their helicopter crashed in Afghanistan have been identified.

‘Destroyer of Newspapers’ Vulture Fund Buys Majority Stake at Tribune Publishing

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 13 hours ago
Newspaper unions express fear that Alden Global Capital "is looking to bleed its next chain of newspapers dry."

Trump Impeachment Hearing: Fiona Hill & David Holmes, 9 AM ET; Open Hearing Link & Links to Earlier Testimony

miningawareness at Mining Awareness + - 14 hours ago
Fiona Hill; David Holmes: https://youtu.be/C8XjYjVsDXE Note that there have been afternoon hearings each day, which we still need to link … Continue reading →

The Trump Administration’s Worrying New Policy on Israeli Settlements

sanderson at Lawfare - 14 hours ago
View of Har Homa settlement in the West Bank. (Flickr/James Emery, CC BY 2.0) This past Monday, Nov. 18, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced that the United States would “no longer recognize Israeli settlements as per se inconsistent with international law,” a decision that he characterized as restoring a long-standing U.S. position that the Obama administration had unwisely abandoned. This marked the third major change in U.S. policy that the Trump administration has pursued toward the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in as many years, following its relocation of the U.S. Embass... more »

Livestream: Nov. 21 Impeachment Hearings

gahl at Lawfare - 14 hours ago
At 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, the House Intelligence Committee will hear testimony from Fiona Hill, the former senior director for Europe and Russia at the National Security Council, and David Holmes, a counselor for political affairs at the U.S. embassy in Ukraine. The livestream is available here and below. Topics: - Documents, - Impeachment, - The Ukraine Connection Gordon Ahl is a senior at Georgetown University, studying international politics. He is an intern at Lawfare and the Brookings Institution. More Articles Featured Term: The Ukraine Connection Display... more »

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 11/21/19"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
Updated frequently as available. ◆ AM 11/21/19: Gregory Mannerino, "The Propaganda Has Begun! Plus... More BAD Economic News" - https://www.traderschoice.net/ ◆ *MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates* - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary *CNN Market Data:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ *CNN Fear And Greed Index:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/ ◆ *Buffett Indicator: Where Are We with Market Valuations?* "As of 2019-11-21 (updates daily): The Stock Market is Significantly Overvalued. Based on historical ratio of total market cap over GDP (currently at... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 14 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin A rubbish story: China's mega-dump full 25 years ahead of schedule Vigilante Offers $100,000 Bounty To Hack Oil & Gas Companies Climate change: Firms failing to tackle crisis will be delisted from stock exchange, Labour says 60% of world's wildlife has been wiped out since 1970 Patriot Act Renewal Sneaks Through Congress With Dem SupportTrump Notifies Congress More Troops Headed To Saudi Arabia As Carrier Enters Hormuz State Department denies report that Pompeo has been privately telling Republicans he's planning to resign Clinton Foundation Files $16.8 Million Loss M... more »

Debate & Switch: They Got Nothing

Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 14 hours ago
I'm sorry to report that I couldn't consume Wednesday's Democratic talking point telecast as voraciously as my assigned civic duty of passive spectator dictated that I should. Since the latest edition of Perpetual Primary was hosted by MSNBC and the Jeff Bezos Gazette, and since the only way that cable-free households could watch it was by downloading the NBC app, and since the NBC app kept freezing up, losing audio or crashing completely on my cheap smartphone, I had to resort to the New York Times live blog to get their elite take on the festivities. It was weird. because when th... more »

Piers Morgan asks why the Queen has let her paedophile pyschopath so Andrew keep his title

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*PIERS MORGAN: The Queen stripped Diana of the HRH title when she and Charles divorced - so why the hell do we still have to call the shamed pedophile-buddy Prince Andrew ‘His Royal Highness’?* *By PIERS MORGAN FOR MAILONLINE* *PUBLISHED: 14:23 GMT, 21 November 2019 | UPDATED: 14:28 GMT, 21 November 2019* *‘Can a royal be fired?’ an American friend asked me yesterday morning as the Prince Andrew scandal roared across the pond.* *‘Not really,’ I replied.* *It turns out I was wrong: they can.* *Last night, Andrew was sensationally dismissed from public life by his own mother, the... more »

Facts Now Reveal How OAS Lied About Bolivian ‘Election Irregularities’

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 14 hours ago
*Mark Weisbot* | Confirmed: Washington's colonial arm lied to the public about elections and worked to cover-up the ensuing coup.

