3:15 am MDT
Native American Groups Ask NFL to Force Redskins Name Change
More than a dozen Native American leaders and organizations sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell calling for the league to force Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder to change the team name immediately.
ACE-i And ARB Medications May Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-i) or angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB) medications are prescribed for conditions such as heart failure, high blood pressure or heart disease. They inhibit or block angiotensin, a chemical that causes arteries to become narrow, so are commonly prescribed for people with high blood pressure to relax and open blood vessels, lowering blood pressure. They may also lower risk of colorectal cancer risk, the third most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer death worldwide. read more
Asthma Doesn't Increase Risk Or Severity Of COVID-19
Though old age, respiratory issues, blood clots, and obesity are risk factors for likelihood and severity of COVID-19, one group in the respiratory section needn't worry more; asthmatics. Asthma does not appear to increase the risk for a person contracting COVID-19 or influence its severity. read more
Obesity Is A Co-Morbidity In Everything, Including COVID-19
Coronavirus and the COVID-19 disease it brings does not discriminate on race, creed, or color, but it does target people with pre-existing conditions. Like age, respiratory issues, and obesity, which are risk factors for nearly everything. And that can translate into cultural disparity. Obese European minorities are up to two times higher the risk of contracting COVID-19 than white Europeans, a study has found. The study used body mass index (BMI), a controversial metric with numerous confounders, so caution is warranted, and cardiometabolic health. The researchers wanted to see if... more »
Though Claims Of Projected Deaths Were Wildly Exaggerated, Sweden Would've Saved Some Lives With A Lockdown
Sweden did not lock down during COVID-19 and while aggressive epidemiological models promoted by bloggers wildly overstated the deaths that would occur, by an order of magnitude, it did produce more per capita deaths and greater healthcare demand than seen in countries with earlier, more stringent intervention. read more
Musical Interlude: Neil H, “The Remembering”
YouTube continues forced ad viewing, disrupting video embedding here. If "Playback Error" occurs please watch it here: - https://www.youtube.com/ *Neil H, “The Remembering”*
Is NZ On the Road to Bolshevism?
Originally posted on Sto Vounó: The openly Marxist Labour/Green partnership that runs New Zealand is exploiting a series of significant events – the Christchurch shooting, the contrived Covid-19 scare, and the orchestrated George Floyd protests – to create a totalitarian state. The strategy relies heavily on fear, division and the suppression of dissent. The creation…
This is an awful story: A Florida mother allegedly took her high-risk teenage daughter to a “COVID party” at their church, tried treating the girl at home with unproven drugs when she got sick — and then hailed her as a patriot after she died. The mother, Carole Brunton Davis, reportedly took her 17-year-old daughter, Carsyn Leigh Davis, who survived cancer at age two, to a church-sponsored event to intentionally expose her ... to the potentially deadly coronavirus. More than 100 mask-free children attended the event, and Davis allegedly gave her daughter azithromycin, an anti-bact... more »
Did Samuel Pepys Write ‘The Taverns Are Full of Gadabouts’ in 1665?
And what in the world is a gadabout?
Gotham City Digest

(It's easier to see how we got out of the 19th century than how we got out of the 20th.) ------------------------------ On July 4th, heavily-armed black militants marched on Stone Mountain in Georgia. ------------------------------ Kanya West just threw his MAGA hat in the ring. Have we hit peak assclownery, yet? ------------------------------ So, I assume we're supposed to get this hurricane season's enhanced cones of uncertainty from Melania's dress? ------------------------------ here's something racist about Mary. ------------------------------ Remember Heathe... more »
India Becomes The World's Third Worst-Affected Country With The Coronavirus
*Business Insider:* *India just surpassed Russia as the country with the 3rd-most coronavirus infections* * India recorded tens of thousands of new COVID-19 cases over the weekend, raising the country's total number past Russia's as the third-largest in the world. * The country has recorded nearly 700,000 cases despite strict lockdowns imposed from March to May. * A lack of testing and external factors preventing social distancing among the population of 1.3 billion are thought to be to blame as some cities are preparing to impose lockdowns again. India recorded just shy of 24,0... more »
Why China Fear the Power of U.S. Navy Aircraft Carriers in a War
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* This was China’s introduction to the power and flexibility of the aircraft carrier, something it obsesses about to this day. *Here's What You Need to Remember: * China is in the unique position of both seeing the value of carriers and building its own fleet while at the same time devoting a lot of time and resources to the subject of sinking them. More than twenty years ago, a military confrontation in East Asia pushed the United States and China uncomfortably close to conflict. Largely unknown in America, the event made a lasting impression on C... more »
At The End of The World, You Want One Of These 5 Rifles At Your Side
*Richard Douglas* *Security, * The best survival rifles. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *One of the most important tools a person could have to maintain their survival in the event of a total societal collapse is the rifle. Able to reach out and hit targets at a range that pistols and shotguns are unable to, rifles are ideal weapons for both self-defense and hunting situations. In the space of only a few weeks, the United States has changed forever. Sports leagues have suspended their seasons. Entire industries have been forced to shutter their doors. Jobs have been lost. Fo... more »
Aliens Are Out There But Still Pretty Rare, Study Says
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] The search for extraterrestrial intelligent life could offer important insights into how long our own civilization can survive. More than ever before, it’s indeed not a far-fetched idea to think that we are not alone in the Milky Way galaxy. Now, according to scientists from the University of Nottingham, there may be dozens of alien civilizations lurking not too far from our home planet. Perhaps some may even be advanced enough to communicate with us. Dozens may sound like a lot, but know that our galaxy, which is about one... more »
Could This Japanese Jet Have Won World War II in the Pacific?
*Michael Peck* *History, Asia* Let's take a look. *Key Point*: With an even worse fuel and raw-materials situation than Germany, Japan probably would have fared no better. It is a fallacy that Germany was the only nation to develop combat jets in World War II. In truth, while Germany had the most advanced technology, all of the major powers had jet aircraft projects during World War II, including the United States, Britain, Russia, Italy and Japan. The most well-known Japanese jet—and the only one that saw combat—was the Okha, a rocket-propelled and human-piloted kamikaze. But a... more »
Justice in Kentucky! Courts Deny “Qualified Immunity” for Social Workers Medically Kidnapping Children

It's nice to know the U.S. Judicial System still works sometimes. Two recent cases out of Kentucky ruled against social workers who misused their positions to illegally remove children from their families, denying the principle of "qualified immunity" for social workers. Senior Judge William Bertlesman of the U.S. District Court in Covington ruled that social workers are not entitled to qualified immunity in their case with Maureen ‘Nikkie’ Holliday versus the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services social workers imposed... more »
Bostock: Were the liberal justices namudnoed?
*namudno* (verb): to persuade one’s colleagues (esp. on a court) to sign onto an opinion with broader implications than they perceive and then accuse them of backtracking when they later resist said implications. Many commentators wonder whether the current Supreme Court will overrule Roe v. Wade (by which they really mean Planned Parenthood v. Casey). My own view is that the Court is far more likely to do away with affirmative action than with the right to obtain an abortion. This term supports that prediction with the Court’s decisions in *June Medical Services* (invalidating a ... more »
Brace Yourself for Trump’s Great Recession Trump and businesses...
Robert Reich - 11 hours ago
*Brace Yourself for Trump’s Great Recession* Trump and businesses demanded America “reopen” to revive the economy. But we’ve reopened too soon, before Covid-19 is under control. So we’re needing to close or partly close again, which will prolong the economic downturn and wreak even more havoc on millions of Americans’ livelihoods. It never should have been a contest between public health and the economy, anyway. The economy has always depended on getting public health right. And we still haven’t. Trump has downplayed the risks. He got in the way of governors trying to keep peop... more »
Is the Texas Covid “Spike” Fake News?
[image: is-the-texas-covid-spike-fake-news] On July 2, Texas Governor Greg Abbott issued an executive order mandating the wearing of face masks across the state, but he may have based his executive order on inaccurate information about a “rise” in COVID-19 cases.
Japan Says Chinese Coast Guard Ships Are Now Continually Violating Its Territorial Waters

