Every fishing trip begins with a plan for the day. We all have in our heads the areas we intend to fish, lures we expect to throw and specific species we’ll be targeting. But as Mike Tyson...
It was a banner season, the perfect season, that may seem like an eternity ago now that the coronavirus health and political hysteria has hit our country and our world. Sports in general...
Join us at 1 p.m. Eastern for a live Q&A with Dr. Saskia Popescu, an infectious disease epidemiologist who is also an infection preventionist. She works in hospitals to make sure...
Gaming is great and all—especially during a pandemic, and especially now that you can play a souped-up version of Minecraft with real-time ray tracing—but you can now use your...
The so-called "transparency in science" rule, first proposed by former EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt in 2018, is basically intended to limit EPA's use of scientific studies. ...
EPA recently announced that in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the agency would be suspending enforcement of environmental laws. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider...
Countries discuss Europe-wide recovery fund while German chancellor urges cautionCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageAngela Merkel has said the coronavirus...
Coronavirus could shut out droves of new US votersGeorgia businesses wary of governor’s invitation to reopenLive global updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageSupport the...
It seems like only yesterday that AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson was promising on live television that if Trump followed through on his tax cuts, the company would dramatically...
We've been writing a lot about the need for real transparency in the midst of a pandemic. The lessons to be learned from Taiwan's transparency compared to China's censorship and speech...
The German leader calls for a big EU budget expansion to tackle the crisis.
Anwar R and Eyad A are accused of committing crimes against humanity for Syria's regime.
- Li Zehua was chased and detained in the virus epicentre, before being sent to "quarantine".
The Bulwark: February 7: A Day That Will Live in Infamy — February 7 is a day that changed the world. — It's a day that defines the Trump administration's failures on COVID-19. ...
Ashley Kirzinger / The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation: KFF Health Tracking Poll - Late April 2020: Coronavirus, Social Distancing, and Contact Tracing — , Cailey Muñana...
Engineers, consultants can't visit client sites so home they go Computacenter has suspended dividend payments to shareholders after furloughing one in ten workers, the lion's...
Research ponders whether lockdown may lead folk to update dusty networking kit for sitting room setups The COVID-19 pandemic looks set to have both short and long-term implications...
Millions of stargazers have been witnessing the unusual constellations made up of the low orbit satellites.
Researchers claim the sophistication of the hack makes it nearly undetectable to victims.
Futher Column - By Abby Zimet, Staff Writer
Futher Column - By Abby Zimet, Staff Writer
Indigenous communities in the Amazon are threatened by a move to increase exploitative commercial development in their territory. Development would include large-scale farming...
Hundreds of endangered species are being poisoned by the actions of the Army Corps of Engineer. Demand that this neglect be put to an end.
News at a glance
a month ago
Back in 1998, Lyle Zapato launched a tongue-in-cheek campaign to save what he called the 'tree octopus'. When it comes to cryptozoological creatures r...
A recent science experiment has highlighted the unique potential of fungus as a viable construction material. With concerns over plastic pollution tak...
Scotland may in future cycle in and out of strict lockdown as death toll rises by 58; UK ministers under pressure to offer ‘hope’ about return to normality; public expected to be...
Countries discuss Europe-wide recovery fund while German chancellor urges cautionCoronavirus – latest updatesSee all our coronavirus coverageAngela Merkel has said the coronavirus...
A "shooting star" crosses the Milky Way galaxy in this photo taken during the peak of the annual Lyrid meteor shower.
The first two prototype telescopes for the ambitious PANOSETI project are up and running.
Looking for a crystalline 2D spin ice
a month ago
All Things Considered : NPR
Dr. Jessica Zitter, a critical and palliative care specialist takes listener questions about advanced directives that doctors follow in critical situations...
How To Avoid Online Harassment While Teleworking
14 hours ago
Video conferencing became essential for some working from home during the pandemic. An NPR business correspondent explains what a Zoombomb is and advises listeners on telework...
Gardaí say there is a greater chance of intoxicated drivers being caught due to the higher number of checkpoints across the country.
Earlier this week, the highest daily death toll of 77 was announced by the Department of Health.
Video Length: 4:03Earth observing instruments on the space station along with photography from crew members serve to keep a multifunctional eye on our home planet. Read this story...
Portal origin URL: NASA Earth Data Powers Energy-Saving DecisionsPortal origin nid: 460091Published: Monday, April 20, 2020 - 15:00Featured (stick to top of list): noPortal...
Ramadan is the holiest month of the year for Muslims around the world. It's the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Because the calendar is lunar, it moves up about eleven days each...
How to Be a Mindful Consumer
14 hours ago
Going shopping might not feel fun if you’re worried your choices might impact the environment or the global community. Fortunately, you can still buy the items you need while protecting...
How to Celebrate Earth Day
a day ago
As parts of the United States and Europe consider reopening, most of the world's population remains susceptible to the coronavirus. We look at new efforts to stop the deadly spread...
Despite strong objections of public health officials, governors in Georgia, Tennessee and South Carolina still plan to reopen parks, beaches and nonessential businesses. Even...
Headlines for April 23, 2020
2 hours ago
The number of people forced out of work during the coronavirus lockdown keeps soaring. Last week, 4.4 million people filed for jobless benefits, boosting the total since last month...
In India, Muslims have been accused of deliberately spreading the virus. Many say they have faced increased discrimination, harassment and attacks.
The study included the health records of 5,700 COVID-19 patients hospitalized between March 1 and April 4 at facilities overseen by Northwell Health, New York State's largest health...
ST-segment elevation, often a ticket to the cath lab, may not indicate STEMI as reliably as before hospitals started to fill with COVID-19 patients, who may have other ST-segment-elevating...
- A new trial will ask whether an old arthritis drug can prevent serious COVID-19 complications.