10 pm MST
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
*by Noah* The not so Immaculate Deception: I look at this and I can smell the manure.
How Crisco Toppled Lard – and Made Americans Believers in Industrial food
How the successful marketing of Cricso led Americans to accept all sorts of mystery branded foods.
Deck the halls with facts!
Merry Christmas! The post Deck the halls with facts! appeared first on CFACT.
Forget Tanks, The Army's Most Powerful Weapon Will Be AI
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * Artificial intelligence. *Key point: *There is an ongoing co-evolution between indispensable human cognition and decision-making and AI-enabled autonomy. (Washington, D.C.) Envision a scenario wherein dismounted infantry soldiers are taking heavy enemy fire while clearing buildings amid intense urban combat -- when an overhead drone detects small groups of enemy fighters hidden nearby, between walls, preparing to ambush. As the armed soldier's clear rooms and transition from house to house in a firefight, how quickly would they need to know that groups... more »
See This Plane? Meet Russia's Very Own 'A-10 Warthog'
*Charlie Gao* *Security, Europe* Meet the Su-25 *Key Point:* While the planes are broadly similar, one can see how the strengths of each plane diverge when looking into which subsystems are more developed. The Su-25 is one of the most visible signs of the Russian Air Force’s might. Since its debut during the Soviet-Afghan War in the 1980s, the Su-25 has seen service in every conflict involving Soviet or Russian forces, from Chechnya to Georgia to Syria. Observers have often compared it to the A-10, but that comparison misses some of the nuances of how they are employed. Regardl... more »
Risky Business: Flying U.S. B-17 Bombers over Nazi Germany Was a Death Sentence
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* [image: Wikimedia Commons] So how did the allies win? *Key Point: *Hitler had a big advantage that had to be overcome. When the call came that morning, it was not unlike the 25 times previously when they had flown, or all those other times when weather intervened and postponement was ordered. The door to the Nissen hut bangs open, the dim center-ceiling bulb winks to life, heavy footsteps, a grasp and shake of the shoulder, “OK, sir, mission today, you’re scheduled to go, breakfast at 0500, briefing at 0530.” Hugh Hunter Hardwicke, ... more »
Four Economic Lessons from the Nativity
My exegetic knowledge of the New Testament is not up to academic standards, but I find in Luke 2:1-7 four economic lessons of the Nativity: (1) Leviathan is not a piece of cake; (2) technology matters; (3) institutions matter even more; (4) wealth matters. The readers of this blog, not to speak of my co-bloggers, […] The post Four Economic Lessons from the Nativity appeared first on Econlib.
How to avoid gift wrapping foodborne pathogens during the festive season
Many foodborne illnesses can be prevented by changing behaviors in the kitchen, especially during holidays when gatherings involve multiple cooks and a more vulnerable population that includes children and the elderly. The USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) is tasked with ensuring that the nation’s commercial supply of meat, poultry and certain egg products... Continue Reading
The Creation Of “Space Force” May Lead Toward Arms Race
The creation of “Space Force” may lead toward Arms Race. President Donald Trump with the signing of US Dollars 738 Billion Defense budget for the year 2020, has initiated an arms race around the world. The creation of “Space Force” with about 16,000 military and civilian personnel will be assigned […]
Celebrating an Electric Yule Log Christmas
By Kim Rossi When I was a child, I used to visit my auntie and uncle in Florida (pronounced FLAH-ridder in Massachusetts, my home state) during winter break. They had an electric log fireplace that crackled as a rotating something... more »
December 25th – 2019 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1070
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
The People Who Walked In Darkness Have Seen A Great Light
IS 9:1-6 The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; upon those who dwelt in the land of gloom a light has shone. You have brought them abundant joy and great rejoicing, as they rejoice before you … Continue reading →
Wednesday December 25th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
Quote of the Day
“And that, of course, is the message of Christmas. We are never alone. Not when the night is darkest, the wind coldest, the world seemingly most indifferent…” Taylor Caldwell
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Tuesday 24th December 2019
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
Christmas Greetings From PA Pundits International – 2019
Christmas 2019 In what has been another of those momentous years not just where we all live, but in the wider World, the regular contributors at PA Pundits International would like to take this special time to wish you all a wonderful and a peaceful Christmas, and we hope that you can share that day […]
Christmas Day Music – Mary’s Boy Child, Oh My Lord
On this one special day of the year, Christmas Day, I’m posting perhaps one of my favourite Christmas themed songs, and this one is Mary’s Boy Child. While the song was written by an American, this version today is performed by Boney M, and there are some wonderful and amazing facts about the song itself. […]
Cyclist killed in serious crash involving a truck, Eyre Highway near Nullarbor closed
Just In - 1 day ago
A 57-year-old Queensland cyclist has died in a serious crash involving a truck near Nullarbor on South Australia's far west coast.
