11:35am MDST
Lies, damned lies......
I’ve been thinking about images of dead babies. In November 2012 I wrote a piece called War Porn. *“**At the first sign of trouble, simply whip out an image, verbal, visual or subliminal, of a Palestinian baby, and you’ve won your own little war.” * I said that then, and now I have to say it again. Cast your mind back to Question Time, November 2012. Operation Pillar of Cloud/Defense. Owen Jones was on the panel, and the Israel question came up. He delivered a lengthy unchallenged and uninterrupted rant devoted to castigating Israel, firstly for the disproportionate number of Pale... more »
Crown Prosecutor's Duty
R. v. Hurd, 2014 ONCA 554: [32] Crown prosecutors are advocates who are expected to act rigorously but fairly, persuasively but responsibly. A criminal prosecution takes place within the parameters of an adversarial system. As Moldaver J.A. emphasized in *Clark*, at para. 126, a murder prosecution is not a tea party: "both sides [are] entitled to press their case and put their best foot forward." [33] On the other hand, as noted by this court in *R. v. Henderson* (1999), 44 O.R. (3d) 628 (C.A.), at p. 638, Crown counsels' role is unique given their role as "minister... more »
New Gig
If you are interested in my writings on sports-related matters, you can now find me over at Sporting Intelligence, run by the brilliant Nick Harris. I have recently completed an evaluation of World Cup predictions and just today have a piece up on doping in sport. Comments and suggestions always welcomed.
About vicars
"Male vicars (as opposed to women vicars whose gender predisposes them to ‘listen to people’) are frequently waiting to fill the first moment of silence with their own intellectual offerings” said the father of a female vicar on Sunday Live. (roughly) It was a negative comment about the latter, but still, in the absence of debate all we can do here on this blog is fill space with offerings. We’re not even vicars. Anyway that made me think of a vicar I admire, Canon Andrew White “The Vicar of Baghdad” and I wonder how he’s doing now.
Russia Proving Ukraine shot down MH17, not through Propaganda but through irrefutable satellite images of Military jet and missile systems
All the propaganda coming out of the U.S. and Ukraine, along with the U.K. and Australia regarding Russia separatist are the ones who shot down MH17. Russia is now proving that the information released about a Ukrainian military jet was there by MH17 when it went down is correct and the fact that Ukraine had BUK missile systems set up where the plane was shot down. Russia has released
Netroots Nation-- What Next?
I don't know a lot about Netroots Nation and I've never been to one, although everyone else from Blue America usually goes and generally speaks well of it. I always thought Markos from Daily Kos was the founder and owner. But over the weekend I read a post he wrote about next year:, Netroots Nation is going to Arizona, Daily Kos is not. That provoked an evolving discussion of Netroots Nation both at Kos and among progressive bloggers in general. And it certainly went beyond Markos' complaints about Arizona's anti-immigrant posture. Our old pal, author Dave Neiwert, summed up a lot... more »
Sunnis In Baghdad Fleeing Militias And Harassment By Iraqi Security Forces
Iraq is suffering through yet another internal refugee crisis. Previous to the current insurgent offensive there were over 1 million Iraqis who lost their homes during the civil war period and never returned. Now there is another wave of internally displaced, which started with the fighting in Anbar in January, and increased after the fall of Mosul in June. The majority of these new refugees come from Anbar, Ninewa and Salahaddin. In the midst of this new crisis several thousand families have fled Baghdad province. Most of these Iraqis appear to be Sunnis that are fleeing random a... more »
Easy Custom Pinboards for Doctor Who Fans
Hi again! Lorene here, the blogger formerly known as just Lu. (The blog is still there, but the blogger isn't as often :)) If you've been reading Housewife Eclectic for many moons, you might remember me from my Wednesdays on the Web posts back in the day. But this time, I'm here to share some fun projects with you to give Debra a little break and some time to snuggle that sweet baby girl! Up today: super easy, customizable pinboards. Yup, real-life pinboards, not the Pinterest kind. Make them for whoever -- I highly recommend your favorite Whovian :) *How to Make Custom Mini Pinbo... more »
MH17 Show & Tell: It's the West's Turn
*July 21, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Russia has now shown its satellite pictures and radar information from the Donetsk, Ukraine region during the July 17, 2014 Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash. The Wall Street Journal reported in its article, "Russia Presents Its Account of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 Crash," that: *Russia's Defense Ministry on Monday presented its first detailed account of the final moments of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, saying Russian radar had spotted a second aircraft in the vicinity shortly before the crash and that satellite imagery showed Ukraine ha... more »
Supplemental: Award-winning series postponed!
*MONDAY, JULY 21, 2014* *The Houses of Journalist County:* Do Bill and Hillary Clinton have too much cash? Too many fancy houses? Last month, these questions arose, prompted by a Q-and-A involving Diane Sawyer. During a thoroughly pointless interview with Hillary Clinton, the famous broadcaster popped these questions: SAWYER (6/9/14): Tonight Hillary Clinton, 66 years old, lives on a schedule almost as taxing as a campaign tour. She and her husband, thanks to some big spenders, including Wall Street companies, are no longer the couple struggling for money. Reportedly, they can char... more »
The Fall of Iraq - What You Aren't Being Told
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ISIS Leader a Confirmed CIA Puppet
NSA documents add more detail to plan to destabilize Middle East *by KURT NIMMO | INFOWARS.COM | * *Editor’s note: The validity of the document mentioned below cannot be verified due to the exclusivity of the Snowden cache. Cryptome sent a letter to various sources in possession of the documents, including The New York Times, Washington Post, The Guardian, Barton Gellman, Laura Poitrias, Glenn Greenwald, ACLU, EFF and others demanding an accounting. The allegation about ISIS and al-Baghdadi, however, pairs up with other information demonstrating ISIS is an inte... more »
Because Happiness is Greater Than Any of Life's Obstacles: 'Yes We Can Be Happy, Yes We Are From Gaza'
Gaza Style Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner
President "Ribbon Cutter" spends the weekend at Camp David to enjoy some "family time"...
*except he spent Sunday on the golf course at Fort Belvoir.* *Cocky long-legged mack daddy* *in his natural habitat* Wow, with a schedule like his, the August 9th annual vacation to Martha's Vineyard can't come fast enough. Wonder what his wife and kids were doing on Sunday. Word has it that he failed to recognize his eldest daughter last time he saw her. America, are you tired yet of him rubbing your noses in his armpit? *Weekend Must-Read: Ten Reasons Why I Am No Longer a Leftist * Perfectly describes just about every libtard I ever met.
