10 pm MDT
The Status Quo Joe Return To "Normalcy"-- A Disaster Waiting In The Wings
Does a "return to normalcy" sound like a good idea after 4 years of Trumpism? It may *sound* vaguely tempting but it's anything *but* a good idea. The kind of "normalcy" Biden's campaign is based on is precisely the "normalcy" that plowed the field for the insidious growth of Trumpism. We spent a lot of time writing about that in 2019 and yesterday so did Jim VandeHei and Mike Allen at *Politico*: Joe Biden's secret governing plan. Team Biden is already putting a potential cabinet together. "Biden advisers," they wrote, "describe a Return to Normal plan-- a reversal of President T... more »
*Vocational schools become the latest front in the battle for educational equity* *What the writer below appears to fail to understand is that tradesmen are not dumb. You have to have a pretty good level of abiity to do a trade successfully. So requirements aimed to filter out dummies are essential.The proposal below is to bypass those filters for some students. It will be futile. If the kid cannot do the work he will just waste his own time and the time of those who try to help himUnderlying the proposals appears to be an assumption that the filters are in some way unfair ... more »
Don’t Feed Trolls
Edward Feser is being harried by trolls. In his post (on March 8, 2020), he says: “If someone seems to be a crank or otherwise not worth engaging with, then don’t engage with him. He may have nothing better to do, but surely you do… Sometimes I delete this garbage in the hope of saving the thread, but other times, by the time I see it, it is too late… Do your part! Don’t feed trolls!” In an early paragraph in the post, he notes: “[Trolling] is a continual problem, and sometimes bigger than it needs to be because of people who keep feeding trolls. Occasionally I have to ban people ou... more »
*Electric car revolution almost here* *The above heading is a prophecy of sorts but what the article reports is poor support for it. It says that a lot of car manufacturers are gearing up to make electric cars. Big deal! After the big goof Ford made with the Edsel we know that car manufacturers can guess wrong.Battery cars are completely unsuitable for cold climates -- like most of Europe and North America. Northern heating requirements slash battery life to ribbons. Let us see you drive your battery car to work in a Winnipeg winter. Battery cars will only ever be toys* What... more »
Which target after Syria? by Thierry Meyssan
Events in the "Broader Middle East" since 2001 have followed a relentless logic. The current question is whether the time has come for a new war in Turkey or Saudi Arabia. The answer depends in particular on the resumption of hostilities in Libya. It is in this context that the Additional Protocol negotiated by Presidents Erdoğan and Putin to resolve the Idleb crisis must be interpreted.
If you know anyone who still thinks the White Helmets are “heroes” – show them this 7m video
Vanessa Beeley presents a condensed overview of the evidence for the White Helmets being a creation of Western governments embedded with terrorist factions inside Syria. Show this to anyone who still can’t believe our leaders would be cynical and psychopathic enough to nominate mercenaries, fakers and mass-murderers for a Nobel prize, or that our media would be craven enough to let this grotesque lie go unquestioned
The virus of the bureaucratic mind
I lack the necessary imagination to say what Italy should do in the Coronavirus crisis which has been going on for the last two weeks. Now the government is shutting down schools nationwide, most likely because they fear the epidemic reaching the South. Closing the schools down is a measure that signals a great danger […] The post The virus of the bureaucratic mind appeared first on Econlib.
"Such high temperatures would completely melt an automobile in less than a minute"
That statement is from a report analyzing the destruction of Abu Hureyra, an early agricultural settlement in Syria, some 12,800 years ago. Abu Hureyra, it turns out, has another story to tell. Found among the cereals and grains and splashed on early building material and animal bones was meltglass, some features of which suggest it was formed at extremely high temperatures—far higher than what humans could achieve at the time—or that could be attributed to fire, lighting or volcanism. "To help with perspective, such high temperatures would completely melt an automobile in less tha... more »
Reluctant Preppers Despite Fed crisis bailouts for the past 6 months, the bond market is cratering, stocks are melting down, and all eyes are turning to find safety from the destruction of our financial futures. David Morgan, founder of TheMorganReport.com, known as The Silver Guru, returns to Liberty and Finance to answer your questions and …
March 2020 Supermoon [Flickr]
Kodak Agfa posted a photo: [image: March 2020 Supermoon] March 2020 Supermoon
Six-in-One Vaccine Vaccine from Merck & Sanofi Raises Red Flag
Note: Excerpted from Children's Health Defense. I took a look at the package insert for this new 6 in 1 vaccine called Vaxelis. Take a look at the contraindications for yourself. Severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to a previous dose... more »
Worried About Sickness? Here's a Bottle Opener for the Bottom of Your Sandal!
