10 pm MST
No One Will Beat Trump Whose Only Offering Is That He's Not As Bad As Trump Is
Biden is such a effing mess, that his latest bullshit just moved me to call him Biden-- which I’ve been avoiding since he announced his desperate end of life candidacy-- instead of the preferred Status Quo Joe. Just as Democrats are making some headway in getting Moscow Mitch to consider calling some witnesses for Trump’s Senate impeachment trial, Biden had to go give him and Trump the ammo they were waiting for to back away. Can’t this asshole learn to keep him mouth shut while he’s still a candidate people are paying attention to? He told the *Des Moines Register* editorial boar... more »
China's Determination To Build Aircraft Carriers Is A Sign Of Its Growing Naval Power
Credit: Wikimedia Commons *Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, The Diplomat:* *China’s Second Aircraft Carrier: A Sign of PLA Naval Muscle?* A closer look at the significance of the development for China’s military and its security thinking. On December 17, China commissioned into service its first home-built aircraft carrier, Shandong, at the Sanya naval base in Hainan, with President Xi Jinping presiding over the commissioning ceremony. The commissioning of the aircraft carrier is significant. This is China’s second aircraft carrier, and an important addition to China’s power project... more »
American Universities Are Using Social Credit Systems To Track Students
An estimated 40 colleges and universities around the country are using a service called SpotterEDU that tracks student attendance through an app on their smartphones. One student worried the technology would "keep progressing until we’re micromanaged every second of the day."
Mexican Cop Arrested In Connection To Massacre Of American Mormon Family that Included Three Women and Six Children
Fidel Alejandro Villegas, the police chief in a small town in the state of Chihuahua, was arrested following the massacre of three women and six children from Mormon families who were dual citizens of Mexico and America. Mexican law enforcement has long been criticized for being on the payroll of the drug cartels.
Wind in Texas
Wind works fairly well in Texas… Wind works fairly well in Texas for exactly one reason: Physical geography. The wind resource in the Lower Plains has some seasonal variability, but is a fairly consistent resource. Would Texas be better off with no wind and more coal and natural gas? At natural gas prices of $2-2.50/mcf… […]
China Tightens Control Over Its Growing Arms Trade
China has become one of the world’s biggest suppliers of weapons. Photo: Xinhua *SCMP:* *China targets tighter controls on its growing arms trade* * Beijing’s weapons business is expanding but export regulations are fragmented, the country’s commerce minister says * Legislation would shed light on an opaque system and bring it into line with international standards, according to analysts China is set to introduce legislation to tighten control over the country’s opaque sales of arms and nuclear technology, as it becomes a bigger player in the global weapons trade. China’s top legi... more »
A Fracking Ban Would Trigger Global Recession
A fracking rig at sunset. iStock *Manhattan Institute:* *Issues 2020: A Fracking Ban Would Trigger Global Recession * The Narrative "I will ban fracking—everywhere."[1] *— Elizabeth Warren* "Any proposal to avert the climate crisis must include a full fracking ban on public and private lands."[2] *— Bernie Sanders* "I favor a ban on new fracking and a rapid end to existing fracking."[3] *— Pete Buttigieg* Reality The extraction of oil and gas through the techniques of horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing (colloquially, “fracking”) has catapulted the United States into le... more »
Ending The U.S. Invovlement In The Afghan War Is President Trump's Next Priority
President Trump in Afghanistan (YouTube) *Don Surber:* *Ending the Afghanistan War may be next* Having fixed the economy, won a trade war battle with Red China, appointed 1/4th of the appellate judges, rolled back regulations, and cut taxes, what is next for President Donald John Trump? My guess is he will end the Afghanistan War next. Business Insider reported, "Months after taking office in 2017 and hoping to get a better understanding of America’s longest war, President Donald Trump began taking meetings with enlisted US service members who deployed to Afghanistan. "'I want t... more »
How Hitler Died: These 5 Weapons Helped America Dominate World War II
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Not every U.S. weapon was great, but... *Key point: *By utilizing its massive industrial and technological base, America was able to produce some excellent weapons. The secret of American victory in World War II was quantity and quality. Copious amounts of weapons and equipment that not only overwhelmed and outmatched the Axis arsenal, but helped enable Lend-Lease allies like Britain and Russia to do the same. Not that every U.S. weapon was great. The ubiquitous M-4 Sherman tank was plentiful but mediocre. Early U.S. fighters like the P-40 and P-39 we... more »
University of Lynchburg Welcomes New Diversity and Inclusion Officer
