10 pm MDT
Trump's Original Suggestions For His Garden Of American Heroes
*-by Noah* Oh to be a fly on the wall in the oval office! Fortunately, we at DWT have use of alien tech which enables us to eavesdrop. Imagine our surprise when we went over our recordings and found this oval office dialog. We're proud to publish it as an exclusive. We've identified all of the participants by matching voice prints with known, public statements. Here's a portion. Enjoy! Kellyanne Conway: Stephen Miller's on the phone for you Mr. President! (Grunt heard) Shall I take that burger tray away? Traitor Don: Stephen! How was that late night rally you organized in Alabam... more »
each one must bring in his own cooperation
72. One should value how the Teaching deepens consciousness and provides true opportunities of life if these are not rejected. This simple aspect is so rarely given consideration. …A guide is so urgently needed; when in ultimate tension upon the slippery rocks we seek the saving thread the Guiding Hand will touch us. -M: *Heart 1932* 386. People have become too accustomed to the idea that someone will do their thinking for them and that the world is obligated to take care of them. But each one must bring in his own cooperation. -M: * Aum 1936*
Top U.S. General For The Middle East Doubts Russian Bounty Program Killed US Troops In Afghanistan
General Frank McKenzie, center front, the top U.S. commander for the Middle East, walks as he visits a military outpost in Syria, Jan. 25, 2020 *ABC News:* *Top general has doubts Russian bounty program killed US troops in Afghanistan* The top U.S. general in the Middle East said more information was needed. The top U.S. general in the Middle East said Tuesday he was aware of the intelligence of a Russian bounty program targeting U.S. troops in Afghanistan, but while he said he found it “worrisome,” he said he did not believe it was tied to actual U.S. military deaths on the battle... more »
Atlanta: 8-Year-Old Girl Shot to Death by Armed Protesters Blocking Street
The driver was attempting to make a U-turn near the near the burned-down Wendy’s where Rayshard Brooks was killed when a group of armed individuals who were blocking the entrance confronted her and opened fire on the car. The police are seeking three suspects.
Hawaii: New Bill Would Give Health Director Power to Call a Health Emergency and Impose Quarantines
House Bill 2502 that would give the director of the State Department of Health the power to declare a health emergency if authorized by the governor. The governor already has the power to declare a health emergency, and critics of this bill say that it gives too much power to a state official who is not elected.
Gerald Celente, "Its All Bullsh*t, The Numbers Don't Add Up"
Gerald Celente,Trends Journal: *"Its All Bullsh*t, The Numbers Don't Add Up"* - https://trendsresearch.com/
"Each Of Us..."
“Each of us inevitable; Each of us limitless - each of us with his or her right upon the earth; Each of us allowed the eternal purports of the earth; Each of us here as divinely as any is here.” - Walt Whitman
“10 Things You Should Know About Life’s Most Important Questions”
*“10 Things You Should Know About * *Life’s Most Important Questions”* by Marc Chernoff "It’s a harsh fact that every one of us is ignorant in some way. Although we tend to pretend otherwise, it’s impossible to know it all. Ignorance is our biggest collective secret. And it’s one of the scariest and most damaging realities of life, because those of us who are most ignorant – and thus most likely to spread ignorance – are also the ones who often don’t know it. Here’s a quick test: If you have never changed your mind about one of your learned beliefs, if you have never questioned the... more »
"Life, eh?"
"We said together, wistfully, 'Life, eh?' It says everything without having to say anything: that we all experience moments of joyful or painful reflection, sometimes alone, sometimes sharing laughs and tears with others; that we all know and appreciate that however wonderful and precious life is, it can equally be a terribly confusing and mysterious beast. 'Life, eh?" - Miranda Hart
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 7, 2020
India and Japan recently finished a joint naval exercise. Photo: Twitter *SCMP*: *India set to pose growing challenge to China at sea* * New Delhi is developing its strategic partnership with the US, Australia and Japan as part of efforts to counter China’s growing influence in the Indian Ocean * Some observers say its relationship with Washington has already developed in a quasi-alliance India is likely to pose an increased challenge to China at sea following their recent confrontation on land, analysts said. Last week, the Indian Navy and Japanese Maritime Self-Defence Force held... more »
"The 11 Nations Of The United States"
*Click image for larger size.* *"The 11 Nations Of The United States"* by Andy Kiersz and Marguerite Ward "This map above shows how the US really has 11 separate 'nations' with entirely different cultures. Author and journalist Colin Woodard identified 11 distinct cultures that have historically divided the US. His book "American Nations: A History of the Eleven Rival Regional Cultures in North America" breaks down those cultures and the regions they each dominate. From the utopian "Yankeedom" to the conservative "Greater Appalachia" and liberal "Left Coast," looking at these cultu... more »
World News Briefs -- July 7, 2020 (Evening Edition)
A logo is pictured on the headquarters of the World Health Orgnaization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland, June 25, 2020. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse *Reuters:* *WHO acknowledges 'evidence emerging' of airborne spread of COVID-19* GENEVA (Reuters) - The World Health Organization on Tuesday acknowledged “evidence emerging” of the airborne spread of the novel coronavirus, after a group of scientists urged the global body to update its guidance on how the respiratory disease passes between people. “We have been talking about the possibility of airborne transmission and aerosol transmission a... more »
Could these debilitating Covid restrictions be happening in Australia? In Melbourne?
Debility, dependency and dread by Alexandra Bruce Greg Reese has just made a video which summarizes the important points brought forth by Amazing Polly last week in her video, Is This Torture? We are under attack by 4th Generation Warfare, which is covert and about which we need to become educated. So, here is a […]
Halifax councillors push back on ‘loosey-goosey’ social procurement policy, but living wage further delayed
Councillors expressed their disappointment with a mealy-mouthed social procurement policy presented on Tuesday, but it will be months before they can add any teeth to requirements for a living wage or diversity in the city’s contracting. The policy — which passed on Tuesday as part of a rewritten procurement policy with only Coun. Matt Whitman voting […]
Should Nova Scotia schools open in the fall, and if so, what should that look like?
