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2 February - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

10 pm MST

POLAR BEARS : The New Symbol Of Climate Change Realism And A Stable Arctic

Jamie Spry at Climatism - 18 minutes ago
“THE polar bear as an icon for climate change is dead because the distorted predictions made by polar bear specialists were wrong.” “THIS is a lesson for researchers in other areas who have failed to stop the invasion of politics into their science.” – Dr Susan Crockford *** Hat tip @EcologySenseUK FOR years, the Polar […]

Chinese Stock And Commodity Markets Crash On First Trading Day After Lunar New Year Holiday

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 27 minutes ago
*Reuters*:* Chinese markets plunge as rising virus death toll fuels fears for global growth* BEIJING (Reuters) - The death toll from a coronavirus epidemic in China rose to 361 and Chinese stock and commodity markets fell heavily on Monday as investors retreated into safe-haven assets in the first trading session after an extended Lunar New Year break. Chinese stock and commodity markets plunged at the open in their first session since Jan. 23, when the outbreak of the newly identified virus had claimed only 17 lives in Wuhan city in Hubei province. Since then the flu-like virus... more »

Bob Katter, needing 'more time to go after enemies', hands party leadership over to son, Robbie

Chloe Chomicki And Nathalie Fernbach at Just In - 39 minutes ago
Bob Katter has handed over the reins of the Katter Australia Party to his son, Robbie, who says it won't be too hard to be "more cautious and balanced" than his maverick dad.

'Communities are the real losers': Rex pulls three flight routes, blaming 'anti-competitive' Qantas

Nick Harmsen at Just In - 39 minutes ago
Bushfire-struck Kangaroo Island has been dealt a major blow, with regional airline Rex cancelling its services between Adelaide and the island.

South African-backed family to buy two more NT cattle stations for $70m

Daniel Fitzgerald at Just In - 39 minutes ago
A South African-backed family will buy two more cattle stations in the Northern Territory, bringing its portfolio there to one million hectares worth $141 million.

Five men injured in Melbourne scaffolding collapse

Just In - 39 minutes ago
Two men are taken to hospital in serious condition after a scaffolding collapse at a Craigieburn construction site in Melbourne's north.

'An excuse for racism': Chinese international students are in limbo and they are angry

Just In - 39 minutes ago
When Karen arrived at the airport on Saturday afternoon for a flight to Australia, she found the airport in disarray — and her plans for the year as well.

Prince William and Kate laugh as Margot Robbie roasts Prince Harry on BAFTAs night

Just In - 39 minutes ago
Margot Robbie accepts Brad Pitt's award for best supporting actor, delivering a speech poking fun at Prince Harry and Meghan's royal departure as the future king watches on.

Kalgoorlie gold mine to close due to damage caused by underground blasting

Jarrod Lucas at Just In - 39 minutes ago
A rich underground mine near Western Australia's historic gold mining city of Kalgoorlie-Boulder is set to close after suffering significant damage due to seismic activity caused by blasting.

A generation of tennis players have been kept from glory by three men who just won't stop winning

Jon Healy at Just In - 39 minutes ago
Dominic Thiem took two sets off Novak Djokovic in the final of the Australian Open, a few days after beating 19-time grand slam champion Rafael Nadal, but he couldn't reach the summit in his third major final. Unfortunately for a whole generation of men's tennis players, it's a familiar story.

Chinese tourists stranded in Cairns as flights cancelled over coronavirus

Kristy Sexton-McGrath at Just In - 39 minutes ago
Scores of Chinese visitors are stuck in Cairns after Hainan Airlines cancels flights to and from Shenzhen, amid serious concerns for the tourism industry as coronavirus curtails holiday plans across the state.

Cruise ship stuck at sea after 'dumb, greedy' stop in Hong Kong amid coronavirus fears

Just In - 39 minutes ago
An Adelaide couple is among up to 2,000 people stuck on a cruise ship in the South China Sea after it was refused entry to the Philippines because of fears about the coronavirus.

'It is a crime, it is cruel': Minister 'angry' over koala deaths in blue gum plantation

Just In - 39 minutes ago
Victoria's Environment Minister Lily D'Ambrosio describes the deaths of at least 40 koalas at a blue gum plantation in the state's south-west as "a crime", vowing to bring to account those responsible.

Chiefs win first Super Bowl since 1970 with thrilling comeback against 49ers

Simon Smale at Just In - 39 minutes ago
The Kansas City Chiefs are Super Bowl champions for the first time in 50 years, scoring three touchdowns in the last quarter to take down the San Francisco 49ers. Follow all the action in our live blog.