Suspected bank robber shouts 'Merry Christmas', throws cash into the air
Just In - 1 day ago
A man with a white beard robs a Colorado bank and throws cash "all over the place" before being arrested at a nearby Starbucks, police and media reports say.
'All we could smell was smoke': Fire runs through walls of home struck by lightning
A Queensland mother recalls the moment she realised her house was on fire on Christmas Eve, saying what the family thought was water running was actually fire crackling inside the walls.
Wildlife carers work through Christmas for stressed animals
Just In - 1 day ago
Animal carers in parts of Australia hit by devastating bushfires will be working around the clock to help wildlife through more hot weather over Christmas.
What Would Aristotle Have Said About How Trump Speaks?
*Stephen Miller by Nancy Ohanian-- It is widely assumed that the White House's most prominent neo-fascist and white nationalist wrote much of Trump's letter to Nancy Pelosi* Bob Lehrman teaches speech writing at American University and is the author of *The Political Speechwriter's Companion*. You may remember him as Al Gores chief speechwriter. He plans to assign Trump's deranged letter to Nancy Pelosi to his students "because," he wrote, "I want them to see this rich compendium of the fallacies so traditional in political rhetoric, in order to avoid repeating them." And Lehrman do... more »
Christmas Eve 2019...
*For, this day, is born to you a Saviour, who is Christ the Lord, in the city of David.* *1st Mass at Midnight* *Introit:* *The Lord hath said to me: Thou art My Son, this day have I begotten Thee. (Ps. 2: 1) Why have the gentiles raged, and the people devised vain things? v. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.* *Collect* Let us pray. *Grant us, we beseech Thee, almighty God, that we on whom the new light of Thy Incarnate Word is poured, may show forth in our works that brig... more »
5 Ways to Stop Corporations From Ruining the Future of...
Robert Reich - 1 day ago
*5 Ways to Stop Corporations From Ruining the Future of Work* Artificial intelligence, robots, and other advanced technologies are already transforming the world of work – and their impact is just beginning. They’ll grow the economy and make it more efficient. But unless American workers are involved, that growth and technological change will benefit only those at the top. The challenge of making economic growth and technological change benefit all working people and not just those at the top is the same challenge I’ve written about and talked a lot about over the years. It’s the... more »
Romanian Dictator Nicolae Ceausescu Was Executed On Christmas Day 30 Years Ago
*France 24:* *Romania marks 30 years since revolt against Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu* Romanians are remembering those who died during the nine-day revolt against Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu some 30 years after the uprising and asking questions about the legacy of the revolution. Born in 1918, Ceausescu become president of Romania in 1974 and built up an intense cult of personality, which ended with his overthrow in the anti-communist revolution of December 1989. On December 21, 1989, Ceausescu gave a televised speech in Bucharest that ended when some in the cr... more »
China Wants To Rewrite The Bible And The Quran To 'Reflect Socialist Values'
China's President Xi Jinping gestures as he attends a variety show in Macau earlier this month. A Chinese official stressed in November that religious authorities must follow President Xi's instructions and interpret the ideologies of different religions in accordance with 'the core values of Socialism' and 'the requirements of the era' *Daily Mail:* *China will rewrite the Bible and the Quran to 'reflect socialist values' amid crackdown on Muslim Uighur minority* * Beijing said all translated classic religious books should be 're-evaluated' * The new editions must not contain any ... more »
No One Really Knows When World War I Ended
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] This slice of history is still up for debate. Key Point: Yes, the end date is in question. At least ostensibly, World War I ended first with the cessation of armed hostilities between the warring powers at the famed “11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month,” that is November 11, 1918. The official, or diplomatic, end of World War I came later at the Treaty of Versailles, June 28, 1919. *Conflict Rages on in Russia* However, the conflicts that remained unresolved with the 1918 armistice or the 1919 treaty meant... more »
Peace on earth, good will to all? Ho ho ho!
