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22 November - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

10 pm MST

Don't Forget The Cover-Up

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
To Señor Trumpanzee, any Republican civil servant who puts country before Trumpism is automatically a #NeverTrumper. He casts the aspersion on anyone who testifies to the facts, a way of targeting them for his moron followers and supporters. *However*, that isn't to say that there are no #NeverTrumpers. There are; and almost all of them work at *The Bulwark...* which, by the way, has recently modified it's logo: Early yesterday, *The Bulwark* performed a service by publishing Chris Truax's piece, There Was Also A Cover-up. He pointed out that "Lost in all of the current impeac... more »

Forget Not Your Obligation To The Future - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 16 hours ago
Forget not your obligation to the future. Your obligation to give direction to those yet to come. *©** M.N. Hopkins* *To read more of my quotations, please click on the link below:* *Quotations by M.N. Hopkins* *or visit:* *Pinterest*

Can You Tell Me How To Get Off Sesame Street?

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 16 hours ago
Like many of our adult children with regressive, vacine induced autism, my oldest daughter is, was and I suspect, always will be a Sesame Street girl. Her very first word was "Ober" for Grover monster. She carried a Grover plush... more »

Strzok-Page emails show FBI’s special accommodations of Clinton email witnesses

The Buffalo Chronicle at The Buffalo Chronicle - 16 hours ago
Judicial Watch announced today it received 35 pages of records of communications between former FBI official Peter Strzok and former FBI attorney Lisa Page that show the attorney representing three of Hillary Clinton’s aides met with senior FBI officials. Two March 2016

An Improved Model Definition of Antisemitism

noreply@blogger.com (Christian Munthe) at Philosophical Comment - 16 hours ago
*1. The need for a clear definition of "antisemitism"* A few years back, I blogged about the savvy tactic of the Netanyahu government to accuse virtually all criticism of the Israel occupation policy as antisemitic. Since then, more complex disputes have evolved at higher levels, not least the debate and controversy around antisemitism within the Corbyn led Labour party in the UK. Also in my own country, the thorny issue of how to draw the line between legitimate (not meaning necessarily sound) criticism of decisions made by the government of Israel and judgements that deny jewish... more »

Remembering John F. Kennedy’s Vision for the Future that Should Have Been

Matthew Ehret at The Duran - 16 hours ago
It is too often overlooked today, but JFK’s anti-colonial position was not a secret during his decade as a Senator and Congressman. Even though his family pedigree was stained with mafia and JP Morgan ties to his treacherous father “Papa Joe”, John Kennedy was made of sturdier stuff. More The post Remembering John F. Kennedy’s Vision for the Future that Should Have Been appeared first on The Duran.

The Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry is really a foreign policy fight

Seraphim Hanisch at The Duran - 16 hours ago
The Constitution prescribes that the President defines and executes foreign policy. But... More The post The Compleat Fake Impeachment Inquiry is really a foreign policy fight appeared first on The Duran.

Prince Andrew: foot in mouth

George Callaghan at The Duran - 16 hours ago
Granting this interview is the most foolish thing the prince has ever done. He may well have torpedoed himself. More The post Prince Andrew: foot in mouth appeared first on The Duran.

Why China's Navy Is Not to Be Underestimated

James Holmes at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] Hubris can be fatal. *Key point:* Pride comes before the fall, so America must not dismiss its potential enemies. Admirals say the darnedest things. Over at the U.S. Naval Institute’s *Proceedings *magazine, retired U.S. Pacific Command Intelligence Chief Capt. Jim Fanell takes PACOM kahunas, past and present, to task for disparaging China’s People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). Respect for prospective foes, proclaims Captain Fanell, constitutes the most prudent attitude. Such counsel is evergreen. Military folk must beware of hu... more »

NATO Nukes Can’t Save the Baltic States From a Russian Invasion

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Europe* Even if NATO resorts to tactical nuclear weapons, it still can’t save the Baltic States from a Russian invasion. Even if NATO resorts to tactical nuclear weapons, it still can’t save the Baltic States from a Russian invasion. One reason? The Warsaw Pact—the Eastern European satellites of the Soviet empire—can’t be held hostage anymore. That’s the conclusion of a wargame by the RAND Corporation. In RAND’s view, NATO’s nukes are not a deterrent to Russia because Europe would have far more to lose from a tactical nuclear exchange than Russia. “The... more »

The Smith & Wesson M&P .45 Shield M2.0 Gun: A Pint-Sized Powerhouse?