Market Report: Coronavirus – Black Swan?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Market Report: Coronavirus – Black Swan? by Alasdair Macleod, https://www.goldmoney.com/ It was another quiet week for the gold price, but silver lost out. In morning trading in Europe gold was $1579, up $7 since last Friday, while silver had lost 23 cents at $17.87. Silver’s underperformance relative to gold puts the gold/silver ratio at over …

Israeli Airstrikes Hit Gaza Amid Heightened Tensions Over Trump’s Deal

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Israeli Airstrikes Hit Gaza Amid Heightened Tensions Over Trump’s Deal by https://thearabweekly.com/ Prior to Trump’s announcement, Gaza has been relatively calm in recent months as Egyptian and UN mediators have worked to shore up an informal truce between Israel and Hamas. – JERUSALEM — The Israeli military said on Friday that it launched “wide-scale” airstrikes …

IDF Launches Drill Simulating Multi-Front War

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
IDF Launches Drill Simulating Multi-Front War by JUDAH ARI GROSS, 2 February 2020, 9:12 am, https://www.timesofisrael.com/ Four-day exercise to focus on communication between headquarters and various units, with representatives from across the military taking part – The Israel Defense Forces on Sunday launched a large-scale exercise simulating a war on multiple fronts, with units throughout …

Coronavirus Looks as If Tailor-Made to Achieve US Objectives: Scholar

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Coronavirus Looks as If Tailor-Made to Achieve US Objectives: Scholar by https://www.presstv.com/ While charges that the Coronavirus outbreak in China was bioengineered by the United States are unsubstantiated, “it looks as if it was tailor-made to achieve Washington’ objectives,” according to Dennis Etler, an American political analyst who has a decades-long interest in international affairs. …

Senator Cotton Shreds China’s Official Virus Story, Hints at ‘Super Laboratory’ Bio-Weapon

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
 IMO, it is more likely that the WuHan virus was engineered by the West and released in WuHan by the western Illuminati. The fact that the Chinese has a Biosafety Level 4 (BSL-4), Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory gives them the perfect pretext needed to release the pathogen in WuHan. The main reason for the …

Catherine Austin Fitts: Invest in Gold Because Inflation is Here — China Now in Dollar Bear Trap

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Catherine Austin Fitts: Invest in Gold Because Inflation is Here — China Now in Dollar Bear Trap by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Early Sunday Release) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says she is less worried about the coronavirus and more worried about what happens to China’s economy. Fitts explains, “Whatever is going …

Ronald-Peter Stöferle: Well Known Big Investors Are Now Buying Gold

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Arcadia Economics #RonaldPeterStöferle: Well Known Big Investors Are Now Buying Gold As central banks continue to go wild, the list of well known investors who are buying and recommending gold continues to grow. As Ronald-Peter Stöferle, author of the “#InGoldWeTrust” report and a fund manager for #Incrementum was kind of enough to join me on …

Trump’s Deal of the Century Won’t Bring Peace… That Was the Plan

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Trump’s Deal of the Century Won’t Bring Peace…That Was the Plan by JONATHAN COOK, https://www.counterpunch.org/ Much of Donald Trump’s long-trailed “deal of the century” came as no surprise. Over the past 18 months, Israeli officials had leaked many of its details. – The so-called “Vision for Peace” unveiled on Tuesday simply confirmed that the US …

Dave Kranzler: Exposing The US Economic Recovery Myth

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 41 minutes ago
Arcadia Economics #DaveKranzler: Exposing The US #Economic Recovery Myth While #CNBC and the Wall Street media often talk about the incredible US recovery we’re all supposedly witnessing, is that actually reflective of reality? Or do the economic numbers created by the #government distort the truth and what’s actually going? #JohnWilliams of #ShadowStats calculates that if …

"Just Look At Us..."

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 43 minutes ago
"Just look at us. Everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities destroy knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information and religions destroy spirituality." - Michael Ellner ○ "We are in the process of creating what deserves to be called the idiot culture. Not an idiot sub-culture, which every society has bubbling beneath the surface and which can provide harmless fun; but the culture itself. For the first time, the weird and the stupid and the coarse are becoming our cultural norm, even... more »

The Daily "Near You?"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 43 minutes ago
Bacolod City, Bacolod, Philippines. Thanks for stopping by!

"The Only Animal..."