University of Lynchburg named a new diversity and inclusion officer, Dr. Robert L. Canida. Canida is the former director of diversity and inclusion at the University of North Carolina-Pembroke. He worked for the University of North Carolina system for about two decades, most recently teaching library research and information literacy courses. Canida replaced Dr. Aaron […]
The New School Received $880,000 in Grants
The New School recently received grants from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and The Open Society Foundation’s Higher Education Support Program totaling $880,000 in order to support initiatives related to immigration within the United States. Through the New University in Exile Consortium (New UIE Consortium), the funding will go towards helping endangered scholars and graduate […]
Kevin Guskiewicz Named UNC Chancellor
Dr. Kevin Guskiewicz was recently named chancellor and chief executive officer of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC). He has been the interim chancellor since February and also previously served as dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at UNC. Guskiewicz earned his bachelor’s degree from West Chester University, a master’s […]
22 U.S. Representatives Write Letter Supporting Harvard’s Graduate Worker Strike
Twenty-two Harvard graduates currently serving in the U.S. House of Representatives signed a letter on Dec. 20 in support of the university’s graduate student employees who began striking for health insurance, a higher minimum wage and better protections against discrimination on Dec. 3. In the letter, the alumni emphasize a worker’s rights to unionize and […]
SV Academy Launches New Partnerships With Hopes to Diversify Silicon Valley
SV Academy, a tuition-free online vocational program for tech sales, recently partnered with two universities – Florida International University and Arizona State University – to diversify its student body, and the tech field.
Dementia and other neurological brain diseases are striking people younger and younger, according to a 2015 study conducted by researchers from Bournemouth University in England and published in the journal Surgical Neurology International. “The rate of... The post DEMENTIA NOW STRIKING PEOPLE IN THEIR 40S AS MERCURY FROM VACCINES CAUSES SLOW, DEGENERATIVE BRAIN DAMAGE appeared first on Healing Oracle.
Sunday Talks: Ivanka Trump -vs- Margaret Brennan…
Ivanka Trump appears on Face the Nation to discuss the ongoing initiatives around paid family leave. Ms. Brennan exhibits serious envy as she attempts to position Mrs. Trump on the defensive. However, Ivanka Trump is deeply informed on the nuances, … Continue reading →
Joe Biden wants church goers to die(a slight exaggeration)
The recent shooting in a church in Texas ended within seconds because at least 4 parishioners had guns. If Joe Biden had his way the only person in the church with a gun would have been the shooter. When Texas passed a law that allowed licensed gun owners to carry their weapons in churches Biden said: "With all due respect to the governor of Texas," Biden began, "it is irrational what they're doing. On the very day you see a mass shooting ... and we're talking about loosening access to have guns, to be able to take them into places of worship ... I mean it's just absolutely irratio... more »
China to stop punishing sex workers with forced labour in so-called 'education' centres
Just In - 1 hour ago
China will no longer punish sex workers with forced labour in "custody and education" centres, where detainees were made to make toys and other items.
Popular WA holiday spot silenced as desperate search for seven-year-old girl ends in disaster
The small WA holiday town of Guilderton north of Perth is rocked by the death of a seven-year-old girl who drowned in a river while on an outing with her family.
Health website launched without promised feature
A Government website set up in response to concerns about out-of-pocket health costs goes live without key promised features, like the ability for patients to search and compare specialist fees.
'Deeply saddened': Sea World polar bear dies on the Gold Coast
Just In - 1 hour ago
Liya had been at Sea World's Polar Bear Shores exhibit since 2001 and gave birth to two cubs during her time at the Queensland theme park.
Earn more than $50,000 a year? You're not an 'average' Aussie
Are you one of the "everyday Australians" we hear politicians talking about? If you earn any more than $50,000 per year, you have already stepped out of the "average Aussie" bracket.
Education program for older drivers scrapped despite high road toll
A driver education program that helped older South Australian motorists stay safer behind the wheel has been scrapped by the State Government as the state's road toll climbs to its highest in a decade.
As a quarter of the world's pigs are wiped out, Arnhem Land rangers fight the risk posed by ferals
There are an estimated 23 million feral pigs spreading across the country, wreaking havoc on the environment and posing a huge threat when it comes to transmitting a dangerous disease to other species.
Death toll rises to 90 in Mogadishu blast as Turkey evacuates wounded
Just In - 1 hour ago
A Turkish military cargo plane lands in the Somali capital to evacuate people badly wounded in a devastating truck bombing that killed at least 90 people including two Turkish nationals.
