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23 December - Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

10:12 pm MST

Proud, Strong, Resilient - A Poem by M.N. Hopkins

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago
*You might be broken* *But not yet beyond repair* *Proud, strong, resilient * *© **2019 M.N. Hopkins* *Note: This was inspired after inspired by the story of a young woman kidnapped along with two others and the only one to survive a demonic figure. She was the one with a rough life of loss and being abused by her uncle who adopted her after the death of her father. She was broken in a way but strong in her resolve to survive. I also viewed a video which I posted under that fits the theme of the poem. I wrote this over the weekend and published it in the haiku sty... more »

‘Brazil is our favorite story,’ Says Bank of America Executive

Richard Mann at The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Although the country will not be the one to grow the most, it will be one of the few to show an acceleration compared to 2019, which makes this "story" more interesting, according to Claudio Irigoyen, Bank of America's chief economic officer for Latin America. Irigoyen, a graduate of the […] The post ‘Brazil is our favorite story,’ Says Bank of America Executive appeared first on The Rio Times.

India's geopolitical blunder will lead to economic woes

bilaterals.org - 21 hours ago
23-Dec-2019 For New Delhi, though, RCEP is first and foremost an economic deal that could hurt its more vulnerable industries and lead to near-term pain.

Update Dec. 2019 Yes PM Pokes Fun at Climatism

Hifast at Climate Collections - 21 hours ago
Originally posted on Science Matters: GWPF published today a letter from the late Sir Antony Jay, co-creator of Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minster, attacking the BBC for its blatant bias on climate change 8 years ago. It seems timely to repost the final episode from the last season addressing the topic of global warming/climate…

Ice sheet melting: estimates still uncertain, experts warn

Hifast at Climate Collections - 21 hours ago
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Rinks Glacier, West Greenland[image credit: NSIDC] Estimates are always uncertain to some degree – that’s why they’re called estimates. So an uncertain estimate can’t be all that useful. They admit ‘there are still key deficiencies in the models’ — but these are usually ignored when alarmist climate predictions are…

Ninety-five Percent of Brazilian air Passengers Unaware of Their Rights

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - With the New Year approaching, many Brazilians need to travel to make the most of their holidays and rest days, but delays and cancellations of packed flights and airports can turn a good trip into a stressful experience. As shown in a study commissioned by AirHelp from YouGov, a British […] The post Ninety-five Percent of Brazilian air Passengers Unaware of Their Rights appeared first on The Rio Times.

Four Dead and one Police Officer Wounded in Operation in North Zone of Rio

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A State Police (PM) operation on Saturday, December 21st, in the community of Urubu, in the north zone of Rio de Janeiro, resulted in four deaths and one state police officer injured by shrapnel from a grenade. The public security officer was assisted at the Salgado Filho Municipal Hospital and […] The post Four Dead and one Police Officer Wounded in Operation in North Zone of Rio appeared first on The Rio Times.

Bira, Bass Player in Jô Soares’ Show, Dies in São Paulo Hospital

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 21 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The musician Bira, bass player of the Jô Soares Show, died on Sunday morning, December 22nd, at the age of 85, in São Paulo. The information has been confirmed by relatives. He had been hospitalized since last Friday, December 20th, at Sancta Maggiore Hospital, in Mooca, East Zone of the […] The post Bira, Bass Player in Jô Soares’ Show, Dies in São Paulo Hospital appeared first on The Rio Times.

"Sources of Inspiration to Survive the Coming Bad Times"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago
*"Sources of Inspiration to Survive the Coming Bad Times"* by Fabius Maximus *"Summary:* America’s social cohesion is fracturing. Social conflicts are heating up. Some predict a civil war. If we are to survive this, even win, we need to become tougher. Here are a few sources of inspiration to help us make the coming hard decisions. “A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous.” Words from one who knows about these thing... more »

Pete Buttigieg’s Odd Time at McKinsey

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 21 hours ago
The more you look at what Buttigieg has said about his time at McKinsey, the more questions it raises.