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Technology, * You make the call. Smith & Wesson, one of the most well-known gun manufacturers in America, has introduced one of the most feature-filled semi-automatic pistols around. The M&P .45 Shield Model 2.0 subcompact handgun is a distillation of the company’s larger offerings, and the result is a pistol that is smaller yet leaves little on the table. Another benefit: unlike many subcompact pistols, the M&P .45 Shield 2.0 is available in the powerful .45 ACP caliber. Smith & Wesson is one of the oldest gun manufacturers in North America. Smith & Wesson was... more »

Meet the KAC SR-15: The Best AR-15 Rifle on the Planet?

Charlie Gao at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Technology, * Or just another pretender? As the last place where Eugene Stoner worked before he passed away in 1997, Knight’s Armament Company (KAC) has a unique perspective on how to modernize the AR-15. Before he died, Stoner worked on a modernization of the AR-10 that also incorporated elements of the AR-15. The resulting rifle was called the Stoner Rifle 25, or SR-25, as Stoner no longer worked for Armalite. While the SR-25 was a very successful rifle in its own right, seeing extensive use in various Special Operations Forces units and general adoption as the... more »

Is Israel Heading Towards a 'Preventive War' Against Iran?

Zaki Shalom, Jacob Aaron Collier at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Zaki Shalom, Jacob Aaron Collier* *Security, Middle East* What does the mean for the Middle East? What would Trump do? On October 10, 2019, during a memorial service in Jerusalem for the fallen soldiers of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke bluntly about the conclusions to be drawn from that war: "Few hours before the outbreak of the war," Netanyahu stated, "when it was already clear that the confrontation was inevitable, Israel did not undertake the necessary measures to neutralize the imminent threat. Israel's reluctance to carry out a pre... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*Ronald Bailey has gone over to the Dark side* *Bailey was once a climate skeptic but claims that new data have made him into a Warmist. His big failing can be found in the rubric (red bit) below. He is precisely wrong in what he says there. The Climategate emails show that the major players in Warmism are outright crooks. They arbitrarily alter data sources and do their best to ensure that any articles that don't suit them never get published. How surprising that the word "climategate" does not occur once in Bailey's long and diligent ... more »

5 Things Schools Can Do To Promote News Literacy

The Conversation at Science 2.0 blogs - 16 hours ago
When it comes to news literacy, schools often emphasize fact-checking and hoax-spotting. But as I argue in my new book, schools must go deeper with how they teach the subject if they want to help students thrive in a democratic society. As a new poll shows that Americans struggle to know if the information they find online is true, news literacy remains essential in student education. read more

Saturday Snippet: the perils of small game collecting in West Africa

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 17 hours ago
In the 1950's, naturalist Gerald Durrell went to what was then known as British Cameroon in West/Central Africa to collect animals for zoos in Britain. He chose the region of Bafut for his collecting activities, and recruited local tribesmen to help him in his hunt for specimens. In a moment of whimsy, he christened his hunters, collectively, The Bafut Beagles, which became the title of the book he wrote about his adventures. It was an instant best-seller when it was released, and remains popular today. Here's how Durrell and the Beagles hunted the rock hyrax, an animal well ... more »

Links 11/23/19

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 17 hours ago

Second warmest hype

Joe Bastardi at CFACT - 17 hours ago
It's the best time to be alive ever. The post Second warmest hype appeared first on CFACT.

Deans of Federal Universities Intend to Sue Brazilian Education Minister

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The National Association of Heads of Federal Institutions of Higher Education (ANDIFES) intends to bring a legal suit against the Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, on allegations he has made against educational institutions. In an interview with "Jornal da Cidade", Weintraub accuses federal universities of . . . To read […] The post Deans of Federal Universities Intend to Sue Brazilian Education Minister appeared first on The Rio Times.