“No new federal spending” Equals “This really doesn’t matter”
“No new federal spending” Equals “This really doesn’t matter”. via “No new federal spending” Equals “This really doesn’t matter”.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical
Every 300th day in the bulk of a solar cycle is sunspot-free
*...they are not that rare...* The Daily Mail is the most influential source that wrote that Why has the sun gone quiet? ------------------------------ Scientists baffled as sun spots disappear during peak period of solar activity Surely it must be a miracle that days without any sunspots began last week, inside the Solar Cycle 24. This shouldn't happen, should it? The Sun is going to be turned off, or at least an ice age is coming. But is it? Should we be stunned? To answer the question, I downloaded the SIDC daily sunspot numbers from a website. Between January 1820 and June 20... more »
Back from vacation to crowdsource a problem with school enrollment
Help. My elementary school in a low-income part of Washington, DC needs its community to enroll its children in school. Otherwise, we’re going to have a problem. In previous weeks, and in weeks to come, myself and others are canvassing surrounding neighborhoods to ensure that students are enrolled in school. Previously, I’ve called this “predatory […]
NEW KIDS ON THE LAWN: The intellectual legacy!
*MONDAY, JULY 21, 2014* *Part 1—What Dowd leaves behind:* The generation of pundits now leaving the stage leaves behind a truly appalling intellectual legacy. They’re the gang who invented “invented the Internet.” Before that, they invented the Whitewater “scandal.” (They gave that famous name—Whitewater—to a whole political era. To this day, can you explain what Bill Clinton is or was alleged to have done wrong?) Their technical incompetence is a thing to behold. Beyond that, they’ve been in thrall to big-money interests for as long as they’ve been in control. Why do we America... more »
Just some links
Typhoon to make landfall on Wednesday. Typhoon track as of noon on Monday. Central Weather Bureau typhoon link. _____________ *Daily Links*: - Explanation of the Point System for foreigner grads of local universities to find local jobs: Winkler. Note that last line has useful translation. - SOAS roundtable on Sunflower movement - Bill Hayton with another strong piece on China's bizarro-world claims to the South China Sea - Forbes on the Confucius Institutes - Local Vietnam government to compensate big Taiwan steel firm _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't mi... more »
nina paley looks at the Middle East Conflict
Its a fantastic animation that really made me (and others see video below) thinkaboot it. Editors Note: At this time in history I am on the side of Israel. That is not to say I or even most Jews support everything they do. I just do not know what other choice they have? I have a solution but it makes to much sense to implement.
Sabotaging Responsible Government
www.nationalpost.com/ Over at *ipolitics*, Andrew Mitrovica asks,"Is Mulcair just another Harper with a beard?" It's an important question, given the evolution -- some would say devolution -- of the New Democratic Party. There is a nomination battle unfolding in British Columbia. Officials at party headquarters have banned Paul Manly from seeking the party nomination in Nanaimo-Ladysmith: This fracas is instructive for a number of reasons. The prickly issue, however, at the core of the dispute – that... more »
Gazan to Netanyahu- Thanks monster, my life is ruined. MH17 spin/sanctions/BRICS bank
*No, that is not a real headline. It's fictional. Like most mainstream media content * *But, it could be very real. * *This is a rambling post.... * *You may not think so, but, all these subject are intertwined* *Gaza, MH17, Sanctions, BRICS, spin and perception management so let's get started * *Seen this news today?* In a grief-stricken open letter that went viral after being posted on social media sites, he signed off as "Hans de Borst – whose life is ruined". In my opinion. And this may be controversial. No grief stricken father or mother would post such a letter on social media... more »
I Always Thought Every Band Should Cover A Bob Dylan Song, Especially "With God On Our Side"
Last week, as you may have read (here and here), I spent time out at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, where I haven't been since graduating in 1969. That's 45 years ago and I literally didn't recognize a single thing about the campus, at least not physically. One moment that did ring a bell however, was when one of the administrators asked me if I'm an atheist. The administrators back in the '60s probably had every reason to think so, since atheism has always been part of tearing down the Establishment, something I've always had a penchant for, and certainly gave pr... more »
Recommending Oldephartte Blog
Suburb Photo Credit Sergiu Bacioiu Years ago my go to source for news was the Drudge Report. After a decade of chases his links I realized I was being groomed. Then I moved to the Huff Puff, but the Canadian Edition is run by a right winger. Lately my world view is mostly informed by reading Oldepharrte.
*The $2 Million Teacher* *Teachers Pay Teachers lets educators reassert their professionalism—and earn big bucks* When Paul Edelman was working as a middle school teacher in New York City during the early '00s, his school gave him none of the lesson plans, handouts, and workbooks necessary for running a classroom. "When school ended at 3 p.m., it was really just the beginning of my workday," says Edelman. He says his first year was "brutal," and his second and third years were only marginally better. Edelman's experience is hardly unique; many young teachers burn out in part beca... more »
Asymmetric Warfare Everywhere
*VS* The illegal immigration crisis on the US southern border is seen in the video below as warfare. I guess the enemy is the poor and huddled Central American masses. George W Bush and the Banana Republicans for reasons unknown created the child crisis by changing the law. Every person arrested in the drug war is a Asymmetric warrior because the cost of imprisonment weakens the enemy. Bottom line he does not understand Asymmetric warfare. He equates it with guerrilla warfare. They are two different things. Anyway its a fascinating video with a look into the Republican mind, wi... more »
Putin calls for an end to conflict in Ukraine as pressure builds on Moscow
*Full transcript:* In connection with the terrible tragic events that happened in the skies over Donetsk, I would like to explain once again Russian attitude to events that are taking place in Ukraine. We have repeatedly called on all parties of the conflict to immediately stop the bloodshed and sit down at the negotiating table. We strongly believe that if military action in the East of Ukraine was not renewed on the 28th of June, this tragedy most likely wouldn’t have happened. However, no one should have the right to use this tragedy to pursue egoistic political aims. S... more »
Do I Have Workplace Rights If I Work In An Indian Casino?
An AOL Jobs reader asked: I work security at an Indian Casino in California. I'm not sure how state overtime laws apply to Indian Casinos, but my workplace requires me to arrive early, get in uniform and clock in before I'm scheduled to start (no more than seven minutes prior to start). And if we're more than one minute late, we're penalized. What can be done? I get questions about liability of tribal casinos a lot because my office is just a few miles from a major one here in Florida. In general, Native American reservations are considered to be on sovereign soil, and therefore th... more »
Musical Interlude: Dire Straits, “Private Investigations”
Dire Straits, “Private Investigations” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IxS-ICzjO6I
New Study Reveals That Roundup Herbicide Damages Sperm
NEWSTUDY: Roundup herbicide altered rats’ testicular function after only 8 days of exposure at a concentration of only 0.5%, similar to levels found in water after agricultural spraying. The study found no difference in sperm concentratio...n, viability and mobility, but there was an increase in abnormal sperm formation measured 2, 3, and 4 months after this short exposure. The study's findings should raise alarm in farm workers, as well as people who spray Roundup for municipal authorities and even home gardeners. People exposed to lower doses repeated over the long term, inc... more »
TURNcoats Meet in Rosemont, IL to Promote Common Core
--> *TURN is hosting a regional summer CCSS conference July 28-29 in Rosemont, Illinois. Both NEA and AFT have representation and Fresno, CA and Nashville, TN seem heavily represented. Of course, their intellectual relic, Patrick Dolan, will be there to explain how those on the bottom should properly collaborate with those on top. The full agenda is on the TURN website: * *http://www.turnexchange.net/blog.htm * ht to Ken Derstine.