The US Navy Is Buying Equipment That Makes It Easier For Female Pilots (And Male Pilots) To Pee

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
Navy Cmdr. Leslie Mintz, executive officer of the "Blacklions" of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 213, climbs into an F/A-18F Super Hornet at Naval Air Station Oceana, February 8, 2019. US Navy/MCS 3rd Class Mark Thomas Mahmod *Business Insider/Military.com:* *The Navy is buying equipment that makes it easier for female pilots to pee* * Physiology and flight suits originally designed for male aviators make it hard for female pilots to relieve themselves during missions. * But the Navy is working on an initiative to introduce a more practical way for both women and men to urinate in f... more »

Armenian Church Commemorates Assyrian King, the First to Believe in Christ

According to the tradition St. Abgar was the first Christian king of the 1st century, the son of the Parthian king Arshakunie Arsham. He was also called "senior man" as he was the wisest of all and of genius.

Reclaiming the Christmas Kileche

The Assyrian pastry called kiliche.That moment in the earth's celestial orbit fast approaches whereby a family meeting is called at Casa della Kalimniou.

The Assyrians, the Jews and the Iraqi Protests

Since protests broke out in Iraq in October, at least four hundred protesters have been killed and thousands injured by Iraqi security forces. In the midst Iraq's demonstrations, which are among the largest and bloodiest protests in modern history, we must remember one of the oldest communities of Iraq that no longer live there: Iraqi Jews.

Our world view of 2019’s Top 10 food safety stories

Dan Flynn at Food Safety News - 22 hours ago
Commentary Editor’s note: Today, Food Safety News looks back at the Top 10 most important food safety news events for 2019. We’ve shared our annual rankings with our readers for the past decade. As in the past, our Top 10 list for 2019 is not merely a list of individual stories by individual writers. Multiple... Continue Reading

Warning letters sent to two seafood processing facilities and cheese manufacturing facility

News Desk at Food Safety News - 22 hours ago
As part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading

Australian agencies’ post advice to help prevent food poisoning

News Desk at Food Safety News - 22 hours ago
Public health agencies in Australia have issued advice to help people avoid food poisoning this holiday season. The country is in it’s summer months now and has also been affected by bushfires and record high temperatures of 41.9 degrees C (107.4 degrees F) this past week. In New South Wales (NSW), 168 Salmonella infections have... Continue Reading

Playing his joker

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
As discussed on the open thread, Lord Hall, DG of the BBC, has played the 'complaints from both sides' card in his piece for the *Daily Telegraph*: Around 27m people in the UK came to the BBC website to find out about the election results. It was a reminder of the trust people place in the BBC. Yes of course we faced some criticism for our election coverage. That is to be expected as the national broadcaster. Where we can and need to improve we will. But the fact criticism came from all sides of the political divide shows to me that we were doing our job without fear or favour. As ... more »

"Everything Is Awesome! 12/22/19"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
• A Funny Thing Happened As The Fed Cut Rates: Credit Card Rates Hit All Time Highs • The Fed Has Repeated The Mistake Of 1998 Which Ended With The Dot Com Bubble • "Why does the stock market keep going up when earnings growth is negative? 'It’s the liquidity, stupid'.” • The Fed’s repeated the ‘mistake’ of every economic correction/crisis since it was created. The Fed is a fraud. • The evidence increasingly suggests that the Federal Reserve, desperate to fix a leak in the hull, is lighting the whole ship on fire in the process by blowing a historic asset bubble, setting up mark... more »

"Is It Worth It?"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 22 hours ago
"A man who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself." - John Stuart Mill "Will they attack us? Yes. Will they smear our backgrounds and distort our records? Undoubtedly. Will they lie about us, harass our families, name-call to try to intimidate us? They will. There's nothing safe about it. But is it worth it? Well, let me ask you. Is freedom worth it? Is America worth it?" - Christine O'Donn... more »

Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Sunday 22nd December 2019 – Plus Weekly Update

TonyfromOz at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]

For The NY Times’ Nicholas Kristof, ‘Tis The Season For Redefining Christianity

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By Clay Waters ~ New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof continued his peculiar tradition of devoting columns approaching religious holidays to asking various religious figures if one really had to believe in the Virgin Birth or the Resurrection to be considered a Christian. The latest entry came Sunday, three days before Christmas. He spoke to […]

CO2 Has Its Benefits

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By Dr. Jay Lehr ~ Most plants grow 1) much faster, 2) healthier, 3) stronger, 4) use water more efficiently, 5) grow much more efficiently in higher altitudes and drier locations, 6) handle heat better, 7) handle all types of stresses better, and 8) are often more pest resistant – with more C02 in the […]

Accused religious fraudster ripped $2.6m off worshipper and blew it at casino, police say

Briana Shepherd at Just In - 22 hours ago
A man and his wife are cheated out of their $2.6 million life savings after lending the money to a fellow worshipper at their religious congregation, who police say then blew the money on gambling.