Cross-posted at the New York Crank
Wikileaks will do a huge surprise data dump when Assange is extradited to US
All overseas US bases, including Australia and the FBI should be shut down by Alex Bruce Former military intelligence and CIA officer, Robert David Steele joins Dave at the X22 Report to discuss all things coup d’état but I’ve set the inpoint to where he talks about the possibility of a wild card WikiLeaks data […]
When Japan Attacked Pearl Harbor, This Navy Battleship Gave Them Hell
*Warfare History Network* *Security, * The USS Pennsylvania shot down 6 planes during the surprise Japanese attack. *Key point:* "The conduct of all officers and men was of the highest order." On Sunday morning, December 7, 1941, Gunner’s Mate Russell Winsett, 19, awoke at 5 am as he did most mornings. As he went topside he could see that the weather was like almost every December day in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, sunny blue skies with a few white puffy clouds. This was a day Winsett was looking forward to. He thought to himself, “It’s gonna be a beautiful day to visit the island with... more »
VIDEO: America's F-35 Is More Maneuverable Than You Think
*Mark Episkopos* *Technology, Americas* The jet is full of surprises. *Key point: *The F-35 is made to be highly maneuverable and the Air Force recently proved this point in a series of tests. Recent commentary on the F-35 fifth-generation fighter has centered around its firepower and stealth capabilities, but a recently released demonstration video depicts the fighter jet in a pleasantly different light. A clip from Capt. Capt. Andrew "Dojo" Olson’s instagram page showcases the F-35A Lightning II in a series of dramatic aerial maneuvers, performed at Luke Air Force Base in Ariz... more »
Senegal Is a Muslim Country that Can’t Get Enough Christmas
This article about Senegal underlines the importance of the secular values of the American and French Revolutions for maintaining social … Continue reading →
West Brooksfield Farm being forced to shut down thanks to online animal rights a$$es
West Brookfield Horse Rescue Shuts Down After Online Criticism . . Blue Star Equiculture closing, delivers Christmas presents to kids Western Mass News December 23, 2019 PALMER, MA (WGGB/WSHM) — A local horse farm is closing down. Blue Star Equiculture in West Brookfield is home to disabled horses but they tell us, without enough fundraising and little support..they have to close up shop. Western Mass News went to the farm today. For over ten years, Blue Star farm has been riding along, providing care for over 500 horses. It’s a place where retired and disabled horses can spend thei... more »
Was Cory Booker’s Son Charged with Assault After Attack on Santa?
A routine review of content labeled satire.
Coercive Environmentalism
Originally posted on Science Matters: Gus Van Horn writes at Real Clear Markets The Recycling Crowd Embraces Grade-School Juvenility. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. The third-grade boy shamefully completed his apology, in front of first grade. I was luckier than I felt. Just that morning, I had been convinced that the way to win…
Are Australian Wildfires Due To Climate Change?
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/dec/24/home-affairs-warned-australian-government-of-growing-climate-disaster-risk-after-may-election Many have questioned what role climate change has played in the Australian wildfires currently wreaking havoc in NSW and across the border in Queensland. The commonly heard cry is that it is now hotter and drier than in the past.…
Middle East Disaster: Nuclear War Between Russia and Israel Is Possible
*Michael Peck* *Security, Middle East* Although unlikely. *Key point: *Were the Israelis and Russians to come to blows, or if Moscow were to seriously threaten military force against Israel, could the United States risk a grave loss of prestige by not intervening to back its longtime ally? Could Israeli air strikes in Syria trigger war between Israel and Russia? Israel remains determined to continue pounding Iranian forces in Syria in a bid to keep Tehran’s forces away from Israel’s northern border. At the same time, Russia has thousands of troops in Syria that could be caught i... more »
How Admiral William F. “Bull” Halsey Crushed an Empire (Imperial Japan)
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons] This is how he made history. *Key Point*: An incredible story. Just before dawn, the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise turned into the wind to launch her planes. Nervous and excited pilots roared into the darkness of the vast Pacific toward the unsuspecting Japanese. The “Big E” would repeat this scene many times during the war, but this morning, January 31, 1942, in the Marshall Islands was the first time since Pearl Harbor that an American surface vessel had struck an offensive blow. [text_ad] On the flag... more »
Could The A-10 Warthog Be America's Best Made Military Weapon--Ever?