“The Al-Shejaia Massacre in Gaza – In Photos & Video”
"That truth is that monsters are real, and ghosts are real, too. They live inside us, and sometimes they win." - Stephen King, “The Shining” ◆ *A Comment: *I cannot speak freely about this mind-numbing savagery, simply do not know the words to describe something so astonishingly vile and incomprehensible. Click the link below, if you dare, for many more pictures of the unspeakable horror that has happened, and is happening, in Gaza right now. And we Americans paid for it all, and could stop it instantly if the government chose to, but that's not reality when our government is owned ... more »
Kiev Attacks Donetsk, Headquarters for MH17 Response
*July 21, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Reuters reported that the NATO-backed regime in Kiev has launched an offensive on the eastern city of Donetsk, Donetsk province. In its article, "Fighting erupts in Ukraine as crash investigators arrive," Reuters states: *Ukrainian army tanks were reported to be launching an assault to break pro-Russian rebels' hold on the eastern city of Donetsk on Monday in the first major outbreak of hostilities in the area since Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 was shot down last week.* *A separatist leader said Ukrainian government forces were trying to br... more »
Meet the electric life forms that live on pure energy
From: New Scientist http://goo.gl/L4iVmg Video: Electric bacteria connect to form wires *Unlike any other life on Earth, these extraordinary bacteria use energy in its purest form – they eat and breathe electrons – and they are everywhere* STICK an electrode in the ground, pump electrons down it, and they will come: living cells that eat electricity. We have known bacteria to survive on a variety of energy sources, but none as weird as this. Think of Frankenstein's monster, brought to life by galvanic energy, except these "electric bacteria" are very real and are popping up ... more »
Fatalities in Gaza, what the BBC is not telling you
John Kerry talks sense!
Su-30MKI engine failures worry IAF; Russia told to fix snag
[image: Su-30MKI]The Sukhoi-30MKI fleet of the Indian Air Force has been encountering mid-air engine failures for the past two years. India has officially flagged the matter to Russia seeking a correction. Repeated engine failures and the newly introduced precautionary measures have affected the availability of planes for various operations. The IAF has a fleet of 200 Sukhois. After a failure, the engine is replaced after testing before allowing the plane to fly again. The process of removing and replacing an engine usually takes four-five days, but can be extended depending upon th... more »
Anti-tank missile defense system makes debut
[image: Merkava 4 tank]While nine Iron Dome batteries scattered around Israel protect the lives of millions of Israeli citizens, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tanks and armored vehicles operating in the Gaza Strip have their own Iron Dome: Operation Protective Edge is the first real test of Wind Jacket (known internationally as Trophy), the first-of-its-kind active-defense system for tanks and armored personnel carriers (APCs). The defense system was developed by Iron Dome developer and manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd. and was first used in late 2010. The system has... more »
Non-orthogonal quantum states are not mutually exclusive
*"Interpreters" of quantum mechanics deny nothing less than Born's rule* In classical physics, if we know that the system has generalized coordinates \((x_i,p_i)\), i.e. that it sits at the corresponding point of the phase space, then we may say that it certainly doesn't have generalized coordinates \((x'_i,p'_i)\) if the collections of numbers differ,\[ (x_i,p_i)\neq (x'_i,p'_i). \] Different points of the phase space are mutually exclusive even if they are very close to each other. This lesson holds in any classical theory, including classical field theory. If two configurations o... more »
Could Canada lease P-8 maritime patrol aircraft?
[image: P-8A Poseidon]The Conservative government has delayed the purchase of a new maritime patrol aircraft to replace the current Aurora fleet. It won’t be until 2027-2030 until that replacement gets underway. Lack of money was the culprit. The RCAF had its eye on the P-8 patrol aircraft but had deemed it too expensive. Is Britain on the road to a solution to buy the aircraft? See below: As speculation grows that the UK could be interested in the Boeing P-8 maritime patrol aircraft, a Boeing official said the firm is looking at using its C-17 lease deal with the UK as a model for... more »
Ultra Electronics Says Sonar Systems Business Gets Contract Worth GBP 9.9 Mln
[image: HMAS Perth]Ultra Electronics Holdings Plc Monday announced that its Sonar Systems business has been awarded a contract worth 9.9 million pounds for provision of its Sea Sentor Surface Ship Torpedo Defence, or SSTD system, to be used for New Zealand's ANZAC Frigate Systems Upgrade programme. Under this contract the Group will deliver two Sea Sentor SSTD Systems. The ANZAC FSU project will upgrade the surveillance, combat and self-defence capabilities of the ANZAC frigates to match current and future threats and address obsolescence of some of the current systems, the firm s... more »
State commission inks acceptance certificate for corvette "Stoiky"
[image: RFS Stoiky]State commission on July 18 2014 in Baltiysk signed the acceptance / handover certificate for the newest corvette "Stoiky", the third serial corvette of project 20380 (Steregushchy class). The ship was built at St. Petersburg based Severnaya Verf (part of the United Shipbuilding Corporation), the Corp. said in a press release. The name of the third serial 20380-design corvette is inherited from its famous predecessors: the first of Baltic Fleet's 7U project destroyer that was defending Leningrad and Tallinn during WWII, the first serial destroyer of project 30 B... more »
*Warmists assume what they have to prove* *There are a great number of models that have been put out out by Warmists -- all with slightly different assumptions. And the assumptions are the key. With different assumptions you could predict cooling. But there are only a small minority that come close to the temperatures actually observed.So the latest effort by some well-known Warmists simply picks out those models that have done best and says: "Aha! The models are good after all!" Read the abstract below and see for yourself. They say: "only those models with natural var... more »
Navy feared frigate's excessive noise made it an easier target
[image: HMCS Toronto]The noise generated by one of Canada’s frigates was so excessive that navy officers worried for a time that it had become more vulnerable to torpedoes and other weapons that home in on sound, according to a military report obtained by the Citizen. Royal Canadian Navy officials were scrambling last year to deal with the problem just as HMCS Toronto was getting ready to set sail for the Arabian Sea, a potentially high threat area for submarines operated by other nations. At first, the navy thought that the excessive noise was being generated by stern flaps, a dev... more »
Future submarines: Australia's $40 billion risk