*CNN: **Japan says Chinese ships spend record time violating its territorial waters* Chinese coast guard ships have twice intruded into Japan's territorial waters in the past four days, forcing Japanese coast guard vessels to block the Chinese ships from approaching Japanese fishing boats on at least one occasion, authorities in Tokyo said Monday. The Chinese vessels came within 2.5 miles (4 kilometers) off the Japanese-controlled Senkaku Islands, known in China as the Diaoyu Islands, well past the internationally recognized 12-mile (19.3 kilometer) limit that defines a country's... more »
U.S. Now Past 3,000,000 Covid-19 Cases; World Nears 12,000,000 Cases

Eric Zuesse The most-authoritative site presenting, in real time, the number of coronavirus-19 (Covid-19) cases and data, country-by-country, throughout the world, is https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ and they now show America having soared past three million cases, and the entire world likely, by July 8th, to cross the threshold past twelve million cases. They show the daily number […] More The post U.S. Now Past 3,000,000 Covid-19 Cases; World Nears 12,000,000 Cases appeared first on The Duran.
WATCH: Daily Life in Occupied Palestine
Most Americans, whose government gives Israel over $10 million per day, have no idea that Israel commits human rights abuses every single day, since US media virtually never report this information: that Israeli forces daily invade Palestinian villages, daily abduct people, and daily injure people; that virtually every week Israeli forces destroy farmers’ trees, demolish…
Tucker 2024?
There are rumors that Tucker Carlson might be running for president in 2024. It’s an interesting rumor and bears consideration. If he did, I’d vote for him. He’s not a professional politician, he’s a conservative, can think on his feet, and he speaks well. First things first, let’s get President Trump reelected before we speculate who’s next. ~ Hardnox
"A Look to the Heavens"

“Also known as the Cigar Galaxy for its elongated visual appearance, M82 is a starburst galaxy with a superwind. In fact, through ensuing supernova explosions and powerful winds from massive stars, the burst of star formation in M82 is driving the prodigious outflow of material. Evidence for the superwind from the galaxy's central regions is clear in this sharp composite image, based on data from small telescopes on planet Earth. *Click image for larger size.* The composite highlights emission from filaments of atomic hydrogen gas in reddish hues. The filaments extend for over 10,00... more »
Free Downloads: The Works Of Rumi

"You were born with potential. You were born with goodness and trust. You were born with ideals and dreams. You were born with greatness. You were born with wings. You are not meant for crawling, so don't. You have wings, Learn to use them, and fly. What in your life is calling you, When all the noise is silenced, The meetings adjourned, The lists laid aside, And the Wild Iris blooms By itself in the dark forest... What still pulls on your soul?" - Rumi (1207 - 1273) ◆ "Jalal al-Din Muhammad Rumi was a 13th century Afghan poet and philosopher who heavily influenced both eastern and wes... more »
“I Pity You, Too.”

"Said a philosopher to a street sweeper, “I pity you. Yours is a hard and dirty task.” And the street sweeper said, “Thank you, sir. But tell me, what is your task?” And the philosopher answered saying, “I study man's mind, his deeds and his desires.” Then the street sweeper went on with his sweeping and said with a smile, “I pity you, too.” - Kahlil Gibran
"A Self-congratulatory Delusion..."

"Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told - and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lea... more »
Judge Orders Dakota Access Pipeline to Shut Down

Owners of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) must halt operations while the government conducts a full-fledged analysis examining the risk DAPL poses to the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe, a federal judge ruled today. The court decision delivered a hard-fought victory to the Tribe, which has been engaged in a high-profile struggle against the Dakota Access Pipeline since 2016. The ruling ordering a shutdown of DAPL marks the final word of a March 25 decision by the same judge. That ruling found that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had violated the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA... more »
Senator Chuck Grassley Ponders Lack of Durham Response Prior to 2020 Election…
U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley implied this morning that USAO John Durham may not provide evidence of the already well-documented effort to remove President Trump from office until after the November election: Senator Chuck Grassley 135 Hart Senate Office Building Washington, … Continue reading →
Nishinoshima erupts ash up to 8 300 m (27 230 feet) a.s.l. - highest since 2013, Japan
The Watchers » Latest articles - 11 hours ago
A column of volcanic ash produced by Japanese Nishinoshima volcano rose up to 8 300 m (27 230 feet) above the sea level on July 4, 2020-- its highest since 2013, the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) confirmed on July 6. Volcanic activity at the volcano surged in...... Read more »
EWG: Always Buy These Three Foods Organic to Avoid the GMO Versions

The annual “Clean Fifteen” and “Dirty Dozen” list produced by the Environmental Working Group is one of the most sought-after resources for people who want to avoid eating foods that are sprayed heavily with pesticides that have been linked to large numbers of health problems. While most people seek out the list because of its advice on pesticides, including the twelve foods that contain the most potentially harmful synthetic pesticide residues and the fifteen foods that contain the least, this year’s version also included an important piece of information that is once again get... more »
New York Governor Cuomo Announces Partnership with Bill & Melinda Gates to “Reimagine Education,” Draws Backlash from Educators and Parents

The former founder of the Microsoft computer corporation, Bill Gates has risen to the number two position on the list of the world’s top five richest people for 2020 according to Forbes.com, with an estimated net worth of 98 billion dollars. While Gates was once focused mostly on the computer business, he now has turned most of his attention to the Gates Foundation, investing in an increasingly large portfolio of world-changing (and highly controversial) projects, including the funding of a project to block out the sun with geoengineering alongside Harvard reserchers, the crea... more »
Bountygate: Scapegoating Systemic Military Failure In Afghanistan
It took little more than a year for the president to come to grips with a reality that would be reflected in the findings of Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction John Sopko, that there had been “explicit and sustained efforts by the U.S. government to deliberately mislead the public…to distort statistics to make it appear the United States was winning the war when that was not the case.” In November 2018, Trump turned on “Mad Dog”, telling the former Marine General “I gave you what you asked for. Unlimited authority, no holds barred. You’re losing. You’re getti... more »
Raleigh Black Lives Matter Protest Reaches 35th Day
For the 35th consecutive day, Black Lives Matter protesters chanted, made speeches, waved signs and marched across downtown Raleigh on Saturday. They are protesting SB 168 which lawmakers passed nearly unanimously with no discussion in the wee hours of the morning on June 27, would shield death investigation records from the public when they are shared with the state Office of the Chief Medical Examiner. Those records are now considered public under state law. “The fact that they’re trying to ... pass this over on us and act like it’s no big deal like they’re just gonna ignore us... more »
Family Of Murdered Army Specialist Accuses The Army Of A Cover-up
Violence against women in the military and at Fort Hood has been going on for a very long time. Twelve years ago, in 2008, I wrote an article “Is There an Army Cover-Up of Rape and Murder of Women Soldiers?” that detailed violence against women assigned to units from Fort Hood that were then located in Iraq. Now, twelve years later, the Army’s handling of the investigation into SPC Guillen’s disappearance was an affront to Guillen’s family and to military women on Fort Hood. For three months the perpetrator of the murder of SPC Guillen roamed free on Fort Hood, capable of murde... more »
Open Letter On COVID-19 And Humanitarian Disarmament
The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a heavy human and economic toll and shattered lives in many countries. The pandemic has also underscored that global solutions should be used to address global problems, in the current crisis and after it ends. Now is the moment to reflect on the world as it is and consider a better alternative for the future. A “new normal” should go beyond the field of public health to deal with other matters of ongoing international concern, including the humanitarian consequences of arms and armed conflict as well as peace and security more broadly. Humanitarian... more »
Washington Threatens Military Action Against Iran After UN Meeting
"The international community in general - and the UN Security Council in particular - are facing an important decision: do we maintain respect for the rule of law, or do we return to the law of the jungle by surrendering to the whims of an outlaw bully?" Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said of Washington's recent moves. Several delegates at the Security Council meeting criticized US President Donald Trump for pulling out of the Obama-era nuclear accord, challenging its ability to legally trigger the deal's sanctions "snapback". Russia's UN ambassador, Vassily Nebenzia... more »
Seattle’s CHOP Advanced The Movement For Black Lives
What is unthinkable, or was at the beginning of the month, is the power of the Black Lives Matter movement in the streets. The emergence of the autonomous zone is a pinnacle of that power, a significant victory. It demonstrates the ability of popular power to win the impossible from structures of white supremacy – the state and the propertied interests they represent. That victory, and the subsequent diminution of state violence, is a major step forward for community self-control and autonomy. It shows that ending anti-Black violence is the first and most basic step to honoring Bl... more »
New regulatory agency takes reins of Nevada’s marijuana industry
Nevada’s Cannabis Compliance Board gets up and running this month in a transition of oversight power from the original industry regulator, the state Department of Taxation. According to KUNR Public Radio, the new board will be in charge of company site inspections, overseeing marijuana lab testing and more. The transition began last year at the […] New regulatory agency takes reins of Nevada’s marijuana industry is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Schwazze walks away from two Colorado cannabis deals
Denver-based Schwazze, formerly Medicine Man Technologies, said it has terminated acquisitions of two Colorado marijuana businesses – cultivator Los Sueños Farms and concentrates company Dabble Extracts. Schwazze, a vertically integrated operator, said in an investor news release it moved quickly on the deals and, thus, did limited due diligence after Colorado enacted a law last […] Schwazze walks away from two Colorado cannabis deals is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Justice in Kentucky! Courts Deny “Qualified Immunity” for Social Workers Medically Kidnapping Children

