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8 July- Blogs I'm Following - 5 of 5

10:09 pm MDT

NZ unveiled their first Ai officer in Feb this year … its name is Ella – the Electronic Life Like Assistant

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 21 hours ago
As AI gets on its legs, along with the new ‘social distancing’ the folk we interact with become less and less personal. Ella, the new Electronic Life Like Assistant, is our latest AI possibility for obtaining info from the Police; Police Connect it’s called. We’ve come a long way haven’t we from the constable on … Continue reading NZ unveiled their first Ai officer in Feb this year … its name is Ella – the Electronic Life Like Assistant →

Dr Andrew Kaufman Interview | The COVID 19 Theory That You Are Not Allowed To Hear

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 21 hours ago
TheFelsyFamily Published on May 5, 2020 Mirrored from The Last American Vagabond: https://bit.ly/2KY9sSsDr. Kaufman’s channel: https://bit.ly/3ezikvB “Joining me today is Dr. Andrew Kaufman to discuss a topic that, despite being rooted in facts, evidence and years of research, has been suppressed, censored and ignored by the entirety of the mainstream medical and scientific community.” Link: … Continue reading Dr Andrew Kaufman Interview | The COVID 19 Theory That You Are Not Allowed To Hear →

The state of local governance today: Hear from an insider, former Horowhenua Mayor Michael Feyen speaks out

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 21 hours ago
Those of you who’ve followed this site for more than a year will recall the term of former Horowhenua Mayor Michael Feyen. During his Mayoral term at the Horowhenua District Council he was, in his own words, nothing but stonewalled & neutered. (You can read some of the goings on from that council at the … Continue reading The state of local governance today: Hear from an insider, former Horowhenua Mayor Michael Feyen speaks out →

Alabama Military Whistleblower Shares The Truth About Vaccinations Given In The Military.

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 21 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: When I reported to my Captain that the Anthrax vaccine was responsible for this mans illness, we were visited by the top brass from Washington DC. We were told to keep our mouths shut, my Captain resigned his commission. We are done with your poisonous vaccines, we are done…

We Don’t Want Your Stinking Neurotoxic Vaccines – We Want Our God Given Freedoms Back That You Have Stolen

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 21 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: We Are Tired Of Being Lied To. We Are Tired of being Controlled, And Your Tyrannical Agendas! This Is Insanity On Every Level! – Amandha Vollmer https://youtu.be/EGuXjfuj9xw

S. Korea to push for conclusion of Asia-Pacific trade deal this year

bilaterals.org - 21 hours ago
08-Jul-2020 South Korea said will push for the conclusion of a mega Asia-Pacific trade deal this year to help boost ailing exports and cope with the growing protectionism around the globe in the face of the new coronavirus pandemic.

Midnight Meme Of The Day!

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
*by Noah* Two things we can conjecture about the White House staffers depicted in the above cartoon: 1) Someone or someones did their job and informed the president, indicating that there is at least one person with access to Trump that still has at least an ounce of patriotism left. 2) That someone or someones will soon be quietly fired, or worse. As for the president, he probably already knew what they told him and we already knew that he is owned and operated by Vladimir Putin. There is no other explanation for his continued silence and lack of response. Meanwhile, it's import... more »

America's Skipjack-Class Submarine Was A True Cold War Warrior

Peter Suciu at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, * And a very impressive sub. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *A total of six *Skipjacks* were produced from 1956-1961 and the boats remained in commission from 1959 until 1990. While these boats were essentially rushed into service, it is a testament of the innovative features that the final one wasn't retired until the end of the Cold War. During the Cold War, the United States Navy developed what were arguably the first truly modern submarines with the *Skipjack*-class, which combined two new innovations – nuclear power and a "tear drop" hull design... more »