Revealed: How the OPCW Manipulated Douma ‘Chemical Attack’ Report

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 14 hours ago
*21WIRE* | There can be no doubt: Douma was an orchestrated hoax and OPCW executives actively worked to cover it up.

Report: Russian Forces Almost Attacked U.S. B-52 Bomber of Syria Coast

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 14 hours ago
*AMN* | Report suggests potentially dangerous clash with Russia in the eastern Mediterranean.

Former Baltimore Mayor Indicted for Fraudulent Book Sales Scheme

Michael Tennant at rss - 14 hours ago
[image: former-baltimore-mayor-indicted-for-fraudulent-book-sales-scheme] Former Baltimore mayor Catherine Pugh was indicted on charges that she fraudulently obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars selling a self-published children’s book series and then used her ill-gotten gains to fund her mayoral campaign and to enrich herself without paying additional taxes.

UK media focus on the Queen and Prince Philip in creating "spoiled" Andrew

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*Prince Andrew is the product of Prince Philip and the Queen and the qualities he displayed during the BBC interview and after reflect their qualities.* *It was the Queen, after all, who greenlighted the interview.* *Andrew pscyhopathic arrogance, crooked, twisted thinking, callousness in the face of his responsbility for what seem to be horiffic crimes (tVirginia Guiffre is just the tip of the iceberg) and tendency to live in a fantasy world must reflect the qualities of Prince Philip and the Queen, who have spoiled him as UK media say.* *The Queen has indulged an equally deprave... more »

Nov. 21:An ugly World.

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 14 hours ago
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2019/nov/20/trump-impeachment-hearings-gordon-sondland-testimony _________________________________________________________________ https://www.cbc.ca/news/technology/fossil-fuel-overshoot-1.5365974 I'm afraid it is not possible to clean up our act in time. The fuel industries won't allow it. And don't kid yourself. It's not our votes that matter a damn. The politics of the 'democratric' world have always ---ALWAYS---- been controlled with billionaires pulling the strings. They control the Liberals, the Conservatives, the Republicans and the majorit... more »

Instead of Favelas, Luxury Condos Could Soon Stand on Rio’s South Zone Hillsides

Scott Salmon at The Rio Times - 14 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Most people don’t have much cause to think about urban planning – until it fails, and city life descends into chaos. Amazing then, to learn that Rio de Janeiro – already one of the most chaotic cities on the planet – is considering an initiative that effectively abandons the fundamental […] The post Instead of Favelas, Luxury Condos Could Soon Stand on Rio’s South Zone Hillsides appeared first on The Rio Times.

Prince Andrew met Ghislaine Maxwell after Epstein arrested. Maxwell must be the next to be questioned

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*Prince Andrew met with Ghislaine Maxwell AFTER Jeffrey Epstein probe was reopened: Duke saw paedophile's 'madam' in London as she took part in supercar rally to Monaco with Paris Hilton and Chloe Green* *Duke of York 'arranged a meeting' with alleged pimp Maxwell on or about June 5* *Disgraced socialite was in UK to take part in a charity motoring rally from London* *Alleged meet took place weeks after US revealed desire to reopen Epstein probe* *In Andrew's disastrous BBC interview, he claimed they did not discuss Epstein* *Last night he was removed from royal duties amid deepening... more »

Epstein murder probe focuses on the systematic and particular failures in the prison system to allow the NWO to kill Epstein

