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3 February - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

10 pm MST

I Cheat All The Time At Golf, Taxes, Wives, Elections And Bathroom Scales-- I'm Not 239 Pounds; I'm 475 Pounds... I Cut The Funding To The CDC, So This Wang Chung Virus Is Really Going To Be Bad

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
The *SNL* fantasy trial was good for a laugh, but there is genuine and deep concern among many who have seen the damage Putin-- and Moscow Mitch-- have been able to do to American democracy on the cheap. Philip Rucker attempted to give the true nature of the disaster voice in a report on how Trump's acquittal-- as illegitimate as his presidency-- will change the institution of the presidency, perhaps forever. Republicans might quibble, at least in public, with how Rucker began his report. "The evidence of President Trump’s actions to pressure Ukraine was never in serious dispute.... more »

Monthly GN video

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 16 hours ago
Our Global Network social media coordinator Will Griffin does a monthly video for the organization. Here is his latest contribution. The link between the Pentagon and climate crisis. A subject that does not get enough attention. Since 2001, the US military emitted over 1.2 billion metric tons of greenshouse gases into the atmosphere. 400 million metric tons of that figure is directly related to the wars.

Union Gunboats Went After Rebel Military Sites and Civilian Property

Robert Gudmestad at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Robert Gudmestad* *History, Americas* [image: Reuters] The seven city-class ironclads, sometimes called the turtles, were the most recognizable boats in the fleet, but northern laborers also converted a few existing steamboats into armored vessels. During the American Civil War, huge metal monsters roamed the Mississippi River. Called ironclads, these boats were about 50 yards long, carried 75 tons of armor on their hulls and decks, sported up to 13 guns, and had crews numbering up to 250 men. The seven city-class ironclads, sometimes called the turtles, were the most recogniza... more »

Why a Travel Ban Won’t Stop the Coronavirus

Erin James, Saad B. Omer at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Erin James, Saad B. Omer* *Coronavirus, * Yale Experts: "Not only are travel bans likely to be ineffective with a disease like the novel coronavirus, but there are also likely to be widespread economic, social, and public health impacts from the ban." In its latest attempt to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, the Trump administration announced a temporary ban on foreign nationals entering the U.S. who have recently visited mainland China. It is unclear what scientific evidence, if any, informed this policy and who within the administration was behind it. While the inf... more »

What Secrets Can We Learn From A Fish That Changes Its Sex In 10 Days

The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Technology, * Nature is amazing. The bluehead wrasse is a fish that lives in small social groups in coral reefs in the Caribbean. Only the male has a blue head – signalling his social dominance over a harem of yellow-striped females. If this male is removed from the group, something extraordinary happens: the largest female in the group changes sex to become male. Her behaviour changes within minutes. Within ten days, her ovaries transform into sperm-producing testes. Within 21 days she appears completely male. But how does the wrasse change sex, and why did evolution select thi... more »

As a Social Psychologist, I Understand Why So Many Are Mourning Kobe

Edward R. Hirt at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Edward R. Hirt* *Security, * [image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kobe_Bryant#/media/File:Kobe_Bryant_2015.jpg] On the afternoon of Jan. 26, I was at the Indiana men’s basketball game when a chorus of cellphones in the crowd pinged, alerting them to the news of Kobe Bryant’s death. On the afternoon of Jan. 26, I was at the Indiana men’s basketball game when a chorus of cellphones in the crowd pinged, alerting them to the news of Kobe Bryant’s death. I was astonished at how quickly fans’ attention switched from the game to utter shock and disbelief at the news of Bryant’s pass... more »

The 5 Best Handguns For 9mm Luger Rounds

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Technology, * [image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SIG_Sauer_P226#/media/File:SIGSauerP226.JPG] A list a century in the making. *Main point:* The 9mm Luger will be used by a multitude of handguns long into the future. Here is a solid selection that we think are the best around. The 9mm Luger, invented before the Great War, is one of the longest-serving gun calibers in history. Introduced in 1901, it has served in virtually every conflict since then up until today. From World War I’s German army to the British army fighting ISIS in Syria, the Luger round has s... more »

Does 'Never Again' Mean Nothing to the Left?