It's nice to know the U.S. Judicial System still works sometimes. Two recent cases out of Kentucky ruled against social workers who misused their positions to illegally remove children from their families, denying the principle of "qualified immunity" for social workers. Senior Judge William Bertlesman of the U.S. District Court in Covington ruled that social workers are not entitled to qualified immunity in their case with Maureen ‘Nikkie’ Holliday versus the Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services. The Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services social workers imposed... more »
What's your joy? How finding calm can make our lives less fragmented
If you found a new hobby during lockdown, here's why sustaining it can help you lead a more connected, purposeful life.
Saudi Arabia's 'shiny new toy'— a desert mega-city 30 times bigger than New York
The Neom vision is ambitious. A city in the Saudi Arabian desert with futuristic buildings, flying taxis, robot maids and its own artificial moon. But is it achievable or fantastic folly?
More than 34 elderly patients are living in NT public hospitals due to lack of a specialist facility
EH is a dementia patient who has been living in hospital for four years. Doctors say it's the "only place he can be managed", but advocates say it highlights an urgent need for a dementia care facility in the NT.
Pleading for a hard border closure with Victoria, Aboriginal health group calls NT's border stance 'crazy'
The chief executive of the Northern Territory's peak Aboriginal health body says the NT is opening up its vulnerable communities to undue risk as the Territory Government resists a hard border closure with Victoria.
Live: NSW Now: Victorian-NSW border shutdown looms, woman fined after escaping quarantine hotel
Just In - 12 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *The woman escaped from the hotel following a brief tussle with a security guard and disappeared into the night, while state authorities prepare to bring the gates down on the border as Victorian COVID-19 cases surge.
Racial profiling fears as Melbourne tower residents speak out from lockdown
Dima Abdu and her family had no idea the tower block they live in had been locked down until hours after it was suddenly announced on Saturday.
'It gets you depressed': Tower residents fear hard lockdown will wreak havoc on their health
Residents in Melbourne's public housing estates are worried their mental health is being forgotten and fear their neighbours are unable to access desperately needed pharmaceuticals because of a lack of services and information.
'Clearly been found wanting': Pyne hits out at Victoria's — and Pauline Hanson's — handling of COVID crisis
Former Liberal MP Christopher Pyne condemns Victoria's handling of quarantined travellers while backing harsh lockdown measures, before taking a swipe at Pauline Hanson and Chris Lilley over racism.
The scourge of ice addiction, family violence blamed for Queensland's troubled child safety system
The Queensland Government says child safety case loads have fallen significantly, as frontline workers say staff turnover and burnout continues to be a major issue within the Child Safety Department.
The number of babies born prematurely in Canberra has dropped, and it's partly due to one midwife
A new program at The Canberra Hospital is surprisingly simple, involving a small team who meet with expectant mothers weekly — but in its first 12 months, it has spared 45 babies from the trauma of premature birth, like baby Quinn.
"Mobs and Big-Mouth Messiahs"

*"Mobs and Big-Mouth Messiahs"* by Bill Bonner "We used to have good times together, But now I feel them slip away. It makes me cry to see love die, So sad to watch good love go bad."– Everly Brothers SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – "Saturday was Independence Day. After so many years, we couldn’t help but reflect on the good times we’ve had since the Republic was founded on July 4, 1776. But news comes from Baltimore and Richmond that the mobs are on the march. CNN on the story: "While much of the country celebrated Independence Day Saturday, protesters in Baltimore toppled a statue of Chr... more »
China Now Back To Calling Coronavirus A U.S. Pandemic
*Newsweek:* *China Media Calls Coronavirus a 'U.S. Epidemic,' Warns of Risk to World* A Chinese state-controlled newspaper has hit out at President Donald Trump's administration for its mishandling of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, describing the disease as a "U.S. epidemic" and warning that the administration's failure poses a threat to the rest of the world. Global Times, owned by the People's Daily newspaper which is the official publication of the Chinese Communist Party, said in an editorial published Friday that that the U.S. outbreak is "completely out of control." The... more »
Supreme Court Rules Electoral College Must Support Popular Vote
*Rachel Bucchino* *Politics, Americas* The unanimous decision comes after “faithless electors” in Washington and Colorado voted contrary to who they originally promised to support. The Supreme Court on Monday upheld state laws requiring Electoral College representatives to support their state’s popular winner in presidential elections. The unanimous decision comes after “faithless electors” in Washington and Colorado voted contrary to who they originally promised to support. “State election laws evolved to reinforce that development, ensuring that a State’s electors would vote th... more »
Stalin Wanted Russia To Build a Massive Fleet of Killer Battleships
*Kyle Mizokami* *History, Europe* The Soviet leader wanted battleships and a lot of them. Here's why it never happened. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While the USSR did manage to field four Kirov-class battlecruisers in the 1980s, it never came anywhere near to realizing Stalin’s great red fleet. At the end of the Second World War, Soviet dictator Josef Stalin stood undisputed as the most powerful man in Eurasia. His Red Army had crushed Nazi Germany, repelling an invasion and going on to capture Berlin after a grueling, four year campaign. Stalin’s Red Army was arguably... more »
We Fought a U.S.-China War in the South China Sea. The U.S. Navy Lost.
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * For more than a hundred years, the U.S. Navy has been using naval wargames to test ships, tactics and strategy. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The simulation is a harrowing lesson to be cautious about how we equip the U.S. military. The year is 2016, and two of the U.S. Navy’s latest ships are backing a key ally in the tinderbox of the South China Sea. They’re facing down the Chinese navy halfway across the world with the latest weapons and systems the United States can get its hands on. But is it enough? For more than a hundred years, the U.S. ... more »
Can Davos Man Punch the “Great Reset” Button?
The World Economics Forum asks for trouble next year, both ideologically and institutionally.
Supreme Court reforms, strengthens Electoral College
Morgan Marietta, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts LowellatPolitics + Society – The Conversation - 12 hours ago