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 43 minutes ago
"Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps; for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are, and what they ought to be." - William Hazlitt

"3rd Person Tested For Coronavirus In New York As Pandemic Kills 362, With 17,388 Infected: Live Updates"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 43 minutes ago
*New York City, New York Population 2020: 8,398,748* *"3rd Person Tested For Coronavirus In New York As * *Pandemic Kills 362, With 17,388 Infected: Live Updates"* by Tyler Durden "*Summary:* • There are currently 17,388 confirmed cases worldwide according to the latest data out of China's CDC, and 362 global fatalities. • Two confirmed cases have been reported in San Benito County in Northern California (including the first death outside of China, reported in the Philippines). • China’s central bank will pump 150 billion yuan ($21.7 billion) into markets, and has banned short sellin... more »

Gregory Mannarino, “Markets, A Look Ahead: If THIS Happens Tomorrow, Stocks Are DONE”

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 43 minutes ago
Gregory Mannarino, *“Markets, A Look Ahead:* * If THIS Happens Tomorrow, Stocks Are DONE”* - https://www.traderschoice.net/ ○ "China Bloodbath: Stocks Crash; Oil, Iron Limit Down Despite Emergency PBOC Intervention, Rate Cuts" What goes around comes around....

We Need Venture Capital—It's Driving Innovation

James Pethokoukis at The National Interest - 43 minutes ago
*James Pethokoukis* *Politics, Americas* [image: SnapTravel CEO Hussein Fazal, SC30 Inc. President Bryant Barr and Stephen Curry, Golden Gate Warriors MVP, introduce SC30 Inc. during the TechCrunch Disrupt forum in San Francisco, California, U.S. October 2, 2019. REUTERS/Kate Munsch] Be careful what you wish for. A curious claim: “Subtract venture capital from the landscape of late-twentieth-century innovation, and we would have reached the new millennium with roughly the same technological capacities.” You can find it about halfway through “Is venture capital worth the risk” by ... more »

Pentagon Imposes Quarantine For Troops Returning From China

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
Below is information on USFK’s directed self-quarantine for U.S. servicemembers. Please note the USFK Novel Coronavirus 24-hour hotline at Brian D. Allgood Community Hospital is 050-3337-2556, or DSN 737-2556. pic.twitter.com/PFwM9houpM — U.S. Forces Korea (@USForcesKorea) February 2, 2020 *Reuters:* *U.S. military in South Korea imposes quarantine for troops returning from China* SEOUL (Reuters) - The U.S. military command in South Korea said it has instituted a 14-day self quarantine effective Sunday for any troops who recently traveled to China, adding that an outbreak in that... more »

Warren Is Wrong: Why Real Wealth Often Means Business Ownership—and How That's a Good Thing

Chris Edwards at The National Interest - 1 hour ago
*Chris Edwards* *Economics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2UNE9RIQMN&share=true] We break it down. On her campaign website, Senator Elizabeth Warren discusses reasons why she supports an annual wealth tax. She says, “Consider two people: an heir with $500 million in yachts, jewelry, and fine art, and a teacher with no savings in the bank.” Is that how an heir would hold $500 million—in yachts, jewelry, and fine art? That perception of the assets of the rich seems to be common. Economist John Cochrane suggests that pe... more »

Extremes and Averages in Contiguous U.S. Climate – Part 6: NOAA’s South Climate Region

Hifast at Climate Collections - 1 hour ago
Originally posted on Bob Tisdale - Climate Observations: This is the sixth in a series of ten posts that present graphs of NOAA precipitation, drought (Palmer Drought Severity Index, PDSI), and temperature (TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX) data for the contiguous United States (and the 9 NOAA Climate Regions thereof) for the most-recent 100 years (1919…

Extremes and Averages in Contiguous U.S. Climate – Part 5: NOAA’s West North Central Climate Region

Hifast at Climate Collections - 1 hour ago
Originally posted on Bob Tisdale - Climate Observations: This is the fifth in a series of ten posts that present graphs of NOAA precipitation, drought (Palmer Drought Severity Index, PDSI), and temperature (TMIN, TAVG, and TMAX) data for the contiguous United States (and the 9 NOAA Climate Regions thereof) for the most-recent 100 years (1919…

Japanese Destroyer Leaves For The Middle East

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
The Maritime Self-Defense Force's Takanami destroyer leaves its base in Yokosuka, Kanagawa Prefecture, for the Middle East on Sunday as part of the MSDF's first long-term intelligence-gathering mission abroad. KYODO *Japan Times/Bloomberg:* *Japanese destroyer leaves for Middle East intel-gathering mission* YOKOSUKA, KANAGAWA PREF. – A Japanese destroyer left its base in Kanagawa Prefecture for the Middle East on Sunday to join the Maritime Self-Defense Force’s first long-term intelligence-gathering mission abroad. The 4,650-ton Takanami is scheduled to join the ongoing mission in ... more »