Ben Shapiro at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Ben Shapiro* *Politics, Americas* [image: U.S. Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN) introduces Democratic 2020 U.S. presidential candidate and U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at a campaign event in Nashua, New Hampshire, U.S., December 13, 2019. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz] Antisemitism is antisemitism, period. Last week, the world marked the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz by Allied forces during World War II. Politicians of all stripes dutifully tweeted, “#NeverAgain.” Meanwhile, many of those same politicians continued to forward the worst sort of anti-Semitism, ... more »

A British Army 'Band of Brothers' Soldier Recalls His Struggle For Survival And Glory

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, * Buck Compton, the storied “Band of Brothers” platoon leader, tells of his wartime and postwar exploits in this exciting feature. Thanks to the late historian Stephen Ambrose, his book *Band of Brothers*, and the HBO series of the same title, the legendary, extraordinary exploits of Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment (PIR), 101st Airborne Division, have become well known to a whole new generation. And one of the most extraordinary men who served with that outfit is Lynn “Buck” Compton. His life story would make a great film or TV ... more »

Hussite Handguns Changed War Forever

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, * The use of newly devised “hand cannons” by the Hussites, a 15th-century religious sect, changed the face of European warfare forever. The Hussites, all but forgotten today, were a 15th-century sect of religious reformers, forerunners of the Protestant Reformation that was to come a century later. Remnants of their ideas still exist in several Christian groups, including the 825,000-member Moravian Church, or Unity of Brethren. But when history remembers the Hussites at all, it is more for their “hand cannons” than for their religious zeal. Us... more »

Sixty Years Later, The F-4 Phantom Still Flies The Skies

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1AETPOKTTAA&share=true] Despite its age, it's close to matching fourth-generation fighters. *Key Point:* The key to the Phantom's success is its adaptability. The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is a legendary aircraft — an icon of the Vietnam War and the archetype of the third-generation jet fighter designs that entered service in the 1960s. More than 5,000 of these heavy supersonic fighters were built, and hundreds continue to serve and even see combat in several a... more »

Trump, Be Afraid: Will the Ballooning Budget Bubble Burst?

Justin Bogie at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Justin Bogie* *Politics, Americas* [image: Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin sits under a display of the U.S. national debt as he testifies to the House Financial Services Committee on] There's some key takeaways from the Congressional Budget Office projections, and they're looking dangerous. The Congressional Budget Office has released its budget and economic projections for fiscal years 2020-2030. The latest report confirms what the Congressional Budget Office has been telling lawmakers for years: The nation is hurtling toward a spending-driven debt crisis. Without major ref... more »

NATO's Secret Plan To Win World War III In Europe (How Many Dead?)

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Europe* Stopping the Soviets had a high cost. *Key Point:* NATO's answer was a combination of traditional warfare and tactical nuclear weapons. Millions--maybe billions of people could have died. Thank god it never happened. Here is what World War III would have looked like... The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed in 1949 to oppose Soviet expansionism in Western Europe. The end of the war saw the Soviet Union solidify its gains in Eastern Europe, garrisoning countries such as Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Ea... more »

Logistics Becomes Hindrance to Registration of Bolsonaro’s New Party

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Announced by the Alliance for Brazil, the party President Jair Bolsonaro intends to form, the strategy of notarizing supporters' signatures before sending them to the Electoral Justice is clashing with regulations governing the activities of notaries public and the concern among notaries of becoming associated with a political faction. The The post Logistics Becomes Hindrance to Registration of Bolsonaro’s New Party appeared first on The Rio Times.

February 4th-9th Program at Federal Justice Cultural Center in Rio

Contributing Reporter at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Check out the events currently scheduled at the CCJF — Centro Cultural Justiça Federal (Federal Justice Cultural Center) in downtown Rio de Janeiro for the week of February 4th until February 9th. CINEMA Classics and Successes of the Cinema / Film Club. (Photo: internet reproduction) Classics and Successes of the […] The post February 4th-9th Program at Federal Justice Cultural Center in Rio appeared first on The Rio Times.