First Men’s Contraceptive Injection to be Introduced in 2020 by Indian Researchers

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Indian Medical Research Council (ICMR) is ready to revolutionize reproductive health worldwide, with the first male injectable contraceptive on the market as of 2020. The Hindustan Times reported that the ICMR, the country's leading biomedical research agency, announced that it has successfully completed clinical trials of the world's first […] The post First Men’s Contraceptive Injection to be Introduced in 2020 by Indian Researchers appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil Required to Invest R$2 Billion to Monitor Spill Disasters at Sea

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The commander of the Brazilian Navy, Admiral Ilques Barbosa Junior, says that one of the lessons learned from the crisis surrounding the oil spill along the Brazilian coast is that the country needs to invest in a monitoring system for its coastline similar to what . . . To read […] The post Brazil Required to Invest R$2 Billion to Monitor Spill Disasters at Sea appeared first on The Rio Times.

Family Confirms Death of Popular Brazilian TV Host Gugu Liberato

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After a period of speculation and conflicting news, the death of TV host Gugu Liberato, at the age of 60, was confirmed on Friday, November 22nd. On Wednesday, Gugu suffered an accident in his home in Orlando, United States, and was hospitalized in critical condition. According to sources close to […] The post Family Confirms Death of Popular Brazilian TV Host Gugu Liberato appeared first on The Rio Times.

"You Owe It To All Of Us..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago

Loophole lets Juul advertise to children at the cinema

Matthew Chapman at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 17 hours ago
A screening of a 15-rated film included adverts for Juul, an e-cigarette that can only be sold to adults but is popular with teenagers in the US

Vaping giant Juul pushes for more addictive e‑cigarettes

Ben Stockton at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 17 hours ago
Juul has built a network of lobbyists and PR firms as it campaigns for strict laws on nicotine products and advertisements to be relaxed

Saudi UNESCO Win Riles Khashoggi Standard-Bearers

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 22 (IPS) - Human rights campaigners have reacted angrily to the election of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations cultural agency UNESCO's top board, highlighting the kingdom's ongoing crackdowns on political freedoms and critics. Read the full story, “Saudi UNESCO Win Riles Khashoggi Standard-Bearers”, on globalissues.org →

A 650 Million Dollar Pledge Aimed at Eradicating Extreme Hunger by 2030

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 22 (IPS) - When a coalition of international donors pledged more than $650 million to provide assistance to over 300 million smallholder farmers in developing countries, the primary aim was to help increase agricultural and livestock production besieged by droughts, floods and other natural disasters triggered by climate change-- mostly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Read the full story, “A 650 Million Dollar Pledge Aimed at Eradicating Extreme Hunger by 2030”, on globalissues.org →


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 17 hours ago
*South Carolina elementary school apologizes for a leadership event where boys wore ties at a 'summit' and heard from 'male role models from the community' and girls went to a 'retreat' and met with high school cheerleaders* A South Carolina school district is apologizing for the way boys and girls were treated differently at an event about leadership and character for elementary school students. The Pickens Elementary School in Pickens, South Carolina, came under fire after it posted a series of photos on Facebook from a school event on November 19. The images showed that the st... more »

Russian ground and air forces conduct several patrol missions in northern Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 17 hours ago
The Russian military police conducted three patrol missions in Syria’s Aleppo, Raqqa and al-Hasakah governorates, and the air taskforce conducted an aerial patrol missions in northern Syria, Major General Yury Borenkov, chief of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting sides in Syria, told reporters on Friday. “The Russian military police continued patrol missions along […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

The Daily Brief 2019-11-21

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 17 hours ago
This is a summary of 23 AMN articles on the following subjects: Iran, Israel, Houthi, Jemen, Damasco, Siria, Idlib, Lebanon, Trump, Syria, Jerusalem, Palestine, Raqqa, Damascus, Russia, US, Kurds, Hasakah, Assad, Manbij, SAA, Hormuz, Saudi, Yemen, Italy, Libya. Categories covered in this brief: Espanol, Medio-Oriente, Yemen-Es, Siria, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, Middleeast, Iran, World-News, Yemen, North-Africa […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Anthropogenic global warming (AGW) is merely conceptual, not quantifiable

drinkingwateradvisor at The Drinking Water Advisor - 17 hours ago
“According to one of the most frequently referenced papers advancing the position that CO2 concentration changes (and downward longwave radiation perturbations) drive surface temperature changes, Feldman et al. (2015)concluded there was a modest 0.2 W/m² forcing associated with CO2 rising … Continue reading →

Labuschagne shows ruthless streak at number three in dominant Gabba display

Geoff Lemon at Just In - 18 hours ago
Last summer, Marnus Labuschagne resembled a bits-and-pieces Test player — but his ruthless day three display for Australia shows he is growing into a dominant one, writes Geoff Lemon.