Massive fire affects farmers near Sydney

David Claughton And Cara Jeffery at Just In - 22 hours ago
Farmers in the Blue Mountains struggle to deal with the impacts of fires on the weekend.

Multiple weapons and 30 people involved in Melbourne brawl that killed Aguer Akec

Just In - 22 hours ago
Police urge residents in St Albans to check their properties for steel rods, knives, fence palings and golf clubs and stay on the lookout for a Holden Commodore that was likely the catalyst for a fatal fight between two groups over the weekend.

'The whole sky went black and the sun went out': Bushfire caused havoc in the village of Bell

Sarah Hawke at Just In - 22 hours ago
Richard Hall has lived through numerous bushfires over 30 years but says the one that decimated the small NSW village of Bell is the worst he has ever seen.

Ampol to return to Australia after two decades as Caltex forced to rebrand

Sue Lannin at Just In - 22 hours ago
Caltex Australia plans to rebrand its service station network and corporate name to Ampol within the next three years after US oil giant Chevron terminates permission for it to use the 'Caltex' name.

Indigenous man in viral 'Karen' video urges supporters not to single out his abusers

Just In - 22 hours ago
An Aboriginal man who was subjected to a racist tirade has urged a hundreds-strong crowd not to target his neighbours, saying their behaviour is a symptom of the environment they grew up in.

Cotton On launches investigation into supplier linked to Tesco 'prison labour' Christmas card

Michael Walsh at Just In - 22 hours ago
After a plea for help from a purported "foreign prisoner" in China is discovered inside a Christmas card sold at a Tesco in the UK, Australia's Cotton On Group launches an investigation into the same supplier.

Pharma giant hit by fine for misleading local doctors over opioid drug

Alison Branley at Just In - 22 hours ago
Mundipharma is slapped with a $302,400 fine by the Therapeutic Goods Administration for a series of advertisements deemed "misleading, imbalanced and otherwise inaccurate".

'He actually loved his Black Petes': Dutch in NSW double down on contentious Christmas tradition

Sarah Moss at Just In - 22 hours ago
A Dutch community group in Illawarra refuses to retire a controversial Christmas character, despite most cities in the Netherlands phasing it out or banning it entirely.

Curator will continue to push boundaries with MCG pitch

Just In - 22 hours ago
Despite seeing a recent Sheffield Shield game abandoned over a dangerous pitch, the MCG staff still hope to provide an "exciting" pitch on Boxing Day.

How Old Will You Be When You Get to Heaven?

Margaret Morganroth Gullette at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Margaret Morganroth Gullette* *Religion, Americas* [image: Reuters] Our cult of youth continues into the afterlife. Many religious faiths propose different versions of heaven as a location: There are walled gardens with streams, flowers, pleasing scents, pretty angels, rapturous music or delicious accessible food. But what about us – the once-mortal – who will go on to inhabit the heavenly real estate? What form will our bodies take? Not all religions posit bodily resurrection. But those that do tend to depict them as young. As the author of prize-winning books on age and cultur... more »

This Is How Humans Came To Dominate The World's Earliest Species (And Overcame Extinction)

Nick Longrich at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Nick Longrich* *History, Europe* Luck or something more? Nine human species walked the Earth 300,000 years ago. Now there is just one. The Neanderthals, *Homo neanderthalensis*, were stocky hunters adapted to Europe’s cold steppes. The related Denisovans inhabited Asia, while the more primitive *Homo erectus* lived in Indonesia, and *Homo rhodesiensis* in central Africa. Several short, small-brained species survived alongside them: *Homo naledi* in South Africa, *Homo luzonensis* in the Philippines, *Homo floresiensis* (“hobbits”) in Indonesia, and the mysterious Red Deer Cave ... more »

