10:07 pm MDT
CBS: Michigan Governor’s Executive Order: Wear a Mask or Face $500 Fine
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed an executive order that makes face masks mandatory for most people in indoor public spaces and crowded outdoor spaces. It requires businesses to refuse entry to people who do not wear masks. There are limited exceptions. Exemptions to the mask order include those who have a medical condition that bars […] The post CBS: Michigan Governor’s Executive Order: Wear a Mask or Face $500 Fine appeared first on Health Nut News.
Progressivism goes off the rails
Here’s Tyler Cowen: But what struck me most of all was how much the “Old New Left” — whatever you think of it — had more metaphysical and ethical and aesthetic imagination — than the New New Left variants running around today. Bob Dylan wrote My Back Pages at age 23. Here are a few […] The post Progressivism goes off the rails appeared first on Econlib.
India Set to Restrict Who Can Spray Glyphosate Herbicides in Big Blow for Bayer
Glyphosate is the most used weedkiller in India with over 675,000 Kg of it spread on Indian farmland in 2018-2019, however a new change on who is allowed to spray glyphosate, which is set to be introduced by the Indian government, will immediately massively reduce sales of the chemical across the country. The draft notification […] The post India Set to Restrict Who Can Spray Glyphosate Herbicides in Big Blow for Bayer appeared on Sustainable Pulse.
NBC Virologist Who Claimed to Have COVID-19 Never Had It
[image: nbc-virologist-who-claimed-to-have-covid-19-never-had-it] A virologist whose supposed battle with COVID-19 made for ratings-grabbing television now appears never to have contracted the virus in the first place.
Watch: Egyptian warplanes and battleships target Libyan border in large-scale maneuver
[image: Watch: Egyptian warplanes and battleships target Libyan border in large-scale maneuver] BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) – The Egyptian naval and air forces, along with their special forces, carried out maneuvers along their western border with Libya on Saturday. During the maneuvers, the Egyptian Armed Forces carried out an amphibious operation, with the support of their air force. According to the Egyptian army statement, this exercise comes within the framework of the combat training plan for the armed forces’ formations and units in one of the stages of the “Decisive 2020”. ... more »
Saturday Morning Links
Assorted content for your weekend reading. - David Macdonald notes that the federal government's investments in the wake of COVID-19 have been necessary to keep intolerable burdens off of people who haven't been able to bear them. Scotiabank weighs in (PDF) on the reality that the costs of inaction would be far worse than those of supporting people through a public health crisis. And Heather Scoffield writes about the folly of obsessing over deficits and debt when we enjoy extremely low interest rates, while facing an urgent need to rebuild from the coronavirus pandemic: (D)espite ... more »
Pro-Police, Vietnam Vet Has Message For AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pelosi and Schumer: “You don’t give a damn about black people…You turn my stomach, you Democratic, radical leftist, Socialistic scum” [VIDEO]
Dino Porrazzo July 10, 2020 From 100 Percent FED Up– Don’t be fooled into believing all black Americans agree with the radical, Marxist Black Lives Matter and violent Antifa movement that’s spreading through large cities in America like cancer. One outspoken, black Vietnam veteran, who will make you want to stand up and cheer, has quite a … Continue reading Pro-Police, Vietnam Vet Has Message For AOC, Omar, Tlaib, Pelosi and Schumer: “You don’t give a damn about black people…You turn my stomach, you Democratic, radical leftist, Socialistic scum” [VIDEO] →
Colorado Town Threatens Residents With Up to a Year in Jail For Failure to Comply With Mask Requirement
Dino Porrazzo July 10, 2020 By Steve Straub at The Federalist Papers– The city of Englewood, Colorado, a suburb of Denver, is now requiring all of its residents to wear face masks while outside their home in public spaces. The order is accompanied by fines and penalties up to a maximum of one year in jail for non-compliance. … Continue reading Colorado Town Threatens Residents With Up to a Year in Jail For Failure to Comply With Mask Requirement →
VIDEO: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Bans all Large Gatherings … Exempts Black Lives Matter ‘Rallies’
Dino Porrazzo July 10, 2020 Opinion| NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio told Wolf Blitzer that he is banning all large gatherings …. buuuuuuuut he will allow BLM rallies that all too often result in illegal activity such as assaults, destruction of property, both public and private, and obviously consist of a lot of people and … Continue reading VIDEO: NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio Bans all Large Gatherings … Exempts Black Lives Matter ‘Rallies’ →
BREAKING: “I’d like to punch Trump in the face” Actor Robert De Niro Is Running Out Of Money
Dino Porrazzo July 10, 2020 By Patty McMurray at 100 Percent FED Up– For the past four years, actor Robert De Niro has become more well-known for spewing hatred and expressing his desire to physically harm President Trump than for acting. In January 2019, De Niro made a video encouraging people to vote. In the video, De Niro called President … Continue reading BREAKING: “I’d like to punch Trump in the face” Actor Robert De Niro Is Running Out Of Money →