America's First Supersonic Fighter Was Born Thanks to North Korea

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Technology, Americas* Meet the F-100 ‘Super’ Sabre. *Key Point*: America’s first supersonic jet did not excel as a fighter and had beastly accident rate. On October 14, 1947, an orange-painted Bell X-1 piloted by Chuck Yeager became the first aircraft to break the sound barrier in level flight. Though the rocket-powered X-1 was an experimental design, it followed that improving jet engine technology would make a supersonic fighter possible as well. On its own initiative, the North American firm took a crack at evolving the F-86 Sabre, the top U.S. fighter of... more »

See These Missiles? China Might Use Them To Someday Sink an Aircraft Carrier

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* A very real threat. *Key Point*: When China talks about “big targets at sea,” it almost certainly means “aircraft carriers.” On October 1, 2019, the People’s Liberation Army rolled out an impressive procession of advanced new weapons systems to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. Still, many of the weapons officially debuted that day, like the DF-17, the first hypersonic missile to officially enter regular service, had been public knowledge for some time. But that was not the case for the regime... more »

Police: Man Murdered 7-Year-Old Girl Three Hours After Release from Jail

Breitbart at Need To Know - 22 hours ago
Forest City Police Department officials said that Shaquille Marshon Francis allegedly murdered the girl just three hours after he had been released from jail. Earlier in the day, he was arrested and booked for allegedly pointing a gun at someone, and he was released hours later, enabling him to kill the little girl.

US Lobbyists Set The Indian Narrative On China Border

M. K. BHADRAKUMAR at OrientalReview.org - 22 hours ago
The civilian-military relationship is a complex matrix. In ‘wartime’, this is more so when civilian leaders who never held a killer’s weapon in their palms are called upon to take decisions on the passage of arms. Of course, there are strong-willed leaders who force their will. Bismarck was one such […]

Could these debilitating Covid restrictions be happening in Australia? In Melbourne? | Cairns News

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
Editor, cairnsnews JUL 8 Debility, dependency and dread by Alexandra Bruce Greg Reese has just made a video which summarizes the important points brought forth by Amazing Polly last week in her video, Is This Torture? We are under attack by 4th Generation Warfare, which is covert and about which we need to become educated. … Continue reading Could these debilitating Covid restrictions be happening in Australia? In Melbourne? | Cairns News →

WATCH: Incredible video shows how defiant Californians responded to ban on Fourth of July celebrations

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: True Pundit Last week, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, a Democrat, demanded that his city’s residents cancel their Fourth of July celebrations over fear of spreading coronavirus — and even outlawed firework shows in Los Angeles County, according to KABC-TV. https://twitter.com/bennyjohnson/status/1279636803037925377?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1279651463506132992%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ftruepundit.com%2Fwatch-incredible-video-shows-how-defiant-californians-responded-to-ban-on-fourth-of-july-celebrations%2F “We’... more »

Covid-19 Fallout: President Trump Moves to Formally Withdraw From the WHO — Iowa Climate Science Education

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
Originally posted on New Human New Earth Communities: Guest essay by Eric Worrall The World Health Organization’s disastrous handling of the Covid-19 pandemic, their alleged excessive deference to China, and their apparent refusal to consider any serious reform, has convinced President Trump they are not fit for purpose. Trump Administration Formally Notifies U.N. of Withdrawal…

Right to Breathe Freely Card: Canada and USA – New Human New Earth Communities

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 22 hours ago
by ourgreaterdestiny CANADA Thanks to Cindy for the card and Tweet video below. Card image at https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EcU3rN-XQAMzO-P?format=jpg&name=medium Please add the following when sharing the card in Ontario. The Police Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. P.15, Section 1.2, mandates the police to safeguard the fundamental rights guaranteed by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and … Continue reading Right to Breathe Freely Card: Canada and USA – New Human New Earth Communities →

Hydroxychloroquine and fake news

Atash at The Duran - 22 hours ago
The anti-hydroxychloroquine media has been full of the supposed dangers of hydroxychloroquine and its failure as a treatment for the virus. Does hydroxychloroquine work or does it not, is it safe or dangerous, and should we be using it as a treatment for the virus? Here we examine the evidence for and against it. A […] More The post Hydroxychloroquine and fake news appeared first on The Duran.