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*Honor School Choice Week by expanding ‘open enrollment’ programs nationwide* In honor of National School Choice Week, parents, politicians, and education reformers are gathering across the nation this week to support programs that give families and children the opportunity to access an education that’s right for them. Over 51,000 school choice-related events will be held nationwide this year. These events are sorely needed. Many families have few educational options besides a geographically assigned public school, trapping low-income families and forcing them to send their childre... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*How To Slay The Climate Change Dragon* In our time, as truth corrodes, myths become necessary. As people drift away from truth, they readily agree to intrusive governments – and such invasive governments give consent to supranational entities and conglomerates who then use myths to manufacture political, social and economic consent. The sales-force that sells these fictive narratives is the vast media-education-entertainment complex which employs, for such purposes, the punditry of experts, the professoriate, globe-trotting zealots, and sanctimonious thespians. Any dissent from ... more »

Syria/Turkey Conflict? Contradictions Abound. Meanwhile, US Expands Military Presence in Northeastern Syria.

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 17 hours ago
*Press TV * *I've been reading and can't help but notice contradictory reporting everywhere. Out of context quoting... and more. Did Turkey beef up it's presence? Or did the US beef up it's presence in Syria's north? Did Turkey launch airstrikes? It doesn't seem so. Syrian media didn't mention that. Russia said no Turkish planes violated Syrian airspace. Odd?* "Erdogan said Monday Turkey's* F-16 warplanes were involved* in the attack against 40 points in Idlib, claiming that 30-35 Syrians were "neutralized" in the aggression. *Hmmmm.... did Erdogan say that?* The *alleged* ... more »

Links 2/3/2020

Lambert Strether at naked capitalism - 17 hours ago

If articles about a Schrödinger equation are retracted, do they still exist?

Adam Marcus at Retraction Watch - 17 hours ago
Can two articles about aspects of Schrödinger’s work exist in the literature at the same time if they have plagiarized from other papers about the same subjects? The first paper, “Fixed point theorems for solutions of the stationary Schrödinger equation on cones,” appeared in 2015 and was written by Gaixian Xue, of Henan University of … Continue reading If articles about a Schrödinger equation are retracted, do they still exist?

WHO Declares Coronavirus a Public Health Emergency, Highlights Need to Support Countries ‘Weaker Health Systems’

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 31 (IPS) - Weeks into widespread panic about the "Coronavirus" that has so far killed at least* 170 people* in China, the World Health Organisation (WHO) on Thursday declared it a public health emergency. As of Friday, the disease had spread to all the regions in Mainland China, with more than 7,500 cases in the country alone, according to the BBC. Read the full story, “WHO Declares Coronavirus a Public Health Emergency, Highlights Need to Support Countries ‘Weaker Health Systems’”, on globalissues.org →

India's Unique Water Purification Wetland Could Soon Become Extinct

KOLKATA, India, Jan 31 (IPS) - World Wetlands Day is on Sunday, Feb. 2. IPS senior correspondent Manipadma Jena marks the day by visiting the East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW), a unique wetland that operates as a natural water purification ecosystem. Ramkumar Mondal's farm is awash in a brilliant yellow mustard bloom. A flock of grey cranes peck for food amidst the shallow watergrass. But Mondal's fishpond digs in there like a do-or-die last sentinel as nearby high-rise buildings, a symbol of development and encroachment, menacingly tower over the fishpond, permanently blocking the east... more »

The Role of Sherpas in Nature Conservation as Guardians of the Himalayas

KATHMANDU, Nepal, Jan 31 (IPS) - Since I was a kid, I grew up with adventures and stories of famous characters of the books of Jack London: White Fang, Make a Fire… and the incredible ode to perseverance of Martin Eden. Read the full story, “The Role of Sherpas in Nature Conservation as Guardians of the Himalayas”, on globalissues.org →

Our Message at Davos: Water & Sanitation Are a Critical Line of Defence Against Climate Change