Drink more this silly season? It's time to bust some myths
Just In - 1 hour ago
With the holiday season well underway and New Year's Eve approaching, you might find yourself drinking more alcohol than usual. So it's time to bust some long-standing myths, writes Nicole Lee and Brigid Clancy.
Texan churchgoers shoot gunman dead in livestreamed attack
Just In - 1 hour ago
Two parishioners kill a man seconds after he pulls out his gun in a US church near Fort Worth, Texas, in an incident that leaves another man dead and another in a critical condition.
'Very easy decision': Deputy Premier says Sydney NYE fireworks should be cancelled
John Barilaro says the Sydney Harbour fireworks should be cancelled to "respect our exhausted RFS volunteers" and show solidarity with bushfire-hit areas.
The Height Of A Dead Salmon
A while back someone sent me an article with a striking lead: *The methodology is straightforward. You take your subject and slide them into an fMRI machine, a humongous sleek, white ring, like a donut designed by Apple. Then you show the subject images of people engaging in social activities — shopping, talking, eating dinner. You flash 48 different photos in front of your subject's eyes, and ask them to figure out what emotions the people in the photos were probably feeling. All in all, it's a pretty basic neuroscience/psychology experiment. With one catch. The "subject" is a matu... more »
100-Year-Old Tuskegee Airman Promoted To Brigadier General
Now a BRIGADIER GENERAL, 100-year-old #Tuskegee Airman Charles McGee tells he his honorary promotion-- made official December 20th-- is not about him. "We had folks tell us you can’t do something. I think this kind of sweeps that away. Realize that you can." @wusa9 pic.twitter.com/TcnhGBkeXd — Pete Muntean (@petemuntean) December 27, 2019 *KCENTV:* *100-year-old Tuskegee Airman promoted to Brigadier General* Charles McGee said his honorary promotion is hardly about him, but rather inspiring those to persevere. BETHESDA, Md. — At 100 years old, Charles McGee has a new accomplishme... more »
The Past Decade Was The Best Ever
*Kyle Smith, NYPost: **Suck it, doomsayers! The past decade was the best ever* Want to know why 1940s Americans were the Greatest Generation and we’re the Grumpiest Generation? For them, at a time when Europe and the Pacific were ruled by actual fascists carrying out mass murder and US troops were under fire, mass culture was all ironclad optimism — “Oklahoma!” and “Meet Me in St. Louis.” Today, we have mass hysteria when a TV star stages an obviously fake hate crime in Chicago, Chuck Todd calls the 2010s “the worst decade in politics,” a cover story in The Atlantic wonders if we’... more »
President Trump Held Private Meetings With Enlisted Troops To Candidly Discuss The War In Afghanistan
President Donald Trump takes a photo with U.S. troops during a surprise visit at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan, November 28. REUTERS/Tom Brenner *Task & Purpose/Business Insider:* *'I don't want any officers'— Trump held private meetings with enlisted troops to candidly discuss the war in Afghanistan * Months after becoming president in 2017, Donald Trump began taking meetings with enlisted U.S. service members who deployed to Afghanistan in order to get a better understanding of America's longest war. "I want to sit down with some enlisted guys that have been there," Trump tol... more »
Democrat Campaign Ad
This is a perfect depiction of the left’s campaign platform, therefore it SHOULD be a sure winner for the Conservatives : Sadly, if a democrat were to see this, they might think it’s a great ad and keep nodding their head in agreement. ~Terry
The “Left” Coast Mafia
As I was perusing some news feeds this afternoon, I came across this article from the canadafreepress.com reporting on Ms. Pelosi and her mafia. It would seem Ms. Pelosi and her son, Paul, along with many others in our federal government, are as dirty as Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. In another news lead, here, Paul Pelosi is called a “trophy” senior vice president of a real estate company, the chairman of which is a major Clinton money man. I am truly upset that so many of the upper crust of our government, and our society, are so corrupt, … Continue reading →
Transferring Karnak’s Ram sphinxes statues To Cairo’s Tahrir square is just wrong and you know it
Egypt’s government decided suddenly that it was going to beautify Tahrir square by taking monuments from across the country and installing it in our most famous square. The ministry of antiquities has begun to transfer 4 Ram sphinxes statues or as commonly known in the Egyptian press as sphinxes from World famous Karnak temple in order to put in Cairo’s Tahrir Square as part of its plan to beautify the famous square. [image: The crane in Karnak temple] The crane in Karnak temple transferring the sphinxes "Bab Masr"This is completely wrong and against international treaties which E... more »
Short story: Sideways
Ethical Technology - 2 hours ago
There’s a trick to watching ad-supported videos in phones, TVs, or laptops: during the ads look just above the camera, so it thinks you’re paying attention and it doesn’t show you too many of them. Sadly, it doesn’t work for the videos in employee training and citizenship education, as it doesn’t fool the brain sensors.