BREAKING: President Trump Just Gave The Gift Of LIFE To Roger Stone And Liberals Are Freaking Out
Dino Porrazzo July 10, 2020 DINO PORRAZZO at Right Wing Tribune– President Trump has just commuted long-time friend Roger Stone essentially saving Stones life. Stone would have been exposed to Covid 19 and it would have been a death sentence. Trending: BREAKING: “I’d like to punch Trump in the face” Actor Robert De Niro Is Running Out … Continue reading BREAKING: President Trump Just Gave The Gift Of LIFE To Roger Stone And Liberals Are Freaking Out →
Democrats Call For Labels Warning Consumers If A Company’s CEO Voted For Trump | The Babylon Bee
This may be satire but it’s all too true: see https://www.westernjournal.com/goya-foods-ceo-wont-apologize-praising-trumps-leadership-face-boycott-threats/?utm_source=email&utm_medium=AE&utm_campaign=can&utm_content=2020-07-11 July 10th, 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and other Democratic representatives proposed a new law today that would help consumers make better-informed decisions when it comes to really political purchases like beans. The new law would force CEOs who voted for Trump to disclose … Continue reading Democrats Call For Labels Warning C... more »
Ottawa police apologize to Black man who had woman call 911 on him for standing on a bridge | Ottawa Citizen
Karens everywhere, Canadian Karens could be the worst, they are so polite about it. Shaamini Yogaretnam Jul 10, 2020 • Last Updated 16 hours ago Ntwali Bashizi says he was racially profiled by a passerby on a trail Monday when a woman phoned police on him. Jean Levac / Postmedia News Ottawa police are apologizing … Continue reading Ottawa police apologize to Black man who had woman call 911 on him for standing on a bridge | Ottawa Citizen →
No Red Flags « disturbeddeputy
Jul11 by disturbeddeputy Sure, pass another convoluted do-nothing law that stomps on the Constitution and steals our personal liberty. What could possibly go wrong? https://bearingarms.com/tom-k/2020/06/23/why-red-flag-laws-arent-needed/ This entry was posted in Uncategorized. via No Red Flags « disturbeddeputy
Black Man Claims He Survived a Lynching Attempt From Racist White Confederates While Camping in Indiana
And another one, black karen man This could be the next Bubba Wallace or Jussie Smollett job. Jul 7, 2020 Shane Trejo A black camper in Indiana claims that a group of angry white men attempted to lynch him, yelling “get the noose!” before he was able to escape to safety. Vauhxx Booker, a … Continue reading Black Man Claims He Survived a Lynching Attempt From Racist White Confederates While Camping in Indiana →
NEW HATE HOAX: Police Stop Investigation into Racist Notes Left on Car After ‘Victim’ Refuses to Cooperate
Another Karen, black one this time. This is the latest fraud pushed to demonize white people. 1 hour ago Jul 11, 2020 Shane Trejo Texas A&M police have halted their investigation into an incident in which a man reported racist notes left on his car after the alleged victim stopped cooperating. Police ultimately determined … Continue reading NEW HATE HOAX: Police Stop Investigation into Racist Notes Left on Car After ‘Victim’ Refuses to Cooperate →
Dissenter Weekly: Leak Prosecutions Against BLM Protesters, Police Whistleblower In Illinois
On this edition of the “Dissenter Weekly,” host and Shadowproof editor Kevin Gosztola provides an update on NSA whistleblower Reality Winner, who is incarcerated at FMC Carswell in Texas where a COVID-19 outbreak was confirmed. The post Dissenter Weekly: Leak Prosecutions Against BLM Protesters, Police Whistleblower In Illinois appeared first on Shadowproof.
Coronavirus Deaths Take a Long-Expected Turn for the Worse
A long-expected upturn in U.S. coronavirus deaths has begun, driven by fatalities in states in the South and West, according to data on the pandemic.
This Deadly Israeli Rifle Can Rain Down 800 Bullets In a Minute In Close-Quarters Combat
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Middle East* Israel will probably field the compact, lethal assault rifles for decades to come. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The Tavor was built to deal with urban battlefields and close-quarters combat that other rifles are ill-suited for. In the 1990s, Israel developed an innovative new rifle designed specifically for the urban Middle Eastern battlefield. A compact weapon that moved freely indoors, the Tavor was one of the few so-called “bullpup” assault rifle designs to enter service with a modern military force. The unique design of bullpup ... more »
Check Out the Uzi Like Machine Gun That Came Before the Uzi
*Peter Suciu* *History, World* [image: By British Armed Forces - C.I.S.A. TECHNICAL REPORT NO. J-28 ON 8M/M UNKNOWN TYPE JAPANESE MACHINE CARBINE., Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=90466448] Before the Uzi there was the Type II SMG. While most modern military assault rifles feature a magazine forward of the hand (or pistol) grip, there is also the category of "bullpups," which feature the magazine behind the grip located in the stock. However, despite often being called a "pistol grip," few modern firearms actually feature a grip with a magazine wel... more »
Russian Official: We Have No Plan to Stop an Alien Invasion (What?)