July 8th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1266

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →

Wednesday July 8th – Open Thread

sundance at The Last Refuge - 22 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →

150+ Lefties Including Gloria Steinem, Margaret Atwood, Admit BLM Has Gone Too Far

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By Gabriel Hays ~ BLM and cancel culture aren’t as universally lauded on the left as we’d been led to believe. Via a letter written in Harper’s Magazine, many famous lefty authors, journalists and thinkers are decrying their side’s reckless lurch to insanity that has occurred over the last few months in the wake of […]

House “Climate Crisis Committee” Issues Massive Meaningless Wish List

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By David Wojick, Ph.D. ~ The U.S. House “Selects Committee on the Climate Crisis” is a symbolic committee, not a real one. It cannot draft and introduce legislation, which is what House Committees do. It is more of a study group and as such it has produced a study. Well sort of. The document in […]

Congress Should Streamline Existing COVID-19 Relief, Not Add New Programs

PA Pundits - International at PA Pundits – International - 22 hours ago
By Adam Michel ~ Congress likes to spend money and create new programs, but when it comes to coronavirus recovery, lawmakers need to keep it simple. Congress already has authorized more than $3.6 trillion of relief, of which to date only about half has been spent. Simple relief is effective relief. The congressional response should […]

Victoria was a slow boiling frog before lockdown — but there's another tactic that can further stop the spread

Just In - 22 hours ago
We know many people pick up the virus in their own homes from another family member, even if the infected individual isolates in one room. The best option is to relocate, writes Mary-Louise McLaws.

Chinese students flee Victoria for NSW en route to China

Bang Xiao at Just In - 22 hours ago
At least 100 Chinese international students have "escaped" from Melbourne to Sydney ahead of the Victoria–NSW border closure, due to fears over being "stranded" and unable to catch flights home to China, according to travel agencies from the Chinese community.

Chinese embassy slams updated travel warning for Australians in China as 'ridiculous'

Georgia Hitch And Stephen Dziedzic at Just In - 22 hours ago
The Chinese embassy criticises government travel advice warning Australians they are at risk of "arbitrary detention" in China, labelling it "ridiculous".

Dying stars breathe life into Earth: study

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 22 hours ago
Dying stars breathe life into Earth: study https://phys.org/news/2020-07-dying-stars-life-earth.html?fbclid=IwAR15EEO4LZzApY44kCd9kzVZH3cEBiUu2Q4ouco2h3U98lMbBxSPOiUl-oc

Tom Hanks is disappointed in Americans for coronavirus response

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 22 hours ago
Tom Hanks is disappointed in Americans for coronavirus response https://nypost.com/2020/07/07/tom-hanks-is-disappointed-in-americans-for-coronavirus-response/?utm_campaign=SocialFlow&sr_share=facebook&utm_source=NYPFacebook&utm_medium=SocialFlow

Dr. Michael Drake Named University of California System President

David Pluviose at Diverse - 23 hours ago
The University of California Board of Regents announced on Tuesday the appointment of Dr. Michael Drake as president of the 10-campus University of California system. Drake will be the first African American to serve in the role.

After Years of Underfunding, Now Public School Teachers Are Supposed to Save the Nation’s Economy?

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 23 hours ago
Teachers are again in the middle of a political fight, this one over the perceived need to reopen US schools pronto.

Quote of the Day

vonMesser at 'Nox & Friends - 23 hours ago

Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 188 – 2020

Hifast at Climate Collections - 23 hours ago
Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North

Airport breach allows Melbourne passengers into Sydney without being screened

Mark Reddie at Just In - 23 hours ago
A plane full of passengers on a Jetstar flight from Melbourne to Sydney disembark without being screened by NSW Health officials or police, in a major breach of the state's coronavirus laws.

India has banned it, the US may be next. Is time up for TikTok in Australia?

Cameron Wilson at Just In - 23 hours ago
Lawmakers here and abroad are worried about the influence of the increasingly popular Chinese-owned company.

'Please don't come': Victorians blocked from entering Tasmania

Lucy MacDonald at Just In - 23 hours ago
Tasmanian Premier Peter Gutwein has announced Victorians will not be able to enter Tasmania from midnight tonight unless they have an exemption letter.