LONDON, Jan 31 (IPS) - There was only one topic on everyone's lips at Davos this year – climate change. The headlines focused on the cold war between Greta Thunberg and Donald Trump, but there was much greater consensus among those gathered for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). Read the full story, “Our Message at Davos: Water & Sanitation Are a Critical Line of Defence Against Climate Change”, on globalissues.org →

Coronavirus Spread Now a Global Emergency Declares World Health Organization

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 31 (IPS) - The rise in new coronavirus cases outside China, now constitutes a global health emergency, the World Health Organization's Emergency Committee declared on Thursday, calling on all countries to take urgent measures to contain the respiratory disease. Read the full story, “Coronavirus Spread Now a Global Emergency Declares World Health Organization”, on globalissues.org →

New Challenges to Growth in Latin America & the Caribbean

WASHINGTON DC, Jan 30 (IPS) - Economic activity in Latin America and the Caribbean stagnated in 2019, continuing with the weak growth momentum of the previous five years and adding more urgency and new challenges to reignite growth. Read the full story, “New Challenges to Growth in Latin America & the Caribbean”, on globalissues.org →

US Mideast Peace Plan: Israelis Offered the Cheese & Palestinians the Holes

UNITED NATIONS, Jan 30 (IPS) - The Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem has described the much-ballyhooed US Middle East peace plan as "more like Swiss cheese-- with the cheese being offered to the Israelis and the holes to the Palestinians". Read the full story, “US Mideast Peace Plan: Israelis Offered the Cheese & Palestinians the Holes”, on globalissues.org →

Coronavirus: Why China's Strategy to Contain the Virus Might Work

Jan 30 (IPS) - On January 23, the authorities of Wuhan City, China, sealed off the motorways and shut down all public transport to stop the coronavirus outbreak from spreading. Shortly afterwards, at least ten other cities in China were under quarantine orders, most of them located in the areas surrounding Wuhan. Read the full story, “Coronavirus: Why China's Strategy to Contain the Virus Might Work”, on globalissues.org →

‘Organic is the Future’

HIMALAYAS, India, Jan 30 (IPS) - Vandana Shiva, a pioneer of organic farming in India, is incensed by the 2019 draft law to compulsorily register all seeds used by farmers. On a wintry afternoon, at her farm Navdanya in the Himalayan foothills, the noted ecologist spoke on the future of the organic farming movement in India. Excerpts: Read the full story, “‘Organic is the Future’”, on globalissues.org →

Inclusive Education Still Evades People with Disabilities

DJIBOUTI CITY, Jan 29 (IPS) - Neema Namdamu, 42, grew up in the village of Bukavu in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of Congo where children with disabilities were considered a curse. As a child Namdamu contracted polio, leaving her paralysed from the waist down. Her neighbours advised her mother to do what they felt was the "right thing": leave the child alone in a hut until she died of starvation. Read the full story, “Inclusive Education Still Evades People with Disabilities”, on globalissues.org →

Monday's Topics

LL at Virtual Mirage - 17 hours ago
*Clear View* (link) Maybe you really will FEEL as if you're flying -- while you're actually flying? *The Future of Nuclear Energy* (Rolls Royce) The American communists, Bernie Sanders being the most noteworthy at the moment, are calling for the government to take over the energy sector, and transition completely to wind, solar and hydroelectric power by 2030. I find it interesting that none of them are talking about the newest generation of nuclear power generation. Enter, the Small Modular Reactor (SMR), which will allow nuclear reactors to be delivered to locations where power ... more »

Welcome Back to School in New York, Thorn Schwartz

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 17 hours ago
Note: New York revoked the religious vaccination exemption last last year. The result? Thousands of healthy children, capable of learning, eager to see friends and teachers, toss a ball at gym, dawdle in the bathroom, envy someone else's far more... more »

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE welcome Trump peace plan

Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 17 hours ago
*Time to write something about Trump's 'peace plan'* *Qatar has caveats. Turkey and Jordan are critical* *Israel has long had eyes on remaking Jordan..... So their criticism is understandable.* - *Let's go back to 2014. Jordan and a previous "peace plan" * *"Western officials say, for the right price, currently estimated in the tens of billions of dollars, the Jordanians will help John Kerry, America’s secretary of state to fix a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by absorbing the 4.5m Palestinians who live in the kingdom, including the 3.5m who are now Jordanian citi... more »

Fighting disease: Sen. Liz Warren has a plan!