*David Axe* *Security, * In an odd episode in 2013, a Russian space official admitted, unprovoked, that Moscow has no strategy for combating an invasion by galactic marauders. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Assuming Earth survives and wins, human society could be turned upside down. Springer said former rivals could become close allies, even unified. “Keep in mind many of the greatest civilizations in human history formed to counter a common enemy,” Springer pointed out. In an odd episode in 2013, a Russian space official admitted, unprovoked, that Moscow has no strategy fo... more »
Gurkhas: The World’s Most Famous Mercenaries (Known As a Savage Soldiers)
*Peter Suciu* *History, Americas* [image: UK Army] They live by the motto, “better to die than be a coward.” They’ve been described as the world’s most savage soldier, yet the average Nepalese volunteer stands at just five-foot, three-inches tall. Looks are truly deceiving because the men who make the cut to fill the ranks of the world's most famous mercenary units are ones few would want to face in a fight. These are the Gurkhas and they live by the motto, “better to die than be a coward.” If that doesn’t say enough about the determination of these men, then their history migh... more »
Think You Can Fly an F-35 Stealth Fighter? Watch This Video First.
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * Their initial qualification video wastes no time in setting the tone for the level of commitment expected from prospective pilots. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *F-35 IQT begins with a heavy focus on coursework, consisting of academics and simulators. America’s fifth-generation F-35 fighter has occupied the headlines largely for its technical progress, and rightly so; from *weapons systems *to *radar technology*, there’s a lot to write about. Particularly popular-- and not always *positive*-- are cost analyses, but these often gloss over a diff... more »
Iran's Air Force Doesn't Stand a Chance Against America
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * Here's why. *Key Point*: The Iranian Air Force is patently incapable of defending the entirety of Iran’s airspace with conventional means. The geopolitical struggle between Washington and Tehran is anything but new, stemming back to the 1979 Iranian Revolution and subsequent overthrow of the US-backed Shah. The past several years have seen Iran and the US locked into a new cycle of escalation, fed by openly belligerent rhetoric and increasingly divergent strategic visions for the Middle-East region. As the two powers teeter on the edge of open confl... more »
Russia's MiG-23 Was a Real 'Flying Coffin': The Engine Had Explosion Problems
*Caleb Larson* *Security, * Would you pilot this aircraft? *Key Point*: The MiG-23 holds the unlucky reputation as an accident-prone and ineffective fighter. Although not exactly the same airframe, the distinction between the MiG-27 and MiG-23 is minimal. The MiG-27 is slightly modified for a ground-attack role, but the airframes and flight characteristics are quite similar. In a lovely interview with Hush-Kit, a former Indian MiG-27 pilot gave an interview about his experience with the airframe. Answering the question “What are the worst things about the MiG-27?” pilot Anshuman... more »
XB-70 Valkyrie: This Bomber (If It Had Been Built) Would Have Been a Speed Demon
*Caleb Larson* *Security, * Engineers even tried to get it to run on a toxic type of fuel. So what happenned? The XB-70 Valkyrie strategic bomber program was intended to be the backbone of the United States’ Air Force Strategic Air Command. During the Cold War, the SAC was in command of the United States’ strategic bomber aircraft. In the Cold War’s early years and before the reliance on intercontinental ballistic missiles, strategic bombers were the primary delivery method for nuclear weapons. Nuclear bombs at the time were difficult to transport—they were large and unwieldy, w... more »
Interview with Konstantin Remchukov: Why Vladimir Putin Will Likely Resign In 2024
*Jacob Heilbrunn* *Politics, Europe* National Interest editor Jacob Heilbrunn interviews the leading Russian journalist and Moscow local official Konstantin Remchukov about whether Russian president Vladimir Putin is initiating a brutal crackdown against political and media figures inside Russia—and whether a power struggle is taking place inside the Kremlin. *Jacob Heilbrunn*: You originally thought the vote on Russian president Vladimir Putin’s extension in office would lead to a less restrictive Russia. But is the reverse occurring? *Konstantin Remchukov*: No, my perception i... more »
Protests in Serbia send clear warning to President Vucic (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 590. More The post Protests in Serbia send clear warning to President Vucic (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
Trump Will Spend The Rest Of The Cycle Blaming Everything But Himself For The Anti-Red Tsunami About To Sweep Him And His Party Away
*Tipping Point by Nancy Ohanian* A new Ipsos poll for ABC News shows why Trump is going to lose the election in November to the worst candidate the Democrats have nominated in my (very long) lifetime. Biden has nothing to do with it... it's all about Trump, who "is facing broad disapproval for his management of the two major crises gripping the nation, with two-thirds of Americans giving him low marks for both his response to the coronavirus pandemic and his handling of race relations... Evaluation of Trump's oversight of the COVID-19 crisis reached a new low since ABC News/Ipsos be... more »
How coronavirus affects the entire body
How coronavirus affects the entire body – CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2020/07/10/health/coronavirus-entire-body-effects-columbia/index.html?utm_term=link&utm_content=2020-07-11T05%3A01%3A05&utm_source=fbCNN&utm_medium=social
Police Abuse: Reform or Revolution?