The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. As parents and teachers wait for the provincial government to release its plan for reopening public schools in the fall, children’s health experts say the benefits of returning to school outweigh the risks. “We need to find a way, much like we have throughout opening […]
Five Halifax councillors wouldn’t support letter advocating abolition of nuclear weapons
It was meant to be a symbolic gesture — “a wish for peace” — but concerns over jurisdictional meddling kept some of Richard Zurawski’s colleagues from fully supporting his call to abolish nuclear weapons. Zurawski brought the four-part motion to council’s meeting on Tuesday. It read in full: That Halifax Regional Council: Declare August 6, […]
What we need is social media distancing | Spectator USA
Social media brings out the worst in us because the algorithm rewards us for being tribal, divisive and emotional Bridget Phetasy July 1, 2020 This article is in The Spectator’s July 2020 US edition. Subscribe here to get yours. Nearly three months into lockdown, 40 million Americans were unemployed. Kids lost out on three months of schooling. … Continue reading What we need is social media distancing | Spectator USA →
Social Media Distancing
Originally posted on disturbeddeputy: Back away from the FaceBook and no one will get hurt. https://spectator.us/need-social-media-distancing-protest-internet/
Remaking the World: The Globe-spanning Agenda of Protesters, Corporate and Cultural elites — Puppet Masters
Carol King UncoverDC.com Sun, 05 Jul 2020 22:54 UTC Revolutions, historically speaking, bubble up from the most oppressed sections of society – workers, peasants etc, with only the leader coming from the top echelon. The revolutionary type activism occurring in America for the last two months is different – it is taking place on … Continue reading Remaking the World: The Globe-spanning Agenda of Protesters, Corporate and Cultural elites — Puppet Masters →
Charlie Daniels RIP – Grrr Graphics
RIP Charlie Daniels We lost a country music icon and true patriot, Charlie Daniels yesterday. We enjoyed listening to his music and reading his Twitter timeline, Charlie pulled no punches. “The Devil Went Down To Georgia” is one of his classic songs, everyone knows that song across America and across the world. Charlie Daniels may … Continue reading Charlie Daniels RIP – Grrr Graphics →
Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Was Man-Made — Puppet Masters
Pierre Lescaudron Sott.net Fri, 26 Jun 2020 22:33 UTC The unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic left many unanswered, or unsatisfactorily answered, questions. Why were effective drugs banned while a hypothetical vaccine was promoted? Why the sudden concern of the authorities for “saving lives”? Why the same measures across dozen of countries? Why the imposition of … Continue reading Compelling Evidence That SARS-CoV-2 Was Man-Made — Puppet Masters →
“No One Has Died from the Coronavirus” – Respected Bulgarian Doctor
THE STORY: More evidence is in: a Bulgarian doctor shares how many European pathologists state (after conducting autopsies) that COVID is not causing the deaths. Additionally, they cannot find any evidence of a COVID (SARS-CoV2) antibody. THE IMPLICATIONS: This is more proof exposing the trick of re-classifying deaths WITH the virus to FROM the virus. … Continue reading “No One Has Died from the Coronavirus” – Respected Bulgarian Doctor →
Objective:Health – Project Salus: Track the People, Track the Food — Health & Wellness — Sott.net
Sott.net Tue, 07 Jul 2020 00:00 UTC Project Salus is a massive tracking program launched by the Pentagon using artificial intelligence, blockchain technology and a bunch of other tech the average person has no idea even exists. With it, they say they’ll be able to predict COVID hot spots (so can we; just look at … Continue reading Objective:Health – Project Salus: Track the People, Track the Food — Health & Wellness — Sott.net →
Ennio Morricone (1929–2020)
The great film composer Maestro Ennio Morricone has died. He was prolific, with 520 composing credits on IMDb. Here are obituaries from The Washington Post, The New York Times, the Associated Press, the Hollywood Reporter and The Guardian. My favorite film score (after Alexander Nevsky) is Morricone's score for Sergio Leone's film, Once Upon a Time in the West. It's probably my favorite western
Mayors are keeping the Phillippines afloat as Duterte’s COVID-19 response flails
In the Philippines, local governments are stepping up to cover gaps in national public health and welfare infrastructure. The post Mayors are keeping the Phillippines afloat as Duterte’s COVID-19 response flails appeared first on New Mandala.
Video: BLM Terrorist Gives Tips on How to Break into Cars, Assault Drivers
What she meant was…. "i've seen some cars getting away when protesters tried to stop them, here's a tool which should hopefully smash their window and cut their seatbelt so we can drag them out and give them a beat down" problem solved 🤦♂️🤷♂️ pic.twitter.com/UtVqCLAHvX — Antifa Public Watch (@antifa_public) July 7, 2020 Video: BLM …
Breaking: “UFO Summer Of Disclosure 2020″/ Steve Quayle / Paul Begley
The entire “UFO-Aliens” meme pushed by the world is a psychological warfare against the sheeple. These beings are NOT Aliens but are fallen angels, the Nephilim, fallen spiritual beings. The sheeple are being brainwashed into accepting a coming Satanic Alien Invasion HOAX! This is, IMO, the endtimes strong delusion. – 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New …
‘Herd Immunity’ Near, But MSM Suppress Recovery Numbers
One America News Network According to new reports, humanity is approaching a herd immunity to COVID-19 due to rising recoveries from the virus. However, mainstream media has been ignoring the recovery numbers. One America’s Kristian Rouz finds out why. end
Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause Of Death” In US
Robert Kennedy Jr.: “Pharmaceutical Drugs Are Now The 3rd Leading Cause Of Death” In US by The Washington Standard In an interview with Lior Gantz of the Wealth Research Group, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. discussed the major problems facing the United States today when it comes to health. This is a MUST WATCH interview before you line up for the …
The End Goal of the Present Conflict is Transhumanism! Are We the Last Generation of Humans?
The End Goal of the Present Conflict is Transhumanism! Are We the Last Generation of Humans? by Dave Hodges, https://thecommonsenseshow.com/home I recently received the following email from a listener to my radio show that is very instructive as to what is coming next? – Hi Dave! I appreciate your show and listen all the time. …
Red Heifer Update! (June, 2020/Tammuz 5780)
The Temple Institute “HaShem spoke to Moshe and Aharon, saying: This is the statute of the Torah which HaShem commanded, saying, Speak to the children of Israel and have them take for you a perfectly red unblemished cow, upon which no yoke was laid.” Thus we are taught in Numbers 19 the laws of the …
Silver Rising Again — David Morgan #4832
FSN GoldandSilver Silver closing in on $18.50, key technical point. 5000 year high for the gold to silver ration. Now it’s back down to 95 and probably going lower. David is hoping for $20 silver. He’s not seeing confiscation as a possiblity. Perhaps at the ETF level. Perhaps the RobinHood Traders are jumping on the …
Black Lives Matter IMPLODING as Violence SURGES in Democrat RUINED Cities!!!