[image: Collins class SSK]The selection process to build 6 to 12 future submarines in Australia involves many hurdles and risks. It would be hugely wasteful for politicians, admirals and officials to again make hasty choices that again steer this country into a Collins disaster. When the future planning Defence White Paper is published next year it will be too early to decide on "local or foreign built?" issues because Japanese submarine opportunities are only starting to emerge. Australia should not be locked into another ASC construction in South Australia fiasco - whatever Labo... more »
Reflections From The Echo Chamber
*Written by Grant G* Motionless, not a breath of air, heat fear and anticipation of anything tangible, stoic posturing is the onlyorder of the day... I haven`t written much lately, for a reason, the story(s), the stories have been written, federally Stephen Harper`s gang of ugly gnome like lawn ornaments have become tiresome, nauseating in fact, a one refrain repeating automatron buoy that never stops, one message, one theme,.. *Justin Trudeau bad, pot smoking unqualified trust fund baby with no depth, ........* *Thomas Mulcair is an angry socialist hell-bent on spending AAAAAL... more »
Review & Giveaway - "The Big Tiny" by Dee Williams
At the age of 41, Dee Williams nearly lost her life. After collapsing in a grocery store, she was diagnosed with a serious heart condition. While in the hospital, she witnessed a tragedy ... the death of the woman in the next bed. Those experiences reminded Ms. Williams that life is short and gave her a new appreciation for the important things in life, namely her friends, family, and home. While she loved her home, she now saw it with new eyes. She questioned the need for so many rooms and realized that they were filled with unused stuff. She thought about the cost of maintaining a... more »
Without Another US Intervention In Iraq, The Islamic State Will Permanently Establish Itself In The Heart of The Middle East
*"You break it, you own it." - General Colin Powell. * The Iraqi army, which since 2011 has largely come under the direct control of Prime Minister Maliki, was defeated again by the few but ferocious fighters of the Islamic State. An excerpt from, *"Islamic State overwhelms Iraqi forces at Tikrit in major defeat"* by Mitchell Prothero, McClatchy, July 18: The defeat brought to an end a three-week campaign by the government in Baghdad to recapture Tikrit, which fell to the Islamic State on June 11. Military spokesmen earlier this week had confidently announced a final push to reca... more »
Does reading online or via Kindle-type device change the way we read? Is it something to worry about?
*Reading via an electronic device, even one that's designed to mimic reading from paper, may be as different from print reading as reading online is. Anne Mangen, a researcher in Norway, tells Maryanne Wolf: "Anecdotally, I've heard some say it's like they haven't read anything properly if they've read it on a Kindle. The reading has left more of an ephemeral experience."* *by Ken* One of the things I've meant to write about this week is a really interesting piece by newyorker.com contributing editor Maria Konnikova, who specializes in psychology and science, called "." Which is a... more »
Harry Targ : The Central American refugees are 21st century descendants of imperialism
The popular narratives about the horrific migration ignore the history of U.S.-inspired violence in the region and the economic devastation caused by neoliberal economic policies. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | July 20, 2014 A military coup in … finish reading Harry Targ : The Central American refugees are 21st century descendants of imperialism
What I’ll Be Reading While Off The Grid
As of tomorrow I am turning on my “vacation” auto-responder, ceasing blogging for a bit, and hitting the road for some combined business/leisure. Highlights will include: Some Colorado conference travel to present my research findings to one of the activist communities whose work I profiled in my book London for a week of exploratory research among NGOs Continue reading
Israeli raids lead to massacre in Gaza's Shejaiya
Israeli raids lead to massacre in Gaza's Shejaiya. Source: Middle East Eye. Date Published: July 20.
Fascinating and troubling story emerging from eastern Ukraine. The international crash investigation team appears to be huddled in Kiev and not being in any hurry to come to crash site to begin their investigation. Local self-defense forces, already accused by Obama and the western media for the crime, appear to be stalling knowing that plane victims bodies are decomposing in the hot weather and making a serious investigation more difficult. Why the delays in getting the international team to the crash site? [For subtitles click the "captions" button next to the "settings" wheel ... more »
Quote of the day: On responding to Wagner
“… opera audiences … are responding to the heightened atmosphere of the music-dramas which, as Thomas Mann put it, “implies that the highest and best available to man is a life cast in the *heroic* mould.’” - Simon Williams, *Wagner and the Romantic Hero* - HERALD: ‘Concert review: *Tristan und Isolde*, Auckland Town Hall’ - HERALD: 'The agony and the ecstacy' Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Field Notes From a Lagging Indicator
*By William Neil* *Introduction:* Anyone with a social conscience or who has just followed the news since 2010 knows that the struggle for decent health care is not an issue that can stand isolated from other intimately intertwined factors, although our medical and political system tries to keep it that way. My tale is not unique….it has been already lived by millions if not tens of millions of others, and the pattern by now has become a familiar horror story, if not a drill: a medical crisis leads to an income crisis which leads to a housing crisis…which can in turn create a fu... more »
Northern Cross Sanity Break
*Resting in Lower Baling with my good friends Kenji and Jeff.* Saturday and Sunday I ignored my currently enormous workload and rode one of favorite routes, the Northern Cross Island Highway from Yongning Metro to Yilan Train Station with my redoubtable friends Kenji and Jeff. Click on Read More to see more.... *ROUTE NOTES*: This is an easy two day ride. From Yongning Metro, the last stop on the blue line, head southwest on the 3 until you reach the 108. You can head all the way to the alternate 7 but then you have to fight the traffic on the alternate 7? TRICKY PART: Follow th... more »
Hopelessness And The Rise Of Fascism
All that money sloshing around the political system is so important because it is primarily used to brainwash low-info voters. If you have a brother-in-law you've probably experienced it first hand. Propaganda trumps reason and self-interest, especially for the half the population with double-digit IQs. "When people are [already] misinformed," wrote Professor Marty Kaplan, founding director of the USC's Norman Lear Center, "giving them facts to correct those errors only makes them cling to their beliefs more tenaciously. More and better facts don’t turn low-information voters into... more »
The Most Important Book for Humanity Right Now is Available for Free
*The most important book for humanity right now is available for free!* Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner
Rockets From Gaza? Human Shields? Tunnels? Again?