Look! It's a Bottle Opener! (BARF) by Kim Rossi This weekend, a friend on Facebook wrote about a sweatshirt that said MILWAUKEE and had a built in bottle opener at the waistband. Clever, yes? Think of the dental work saved... more »
Chart: What cannabis companies can learn from Canopy’s capacity cuts
Ontario, Canada-based cannabis producer Canopy Growth’s announced production cuts could help ease the nation’s oversupply issues as well as offer lessons for other operators on how to compete in a newer market. The company is closing two greenhouses in British Columbia, which will result in 500 job losses. As a result, Canada’s total licensed indoor […] Chart: What cannabis companies can learn from Canopy’s capacity cuts is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Why Bureau Local wants to “change the story”
Bureau Local wants to work with more people to reimagine local news so that it is valuable to citizens and valued by them
Gasoline Price at Pumps Could Tumble Amid Oil Producing Giants’ Clash
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The steep drop in crude oil prices on Monday, March 9th, could spur a reduction in gasoline prices at Brazilian filling stations, considerably different from the prices now practiced by Petrobras. The scenario is a reflection of the feud that erupted over the weekend between two commodity giants, Russia and […] The post Gasoline Price at Pumps Could Tumble Amid Oil Producing Giants’ Clash appeared first on The Rio Times.
Petrobras Shares Record Worst Drop in 34 Years; Oil War Threatens Government Revenue
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The largest drop in the price of the oil barrel in almost 30 years generated a panic day in the financial markets on Monday, already shaken by the coronavirus epidemic, causing significant losses for the main oil and energy companies in the world. In Brazil, Petrobras lost R$91.1 billion in […] The post Petrobras Shares Record Worst Drop in 34 Years; Oil War Threatens Government Revenue appeared first on The Rio Times.
Central Bank Sells US$3 Billion of Reserves to Counter Bullish Dollar
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Monday, March 9th, the Central Bank announced that it sold US$3 billion on demand from its international reserves to try to contain the soaring dollar as the price of oil tumbled. The US currency hit R$4.80 before the bank's action. Early in the morning, the Central Bank canceled the […] The post Central Bank Sells US$3 Billion of Reserves to Counter Bullish Dollar appeared first on The Rio Times.
IBOVESPA Sees Worst Decline in This Century, Plummeting to 86,000 Points
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The disagreement in the oil production negotiations resulted in one of the largest losses in financial market history. The announcement that Saudi Arabia would lower the price per barrel and increase production led to the commodity's price collapsing by more than 30 percent on the day. The sharp drop had […] The post IBOVESPA Sees Worst Decline in This Century, Plummeting to 86,000 Points appeared first on The Rio Times.
Bitcoin Falls Below US$8,000 Yet Accumulates 100 Percent Rise in Past 12 Months
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Regarded by many as the "digital gold" that would provide protection against traditional market turmoil, the Bitcoin was unable to save itself from the global stock market crash on Monday, March 9th. Nevertheless, the crypto-currency keeps outperforming other assets on a year-to-date basis. By 6 PM (Brasília time) March 9th, […] The post Bitcoin Falls Below US$8,000 Yet Accumulates 100 Percent Rise in Past 12 Months appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil Not Planning to Repatriate Brazilians Living in Italy
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The executive secretary of the Ministry of Health, João Gabbardo Reis, has dismissed repatriating isolated Brazilians in Italy following the widening of the quarantine area to try to counter the spread of the The post Brazil Not Planning to Repatriate Brazilians Living in Italy appeared first on The Rio Times.
Brazil’s Postal Service Launches Option to Deliver Package Orders to Neighbor
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Correios (Brazil's Postal Services) customers now have the option of having their orders delivered to their neighbor. The feature was launched last week and allows the sender to provide an alternative address, close to the recipient, for package delivery at no additional cost. According to the company, the measure […] The post Brazil’s Postal Service Launches Option to Deliver Package Orders to Neighbor appeared first on The Rio Times.