Dr. Steve Turley Black Lives Matter is IMPLODING as Violence SURGES out of control in Democrat RUINED Cities! In this video, we’re going to take a look at precisely what BLM has accomplished in the six weeks since it became mainstream, and we’re going to see why more and more mayors are beginning to reject …
Silver Investor Inflows Are Now Going Into The Stocks
Arcadia Economics #Silver Investor Inflows Are Now Going Into The #Stocks As the #investing world is watching the #silverdemand surge, while supply around the globe is falling, #institutionalinvestors are starting to move into the #silverstocks. Which is usually one of the last pieces to fall in place during a precious metals rally. Fortunately, #MichealKonnert of …
Study Shows Hydroxychloroquine Cut Death Rates in Some Coronavirus Patients
Michigan Hydroxychloroquine Study Shows Significant Benefit for Treatment – Media Shocked… by https://theconservativetreehouse.com/ A Henry Ford Health Clinic study shows significant decreases in the death rate among patients to used Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment. Many U.S. media outlets are ignoring the result; however, even CNN has admitted the “surprise” study findings. – MICHIGAN – A …
President Trump Tweets Author’s Warning That Behind The (Soros-Obama-Antifa) Street Anarchists ‘Is A War Against Christianity’
President Trump Tweets Author’s Warning That Behind The (Soros-Obama-Antifa) Street Anarchists ‘Is A War Against Christianity’ by SkyWatch Editor, https://www.skywatchtv.com/ On July 2, only hours after Dr. Taylor Marshall had given an interview to the U.S. cable network One America News (OAN) about the current crisis in America, President Donald Trump sent out a tweet …
Father of Black Teen Killed in Seattle’s BLM-CHOP Has Heartbreaking Plea to The Public
Fox News 19-year-old Horace Lorenzo Anderson was killed in Seattle’s Capitol Hill Organized Protest zone. #FoxNews #Hannity end
Shock Videos: BLM Harasses Christians Attending Church
BLM now harassing churches. 😡😡😡 Posted by Real Lexit on Monday, July 6, 2020 Shock Videos: BLM Harasses Christians Attending Church by Adan Salazar | www.Infowars.com Mother and children accosted while attempting to enter church. Footage from over the weekend shows Black Lives Matter protesters harassing churchgoers. – In one video, protesters are seen exiting …
Comet NEOWISE Has Been Dazzling Skywatchers — Try to Catch It in The Morning Sky
nemesis maturity Comet NEOWISE was closest to the sun on July 3, 2020, passing at about 26.7 million miles (43 million km) from the sun. Observers are still reporting seeing it, and so it appears to have survived the close encounter with our star. Comet C/2020 F3 (NEOWISE) is up at dawn now; it will …
Daniel Ott Interviews Celeste Bishop 07.04.20 — End Times Events
Daniel Ott Celeste Solum: Do signs in the Cosmos indicate coming catastrophes for Planet Earth? Are there cycles of major doomgasm events that repeat on a celestial time table? God has strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times. Throughout history God has called certain …
On National Character
Nations, like individuals, have such a thing as a character, and the world is home to several types of national characters; there are instances where the difference in national character is drastic, almost antithetical, but in other instances, the difference in national character is relatively minor. How is a nation’s character formed—is it linked to the history of its civilization, the race and religion of its dominant population, its geographical features, its intellectual and scientific achievements, its political and economic system, its art and culture? Does national character ... more »
Move Over, America: Russia and China Want Stealth Bombers Too
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * Strategic bombers are seeing a renaissance amidst renewed great power competition between China, Russia and the United States. *Key Point*: Evidence is growing that Moscow is serious about investigating its stealth bomber options. Recent reports in Russian media are suggesting that Moscow may be ready to commit to developing its own long-range stealth bomber akin to the American B-2 Spirit. According to *Izvestia*, Moscow has requested the Tupolev design bureau to begin the development and production of three prototype PAK DA aircraft to begin i... more »
Could Japan Have Launched a Second Pearl Harbor Attack?
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Americas* A third wave could have hit the vulnerable fuel tank farms and repair facilities of the U.S. Pacific Fleet. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Admiral Chester Nimitz, commander of the Pacific fleet throughout most of World War II, claimed that doing so would have delayed an American counteroffensive by an entire year, and prolonged the war by two years. At 7:45 AM on the morning of December 7, 1941 Commander Mitsuo Fuchida gazed exultantly from the rear seat of his B5N bomber at the serene vision of Pearl Harbor below him, it’s defenses u... more »
The F-35 Is Going Nuclear (And That's Bad News For America's Enemies)
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * The scariest weapon Block 4 will bring to the F-35 is surely the B-61 Mod 12 nuclear gravity bomb, which has tail fins that can adjust the bomb’s trajectory to strike on average within 30 meters of a designated GPS coordinate. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Decisions to escalate to tactical nuclear warfare—that is, using smaller nuclear weapons against frontline military target—may become less appealing, when the likelihood of a deadly riposte by nuclear-armed F-35s must be considered. On the downside, it might also motivate nuclear preemptiv... more »
DEAD: How the Royal Navy Destroyed Hitler's Deadliest Battleship
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* Here's the story. *Key Point*: Superior fire-control radars gave British warships greater accuracy. The Scharnhorst was far from the most heavily armed battleship deployed by the Kriegsmarine—but she arguably was its most successful. She and sistership Gneisenau were laid down in 1935 with nine 283-millimeter guns with a range of twenty-five miles—significantly smaller than those on British battleships so as not to spook London over German rearmament. Nonetheless, Scharnhorst measured 234 meters, which is longer than two football fields, and... more »
Ghislaine Maxwell Plans To Share ‘Secret Stash’ of Recorded Evidence Used To Blackmail Epstein’s Friends
*John Vibes* - Ghislaine Maxwell's former friend, who spoke under the condition of anonymity, said that this could implicate some extremely powerful people.
George Floyd was a Rapper Connected with the Revolutionary Rap Music Scene of Houston
*Cassius Kamarampi* - "Big Floyd" was a rapper for decades, and he was featured on the tapes of world-renowned, documentary-inspiring legendary music icon DJ Screw.
Court Orders Dakota Access Pipeline to Shut Down in Major Win for Standing Rock Sioux Tribe
*Elias Marat* - This is a major victory for the Native American tribes and environmentalist organizations.
The End of Fluoridation Is in Sight
*Dr. Mercola* - Water fluoridation is one of the biggest public health failures of the 20th century.
Why Did The DOJ Declassify and Release the FISA Application on July 21, 2018?….