Peter Murphy at CFACT - 18 hours ago
The Coronavirus is now a “global health emergency” according to the World Health Organization. Not to worry: Sen. Elizabeth Warren is on the case and she has a plan: fight global warming! The post Fighting disease: Sen. Liz Warren has a plan! appeared first on CFACT.

'This is the drone speaking to you': China talks down to citizens amid coronavirus crisis

Just In - 18 hours ago
Officials in some parts of rural China are employing the help of drones to watch over citizens and tell them to stay indoors, as the country faces an epidemic that has killed 361 people.

Alleged drink driver shattered by crash that killed four children

Bellinda Kontominas at Just In - 18 hours ago
Samuel Davidson's parents say he is in shock over the crash while the mother of three of the four children killed says she thinks she can forgive him.

Philippines' African swine fever outbreak suspected to be caused by pork smuggled from China

Max Walden at Just In - 18 hours ago
The highly contagious African swine fever, deemed the biggest threat to Australian livestock in a generation, appears to be spreading in neighbouring countries across Asia.

Walker brother withdraws appeal over MCG brawl

Karen Percy at Just In - 18 hours ago
A man sentenced to prison with his brother for a drunken attack on two men after an AFL match withdraws his appeal after a judge said it was possible his sentence could be increased.

Clutching suitcases and wearing face masks, Wuhan evacuees arrive on Christmas Island

Frances Bell at Just In - 18 hours ago
The first plane-load of Australians evacuated from China's coronavirus centre lands on Christmas Island after first travelling to specially quarantined facilities at a remote airbase in WA.

'You will feel the community's wrath': Bushfire looters sentenced to jail time

Claire Wheaton at Just In - 18 hours ago
A man and woman who stole from a bushfire-affected shop in Batemans Bay to pay for drugs have been sentenced to at least six months behind bars.

Canavan offers to resign, lines up behind Joyce and refers himself to PM over conflict of interest

Just In - 18 hours ago
The political future of Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack hangs in the balance amid an insurgent push to reinstate Barnaby Joyce into the Nationals leadership.

Forensic expert says crucial Claremont DNA evidence never processed with rape sample

Andrea Mayes at Just In - 18 hours ago
The Claremont serial killings trial hears that two pieces of crucial DNA evidence linked to Bradley Edwards from two different investigations were never processed at the same time, as scrutiny continues over handling of DNA exhibits.

Search begins for interstate judge to hear former NT assistant police commissioner rape trial

Felicity James at Just In - 18 hours ago
NT Justice Judith Kelly finds an interstate judge should hear the trial of former assistant police commissioner Peter Bravos but rejects an accusation of apprehended bias.

Court hears Adelaide hit-and-run driver had killed before, as victim's family shares heartbreak

Ben Nielsen at Just In - 18 hours ago
The mother of a Woolworths delivery truck driver who was killed in a hit-and-run crash in Adelaide's north says her reason to live died along with her son.

Shakira's Super Bowl performance, a nod to her Arabic heritage, has tongues wagging

Just In - 18 hours ago
The Kansas City Chiefs won the US Super Bowl earlier today — but if you pay any heed to Twitter, the most important achievement happened at half-time.

Djokovic admits he's 'not proud of' making contact with umpire in Australian Open final

Just In - 18 hours ago
Novak Djokovic could be in strife for his tapping on the shoe of chair umpire Damien Dumusois during the Australian Open final, as the champion says he is "not happy" with his conduct.

Brexit: What About Trade between the UK and EU?