The U.S. Navy Wants Robot Ships That Talk Like Humans
*Michael Peck* *Technology, * Why? Concerned that the advent of unmanned surface ships can result in collisions with manned vessels, the Navy wants technology that will enable robot ships that talk like humans. The goal is to enable human bridge crews to converse with robot ships using normal speech over VHF radio. “The nautical rules of the road (COLREGS) provide clear guidance for encounters between two vessels, but they do not directly specify what should happen when three or more vessels come in close proximity to each other at nearly the same time,” according to the Navy ... more »
The Soviet Union's Legacy Was Built On Atomic Bomb Tests (700+)
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * Much like America's. *Key point: *What happened to all the fallout? The Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in 1949, just four years after the United States. Like the United States, the USSR conducted an aggressive testing schedule throughout the Cold War, ultimately conducting 715 nuclear tests over a period of forty-one years. Also like its rival—and to an even greater extent—the Soviet Union suffered nuclear contamination of its hinterland and unnecessary health risks to its people. Moscow was also responsible for testing of the large the... more »
Putin You've Got A Problem: The Russian Navy
*David Axe* *Security, Eurasia* [image: Reuters] Russia received twenty-three new ships this year. That's where the good news ends. The Russia fleet in 2019 will take delivery of 23 new surface vessels, two new submarines and three new aircraft, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced. The numbers on their face are impressive. But in fact, most of the surface ships are small warships and support vessels. As such, 2019 continues the Russian fleet’s long-term trend toward fewer and smaller ships. “We have paid and will pay the closest attention to the technical re-equipment o... more »
Look for a rural retirement home and run some cattle?
(advertisement) Beautiful Atherton Tablelands property for sale Malanda 125 acres FH fully fenced, permanent creek water, well-established bracchi and legume pastures, good access, 10 minutes town. Yard, loading ramp. Excellent bullock paddock run 75 head all year round. High rainfall, reliable. The 5 bedroom, 2 level pole home on this property is one of […]
U.S. Military Strikes Iranian Militia in Iraq and Northern Syria – Secretary Pompeo and Esper Briefing…
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Defense Secretary Mark Esper and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Mike Miley traveled to Mar-a-Lago today to brief President Trump on issues around the middle-east. The three leaders also held a press briefing this evening … Continue reading →
Rabbi Arrested for Trafficking Babies of Mentally Disabled Mothers Between Israel and the U.S.
Earlier this month (December 2019) The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court in Israel lifted a gag order on a two-year investigation into a suspected baby trafficking ring. In February 2019 Israeli police arrested five people, including an American rabbi who heads a yeshiva, for allegedly running an international baby trafficking ring that targeted mentally disabled mothers. The Times of Israel reports: "Rabbi Shmuel Puretz 44, a businessman who divides his time between New York and Jerusalem, is suspected of brokering a deal under which a heavily pregnant Israeli woman was flown to New Yor... more »
Silver Rigger #1 Jamie Dimon & JP Morgan Paid $34.5B in Fines!!! (Bix Weir)
RoadtoRoota Who says “Crime Doesn’t Pay?” Since 2010 JP Morgan, headed by Jamie Dimon, has committed 135 serious criminal offenses and has paid $34.5B in fines and yet they STILL rig markets, they STILL have a banking license and they STILL are out to Destroy Capitalism…along with the United States of America! end
Israeli Fear that Netanyahu Will Start War to Save His Skin Won’t Make It into the ‘NYTimes’
Israeli Fear that Netanyahu Will Start War to Save His Skin Won’t Make It into the ‘NYTimes’ by James North, https://mondoweiss.net/ Here, yet again, is an article you can read in an Israeli newspaper that you will never see in the New York Times. – The Haaretz headline tells it all: “Netanyahu should not be allowed to …
Israel Mossad Chief: Iran at the Top of Priorities
More Zionist war propaganda to lay the groundwork for Albert Pike’s Satanic WW3! – Israel Mossad Chief: Iran at the Top of Priorities by https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ Chief of Israeli Mossad, Yossi Cohen, has announced that Iran is “at the top of Mossad’s priorities,” Israeli media reported on Thursday. These remarks were made during a ceremony organised …
What Do They Know? The U.S. And Russia Have Both Been Developing Plans To Deal With Incoming Asteroids
What Do They Know? The U.S. And Russia Have Both Been Developing Plans To Deal With Incoming Asteroids by Michael Snyder, http://themostimportantnews.com/ When the Russians take decisive action, it is usually for a reason. As you will see below, the Russians have suddenly decided that now is the time to create an organization that will …
Will the ICC’s Investigation into Israeli War Crimes Finally Bring Justice to Palestine?