Electors may not vote their consciences, which means the Electoral College will continue to operate how most Americans think it does.
World Health Organization Struggles To Maintain Coherent Response As The Pandemic Continues

*Just The News:* *As pandemic continues, World Health Organization struggles to maintain coherent response* *The agency has whipsawed back and forth on several critical matters.* Since December, the World Health Organization has flip-flopped and fumbled its handling of the coronavirus pandemic, at times reversing course on major health issues that has led to confusion among world leaders on just how to handle the pandemic. Among the earliest failures of the WHO—one which only became apparent last week—was the organization's omission of how it initially learned of the disease outb... more »
Refusal to Talk with Contact Tracers a Crime?
[image: undefined] Prior to arrest of a suspect of a crime, “The officer is free to ask questions before an arrest, but must inform the suspect that the questioning is voluntary and that he or she is free to leave at any time.” “After placing the suspect under arrest, the officer will say something similar to, ‘You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.'” If a crime suspect need not say a word, having a right to remain silen... more »
The Daily "Near You?"

Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by!
Does the NFL Plan to Play the Black National Anthem Before Games?
The idea was floated to several media outlets by an unnamed source who claims to have knowledge of the plan.
"In Addition To Everything Else, Now 'Bunny Ebola' Is Spreading Rapidly In The United States"

*"In Addition To Everything Else, * *Now 'Bunny Ebola' Is Spreading Rapidly In The United States"* by Michael Snyder "In 2020, it has just been one thing after another. The COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed countries all over the globe, there has been tremendous rioting, looting and civil unrest in major U.S. cities, and millions of Americans have lost their jobs as we have plunged into the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. It has been such a challenging year, and we certainly don’t need any more problems, but now there is one more crisis that we can add... more »
Conservatives Win Parliamentary Majority
*DW:** Croatian PM hails 'victory' for conservatives in parliamentary vote* The center-right HDZ party has scored a significant majority in Croatia's parliamentary election. The opposition had said early elections would endanger voters amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Croatia's acting prime minister Andrej Plenkovic on Monday praised the "great result and a great victory" for his conservative Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) party as results of the country's parliamentary election rolled in. Exit polls on Monday showed the ruling HDZ party, which Plenkovic leads, scoring a landslide v... more »
Biden Will Increase Energy Costs for Americans
Presidential candidate Joseph Biden describes the Green New Deal espoused by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democrats as a “crucial framework”… The post Biden Will Increase Energy Costs for Americans appeared first on IER.
Exemption permit will be a 'very rare commodity' as NSW-Victorian border closure nears
The NSW Government is finalising a permit system that will enable people to apply for an exemption to cross the NSW-Victorian border, but the Health Minister says they will only be granted in exceptional circumstances.
ABS is 'borderline socially irresponsible' on the unemployment rate, economist argues
It's becoming increasingly apparent the stomach of anyone dependent on a broader economic recovery will sink now every time there is a major coronavirus outbreak, writes David Taylor.
'It's just not safe': Even in Australia, Hong Kong nationals live in fear of Beijing's reach
Perth-based pro-Hong Kong democracy activist 'Mary' says she has been spied on and threatened, and is so concerned about Beijing's reach she'll only share her story while hiding behind a mask and a pseudonym.
The Eels are the real deal this NRL season
Just In - 13 hours ago
The Parramatta Eels are an outside bet for the NRL Premiership this season off the back of a lethal left edge, writes Luke Lewis.
Athletes facing mental health challenges shouldn't have to suffer in silence
Sympathy and support for sportspeople who speak about their psychological health is important, but it is also crucial to recognise the conditions that may impede their mental wellbeing, writes Richard Hinds.
No flight, no refund: What you can do if your trip's cancelled and you haven't got your money back
Some travellers have been waiting for months to get their money back on flights cancelled because of the coronavirus pandemic. Here's how to find out what you're entitled to and what to do if you're not getting it.
'We haven't yet got to the part of the downturn where young people really get hit'
As the world limps on during the coronavirus crisis, experts warn this is "just the start" of the problems for young people, who will face delayed careers and families, and may never even own a home.
Alis was stolen from outside his mother's church. Then 42 years later, someone came looking for him
Just In - 13 hours ago
Taken from their war-torn homeland and raised as Indonesians, Timor-Leste's "stolen children" are finally coming home.
'Let's not house her where Epstein was housed': Ghislaine Maxwell moved to Brooklyn jail
Just In - 13 hours ago
Jeffrey Epstein's longtime confidante Ghislaine Maxwell is transferred to a New York jail to face charges that she allegedly recruited women and girls, one as young as 14, for Epstein to sexually abuse.
The end of the Cretaceous Period was bad for the dinosaurs, but good for flowering plants
A new global study has revealed the first complete evolutionary tree of the Earth's flowering plant families, showing how the group rose to world domination.
Dirt Road Disasters

*"On the road, redux..."* *Dirt Road Disasters* *...A Real Hershey Highway Of Political Ineptitude and Philosophical Incontinence* *by Alfred Lehmberg* Who is Donald John TЯUMP? Who has he been, who is he now, and *who will he be*? Astonishingly and ironically, we were well aware of who he had been, and well before the fact! Who he is now is obvious to casual observation. Consequently, who he’s going to be will get no odds from any bookie. *Certitude is such as that*. The President* is anointed by all God’s blessing and chosen of the Prosperity Christ and his host of GOP acoly... more »
Wild, Wild West: Is There Method to the Madness of Kanye’s Presidential Run?
[image: wild-wild-west-is-there-method-to-the-madness-of-kanye-s-presidential-run] Rapper and producer Kanye West set off his own fireworks July 4, announcing on Twitter his intention to run for president. And despite America’s falling statues and virtues, it became the day’s news. But is West’s move more artifice than ambition?
The Christian Roots of America's Independence
[image: the-christian-roots-of-america-s-independence] VIDEO - In this episode of Behind the Deep State, host Alex Newman breaks down some of the amazing history leading up to the Declaration of Independence. Alex especially focuses in on the Christian roots of the Declaration and the little-known facts that are crucial to understanding American history. He also discusses the Black Robe Regiment and the key part played by pastors in the war for independence. Americans will never defeat the Deep State if they don't understand their own history and who they are.
The Lincoln Project, Run by Anti-Trump RINOs, Seeks Biden Victory and Democrat Control of Senate
[image: the-lincoln-project-run-by-anti-trump-rinos-seeks-biden-victory-and-democrat-control-of-senate] The Lincoln Project, a tiny but noisy anti-Trump group, may be having the exact opposite effect from what it intends.
Mainstream Republicans Are Starting To Desert The Trump Death Cult-- At Least When It Comes To Their Psychotic War Against Mask-Wearing

*Ugly Nazi/GOP propaganda in Kansas-- July, 2020* The coronavirus pandemic has been no walk in the park for Kansas-- but it has been worse for all of Kansas' immediate neighbors. As of Saturday, 283 Kansans have died of COVID-19. That's 97 deaths per million residents of the state. Their four neighbors, though, fared worse: *•* Colorado- 1,701 deaths-- 295 deaths per million Coloradans *•* Missouri- 1,073 deaths-- 175 deaths per million Missourans *•* Nebraska- 284 deaths-- 147 deaths per million Nebraskans *•* Oklahoma- 398 deaths-- 101 deaths per million Oklahomans On Saturday, Ka... more »
India Would Love to Return this Aircraft Carrier It Bought from Russia
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* A real aircraft carrier for less than a billion dollars sounds almost too good to be true. And it was. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *In the early 2000s, India went shopping for a new aircraft carrier. What followed was a military-industrial nightmare. Like a lot of countries, India wants the best weapons it can afford. But ideological and financial concerns mean there are a lot of things it won’t buy from the United States or Europe. That pretty much leaves, well, Russia. India has been a big buyer of Russian weapons for 50 years. Those hav... more »
Guaido Representative Threatens FBI Investigation Into Journalists Exposing Her Dealings
From the Twitter account of her communications firm, Asymmetrica, Neumann said that the four sources were involved in a “criminal conspiracy” to support Venezuelan vice-president Delcy Rodriguez. “There is a price on your head” she informed them. The post Guaido Representative Threatens FBI Investigation Into Journalists Exposing Her Dealings appeared first on MintPress News.
A Thin Blue Line? What to do about bad cops. Light is our best friend.