Chinese Scientists Discover How New Coronavirus Enters Human Body
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At unprecedented speed in the history of science, Chinese experts have already uncovered the processes by which the new coronavirus enters the human system. The breakthrough, published in an extraordinary issue in Science magazine, is crucial for the development of drugs, vaccines and new diagnostic tests for the Covid-19. According […] The post Chinese Scientists Discover How New Coronavirus Enters Human Body appeared first on The Rio Times.
Viewed as Safe Asset, Gold Reaches Its Highest Price in Four Years
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In search of protection amid the chaos that has set in with the coronavirus epidemic and the collapse of oil prices, investors are turning their attention to gold. Viewed as a safe asset, the commodity reached a high of US$1,700 per troy ounce when markets opened in Asia -- the […] The post Viewed as Safe Asset, Gold Reaches Its Highest Price in Four Years appeared first on The Rio Times.
Did You Know That Potato Water Can Help Your Hair Grow?
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - If you dream of having long, healthy hair, then the best thing to do is to use this homemade recipe. Curious? The British newspaper Metro has unveiled how potato water can make your hair shiny, soft and speed up hair growth. Ingredients - ½ cup of water; - 2 potatoes. […] The post Did You Know That Potato Water Can Help Your Hair Grow? appeared first on The Rio Times.
"The Coronavirus Is The Pin Popping The ‘Everything Bubble’"
*"The Coronavirus Is The Pin Popping The ‘Everything Bubble’"* by Adam Taggart "For years, Peak Prosperity has been raising a loud warning of the ‘Everything Bubble’ that the world’s central banks have blown in global asset prices. Over that time, we’ve debated with hundreds of economic experts on what will be the trigger to “pop” this mania. Well, now we’re finding out. The economic damage being wrought worldwide by the coronavirus is the black swan the system never saw coming. Trade is being strangled, and the necessary productivity needed to support that massive increase in glob... more »
The break-even price of a barrel of sweet crude oil is about $80. (high sulphur oil is less) That means if the price drops below that number, you're losing money to produce it. The price yesterday fell to about $35 per barrel with the Russians and the Saudis playing chicken. Saudi production capacity (not oil reserves) is massive. Supply and demand sets the price and energy stocks along with the viability of drilling and exploration all pivots on profitability. A sustained price of $35 per barrel means that US companies will eventually be forced to lay off people because nobody can,... more »
The unholy crusade against gas appliances
Phasing out natural gas-fired electric power generation by 2030 is bedrock dogma in the Green New Deal. The post The unholy crusade against gas appliances appeared first on CFACT.
‘A flawed decision:’ What happened when sports scientists tried to correct the scientific record, part 2
Why is it so difficult to correct the scientific record in sports science? In the first installment in this series of guest posts, Matthew Tenan, a data scientist with a PhD in neuroscience, began the story of how he and some colleagues came to scrutinize a paper. In this post, he explains what happened next. … Continue reading ‘A flawed decision:’ What happened when sports scientists tried to correct the scientific record, part 2
As Youth Suicides Climb, Anguished Parents Begin To Speak Out
It's not just that suicides are rising among teens but that many well-adjusted-seeming kids are killing themselves.
Joe Biden's Virus Protection Tips For Democrat Primary Voters
Global lower stratospheric temperature through February 2020
Source: Dr. Roy Spencer https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2020-03/documents/supplemental_notice_of_strengthening_transparency_in_regulatory_science.pdf
UK press acts as ‘appendage of the state’ when reporting on foreign policy, new analysis shows
A new analysis of British media’s coverage of foreign policy has found that, by and large, the UK press acts as “an appendage of the state” and has been “misinforming the public” and “failing to report” completely on key issues.
US Cyber Forces Manipulate Public Opinion
The influence on public opinion is one of the primary functions of the information space, presented today not only by TV, radio and print media, but also by the Internet and social networks. Therefore, it isn’t surprising that the CIA is especially focused on obtaining control of the information field and seeks ways to influence it. Thus, in the middle of the last century, the agency began a large-scale secret operation named Mockingbird on the territory of the U.S. and abroad. Most of the documents related to said operation are still classified. The purpose of Operation Mockingbird... more »
Black Swan Country
Several long awaited market corrections are now roiling all the markets. This has been long overdue. We have already seen the Chinese contraction and we have been watching the economic impact of the Covid19 virus as well. All this has sent commodities south for some time and we now have a crumbling oil sector. Production will have to be shut in in many places. Recall that we have entered the global battery transition for personal transportation. The first real volume will likely hit next year. so it is no longer business as usual in the global oil industry. As far as ... more »
Three Poachers Eaten By Lions After Breaking Into Game Reserve To Hunt Rhinos
Maybe it needs to be this way. Men on foot are scant match for a hunting lion pride. Once the lions are wise to the lack of repercussions, no walker will be safe particularly at night. Certainly legitimate folk are all mobile and working during the day and also can see were the lions are. Avoidance is not difficult.. *Three Poachers Eaten By Lions After Breaking Into Game Reserve To Hunt Rhinos* *By Christina Zhao On 7/5/18 at 10:01 AM EDT * * https://www.newsweek.com/three-poachers-eaten-lions-after-breaking-game-reserve-hunt-rhinos-1009155 * *A pride of lions ... more »
Greece Defends Europe - Time to tranfer NATO center of Mass to Romania.