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Americas* The weapon that sets the A-10 apart from the rest of the aircraft world is the nose-mounted GAU-8/A cannon. *Key point:* The A-10 has served in most of America’s post–Cold War conflicts, from the Balkans to Afghanistan. One of the most iconic airplanes in the U.S. Air Force’s flying inventory is the A-10 Thunderbolt, also affectionately known as the “Warthog.” Designed to mow down rows of invading Soviet tanks during an anticipated World War III, the A-10 has served in most of America’s post–Cold War conflicts, from the Balkans to Afghanistan... more »
The Really Happened to the Doomed Submarine USS Scorpion?
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons] There's a reason why it sunk. *Key Point:* We don't have many answers. Even in the age of ultra-sophisticated nuclear submarines, with their advanced computers, sonar, navigation, and communication systems, the hard truth is inescapable: the sea is the most hostile environment on Earth. It is totally unforgiving of human error or overconfidence. The pressures below 2,000 feet can crush a submarine like an aluminum can in seconds. For reasons that even now are a closely guarded secret, that happened in late... more »
Uber co-founder Travis Kalanick leaves board and cashes out $3b in shares
Just In - 1 day ago
Travis Kalanick, the pugnacious co-founder of Uber, severs his last ties with the ride-services company, resigning from the board and selling all his shares as he turns his focus to a new venture creating "ghost kitchens" for food delivery services.
Firefighters battle to contain Adelaide Hills blaze as heatwave looms
Just In - 1 day ago
Amid a brief but welcome reprieve for Adelaide Hills firefighters, CFS crews are racing to contain the Cudlee Creek blaze before temperatures rise into the 40s.
Donald Trump promises to deal with North Korea's threatened Christmas gift 'very successfully'
North Korea promises the United States a "Christmas gift", in a thinly veiled threat. While US officials suspect a nuclear warhead, Donald Trump hopes aloud for "a beautiful vase" instead.
Christmas Eve
Glory to God in the highest. And have a safe, healthy, and conflict free Christmas Eve. Peace on Earth and in your hearts. Having made that wish, there is always stuff to rant about. There are always matters left undone. There are always regrets. (For all sad words of tongue and pen, The saddest are these, '*It might have been*'.) There are always head scratchers - remove viewing is real in rare circumstances and can not be explained by any conventional means. How does somebody who has never been there or seen that tell you want is in a locked safe in the third basement level of a ... more »
How Government Agencies Hamper Infrastructure Development
A half-century earlier, when Robert Moses had been in his prime, New York state wouldn’t have needed to depend on private developers, if only because Moses would have had the authority to shape and finance the project to his own liking. (At the same time, Moses wouldn’t have invested in a train terminal because, […] The post How Government Agencies Hamper Infrastructure Development appeared first on Econlib.
Chicago: 13 People Shot at A House Party to Memorialize a Man Who Was Killed While Hijacking A Car
A shooting that wounded 13 people and left four in critical condition took place during a dispute inside a house party honoring the memory of a man shot dead during an attempted carjacking. The first shots were fired in the house, and two people appeared to shoot “randomly” at fleeing guests.
Senator Rand Paul Released His 2019 ‘Festivus’ Waste Report that Shows How the US Government Burned through $50-Billion on Scandalous Programs
Some of the spending included: $466,991 on studying frog mating calls in Panama, $1.2-million on the studying habits of online dating app users, tens of millions spent ‘green growth' for Peru, $22-million spent on bringing Serbian cheese up to international standards, and more.
Baltimore, Maryland: Mainstream Media Ignores Shooting that Injured 7 People Who Were Waiting in a Line at A Hookah Lounge
There is a massive rise in violence after the 2015 riots. Since that time, police have been increasingly reluctant to confront criminals lest they be accused of police brutality or racism.
Philadelphia: Armed Robber Shoots FedEx Driver, Gets Killed When Driver Pulls His Own Gun
Before he shot the driver, the robber stole multiple packages from the FedEx truck, and he was later found unconscious in an alley clutching the packages he had stolen.
Iowa Man Sentenced to 15 Year in Prison for the ‘Hate Crime’ of Burning a LGBTQ Flag
Adolfo Martinez was sentenced to more than 15 years in prison for a hate crime after lighting a local church's LGBTQ flag on fire. The maximum sentence for the hate crime was 5 years, but extra time was added because he was a repeat offender.