Will the ICC’s Investigation into Israeli War Crimes Finally Bring Justice to Palestine? by Miko Peled, https://www.mintpressnews.com/ It doesn’t take a great legal scholar to understand that dropping tons of bombs from fighter jets on a defenseless civilian population constitutes a war crime. – Fatou Bensouda, the International Criminal Court’s Chief Prosecutor, said in a statement regarding …
Trump Briefed on ‘Successful Strikes & OTHER OPTIONS’ After US Raid Kills Dozens of ‘Iran-Backed’ Militias in Iraq, Syria
Trump Briefed on ‘Successful Strikes & OTHER OPTIONS’ After US Raid Kills Dozens of ‘Iran-Backed’ Militias in Iraq, Syria by https://www.rt.com/ Top US national security advisers told President Donald Trump the air raids against Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria were a total success – and briefed him on ‘other’ way to punish Iran for …
US Taking Over from IS & Al-Nusra Front by Seizing Syrian Oil at Behest of ‘Money Lobbies’ – Assad
US Taking Over from IS & Al-Nusra Front by Seizing Syrian Oil at Behest of ‘Money Lobbies’ – Assad by https://www.rt.com/ Powerful lobbies are behind the US rush for Syria’s natural resources, and the Americans are carrying on where Islamist groups left off by “stealing and selling” them, President Bashar Assad has said. – In …
Germans Rush to Buy Gold as Draft Bill Threatens to Restrict Purchases
Germans Rush to Buy Gold as Draft Bill Threatens to Restrict Purchases by Graham Smith, https://www.activistpost.com/ Reports have emerged depicting long lines in front of a physical gold sales location in Germany, in view of pending legislation which would once again lower the anonymous purchase limit, this time from €10,000 to €2,000. The last drop …
Israel-Iran Collision Almost Inevitable, IDF Chief Makes Clear
More Zionist war propaganda to lay the groundwork for Albert Pike’s Satanic WW3! – Israel-Iran Collision Almost Inevitable, IDF Chief Makes Clear by Amos Harel, https://www.haaretz.com/ In resolute speech on Mideast threats, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kochavi implied Israel attacks Iranian weapon convoys smuggled through Iraq. He also warned of a conflict up north – Over …
Senior OPCW Official Busted: Leaked Email Exposes Orders To “Delete All Traces” Of Dissent On Douma
Senior OPCW Official Busted: Leaked Email Exposes Orders To “Delete All Traces” Of Dissent On Douma by AlMasdarNews.com, via https://www.zerohedge.com/ Wikileaks has released their fourth set of leaks from the OPCW’s Douma investigation, revealing new details about the alleged deletion of important information regarding the fact-finding mission. – “One of the documents is an e-mail …
Keiser Report: Printing Money, Chopping Down Trees (E1481)
RT In this episode of the Keiser Report from Rio de Janeiro, Max and Stacy note the acceleration of the rainforest being chopped down into the last months of the year. At the same time, out of control money printing from the Fed is sending stock markets to all time new highs. In the second …
JP Morgan Silver Riggers Survive December COMEX Contract!….BARELY!! (Bix Weir)
RoadtoRoota The COMEX Silver Market is a blatant example the CRIMINALITY embedded in our financial markets and the REGULATORS 100% participate and facilitate the crimes! BUY SILVER!! end
Is Turkey Already Deploying Soldiers To Libya?