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*Video cameras switched off or broken, taken off suicide watch, special prison guards drafted in...The evidence of a conspiracy to murder Jeff Epstein is overwhelming. * *https://www.reuters.com/article/us-people-jeffrey-epstein-cameras/fbi-studies-two-broken-cameras-outside-cell-where-epstein-died-source-idUSKCN1VI2LC* *Only Donald Trump as president would have the power to carry out such a high profile murder and attempt such an obvious cover up.* *Trump has also been accused of raping a girl in Epstein's mansion and had just as much as the likes of Prince Andrew to lose from Epst... more »

"Global Collapse Incoming? The Total Breakdown Of Relations With China Could Throw Our Planet Into Utter Turmoil"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 14 hours ago
*"Global Collapse Incoming? The Total Breakdown Of Relations* * With China Could Throw Our Planet Into Utter Turmoil"* by Michael Snyder "We just witnessed one of the most monumental events of the entire decade, and yet most Americans still don’t understand what has happened. In recent months, the global economy and stock markets around the world have been buoyed by the hope that the U.S. and China would soon sign a new trade agreement. Unfortunately, there is no way that is going to happen now. On Tuesday, the Senate unanimously passed the “Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act ... more »

McCulloch and Fundamental Rights Regimes

Mark Graber at Balkinization - 14 hours ago
For the symposium on David S. Schwartz, The Spirit of the Constitution: John Marshall and the 200-Year Odyssey of McCulloch v. Maryland (Oxford University Press, 2019). David Schwartz’s magnificent *The Spirit of the Constitution: John Marshall and the 200-Year Odyssey of McCulloch v. Maryland*explicitly challenges how we teach governmental powers in first semester constitutional law and implicitly challenges how we teach civil rights and liberties in second semester constitutional law. Contrary to the impression given in almost all classes in the first part or semester of constitu... more »


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*We are witnessing the end of the NWO, dear readers...* *https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/18049218.baroness-helena-kennedy-prince-andrew-would-risk-arrest-speaks-fbi-epstein/* *https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/10374013/prince-andrew-fbi-questions-newsnight/* *Prince Andrew says he WILL speak to the FBI – as Buckingham Palace is ‘braced for subpoena to be issued’ and lawyers for Jeffrey Epstein's victims says he must turn over emails, texts and flight logs to police* *Prince says he is willing to assist any law enforcement agencies' investigations* *Andrew's offer to co-operate with th... more »


Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*During Saturday's "car crash" of an interview with BBC’s Emily Maitlis, Prince Andrew said: "I think the date we have for that shows that I was in Boston or I was in New York the previous day, and I was at a dinner for the Outward Bound Trust in New York and then I flew up to Boston the following day.* *"Because of what I was doing, I was staying with the consul-general, which is further down the street (from Epstein’s home).* *"So I wasn’t staying there (at Epstein’s home). I may have visited but no, definitely didn’t, definitely, definitely, no, no, no activity."* *'NO RECOLL... more »

Over 1,000,000 Rifles and Counting: How the Mauser 98 Changed History

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* A loaded history. *Key Point:* Over 1 million of the rifles were made and used since the gun's invention. According to The History Channel’s Tales of the Gun, the Mauser 98 was “the best bolt action rifle ever made.” Author Robert W.D. Ball added that the Mauser was “a safe and robust rifle with a five-round clip, and the world’s most popular rifle; 30 countries used it, and 100 million units were manufactured between 1898-1945, during which it was employed in both world wars by the German Army. At 49 inches long, the shorter carbine K... more »

Is China’s DF-17 Hypersonic Missile Really a Super-Weapon?

David Axe at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, * China’s new DF-17 hypersonic missile could penetrate U.S. missile-defense and destroy ports and air-defense systems, a Hong Kong newspaper warned. China’s new DF-17 hypersonic missile could penetrate U.S. missile-defense and destroy ports and air-defense systems, a Hong Kong newspaper warned. The new boost-glide missile, which reportedly can travel faster than five times the speed of sound, could “transform” Beijing’s strategy for dealing with Taiwan, *South China Morning Post *reported. But one American expert cautioned against assigning profound new ca... more »