5000 today. The Greeks are stopping this nonsense which is excellent. What is needed though is for NATO to shift its center of of mass into Romania and Russia to shift its enter of Mass into the Caucasus. Doing such will end the faux conflict been promoted as an echo of the cold War. It also sends a powerful message to the entire Middle East that meddling will not be tolerated. Erdogan's ambitions will also then die on the vine. his maneuver aimed at dumping millions into Europe in order to destabilize Europe is thus fully blocked and sets up the actual forced repatriation ... more »
Followed by Red Eyed Being
Once again our giant sloth is imposing invisibility. Yet the description is very much a giant sloth. We are now getting a lot of these reports. Again this is encouraging many more reports who had no where to go even a decade ago. Do note that this is seen moving on four long limbs which allow it to rally into the trees. Again this completely conforms top all we now know about the Giant Sloth. We have also gather quite a bit of data describing the invisibility trick that they use. They cannot completely hide when they are moving but when stopped it is impossible to see them a... more »
Oil Price Crash: 50% Of U.S. Shale Could Go Bankrupt
Yesterday's oil price downdraft, if not meaningfully reversed, will create a world of hurt among US producers, most of all shale gas players.
The SM-6 Missile Will Dramatically Increase The Navy's Ability To Destroy Targets
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * It's a big deal. *Key point: *Using the SM-6 as an offensive weapon against surface targets is a new application for the Navy, bringing another kind of surface fire-power to the fleet. The Navy is preparing an emerging Standard Missile 6 missile variant for combat by test-firing the weapon engineered with upgraded software - enabling it to perform a range of functions to include air-warfare, ballistic missile terminal defense and anti-surface warfare capabilities, service officials said. The Navy successfully executed four flight tests of the surface... more »
Graveyards Could Contain Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria
*Akebe Luther King Abia* *Health, Americas* Decomposing bodies can add bacteria to the soil. We may not like to think about it, but after we die many of us will end up in cemeteries. Burial grounds play an important role in society, functioning as spaces where people can mourn their loved ones. And generally, cemeteries are places where corpses can decompose without posing a danger to public health. But sometimes – especially when sanitation and waste management services are poor – they can become environmental reservoirs of pollutants arising from human activities. Among these ... more »
Total War: This Is What Happens If North Korea Fired A Nuclear Weapon In Anger
*Ryan Pickrell* *Security, Asia* Would North Korea fire off a nuclear weapon? *Key point: *Millions would die. Dozens upon dozens of missiles take flight. For years, the world had heard warnings, but most doubted the day would ever come. Most fall before allied defenses, but one missile finds its mark — it’s the one that matters most. In a flash, hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people perish. Would North Korea fire off a nuclear weapon? No one knows for certain, but what we do know is that the above scenario is exactly what an aggressive and increasingly-powerful Nort... more »
Are You Ready for the Coronavirus Epidemic?