Poetry and culture in the bygone years of Japan through the prism of Buddhism

Lee Jay at Modern Tokyo Times - 2 hours ago
Poetry and culture in the bygone years of Japan through the prism of Buddhism Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The elite nature of Japanese Buddhism began to change dramatically during the Kamakura Period (1185-1333) because many famous Buddhist leaders in this period would take faith to all and sundry. Officially, the new era of […]

President Trump Superbowl Ad – The Story of Alice Johnson…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 2 hours ago
Highlighting the historic accomplishment of criminal justice reform during his first term in office, the campaign for President Donald J. Trump presents the story of Alice Johnson: President Trump accomplished historic criminal justice reform in just his first term in … Continue reading →

Two Long-Range Russian Bombers Buzzed Canadian Airspace Friday Morning

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
Tupolev Tu-160 (NATO reporting name: Blackjack) supersonic bomber at the Engels Air Force Base on Dec. 5, 2011. (Photo ITAR-TASS/ Dmitry Rogulin) *CBC/Canadian Press:* *Russian bombers buzzed Canadian airspace: NORAD* *Two long-range Russian bombers buzzed Canadian airspace Friday morning.* Two long-range Russian bombers buzzed Canadian airspace this morning, only days after a senior military officer warned that North America's early warning system is outdated. The North American Aerospace Defence Command says the two Tu-160 Blackjack bombers crossed the North Pole and approached ... more »

On Moral Authority

Unknown at The Verma Report - 2 hours ago
Moral authority is external to the self and is vested in conventions and the religious, social, and intellectual establishments. There is no inner source of morality because all human instruments of knowledge rest on sense perception which lacks the capacity for bridging the gap between the “is” and the “ought.” Our mind may give us a clue about the “is” but to derive an “ought” from it we need to accept theories based on rationalizations and utilitarian assumptions. We develop our notions of morality through conventions and the practical experiences of living in society.

History Fail: Donald Trump Has Andrew Jackson ALL Wrong

Paul Harvey at The National Interest - 2 hours ago
*Paul Harvey* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] As a historian who for 30 years has researched and taught the history of the Civil War and Reconstruction Era and Southern history more generally, I’d like to discuss here four misuses of history from Trump’s attorneys The claims: Andrew Johnson then, like Donald Trump now, was unjustly impeached by a group of radicals in the House of Representatives. Fortunately – so the claim continues – enough honest and brave men withstood forces in their own party and voted against convicting Johnson in the Senate. Among those was Sen. Edm... more »

What $600 Million Looks Like: We Caught a Glimpse of the U.S. Air Force’s New Stealth Bomber

David Axe at The National Interest - 2 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, * That first artwork depicted a bomber that is similar in shape to Northrop’s much older B-2 stealth bomber but apparently smaller than the 172-feet-wingspan B-2 is. The U.S. Air Force on Jan. 31, 2020 released three fresh digital renderings of its new B-21 Raider stealth bomber. The illustrations reveal some of the new bomber’s unique design details. The artist’s concepts appeared on the social media accounts of Air Force Global Strike Command. The images all are similar, each depicting a computer-generated B-21 in a real photo of a hangar. The artist us... more »

Here Are Three Defense Threats That The U.S. Is Under-Prepared

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Loren Thompson, Forbes:**Three Huge Defense Threats For Which Washington Is Woefully Under-Prepared * The United States outspends every other nation on defense, and as a result has the best trained, best equipped military in the world. The joint force regularly undertakes missions that no other country’s military would be capable of executing. However, there are existential defense threats for which the nation is not prepared—existential in the sense that they could make the continued functioning of democratic government within U.S. borders nearly impossible. These threats get sh... more »

Mapping Greed – The Story of Chch's Recovery & Rebuild Abuse.

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 3 hours ago
Originally posted on BEN'S WORLD: Julian Carver, the former chief information officer at CERA, died unexpectedly in 2017.Death of respected data expert Julian Carver to be investigated as announced on the 9th Jan, 2020. ‘A picture can paint a thousand words. In an earthquake recovery, interactive maps are worth a million.” Julian Carver. Two…

Are we being fed false & misleading information

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 3 hours ago
Originally posted on © blogfactory: Coronavirus Epidemic: WHO Declares a “Fake” Global Public Health Emergency By Prof Michel Chossudovsky |?Global Research In the course of the last two weeks, the World Health Organization (WHO) had already pointed to a possible Global Public Health crisis in relation to China’s?novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV)?categorized ?as a?viral?pneumonia.?The virus outbreak is centred?in…

Democracy Is Dead In The USA

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 3 hours ago
Originally posted on Counter Information: A Well Known Liberal Professor Who is Expert on Digital Matters Says Google and Social Media Can Easily Throw Elections to the Candidates Preferred by the Elite By Paul Craig Roberts January 31, 2020 “Information Clearing House” – Dr. Robert Epstein, a Hillary Clinton supporter who happens also to be an…

Software Company Agrees to Pay $145-Million Settlement in Opioid Kick-Back Scheme

ZeroHedge at Need To Know - 3 hours ago
The software company claimed to provide unbiased medical information, but it allowed input from the drug manufacturer that influenced doctors to over-prescribe opioids medication.