This Could Be the Royal Navy’s Next Destroyer

David Axe at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, * The Royal Navy may already have identified a possible replacement for its Type 45 destroyers. A version of the new Type 26 frigate, which should enter service with the U.K. fleet in the mid-2020s, ultimately could replace the air-defense-optimized Type 45s beginning in the 2030s. The Royal Navy may already have identified a possible replacement for its Type 45 destroyers. A version of the new Type 26 frigate, which should enter service with the U.K. fleet in the mid-2020s, ultimately could replace the air-defense-optimized Type 45s beginning in the 2030s.... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 14 hours ago
Last week, I told you about a *New York Times* column in which Roger Cohen introduced readers to Chuck Hardwick, a retired pharmaceutical executive and former leader of what was then the Republican majority in the New Jersey state assembly. Hardwick, 78, dislikes Donald Trump ... somewhat; he "admires the president’s energy, his courage in taking on difficult issues like China 'stealing its way to prosperity,' his corporate tax cuts, and what he sees as a revitalizing impact on American ambition," but he has qualms about Trump's temperament. Cohen offered up Hardwick as the emblemat... more »

Sculptor Crafting First Women’s Statue for Central Park

AP News at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
A sculptor known for trying to redress history through her art is creating the first statue of real-life women for New York’s Central Park, where the only females so honored until now have been fictional characters.

Lawsuit: US Border Officers Questioned Journalists at Length

AP News at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
Five American journalists sued the U.S. government, alleging border authorities violated their First Amendment rights by inspecting their cameras and notebooks and questioning them extensively about their coverage of last year’s migrant caravan.

Rethinking National Security: CIA and FBI Are Corrupt, But What About Congress?

Philip Giraldi at Peace and Prosperity - 14 hours ago
[image: undefined] The developing story about how the US intelligence and national security agencies may have conspired to influence and possibly even reverse the results of the 2016 presidential election is compelling, even if one is disinclined to believe that such a plot would be possible to execute. Not surprisingly perhaps there have been considerable introspection among former and current officials who have worked in those and related government positions, many of whom would agree that there is urgent need for a considerable restructuring and reining in of the 17 government a... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Lightning strikes near an Emirates A380 plane at Christchurch Airport, New Zealand. GCH Aviation/via REUTERS *WNU Editor: *The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *Editor's Choice Pictures* (Reuters).

What desserts are you serving this Thanksgiving day?

Menagerie at The Last Refuge - 14 hours ago
Originally posted on Stella's Place: Several years ago I passed on the job of preparing Thanksgiving desserts (meaning pie) to my daughter and her sons. She told me that this year they are making a traditional pumpkin pie, sour…

Blain and the Morning Cocaine, Mish and Hash Talk...

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 14 hours ago
*My thinking is that the fantastical assessments on Globalist insider Zerohedge have contributed to the Globalist NWO kingpins like Prince Andrew and the Queen losing all contact with reality and contributing to the Epstein trainwreck.* *Reading the analysis of people like Blain and the morning cocaine (sorry, porridge) may well have contributed to putting them under a powerful delusion.* *Read today's drivel on "Let's crash the UK out of the eurozone and wait and see how quickly we are lynched" from Mish below.* https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mish-without-doubt-boris-johnso... more »

RCEP ''looks like trade arm'' of Belt and Road Initiative: Former Australian PM

bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
21-Nov-2019 China's Belt and Road Initiative seeks to build rail, maritime and road links from Asia to Europe and Africa in a revival of ancient Silk Road trading routes.

United States – African Growth And Opportunity Act: Report of the government of the United States for the year 2018 under the decision of 30 november 2015

bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
21-Nov-2019 The following communication is being circulated at the request of the Delegation of the United States.

L'accord qui protège les pollueurs

bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
21-Nov-2019 La France doit quitter le Traité sur la charte de l'énergie, car il est une arme entre les mains des multinationales pour ralentir ou bloquer des politiques climatiques ambitieuses.