The "*thin blue line*" is a monicker used to stand for police, asserting they are the slender bulwark which keeps society from descending into violent chaos. A more extreme, adversarial emblem of cop solidarity in the face of oppression by an ingrate citizenry - often appearing on tattoos - is the skull symbol from the Punisher comic series. These memes have spread avidly, now in counter-beat to “Defund the Police” and both of them elicit hand-rubbing glee in Kremlin basement troll farms. (And so - to an extent - does the ill-chosen phrase "defund the police.") This time I plan t... more »
Tell-All Book by Trump Niece To Be Released Next Week
Publisher Simon & Schuster cited “high interest and extraordinary interest” in the book by Mary Trump titled “Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World’s Most Dangerous Man.”
Scientists Urge WHO to Acknowledge Virus Can Spread in Air
More than 200 scientists have called for the World Health Organization and others to acknowledge that the coronavirus can spread in the air — a change that could alter some of the current measures being taken to stop the pandemic.
Amy Cooper Charged After Racist Central Park Confrontation
District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said in a statement that his office had charged Amy Cooper with falsely reporting the confrontation, a misdemeanor.
Senator and Former Minnesota Family Doctor of the Year Being Investigated for Questioning Covid Death Certificates
*Vic Bishop* - If this can happen to an accomplished public servant as Senator Jensen, it can happen to anyone.
LancetGate: “Scientific Corona Lies” and Big Pharma Corruption. Hydroxychloroquine versus Gilead’s Remdesivir
There is an ongoing battle to suppress Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), a cheap and effective drug for the treatment of Covid-19. The campaign against HCQ is carried out through slanderous political statements, media smears, not to mention an authoritative peer reviewed “evaluation” published on May 22nd by The Lancet, which was based on fake figures and test trials.
Why 3rd Quarter US Economic Rebound Will Falter
The reopening of the US economy in June—and some states as early as May—has produced a modest economic ‘rebound’. But rebound is not to be confused with economic recovery.
Stealth Death Match: Russia's Su-57 vs. F-22 Raptor (Who Dies?)
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Europe* If the two ever meet it will be a battle for the ages, but our world will be much worse for it. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Although both are fifth generation fighters, the Su-57 significantly differs in design philosophy from the F-22 Raptor. Russia’s official designation of the PAK-FA/T-50 jet as the Sukhoi Su-57 is just another reminder that the field of fifth generation fighters is about to get more crowded. The United States, China, Russia, Japan and Korea are all working on their own fifth generation designs, but so far only thre... more »
Why the Chances for Future Korean Peace Are Low
*Malcolm Davis* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2BLH9VMX20&share=true] Current circumstances don't bode well for 2025. *Editor's Note:* As the world commemorates the 70th anniversary of the start of the Korean War, the Center for the National Interest’s Korean Studies team decided to ask dozens of the world’s top experts a simple question: Do you believe that the Korean War will finally come to an end before its next major anniversary in 2025? The below piece is an answer to that question. Please click here to se... more »
Richard Bartlett, Texas physician
https://youtu.be/eDSDdwN2Xcg Good news for Covid19 treatment. Cheap and quick. Nebulizer treatment for asthma, generic budesonide. Early treatment. All his patients with Covid have survived, but need to be treated immediately. No one will make a fortune over this cure; but you can set up the study to fail--wait too long to use it. Early detection, early treatment.
President Trump helped blacks more than other presidents
“. . . Back home in the US [New Year's Eve 2019], African Americans were experiencing the best economy we have ever seen: Unemployment for our racial group was the lowest in recorded history, black wages were rapidly increasing for the first time in decades, and people who’d been out of work long-term were being hired and suddenly able to take their families on vacations for the first time in years. The Trump policies made it possible. Tax cuts and rocketing GDP growth meant companies were feeling financially stable for the first time in a decade and public confidence in our econo... more »
Leave George Floyd in the dust
The despots and tyrants who oversee the BLM have been very clever. Notice how it's no longer about Blacks? No longer about George Floyd? Now it's offensive statues, conquistadors, the color of Jesus in art, microaggressions and capitalism. For the goal of massive, incapacitating white guilt, that's a narrow field. Maybe the expansion into the kitchen sink was natural, maybe planned, but it's no longer about the black experience. White liberals have been the biggest suckers. Silence is compliance--with the myth. “The only difference today is that social-justice activists have found... more »
Shallow M6.2 earthquake hits the State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia
The Watchers » Latest articles - 13 hours ago
A strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.2 hit the State of Yap, Federated States of Micronesia at 18:16 UTC on July 6, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 12.4 km (7.7 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.3 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The...... Read more »
Prometheus and America: The True Story of the American System by Anton Chaitkin

In this second presentation of the series “A Harmony of Interests: Inquiries into the True Nature of the American System“, sponsored by the Rising Tide Foundation, historian Anton Chaitkin (author of Treason in America [1984] and The Unauthorized Biography of George Bush [1991]) introduces his upcoming book and guides us through a powerful sweep of […] More The post Prometheus and America: The True Story of the American System by Anton Chaitkin appeared first on The Duran.
The Tree Planting Fad Threatens Ancient Grasslands
When well-meaning people in Madagascar, urged on by poorly-informed environmentalists and carbon credit companies, rushed to plant a million trees in one January day, scientists were outraged. They were planting them in the country’s barren Central Highlands - and destroying an ancient ecosystem. Ancient Madagascan grasslands fell victim to a modern frenzy to afforest the world that has gripped political leaders - and that is thanks to lobbyists paid by environmental lawyers. read more
Post # 62,000: The Poet: Robert Bly, "The Resemblance Between Your Life and a Dog"

*"The Resemblance Between Your Life and a Dog"* "I never intended to have this life, believe me - It just happened. You know how dogs turn up at a farm, and they wag but can't explain. It's good if you can accept your life - you'll notice Your face has become deranged trying to adjust to it. Your face thought your life would look Like your bedroom mirror when you were ten. That was a clear river touched by mountain wind. Even your parents can't believe how much you've changed. Sparrows in winter, if you've ever held one, all feathers, Burst out of your hand with a fiery glee. You se... more »
"The Wollman Test of Reality"

"If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire - then you got a problem. Everything else is inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. Learn to separate the inconveniences from the real problems. You will live longer." ~ Sigmund Wollman, quoted by Robert Fulghum, "Uh-Oh", 1991 "For thirty years now, in times of stress and strain, when something has me backed against the wall and I'm ready to do something really stupid with my anger, a sorrowful face appears in my mind and asks... "Problem or inconvenience?" I think of this as the Wollman Test ... more »
it seems as if there is no way out