Australian Olympic snowboarder Alex 'Chumpy' Pullin dead aged 32

Just In - 23 hours ago
Australian Olympic snowboarder Alex "Chumpy" Pullin dies in a spearfishing accident at Palm Beach on the Gold Coast.

Two weeks after reopening a country restaurant, Emily's preparing to close its doors again

Just In - 23 hours ago
Emily Blades had big plans for the country club restaurant when she took it over after its closure, but everything is back on hold as the regional Mitchell Shire prepares to lockdown along with Melbourne at midnight.

ACT records three new coronavirus cases a month after last known infection

Just In - 23 hours ago
Three Canberra residents from the same household have tested positive for coronavirus, the ACT Government says, a month after the last known positive case in the territory.

Police vow to 'crush' fruit spiking after another needle found in mandarin in SA

Bension Siebert at Just In - 23 hours ago
Police are investigating another instance of fruit tampering in SA after a third reported case in as many days — the latest involving a needle found in a mandarin at an Adelaide supermarket.

75yo refused treatment from paramedics days before being found dead in bed, coroner finds

Lucy MacDonald at Just In - 23 hours ago
An elderly woman who died in Hobart in 2017 had twice refused treatment from Ambulance Tasmania paramedics in the two days leading up to her death, a coronial investigation has found.

What's stopped you from seeing a psychologist? Share your story

Annika Blau at Just In - 23 hours ago
Have you tried to access mental health services through your GP? We want to hear about your experience and anything that got in the way.

Police find over $4m stashed inside car during routine traffic stop

Just In - 23 hours ago
A Brisbane man is granted bail after police pull him over for a routine traffic stop in Brisbane's south and uncover $4.35 million of cash in his car.

PM proposes limiting overseas arrivals to ease quarantine burden

Jordan Hayne at Just In - 23 hours ago
Prime Minister Scott Morrison flags the number of people coming into Australia could be further reduced to ease the burden on states and territories administering hotel quarantine.

Russian bounties not behind US deaths in Afghanistan, top general says

Just In - 23 hours ago
The head of US Central Command reviews intelligence indicating Russia possibly pays bounties to Taliban-linked militants but says there is not enough there to make a connection to claims of payments for killings.

Alcoa threatens to battle ATO in court over tax bill that could top $1 billion

Nassim Khadem at Just In - 23 hours ago
The ATO claims Alcoa of Australia Limited, which is 60 per cent owned by Alcoa and 40 per cent owned by ASX-listed Alumina, under-priced alumina sales that eventually flowed through to Bahrain.

Driver accused of causing crash that killed Adelaide women makes first court appearance

Meagan Dillon at Just In - 23 hours ago
Prosecutors will examine whether Harrison Kitt — who allegedly caused a crash that killed a senior police officer and another Adelaide woman — was having a "manic episode" at the time, a court hears.

Industry ripe for innovation turns to AI and robots to pollinate crops

Matt Brann at Just In - 23 hours ago
Can a pollinating robot from Israel shake up Australia's $900 million greenhouse tomato industry?

Quiz: How fast do you need to run to escape a crocodile? (and other important questions)

Nick Kilvert at Just In - 23 hours ago
Have you heard the one about running away from crocodiles in a zig-zag pattern? Or that every three months "a person is torn to pieces" by a Queensland crocodile? We've got the questions, have you got the answers? Take the quiz and find out.

Why six weeks? The thinking behind Melbourne's lockdown

Sophie Scott And Loretta Florance at Just In - 23 hours ago
As the rest of the country loosens restrictions, Melburnians are headed for another six weeks in lockdown, but scientists say there's good reason for it to be so long.

From Hamilton to Aussie hip hop: The best live music, theatre and films to stream this week

Dee Jefferson And Hannah Reich at Just In - 23 hours ago
A musical theatre phenomenon, an online film festival about the internet and virtual exhibitions — this is your guide to where to find the best arts online.