EU-Singapore free trade agreement comes into force

bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
21-Nov-2019 The landmark trade agreement between the European Union and Singapore removes nearly all customs duties between the two jurisdictions

Bolivia News Links 20-21 November 2019

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 14 hours ago
21 November 2019 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back Capitalism’s Suicidal Trajectory can’t be ignored https://dissidentvoice.org/2019/11/capitalisms-suicidal-trajectory-cant-be-ignored/ Evo Morales Calls on International Organizations, Pope Francis to Create a Truth Commission https://libya360.wordpress.com/2019/11/20/evo-morales-calls-on-international-organizations-pope-francis-to-create-a-truth-commission/ The Vanguard, Unity, People’s Power and Arms: The … Continue reading Bolivia News ... more »

Smoking Guns

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago
Yesterday, there were all kinds of smoking guns in Gordon Sondland's testimony. He exploded all the Republican defences of Donald Trump. Max Boot writes: “Was there a ‘quid pro quo’?” Sondland said under oath. “With regard to the requested White House call and White House meeting, the answer is yes.” The sound you hear is Republican denials of a quid pro quo exploding. Sondland went on to say he was acting on “the president’s orders” in demanding that Ukraine announce an investigation of the company that employed Hunter Biden — although not to actually carry out the investigation.... more »

Thursday Morning Links

Unknown at Accidental Deliberations - 14 hours ago
This and that for your Thursday reading. - Dan Hancox discusses how both work demands and consumerist force are causing people to lose sleep. And Jodi Dean writes about the need for a sense of comradeship to counter the impossible expectation of self-reliance. - Anand Giridharadas argues that the wealthy few are beginning to lose their grip over the U.S. And Grace Blakeley discusses the potential for transformative change arising out of UK Labour's plan for a just transition, while Owen Jones comments on the need to draw young voters out to the polls to cast ballots based on future ... more »

Why open adoption records matter

Philip Moscovitch at Halifax Examiner - 14 hours ago
Party! This item is written by Tim Bousquet. November is subscription drive month, and that means our annual subscribers party follows. Join us Sunday, December 1, 4-7pm at Bearly’s (1269 Barrington Street). Entry is free for all subscribers. If you’re not a subscriber already, you can click here to subscribe or purchase a subscription at […]

Bad math at Lands & Forestry

Jennifer Henderson at Halifax Examiner - 14 hours ago
In what can only be described as a peculiar series of events, the Department of Lands and Forestry is cancelling the third year of an interim lease signed with WestFor Management Inc. WestFor represents 13 forestry companies which are allocated wood from Crown land in southwestern Nova Scotia previously managed by Bowater Mersey. Back in […]

Double-dippers increased by 10% last year

The Buffalo Chronicle at The Buffalo Chronicle - 15 hours ago
BY CAITLIN GILLIGAN The number of state and local government early retirees collecting both a paycheck and public pension grew by 10 percent last year, according to data posted today on SeeThroughNY.net, the Empire Center’s transparency website. The increase was largely driven by

DOJ deleted Strzok-Page text messages, Judicial Watch alleges in court filings

The Buffalo Chronicle at The Buffalo Chronicle - 15 hours ago
Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Justice for text message records of former FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page believed to be in the possession of

Following student death, Cornell Interfraternity Council bars alcohol from recruitment events

The Buffalo Chronicle at The Buffalo Chronicle - 15 hours ago
BY MARYAM ZAFAR In another reform to the fraternity rushing process passed on Tuesday night, the Interfraternity Council voted to ban alcohol — and tighten other rules — at spring rush events. The Tuesday proposal, which was voted on by

David de Rothschild sums up the NWO after the Epstein scandal "We waited too long and hit the wall."

Jane Burgermeister at BIRDFLU666 WORDPRESS BLOG CONTINUES HERE - 15 hours ago
*David de Rothschild, coordinator between the NWO banksters and their environmental and depopulation agenda, told an audience in Vienna in October "We have to wait until we hit the wall."* *Just three weeks later, the NWO has hit the wall, the Globalist car has crashed spectacularly, as if steered by a person suffering from blindness or a powerful delusion.* *Prince Andrew's Epstein interview was like watching a 5 foot drunk come out and threaten a World Champion boxer, throw a punch which misses by miles but puts the drnnk off balance and sends him crashing to the floor.* *T... more »

the funnies......