248. First of all let us keep in mind that it is impossible to retard the process of ripening fruit. …Inquisitors and retrogrades may build jails and insane asylums which will be fit enough for them later in labor colonies. -M: *Community 1926* 260. How often must the gardener water the garden entrusted to him? Certainly every day, except during a beneficent shower. -M: *Hierarchy 1931* 262. Sometimes it seems as if there is no way out, but feelings of hopelessness are impermissible. -M: *Supermundane 2, 1938* *.........................*
President Trump Tweets About NASCAR Noose Hoax – Media Go Bananas…
Earlier today President Trump drew attention to the purposeful fraud pushed by NASCAR driver Bubba Wallace. In interviews Mr. Wallace said: “a noose was placed in my garage” and “the noose was hanging over my car.” Both of those statements … Continue reading →
RIP Charlie Daniels 1936 – 2020
A sad day for those who enjoyed a very unique American music legend, Charlie Daniels. Official Statement – Nashville, Tenn. (July 6, 2020) — Country music and southern rock legend Charlie Daniels has passed. The Country Music Hall of Fame … Continue reading →
Palestinian Community Sets Conditions On Support For Presidential Candidate
Members of the Palestinian community in the United States have issued a declaration of principles that included a set of preconditions to support federal candidates in the presidential elections later this year. The document, signed by Palestinian cultural, political, social and academic figures, included 13 preconditions namely recognizing the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination as an inalienable right as well as the need for the Israeli occupation to immediately and unconditionally end and the refugees’ right to return to their homes in accordance with UN Resolution... more »
Cops Off Campus And Out of Our Unions!
The union I am a part of, the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) at the City University of New York (CUNY), voted not only to kick the cops off campus but also to drive the cop union out of the AFL-CIO, the national labor federation with which our parent union is affiliated. Before the June 25 delegate assembly where we voted on it, union members working in Rank and File Action drafted the resolution with these clear demands. The union leadership, who has regularly taken more conservative positions on a range of issues, offered a substitute resolution that expanded some language but... more »
Protesters Attacked By Police Are Suing To Vindicate Their Constitutional Rights
Victims of police abuse are filing litigation, and at least one judge has put a halt to some of the most egregious misconduct. Plaintiffs allege that police misconduct resulted in the violation of their First, Fourth and Fourteenth Amendment rights. They charge that the LAPD used “indiscriminate and unreasonable force against thousands of protesters” and used unreasonable and excessive force by hitting “at least close to a thousand protesters with batons and/or ‘rubbers bullets.’” Plaintiffs attest to being restrained with tight handcuffs, denied bathroom access and access to food... more »
Russia, Afghanistan And The Big Lie
There is no end to the Russiagate fraud. All major charges have been disproved. No one was convicted of the dreaded “collusion” that was reported endlessly for the last four years. Damning information is now declassified and casts doubt on the veracity of the whole story. CrowdStrike, the Democratic National Committee cybersecurity firm, admitted under oath they had no proof of hacking by Russia or anyone else. Robert Mueller ended his two-year-long, multi-million-dollar investigation with nothing except convictions for process crimes. Why then did the New York Times print a story... more »
Time to end subsidies for “renewable” energy
From America's Power: Over $100 billion has already been spent on "renewables" subsidies. The post Time to end subsidies for “renewable” energy appeared first on CFACT.
The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. Revisited in ‘The Sword and The Shield’

As the nation witnesses around-the-clock Black Lives Matter protests, Dr. Peniel E. Joseph’s 'The Sword and The Shield: The Revolutionary Lives of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr.' could not have been published at a more apropos time.
Proposing a Concept of the Black Tax to Understand the Experiences of Blacks in America

The protests occurring in many cities in America to call attention to the systemic racism in society has provoked us to critically reflect on our experiences as Black men in this country. This cathartic process has led us to believe that as African Americans we are involuntarily mandated to pay a “Black tax.” This term is not new. In fact, it has been primarily associated with a family member who has advanced to a high socioeconomic status and who provides monetary support to other family members. Some have used this term to underscore the ways in which discrimination has impacted t... more »
War on Humanity SITREP: WHO revealed as "Torture Central" Hub of War on the Human Spirit

*Discussing the "Great Reset" and the Coming* *Darkness [Second Wave] * *with James Corbett and Dave Cullen* The above video discussion between* Dave Cullen *and* James Corbett* is "must" viewing for warrior bloggers and readers in the current Scamdemic/Plandemic/Hoax War on Humanity crisis. Dave and James give a priceless update on as much as sentient humanity knows about what they're trying to do to us. I only wish that this video could be shown on the M*Z*M brainwashing channels...just as a relief from the 24/7 mind control frenZy that's going on there. Just *watching Bill and... more »
Arctic sea ice controlled by solar cycles

Thanks to solar cycles, sea ice is now recovering slowly in the Northern Hemisphere. Chart from Danish Meteorological Institute http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/icecover.uk.php http://ocean.dmi.dk/arctic/sie_monthmean.uk.php Thanks to J.H. Walker for these links “This chart show the effects of Solar Induced climate change from the high sea ice level stand at the end of the Solar Cycle 20 cool-sun period ... Read more Arctic sea ice controlled by solar cycles The post Arctic sea ice controlled by solar cycles appeared first on Ice Age Now.
China & India Pull Troops Away. Set Up ‘Buffer Zone’

An Indian army convoy moves along a highway leading to Ladakh, at Gagangeer in Kashmir's Ganderbal district [File: Danish Ismail/Reuters] *Reuters:* *China begins pulling back troops near site of India border clash, Indian sources say* NEW DELHI/BEIJING (Reuters) - China began pulling back troops from along its contested border with India on Monday, Indian government sources said, following a clash between the two countries last month in which 20 Indian soldiers were killed. Troops fought for hours with rods and clubs on the night of June 15, with some falling to their deaths in ... more »
Halifax regional councillor Lorelei Nicoll announces she won’t run again
Lorelei Nicoll isn’t running in this fall’s municipal election, the three-term Cole Harbour – Westphal councillor announced Monday. Nicoll made the announcement in a statement on Twitter, “with a hint of sadness and an overwhelming amount of gratitude.” “In my twelve years in this role, I have worked hard to ensure the communities of Cole […]
Is ‘James Maxwell Trump’ the Son of Ghislaine Maxwell and Donald Trump?
We're going to need to see the long-form birth certificate.
Politicians and doctors lied, and people died