On July 21, 2018, amid the apex of all things Trump-Russia being carefully narrated by the special counsel team, why did the DOJ release the Top Secret Classified Intelligence document known as the Carter Page FISA application? At the time … Continue reading →
I “Win” My Bet
In mid-March I made a bet with my good friend and co-author Charley Hooper about the number of U.S. deaths there would be from COVID-19. The terms of the bet are here. In my post, I said why I thought he might win. Of course I hoped he would win. Unfortunately, he lost. And over […] The post I “Win” My Bet appeared first on Econlib.
China's 'Fox Hunt' targets US-based critics with threats, FBI says
Just In - 2 hours ago
The director of the FBI says Chinese President Xi Jinping is behind a plot to force critics to return to China with agents being sent to threaten families overseas.
WHO says 'evidence emerging' of coronavirus spreading through the air
Just In - 2 hours ago
The open letter published this week calls for WHO to investigate the possibility the disease can be transmitted through the air.
Victorian coronavirus cases climb by 134 as Melbourne readies for lockdown
Just In - 2 hours ago
Victoria has recorded another 134 new cases of coronavirus, as authorities warn police presence will dramatically increase in areas that are going back into lockdown.
The NT will keep its borders closed to Victoria 'indefinitely' in a bid to prevent the spread of coronavirus
Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner says the Territory's borders will stay closed to all of Victoria "until further notice".
Government could bring income tax cuts forward in response to COVID-19
The Federal Government might bring forward planned income tax cuts, after Treasurer Josh Frydenberg's acknowledgement that plunging most Victorians back into lockdown will cost the economy billions of dollars.
Live: Victoria Police slam 'stupid, reckless actions' of a 'selfish' minority
Just In - 2 hours ago
Police reveal 15 people who "thought it was OK to get together and party" were issued fines at an Airbnb in Southbank on Sunday night, as Victoria's coronavirus cases surge to almost 3,000. Follow live.
"Covid-19 Report 7/7/20: Vindication! HCQ+ & Ivermectin Work!"
Chris Martenson *"Covid-19 Report 7/7/20: Vindication! HCQ+ & Ivermectin Work!"* - https://www.peakprosperity.com/
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Return To Freedom”
2002, “Return To Freedom”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“While drifting through the cosmos, a magnificent interstellar dust cloud became sculpted by stellar winds and radiation to assume a recognizable shape. Fittingly named the Horsehead Nebula, it is embedded in the vast and complex Orion Nebula (M42). A potentially rewarding but difficult object to view personally with a small telescope, the above gorgeously detailed image was recently taken in infrared light by the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope in honor of the 23rd anniversary of Hubble's launch. * Click image for larger size.* The dark molecular cloud, roughly 1,500 light years dis... more »
Chet Raymo, "Why We Need Poets"
*"Why We Need Poets"* by Chet Raymo "The poet Jane Hirshfield referred in a poem to the number of atoms it takes to make a butterfly. Ten to the 24th power, I think she said. I thought I'd check it out. A typical butterfly might weigh about half a gram. The exact ratio of elements I don't know, but mostly hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen. Let's assume an atomic weight of ten for a typical atom; that is, an atom with ten nuclear particles (Hydrogen=1, carbon= 12, oxygen=16, and so on). A proton or neutron has a weight of about 1.6 X 10-24 grams. About 3 X 1022 atoms in a butterfly. If ... more »
"The Majority Of Us..."
"The majority of us lead quiet, unheralded lives as we pass through this world. There will most likely be no ticker-tape parades for us, no monuments created in our honor. But that does not lessen our possible impact, for there are scores of people waiting for someone just like us to come along; people who will appreciate our compassion, our unique talents. Someone who will live a happier life merely because we took the time to share what we had to give. Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act... more »
Monsoon rains claims at least 7 lives in Karachi, Pakistan
The Watchers » Latest articles - 2 hours ago
At least seven people lost their lives while scores of others were injured in separate incidents in Pakistan's southern city Karachi in the first seasonal monsoon downpour on Monday, July 6, 2020. The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) reported 43 mm (1.7...... Read more »
Was Ghislaine Maxwell Photographed with JonBenét Ramsey?
Not all women with short, dark hair are Ghislaine Maxwell.
White House Chief of Staff Says No Federal Mask Mandate Is Coming
[image: white-house-chief-of-staff-says-no-federal-mask-mandate-is-coming] As more and more states issue draconian mandates for citizens to wear masks as a means to halt the spread of COVID-19, the White House is choosing not to get involved and leave such orders to the states.
Charging The Rampart…
First, to those who are offering support – THANK YOU. I am way outside the wire. In the background there is good news. The insurance policy against an anticipated Deep State cover-up is proceeding swimmingly. Two years of preparation are … Continue reading →
A post that never ended - plus Dinesh D'Souza video 3:37...
*or started --- depending on how you view it.* I started this post several days ago, but couldn't keep up with the speed at which the crazies were shooting each other, protesting (always "peacefully"), and throwing Karen fits in stores. Rather than sh*t-can it, I decided to just post what I had so far. I'm a bit hampered by the piriformis syndrome cutting into my life. I started physical therapy today and hopefully it will help. *So far: * The Washington State Patrol thinks it's A-okay for people to romp on the freeway in protest over black lives which are supposed to matter. Fo... more »
Feast Your Eyes on the Great Sniper Rifle of All Time: The Barrett M82A1
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, World* Everyone wanted to use this weapon. *Key Point: *These weapons served well in many armies. Here is how it became legendary. One weapon system not only revolutionized the field of military sniping but also created an entire new category of weapon systems. Using an existing large caliber bullet and adapting it to the precision rifle platform, the innovative Barrett M82 sniper rifle practically created the category of large caliber rifles that equip military snipers worldwide to this day. *This first appeared in 2018 and is being reposted due to re... more »
How America and North Korea Went to War During the Vietnam War
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Asia* Pyongyang still sees in Vietnam a model for its own aspirations to reunify the Korean peninsula. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The North Korean and North Vietnamese communists had long-standing ties, and North Koreans undoubtedly sympathized with the latter’s objective of forcibly reunifying with their southern neighbors. In the year 2000, a visit by North Korea’s foreign minister to a cemetery in Bac Giang, Vietnam confirmed a long-rumored fact: dozens of North Korean pilots had dueled American Navy and Air Force pilots over the skies ... more »
America's F-35 Stealth Fighter Can Do A Bit Of Everything
*Peter Suciu* *Security, * Is that good news? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *When it comes to military hardware rarely does a "one-size fits all approach" work, especially across services, but the F-35 could truly be the exception to the rule. When is a new plane actually three planes? Answer: when it is the F-35 Lightning II, a fifth-generation fighter that combines advanced stealth with fighter speed and agility. Three variants of the F-35 will be produced and these are meant to replace the United States Air Force's A-10 and F-16, the United States Navy's F/A-18, and the ... more »
BBC Wants To Make Climate Change Illegal
The law that could make climate change illegal – BBC Future
Social Justice Based Contact Tracing
When a person tests positive for COVID-19, government doesn’t ask them if they were at a BLM protest. Yet experts somehow know that the protests didn’t spread the virus. TMC Daily New Covid-19 Hospitalizations – Texas Medical Center
A Month From Today-- Can We Trade In A Blue Dog Retrobate For A Dedicated Progressive?