Daniel Keith, Liisa Talving, Sofia Vasilopoulou at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Daniel Keith, Liisa Talving, Sofia Vasilopoulou* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC24RE9RXFBH&share=true] Focus narrows on a new trade deal between an independent United Kingdom and the European Union. From February 1 Britain will start trade talks in earnest. Some claim that a deal with the US should be prioritised over a deal with the EU. Reports also suggest the UK government is considering opening trade talks with the US first or that running trade negotiations with both the EU and the US concurrently might ... more »

DOJ relents, says it would accept probation for Michael Flynn as he moves to withdraw guilty plea

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
I strongly suspect that when Flynn became aware that he was been targeted, that he set up a sting on the DOJ. In that case, payback will be a bitch. Secondly, it also allowed him to operate off the radar. Recall he was the general in charge of MIL INTEL. Think Q. Do you really think that he is unemployed? I also suspect that a lot of important folks are also in witness protection as well while the hunt is on. That includes a number of key investigators who in-explicitly committed suicide over the past three years. Way too many and difficult when forewarned regarding ... more »

World Food Supply is Increasing Faster Than Population Growth for a Better World

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
Throw in global distribution and food security is also massively improving. As I have posted, the global land surface will be readily able to support a global population of 100 billion and do it all sustainably by deploying restorative agriculture in particular. The Boreal forest covers 12,000,000 square kilometers. Throw in a thousand foks per sq km and we jump to 12 billion folks, or twice the present global population. Sounds difficult but imagine a four tower foot print taking up an acre or so for a complete living solution. Then imagine a horizontal green house tower... more »

20,000 US Troops Have Surged Into Mideast Since Last Spring To 'Counter Iran'

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
Without question, Iran retains the option of launching a preemptive strike in an effort to break the present USA strangle hold on its economy. This is the same posture that existed in Euirope during the Cold War. A force in pace prevented that turning into a hot War. The same thing holds true here. It also explains Iranian activities within Iraq as they attempt to turn the USA flank without exposing themselves. Ful.l restoration of the Iraqi government is still a thing to be desired so long as the Shiites in Iraq remain unsubdued as are both the Sunnis and the Kurds. The ... more »

Bombshell Study Questioning HPV Vaccine Efficacy Appears as the UK’s Cervical Cancer Rates Rise in Young

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
Look. Injecting anything into your bloodstream is not supported by biological indications ever. The level of screening and research demanded is massive and expensive. Now the industry has promoted a massive expansion of application for many components whose history held them below a certain threshold. That seemed to support safety but it was questioned for cause. Now HPV has specifically caused a sharp unexpected leap in cervical cancer decades earlier than expected. I really could not ask for a superior statistical proof. If direct statistical proof can be ignored, then th... more »

Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies Passes Debt Restructuring Bill

Juan Martinez at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina's Chamber of Deputies has passed a bill to allow the government to renegotiate the country's foreign debt. The bill was approved by a large majority and now only needs to be ratified by the Senate, in which the government party is the majority. The aim is to avert another […] The post Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies Passes Debt Restructuring Bill appeared first on The Rio Times.

Philippines Announce First Coronavirus Death Outside China

Adele Cardin at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Health authorities in the Philippines have announced that a Chinese man has died in the country of pneumonia caused by the new coronavirus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has classified the case as the first death caused by the disease "outside China". The Philippine Health Department said a 44-year-old man […] The post Philippines Announce First Coronavirus Death Outside China appeared first on The Rio Times.

Rio State Reports Seven State Police Officers Killed in January

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Seven state police officers were murdered in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the first month of 2020. The seventh victim was the State Police's deputy lieutenant, Jobson João Lima, 56, who . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. […] The post Rio State Reports Seven State Police Officers Killed in January appeared first on The Rio Times.

Power and Impunity in Honduras

Juan Martinez at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Two years after Juan Orlando Hernández of the National Party began his second term as president in Honduras at the end of January 2018, the country remains in a deep crisis. Corruption, impunity and the severe threat to human rights activists shape the situation. Hernández ran for the presidential elections […] The post Power and Impunity in Honduras appeared first on The Rio Times.