Dementia Can't Be Cured, But This Trick Will Help You Avoid It

Jennifer J Heisz at The National Interest - 22 hours ago
*Jennifer J Heisz* *Health, Americas* Exercise is good for more than just your body. *Key point: *Exercise protects our memories from being erased and our latest research shows that it is never too late to start. For the first time in human history, older people outnumber younger people. This has created unique health challenges. Dementia may be one of the scariest — a debilitating condition that erases memories; a condition without a cure. But dementia does not have to be your fate. Exercise protects our memories from being erased and our latest research shows that it is never ... more »

The Commander Of China's Newest Aircraft Carrier Is English Speaking And Has A Major In Missiles

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
Lai Yijun is the captain of the Chinese aircraft carrier Shandong. Photo: Handout *SCMP:* *The English-speaking commander of China’s newest aircraft carrier the Shandong* * Lai Yijun has a major in missiles and a reputation for stepping up when it counts * English is an important requirement as the PLA Navy strives to be considered an international force The captain of China’s newly commissioned aircraft carrier first made his international mark more than a decade ago. Lai Yijun stepped in to take command of the guided-missile frigate Lianyungang during a multilateral live-fire... more »

Medical Opinion, Torture and Julian Assange

Binoy KAMPMARK at OrientalReview.org - 23 hours ago
On November 27 this year, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, delivered an address to the German Bundestag outlining his approach to understanding the mental health of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. These comprised two parts, the initial stage covering his diplomatic asylum in the Ecuadorean embassy, the second dealing […]

Quote(s) of the Day for Hanukkah

vonMesser at 'Nox & Friends - 23 hours ago
1 “The darkness of the whole world cannot swallow the glowing of a candle.” – Robert Altinger 2. “We light candles in testament that faith makes miracles possible.” — Nachum Braverman 3. “Hanukkah is about the spark of the divine in all of us made in God’s image.” — Suzanne Fields

December 23rd – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1068

sundance at The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →

Monday December 23rd – Open Thread

sundance at The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
Marines fire at targets during a mock platoon-supported attack as part of Exercise Bougainville II at Pōhakuloa Training Area, Hawaii, May 9, 2019. Marine Corps Cpl. Brendan Custer *WNU Editor*: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... *11 striking photos from 2019 show the US military in action around the world* (Business Insider).

BLACKOUT: Mainstream Media Ignore FISA Court Slamming FBI Over Trump-Related Surveillance Applications

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
BLACKOUT: Mainstream Media Ignore FISA Court Slamming FBI Over Trump-Related Surveillance Applications by Eric A. Blair, https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/ The chief judge of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) blasted the FBI on Tuesday, slamming the bureau’s handling of surveillance applications against former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. – In a scathing four-page public order, presiding judge …

Leaked Information on Trump’s No-Peace/Deal of the Century

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Leaked Information on Trump’s No-Peace/Deal of the Century by Stephen Lendman, https://www.globalresearch.ca/ Information on what may be in Trump’s no-peace/peace plan was leaked before — its accuracy unknown unless and until a plan is released. – It hardly matters. It was dead before arrival. Trump’s one-sided support for Israel is more extreme than any of …

Hong Kong Police Arrest 4 Alleged Financiers Of The Protest Movement

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
CIA Color Revolution! CIA: “We will destabilize China. Put in our puppet politicians, government, destroy China … institute laws favorable to our Opium, Cannabis … Drugs business … push LGBTQ moral corruption …. heheh …” – Hong Kong Police Arrest 4 Alleged Financiers Of The Protest Movement by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ On Thursday, police in …

US Mainstream Media Worse Liars than Trump: Expert

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
US Mainstream Media Worse Liars than Trump: Expert by Kevin Barrett, https://www.presstv.com/ US media organizations that accuse President Donald Trump of making thousands of false or misleading claims since entering office are guilty of the same offense, and in many cases are worse offenders, an American scholar says. – “The very mainstream media that is …

Fed Doubled Bailouts Again Dec. 13 in Out-of-Control Crisis — Trump Being Set Up for Crash