Over the weekend, Blue America launched a last-minute fundraising drive for the one progressive challenger running for Congress in Arizona, Eva Putzova. 24 hours later, 61 contributors had raised $1,567 for her last minute push-- an average of around $26 a person. For a grassroots campaign, taking on an entrenched galoot like this, contributions like that make a real difference. In Eva's own words, "This is the final stretch for our campaign before the big primary on August 4 and your contributions are already making a big difference. Over the last 18 months of campaigning, we hav... more »
Educational building blocks: Students create entire school in Minecraft
Students map entire school into computer game, and now hope to offer virtual tours to prospective students.
Melbourne A-League clubs' attempts to leave Victoria thwarted again
Just In - 4 hours ago
For the second straight night, the three A-League clubs from Melbourne got to the airport, only to have to turn around and go home.
Deutsche Bank fined for allowing Jeffrey Epstein to make 'suspicious' payments
Just In - 4 hours ago
Deutsche Bank will pay a $US150 million fine for allowing Epstein to make payments to Russian models and withdraw suspicious amounts of cash during his five years as a client.
US to leave World Health Organisation next July
Just In - 4 hours ago
US President Donald Trump quits another UN organisation but the decision could be reversed and is not due to take effect until the US pays its outstanding bill to the WHO.
'A lot of stress, a lot of crisis': What happened when coronavirus hit Main Road
Signalling the start of Hobart's northern suburbs, Main Road winds its way from an unassuming rivulet into a vibrant hub of cafes and shops. Here's how it fared during coronavirus.
Dutch police find shipping container 'torture chamber' fitted with dentist chair
Just In - 4 hours ago
Six men have been arrested after police found the container which had a dentist chair, handcuffs and a scalpel inside.
Brazil's Bolsonaro has COVID-19 – and so do thousands of Indigenous people who live days from the nearest hospital
Julio José Araujo Junior, PhD student of law, Rio de Janeiro State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 4 hours ago
Indigenous communities were already suffering badly under Bolsonaro. Now, COVID-19 threatens their very survival.
Powerful storm inundates parts of Sofia, Bulgaria
The Watchers » Latest articles - 4 hours ago
Heavy rains during an overnight storm into July 7, 2020, have resulted in widespread flooding in the capital Sofia, Bulgaria. Streets and railway stations turned into rivers, damaging cars and impacting electricity poles that led to power disruptions. One person...... Read more »
QAnon Is More Important Than You Think
Story by Adrienne LaFrance This article is part of “Shadowland,” a project about conspiracy thinking in America. If you were an adherent, no one would be able to tell. You would look like any other American. You could be a mother, picking leftovers off your toddler’s plate. You could be the young … Continue reading QAnon Is More Important Than You Think →
When and how to see the increasingly bright comet as it approaches Earth
Updated 10:32 AM; Today 10:32 AM PennLive An image of Halley’s Comet taken June 6, 1910, at the Yerkes Observatory, operated by the University of Chicago in Williams Bay, Wisconsin. Wikimedia Commons image (public domain) By Marcus Schneck | mschneck@pennlive.com After two previous comets failed to produce the hoped-for sky-shows earlier this year, Comet Neowise … Continue reading When and how to see the increasingly bright comet as it approaches Earth →
Stunning image of Comet Neowise that looks like it’s about to crash into Earth revealed by Nasa
Charlotte Edwards 7 Jul 2020, 12:37 NASA has shared a stunning image of a comet looking like it’s about to crash into our planet. Luckily for us, Comet Neowise is just heading past Earth at the moment and is becoming more visible as it gets closer. Nasa said: “A comet has suddenly become visible to … Continue reading Stunning image of Comet Neowise that looks like it’s about to crash into Earth revealed by Nasa →
Lawyer Brad Edwards says Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a suicide | 60 Minutes Australia
60 Minutes Australia Jul 7, 2020 Lawyer Brad Edwards represents victims and describes Epstein as a genius sociopath, one of his most confounding and dangerous adversaries. He believes Epstein killed himself in prison, despite some speculation he was murdered. via Lawyer Brad Edwards says Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a suicide | 60 Minutes Australia – … Continue reading Lawyer Brad Edwards says Jeffrey Epstein’s death was a suicide | 60 Minutes Australia →
What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island? | 60 Minutes Australia
60 Minutes Australia Jul 7, 2020 Jeffrey Epstein’s paradise getaway in the Virgin Islands may now lie abandoned and desolate but it holds the secrets of a sex ring even more extensive than first thought. The Attorney General of the Virgin Islands, Denise George, paints a terrifying picture of what confronted the young women who … Continue reading What really happened on Jeffrey Epstein’s private island? | 60 Minutes Australia →
The first person to report Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to the FBI | 60 Minutes Australia
60 Minutes Australia Jul 6, 2020 In 1995, Maria Farmer met Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell. Epstein claimed to help manage Victoria’s Secret with Maxwell as his model scout. But it was a ruse: Maxwell was procuring girls for Epstein. When Maria went to the FBI, she was the very first victim to officially report … Continue reading The first person to report Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell to the FBI | 60 Minutes Australia →
Major Tax Increases are About to Slam America as Cities and States Want You to Pay for Covid Fallout
July 7, 2020 Isaac Davis, Staff Writer Waking Times Just prior to the global Coronavirus outbreak, serious signs of an emerging financial crisis began to emerge. As people were beginning to realize that yet another central bank engineered ‘bust’ was coming down on us, we were thrown into lockdown, shuttering millions of businesses and sending … Continue reading Major Tax Increases are About to Slam America as Cities and States Want You to Pay for Covid Fallout →
Russia Really Wanted An SR-71 Spy Plane (Like This). They Failed.