(above, REALLY LOOK at how tiny Gaza is, and how tiny it is compared to Israel and the entire Middle East...the TINY little black box in the upper-left of the map really brings it home to you how small Gaza is...it is about 6 miles across in some spots) Practically the entire world's 99% (not governments or the 1%) are against the Israeli's brutal attack against the Palestinians in Gaza. Their reason, though, is different than mine. They are against one of the top 5 nuclear powers using their full force against civilians, women, children...but begin with accepting the "news" stori... more »
The Middle East Friendship Chart
“Friendship” might be the wrong title. It’s not clear that Iraq, among others, is even friends with itself – let alone the Palestinian Authority and its separate heads. [image: image] Head to Slate for the full interactive chart. [Hat tip Vinay Kolhatkar] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
“Civilians Fleeing Gaza City Neighborhood After Israeli Strike Say They Have Nowhere To Go”
*“Civilians Fleeing Gaza City Neighborhood After* * Israeli Strike Say They Have Nowhere To Go”* by Sophia Jones GAZA CITY - “Just after sunrise on Sunday, Zeinab, a young Palestinian mother, ran out of her house in Gaza City's Shijaiyah neighborhood with her husband and barefoot 5-year-old daughter. With the sound of Israeli drones overhead and air strikes and tank shelling all around, Zeinab watched as her neighbors poured into the streets and began to run. So she did the same. “We were running, and [the Israeli Army] was attacking behind us,” she said, sitting within the safety... more »
Antiwar video by award-winning songwriter Tabitha Elkins
*YouTube * Who says there is a shortage of protest music in the music scene these days? Proof positive is the new song penned by singer-songwriter Tabitha Elkins - whose output so far has ranged from Hard Bop Jazz to acoustic folk rock - and whose self-penned anti-war song takes on news propaganda and the culture of violence. It's a brave move for a new artist, but Tabitha, who played all of the instruments on the song herself, stands by her stance, explaining, "People need to start speaking up and thinking for themselves. The culture of violence and war is not the answer." ... more »
Calling All Hackers: Help Us Build an Open Wireless Router
Peter Echersley, Jacob Hoffman-Andrews, and Ranga Krishnan *EFF* EFF is releasing an experimental hacker alpha release of wireless router software specifically designed to support secure, shareable Open Wireless networks. We will be officially launching the Open Wireless Router today at the HOPE X (Hackers on Planet Earth) conference in New York City, aiming to bring aboard members of the hacker community. This release is a work in progress and is intended only for developers and people willing to deal with the bleeding edge. The software aims to do several things that existi... more »
Politics as horse race
It’s not exactly a contest of ideas out there on the hustings. Not that you’d know if any ideas were being debated, not if media reports were all you had to go on. The media, as always, steer clear of ideas and talk only about the race. The polls. The “gaffes.” The details of the campaign to come, without the ideas around which campaigns are supposed to centre. Politics as horse race. And the polls, the polls! If the polls are reported as your opinion about the parties, but all you heard about the parties is the polls, from whence and based on what would you form your opinions? ... more »
China, my China
*Our regular Asian/Australian correspondent Suzuki Samurai has more book recommendations for you…* * The twenty-first century, it is said, is going to be China's century. The story is a fascinating one, and will be more so as it unfolds. Alas, the masses of information that most people use to form this story they get from China's propaganda apparatchiks through an often gooey-eyed and incurious western media – bushels more chaff than wheat. There is little doubt however, that China is a far better place than it was just a few decades ago. How it navigates the stormy waters of the... more »
The People Who Gather On The Hills of Sderot To Watch Bombing of Gaza Are Not Scum
It's important not to paint the people who gather on the hills of Sderot in Israel to watch the bombing of Gaza with a wide brush. Those *who threaten journalists* belong in a different category. Simply put, they are assholes. But they're not the only ones who attend these viewing parties. The experience for most is cathartic. It is more positive for them being there than staying locked inside a bomb shelter underground, and it's hard to blame them for feeling that way. We should not place too much emphasis on this phenomenon, and instead focus our attention on the causes of this wa... more »
Mining 40: MICC and its Proposed 79 Percent Effective Tax Rate
Early this month, the Mining Industry Coordinating Council (MICC) has proposed an effective mining tax rate of 79 percent. From BWorld, July 07, 2014, *“We are dismayed that the MICC has moved forward with a proposed increased tax policy without taking into consideration comments and observations not only from the mining industry that will be directly affected by said policy but by authoritative third parties,” CoMP said.* *The MICC proposed a payment of 10% of gross revenue, or 55% of the Adjusted Net Mining Revenue, whichever may be higher.* Perhaps the MICC, in particular the ... more »
Restaurant Reviews
I have been living in Costa Rica for a little over 2 months now, and wanted to share a post about places we have eaten and our thoughts. Some we have eaten at other times before we moved here as well. It's hard to pick favorites, as we like different places for different reasons and food. Here goes though. I will update this list as we try different places as well and will try to post links to those that have websites. 1. Green Room Café. We have eaten here twice for dinner since moving here. A couple local people recommended it to me, and we finally tried it. Awesome place.... more »
In Response to Bill Wraga's Review of The Mismeasure of Education
University of Georgia professor, Bill Wraga, offered a review of *The Mismeasure of Education* in the UGA-based *Journal of Language and Literacy Education*. Because we feel strongly that, while everyone has a right to his own perspective, she does not have a right to her own facts. Therefore, we offered *JOLLE *a corrective to the more glaring inaccuracies in Dr. Wraga's review. We received this response to our proposed rejoinder from Principal Editor of *JOLLE*, Michelle Falter: Dear Mr. Horn, The Editorial board regrets to inform you that we are not accepting responses to bo... more »
Whitewraithe's RANT for July 20, 2014
Here we are, at the arrival of another Sunday and it's time for the weekly RANT and one hell-of-a rant it will be. I'm so angry at the bloodsucking, murderous, Jew-run "new world order" if I had supernatural powers you can be sure I'd be a bloody raging storm destroying everything that they love with the first being the Federal Reserve and the ability to create money out of nothing - for all time. But, I digress. I just had to get that feeling out of my system. The carnage and destruction to Gaza with the added murder of nearly 300 innocent people on yet another Malaysian 777 ... more »
Ministry of Propaganda Spins Shootdown of Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17
*“It’s an insult to human reason and to the legitimacy of this institution to suggest that anyone other than the regime carried out this attack.”* *-President Barack Obama – Speech to United Nations on Syria gas attack* *“I will be voting to give the president of the United States the authority to use force – if necessary – to disarm Saddam Hussein because I believe that a deadly arsenal of weapons of mass destruction in his hands is a real and grave threat to our security.”* *- Senator John Kerry* The notorious and legendary Nazi propagandist Paul Joseph Goebbels would be in sheer a... more »
Did Mikey Suits (R-Staten Island) Bring In A New Lawyer For The Plea Bargain?