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 15 hours ago
The American dream has turned into a terrible nightmare for most of the people and our Mother Earth.

Koala hospital's GoFundMe campaign raises more than $1 million

Just In - 15 hours ago
An online fundraising appeal set up by a New South Wales koala hospital to rescue and rehabilitate marsupials devastated by bushfires raises more than $1 million, in what is believed to be one of the most successful GoFundMe campaigns in Australia.

Israeli forces arrest governor of Jerusalem

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
The Israeli security forces arrested the governor of Jerusalem, Adnan Ghaith, at his house in the town of Suwan on Thursday. Citing an eyewitness, the Arabic-language version of the Sputnik News Agency reported that the Israeli forces stormed Ghaith’s house and began a searching his belongings before arresting him and taking him to the interrogation […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Turkish drones kill 5 Syrians in northern Al-Raqqa

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Five people, including two children, were killed when Turkish drones struck the outskirts of Tell Abyad, a town in the north of Syria’s Raqqa governorate, on Wednesday, the SANA news agency reported. According to the agency, all the victims were in a car that was struck by a projectile. Information of casualties and destruction are […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

New satellite images reveal impact of Israeli strikes in Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
On Wednesday, powerful explosions rocked the Syrian capital Damascus, with the Israel Defence Forces saying it had struck about 20 targets in the country. “Today’s (20 November 2019) accurate #airstrike in #Syria caused massive damage. The #Iran|ian #QudsForce HQ in #Damascus intl. airport, AKA the #Glasshouse, was partially collapsed”, the company wrote on Twitter late […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Russian military almost attacked a US B-52 bomber in western Syria: media

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:10 P.M.) – The Russian military nearly came to blows with a U.S. aircraft that was flying near the Hmeimim (var. Khmeimim) Airbase along the Syrian coast, the Chinese-language Sina News publication reported. Citing the Sina report, the Russian publication Avia.Pro said, “the mysterious incident occurred near the borders of Syria,” pointing out […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Russia wont get involved in Israel-Iran conflict

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Moscow is not going to interfere in the bilateral conflict between Israel and Iran that exacerbated after Tel Aviv delivered missile strikes on Iranian military facilities near the Syrian capital of Damascus, a member of the Russian Federation Council’s Committee on Defense and Security Frants Klintsevich told Izvestia. The senator stressed that Russian servicemen and […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

US impeding peace talks between Syrian Kurds and gov’t: Lavrov

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:10 P.M.) – Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said this week that dialogue between Damascus and the Syrian Kurds has been impeded by the U.S. “The Americans are working to impede the dialogue between the Kurds and Damascus, while we take the exact opposite position.” he said, adding that “we are convinced that […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Syrian Army captures town from Turkish-backed militants near Tal Tamr: video

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) recently captured the town of Umm Shaefa in the Tal Tamr District from the Turkish-backed militants. In a video released on Thursday, the Syrian Arab Army can be seen taking over the town after clashing with the Turkish-backed militants in the northwestern countryside of the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Breaking: Syrian President issues new decree giving raises to all gov’t workers

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:45 A.M.) – Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday issued the legislative decree no. 23 for the year 2019 which stipulates a pay raise for all civilian and military employees SYP 20,000. In addition to current government employees, retired workers will also be given a raise to their pensions by SYP 16,000. This […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Russia reveals details about several Israeli attacks inside Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:20 A.M.) – The Russian Foreign Ministry released details on Thursday about several attacks that were recently carried out by the Israeli military inside Syria. Beginning with the Israeli attack on the home of a Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) commander in Damascus, the Russian Foreign Ministry slammed this strike because it caused civilian […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Kurdish security forces to withdraw from Manbij, Syrian Army to take over: Al-Watan

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:45 A.M.) – The Kurdish security forces, Asayish, are preparing to withdraw from the town of Manbij in northeastern Aleppo, Al-Watan reported on Thursday. According to the Al-Watan report, the Asayish forces will be withdrawing from Manbij per the agreement the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) made with the Syrian Arab Army (SAA). Once […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

