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Quick Notes

Central Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, Van...Central Clayoquot Sound, British Columbia, Vancouver Island, Canada --Base for my Sea Otter Story (Photo credit: SparkyLeigh (Right-click images, open new window))
English: Mail Boxes Etc - Sunbridge RoadEnglish: Mail Boxes Etc - Sunbridge Road (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Mail Boxes Bruny IslandEnglish: Mail Boxes Bruny Island (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: Communal mail boxes in Westree, Ontar...English: Communal mail boxes in Westree, Ontario, Canada (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Just take a look of the image of rows of community mail boxes in the Star's picture - http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/12/11/canada_post_5_key_changes_you_need_to_know.html

In the news articles concerning the changes to Canada Post, they say that rural Canadians won't notice. Sure would, why do rural Canadians have to deal with the hideous green community mail boxes that inevitably turned into an eyesore of rust along with the accompany litter strewn about. Nor do the articles even mentioned what about the cities across Canada and the lack of space to accommodate the community mail boxes. Imagine a row of the community mail boxes in the Rosedale community in Toronto, I am sure the wealthy Canadians will be fighting not in my backyard or will Canada Post make special arrangements for this set of folks. and the rest are just going to put up with that row of community mail boxes parked on the border of their front yards. Sure be open season for the mail boxes by the crooks in the times of holidays and monthly government checks.
The Star's 10 best reader's comments -

And here - http://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2013/12/12/conservatives_missing_in_action_in_canada_post_cuts_hbert.html
Canada Post ending door to door mail delivery is clearly not simply about costs. It's about jobs, and contempt for labour, and constantly telling Canadians to expect less, and us quietly taking it. We can afford to give enormous tax breaks and subsidies to the wealthiest entities in the history of money (fossil fuel companies) to make it ever more profitable to destroy the climate, but we can't invest in people being able to get mail? That's not about being able to afford it, that's about priorities. Union busting is a priority for those with power today, and what you personally think about it isn't. Does anyone remember what started the postal workers' strike in 2011 to begin with? http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2011/06/06/PostalWorkerSupport/ And is it possible that even a cursory examination of the issues around it might offer some useful perspective? https://raisethehammer.org/article/1396/canada_post_debate_rife_with_misinformation Every time the back of another union is broken, we all lose. Without unions, we would never have ended child labour, created workplace safety legislation, established a theoretical 40 hour work week, or created the weekend. For being a strong union that demonstrated actual clout, the postal workers have had a target on their backs for a long time. To my mind, this is a direct assault on them, no more justified than labelling environmental activists terrorists. Their crime: believing in a world where people who work hard get fair pay and have hope for their quality of life. That's not a dream we are supposed to have any more. The fact that getting a birthday card or your bills in the mail is going to become more inconvenient is just a side show. — with PostNet Canada at Everywhere in Canada that receives mail.
By: Michael N.....
Canadians did more than anyone for South Africa: Siddiqui
More than any other developed nation, Canada helped end apartheid.

"Stephen Harper deserves credit for having taken a large, non-partisan Canadian contingent to Nelson Mandela’s funeral, including three former prime ministers and two former governors-general, Adrienne Clarkson and Michaëlle Jean. But where was Governor-General David Johnston, our head of state? Was he left behind because Harper does not like playing second fiddle on such trips?
Had the governor-general headed the delegation, Canada would by protocol have had a higher profile and might have been properly acknowledged. More than any other developed nation, Canadians helped end apartheid. In the 1970s and 1980s, thousands upon thousands of citizens worked through the churches, the labour movement and NGOs to urge Ottawa to take an ethical stand."

Canadians did more than anyone for South Africa: Siddiqui | Toronto Star
Comment Hugh J..... At the time Mulroney was battling apartheid, Harper was organizing a pro apartheid group. It is appalling that Harper attended. Obviously the organizers couldn't allow someone with Harper's track record to speak at the funeral. Another international black eye for Canada.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper : Recognize extensive environmental damage as ecocide under the crimin
It is essential that conscious ethical citizens who care realize that the species that profited from the atrocities of slavery

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