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Fed Doubled Bailouts Again Dec. 13 in Out-of-Control Crisis — Trump Being Set Up for Crash by https://larouchepac.com/ Monday morning a series of bank economists, beginning at Bank of America, proclaimed that the Federal Reserve has finally, after three months, brought the interbank lending liquidity crisis under control, and there will be “no crisis” and …


mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Reluctant Preppers Behind all the fake news, what’s REALLY going in our financial world that will impact the future of our families? If you just ignore their words and follow the money – watch what they DO, and not what they say – a grave picture of reality emerges. Renowned proprietary analyst Rob Kirby returns …

Ron Paul: Lying About Inflation Won’t Make It Go Away

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
RonPaulLibertyReport Politicians are notorious for being professional liars. They lie about wars, the economy, about other politicians, foreign leaders, following the Constitution. Would it be a stretch for them to lie about inflation too? end

JP Morgan Gold and Silver Manipulation Case: Class Action Suit Update

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Arcadia Economics #JPMorgan #Gold and #Silver Manipulation Case: Class Action Suit Update With the Department of Justice labeling JP Morgan a “Criminal Enterprise” while charging it with the RICO Act, many who suffered losses in the gold and silver markets due to the bank’s illegal activity are wondering if there are options to for compensation. …

Jim Rickards on the Ultimate 2020 Forecast

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Kitco NEWS Next year’s macroeconomic growth forecast will not be strong, but as long as the Federal Reserve remains accommodative, equities can remain high, this according to best-selling author Jim Rickards. “[Some analysts] give recession almost a 0% chance in the next six months, and I agree with that, probably not even more than a …

Funding Of U.S. Deficits By Monetary Creation Reaches 90% In Late 2019 (Last 12 Weeks)

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
WallStForMainSt New Daniel Amerman article is out and it is very interesting! According to Amerman’s analysis, for the last 12 weeks there has been a stunning correlation between the total weekly funding of deficits by the Federal Reserve and the weekly deficit spending by the United States government. – Funding Of U.S. Deficits By Monetary …

Mid-East Plan: Masonic Quest for Solomon’s Temple 2.0?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Mid-East Plan: Masonic Quest for Solomon’s Temple 2.0? by https://www.trunews.com/ Today on TruNews we detail the ancient alliance between Freemasonry and Talmudic Judaism and how the goal to create a Greater Israel converges with the agenda of masons and evangelical Zionists to rebuild King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. We also share leaked excerpts from what …

Trump Claims ‘Breakthrough’ in Trade Talks with China, Deal to be Struck ‘Very Shortly’

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Trump Claims ‘Breakthrough’ in Trade Talks with China, Deal to be Struck ‘Very Shortly’ by https://www.rt.com/ US President Donald Trump has said that Beijing and Washington, which are locked in a bitter trade dispute, will be inking a trade deal “very shortly,” claiming a breakthrough has been achieved in the recent talks. – Trump was …

China Faces “Systemic Risk” From Debt Cross-Default “Chain Reaction”, Top Central Bank Advisor Warns

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
China Faces “Systemic Risk” From Debt Cross-Default “Chain Reaction”, Top Central Bank Advisor Warns by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Just days after China’s “moment of reckoning” in the dollar bond market arrived, when China was rocked by not only the biggest dollar bond default in two decades but also the first default by a massive state-owned …

Muslim States May Switch to Gold to Tackle Any Sanctions

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
RT Iran, Malaysia, Turkey and Qatar are looking into using gold and barter for trade to shield themselves from any future punitive economic measures, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad has announced. The idea was voiced as the leaders of many Islamic nations gathered for a four-day Islamic summit in Kuala Lumpur, which was boycotted by …

SILVER ALERT!! Takedown of 2 More JP Morgan Silver Traders in Asia!! (Bix Weir)

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
RoadtoRoota Singapore authorities are now closing in on 2 more JP Morgan silver traders which makes this a GLOBAL TAKEDOWN of the World’s largest, most systemic and criminal banking operation in history…JP MORGAN!!! end