These triplets say the secret to living to 90 is happiness, family — and beer

Zalika Rizmal at Just In - 18 hours ago
Thought to be Australia's oldest living triplets, Judy, Barbara and Helen still get on as well today as when they were born 90 years ago. And they say an active, happy life is the secret to their longevity.

'Turn yourself in': Son of elderly man killed during Hong Kong protests urges perpetrators to come forward

Just In - 18 hours ago
Luo, whose 70-year-old father died after a protester hit him in the head with a brick, says he cannot understand who would be ruthless enough to kill an innocent man.

Wellington Phoenix grab first win of season, beating Brisbane Roar

Just In - 18 hours ago
Six matches into the A-League season Wellington Phoenix have their first win, getting the better of the Brisbane Roar at their home ground.

Let Science Students Handle Doubt and Diversity

Hifast at Climate Collections - 18 hours ago
Originally posted on Science Matters: Jerry Ravetz writes at Nature Stop the science training that demands ‘don’t ask’. Jerry Ravetz is an associate fellow at the Institute for Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford, UK.Excerpts In italics with my bolds and images. It’s time to trust students to handle doubt and diversity in science.…

Fabulous lectures in Holland done: Munich conference forced to relocate

Hifast at Climate Collections - 18 hours ago
Originally posted on polarbearscience: My satisfaction over four successful lectures in and around Delft in the Netherlands over the last few days was somewhat soured yesterday by the news that the EIKE conference in Munich scheduled for 22-23 November (my next and last stop on my European tour) was on the verge of collapse because…

The Venice Floods – Blame Climate Change?

Viv at The Carbon Sense Coalition - 18 hours ago
Late on Tuesday, Nov. 12, high tides from the surrounding lagoon surged onto the more than 100 islands that make up Venice, flooding 85% of the city and damaging artwork and many historic sites. The mayor blamed climate change for the flood. Jim Steele wrote an excellent article about the event and climate change. The […]

Montreal’s Permindex and the Deep State Plot to Kill Kennedy

Matthew Ehret at The Duran - 18 hours ago
Now 56 years later, 500 CIA documents remain illegally classified in spite of President Trump’s commitment to make everything public according to the JFK Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 which itself was made possible through the incredible work of Oliver Stone in 1992. More The post Montreal’s Permindex and the Deep State Plot to Kill Kennedy appeared first on The Duran.

Max Blumenthal on How Corporate Media Manufactures Consent for War and Regime Change

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 18 hours ago
The Grayzone Max Blumenthal discusses how corporate media manufactures consent for hybrid warfare and regime-change campaigns, from Russiagate to Libya, Venezuela to Syria. (From the panel “PROPAGANDA: How Propaganda Manufactures Consent,” organized by the Big Apple Coffee Party in New York City on November 19.) end

Alliance Life After ‘Brain Death’: NATO Focuses on Outer Space, Compares Army Spending with Russia

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 18 hours ago
Preparations to attack the Lord Jesus Christ on HIs 2nd Coming! Alliance Life After ‘Brain Death’: NATO Focuses on Outer Space, Compares Army Spending with Russia by https://www.rt.com/ Though most members can barely afford to cough up their required military spending, and with European leaders questioning the venerable alliance, why is NATO Secretary General Jens …

The Sig Sauer 1911: The Best 1911 9mm Gun on the Planet?