Police Abuse: Reform or Revolution? By ROBERTO Dr. CINTLI RODRIGUEZ Aug 1, The Progressive Populist Police reforms; if this is the end result of the primarily Black uprisings of the past five years, we might as well quit before we begin. Exhibit A is the President’s executive order on policing, which is, at best, misnamed. Exhibit B is that whatever Congress agrees to eventually has to be signed off by unrepentant bigots at the highest levels of government. The proposed reforms, particularly as a result of the killing of George Floyd, are akin to taking water guns to a forest fire. T... more »
Coronavirus update: India's number of coronavirus cases passes 800,000 after record daily rise
Just In - 12 hours ago
India's coronavirus caseload has jumped from 600,000 to more than 800,000 in just nine days, but there are fears the true number of infections could be higher because many people have not been tested.
Colbert King remembers the dead!
*SATURDAY, JULY 11, 2020Should Roger Stone go to jail?:* For our money, Colbert King's new column is more significant (see below). That said, a different question dominated anti-Trump cable last night: Should Roger Stone go to prison? For ourselves, we'd like to see fewer people in prison. We'd like to see fewer arrests. Something else is true. You're allowed to hear it in this context, but only if you watch Fox: Due to the virus, many others are being released from prison even as we speak. Even as the nationwide average daily death count rose again yesterday. None of this tel... more »
Scott Morrison and the Alex Hawke MP branch stacking scandal
A branch stacking scandal involving Scott Morrison’s key ally, right-hand man in the federal parliament and Hillsong Church member Alex Hawke MP is finally going to be investigated after the Liberal Party […] The post Scott Morrison and the Alex Hawke MP branch stacking scandal appeared first on Kangaroo Court of Australia.
This Week In The Coup D’etat: A Turning Point?
[image: President Donald J. Trump disembarks Marine One at Joint Base Andrews Friday, July 10, 2020, and is escorted to Air Force One by U.S. Air Force personnel. (Official White House Photo by Tia Dufour)] Fake poll, after fake poll, after fake poll, sampling mostly Democrats, shows the senile Joe Biden leading President Donald Trump. The claims of Trump’s doom and defeat were the mainstream media’s major narrative this week as the nation struggled with COVID spikes. This is aimed solely at demoralizing Trump supporters and creating a sense of inevitability about the election and a... more »
Trump: British and Obama Treason -- "We Have Them Cold"
[image: Barack Obama and Christopher Steele (CBS News)] President Trump on Thursday pointed to the judgment against former MI6 agent Christopher Steele in a UK court for lies contained in his infamous, fabricated dossier on "Russian collusion" with candidate Donald Trump. It was this garbage dossier which was used by Obama, Biden and their corrupt intelligence team to subject the entire nation and the world, to a "Brave New World" Russiagate nightmare for the past three years, tying President Trump's hands in his effort to carry out his intentions – for mutual benefit dealings with ... more »
FDR/LaRouche 2020: Completing the Unfinished Business of 1945
New International Economic Order American Credit System Glass-Steagall FDR/LaRouche 2020: Completing the Unfinished Business of 1945 Video of FDR/LaRouche 2020: Completing the Unfinished Business of 1945 Join us LIVE at 2pm EDT for our weekly national meeting.
Beautiful people 3 – Julian Assange
“I am broken, albeit literally surrounded by murderers, but the days when… Continue reading “Beautiful people 3 – Julian Assange”… The post Beautiful people 3 – Julian Assange appeared first on Asian Straight Shooter .
Weekend reads: A paper mill; ‘science needs to clean its own house;’ is the COVID-19 retraction rate ‘exceptionally high?’