I think there needs to be a very thorough investigation into why so many in the medical establishment - not to mention the Democratic Party and their mainstream media allies - were so virulently opposed to the use of hydroxychloroquine to treat the COVID-19 virus. Report after report disparaged it, denigrated it, and said it wasn't useful or needed - frequently without conducting any detailed study of the medication's effects. However, a new study paints a very different picture. A Henry Ford Health System study shows the controversial anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine helps lo... more »
BLM’s Violence & the Death of America’s Cities
The corpses are already piling up. July 6, 2020 John Perazzo The police-hating rhetoric of the openly and proudly Marxist “Black Lives Matter” (BLM) movement is doing exactly what it did five years ago – creating a massive increase in violent crime and homicide throughout urban America. You may recall that back in 2015-16, BLM’s anti-police … Continue reading BLM’s Violence & the Death of America’s Cities →
The Left’s Soviet Insane Asylum for Non-Mask Wearers
Progressives’ faithful devotion to socialist-style “psychiatric” disposal of political dissidents. July 6, 2020 Jamie Glazov Editors’ note: On July 2, 2020, The Huffington Post published an article by Brittany Wong titled, The Psychology Behind Why Some People Refuse To Wear Face Masks. The subtitle was: “As coronavirus cases spike, those who refuse to wear … Continue reading The Left’s Soviet Insane Asylum for Non-Mask Wearers →
A New Pandemic is Raging
Fortunately, we’ve already been conditioned to comply with any “new normal.” July 6, 2020 Vanessa Jones A new pandemic is raging. Even before the Covid 19 pandemic has subsided, the WHO has now warned that a virulent form of Hoof and Mouth disease has “jumped” species in record time from horse to humans … Continue reading A New Pandemic is Raging →
Crackdown on Egypt’s front-line health care workers continues
A picture taken by a doctor at the Sheikh Zayed Hospital in the Egyptian capital Cairo on April 29, 2020, shows members of medical staff wearing protective gear, intubating a patient in the isolated ward for coronavirus patients. Photo by YAHYA DIWER/AFP via Getty Images. Jul 2, 2020 CAIRO — In what was described by rights … Continue reading Crackdown on Egypt’s front-line health care workers continues →
Slavery Still Exists. Where’s Black Lives Matter?
Leftist hypocrisy revealed once again. July 6, 2020 Robert Spencer It is, or ought to be, clear to everyone by now that Black Lives Matter is not a genuine movement for racial justice and a more equitable society, but a Marxist organization using real, exaggerated, and imagined racial injustice to try to destroy the United … Continue reading Slavery Still Exists. Where’s Black Lives Matter? →
Video: The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism
How a white American of Russian origin became one of the founding fathers of the communist revolution in America. July 6, 2020 Frontpagemag.com [To get the whole story on the leftist ideology that lies behind totalitarian groups such as #BlackLivesMatter, read Jamie Glazov’s United in Hate: The Left’s Romance with Tyranny and Terror: CLICK … Continue reading Video: The Russian Origins of Black Neo-Marxism →
Watson Video: Things That Didn’t End Racism | Frontpage Mag
Robbing children of Lego cops certainly didn’t work. July 6, 2020 Paul Joseph Watson In this new video, Paul Joseph Watson discusses the pathological leftist measures to “end racism” that just didn’t work. Don’t miss it! via Watson Video: Things That Didn’t End Racism | Frontpage Mag
Video: Canadian IMAM Refers To Justin Trudeau As A Modern-Day “King Of Islam”
July 6, 2020 Brad In this video presentation, an IMAM preaching in a Canadian mosque heaps GIANT praise upon Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, labelling him a “Najashi”— a king among the Nation of Islam. Compares PM Trudeau with famous Emperor who betrayed his own people for islam – January 2016 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ashama_… ~ j … Continue reading Video: Canadian IMAM Refers To Justin Trudeau As A Modern-Day “King Of Islam” →
Ottawa Citizen: ISIS Terror Suspects MUST BE Brought Back To Canada
July 6, 2020 BRAD SALZBERG, CAP Founder “The Canadians are among thousands of suspected ISIL members rounded up by local, coalition-backed forces in northern Syria. Most have been detained since the March 2019 fall of the Syrian town of Baghouz, the last holdout of ISIL’s self-declared caliphate.” Check it out–see what it’s all about: … Continue reading Ottawa Citizen: ISIS Terror Suspects MUST BE Brought Back To Canada →
Chris UK Jul 4, 2020 From: Dr Rashid A Buttar via Dr Rashid A Buttar WHY EVERYONE COULD TEST POSITIVE1 – YouTube
Canadian PM Trudeau Snubs Nafta Meeting With President Trump And Mexican President Obrador In Washington
Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, harvests broccoli at an Ottawa food bank farm last week. Photograph: Blair Gable/Reuters *The Guardian:* *Justin Trudeau snubs Nafta meeting with Trump in Washington* * Mexico’s president to meet Trump on Wednesday * Canada PM had spoken of concern about US tariffs on metals The Canadian prime minister, Justin Trudeau, has declined an invitation to visit the White House this week to celebrate a new North American free trade deal, amid worsening coronavirus figures in the US and lingering tensions with Donald Trump. Mexico’s President Andrés... more »
Can This New Jersey Climate Activist Primary Police Unions’ Favorite Democrat?
*Matthew Petti* *Politics, * Zina Spezakis says that climate change is our biggest national security threat. It’s not a good time to be police unions’ favorite Democrat. Congressional Law Enforcement Caucus Co-Chair Bill Pascrell has represented the suburbs of northern New Jersey since 1997. He has comfortably coasted to victory nearly every year since, only facing a serious primary challenge in 2012 when the borders of his district were redrawn. But this year, things have changed. Progressive insurgents have knocked out long-time Democratic incumbents in primary elections acros... more »
Why the U.S. Navy Sent Two Aircraft Carrier Battle Groups to Drill Near China
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] The exercises coincided with similar drills conducted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in the region. The U.S. Pacific Fleet reported that the *Nimitz* and *Ronald Regan* Carrier Strike Groups have been conducting dual-carrier operations in the Philippine Sea—and warships and aircraft assigned to the CSGs began coordinated operations in the international waters last week. The exercises coincided with similar drills conducted by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy in the region. “We aggressively seek out ever... more »
2021 for Samsung: The Year of QLED?
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * The Korea Herald described the shift as "a strategic decision by Samsung Display to tackle the premium TV market in the coming years." Samsung has been the global leader in QLED panels since the dawn of the technology a few years ago. Now, the company has announced the next generation of its manufacturing process. According to the Korea Herald, Samsung Display-a subsidiary of Samsung itself — announced last week that it will begin mass production of what it calls QD panels in 2021, and has installed the first batch of manufacturing equipment at i... more »
Authors of study on race and police killings ask for its retraction, citing “continued misuse” in the media
The authors of a controversial paper on race and police shootings say they are retracting the article, which became a flashpoint in the debate over killings by police, and now amid protests following the murder of George Floyd. The 2019 article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), titled “Officer characteristics and … Continue reading Authors of study on race and police killings ask for its retraction, citing “continued misuse” in the media
Why “Anti-Vaxxers” Must Not Support ANY Democrats For Election In 2020…
It’s Simple: ALL Democrats Are in Favor of “Mandatory Vaccines” For Not Just All of America’s Children – But For Everyone… Look how easily the Democrats passed California’s SB #277… Opinion By “Deplorable” Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen Without doubt America is at at a crossroads with US presidential election 2020. The Us Democratic Party, as … Continue reading Why “Anti-Vaxxers” Must Not Support ANY Democrats For Election In 2020…
Are Chechen Exiles Being Hunted Down?

The reported victim, Mamikhan Umarov, was known as Anzor of Vienna. *DW:* *Austria: Two arrested after Chechen dissident shot dead* Austria's counter-terrorism unit is probing the murder of an ethnic Chechen man near the city of Vienna. Speculation is growing that the killing was a political assassination connected to Ramzan Kadyrov's region. Austrian counter-terrorism authorities have begun an investigation after a 43-year-old man believed to be an ethnic Chechen was shot dead near the capital Vienna, police officials said Sunday. The attack took place Saturday evening in Gerasd... more »
They're Lying About Covid...Yet The Fear-Filled Public Still Believes
The daily death count has morphed into the daily "new case" count, as 100,000 tests a day have exploded into 700,000 tests. Is it a wonder cases are increasing? But what they don't dare mention is that deaths and even the death rate continue to decline. In fact the CDC warns that Covid is at the stage where it cannot even be classified an epidemic due to declining deaths. Still, more masks are required and petty dictators all around are calling for a return to lockdown. Can the truth ever be heard above all the lies? Watch today's Liberty Report:
Portland Under Siege by Antifa and Other Left-wing Terrorists
[image: portland-under-siege-by-antifa-and-other-left-wing-terrorists] While Portland slowly burns, Mayor Ted Wheeler and Oregon Governor Kate Brown issue tepid calls for peace while enabling the domestic terrorists by handcuffing the police in their efforts to get control of the situation.
Pride in America Has Declined in Recent Years, Poll Finds
[image: pride-in-america-has-declined-in-recent-years-poll-finds] A recent Gallup Poll showed the percentage of U.S. adults who said that they are “extremely proud” to be Americans is only 42 percent, down from a high of 65-70 percent.
Fire-Engulfed California Short on Firefighters as Prison “Slaves” Under COVID-19 Lockdown