Charlie Gao at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Charlie Gao* *Technology, * Or just another 'old' gun? Take a look. As Sig Sauer, Inc. established itself as a truly American company distinct from its German counterpart Sig Sauer, GmbH, one of the first products it rolled out was its take on the 1911, a classic American design. In the light of recent snarky social media commentary by Heckler and Koch as to why they didn’t put out their own version of the 1911, it might be worth examining Sig Sauer 1911. Is it worth it for modern manufacturers to do their own take on the classic American pistol? Partially. Sig Sauer, Inc.’s 19... more »

This Is Why America's Black Friday Sales Are So Chaotic

Jasha Lee at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Jasha Lee* *Society, Americas* Shoppers go crazy for deals. The manic nature of Black Friday has often led shoppers to engage in fistfights and other misbehavior in their desperation to snatch up the last ultra-discounted television, computer or pair of pants. What is it about the day after Thanksgiving, historically one of the busiest shopping days of the year and traditionally the start of the holiday season, that inspires consumers to misbehave? The unique characteristics of Black Friday sales promotions and the frantic retail environment they create, coupled with the shoppe... more »

Worried About Defending Yourself Or Home? Check Out These Great 9mm Pistols

Gun News Daily at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Gun News Daily* *Security, * Worth a look. *Key point: *Shot placement is king. I’ve been a handgun enthusiast for a little over a decade now, and I love everything about handguns. I love older pistol designs and all modern designs the same way. I have my preferences as far as handguns designs, i.e. I like hammer-fired handguns better than striker-fired ones, I like handguns with an all-steel frame better than those with a polymer or an alloy frame, and I like 1911s and SA/DA magnum revolvers far more than I’d ever like any other handgun platform. Likewise for handgun caliber... more »

Five Marine Corps from Around the World that You Don’t Want to Fight

Caleb Larson at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, * Not just the U.S. Marines. America’s most famous Marine, retired Marine Corps General James Mattis, coined the phrase, “no better friend, no worse enemy” to describe the United States Marine Corps. The USMC is world-renowned, but does any other country have a Corps that can compare? A breakdown of the strengths, weaknesses, and the roles of five notable Marine Corps from around the world. *United States* If sheer size were the deciding factor, the USMC would win in a heartbeat. With an end-strength of around 186,000 (FY 2017 numbers), and around 38,0... more »

Globalists Openly Admit To Population Control Agenda - And That's A Bad Sign...

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
I do want you to understand something. It is that it is simple enough to separate the global population into thirds roughly using the guide of economic success. The first third is rising middle class. It is roughly educated and secure in their lifeway. The second third has learned the same things but is still playing catch up. They are still participating in a middle class lifeway. The last third has weakly absorbed the teachings available and is generally happy to work for the middle class without being able to achieve similar ambitions. Now none of this is the best possi... more »

Carbon nanotubes key to next-gen heat shields for hypersonic aircraft

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
This is really promising. We may even be able to carry surface heat away using pumped fluids. suddenly we have way forward to mach ten craft that can really enter the atmosphere and asurvive a rapid deceleration. It also informs that our fabrication skills are also rising as well It appears possible. All this does set the stage for the Bigs able to loft a craft into low Earth orbit and then drop it back anywhere on Earth. Point to point travel will become quick and even cheap. *Carbon nanotubes key to next-gen heat shields for hypersonic aircraft * *By David Szondy* *Nov... more »

Insufferable Pomposity

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
This is not amusing at all. Quite obviously, Madame Secretary spread the lolly around the State Department to ensure lifer loyalties to her agenda. The coin came from our one and only George Soros and that was likely sourced by a true enemy of the USA. Now these fools are been trotted out to provide a smokescreen as much as may be possible. In the process we have winkled out the amazing business conducted by the Bidens both here and in China. Hilary sure had to win in 2016!!. This exercise is disclosing massive questions regarding management at the State Department. It is co... more »

America First means ending Global Poverty

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
This is a subtle teaching, but it is enough to know that an economically inefficient lower tier of the population is naturally brought about by the failure of hierarchy to preserve and protect that lower tier. That inefficiency is expressed as poverty. Most of this is ignorance as it is obvious that if the lowest tier is economically efficient and prospering that all other levels will be doing just dandy. It literally cannot be helped. The giant problem we have in the developed world has been the unnatural detachment of land value from the cost of housing. This has driven wag... more »

Making Sense of Bolivia’s Discontent

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
Unpacking the many political and policy contradictions in Bolivia over the past decade.