Rio Mayor Crivella Claims Niemeyer Avenue Is Now Safe

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bishop Marcelo Crivella on Friday, January 31st, visited the hillside containment works on Niemeyer Avenue and gave assurances that the road is entirely safe. However, it is worth recalling that it is the same man who drove a tractor along Tim Maia's bike path and said it would no longer […] The post Rio Mayor Crivella Claims Niemeyer Avenue Is Now Safe appeared first on The Rio Times.

One Dead in Illegal Deforestation Raid in Northern Brazil

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A man has died during a raid to fight illegal deforestation in the northern Brazilian state of Roraima, the country’s environment agency IBAMA said. IBAMA and State Police agents found illegal logging in a forest area close to the city of Rorainopolis, in Roraima State . . . To read […] The post One Dead in Illegal Deforestation Raid in Northern Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times.

Bolsonaro Announces Plan to Build Factory to “Extract Water from Air”

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "(An) Israeli factory that extracts water from the air will be built in Brazil." The announcement was made by President Jair Bolsonaro on Twitter. According to him, the initiative is "one more way to tackle the lack of water in the Northeast, in addition to desalination, artesion wells and the […] The post Bolsonaro Announces Plan to Build Factory to “Extract Water from Air” appeared first on The Rio Times.

Italy Announces Successful Isolation of Deadly Coronavirus

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Italy announced yesterday, February 2nd, that local doctors and scientists have managed to isolate the 2019-nCoV coronavirus, which has already caused the death of more than 300 people in China. Another 14,300 have been infected on Chinese territory and some 20 countries have confirmed cases. The announcement was made by […] The post Italy Announces Successful Isolation of Deadly Coronavirus appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazilian Government Says It Will Repatriate All Brazilians Wanting to Leave Wuhan

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ministries of Defense and Foreign Affairs stated in a note on Sunday, February 2nd, that the government will bring back all Brazilians wanting to return from Wuhan - the city most affected by the coronavirus epidemic in China. The decision was announced after the release of a video in […] The post Brazilian Government Says It Will Repatriate All Brazilians Wanting to Leave Wuhan appeared first on The Rio Times.

A Good Monday Morning

Diogenes Sarcastica™ at Diogenes' Middle Finger - 19 hours ago

How Much Is Tulsi Gabbard’s Reputation Worth?

TheDarkMan at The Duran - 19 hours ago
Tulsi Gabbard’s defamation action against Hillary Clinton, which was filed last month, has provoked a mixed reaction. Die hard Clinton supporters and the very few who don’t like the Congresswoman from Hawaii regard her filing the suit with contempt. Everyone else believes it is justified. We can for the moment ignore the quantum claimed, although […] More The post How Much Is Tulsi Gabbard’s Reputation Worth? appeared first on The Duran.

"Coronavirus Continues Spreading Fast - How Bad Will It Get?"; Updates

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*Updates as available:* FEB 3, 2020 7:07 AM: "CDC 'Preparing For Coronavirus Pandemic' As It Confirms 11th US Case In California: Virus Updates"◆ Chris Martenson, "Coronavirus Continues Spreading Fast - How Bad Will It Get?" - https://www.peakprosperity.com/ ○ "Confirmed case of coronavirus in Boston, possible case in New York."○ Johns Hopkins live data update map link: - https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/

Coronavirus: Australia Faces Calamity

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
Identifying likely economic road kill from the coronavirus outbreak.

Brexit: Warmed Over Chicken

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
Brexit trade talks are about to begin. The UK is back in drama queen mode.

Shall We Have a Dallas Meetup Thursday February 13?

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
Up for a Dallas meetup next week?