California's competing crises of climate change, COVID-19 and convict labor have converged to create the perfect neoliberal storm. The post Fire-Engulfed California Short on Firefighters as Prison “Slaves” Under COVID-19 Lockdown appeared first on MintPress News.
Ecosocialist Bookshelf, Pandemic Edition (July 2020)
6 July 2020 — Climate & Capitalism A special edition of Ecosocialist Bookshelf: six books we recommend for understanding the deadliest global health crisis of our time Ecosocialist Bookshelf is an occasional feature. This edition focuses on viruses and health care, on capitalism’s failure to protect human health, and radical alternatives. Mike Davis THE MONSTER … Continue reading Ecosocialist Bookshelf, Pandemic Edition (July 2020)
What Does The Russia Bounty Story Really Amount To?
*George Beebe, David B. Rivkin, Jr.* *Security, World* The most fundamental task of both journalists and intelligence analysts is to clarify the often blurry line separating truth and falsehood. The most fundamental task of both journalists and intelligence analysts is to clarify the often blurry line separating truth and falsehood. They must deal with a firehose of unverified claims pouring into their inboxes daily, and the consequences of lending credence to false reports can be severe. Sound analysis requires a careful balance between over- and under-connecting the dots. The r... more »
Dish Network and Viacom Extend Carriage Deal (Is a Price Increase Coming?)
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * Dish Network and ViacomCBS announced this week that they have reached a new carriage agreement. But what does that mean to consumers? Dish Network and ViacomCBS announced this week that they have reached a new carriage agreement. The parties said in a press release that they have "announced a multi-year renewal of their carriage agreement to continue delivering ViacomCBS’s portfolio of broadcast, entertainment, news and sports networks to DISH and SLING TV customers." While exact terms were not disclosed, The Streamable reported some details abo... more »
Mark Meadows Hints Upcoming Orders Involving China, Immigration, Employment and Prescription Drugs
*Rachel Bucchino* *Politics, * White House chief of staff Mark Meadows hinted on Monday that President Donald Trump plans to sign executive orders targeting China, immigration, employment and prescription drug pricing. White House chief of staff Mark Meadows hinted on Monday that President Donald Trump plans to sign executive orders targeting China, immigration, employment and prescription drug pricing. “Starting this week, you’ll see executive orders, you’ll see business that actually goes forward from the Oval Office,” Meadows, appearing in his first televised interview on the... more »
This Is Why Sturm, Ruger & Co. Is America’s Top Gun Manufacturer
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] It all started when William B. Ruger decided to make some simple handguns, which were little more than copies of a captured Japanese Nambu pistol that he had purchased from a returning marine after the war. Considering that Sturm, Ruger & Company was only founded after World War II it might seem like a surprise that from 2009–2012 the company was the top-seller of handguns in the United States. Moreover, from 1949 to 2004 Ruger Firearms, as it is also known, manufactured more than twenty million firearms and has shown no signs o... more »
Three TCL products get Eyesafe Display Certification (As in the TVs?)
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * TCL announced last month that its QLED Android TVs had received the coveted IMAX Enhanced Certification, becoming one of just two TV brands - Sony being the other - to receive it. Now, TCL has announced another certification for its products. Minneapolis-based Eyesafe said last week that three TCL products have received the Eyesafe Display Certification for Low Blue Light and Color Performance. TCL announced last month that its QLED Android TVs had received the coveted IMAX Enhanced Certification, becoming one of just two TV brands - Sony being th... more »
Los cambios que experimentará el arbitraje como consecuencia del Covid19
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
06-Jul-2020 La pandemia Covid19 ha supuesto un antes y un después en nuestra forma de contemplar el mundo, y lo ha hecho a todos los niveles y afectando a todos los estamentos de la sociedad con repercusiones sociales, económicas y sanitarias que hace apenas un año no habríamos imaginado.
Comunicado de la Red en Defensa del Maíz contra el intento de aprobar una reforma a la Ley Federal de Variedades Vegetales (LFVV) en México
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
06-Jul-2020 Éste es un comunicado de la Red en Defensa del Maíz contra el intento de aprobar una reforma a la Ley Federal de Variedades Vegetales (LFVV) en México. También es un rechazo a los tratados de libre comercio que buscan condicionar a que acepten esta aberración jurídica de UPOV, contraria a la biodiversidad y a la autonomía de los pueblos.
Conversatorio On line: Recuperación del Agua V/S Tratados De Libre Comercio
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
06-Jul-2020 ¿Cómo es posible que Essal, empresa contaminante y que dejó sin agua potable a Osorno por más de una semana, tenga la facultad para demandar a Chile? ¿Cómo se relaciona con los Tratados de Libre Comercio firmados por Chile?
Mercosur-UE: Entre el tratado vampiro y las venas abiertas
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
06-Jul-2020 Hace un año, Bolsonaro, Macri, Macron y Merkel anunciaron el “mayor espacio económico del mundo” tras un acuerdo entre la Unión Europea y el Mercosur. ¿En qué consiste el Tratado Vampiro y qué posibilidades de prosperar tiene en el nuevo escenario?
RCEP free trade deal unlikely to come into force soon, says Asean sec-gen
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
06-Jul-2020 Once RCEP is signed, it needs to be ratified by all member states for it to come into force, which could take quite a while.
MERCOSUR and Singapore – free trade agreement delayed due to COVID-19
bilaterals.org - 15 hours ago
06-Jul-2020 Singapore and the Southern Common Market of South America (MERCOSUR) have experienced a delay in their FTA negotiations after Argentina announced its decision to withdraw from ongoing negotiations on potential trade deals.
President Trump's Full Speech At Mount Rushmore
*WNU Editor:* The full transcript is here .... *Remarks by President Trump at South Dakota’s 2020 Mount Rushmore Fireworks Celebration | Keystone, South Dakota* (White House). The main stream media's response is calling this speech divisive .... *Trump Uses Mount Rushmore Speech to Deliver Divisive Culture War Message* (New York Times). I watched the speech and read the transcript. If praising President Lincoln and the founders of the U.S. divisive, I say bring it on.
Jamaica to lower cannabis industry entry barriers for small farmers
Jamaica is preparing to lower entry barriers to the medical cannabis industry for small and subsistence farmers. A proposed new permit would cut fees for those farmers and allow for variations to strict infrastructure and security requirements. The Cannabis Licensing Authority (CLA) is undertaking consultations on the draft policy, called the Cultivator’s (transitional) Special Permit […] Jamaica to lower cannabis industry entry barriers for small farmers is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Organigram becomes latest cannabis producer to slash jobs, production target
Canadian marijuana producer Organigram cut its workforce by about 25% and said production levels will be below capacity “for the foreseeable future.” Organigram described the cuts in a news release as “an effort to better align its production capacity to prevailing market conditions.” The New Brunswick-based company first warned that the COVID-19 pandemic could lead […] Organigram becomes latest cannabis producer to slash jobs, production target is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
The Truth About Almond Milk: Industry Insider’s Shocking Admission.
There’s no way to sugar coat this: mass-produced dairy products are simply a mucus-causing, disease-fueling cocktail marketed as the would-be saviors to fight osteoporosis. For many of us, almond milk seems like the perfect replacement. It turns out it may not be the case, at least considering the way commercial almond milks are being made. While almond milk has gained a solid reputation as a healthy planted-based alternative, there are more than a few things you need to know about this beverage that most consumers are still not aware of because of the way the product is marketed ... more »