4 × Libyan Passenger Planes heading to Tripoli, #Libya from Istanbul, #Turkey. I caught this at 9:02 Eastern Time. pic.twitter.com/lUWyO2mTC2 — Canadian Skywatcher (@is_keelu) December 29, 2019 *WNU Editor: *This looks like a deployment to me. More news on Turkey deploying military forces to Libya can be read below: Turkey speeds up Libya troop deployment deal to prevent slide into 'chaos' -- Reuters Turkey's defence minister comments on deploying troops to Libya -- TRT Turkey-backed Syrian rebels being sent to join Libya fighting -- Arab News Turkish Navy to Guard Tripoli as Syria... more »
DJT is Inflicting Employment on People of Color
The *New York Times laments* that in August, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers swept up 680 illegal immigrants during raids on seven food processing plants in Mississippi. Without the cheap illegal immigrant labor, the companies were forced to hire Americans to do the work, and black Mississippians are now taking back jobs that were taken from them by immigrants. The best part of this is the monumental struggle to find something bad in increased employment for Black Americans. But rest assured, the NYTs and the NAACP are on it and had no problem. The president of ... more »
Taliban Council Agrees To A Temporary Ceasefire In Afghanistan
*Daily Mail:* *Taliban agrees to ‘10-day ceasefire’ in Afghanistan to boost hopes of US peace deal* * A peace deal would allow Washington to bring home its troops from Afghanistan * The US wants deal to include promise country not used as a base for terrorists * The Taliban chief must approve the agreement but that is expected to happen The Taliban said it has agreed to a temporary nationwide ceasefire in Afghanistan, providing a window during which a peace agreement with the United States could be signed. A peace deal would allow Washington to bring home its troops from Afghani... more »
Rep John Lewis, Congressman Who Led Partisan Boycott of Trump Inauguration, Diagnosed With Stage-4 Pancreatic Cancer….
Georgia Democrat Congressman John Lewis, 79, the leader of the 2017 Democrat agenda to boycott the inauguration of President Donald Trump, announces he has been diagnosed with stage-4 pancreatic cancer. “I have been in some kind of fight – for … Continue reading →
Why It Is So Important To Make Sure Trump Does NOT Get A Second Term
Status Quo Joe has a lot of endorsements-- mostly from politicians who are intensely disliked by progressives, from Senators Dianne Feinstein (CA) and Doug Jones (AL) and Governor Andrew Cuomo (NY) to a pack of hated reactionary Blue Dogs and New Dems like Stephen Lynch (MA), Ami Bera (CA), Tony Cardenas (CA), Vicente Gonzalez (TX), Kurt Schrader (OR), Lou Correa (CA), Charlie Crist (FL), Al Lawson (FL) and Filemon Vela (TX). Every one of them has a shitty voting record and every one of them is more like Biden than like a normal FDR Democrat. They are what makes the Democratic Pa... more »
Rabbi Arrested for Trafficking Babies of Mentally Disabled Mothers Between Israel and the U.S.
Earlier this month (December 2019) The Nazareth Magistrate’s Court in Israel lifted a gag order on a two-year investigation into a suspected baby trafficking ring. In February 2019 Israeli police arrested five people, including an American rabbi who heads a yeshiva, for allegedly running an international baby trafficking ring that targeted mentally disabled mothers. The Times of Israel reports: "Rabbi Shmuel Puretz 44, a businessman who divides his time between New York and Jerusalem, is suspected of brokering a deal under which a heavily pregnant Israeli woman was flown to New Yor... more »
Police: 2 Parishioners Shot and Killed Texas Church Gunman
Congregants returned fire and fatally shot a gunman who killed at least one person in a church near Fort Worth, police said.
DRT, but Not Before Two Innocent Worshipers Were Murdered
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/12/29/watch-good-guy-gun-shoots-alleged-texas-church-shooter/?utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_term=todays_hottest_stories&utm_campaign=20191229 WATCH: Good Guy with a Gun Shoots Alleged Texas Church Shooter A good guy with a gun shot an alleged church shooter in White Settlement, Texas, Sunday morning. [CAUTION: Disturbing audio content} DFW.CBS Local reports that the alleged gunman entered the church, walked up toward the front, and opened fire just before 10 a.m. A church member who serves on the church security shot the alleged gun... more »
Oh, the Irony: Michigan Seeks to Demolish Amish Homes for “Poor Sanitation”. How ’bout Detroit? East Lansing?
Astoundingly, this little story of religious discrimination and violations of private property rights finds its home in a district represented in the US House by Nancy Jenkins, a Republican. I was all set to finger Rashida Tlaib, but (for once) that is not the case. This proves to be another Big Brother Knows Best story. And unlike the 2A kerfuffel in Virginia, Michigan’s nannies need not worry about serious pushback … the victims this time are the peaceful Amish. Michigan county threatens to demolish 14 Amish homes unless they give up their religious beliefs and upgrade their homes ... more »
Vaccine FAIL: “Whooping Cough Outbreak Closes Texas School Despite 100-Percent Vaccination Rate: Officials”
The school reported that all St. Theresa students were 100% vaccinated, which led Children’s Health Defense (CHD) to conclude that the pertussis vaccine is a failure.