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* It’s a cliché of the Cold War that no sooner did one superpower pioneer a new weapons technology that its rival swiftly sought its own copy, canceling out any advantage long-term. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The otherworldly looking RSR was killed as much by its bureaucratic enemies as the technological challenges of its development—but it’s interesting to speculate what response it might have elicited from the United States had it ever been deployed. It’s a cliché of the Cold War that no sooner did one superpower pioneer a new weapon... more »
U.S. Gun Sales Last Month Smashed Records (137 Percent Increase from Last Year)
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* The combined concerns over the coronavirus pandemic as well as the recent protests—which have included calls to “defund the police”—have increased sales, notably among first-time buyers. Bad times can result in big sales—at least if the product is a firearm. Unlike many other consumer products that can see sales dive in bad economies or times of uncertainly, firearms remain recession-proof, but sales are often driven by a crisis and that can cause further fears. The combined concerns over the coronavirus pandemic as well as the recent protests... more »
Meet the Weird Desert Eagle: A Gun-Rifle Combo
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, World* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2017%3Anewsml_RC1FE47B72B0&share=true] Was this mad experiment a good idea? *Key Point: *This was an unusual weapon. Here's how it was revolutionary and became a part of pop-culture. In the mid-1980s, a powerful new handgun quickly achieved gun celebrity status. The Desert Eagle was an innovative design that ported over heavy revolver rounds to the semiautomatic pistol platform. The pistol was featured in dozens of action films, and although expensive and not widely adopted by mi... more »
Congress Shouldn't Pass Another Coronavirus Bailout: Here's Why
*Rachel Greszler* *Politics, Americas* [image: The Mankind Figure of Youth statue at Rockefeller Center in Manhattan is seen adorned with a face mask following the outbreak of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19), in New York City, New York, U.S., July 5, 2020. REUTERS/Jeenah Moon] The job numbers don't lie. For a second month in a row, the U.S. economy gained a record number of jobs. Following job gains of 2.7 million in May, the economy added 4.8 million more jobs in June. And even as the labor force grew by 1.7 million workers, the unemployment rate fell by 2.2 percentage poi... more »
Hubble Captures Image of Galaxy Moving Away at 3 Million Miles Per Hour
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Space, Space* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2017%3Anewsml_RC1460FBD2E0&share=true] Space never ceases to amaze. The Hubble Space Telescope has spotted a galaxy—known as NGC 7513—that is speeding away from the Milky Way at nearly 3.5 million mph. That equates to the mind-boggling speed of roughly 1,000 miles per second. For reference, our planet orbits the sun at 67,108 mph. However, there won’t be close-up flybys anytime soon—as this fleeing galaxy, found within the Sculptor constellation in the skies over the Southern Hem... more »
Can the U.S. Stop Syria’s Kurds From Selling Oil to Assad?
*Matthew Petti* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC11F8163910&share=true] U.S. sanctions are forcing the U.S.-backed forces to deal with a U.S. enemy. The United States should provide the U.S.-backed Syrian Kurds a waiver to sell their oil on the international market, the head of a Syrian Kurdish news agency argued. The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces currently control the largest oil fields in Syria, which President Donald Trump has sent U.S. troops to protect. But the Kurdish-led opposition is unable t... more »
China Wanted to Take This Old Aircraft Carrier and Make It a Casino. But Instead...
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Asia* China just used it as an aircraft carrier. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The first carrier afforded China a leap forward in its naval construction program—which now includes *five *more carriers in the coming decade of increasing planned capability. China was proud to launch its first aircraft carrier, the *Liaoning, *in 2012. This vessel was a refit of an incomplete Soviet Kuznetsov-class cruiser carrier. However, the story of how China got that ship in the first place may as well be a comedy—because the carrier was actually a rogue acq... more »
Your History Lesson For Today: Stealth Fighters and Bombers Can Be Killed
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Americas* Stealth planes are properly described as “Low Observable” aircraft. They are not actually undetectable, but are very hard to spot on radar. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Ultimately, hit-and-run tactics leaning on BVR and stealth technology may be quite effective in securing air superiority. However, they won’t suffice to overcome constraints of fuel and weapons supply in scenarios that involve distant and more numerous opponents attacking high-value targets. In Len Deighton’s book *Fighter*, he describes the tactics used by the outnu... more »
Were the Skripals Secretly Executed by Britain’s Government?
Eric Zuesse Where are Sergei and Yulia Skripal? Are they still alive? Their having been poisoned in England on 4 March 2018 didn’t kill them. Sergei Skripal is (or was) the Russian and British double agent (Russian spy who defected to UK), who had become imprisoned for six years in Russia, and then became spy-swapped […] More The post Were the Skripals Secretly Executed by Britain’s Government? appeared first on The Duran.
Flynn Case Update: DOJ Provides Defense With Handwritten Notes from Tashina Guahar Meeting January 25th – And Dana Boente Notes Which Explain the Reason He Was Retired…
Today the DOJ has released additional exculpatory information to the Flynn defense team surrounding hand-written notes taken by Tashina Guahar and FBI agent Peter Strzok. The 1/25/17 meeting takes place the day after two FBI agents interview Flynn at the … Continue reading →
Did California ‘Forbid’ Christians from Singing in Church?
Safety guidelines for religious and cultural gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic got the political spin treatment.