Bank Runs to China Gold Nationalization? | Nothing New Under Fiat Decree

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
SD Bullion Chinese Bank Runs are nothing new. China Gold Silver Nationalizations are as old as the fiat currency gimmick they invented. — Young Chinese may not know China Bank Run to their Gold Silver Nationalization/Outlaw history. DYK fiat currency Khan inventors also outlawed Precious Metals for a +100 year volatile reign? 2019 Chinese Bank …

Trends in Alternative Sexuality

TNA Video at rss - 23 hours ago
[image: trends-in-alternative-sexuality] VIDEO - In this interview, Alex Newman speaks with Dr. Paul Cameron, leader of Family Research Institute in Colorado Springs. Dr. Cameron is a leading authority on the LGBTQ movement, having begun his battle in 1980 against the Kinsey Institute and the push for “gay clubs” in public schools. In this interview, he shares current statistics on homosexuality in schools and how it’s changed over time.

The Success of The John Birch Society in 2019

TNA Video at rss - 23 hours ago
[image: the-success-of-the-john-birch-society-in-2019] VIDEO - Duke Pesta talks with JBS Chief Strategy Officer Bill Hahn about the impact of the JBS in 2019 in regards to the fight against the call for a Constitutional Convention Bill covers JBS's success in stopping and rescinding applications for a ConCon, and also explains what arguments Constitutional conservatives should be leery of.

Sheriffs Protecting the Second Amendment

TNA Video at rss - 23 hours ago
[image: sheriffs-protecting-the-second-amendment] VIDEO - At the Red Pill Expo, Alex Newman interviews Richard Mack, former Sheriff of Graham County, Arizona. Richard has been working tirelessly to educate sheriffs and support those who stand against gun control.

5G is it SAFE?

TNA Video at rss - 23 hours ago
[image: 5g-is-it-safe] VIDEO - At the Red Pill Expo, Alex Newman interviews Commissioner Randy Pinocci of the Montana Public Service Commission about the safety concerns of 5G transmitting.

Tweets For Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
VIDEO: Hong Kong riot police break up a solidarity rally for China's Uighurs -- with one officer drawing a pistol -- as the city's pro-democracy movement liken their plight to that of the oppressed Muslim minority pic.twitter.com/LBbKiEgUey — AFP news agency (@AFP) December 23, 2019 Honduras prison crisis: Inmates killed in fresh violence https://t.co/4Kvdu5HgrL — BBC News (World) (@BBCWorld) December 23, 2019 China's Xi to meet Japan, South Korea leaders as North Korea tensions rise https://t.co/fu3gjyT6N8 pic.twitter.com/83KFExHCFZ — Reuters (@Reuters) December 23, 2019 Vi... more »

Solar Update December 2019

Russ Steele at The Next Grand Minimum - 1 day ago
Reblogged from Watts Up With That Guest Blogger / December 22, 2019 David Archibald We are well into the Solar Cycle 24/25 minimum but 24 may not have ended yet. A solar cycle isn’t over until the heliospheric current sheet… Continue reading →

Russia's Tanks In Syria Were Not Invulnerable To Missile Attacks

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*National Interest:* *Russia's Tank Forces Got A Really Rude Awakening In Syria* *Maybe the T-90 should have stayed out of the desert.* *Key point:* TOW missiles used by Syrian rebels blew holes through Russia's armored tanks. The interconnected conflicts raging across the Middle East today have amounted to a dreadful human catastrophe with spiraling global consequence. One of their lesser effects has been to deflate the reputations of Western main battle tanks mistakenly thought to be night-invulnerable in the popular imagination. Iraqi M1 Abrams tanks not only failed to preven... more »

Now That Rep. Matt Shea Been Expelled From The Washington State GOP Caucus For Domestic Terrorism, Perhaps Trump Can Appoint Him To A Judgeship

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
No one in the Spokane area was surprised to read last week that one of their state legislators is a dangerous fascist freak who wants to overthrown the government. *DWT* has been covering Matt Shea for years, though mostly noting that if you were to sctach the surface of most Republicans these days, Matt Shea is what you would find. He's certainly not very different from congressional sociopaths like Matt Gaetz, Gym Jordan, Devin Nunes, Liz Cheney, Clay Higgins, John Ratcliffe, Debbie Lesko, Steve Scalise, Steve King... Officially exposed by the state legislature as a domestic t... more »

Has The U.S. Government Massively Deceived The Public About Afghanistan?