Scammers cashing in after four children die in Sydney car crash

Rani Hayman at Just In - 3 hours ago
Police warn several online fundraising campaigns asking for donations to cover the funeral costs of the four children killed by an alleged drunk driver in Sydney at the weekend, are fake.

Electoral commission reveals $165m war chest that helped Scott Morrison win power

Jack Snape And Ariel Bogle at Just In - 3 hours ago
The Liberal Party hoovered up $165 million in donations and other revenue in the year leading up to the federal election, surpassing Labor by more than $40 million, Australian Electoral Commission data reveals.

Greens leader Richard Di Natale resigns and plans to quit federal politics

Brett Worthington at Just In - 3 hours ago
The Victorian senator, who has held the job for almost five years, says he wants to spend more time with his family. He will leave the Senate after a replacement for his seat is selected.

John Cain memorial honours 'fair and decent' premier who modernised Victoria

Just In - 3 hours ago
Victoria's longest-serving Labor premier is remembered for "his decency, his clarity and his unwavering sense of purpose" at a state funeral at St Paul's Cathedral.

Nicola Gobbo's image to be suppressed when she gives evidence to Lawyer X royal commission

Nicole Asher at Just In - 3 hours ago
Due to safety concerns, Ms Gobbo's image will be concealed when she gives evidence to the Lawyer X royal commission this week, despite her giving a television interview to the ABC late last year.

Timelapse video shows how China built a 1,000-bed hospital in 10 days

Tasha Wibawa at Just In - 3 hours ago
China completes the construction of an emergency hospital at the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak within 10 days, with another makeshift hospital due to be opened in two days.

Duchess repurposes old dress for BAFTAs red carpet

Just In - 3 hours ago
Long trains, sequins and feathers dominate the red carpet as screen stars arrive for the BAFTA Awards, while the Duchess of Cambridge repurposes a gown from early last decade.

Coronavirus contagion spreads to Australian shares

David Chau at Just In - 3 hours ago
The Australian share market slumps over worries about the rapidly spreading coronavirus and the economic fallout within China and globally.

Toddler found dead in hot car in Victorian town

Kellie Lazzaro at Just In - 3 hours ago
A three-year-old girl was found dead in a hot car in the Latrobe Valley town of Morwell on Friday night.

'Desperately under-reported': New study sheds light on disturbing abuse in Queensland

Owen Jacques at Just In - 3 hours ago
A report from a child safety expert has prompted a warning that potentially large numbers of young people could be being exploited by sexual predators in Queensland.

House price rises spread beyond Sydney and Melbourne

Michael Janda at Just In - 3 hours ago
Australian house prices continued to rise in January, with increases spreading beyond the booming Sydney and Melbourne markets, but the breakneck pace of growth in those cities is slowing down.

Live: Half-time in Super Bowl LIV with Chiefs, 49ers locked up

Simon Smale at Just In - 3 hours ago
Jennifer Lopez and Shakira are the headliners at half-time in Super Bowl LIV, with the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers tied at 10-10. Follow all the action and entertainment in our live blog.

India started the video not knowing how bad the firestorm would get. Now millions of people know her

Laura Gartry, Georgina Piper, Lauren Day, Sean Nicholls And Joshua Byrd at Just In - 3 hours ago
They are the heart-stopping videos that stopped the nation and stunned the world. But who filmed them and how did their stories end?

Singapore, US, Solomon Islands impose strict travel regulations to combat coronavirus

Just In - 3 hours ago
Singapore bans entry to all Chinese passport holders and foreigners with a recent history of travel to China in one of the most drastic move yet to combat the spread of the coronavirus.