US warship passes through Strait of Hormuz amid ongoing Iranian protests

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
The USS Abraham Lincoln, a 100,000-ton Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, passed through the narrow waterway leading to the Persian Gulf on Tuesday, the US Navy announced. The move comes amid US support for protests that rocked Iran over the weekend. The huge warship and its carrier strike group sailed through the Strait of Hormuz, a 21-mile-wide […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Israel is preparing for strong Iranian response to Syria strikes: report

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:10 A.M.) – The Israeli Armed Forces are preparing for a strong response from Iran following their strikes on the southern countryside of Damascus, the Israeli Broadcasting Corporation reported on Wednesday evening . The broadcaster reported that the Israeli Armed Forces were fully prepared for any response from Iran, especially after the Israeli […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Yemen’s Houthi forces ‘intercept’ Saudi fighter jet: photos

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
Yemen’s Houthi militia have reported shooting down a Saudi-led coalition F-15 fighter jet. In a tweet cited by Reuters, a militia spokesman wrote: “Our air defence systems have intercepted an F-15 fighter jet belonging to the countries of aggression in Saada province.” The Houthis did not clarify which coalition country the plane belonged to. The […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Israeli strikes in Syria devastate several sites inside southern Damascus: video

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 15 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:20 A.M.) – The Israeli military carried out a devastating attack on southern Damascus yesterday morning, resulting in the destruction of several sites near the capital. Several buildings in Beit Saber, a town near Damascus, were allegedly destroyed during a missile strike carried out by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) on Wednesday morning, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Capitalism: The God That Failed

Unknown at The Verma Report - 15 hours ago
Karl Marx was right about the demise of capitalism, but he was wrong about the way in which the demise will happen. He believed that capitalism will face its mortal crisis because all the means of production will be cornered by the capitalist class who, in their lust for improving their profits, will strip the masses of their wealth. The competition between the capitalists will force the nation’s small businesses into bankruptcy and reduce the number of capitalists at the top. Imagine a situation where a single textile factory is producing garments for the entire nation—the owners w... more »

Marijuana social equity

John Rebchook at Marijuana Business Daily - 15 hours ago
The Boston City Council approved an ordinance creating an independent Cannabis Board, in an effort to boost involvement of minority entrepreneurs in Massachusetts’ growing pot industry. The move also creates the state’s first local fund supporting minority-owned firms, according to officials. – Associated Press Marijuana social equity is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Federal prosecutors, industry probe municipal cannabis agreements in Massachusetts

Jeff Smith at Marijuana Business Daily - 15 hours ago
Massachusetts’ mandated “host community agreements” (HCAs) between municipalities and marijuana businesses are under intense scrutiny, with cannabis companies complaining they are unfair and costly and federal prosecutors reportedly investigating their terms. The probe comes in the wake of a cannabis bribery case in Fall River and only a few months after the FBI announced in […] Federal prosecutors, industry probe municipal cannabis agreements in Massachusetts is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Delingpole: ‘Greta Who?’ China Ramps up Coal-Fired Energy Production

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 15 hours ago
By Paul Homewood A new report out from the Global Energy Monitor (formerly Coal Swarm) brings news that China has 148GW of coal-fired capacity under construction or likely to be resumed after being suspended. Dellers takes up the story: China is planning massively to ramp up its coal-fired energy production. This makes a nonsense […]

Forget Climate Excuses: Environment Agency Ignored Flood Warnings For Years–The Times

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 15 hours ago
By Paul Homewood GWPF carry this news from The Times: As flooding spread across the country yesterday, the Association of Drainage Authorities said that warnings had been issued each year since 2007 at its annual conference, attended by Environment Agency staff. The warnings were made by the association’s members in South Yorkshire, […]

‘Are We Doomed?’ Why won’t the other side debate?’ – John Stossel

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 15 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Good video from John Stossel:

Aussie MP Rubbishes Climate Emergency Myth

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 15 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Oh for some commonsense politicians here!

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