The Trump Administration's Internal Fight Over Huawei

Claude Barfield at The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Claude Barfield* *Politics, Americas* [image: Chinese Vice Premier Liu He talks with U.S. President Donald Trump during a signing ceremony for] It's not as smooth as you'd think. As the old song warns, the US is finding it difficult and complicated to execute the “decoupling” from China strenuously called for by many China hawks, particularly those in Congress. Nothing illustrates these decoupling conundrums better than the unfolding debate over how far the US government should go in curbing the growth and economic power of Huawei, the Chinese telecoms giant. (I’ve chronicled in... more »

City experts have no idea about bushfires as ‘climate change’ is blamed for the destruction

Editor, cairnsnews at Cairns News - 20 hours ago
Letter to the Editor Never in my lifetime have I ever seen a bushfire become so political, with so much interference from city based experts! Australia is known for its bushfires, cyclones, droughts and flooding rains so what has changed this time? I believe we now have a new breed of people in this country […]


Editor at Dances With Bears - 20 hours ago
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with The first independent national opinion poll to measure Russian interpretations of President Vladimir Putin’s proposals for changing the Constitution has been reported by the Levada Centre in Moscow. The results show a sharp decline in Russian confidence that the Constitution protects their rights and freedoms. On the meaning of Putin’s proposals […]

You're Incredible - Is Jay Sekulow?

cefrith@hotmail.com at Charles Frith - 20 hours ago
Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced

You Can Make The Deadly M1 Garand Rifle Better In Two 2 Steps

Matthew Moss at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Matthew Moss* *Technology, * Make it shorter and lighter. The World War II M1 Carbine was never actually meant to be a front-line infantry weapon. Rather, the U.S. Army had envisaged soldiers in support roles using the gun strictly for last-ditch, personal defense. However, the light, handy carbine was popular with U.S. troops of all stripes, despite the weapon lacking the firepower of, say, the M1 Garand. By 1943, American soldiers across theaters were demanding a handier carbine version of the Garand. In January 1944, the Infantry Board tested a shorter and lighter version of... more »

Faith Freed Clarence Thomas From Hate

Star Parker at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Star Parker* *Politics, Americas* [image: U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice Sonia Sotomayor makes Associate Justice Clarence Thomas and Chief Justice John Roberts laugh as they pose together for their group portrait at the Supreme Court in Washington, U.S., November 30, 2018. REUTERS/Jim Young] He's an inspiration for sure. It has been said that the very moment a man finds himself, he finds God. That captures the story of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, a man of deep faith whose youthful struggles with racism caused that faith to be shaken, but who later returned to i... more »

These Are the 3 Best GPS Devices on the Planet

Gun News Daily at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Gun News Daily* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1AEUJBTFJAA&share=true] Which would you buy? Nowadays, everyone has a portable GPS in their hand with their smartphone. Gone are the days of road trips with maps spread across the dashboard. It’s pretty hard to get lost walking or driving, no matter where you find yourself. But what happens when signal is lost? How do you find your way? Cue handheld GPS devices. These devices work independently using GPS or GLONASS (Global Navigation Satellite System). Han... more »

"No Such Thing As Luck..."

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
"Nothing happens by chance, my friend... No such thing as luck. A meaning behind every little thing, and such a meaning behind this. Part for you, part for me, may not see it all real clear right now, but we will, before long." - Richard Bach

"Brace for Impact: Global Pandemic Already Baked In"

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*"Brace for Impact: Global Pandemic Already Baked In"* by Charles Hugh Smith "Here's a summary of what is known or credibly estimated about the 2019-nCoV virus as of January 31, 2019: *1.* A statistical study from highly credentialed Chinese academics estimates the virus has an RO (R-naught) of slightly over 4, meaning every carrier infects four other people on average. This is very high. Run-of-the-mill flu viruses average about 1.3 (i.e. each carrier infects 1.3 other people while contagious). Chris Martenson (PhD) goes over the study in some detail in this video. Let's say the ... more »

"The Virus & The Party - "We Are Now In Phase 3..."

CoyotePrime at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*"The Virus & The Party - "We Are Now In Phase 3..."* by Raul Ilargi Meijer "What the future will bring for the 2019nCoV novel Wuhan coronavirus is still unclear. An epidemic it already is, but is it also a pandemic? Some 20 countries have reported infections, but it still could all fizzle out; 305 deaths can be forgotten by next week. Nobody can tell you how this will play out, not even the most experienced and/or smartest virologists and other experts. Because there’s no telling what viruses will do, not even for them, and because while they have some idea about the infinitesima... more »

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