Annual US Deficit projected to pass $1.5 trillion on 2028

Keith at musingsofanoldfart - 3 hours ago
One of two nonpartisan organizations that have been ringing alarm bells about US debt and deficits is The Concord Coalition (TCC). The other is the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget. We should be listening to these folks and urging … Continue reading →

The US Air Force Is Already Prototyping A New Sixth Generation Stealth Fighter

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
Image: Screenshot. U.S. Air Force *National Interest:** Yes, Prototyping for the Air Force's New Sixth Generation Stealth Fighter Has Already Begun* Wait, already? (Washington, D.C.) Drone fighter jets, hypersonic attack planes, artificial intelligence, lasers, electronic warfare and sensors woven into the fuselage of an aircraft - are all areas of current technological exploration for the Air Force as it begins early prototyping for a new, 6th-Generation fighter jet to emerge in the 2030s and 2040s. While the initiative, called Next Generation Air Dominance(NGAD), has been large... more »

New York State Now Requires a Permit to Stargaze in Public Parks

OYE NEWS at OYE Alternative News - 3 hours ago
Ever taken a midnight stroll through the quiet park, listening to the whispering wildlife whilst thoughtfully gazing upon the infinitesimal sky above – Well, if you plan to do it anytime soon in New York please make sure you get your Government-issued permit first! In what seems like the most ridiculous move so far by … The post New York State Now Requires a Permit to Stargaze in Public Parks appeared first on OYE Alternative News.

How Drones Have Come To Dominate The Battlefield (Video)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*WNU Editor:* Here is an easy prediction. Divination of the battlefield by drones is only going to increase with time.

China Joe Accuses President Trump of “Fearmongering” Coronavirus Due to Suspension of Entry…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 3 hours ago
In response to an escalating spread of the Coronavirus President Trump initiated a suspension of entry visa’s for persons traveling from China: “The entry into the United States, as immigrants or nonimmigrants, of all aliens who were physically present within … Continue reading →

Final Clue To The CIA’s Unsolved Cryptographic Puzzle At Its HQ Gets A ‘Final Clue’

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
Kryptos was first created by Mr Sanborn alongside retired CIA cryptographer Edward Scheidt with each passage based on the themes of concealment and discovery *Daily Mail: **Artist reveals final clue to help codebreakers crack the last passage of his 30-year-old Kryptos sculpture outside CIA headquarters* * Jim Sanborn built copper sculpture outside CIA HQ in Langley, Virginia, in 1990 * It comprises of four coded passages but only three have ever been cracked * The now 74-year-old released third and final clue with just one word - 'northeast' An artist has revealed one final clue t... more »

Jimmy Carter: Trump Deal Breaches International Law

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
Jimmy Carter: Trump Deal Breaches International Law by https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ Former US president, Jimmy Carter, announced on Friday that current US President Donald Trump’s “deal of the century” breaches international law, CNN and other international agencies reported. – According to Carter, Trump’s deal: “Breaches international law regarding self-determination, the acquisition of land by force, and annexation of occupied territories.” …

The Day Netanyahu’s Doctrine Was Presented as a U.S. Peace Plan

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
The Day Netanyahu’s Doctrine Was Presented as a U.S. Peace Plan by Aluf Benn, https://www.haaretz.com/ Trump is spoiling for a Palestinian surrender; the world is mum and Abbas is isolated; the scenario of a Democratic president; and how Bibi blazed in Washington. Four comments on the ‘deal of the century’ – 1. The capitulation The …

Israel Has Played a Key Role in US Aggression Towards Iran

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
The Grayzone Pushback with Aaron Maté As the Trump administration’s stated rationale for killing Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis collapses, journalist Gareth Porter has pieced together the overlooked background. Porter reports that the assassination was in fact the culmination of a lengthy provocation campaign involving Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and the Israeli government, which …

Economic Collapse News: Baltic Dry Index Crashes 80%, Chicago PMI Plunges Deep Into Contraction

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
Silver Report Uncut Economic collapse news February 1, 2020. First, we look at the Baltic dry index which has crashed over 80% since September 2019. Capesize vessels have dropped 99% which carries large cargos of dry goods. The Baltic dry index is known as a barometer of the strength of the global; economy since most …

Gerald Celente Speaks Out on Iran, Coronavirus, Gold, and Global Protests

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
Money Metals Exchange Interview begins at 5:47 Full Transcript 📄: https://www.moneymetals.com/podcasts/… Cryptocurrency Prices 📈📉: https://www.moneymetals.com/cryptocur… end

Major Economic Crisis Coming: Blame the Fed and Its Fiat Money

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 3 hours ago
RonPaulLibertyReport Market forces are always more powerful than central planners. Economic laws are unbreakable. Central banking and the Fed have been a foolish attempt to break them. One hundred years of folly is one hundred years too long! A major crisis is ahead, and the Fed is to blame. end

Foreign Correspondent: Who’s At Fault For Cuba’s Economic Problems?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
*The U.S. embargo, unsupported by any country in the world, harms the nation’s ordinary working people.* *Innovative chef Alexix Alvarez; photo by Sandra Vasquez* *-by Reese Erlich* HAVANA— Chef Alexis Alvarez was in panic mode. He was preparing a gourmet meal for visitors from the United States when the electricity went out. He mostly cooks with natural gas and charcoal, but those won’t power his blender full of organic kale. So Alexis found a very Cuban solution. He slipped the blender into an old sack, walked over to the nearby hospital that had electricity, plugged in the ble... more »

Election: LSE report on the British Press – ‘From watchdog to attack dog’

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 4 hours ago
Irrespective of anyone’s political affiliation – the mainstream media has a responsibility to hold power to account, not facilitate wannabe authoritarians into Downing Street. Don’t forget these are the words from the London School of Economics, founded in 1895 for the betterment of society. Despite its name, the school is organised into 25 academic departments and institutes which conduct teaching and research across a range of pure and applied social sciences – and what its research finds from the last election about the mainstream media is truly alarming.