Domenic Recchia is one of the worst of Steve Israel's awful, garden variety mystery meat careerist candidates for Congress, a scandal in-waiting. When Israel recruited him, there was little chance he could have beaten Staten Island's Mafia-connected incumbent, Michael "Mikey Suits" Grimm. And that despite a district that has been rapidly turning bluer and bluer-- in 2008, McCain bested Obama there, 51-48% and 4 years later Obama beat McCain 52-47%-- voters, particularly of the Staten Island variety, were happy enough with their dumbed-down tough guy, thuggish congressman. And then ... more »
Amazing Maps
At the risk of crashing the side bar and making the blog look untidy (don't you hate it when that happens?), here are some gems from a Twitter feed called Amazing Maps. This sort of thing is right up my street (which appears on several maps though not on Amazing Maps): *Heavy metal bands per 100,000 people* *How many players from each world cup squad play abroad* *Age of Sexual Consent in Europe* *The Second Largest Religion by U.S. State* *How often countries vote with the United States at the UN* *The disease most likely to kill you by country* *Where does you... more »
METRO EVENT | Beverly Baker Moore says ‘party like it’s 1969′ at Thorne’s 69th Birthday Bash, Aug. 1, at Maria’s in Austin.
Border Run to Nicaragua from Herradura
In Costa Rica, you have to leave the country every 90 days and re-enter if you are not a resident. Technically, if you have applied to be a resident, you do not have to do this, however, there is another law that says if you do not leave every day and are not a resident, you cannot legally drive and your insurance is invalid. So, even though Kurt and I have applied for residency, we still had to do this border run in order to still be able to legally drive in the country. Kurt was coming up on his 90 days on August 1, so we decided to go on Friday together and get on the same sched... more »
BBC journalist: "Whenever I see Netanyahu I remember what happened to ex-PM Sharon! There's GOD wooo!"
The ever-vigilant DB at* Biased BBC *has spotlighted a tweet from impartial BBC World Service journalist Naziru Mikailu ("views here are personal!")... Whenever I see Netanyahu I remember what happened to ex-PM Sharon! There's GOD wooo! #Gaza #Israel — Naziru Mikail (@nazirumikailu) July 20, 2014 As DB notes, Ariel Sharon died after being in a coma for several years. To which may be added a further impartial tweet: I wonder what PM Netanyahu will tell the world after massacring 500 people in Gaza - mostly women & children. #GazaUnderAttack — Naziru Mikail (@nazirumikailu) July 20... more »
Biasless in Gaza, at the BBC with Roger Bolton?
This week's *Feedback *dealt with the issue of BBC bias over the latest Israel-Palestinian conflict. First came two listeners from one side of the argument: My name's Jean Fitzpatrick and I live in London. I wish the BBC would give more time to hear the Palestinian voice, the Palestinian side, so it's not so much that it's only about Israel but we don't hear the Palestinian voice, the Palestinian situation. My name's Jenny Hardacre. I'm calling from Cambridge. The current coverage, I think it is very one-sided. I don't think they present the Palestinian perspective at all and t... more »
Blasphemy! Kerry Slips Up and Criticizes Israel
If you have to five one thing to the babbling ass who is the sitting Secretary of State of the USA! USA! USA! he is certainly is consistent. During John "Skull and Bones" Kerry's five show whirlwind tour of the Sunday morning propaganda circuit to gin up support behind a coordinated campaign to frame Russian leader Vladimir Putin for the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 on Thursday the man with the ongoing and incurable case of diarrhea of the mouth slipped up in the worst possible place - Fox News. Kerry has inflamed pro-Israel sentiment by daring to drop the prove... more »
*Saints 2014 training camp preview ~Ramon Antonio Vargas*
*St. Tammany parish flood control board nominees scarce ~Faimon A. Roberts* *Political Horizons: Congressional candidates not regular voters ~Mark Ballard* *New Orleans RTA firm unveils $3.5 billion, 30-year transit expansion vision ~Richard Rainey* *Portland cargo bike disaster drill: When Cascadia earthquake hits, city's bicyclists will deliver relief ~Oregonian* *White sugarcane aphids, making a mess in milo ~Elton Robinson, Delta Farm Press* *Lagunitas Coming to Louisiana ~The Beer Buddha*
Absolute Reason Why the U.S. could have been behind MH17 being shot down. U.S. was in conflict with Russia for Europe's Energy Needs
The U.S. and the U.K. are calling on all the European countries to get behind Russian sanctions. They want the EU to stop using Russian energy, especially Gazprom. Hillary Clinton directly said the EU has to stop using Gazprom. The U.S. has been in a conflict with Russia to get the EU to import the U.S. energy, but the EU has had a stronger relationship with Russia for energy. Now it is
Missile Guidance System being smuggled into Ukraine in June intercepted in Finland. Won't say who going to. Ukraine shot down airliner in 2001 with BUK missile
I have uncovered the fact that Finland intercepted a shipment of missile guidance systems being smuggled into Ukraine from Vietnam. They will not say who was the intended recipient in Ukraine. Ukraine shot down an airliner in 2001 with BUK 300 missile, first they denied it and then had to admit it. NATO had two airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) planes in the air at the time of
Federal Court Rules Against Huntsville's Segregated Caste System of Schools
From Alternet, a clip: . . . . "The record in this case is not as clear as the Board suggests, and the fact that the district integrated the student bodies of many of its schools in the early 1970s does not automatically lead to the conclusion that the district does not currently operate a dual system," she wrote. She pointed out that not only were many schools still segregated, but the opportunity to take advanced classes also appeared linked to race. She noted testimony from a white mother who withdrew her child from a predominantly black high school because it offered fewer advan... more »
'Free Palestine!' World marches to protest Gaza victims
The BBC showed only a few SECONDS of the London march. And in Paris pro-Palestinian marches are now ILLEGAL. Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner
John Kerry's Sunday Morning Orgy of Bullshit
The last time that Secretary of Skull and Bones John Kerry hit for the cycle on the Sunday morning “news” shows he was pushing a war on Syria that was based on shaky evidence that to this day has not been substantiated. Whirlwind John and his incurable case of diarrhea of the mouth appeared on all five of the Sabbath day feasts of bullshit that far too many Americans believe are credible discussion forums rather than the interlocked propaganda dispersal systems that they are in reality. Kerry was seeking to exploit the shooting down of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 over a war zone... more »
METRO EVENT | Beverly Baker Moore: Thorne’s 69th Birthday Bash to be social event of the year!
So let’s raise a margarita to the old guy… and party like it’s 1969! By Beverly Baker Moore | The Rag Blog | July 20, 2014 Event: Thorne’s 69th Birthday Bash Place: Maria’s Taco Xpress Address: 2529 S. Lamar Blvd. … finish reading *METRO EVENT* | Beverly Baker Moore: Thorne’s 69th Birthday Bash to be social event of the year!