*Maciej F. Boni* *Health, Americas* [image: Reuters] An epidemiologist updates his concerns. The Harvard historian Jill Lepore recounted recently in The New Yorker magazine that when democracies sink into crisis, the question “where are we going?” leaps to everyone’s mind, as if we were waiting for a weather forecast to tell us how healthy our democracy was going to be tomorrow. Quoting Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce, Lepore writes that “political problems are not external forces beyond our control; they are forces within our control. We need solely to make up our own minds ... more »
I Watched My Uighur Friends Disappear
*Sarah Tynen* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] In total, the vast network of China's camps are now home to up to 3 million Uighurs and Kazakhs who were sent there without trial. Recently leaked Chinese government documents reveal how local officials targeted Muslim minorities in China. Satellite images show that many of them have been held in detention camps across the vast Uighur homeland in northwest China. China is home to 10 different Muslim minority groups. The Kazakhs and Uighurs are two groups that have been targets of the Chinese government. Beijing claims that their ac... more »
"Here Are 18 Breathtaking Facts About The Stock Market Crash Of 2020, And Experts Are Warning This Is Far From Over"
*"Here Are 18 Breathtaking Facts About The Stock Market Crash Of 2020, * *And Experts Are Warning This Is Far From Over"* by Michael Snyder "Wall Street has been gripped by a tremendous amount of fear, and the volatility that we are witnessing would have been unimaginable just a couple of months ago. On Monday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 2,013 points. To put that in perspective, the largest single day decline that we witnessed in 2008 was just 777 points. A disagreement between Saudi Arabia and Russia about oil prices coupled with increasing concern about the coronavirus... more »
I've Q'd It Up For You - Protocols
Qosmic moment? Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced
Regeneration ‒ A Poem by M.N. Hopkins
*Regeneration* *Body, mind healing will come* *If you will it so* *©** 2020 M.N. Hopkins* *Note: I wrote this poem a few day back inspired by the work of Sayer Ji of Green Med Info. I too am of the belief that the body can regenerate itself and grow new cells and that a dietary and exercise approach is probably the safest and most effective. I wrote this poem in the haiku style of poetry and published it for the first time on my blog today, the 10th of March, 2020.* *To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:* *Poems & Quotations by M.... more »
Just Work ‒ The Wisdom Of Omraam Mikheal Aivanhov
*"Do not be so concerned about what might come upon you from the outside – difficulties or advantages, losses or gains. Just work, knowing that every possibility is within you. As a result, you will become stronger, and increasingly capable of facing whatever situation arises.* *You must never rely on any outward gain or success in any field, for nothing external lasts forever, nor can it ever truly belong to you. Sooner or later, it will slip from your grasp. You must simply work to become strong and rich inwardly – in your heart, mind, soul and spirit, so that everything you acq... more »
Busting HYSTERICAL headlines in the era of #coronahysteria
CNBC: Here’s why the coronavirus may clobber your retirement plans Reality: for many of us….clobbering of retirement plans has been ongoing since 2008…..your retirement plans have been clobbered ever since the nominal interest rate on your retirement plans fell behind the increase in the consumer price index for your basket of goods and services…. The […] More The post Busting HYSTERICAL headlines in the era of #coronahysteria appeared first on The Duran.
'No-one is coming out to eat the healthy fish': Coronavirus keeps restaurant customers at bay
The live fish market is believed to be down by 70 per cent as coronavirus scares customers away from Chinese restaurants.
Teenager was trying to lose 8kg in seven days for Muay Thai fight when she collapsed and died
An 18-year-old Perth woman who collapsed during extreme training for a Muay Thai fight was not prepared to tackle the "ridicule" in the sport's "bullying culture", her mother tells an inquest.
Australia's Antarctic icebreaker the Aurora Australis begins final voyage
Launched with the words "may she sail long and well", the icebreaker Aurora Australis heads off on its final voyage, having fulfilled its promise as the "workhorse" of the nation's Antarctic expeditions for three decades.
Former SA opera chief 'carefully and effectively' seduced teens, prosecutor alleges
Conductor and composer Timothy Sexton was a "highly regarded" music teacher when he allegedly seduced and sexually assaulted young students, an Adelaide court hears.
Victorian Premier flags 'extreme measures' to combat coronavirus
Just In - 19 hours ago
Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews says it is only a matter of time before schools close across the state and large sporting and cultural events are cancelled to combat the spread of coronavirus.