Black Agenda Report for 29 January 2020

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 4 hours ago
29 January 2020 — Black Agenda Report “Progressive” Dems Ought to Divorce the Duopoly, Not Badger Greens Glen Ford, BAR executive editor The signers reveal themselves to be as fearful for the fate of the duopoly as the corporate shills they claim to oppose. Freedom Rider: Negroes for Bloomberg Margaret Kimberley, BAR senior columnist Chicago’s Bobby … Continue reading Black Agenda Report for 29 January 2020

Ethiopia, Egypt, And Sudan Have Reached An Agreement On How Ethiopia IsTo Operate Its Dam On The Nile River

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Egyptian officials have raised concerns that filling the reservoir behind the dam too quickly could significantly reduce the amount of Nile water available to Egypt [Tiksa Negeri/Reuters] *Al Jazeera: **Ethiopia, Egypt, Sudan to sign dam agreement by end of February* Foreign ministers of three countries say they have reached an agreement on schedule to fill massive dam on Nile River. Officials from Egypt, Ethiopia and Sudan announced they have cleared the way for the filling and operation of a disputed multibillion-dollar dam being built by the Ethiopian government on the Nile Riv... more »

FBI Arrests Raytheon Engineer For Taking Laptop With Missile Defense Secrets To China

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
The alleged rogue employee was involved with systems designed to shoot down incoming ballistic missiles. REUTERS/Gene Blevins *Quartz:* *Raytheon engineer arrested for taking US missile defense secrets to China* When Wei Sun, a 48-year-old engineer at Raytheon Missile Systems, left for an overseas trip last year, he told the company he planned to bring his company-issued HP EliteBook 840 laptop along. Sun, a Chinese-born American citizen, had been working at Raytheon, the fourth-largest US defense contractor, for a decade. He held a secret-level security clearance and worked on hi... more »

Why Do Western Elites Often Hate Themselves?

Victor Davis Hanson at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Victor Davis Hanson* *Politics, Europe* [image: Climate change activist Greta Thunberg attends a news conference with climate activists and experts from Africa, in Stockholm, Sweden January 31, 2020.] The West isn't the only place responsible for climate change and bigotry, but you wouldn't know that. An ancient habit of Western elites is a certain selectivity in condemnation. Sometimes Westerners apply critical standards to the West that they would never apply to other nations. My colleague at the Hoover Institution, historian Niall Ferguson, has pointed out that Swedish green... more »

Trump Needs To Address This: Why the Federal Budget Is in Such Bad Shape

Chris Edwards at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Chris Edwards* *Economics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2017%3Anewsml_RC1C6D012000&share=true] The debt bomb is coming. The Congressional Budget Office has released new projections for federal spending and revenues through to 2030. Federal budget policy is a disaster. The government will spend $4.6 trillion this year, raise $3.6 trillion in tax revenues, and fill the gap with $1 trillion in fresh borrowing. That is like a worker earning $36,000 in income but spending $46,000 and putting $10,000 on credit cards. Maybe he can get aw... more »

Why There Was No Warning When White Island Erupted

Shane Cronin at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Shane Cronin* *Environment, Asia* [image: Reuters] The sudden eruption at White Island was short-lived but produced an ash plume that rose several kilometres above the vent. Five days after a sudden volcanic eruptions on Whakaari/White Island, off the east coast of New Zealand, on Monday, emergency crews have retrieved six bodies and continue to search for two further victims. The island is a tourist destination and 47 people were on it when it erupted on Monday afternoon. Volcanologists at GeoNet, which operates a geological hazard monitoring system, described the eruption as... more »

This Picture Should Terrify You: The Lucrative Opium Trade of Southern Africa

Thembisa Waetjen at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Thembisa Waetjen* *Security, Africa* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1552D2C2D0&share=true] The reach of European empires and of Indian Ocean trade networks drew southern Africa into the global politics of opium around the turn of the twentieth century. The reach of European empires and of Indian Ocean trade networks drew southern Africa into the global politics of opium around the turn of the twentieth century. Between the late 1880s and early 1920s and there was a shift from economies of supply to regimes of control. The colo... more »

Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 32 – 2020

Hifast at Climate Collections - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North

Report: John Kerry Concerned As Joe Biden Plummets – Both Had Sons Cash-in on China/Ukraine…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 4 hours ago
Stuff happening fast now… This is all a response to surging Bernie and a failed coup. Chris Heinz and Hunter Biden were friends in business together, each cashing-in on the influence held by their fathers’ John Kerry and Joe Biden. … Continue reading →

Don’t Oppress My People With Your Norms Of Punctuality

Diogenes Sarcastica™ at Diogenes' Middle Finger - 5 hours ago
The pathologies of the left are now apparently hellbent on radicalizing just about everything. And will seemingly perform any contortion to that end. From Tulane University, the very heart of White Devil Babylon - uptown New Orleans - student Shahamat Uddin (pronouns “he, him, his”) *howls in protest*: "Punctuality centers whiteness. It is far easier for white men to get to work on time than Black people who are having to change their hair to fit the workplace’s professionalism standards." It’s a hair thing, yes, and therefore terribly political, a hill to die on. But it’s even m... more »

Coronavirus news in my mail today

Norma at Collecting My Thoughts - 5 hours ago
Defense Secretary Mark Esper on Saturday approved Department of Defense (DoD) housing at four military bases for 1,000 people who may have to be quarantined as a result of the coronavirus, following the appearance of the eighth confirmed case of the disease in the U.S. Assistant to the Secretary of Defense Jonathan Rath Hoffman made the announcement and said the program is designed for those returning from overseas. Military installations in Colorado, California and Texas were selected to house the evacuees and will help to assist the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) w... more »

"For we do have rather a lot of evidence that the State itself is worse at protecting children from abuse than families." #QotD

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 5 hours ago
Given what Oranga Tamariki is accused of -- abuse of power, racial profiling, armed police uplifting a baby -- Tim Worstall's latest (from the UK) is directly topical: *"GUARDIAN: 'Vulnerable children are being left at risk of sexual abuse from within their family by the failings of state agencies tasked with keeping them safe, according to a damning report into child protection.'* "For we do have rather a lot of evidence that the State itself – the evidence from all those Northern cities and the grooming gangs – is worse at protecting children from abuse than families. "It... more »

Claire Perry Gets The Boot!

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 5 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t Dennis Ambler It would appear that the BBC and the Guardian get their act together! Just a few days ago, Matt McGrath was praising Claire Perry to the skies: If the Glasgow climate conference fails to deliver, it could mark the end of the global approach […]

The Daily Brief 2020-02-01

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 5 hours ago
This is a summary of 10 AMN articles on the following subjects: Aleppo, Syria, Palestine, Trump, Canada, Russia, US, Idlib, Marib, Sanaa, Saudi, Yemen, Iraq. Categories covered in this brief: Syria, Middleeast, Palestine, World-News, Yemen, Iraq Let us know how you like this brief in the comments below. — The AMN Live Team Table of […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Jihadists launch powerful counter-offensive in Aleppo, capture T-90 tank

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 5 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 P.M>)- The jihadist rebels launched a big counter-offensive in southern Aleppo this evening to retake the ground they lost to the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) earlier in the day. READ ALSO: Amazing go-pro footage of a Syrian Army T-90 tank advancing in southwest Syria Led by the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP) and […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of preventing them from taking part in conference about Trump’s peace plan

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 5 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – Tehran accused Riyadh on Sunday of preventing them from participating in the Organization of Islamic Cooperation summit scheduled tomorrow to address the American peace plan between the Palestinians and Israelis. READ ALSO: Prominent Syrian official makes rare visit to Saudi Arabia “The Iranian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has sent an […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Up close footage of Syrian Army troops at Idlib front-lines: video

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 5 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is currently engaged in clashes with the jihadist rebels in the Idlib countryside, as they attempt to advance towards the key city of Saraqib. Recent footage from the Idlib Governorate captured the Syrian Arab Army’s 25th Special Mission Forces Division (formerly Tiger Forces) near the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Democrats love power over principle: Bernie Sanders must go edition

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 5 hours ago
Even though not a single Democrat has voted in their primaries the white elites who run the DNC are working hard to make sure that Bernie Sanders doesn't get their nomination. From an ideological perspective that makes no sense. Bernie's insane policies designed to bleed working Americans dry and repeal our rights are only marginally different than those proposed by Elizebeth Warren or the other Democrat candidates. The reason the DNC is figuring out how to torpedo Bernie is all about power. They know that Bernie can't win since American won't vote for someone who: - Said it w... more »

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