Francis Menton at Manhattan Contrarian - 1 day ago
* The Washington Post has gotten big play the past couple of weeks for a huge six-part series of articles about the Afghanistan war, all bearing the date of December 9. The overall title is “THE AFGHANISTAN PAPERS: A secret history of the war.” * You can get the sense of the main point of the series from the headline of the first installment, “At War With The Truth: U.S. officials constantly said they were making progress. They were not, and they knew it, an exclusive Post investigation found.” * It’s certainly a thesis with surface plausibility, given constant government deception ... more »

"Wise People Have Rules For Themselves"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The rules may be stupid, irritating and arbitrary, but God help you if you break them." *"Wise People Have Rules For Themselves"* by David Cain "Every time I post a new behavioral experiment, or share a personal resolution of some kind, I get a few emails telling me not to be so strict with myself. They always say something like “It’s not good to be so hard on yourself!” or “We shouldn’t be forcing ourselves to do things!” This is a common thing to hear in our improvement-focused culture. I used to think it was a reasonable caution, but now I think it’s generally bad advice. It se... more »

"How the Republic Ends"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"How the Republic Ends"* by Bill Bonner YOUGHAL, IRELAND – “The real question is whether the new dictatorship is one of the right or the left. I think the left is the bigger danger.” A friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, had asked us to imagine what would happen if there were a disputed result in the next presidential election. Could the American Republic survive? *Fictional Republic: *Here at the Diary, we think the American Republic is already largely a fiction. Congress blabs. The president distracts. The Deep State rules. But our friend was talking about a more serious br... more »

"You See..."

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"You see, the thing about the truth is that it's consistent. It doesn't have to be altered and manipulated in the face of every new piece of information because all the new information simply adds to the content, strength and credibility of the original truth." - Tom Dennen

How to to Eat Healthier, Recycle and Make Better Decisions Every Day

José Antonio Rosa at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*José Antonio Rosa* *Health, Americas* [image: Reuters] Were you subtly encouraged to make that menu choice? Every day, you make important choices – about whether to feast on fries or take a brisk walk, whether to spend or save your paycheck, whether to buy the sustainable option or the disposable plastic one. Life is made up of countless decisions. The idea of nudging people in the right direction, instead of relying on their internal motivation, has gained traction over the last decade. In general, nudging involves gently coaxing someone into a decision or behavior. The perfec... more »

Why Lincoln vs Douglas Is Still an Amazing Political Debate

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: Reuters] An intellectual boxing match. *Key point:* Lincoln and Douglas impacted the country and debate strategies to this day. The two men facing each other across the debate stage at Ottawa, Illinois, on the afternoon of August 21, 1858, were no strangers to one another. Indeed, Senator Stephen Douglas and former one-term congressman Abraham Lincoln had been personal and political opponents—and more or less friendly neighbors—for the better part of two decades. But in ways neither man could imagine, their rivalry was about ... more »

Gold Is Now More Efficient Than Paper Money

Lawrence H. White at The National Interest - 1 day ago
*Lawrence H. White* *Economics, Americas* [image: United States one dollar bills are inspected under a magnifying glass during production at the Bureau of Engraving and Printing in Washington November 14, 2014. REUTERS/Gary Cameron] It's expensive to print all that money... Milton Friedman (1951, 1960) provided influential back-of-the-envelope estimates of the costs devoted to extracting gold under what he called a “strict” gold standard. I have criticized those estimates elsewhere (White 1999, pp. 42-48) for exaggerating the volume of gold reserves used by actual gold-standard ... more »

Russian And Syrian Forces Intensify Their Military Campaign On The Last Rebel PRovince In Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Reuters:* *Russian-backed forces gain ground in rebel-held northwest Syria* BEIRUT (Reuters) - Russian-backed Syrian forces have gained ground after a week-long renewed assault against the last opposition enclave in Syria’s northwest, the biggest such push in more than three months that has prompted a large civilian exodus, witnesses and residents said on Sunday. The wide-scale offensive led by intense aerial strikes on civilian areas in rural southeastern Idlib province broke months of stalemate on the frontlines, where rebels had been holding back the army from major advances, ... more »

Man to face court after 6 million litres of toxic chemicals stockpiled in suburban warehouses

Just In - 1 day ago
WorkSafe charges Graham Leslie White with 55 offences after he allegedly stockpiled massive amounts of dangerous chemicals at five Melbourne warehouses, posing a significant fire and health risk to the community.