Mayor warns against 'fleeing' Victoria as SA prepares to impose hard lockdown

Just In - 23 hours ago
Authorities are preparing for a last-minute influx of travellers from Victoria into South Australia ahead of a hard border closure — but a regional mayor is pleading for calm.

Bolsonaro's snack runs and mass gatherings caught up with him. What does it mean for Brazil?

Emily Olson at Just In - 23 hours ago
The Brazilian President has flouted health experts, attended gatherings, attacked the press, spread false information and portrayed the virus as a scheme dreamed up by his enemies. As the country's death toll rises, Jair Bolsonaro's personal experience is unlikely to change his approach, writes Emily Olson.

'It will affect a lot of people': Community grieves for teen girl who died in river crash

Just In - 23 hours ago
Formal recognition is being considered for the civilians and police who jumped into a river in an attempt to save a 17-year-old girl trapped in a sinking car.

Victorian on holiday in NSW diagnosed with coronavirus, man charged after trying to cross border without permit

Emma Elsworthy at Just In - 23 hours ago
A teenager on holiday on the NSW South Coast tests positive for coronavirus after previously being told he was negative, while a 34-year-man is charged after allegedly trying to cross the border without a valid exemption.

How One Battle Destroyed Hitler's Dreams of a Battleship Fleet

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* An oft forgotten story. *Key Point*: After the battle, Nazi Germany did not commission a single additional capital ship for the remainder of World War II. At first glance, the Battle of the Barents Sea seems insignificant, a minor World War II naval battle in which a couple of destroyers were sunk. Yet the New Year’s Eve skirmish in frozen Arctic waters convinced Hitler that he should scrap *all *of his capital ships and had far-reaching consequences on the leadership of Nazi Germany. The reason why points to the dilemmas inherent to being an... more »

US Air Force Fighter Pilot Breaks Down Every Button In An F-15 Cockpit

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Business Insider:* *A former Air Force fighter pilot gives you a tour of an upgraded F-15 cockpit* *Take a tour of the F-15C cockpit with a former Eagle pilot* Retired US Air Force Col. Andrea Themely, who racked up over 3,400 flight hours in a 23-year career, breaks down what's in the latest version of the F-15's cockpit. On June 30, 2020, the Ars Technica YouTube channel published and interesting tour of the F-15C Eagle cockpit in the latest upgraded version, that features also a new multifunctional display. The cockpit tour, which features an F-15C of the 144th Fighter Wing o... more »

Red kidney beans linked to poisoning cases in Denmark

Joe Whitworth at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
A type of lectin in red kidney beans was behind an outbreak in Denmark earlier this year. Poisoning left 45 people sick, including 24 on one day, in late April. It was limited to a catering company that delivered food for another business in the Copenhagen area. The outbreak was caused by phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) in... Continue Reading

Colorado makes egg producers remodel

Dan Flynn at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Colorado is going with the more expensive, cage-free eggs, limiting the options on its menu for producers. A bill signed July 1 by Colorado Gov. Jared Polis sets a 2025 deadline to convert all hen-housing in the state to cage free by 2025. It means Colorado will be joining the likes of California, Oregon, and... Continue Reading

Scientists uncover Campylobacter’s swimming tactics

News Desk at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Researchers have found out how Campylobacter can swim faster in stickier liquids, such as in human guts. Findings could help scientists halt the foodborne bacteria, because they show how the shape of its body and components that help it swim are all dependent on each other to work. This means any disruption to one part... Continue Reading

Global push critical to prevent, fight pandemics; food safety one key factor

Cookson Beecher at Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
A healthy planet and healthy animals go hand in hand to protect humans from pandemics, says a new United Nations report. The report warns that diseases such as COVID-19 that can jump from animals to humans are more likely to emerge as animals’ habitats are destroyed by wildlife exploitation, poor farming practices, and climate change.... Continue Reading

Forget the Nukes: Tunnels Are North Korea's Secret Weapon

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * The extent of the remaining infiltration tunnels and the role they would actually play in North Korean military strategy remains a mystery. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Hopefully, the infiltration tunnels will remain merely another footnote in the conflict between the two Koreas that will never be used in an actual conflict. Nonetheless, they remain a testament to the great lengths North Korea has undertaken to undermine the defenses of its southern neighbor, and the sense of paranoia and uncertainty that can inspire in civilian and military... more »

Hitler's Early World War II Wins: Was He a Military Mastermind or Just Lucky?