Hero dog-lover rescues pups across Mexico in a pushcart

White Wolf at White Wolf - 19 hours ago
Edgardo Perros is walking the entire perimeter of Mexico while pushing a trolley with dogs and helps those in need along the way. “No one helps dogs living homeless on the roads. This is where I saw their pain,” said 49-year-old Edgardo Edgardo Zuñiga Juarez, also known as Edgardo Perros, is Mexico’s benevolent pied piper of pooches. For the past six years, Edgardo, dubbed the “Savior of Dogs,” has traveled across his country with a bevy of canines he’s nursed back to health from hunger, injury and illness — all on a makeshift buggy. He told photographer Stuart Williams that he’s r... more »

Health Care Dysfunction Makes It to the Presidential Debate

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
A damning compendium of what ails the US health care industry.

Rio Deploys 265 Municipal Guards for Broadcast of Libertadores Cup Final Tonight

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 19 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Municipal Guard of Rio de Janeiro has set up a special patrolling and traffic control system with 265 municipal guards, to support events broadcasting live the final match of the Libertadores Cup of America, between Flamengo and River Plate, being played in Lima, Peru. The match will be broadcast […] The post Rio Deploys 265 Municipal Guards for Broadcast of Libertadores Cup Final Tonight appeared first on The Rio Times.

Murder Investigation for Chilean Victim Reporting on Violence Against Women

Juan Martinez at The Rio Times - 19 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chilean photographer Albertina Martínez Burgos was found lifeless on Thursday morning in her apartment in downtown Santiago. Several blood traces were found in different places in Albertina's apartment, and her body also exhibited injuries, which is why the prosecutor's office is working on the suspicion of murder. A feminist, the […] The post Murder Investigation for Chilean Victim Reporting on Violence Against Women appeared first on The Rio Times.

"Weekly Fukushima Update 11/23/19: 20,543.25 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”* - Shiva ◆ *Updated Nov. 23, 2019: Fukushima Equals 20,543.25 Hiroshima Bombs Today, More Tomorrow; There is No Place On Earth to Escape the Rad: *The 3 melted-through cores of the destroyed reactors, now melted together into a single "corium" totaling over *600 tons*, at Fukushima *daily* release the radioactive equivalent of 6.45 Hiroshima bombs directly into the atmosphere and the Pacific Ocean. As of Nov. 16, 2019 - 3,185 days since the disaster began - this equals the detonation of *20,543.25 *Hiroshima atomic bombs and it is s... more »

Protecting Earth's Environment For A Mars Sample Return - Has NASA Started The Legal Process Yet?

Robert Walker at Science 2.0 blogs - 19 hours ago
This is the latest of several articles I've done about NASA / ESA’s plan to return a sample from Mars. I ask people to comment on my articles and ask my friends if they know of anything NASA or ESA are doing to prepare the environmental legislation for a sample return. So far nobody I talk to has come up with anything. Based on a study by Margaret Race of the SETI institute, they would seem to have left it too late, by a decade or two, to complete preparations before a 2032 sample return. read more

The Best Question Time Ever?

Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 19 hours ago
Is it really a scoop for Jeremy Corbyn to admit that he would remain neutral in the event of a second EU referendum? It has been bordering on the explicit in Labour's stance for some time, but ever keen for headlines I suppose breaking this "news" was something of a feather in the *Question Time* cap. More significant, most would agree, was how last night's episode was the best we've seen in years. At least since Corbyn last appeared with Theresa May shortly before the last election. On the performance of the leaders themselves, of the four Nicola Sturgeon got the easiest ride of t... more »

THE Climate Control Knob

Jamie Spry at Climatism - 20 hours ago
“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.“ – Timothy Wirth Fmr President of the UN Foundation *** OVER the past month a staggering 8,742 cold temperature records were set in the United States. […]


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago
BBC’s head of Westminster was supposed to come on @newswatchbbc today but isn’t. We hope to see a senior bbc boss in the next fortnight. In meantime we are looking at PrinceAndrew, future of Newsround & presence of Nigel Farage. 745pm Newsch/BBC1 745am Sat https://t.co/QD9XvN8JwU — Samira Ahmed (@SamiraAhmedUK) November 22, 2019 It's always tricky when a BBC presenter, off camera, has repeatedly expressed a particular viewpoint but then, in their role as an impartial BBC presenter, repeatedly finds herself reading out other people's expression of that very same viewpoint. Take ... more »

Ruger's Precision Rifle: The Best of the Best or a Total Failure?