Gregory Mannarino, "The Markets Are Driving An Extinction Level Event"
Gregory Mannarino, *"The Markets Are Driving An Extinction Level Event"* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ Related: "Warning: The Current Economic Meltdown Will Trigger The Biggest Housing Market Crash In History'
"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates PM 7/7/20"
*"Covid-19 Pandemic **Updates PM 7/7/20" * *- Frequently **Updated* Please visit these sites often for the very latest Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic news and information. ○ *- https://www.zerohedge.com/* *JULY 7, 2020 5:45 PM: *"43 Florida ICUs Hit Capacity As Texas Reports Record Jump In Deaths: Live Updates"○ *The Covid Tracking Project* "The public deserves the most complete data available about COVID-19 in the US. No official source is providing it, so we are. Every day, our volunteers compile the latest numbers on tests, confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and patient outcomes f... more »
The Bubbling Up of Dissent by the Left From Beneath Their Fascist Cancel Culture
It's damaging to our country when people are forced from their jobs, their clubs or their associations with others because they express ideas that bother other people. I know there’s nothing in the law or the Constitution that prevents it from happening. I’m simply saying it’s a bad thing when it does happen, especially when we make it such a common event. The most damaging effect will be to make people fearful about expressing themselves at all. Fortunately, I harbor no such fear. A healthy society has no trouble dealing with the presence of extreme or even absurd ideas as part o... more »
Building Back Greener in Africa
Global Issues News Headlines - 4 hours ago
ISTANBUL, Jul 07 (IPS) - African leaders highlight the opportunity for a triple dividend: reduced risk, increased resilience and strengthened recovery.COVID-19 continues to race across the African continent. People are dying, and even more are being pushed into hunger and poverty, in many cases risking to overturn years of development gains. Read the full story, “Building Back Greener in Africa”, on globalissues.org →
Innovative Financial Approaches Key to Unleash SIDS Economic Potential
Global Issues News Headlines - 4 hours ago
NEW YORK, Jul 07 (IPS) - Ambassador Lois M Young, is Belize's Permanent Representative at the United Nations and Chair of the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS).Our world is transfixed by the great human toll and economic impact of the worst global pandemic in a century. For the 65 million inhabitants of small island developing states (SIDS), the impact of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) is reminiscent of the worst forms of extreme weather events that SIDS contend with annually. Such events cost lives, undermine our hard-earned development gains, and hamper the aspirations a... more »
Supreme Court Greenlights Pipeline Projects, Except for Keystone XL
The Epoch Times By Matthew Vadum July 7, 2020 The Supreme Court stayed a lower court ruling and allowed a slew of pipeline projects to move forward under a fast-track permitting process but left out the controversial, long-delayed expansion of the Keystone XL oil sands pipeline. The 1,200-mile Keystone XL Pipeline, which is now temporarily held up by the high …
Did a Florida Teen Die After Attending a Church ‘COVID Party’?
The tragic death of 17-year-old Carsyn Leigh Davis prompted controversy in July 2020.
Even More Valuable than Her Coffee Cake Recipe
I suppose there are people who might be surprised to find themselves getting solid economic analysis from a food blogger. I am not one of them. I’ve actually been waiting for this moment since March. Deb Perelman is one of my favorite food bloggers. Her blog, Smitten Kitchen, details her adventures cooking for her […] The post Even More Valuable than Her Coffee Cake Recipe appeared first on Econlib.
You Deserve To Be With That Special Someone That Knows Your Worth
You deserve to be with someone that will show you the true meaning of love and caring. Sometimes you accept love from someone, as it is what you think you deserve. In today’s times, it is hard to meet people; therefore, you settle for relationships that aren’t good for you. Why would you fall in love with the wrong person? When you feel lonely and alone, you will be more vulnerable to accepting a relationship that is not good for you, and you convince yourself that you are in love with that person. Some people think there is a stigma attached to a single person. An all too common... more »
A foot of snow in Norway and record cold
Temperatures down to a record low for July of -7.cC (19F). (I think that means for the entire month of July.) ________ Norway’s July summer holidays got off to an extremely chilly start over the weekend, with strong winds, heavy rain, hail and even snow, catching many tourists by surprise. Slippery roads and as much ... Read more A foot of snow in Norway and record cold The post A foot of snow in Norway and record cold appeared first on Ice Age Now.
The Real Reason Hydroxychloroquine Never Got a Chance
“Watch. I only pray to God that Trump sees this and FIRES Fauci!!” says reader Tim Minnich. ____________ How can remdesivir, proven by a Chinese clinical trial to not be safe, and proven to not be effective in preventing your death, be on track to perhaps becoming the most profitable drug in history? asks author ... Read more The Real Reason Hydroxychloroquine Never Got a Chance The post The Real Reason Hydroxychloroquine Never Got a Chance appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Your right-wing relatives believe that if we get our way -- and by "we" they mean everyone from the most moderate Democrat to the angriest Autonomous Zone dweller -- we will brutally suppress all speech and thought that doesn't fit into our ever-narrowing definition of the correct and the tolerable. They think this reign of terror will truly begin the night Joe Biden is declared the presidential winner, because he's either a secret radical or a useful idiot of us liberal fascists. Or maybe they think he's terrified of us because of the mercilessness with which we enforce unanimity o... more »
Senator calls for action from Halifax councillors with presentation on anti-Black racism
Senator Dr. Wanda Thomas Bernard is calling on Halifax regional councillors to take action to combat anti-Black racism in the municipality. Bernard, an independent Canadian senator appointed in 2016, gave a roughly half-hour long presentation to council’s virtual meeting on Tuesday morning. The presentation, titled “Unpacking Anti‐Black Racism in the HRM: Creating Sustainable Change for […]
From cop to survivor
Cary Ryan is a survivor of domestic violence. She’s also a former cop who left her job on the police force because of harassment due her mental illness. Ryan asked the Examiner not to name the police force she worked for or include the names of her abusers in this article, but she says she […]
Putin’s Vision for an Anti-Fascist / Open System Future and You
Putin is a figure who is very much animated by a strong sense of moral duty which has given him the insight into both history and the future which is rare among citizens of our current epoch, and even rarer among the political class. During the course of President Putin’s June 24 opening speech during … Continue reading Putin’s Vision for an Anti-Fascist / Open System Future and You →
Achieving Diversity in STEM Faculty Requires Systemic Change, Says Report
In 2001, Judith Ramaley, a director at the National Science Foundation, coined the acronym STEM for education disciplines in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Since then, NSF and other public and private entities have provided numerous grants and incentives to support initiatives for STEM diversity in education. However, almost two decades later, diversity among STEM faculty remains inadequate. Only 10.1% of STEM faculty is from underrepresented minorities, according to an NSF-funded report from the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities.