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* Here's why. *Key Point*: Nazi prowess and technological might have been greatly exaggerated. When over 1.5 million German soldiers poured over the Polish border on September 1, 1939 in an Operation codenamed *Fall Weiss* (“Case White”), they kicked off not only the bloodiest conflict in human history, but also a terrifying new form of fast-paced mechanized warfare popularly known as the Blitzkrieg or “Lightning War.” However, the officers of the Wehrmacht never really used the term “Blitzkrieg,” which was popularized by the British press. In... more »

This Was the Strange Looking Plane That Nearly Replaced the F-22 Raptor

Peter Suciu at The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, * Victory means beating out the competition. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In the end, it wasn't that the YF-23 was a bad design, nor was it really a losing design. It was really just a classic example of where the competition was just that much better. For every winner, there is also a second best. When it comes to military hardware there are plenty of designs that were very good, very innovative and likely would have been more than up to the role required – but there was simply something just a little better. This is certainly the case of the Nor... more »

This Gun Changed How War Was Fought (And Led to Millions of Casualties)

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* What if a few soldiers could duplicate the firepower of a hundred men? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *By the time Dr. Gatling died in 1903, the automatic machine gun had arrived on the scene. It was powered by the discharging gases of its fired cartridges, and was simpler and more economical to use than the manually operated guns. In 1911, the U.S. Army declared the Gatling gun obsolete. Richard Gatling was born in Hertford County, NC, on December 12, 1818. His father was a prosperous farmer and inventor, and the son was destined... more »

U.S. Air Force Stealth B-21 Bomber Will Arrive In Just '2 Years'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
The B-21 Raider - artist's impression. (U.S. Air Force) *FOX News/Warrior Maven:* *New Air Force stealth bomber arrives in just '2 years'* *The bomber could usher in new tactical approaches to how modern operations move forward in* The much-anticipated, high-tech B-21 bomber will “come on in two years,” bringing new dimensions of stealth, software, attack possibilities and nuclear deterrence to the U.S. Air Force. It would even possibly usher in new tactical approaches to how modern operations may move forward in the years ahead. In a conversation with the Mitchell Institute for ... more »

Democracy’s Watchdogs: Michael West Media turns four

Michael West at Michael West - 1 day ago
[image: Democracy Watchdog Michael West interview] We are privileged this week to be part of Democracy’s Watchdogs — Bill Birnbauer's non-profit organisation which "aims to honour the work of Australian investigative journalists and educate the public about the work of our watchdogs and how they have enhanced our democratic processes". Michael West reports.

Trump's Original Suggestions For His Garden Of American Heroes

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*-by Noah* Oh to be a fly on the wall in the oval office! Fortunately, we at DWT have use of alien tech which enables us to eavesdrop. Imagine our surprise when we went over our recordings and found this oval office dialog. We're proud to publish it as an exclusive. We've identified all of the participants by matching voice prints with known, public statements. Here's a portion. Enjoy! Kellyanne Conway: Stephen Miller's on the phone for you Mr. President! (Grunt heard) Shall I take that burger tray away? Traitor Don: Stephen! How was that late night rally you organized in Alabam... more »

each one must bring in his own cooperation

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 1 day ago
72. One should value how the Teaching deepens consciousness and provides true opportunities of life if these are not rejected. This simple aspect is so rarely given consideration. …A guide is so urgently needed; when in ultimate tension upon the slippery rocks we seek the saving thread the Guiding Hand will touch us. -M: *Heart 1932* 386. People have become too accustomed to the idea that someone will do their thinking for them and that the world is obligated to take care of them. But each one must bring in his own cooperation. -M: * Aum 1936*

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