The 2020 Black Swan Event — Jim Willie
SGTreport Jim Willie returns to SGT Report to discuss the very real possibility of an economic collapse brought on by the event none of us saw coming just two months ago. end
Oil Price War Will Expedite the End of Petrodollar & Rise of Chinese-Russian Currency– RT’s Max Keiser
Oil Price War Will Expedite the End of Petrodollar & Rise of Chinese-Russian Currency– RT’s Max Keiser by https://www.rt.com/ The US shale market is to bear the brunt of the raging oil price war that has sent Dow Jones and crude prices down, and Saudi Arabia will fare no better. Meanwhile, Russia has got the …
Forget The Oil Prices, The Whole US Dollar Bubble is Deflating – Peter Schiff to RT
Forget The Oil Prices, The Whole US Dollar Bubble is Deflating – Peter Schiff to RT by https://www.rt.com/ The drop in oil prices is likely to be short-lived, veteran stock broker Peter Schiff told RT, since the deflation of the whole US debt bubble and crash of the dollar will make the prices of oil …
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Russia is not the initiator of the war on the oil front which is now under way. Not Russian Energy Minister, Alexander Novak (lead image, right), but Mohammed Bin Salman (left), the Saudi Crown Prince and chief executive of the sheikhdom. This is war propaganda from the Financial Times : “ […]
Regional MPs call for greater transparency of RCEP negotiations
bilaterals.org - 20 hours ago
10-Mar-2020 As ministers of the member countries of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) meet for final negotiations over the trade agreement this week, regional lawmakers today expressed concern about the lack of parliamentary and public oversight of the deal, as well as its potential human rights impacts.
Led Zeppelin wins Stairway to Heaven copyright case
Just In - 20 hours ago
A victory for Led Zeppelin is being hailed as a victory for the music industry after a court dismisses a challenge to an earlier ruling the band did not steal the opening guitar riff for cult favourite Stairway to Heaven.
Convicted paedophile lashes out, unable to say where he was the day William Tyrrell disappeared
Convicted paedophile Tony Jones tells an inquest he has "no recollections, none whatsoever" of where he was the day William Tyrrell disappeared in 2014 on the NSW mid-north coast.
'How can he change from Labor to a conservative?': Collins explains his Territory Alliance switch
Jeff Collins, a former Labor Party member who is pushing for radical drug reform, joins the party of an ex-CLP chief minister who opposed same-sex marriage. And he says it's all about "a better way" of doing politics.
Jillaroo's video send-up of Kylie Minogue pays tribute to life in the bush
Inspired by Tourism Australia's Matesong video, locals in south-west Queensland write their own version with the banks of the Balonne River standing in for the beaches of Sydney.
Gun discovered near where 'reclusive' mother and son found dead in bushland
WA Police reveal a firearm was found near the bodies of a mother and son who led a "reclusive lifestyle" before they were discovered dead at a property in Greenough, in the state's Mid West.
University of Tasmania slashes degree offerings in cost cutting exercise to stay 'sustainable'
The University of Tasmania is slashing hundreds of the degrees and courses it offers as it struggles with financial challenges — including an "over-reliance on China" for students, which has been hit hard by coronavirus travel restrictions.
Skiing to remember Bill: Ski for Life event goes on in founder's honour
For siblings Emma, William and Nick Stockman, the eighth annual Ski for Life event was tinged with sadness, as it was the first year their dad and the event's founder, Bill Stockman, wasn't involved.
Matthew Guy organised meeting for company seeking to have land rezoned, IBAC told
An executive of Leighton Holdings tells a corruption hearing he discussed the controversial rezoning of a parcel of land with Matthew Guy when he was the planning minister and that he later arranged a meeting with a group of bureaucrats to discuss the issue.
Hundreds of patrons pull out at Little Creatures as restaurants warned to brace for virus impact
The entire hospitality industry is warned to brace for a drop in business as one of the country's most famous breweries has functions cancelled, while coronavirus fears see patronage plummet at Chinese restaurants.
Millions of unsent boxes due to COVID-19 herald tough times ahead
The shattering decline of Australia's international trade heralds a grim economic outlook for the rest of 2020, according to experts in the transport sector.
Expert kyboshes Edwards's DNA contamination theory in Claremont serial killer trial
The chances of fingernail samples from Ciara Glennon becoming accidentally contaminated with accused Claremont serial killer Bradley Edwards's DNA were "extremely unlikely", a world-renowned DNA expert testifies.
Coronavirus update: NSW records six new cases, total now over 60
Just In - 20 hours ago
The number of coronavirus cases in NSW rises above 60 with more positive tests confirmed, and Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Wuhan for the first time since the outbreak began.
Unregulated Soros-aligned media pose an existential threat
Plans to shut down NYT, MSNBC, CNN, and similar garbage must be prepared The U.S. media have worked very freely since the beginning and for decades, it has worked rather well and U.S. TV stations became the gold standard of the international media landscape. This freedom has contributed to many Americans' pride about their nation and its seemingly special relationship to freedom. However, especially in recent years, and from Trump's election as the U.S. president in particular, almost all these media have turned into nearly identical toxic cesspools that pump lies, garbage, and extr... more »