Before we present this week’s Weekend Reads, a question: Do you enjoy our weekly roundup? If so, we could really use your help. Would you consider a tax-deductible donation to support Weekend Reads, and our daily work? Thanks in advance. The week at Retraction Watch featured: The retraction of a controversial paper on race and police … Continue reading Weekend reads: A paper mill; ‘science needs to clean its own house;’ is the COVID-19 retraction rate ‘exceptionally high?’
Editor's Note
Stuck with a deadline for a project that must be completed this weekend. I should be back to blogging later today.
Roger Stone Is Now a "Free Man" After Trump Commutes Prison Sentence
[image: roger-stone-is-now-a-free-man-after-trump-commutes-prison-sentence] Stone will no longer have to report to prison after the White House suddenly announced that the president decided to commute his sentence.
Seismologists find slow earthquakes in Cascadia predictable
The Watchers » Latest articles - 13 hours ago
Seismologists at Caltech analyzed 10 years' worth of slow-slip events that result from episodic fault slip, like regular earthquakes, but only produce barely perceptible quakes in the Cascadia region of the Pacific Northwest. They found that this particular type...... Read more »
Surfaces NOT a Significant Risk For Transmitting Covid- The Emperor Has No Clothes
*Of course, what has been “thought” about isn’t necessarily true. Provable or correct.* * “thought” an individual act or product of thinking; something (such as an opinion or belief) in the mind ; a consideration* *Thoughts don’t always align with fact or reality. Often thoughts ar*e *delusional.; **something that is falsely or delusively believed or propagated** Sometime thoughts are worse then delusional- Particularly when “thoughts” are deployed as weapons of deception- Witting or unwitting. And they become extremely harmful.* *CBC-Surfaces 'not a significant risk' for COVID-19... more »
Liberals Are Crazy Idiots
Whenever John McCain is trending on Twitter I like to try and float a reminder of what a disgusting warmonger he was on top of the trend to disrupt the worshipful hagiography within the mainstream liberal echo chamber. John McCain was a bloodthirsty warmongering psychopath […]
ANTIFA is playing with fire and they may get burned
Members of Antifa seem to be kids who got a lot of participation trophies. They've been coddled and protected their whole lives and that continues to be the case. Unfortunately they think that they can beat up people and get away with it. When people actually fight back, whether it's the Proud Boys or the police, Antifa goons start yelling unfair. The danger is that Antifa will go too far. Many of them have started having guns, BLM folks have guns too. If they start using those guns they will suddenly find out just how combat ineffective they are. They'll shoot first and when the ... more »
You're 4 times more likely to die from COVID19 in Democrat run states
New York, where Cuomo forced nursing homes to take patients with the China virus, New Jersey and Massachusetts are all run by Democrats and they account for 42% of the COVID19 deaths in America but only 10% of the US population. 3 US states—New York, New Jersey, and Massachusetts—account for roughly 42% of all #COVID19 deaths in America. These same states represent 10% of the US population. pic.twitter.com/AS6DyG3822 — Jon Miltimore (Parler: @Miltimore79) (@miltimore79) July 7, 2020 Yet Cuomo is lecturing the states that have opened up about what a bad job they're doing. Here's... more »
Coronavirus on the Nile : Another week of all things COVID-19 in Egypt and Arab World
Another week under the Coronavirus spill in the mid of a hot summer. The numbers are decreasing in Egypt but many people including myself are concerned that this decrease will be followed by another increase once again just like in other countries. [image: Preparing the vaccine in Egypt at Eva pharma labs "Getty"] Preparing the vaccine in Egypt at Eva pharma labs "Getty" The Egyptian government is speaking about the Egyptian citizen’s awareness and honestly, I believe government relying alone on the citizens’ awareness was a lost bet and the number of cases in the United States ... more »
Trump’s Aberrant Pardons and Commutations
President Donald Trump walks into Marine One on the White House's South Lawn (Official White House Photo by Joyce N. Boghosian/https://flic.kr/p/2jjXpwK/Public Domain) Donald Trump’s commutation yesterday of Roger Stone’s sentence was his most controversial exercise of the pardon power to date. The Stone commutation fit a pattern: Almost all of the beneficiaries of Trump’s pardons and commutations have had a personal or political connection to the president. This general pattern is well known. But we examined publicly available information to try to get some precise numbers. The... more »