Report: Pandemic-Related Fundraising Woes Likely to Increase
A new report shows that more than 40% of colleges and universities are expecting to see significant decreases in fundraising in the months and years ahead due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Black Footballer Who Left ‘Racially Insensitive’ Liberty U Joins HBCU
Tayvion Land, a Black footballer who decided to transfer out of Liberty University saying its leadership is racially insensitive, has decided to join Norfolk State University, a historically Black institution. “Thanks to all the colleges and coaches that were interested in accepting me into their school,” tweeted Land. “My choice is to be surrounded by […]
Incoming Black Footballer Decommits From U of Cincinnati to Join an HBCU
Daniel Ingram, a Black footballer who was set to join the University of Cincinnati, has decided to decommit from the institution and instead join the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, a historically Black institution. “I Am Now Decommitted From The University Of Cincinnati And Committed To The University Of Arkansas Pine Bluff,” Ingram tweeted. […]
Marshall University to Remove Name of Confederate General From Building
Marshall University’s board on Tuesday unanimously voted to remove the name of a Confederate general from a building on its Huntington campus. Jenkins Hall, which was named after Confederate Albert Gallatin Jenkins, will be called the Education Building for the time being. A petition to remove Jenkins’ name has been signed by close to 4,000 […]
Princeton U Faculty: Acknowledge That Racism Thrives on Campus
More than 200 Princeton University faculty members have sent a letter to the institution’s leadership asking it to acknowledge “the way that anti-Black racism, and racism of any stripe, continue to thrive on its campus.” In a July 4 letter to university president Christopher Eisgruber and other leaders, the faculty members said racism is visible […]
Belhaven U Renames Hall That Petition Says Is Named After a Segregationist
Mississippi’s Belhaven University, a private Christian institution, has changed the name of a hall that a petition said was named after a segregationist. The university didn’t give a reason for the name change. Guy T. Gillespie Hall was named after a former president of Belhaven. It will now be called Lakeview Hall. Additionally, a gathering […]
Nature’s “A Primer in Autism” Ignores Pain and Illness of Individuals With Autism. Katie Wright Sounds Off!
Guest contributor Katie Wright points out that from the Primer’s outdated description of ASD to it’s contention that there has been no actual increase in autism of the past 30 years, these authors have done a tremendous disservice to the entire autism community. The post Nature’s “A Primer in Autism” Ignores Pain and Illness of Individuals With Autism. Katie Wright Sounds Off! appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
Must Watch! “The 1% Are Prepared Financially; Tent Cities Explode; Historic Wealth Transfer; Retail Sales”
Jeremiah Babe, *“The 1% Are Prepared Financially; Tent Cities Explode; * *Historic Wealth Transfer; Retail Sales”*
ASX drops as COVID-19 cases mount, Nasdaq falls from record high
Australian shares fall as cautious investors hit the "pause button", while the EU economy may suffer a worse-than-expected contraction.
Manly prop could face further sanction after NRL reveals breach of anti-vilification code
Just In - 5 hours ago
Addin Fonua-Blake was banned for two weeks for contrary conduct after calling the referee a "f***ing retard", but he could be in more trouble after the NRL's match review process.
Live: Treasurer warns lockdowns could cost economy $1b per week
Just In - 5 hours ago
Josh Frydenberg's warning comes as Melburnians prepare for another six weeks at home and people queue at the Victoria-New South Wales border following its closure last night. Follow live.
These separated lovers want travel exemptions so they can be together
The closing of Australia's international borders left many couples separated on opposite side of the globe — now many are pushing the Australian Government to help them reunite.
Does the NT have the most lax border restrictions on Victorian arrivals in the country? Here's the current situation
Cases in Victoria are surging as the Northern Territory Government's border advice remains a moving feast. Here's what you need to know about the NT's current border protocols with Victoria.
'I cannot eat': Man recovering from cancer surgery in hotel quarantine, against medical advice
Suffering from stage four oesophageal cancer, Broulee resident Stephen Evans was given permission to travel overseas for life-saving treatment. Now, he is being forced to stay in a hotel despite warnings it could compromise his delicate health.
'This is a serious breach of our privacy': Concern over accounts of child abuse being shared with institutions responsible
Advocates for survivors of child abuse say they are concerned personal accounts of traumatic sexual assaults are being too readily shared with the institutions responsible via the National Redress Scheme.
Live: NSW Now: Cancer patient denied exemption from hotel quarantine says he's scared he'll 'get a cold and die'
Just In - 5 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *A South Coast man is stuck in a Sydney quarantine hotel after NSW Health denied him an exemption — twice — despite his medical requirement to self-isolate at home following his life-saving cancer surgery.
Australian high rollers on radar of Gold Coast's Star casino
Gold Coast casino bosses are focusing on luring domestic high rollers with Chinese 'whales' not expected back in Australia for another year.
Lifting restrictions won't necessarily save your favourite restaurant. This is what the industry says will
As Melbourne's cafes and restaurants close their doors again, others across Australia are slowly reopening to diners. But a peak body says without government support, thousands of businesses may close forever.
Here's the latest advice on wearing face masks
The advice so far has been Australians don't need to wear face masks in public because the general rate of community transmission is low, but with the unfolding situation in Victoria, is that advice likely to change?
Is there Really a Second Wave to Justify New Lock Downs? Not Even Close.
Why did politicians ever lockdown society in the first place? Can we all agree that the stated purpose was to “flatten the curve” so our hospital system could handle the inevitable COVID-19 patients who needed care? At that point, at least, back in early March, people were behaving rationally. They accepted that you can’t eradicate a virus, so let’s postpone things enough to handle it. The fact is, we have done that, and so much more. The headlines are filled with dire warnings of a “second wave” and trigger-happy Governors are rolling back regulations to try to stem the tide of ne... more »
U.S. Government Spends Another $1.6 BILLION on COVID Vaccine with Company that “Never Brought a Product to Market”
President Trump's Operation Warp Speed is living up to its hype as the largest transfer of wealth in the history of the United States continues at "warp speed," with BILLIONS of dollars of government funding flowing into the bank accounts of Big Pharma. This time it is $1.6 BILLION to a new pharmaceutical company that has not even brought a product to market yet, Maryland-based Novavax, who joins a long list of drug companies receiving unbelievable amounts of Government cash to develop a COVID vaccine, while many States are rolling out new lock down orders that are killing the few ... more »
Oklahoma now enforcing medical cannabis product testing
Oklahoma medical marijuana regulators are administering laboratory testing after a three-month grace period to ensure enough licensed labs are in place amid the coronavirus pandemic. The mandatory testing requirements apply to all marijuana products sold by a grower or processor. The Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority lists 21 licensed labs across the state for a market […] Oklahoma now enforcing medical cannabis product testing is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Is This Meme About Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations Accurate?
It's difficult to make a nonexistent vaccine mandatory.
" If we won’t defend the very thing on which our work depends, we shouldn’t expect the public or the state to defend it for us." #QotD
A statement signed by 150 people incl. Deirdre McCloskey, Wynton Marsalis, Garry Kasparov, Steven Pinker, Malcolm Gladwell, Jennifer Finney Boylan, Noam Chomsky, J.K. Rowling, Margaret Atwood, and Salman Rushdie has expressed concern over the increasing illiberalism in the US and around the world, signing on to speak up for the Enlightenment value of free speech. Their Open Letter on Justice and Open Debate was released online overnight, and will be appearing in the Letters section of *Harper's* magazine’s October issue. Astonishingly, even this tepid defence of the free exchange o... more »