What Kissinger Teaches Us about Negotiating with Russia
*Bruce Allyn* *Security, Americas* As the United States works to develop a coherent strategy toward Russia, the lessons of the Kissinger and Reagan period suggest a good place to start in our current negotiations is with serious engagement with Russia on specific nuclear risk-reduction measures. WE NOW face a risk of a nuclear catastrophe arguably greater than at any point in the nuclear era, except perhaps during “Black Saturday,” the peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962. Two years later, popular films such as *Fail Safe* and *Dr. Strangelove* dramatized the risks of... more »
What America Needs to Learn from the Afghanistan Papers
*Amitai Etzioni* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] Washington must find ways to institutionalize the wise lessons that Colin Powell drew from the war in Vietnam. Namely, that the country shall engage in war only if it has clear goals, can use overwhelming force, and command wide public support. Arguably the most shocking takeaway from the Afghanistan Papers, which were recently published by *The Washington Post*, cannot be found in the volumes written in 2014—because it concerns events that occurred after the papers were written. Namely, that despite the very strong, well-doc... more »
Genius Or Insane? The Air Force Is Developing A Rocket Fuel Bomb
*Michael Peck* *Security, Americas* Good idea? *Key point:* As weapons get smaller, this novel concept could be useful. The military uses explosives to blow things up. The military also uses rockets to carry those explosives to their targets. So why not combine the two and create a rocket whose fuel also doubles as the warhead? That’s the idea behind an Air Force research project to develop dual-use rocket fuel that also functions as a munition. The idea has precedent, though accidental and hardly desirable. NASA keeps gawkers miles away from the launch pad when it launches ro... more »
Germany Is Running Out Of Time To Save Its Air Force
*Michael Peck* *Security, * It needs investment and reform. *Key point: *The fact is that Germany is the linchpin of Europe, and Europe is what keeps Russia in check. President Trump’s goal of Europe taking more responsibility for its own defense may come crashing to Earth. Because if Germany’s most advanced fighters can't even fly, then how the U.S. drawback on its European military commitments without undermining the Western security alliance? The German magazine Spiegel recently revealed that most of the Luftwaffe’s—the modern German air force’s—128 Eurofighter Typhoons are ... more »
US Rep. John Lewis Says He Has Pancreatic Cancer
Congressman John Lewis of Georgia announced that he has stage IV pancreatic cancer, vowing he will stay in office and fight the disease with the tenacity which he fought racial discrimination and other inequalities since the civil rights era.
Shoppers Blast Online Vendor for Offensive Yarn Color Names
Seemingly insignificant naming choices can be highly controversial if an understanding of local linguistic norms is lacking.
Sunday Talks: NatSec Advisor Robert O’Brien -vs- Jonathan Karl…
National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien appeared on ABC This Week with Jonathan Karl to discuss the ongoing issues with North Korea. Karl attempted the oft familiar approach of pitting O’Brien against former advisor John Bolton, by highlighting Bolton’s always customary … Continue reading →
U.S. Launches Air-Strikes Against Iranian-Backed Shi'ite Muslim Militia Groups In Iraq And Syria
*Reuters*: *U.S. strikes in Iraq, Syria target Iranian-backed Shi'ite Muslim militia group* WASHINGTON/BAGHDAD (Reuters) - The U.S. military carried out air strikes in Iraq and Syria against the Kataib Hezbollah militia group in response to the killing of a U.S. civilian contractor in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base, U.S. officials said on Sunday. Iraqi security and militia sources said at least 25 militia fighters were killed and at least 55 wounded following three U.S. air strikes in Iraq on Sunday. At least four local Kataib Hezbollah commanders were among the dead, ... more »
RATGATE & what DoC hopes you’ve forgotten: Nearly 1,000 highly toxic carcasses are still buried, unmarked, a few feet down on a Westport beach
WE CALLED IT ‘RATGATE’ – DoC CALLED IT ‘OPERATION TIDY RAT’ By Carol Sawyer In case anyone missed this timeline originally, here it is again, updated, with some important new edits and additions. These include DoC’s reaction on 9 November, (now known via OIA request), and also information on the independent testing laboratory that was … Continue reading RATGATE & what DoC hopes you’ve forgotten: Nearly 1,000 highly toxic carcasses are still buried, unmarked, a few feet down on a Westport beach →
UN finds NZ breached Convention against Torture in Lake Alice abuse allegations – their ‘expert’ electroshocked genitals of boys
NZ GOVT IN BREACH OF TORTURE CONVENTION AFTER THEIR “EXPERT” TORTURED GENITALS OF BOYS —- UNITED NATIONS DECISION UPHOLDS COMPLAINT PROF NIGEL GRAY 29 DEC 2019 — In a landmark decision United Nations have upheld that the NZ Police failed to prosecute a NZ Govt expert psychiatrist who tortured young boy’s with electroshock on their … Continue reading UN finds NZ breached Convention against Torture in Lake Alice abuse allegations – their ‘expert’ electroshocked genitals of boys →
Vaccination: A Failed Two Hundred Year Experiment! – Paediatrician, Dr Mayer Eisenstein
Originally posted on Truth To Power: There Are No Vaccine Preventable Illnesses. Vaccines Have Never Prevented Any Illness! Vaccines have caused death and damage. VAERS The Vaccine Event Reporting System States That the Vaccine Court has paid over $4.5 Billion in compensation to families for Vaccine Injury and Death! https://youtu.be/AwowfYhgPQo ? ? ?