Joe Biden is a monster: He says he's going to make nuns sin if he's elected
While Joe Biden's Catholicism seems to be more of an act than a belief he does know that the Church, and hence Catholics who follow Church teachings, believe that artificial contraception is a sin and that abortion is murder. It's unclear whether he believes in what the Church teaches or if he's a cafeteria Catholic who decides what part of what the Church says Christ taught he's going to follow. Clearly he's supported abortion, redefining marriage, and a variety of other things that the Church condemns. But now he's raised things to a whole new level. He's said that, if elected, h... more »
Week in Review: L.A. doubles cannabis retail licenses, another Schwazze deal dead, Biden talks MJ rescheduling & more
The Los Angeles City Council doubled the number of social equity retail marijuana licenses from 100 to 200 in response to a courtroom settlement. MJBizDaily takeaway: The greater Los Angeles area boasts more than 13 million people, but there are only 188 licensed cannabis storefronts. The original plan last fall for the social equity licensing round […] Week in Review: L.A. doubles cannabis retail licenses, another Schwazze deal dead, Biden talks MJ rescheduling & more is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
No, June 2020 Was Not the Hottest June on Record
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? ? Anthony Watts debunks “hottest June” claims: ? The Washington Post and other media outlets are claiming June 2020 was the hottest June on record. Not surprisingly, that is fake news and a lie. Let’s set the record straight. The…
Mosques, Museums And Politics: The Fate Of Hagia Sophia
When the caustic Evelyn Waugh visited the majestic sixth century creation of Emperor Justinian, one subsequently enlarged, enriched and encrusted by various rulers, he felt underwhelmed. “‘Agia’ will always win the day for one,” he wrote of Istanbul’s holiest of holies, Hagia Sophia, in 1930. “A more recondite snobbism is […]
Cop Arrested After He Started Masturbating Next to People at the Gym
[image: gym]Gym members were in awe when they noticed a man -- who turned out to be a cop -- exposing himself and masturbating.
Cop Arrested After Video Caught Him Torturing Naked Unarmed Man in ‘Diabetic Event’
A cop has been fired and arrested after bystander video caught him viciously beating a naked unarmed man whose attorney says was in a diabetic shock.
Raiders go down to Storm and lose Hodgson on horror night
Just In - 13 hours ago
Canberra's injury worries just get a whole lot worse as Josh Hodgson goes down with a suspected ACL injury in a 20-14 loss to Melbourne Storm.
What did/does it Mean?
Reparations? For what? When John McCain ran against Barack Hussein Obama for the Office of President, I voted for McCain not because I liked him. Quite to the contrary, I really DID NOT like John McCain and to me it was the question of who would be worse out of two really bad […] The post What did/does it Mean? appeared first on Virtual Mirage.
You Are As Lions - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins
*You are as lions who sleep while sheep tend the flock. You have forgotten your role and your place within creation. Yes, lions once brave and proud, yet not in an arrogant way, but rather from a knowing of their strength and courage that was once so common and now so rare amongst Man.* *© **2011 M.N. Hopkins* *To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:* *Poems & Quotations by M.N. Hopkins* *or visit:* *Pinterest*
You Can Now Get This Monster 75-Inch Samsung 4K HDTV for $800 (But There Is a Catch)
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Technology, * This model does not exactly have lots of connectors. Beware. If you’re out seeking envious looks from your friends or neighbors, there’s a pretty good chance that a 75-inch-plus HDTV will do the trick. But you also know that these monster panels don’t come cheap—as it’s common for these sets to be priced north of a grand. You will really have to do your homework to find something more affordable. Fortunately, Best Buy has a solid sale going on right now, in which you can purchase Samsung’s 75-inch NU6900 Series 4K TV for a reasonable $800, a ro... more »
Good Communism
About communist society Karl Marx formed the terms socialism and communism. Both terms present political systems in which the society owns the means of production, but there are differences. Vladimir Lenin presented them by the sentence: the goal of socialism is communism. The problem is Karl Marx and his most prominent students: Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, […] More The post Good Communism appeared first on The Duran.