Retired Border Control Officer tells the truth about asymmetric warfare...a must see video
*I don't believe he says anything a thinking person has not already figured out, but it's nice to be validated.* This really is a "need to see" video. It was posted on July 19th and already has over 31K views. H/T Clash Daily *Asymmetric warfare* is war between belligerents whose relative military power differs significantly, or whose strategy or tactics differs significantly. *Asymmetric warfare* can describe a conflict in which the resources of two belligerents differ in essence and in the struggle, interact and attempt to exploit each other's characteristic weaknesses. Such... more »
What Happened to the Malaysian Airliner?
Anthony Freda Art Paul Craig Roberts Washington’s propaganda machine is in such high gear that we are in danger of losing the facts that we do have. One fact is that the separatists *do not* have the expensive Buk anti-aircraft missile system or the trained personnel to operate it. Another fact is that the separatists have no incentive to shoot down an airliner and neither does Russia. Anyone can tell the difference between low-flying attack aircraft and an airliner at 33,000 feet. The Ukrainians do have Buk anti-aircraft missile systems, and a Buk battery was operational ... more »
Ghost of Sunday Classics: When the night wind howls in the chimney cowls
*With update, in which I actually include the texts and music for the meeting of the two Bad Barts* *Carole Round in the 1999 SavoyNet Performing Group Ruddigore* *DAME HANNAH* [*quoting the burning witch*]: "Each lord of Ruddigore, despite his best endeavour, shall do one crime, or more, once every day forever. This doom he can't defy, however he may try. For should he stay his hand, that day in torture he shall die!" [*We heard the story in full in this week's preview, "The Witch's Curse."*] *Gillian Knight (ms), Dame Hannah; Orchestra or the Royal Opera House, Covent Gardn, Isid... more »
Palestine vs. Israel: An Immoral Conflict Devoid of Balance
Steven MacMillan *Activist Post* The recent Israeli bombardment of Gaza is the latest example of the lack of equilibrium in a conflict that has been intermittently fought since the establishment of Israel in 1948. Following the killing of 3 Israeli teenagers last month, the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the 4th largest military on the planet to conduct air, land and sea attacks on the densely populated Gaza Strip, which has left over 340 Palestinians dead – 75% of which are civilians, compared to 5 Israelis killed. Netanyahu was quick to blame Hamas for th... more »
NSA Employees Get Off on Nude Pics Per New Snowden Interview
Not that it is any great surprise considering the level of corruption and abuse of power that permeates the entire American system these days but one of the fringe benefits of the NSA snooping programs is the ability to gather and drool over amateur pornography and naked pictures to take the edge off of a boring day at work. In a new exclusive interview conducted by The Guardian with former government contractor turned NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden the perusing of such personal and intimate material for fun is but one of the many bits of information discussed with the American ... more »
Masters of War and Hypocrisy
What a difference a body count makes. Over the weekend, a numerical tie was reached between the corpses littering a field of Ukrainian sunflowers and the corpses spread out within the Gaza outdoor prison. The temporary parity achieved was 298 people in each locale. The Ukrainian crash death toll is static, while the Gazan casualties keep piling up. Today alone, an additional 87 Palestinians and 13 Israeli soldiers died. The plane crash victims have engendered the usual official outrage from government officials pretending to be capable of such a normal human emotion. Photos and lif... more »
(Zombie Country? At Least the Consensus) Bombshell Study: America's Wealthy Even More Obscenely Rich Than Anybody Thought
Happy Midsummer's Nightmare! Or at least a Zombie Jamboree? In approaching this subject, let us first address the historical situation of the Obama administration. The task of museums, like that of history generally, is to document periods of great change. The task facing the makers of the Obama museum, however, will be pretty much exactly the opposite: How to document a time when
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: Our eyes are open, but do we see?
Livesay [Haiti] Weblog: Our eyes are open, but do we see?: I learned a while back that kids that grow up abroad can grow up with an entirely different experience than their parents. Th... more »
Asymmetric Warfare in Gaza: "The Gate of Hell has Opened"
"The gate of hell has opened" Mass runaways from Shijaia toward UNRWA centers of #Gaza! Courtesy: @Mohammed Y. Ismail Is the Israel/Palestine conflict a classic case of *Asymmetric warfare?* In his recent article, Asymmetric Warfare in Gaza, Paul R. Pillar, provides significant insights about the use of the term in relationship to the ongoing conflict and recent attacks: Perhaps the usual use of the term *asymmetric warfare* has contributed to warping our ability to evaluate what has been going on in this conflict...In major, glaring respects, however, this conflict is... more »
John Holdren: The Energy/Climate-Change Challenge & the Role of Nuclear ...
John Holdren is President Obama's science advisor. ROD adams blog, ATOMIC insights, has recently carried a couple of posts, regarding nuclear proliferation avoidance. There are questions that can be raised about Holdren's account. For example a family of reactors that do not require enriched fuel exists. Holdren undoubtedly knows this. Such reactors, called CANDUs, would appear exempt from Holdrens proliferation concerns. Various methods of desposinf of so called nuclear waste, have been tested by scientists, and found viable. The choice of which method to use is a politics rather... more »
RIP James Garner
Jimmy was one of my best friends growing up. Not that I ever met him or even came within a thousand miles of his physical presence. He had a unique screen power that made us friends for life. Rockford files on the pavement, twisting the Firebird 180 degrees to escape the goverment. The Rockford Files is my all time favorite show. James Rockford is one of my greatest life coaches. Once again a giant has left the set, never to be replaced, a insoluble loss to our culture.
New Aftermath Video of Gentle Giant, Eric Garner, Murdered by NYPD
Daily Mail *Despite Garner's dire medical condition being apparent to the still-building crowd, many cops stand around casually talking with each other, some can even be heard laughing.* Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner
CNN: Death comes early in Gaza
CNN *Children and youth are often the victims of the violence in Gaza. CNN's Ben Wedeman reports.* Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner
It's Sunday: You know what that means...
*Reaganite's SUNDAY FUNNIES* and *Silly Sunday at Woodsterman's place*
Prostitution Again
There seems to be a lot of rhetoric on both sides of the abolition/de-criminalization/legalization debate. Very often this rhetoric backs up some valuable insights. Personally, I can't see that I'd ever use the services of a prostitute. There's too much of coercion and desperation in that line of work. I can't even see myself getting a high-price "escort" (assuming I could afford it) because of the continuities between the exploited victims of human traffickers and the drug addicts and the confident, highly remunerated "lady of the evening." (Pornography; now THAT's a different mat... more »
Prepping As a Form of Personal Activism
Gaye Levy Backdoor Survival There are some days when I feel as though I am out there in the world alone, fighting a battle that can not be seen or heard. The battle is one of preparedness and is one I endure day in and day out in spite of my best effort to step away and live a normal, middle class, mainstream life. I have given a lot of thought to this and even though I tell strangers that I am a “crazy old prepper lady”, in my heart of hearts I know that I am doing both myself and every other prepper-type a disservice by minimizing the importance of embracing preparedness a... more »
Police Play NSA: Warrantless Data Collection the New Normal?