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Technology, * Impressive in terms of quality and affordability. *Key point: *Paired with an optic and match ammunition, the Ruger Precision Rifle is difficult to beat. In the precision shooting world, quality and affordability rarely go hand in hand. The pursuit of accuracy means precision rifles can often cost in the thousands of dollars. One of America’s most prolific gun makers with a reputation for both quality and affordability has released a rifle that manages to combine both, shattering the entry cost for the precision rifle world. Traditionally, the bar... more »

The U.S. Navy Has A Stealth Destroyers, But No Real 'Battleships'

James Holmes at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, * Here's why. *Key point: *It’s a heavy hitter whose reach is woefully short. Over the years it’s become commonplace for writers to sex up their descriptions of guided-missile destroyer (DDG) *Zumwalt*, the U.S. Navy’s newest surface combatant. Commentators of such leanings depict the ultra-high-tech DDG-1000 as a battleship. Better yet, it’s a “stealth battleship”—a fit subject for sci-fi! Not so. And getting the nomenclature right matters: calling a man-of-war a battleship conjures up images in the popular mind of thickly armored dreadnoughts bristli... more »

These 5 Weapons Make America's Army The Best In The World

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * The U.S. Army can bring an unprecedented amount of firepower onto any battlefield in the world. *Key point: *Decades of fighting have created a resilient and first-rate force. When it comes to lethal weapons, the U.S. Army has no shortage. Some may be too expensive, some too complex and others may be desired by politicians and defense contractors, but not the troops on the field. Nonetheless, today's U.S. Army can generate an astonishing amount of firepower and deliver it in a variety of settings from small-war counterinsurgency to big-war mechanized... more »

I Left England Because of Socialized Medicine. My Life Depended on It.

James Schmitz at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*James Schmitz* *Politics, Americas* Here's the story. Imagine strapping your infant child into a car seat, only to see his body suddenly jerk forward or backward, arms and legs stiffening, and eyes rolling back in the head. Alarm quickly turns to panic, which turns to frantic weaving through traffic to get to the hospital. Within minutes of arriving, the child is rushed in for treatment with a team of neurologists by the bedside carefully taking notes. That child was me. My parents sat in shock, with tears streaming down their faces as my fate was unknown. I was quickly whisk... more »

Stealth Shocker: Did Hitler's Nazi Germany Really Have Its Own Stealth Fighter?

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* A pioneer for future stealth technology. *Key point: *The Ho 229 might have been a formidable adversary over the skies of World War II, but in truth the plane was far from ready for mass production by the war’s end. Northrop Grumman revealed this year it is developing a second flying wing stealth bomber, the B-21 Raider, to succeed its B-2 Spirit. However, it was a pair of German brothers in the service of Nazi Germany that developed the first jet-powered flying wing—which has been dubbed, debatably, “Hitler’s stealth fighter.” But maximizin... more »

Why Does Taiwan Need M-1 Abrams Tanks?

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Asia* Is this just a total waste of money or a powerful weapon to stop China if they invade? Why does Taiwan need M-1 Abrams tanks? The U.S. State Department has approved a Taiwanese request to buy 108 M-1A2T Abrams tanks. The U.S. Congress still has to approve the $2 billion sale, which includes fourteen M88A2 Hercules tank recovery vehicles, and several thousand rounds of 120-millimeter shells of various types. “The proposed sale of this equipment and support will not alter the basic military balance in the region,” stated the State Department’s Defen... more »

Gaudy “Flamingos” Return to Florianópolis Mangroves after 200 Years

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 20 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A large group of the birds was seen this week near the Manguezal do Itacorubi. There are also sightings of them in Saco dos Limões, Daniela, Carijós Ecological Station, and the Pirajubaé Reserve. The Scarlet Ibis returned to Florianópolis after conservation work in the mangroves of the capital. The areas […] The post Gaudy “Flamingos” Return to Florianópolis Mangroves after 200 Years appeared first on The Rio Times.