Dark day for Christianity, dark day for Greeks. Hagia Sophia to become mosque (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 589. More The post Dark day for Christianity, dark day for Greeks. Hagia Sophia to become mosque (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
As promised, here are the documents that you may want. The first is the most recent document I found, the second is a letter for your doctor to sign, and the third is the first document I came across stating the governor can’t force you to wear a mask. You might need all three for that special kind of stupid leftard tyrant/fascist/socialist/bolshevik. The first two documents, above, I found where from Dr. Buttar. I posted several of his short youtube videos in the past. He made the recommendation to NOT wear a mask, and that if someone forces you to … Continue reading →
JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies
By Pamela Geller – on July 10, 2020 Democrats: New Nazi Party I was one of the monitored – unbelievable. Breaking: JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies Judicial Watch., July 9, 2020: (Washington, DC) – The prominent conservative figures — journalists and persons with ties to President … Continue reading JW Investigates if Ousted Ukraine Ambassador Ordered State Dept. to Monitor Journalists, Trump Allies →
Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass hacked from its base in NY and damaged beyond repair on the 168th anniversary of his Fourth of July
By Pamela Geller – on July 10, 2020 Latest News The statue of abolitionist Frederick Douglass, which was ripped from its base in Rochester, New York state, is believed to have been the first monument in the nation erected to honor a black American (Daily Mail) It was hacked from its plinth by Maplewood Park on … Continue reading Black abolitionist Frederick Douglass hacked from its base in NY and damaged beyond repair on the 168th anniversary of his Fourth of July →
Tyranny: Racist Democrats Call for BOYCOTT of Goya Foods Because Hispanic CEO is Trump Supporter
The Democrats have assumed the mantle of the Stalinists, Maoists, Nazis. By Pamela Geller – on July 10, 2020 Latest News . The Democrats have assumed the mantle of the Stalinists, Maoists, Nazis. This should scare the bloody hell out of very immigrant from Central, South and Latin Americas, Eastern Europe, Sharia-ruled nations. They have … Continue reading Tyranny: Racist Democrats Call for BOYCOTT of Goya Foods Because Hispanic CEO is Trump Supporter →
The Squad’s ‘BREATHE Act’ Calls on States to Expand Voting to Illegal Aliens
Not being an American and watching in dismay, I can honestly say to y’all that I hope you enjoy being relegated to little better than Ethiopia or Venezuela it you let this win in November. I know that a great many “enemy” nations will relish your destruction as they are currently relishing your decline. By … Continue reading The Squad’s ‘BREATHE Act’ Calls on States to Expand Voting to Illegal Aliens →
NY Nazi Mayor de Blasio cancels parades, street fairs through the end of September, protests, riots, looting excluded
By Pamela Geller – on July 10, 2020 How the Left Destroys the Nation Bloody Nazi. Hizzoner said that his administration will also deny all permits for events in parks that would “unreasonably diminish public use”, street fairs, events larger than one block or for gatherings that require a sound system. The Democrats have seized … Continue reading NY Nazi Mayor de Blasio cancels parades, street fairs through the end of September, protests, riots, looting excluded →
Pelosi responds to Columbus statue thrown in Baltimore harbor: ‘People will do what they do’
The Democrat Party is the pro-criminal party. The criminals are their voters. If the Democrats take power in November it is the criminals who will be in charge of this country. By Geller Report Staff – on July 10, 2020 Democrats: Party of Treason The Democrat Party is the pro-criminal party. The criminals are their … Continue reading Pelosi responds to Columbus statue thrown in Baltimore harbor: ‘People will do what they do’ →
Melbourne’s ‘hard lockdown’ orders residents of nine public housing towers to stay home as coronavirus cases surge
Five hundred police sent to enforce command that 3,000 tenants remain in their units Calla Wahlquist and Margaret Simons Sat 4 Jul 2020 11.14 BST Last modified on Tue 7 Jul 2020 00.51 BST Police at one of the nine public housing towers in Flemington, Melbourne, placed under ‘hard lockdown’ on Saturday afternoon. Victoria has recorded … Continue reading Melbourne’s ‘hard lockdown’ orders residents of nine public housing towers to stay home as coronavirus cases surge →
Fierce Backlash After New York City Tweet Features Jihad Flag, Omits Israeli One
By Geller Report Staff – on July 10, 2020 Jew Hatred: Myths and Lies, Modern Arguments to Age Old Hate 36 Nazi Wilhelm de Blasio strikes again. The tweet by the New York City government was to encourage participation in the 2020 US Census. The tweet included the “Palestinian” flag but omitted the Israeli flag, … Continue reading Fierce Backlash After New York City Tweet Features Jihad Flag, Omits Israeli One →
President Trump: Defund ‘Radical Left’ Universities; Orders Review of Tax-exempt Status
By Geller Report Staff – on July 10, 2020 How the Left Destroys the Nation This is long overdue. Universities are no longer institutions of higher learning. They have become anti-American indoctrination centers. What is being taught to America’s young people at these universities is a crime. In fact, radical universities have had a profound … Continue reading President Trump: Defund ‘Radical Left’ Universities; Orders Review of Tax-exempt Status →
Brazen Lying Is Media’s Latest Escalation In Campaign Against Trump
As if orders went out from a central director, nearly every major media outlet flat-out lied about President Trump’s speech. By Mollie Hemingway July 10, 2020 When Sen. Bob Dole accepted the Republican nomination for president in 1996, his speech hit on the themes of “honor, decency and straight talk.” He proudly mentioned the … Continue reading Brazen Lying Is Media’s Latest Escalation In Campaign Against Trump →