Firie saved crewmate, then rushed off to defend homes while blaze threatened his own

Timothy Fernandez And Kelly Fuller at Just In - 1 day ago
A NSW firefighter acted quickly to save his mate who suffered an asthma attack during the catastrophic fire at Balmoral, but his work was far from done.

Morrison says compensation for volunteer firefighters not a priority

Jack Snape at Just In - 1 day ago
Prime Minister Scott Morrison says the Government is "not going to make any knee-jerk responses" to the growing bushfire catastrophe, despite calls for compensation for firefighters.

French railway company backtracks on plan to cancel children's train service

Just In - 1 day ago
After an outcry, striking train drivers from rail company SNCF agree to operate a popular service that allows children aged between four and 14 to travel unaccompanied by a parent or carer over Christmas.

'Well below safety guidelines': Report reveals residents near Paradise Dam not properly informed of flood risk

Anna Hartley at Just In - 1 day ago
A new report into the embattled Paradise Dam, near Bundaberg, finds the public has not been significantly informed of the flood risks it poses, warning if the dam fails in a severe weather event more than 100 lives may be at risk.

Got questions after seeing Rise of Skywalker? We (probably) have answers

Peter Marsh at Just In - 1 day ago
Rise of Skywalker might have been the finale of a nine-movie saga, but it still left a lot of open questions. We've tried to find the answers to them. *SPOILERS AHEAD*.

Your Vote for President Donald Trump Produced…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 day ago
Tax cuts and regulatory reform; USMCA trade agreement negotiated and passed; Mexico halting illegal migration flows; new central American amnesty agreements; border wall under construction; lower energy costs; lower and stabilized fuel costs; highest blue collar wage gains in decades; … Continue reading →

Panda Takes a Knee – Beijing Announces Lowering of 850 Import Tariffs…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 day ago
Donald J Trump was the only candidate in 2016 who knew how to use China’s panda playbook against them. Thus, when you plant your tree in another man’s orchard, don’t be surprised when he charges you to harvest your own … Continue reading →

Researchers Explore A Drug-Free Way To Relieve Chronic Pain: Green Light

NPR at Need To Know - 1 day ago
Dr. Mohab Ibrahim, an anesthesiologist, found that, with exposure to green light over time, people experienced a 60% decrease in the intensity of their migraines headaches.

New WikiLeaks Bombshell: 20 Inspectors Dissent From Syria Chemical Attack Narrative

ZeroHedge at Need To Know - 1 day ago
A memo said that 20 inspectors felt that the official US version of the OPCW's report on Douma “did not reflect the views of the team members that deployed to [Syria]”.

Falling Walrus: Attenborough Tacitly Admits Netflix Deception

Hifast at Climate Collections - 1 day ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood An exclusive new video for the GWPF exposes Attenborough’s contradicting explanations of the bizarre and tragic phenomenon of falling walruses ? ? ? ? https://youtu.be/U5Ji6ME3Vlo ?

European outrage over my loss of adjunct status and video of my Dutch school lecture

Hifast at Climate Collections - 1 day ago
Originally posted on polarbearscience: I’ve been home for just over 3 weeks now but even with all the demands on my time from family, friends, colleagues, and the media that I had to put off while I was away, I didn’t want to miss setting down a few final thoughts about my speaking tour across…

China Closes The Jet Engine Gap For Its Fighters

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
It appears that there has been at least some success, as the latest J-20 prototypes are powered by upgraded WS-10 engines that are supposedly stealthier and more powerful than the AL-31. Credit: Military Watch Magazine. *Asia Times:* *Throttle up: China closes the jet engine gap* Ongoing difficulty in producing a high-quality indigenous jet engine remains a major issue for the PLAAF, for now The Chinese defense industrial base is infamous for its tendency to “borrow” from foreign designs, particularly in the aerospace industry. Almost the entirety of China’s modern fighter fleet h... more »

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