Rio Records Four Femicides in Forty-eight Hours

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 20 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The last one was in Belford Roxo, in the Baixada Fluminense, on Thursday night. Adriana Valéria, 33, was reportedly murdered by her boyfriend Lucas Lemos on her birthday. The victim's relatives left the Baixada Fluminense Homicide Police Station (DHBF) in the late morning of Friday escorted by police officers who, […] The post Rio Records Four Femicides in Forty-eight Hours appeared first on The Rio Times.

Deforestation in Brazil’s Protected Areas Rises 84 Percent

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 20 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Deforestation of the Amazon in protected areas (federal and state conservation units) and in indigenous lands, where logging is forbidden by law, was higher than the average recorded in the entire biome last year. If only the federal UCs (federal conservation units) were to be considered, inspected by the Chico […] The post Deforestation in Brazil’s Protected Areas Rises 84 Percent appeared first on The Rio Times.

99Food Will Compete With iFood and Uber Eats in Brazil

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 20 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In addition to its transport App, 99 will launch a delivery service and compete with platforms such as iFood, Uber Eats, and Rappi. 99Food, as it was named, has a website to accept the pre-registration of restaurants and deliverers, but it has not yet set a date to start its […] The post 99Food Will Compete With iFood and Uber Eats in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times.

Bolivian Interim Government Accuses Evo Morales of Terrorism

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 20 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Friday, the Bolivian interim government lodged a complaint with the Public Prosecutor's Office against former President Evo Morales for sedition (rebellion) and terrorism, due to an alleged call by the indigenous leader - exiled to Mexico - to besiege La Paz with blockades. The audio recording, in which the […] The post Bolivian Interim Government Accuses Evo Morales of Terrorism appeared first on The Rio Times.


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago
I did like the pause before the final punchline in Iain Watson's report for Radio 4's *Today *this morning. Great comic timing! It's not clear if last night's lively grilling of major politicians will shift the dial in this election but it's certainly marked a shift in Jeremy Corbyn's position on Brexit. His followers will say he's risen above the fray, his critics that he's become more decisive...*(pause)*...about sitting on the fence.

Baron Cohen attacks Facebook's policy on political advertising with Hitler comparison

Just In - 20 hours ago
British comedian Sacha Baron Cohen launches an attack on Facebook's stance on political advertising, suggesting they would have allowed Adolf Hitler to advertise if the social media platform had existed in the 1930s.

Sisters, aged one and two, found dead in car at Qld home 'exposed to extreme heat'

Just In - 20 hours ago
Queensland police are investigating the deaths of two young sisters, aged one and two, who were found unresponsive inside a "hot" car at Waterford West, south of Brisbane.

Adelaide hospital clinical trial to target and kill cancer cells brings hope to cancer patients

Casey Briggs And Camron Slessor at Just In - 20 hours ago
Adelaide doctors believe they have made a major breakthrough in cancer treatment, and will conduct clinical trials of a new technology to find, and hopefully destroy, cancer cells.

Aussies storming towards victory after Labuschagne bats Pakistan into submission

Jon Healy And Dean Bilton at Just In - 20 hours ago
Pakistan has a mountain to climb to avoid an innings defeat in the first Test, after a day three dominated by Marnus Labuschagne's batting brilliance and a late burst by the Aussie bowlers.

Pestering the public

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago
Following our discussion the other day about vox pops on the BBC, here's Michael Deacon of the *Daily Telegraph* having a pop at them too - and rather amusingly: Earlier this year, I wrote a column about the increasing use of vox pops in TV news bulletins. During the current election campaign, however, the bulletins seem to be stuffed with even more vox pops than ever. But why do we think this is? Once again, we took to the streets to find out. “I think vox pops are brilliant,” said Tristram Fatuous, 33, a TV news producer from London. “All right, so they’re almost without excep... more »

Down south

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 20 hours ago
Well, it's probably warmer than Morecambe at the moment: About to broadcast live from Antarctica as start of special series on climate change @BBCr4today @BAS_News pic.twitter.com/bGaw407oA6 — Martha Kearney (@Marthakearney) November 23, 2019

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