*ReasonTV* Sacramento sheriff's deputies have been playing NSA. They tool around town with suitcase-sized StingRay surveillance devices in their squad cars, scooping up cellphone data from whomever happens to be within a one-mile radius. The deputies have reportedly been doing their shady business without warrants, and dozens of law enforcement agencies nationwide may be doing likewise. But hey, what's the big deal? After all, the feds say it's OK. Visit Reason.com Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by Feed... more »
Netanyahu and Rahm Emmanuel Agree: Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste
Brandon Turbeville While the world is focused on the questions surrounding the Malaysian flight that crashed in Ukraine on July 17 and the aftermath that will result from it, another campaign of genocide in a long list of campaigns of genocide is taking place in Gaza. After days of both air and sea-based military strikes against Palestinians living Gaza, Israeli tanks have crossed the border and are now pushing even deeper into the tiny sliver of land. According to Israeli military statements, Israel has called up 48,000 reserve troops as well as 18,000 additional soldiers... more »
Two Ways Bird Declines Are Linked to Chemical Pesticides
Heather Callaghan *Activist Post* *Netherlands researchers fear the second coming of Silent Spring* "Neonicotinoids were always regarded as selective toxins. But our results suggest that they may affect the entire ecosystem," says Hans de Kroon of Radboud University and co-author of a study recently published in *Nature* journal. It's not just the bees. There are at least two ways that neonicotinoid pesticides dramatically affect the bird population. Neonicotinoids are growing in the world market to become the most widely used pesticides and are often used to treat seeds - ... more »
Barack Obama claims the US has firm evidence that the plane was shot down by a missile, fired from an area controlled by anti-Kiev fighters. He also accuses Russia of supporting them. Nevertheless US president agrees to Putin's calls to conduct transparent investigation and says it's too early to say who and why shot down the plane. Ex-CIA analyst Ray McGovern see the situation as isolation for President Poroshenko.
John Holdren: The Energy/Climate-Change Challenge & the Role of Nuclear ...
John Holdren is President Obama's science advisor. ROD adams blog, ATOMIC insights, has recently carried a couple of posts, regarding nuclear proliferation avoidance. There are questions that can be raised about Holdren's account. For example a family of reactors that do not require enriched fuel exists. Holdren undoubtedly knows this. Such reactors, called CANDUs, would appear exempt from Holdrens proliferation concerns. Various methods of desposinf of so called nuclear waste, have been tested by scientists, and found viable. The choice of which method to use is a politics rather... more »
Former State Department Exec Calls E.O. 12333 a “Legal Loophole” for Spying on Americans
e-mail your rep *here* Rainey Reitman *Electronic Frontier Foundation* “What kind of data is the NSA collecting on millions, or hundreds of millions, of Americans?" That’s the question John Napier Tye, a former State Department section chief for Internet freedom, calls on the government to answer in his powerful op-ed published today by the *Washington** Post*. In it, Tye calls the NSA's surveillance operations abroad, conducted under Executive Order 12333, a threat to American democracy, stating that this power “authorizes collection of the content of communications, not ju... more »
The Purge: Anarchy PARODY
*Julie Borowski* Be the Change! Donate Today! Enter your email address to subscribe to our newsletter: Delivered by FeedBurner
MH17: Weathering the Propaganda Firestorm
Tony Cartalucci The level of unsubstantiated propaganda being directed against Russia regarding the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has reached unprecedented lows. There is tangible desperation across Western media establishments, their political spheres, and within their corporate-financier funded policy think-tanks as they attempt to reassert their agenda and narrative not only upon the crisis in Ukraine, but upon the entire world as their weakening grip becomes apparent to all. The dangerous desperation emanating from the West follows the latest in a series of ... more »
NEA, SEIU, and Eli Broad
At the recent AFT and NEA coronations, there was news about new linkages with SEIU, whose former president, Andy Stern, had close ties with Broad, Gates, and Obama (Stern had a choice seat in the Obama box at the Inauguration Parade). Below is part of a post I did in 2007, a day or so after a big fund-raiser in Los Angles for charter chain, Green Dot Public [sic] Schools, Inc. To the left of Broad in the pic is Green Dot CEO and reliable attack dog, Steve Barr. To the right of Broad is his equally reliable poodle, Andy Stern. Broad coughed up $10 million that evening. *Green Do... more »
Hillary Tells EU to Use MH17 Tragedy to Find Alternatives to Gazprom (dollar dumping gas giant)
Activist Post Ah, now the agenda is starting to make a bit more sense. Hillary Clinton doesn't want a good crisis to go to waste. She told Charlie Rose that her recommendation to the European Union is to take advantage of the shot-down MH17 tragedy to "Immediately accelerate efforts to find alternatives to Gazprom." Moscow-based Gazprom is the largest producer of natural gas in the world and one of the globe's largest companies. A few weeks back on June 26th they announced that they would settle contracts with China using yuan or rubles instead of dollars. This move came a... more »
Professor of Russian Studies Stephen Cohen (Princeton & New York University) on what this incident could mean for the region. His most recent article for *The Nation* magazine is "The Silence of American Hawks About Kiev’s Atrocities."
We Need Duffy's Emails
There has been a lot of public befuddlement -- including from Mike Duffy's lawyer -- as to why the senator has been charged with accepting a bribe, while Nigel Wright has been given a free ride. The official explanation seems to be that everything hangs on one word --"corruptly." To be convicted, Wright would have to have acted in a corrupt manner. It's a difficult standard of proof, because it assumes corrupt intention -- something which runs against the grain of Wright's public persona. He is seen as a man who sees, hears and does no evil. Michael Spratt writes that the decisio... more »
Peter King (R-NY) Knows More About Terrorism Than The Media Acknowledges
Last night I came across a Newsmax article entitled Peter King: Harry Reid's Denial of 'Broken' Border Hampers Reform. We're not regular Newsmax readers around here, but... well, we're here to do it, so you don't have to. As you might expect, it was your typical, hypocritical Peter King diatribe. The first two-thirds of the piece focused on immigration, and it was funny to see King attempt to straddle the fence, so to speak. Before 2010, King was a hardliner on immigration who opposed any form of amnesty; now he’s taken a more conciliatory tone without appearing too accommodating, ... more »