Egyptian Government Cracks Down on Radical Schools
Egyptian Government Cracks Down on Radical Schools by Hany Ghoraba Special to IPT News Investigative Project on Terrorism Despite the destruction of the Muslim Brotherhood’s hierarchy by Egyptian authorities after the June 2013 revolution, the 91-year-old group remains influential in Egyptian society. This is especially true in its education system. But there are signs the […]
O Holy Night…
Steadfast, unwavering, and with abiding love… I wish everyone a joyous and Merry Christmas. Luke 2-8 And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And, lo, the angel of … Continue reading →
Spaxit? Will Spain Now Leave the European Union?
[image: spaxit-will-spain-now-leave-the-european-union] Spain has become the most recent nation to threaten a Brexit-style exit from the European Union amid anger over EU meddling in its internal affairs.
There's Just Something About Mayo Pete... And It Goes Beyond Icky
During the debate Thursday there were times I nearly shut the TV off. Those times were when the corporate conservatives on the stage were speaking: Status Quo Joe, Amy Klobuchar and Mayo Pete. The feeling drove me to run a quickie twitter poll. Participants liked Mayo least-- and by a *lot*. They sure seem to want to vote him right off the island: I wonder why. As Bernie pointed out, Biden-- who's old and creepy and a clumsy liar who seems to think feigning indignation and screaming make people less likely to recognize what he's saying as lies-- has more billionaires backing hi... more »
The Lies that Are Used for Denying the Legitimacy of Crimea’s Breakaway
Eric Zuesse, originally posted at strategic-culture.org Crimea’s breakaway from Ukraine and rejoining Russia is treated in the U.S.-and-allied world as being justification for the explosive re-emergence in 2014 of America’s Cold War NATO alliance as being a restored war against Russia; and, so, whether or not that ‘justification’ is truthful is the paramount geopolitical issue […] More The post The Lies that Are Used for Denying the Legitimacy of Crimea’s Breakaway appeared first on The Duran.
We wish Merry Christmas and please Remember Jesus was born in Palestine
Merry Christmas from Egyptian Chronicles to all those celebrating tonight around the globe. Merry Christmas and I hope that if you are celebrating Christmas that you remember that Jesus Christ (PBUH) was born in Bethlehem, Palestine. Here is a little piece of art that will remind you of that regardless of what Trump and co. say. [image: Nativity in modern Palestine's Bethlehem] Nativity in modern Palestine's Bethlehem "Banksy"This modern nativity set depicting Jesus, Mary and Joseph at the infamous apartheid wall built by Israel. British artist Banksy unveiled that piece of art at Be... more »
Could The F-35 Be What Finally Kills The A-10 Warthog?
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* The US Army wants the F-35 to support its ground troops. *Key point: *The F-35 might be taking the A-10's mission away. The US Army wants the F-35 to support its ground troops. It’s that simple. We hear volumes of information about the Marine Corps vertical-take-off-and-landing F-35B, Navy carrier-launched F-35C and Air Force F-35A - but what does the Army think of the emerging Joint Strike Fighter? Does the Army think the 5th-Gen stealth fighter would bring substantial value to targeting and attacking enemy ground forces in close proximity to ... more »
Is Springfield's SAINT AR-15 Rifle the Best AR-15 Rifle?
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, Americas* It's pretty good. *Key point: *With the SAINT, Springfield plunged headfirst into a particularly crowded segment of the AR-15 market. The AR-15 has long been the dominant semi-automatic rifle platform in the U.S., prized for its unparalleled modability and component diversity. The AR-15 platform’s immense popularity has spawned a fiercely competitive consumer market, with firearms manufacturers constantly searching for ways to innovate a better price-to-performance ratio. This competition has been especially good for a growing segment of fir... more »
How Hitler Almost Conquered Russia During World War II
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Stalin didn't see this coming. *“War is mainly a catalogue of blunders.” *—Winston Churchill (1950) On Sunday, June 22, 1941, as the sun slumbered, 3.6 million soldiers, 2,000 warplane pilots, and 3,350 tank commanders under skilled German command crouched at the border of Soviet-occupied Poland ready to invade the Communist nation Joseph Stalin had ruled with steel-fisted brutality for years. Shortly after 3 am, in an operation Adolf Hitler called “Barbarossa,” a three-million-man Axis force struck Soviet positions along a 900-mile... more »