BBC Climate Bias? Tell Me Something New!
By Paul Homewood Talking of BBC climate bias, what turned out to be Christopher Booker’s last climate column just under a year ago summed up perfectly everything that is wrong with the BBC: How ironic it was last week to hear the BBC leading its news on that Commons report claiming that […]
Extinction Rebellion targets key media sites including the BBC’s Broadcasting House and newspaper print works in war on free speech
By Paul Homewood It is time these little shitehawks were met with the full force of the law: Extinction Rebellion activists plan to unleash an unprecedented attack on the British media, sparking accusations that they want to infringe free speech. The Mail on Sunday has obtained a copy of a document entitled […]
US strikes in Iraq and Syria target Iranian-backed Shiite militia group
Just In - 5 hours ago
US warplanes bomb Iranian-backed militia fighters in Iraq and Syria, after a US civilian contractor dies in a rocket attack on an Iraqi military base.
Teams happy after Big Bash umpire with 'itchy nose' overrules himself
Just In - 5 hours ago
Players and officials laugh off one of the more bizarre umpiring incidents in Big Bash League history, when Greg Davidson changes his mind midway through an LBW decision.
Experts say there is 'no chance' interest rates will recover, forcing some to take drastic action
Investing in gold and high-risk shares and selling the family home before they intended to are some of the ways retirees are trying to stay afloat as paltry returns on cash deposits force them to reassess their finances.
Drastic changes to rainfall are reshaping WA's vast wheatbelt
In WA's south-west corner, where average winter rainfall has dropped by up to 20 per cent since the 1970s, researchers say changes to rainfall patterns are among the most noticeable in the world.
Owner-builder creates sustainable, luxury beach 'shack'
At the end of a three-kilometre gravel driveway you will find Richard Taylor's luxury off-grid weekender on the Victorian coast.
'The crew are ecstatic': Ichi Ban becomes overall winner of Sydney to Hobart
Just In - 5 hours ago
New South Wales yacht Ichi Ban is both the overall and handicap winner of the 75th Sydney to Hobart race.
Weather deteriorates, Western Sydney tipped to hit 40C amid more fire warnings
Weary authorities and residents in NSW are bracing for another day of bushfire destruction, with strong winds and soaring temperatures set to fan flames towards major population centres.
Emergency warning issued for bushfire on Kangaroo Island amid catastrophic conditions
Just In - 5 hours ago
An emergency warning is issued for a bushfire burning at Ravine, on South Australia's Kangaroo Island, as the state faces another testing day of weather extremes and damaging winds.
Anti-Semitic attacks mar Hanukkah celebrations in New York and London
Just In - 5 hours ago
Hanukkah celebrations on both sides of the Atlantic have been marred by anti-Semitic attacks, one on a rabbi's home in New York and another at a London synagogue and surrounding shops.
Could putting a riverbed in a gallery help us change the world?
Olafur Eliasson believes changing the world starts with changing how we experience it. He is one of several artists in the exhibition Water who believe in art's power to shape the future.
Prospective homebuyers warn others to ignore 'for sale' price tag
Properties in Melbourne and Sydney are selling for $100,000 to $200,000 above the advertised price, which buyers say is underquoting, but real estate agents say is due to market gains.
The mysterious motivations of notorious serial abortionist Elizabeth Taylor
Jailed three times, Nurse Elizabeth Taylor became notorious for her role in the "abominable trade" of procuring abortions for Melbourne women in the late 1800s. And she wasn't the only one.
Bulls carry ASX to one of its best years this century
Against all manner of difficulties, including slowing domestic and global economies, the ASX has powered back over some rough patches and scandal to put on 21 per cent. Stephen Letts looks at how it unfolded.
Want better family pets? Think twice about desexing your dog
Just In - 5 hours ago
People want their dogs to suit their family's needs: tall or short, short-coated or non-shedding, couch potato or running buddy. But we could be removing the best source of happy healthy pets from the gene pool.