US smuggles large amount of Syrian oil to Iraq: SANA
[image: US smuggles large amount of Syrian oil to Iraq: SANA] BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:30 P.M.) – The U.S. military allegedly smuggled a large amount of oil from Syria to neighboring Iraq this week, the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) said on Saturday. According to the SANA report, the U.S. smuggled the Syrian oil, via 35 trucks, through the Al-Walid Crossing, which links Syria’s Al-Hasakah Governorate with Iraq’s Nineveh Governorate. No further details were released regarding this incident. Syria has repeatedly accused the U.S. Continue reading US smuggles large amount of Syrian oil to I... more »
Iranian forces score big drug bust near Afghan border
[image: Iranian forces score big drug bust near Afghan border] BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:20 P.M.) – The Iranian media reported on Saturday that a large amount of drugs had been seized in Khorasan Province, which is on the Afghan border. The state-owned Fars News Agency quoted the statements of the commander of the Internal Security Forces in Khorasan Province in Iran, Brigadier Majeed Shujaa, who said his forces seized 483 kg of drugs in the city of Qain, in eastern Iran. Shujaa indicated that “a unit of the Internal Security Forces, and when performing its duties, suspected a car moving ... more »
Turkish-backed Libyan forces fight each other in Tripoli
[image: Turkish-backed Libyan forces fight each other in Tripoli] BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – The United Nations Support Mission in Libya has expressed deep concern about the recent clashes between different Turkish-backed groups in Janzour, a residential area of Tripoli. These clashes have reportedly terrorized the local population and resulted in a number of deaths and injuries. The U.N. mission condemned such reckless acts that put civilians directly at risk, while Tripoli is still recovering from a 15-month blockade. The Mission noted that the occurrence of these clashes und... more »
Russian S-35 and MiG-31 jets intercept US military aircraft
[image: Russian S-35 and MiG-31 jets intercept US military aircraft] BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – The Russian Ministry of Defense announced that their military aircraft intercepted a U.S. reconnaissance plane over the Sea of Japan and forced it to return to its base. The Ministry of Information and Communications of the Russian Ministry of Defense said in a statement: “On Saturday, an American Air Force reconnaissance plane RC-135 was detected over the Sea of Japan, and our Sukhoi-35 and MiG-31bm aircraft were launched to intercept it.” They continued: “On July 11, the Russian... more »
Syrian-Iranian military agreement is ‘first step’ to breaking Caesar Act: Shaaban
[image: Syrian-Iranian military agreement is ‘first step’ to breaking Caesar Act: Shaaban] BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:40 P.M.) – The media and political advisor to the Syrian Presidency, Buthaina Shaaban, said that the “Caesar Act is illegal and a criminal measure against Syria,” considering the “Iranian-Syrian military agreement the first steps to break it.” Shaaban indicated, in an interview with Yemen’s Al-Masirah TV, that “the so-called Caesar Law is an extension of the war on Syria and was issued by America, which led the war on the Syrian people.” She pointed out that the “Caesar Law... more »
Watch: Russian anti-ship missiles destroy enemy targets
[image: Watch: Russian anti-ship missiles destroy enemy targets] BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 P.M.) – A group of strike forces from the Russian Navy’s Northern Fleet, with the support of long-range T-22 aircraft, carried out a missile strike on a group of the supposed enemy, as part of exercises taking place in the Barents Sea. The heavy atomic missile cruiser “Peter the Great” and the “Marshal Ustinov” missile cruiser launched “Granite” and “Vulcan” anti-ship missiles at a complex target that simulates a group of supposed enemy ships located at the maximum throwing distance. Continue re... more »
Turkish military seizes strategic summit in Iraqi-Kurdistan
[image: Turkish military seizes strategic summit in Iraqi-Kurdistan] On Friday night, the Kurdish media reported a military landing operation carried out by the Turkish forces at a strategic summit north of the Darkar District of Dohuk Governorate, which is located near Iraq’s northern border with Turkey. According to the Rudaw News Agency, the Turkish Army launched the landing operation at the strategic summit under the cover of night. The director of the town, Zirvan Mousa, pointed out that the Turkish forces seized the summit of Mount Shaquli, north of the Darkar District, northe... more »
2020: The Year of Frankenstein
The history of the year 2020 will be a long history; long will be its months, long its days, and long its hours. After five or ten years, when historians start writing the history of 2020, they will analyze this year, hour by hour, and day by day, instead of having an overview of all the 366 days. The historians might call 2020, the year of Frankenstein—underneath the complexities related to healthcare, politics, and economy, 2020 is breeding an enormous mob of Frankensteins; in one or two years, the Frankensteins will flood the streets and extort a massive political price.
How to Stop a U.S. Navy Aircraft Carrier: Take Out the Toilets
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons / U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. James Griffin] According to reports from the Washington Post, sailors had to resort to urinating in showers or into the industrial sinks at their work stations. Some of the male sailors also resorted to using bottles and emptying the contents over the side, while female sailors were holding it for so long that some developed health problems. Waste in the military has long been a problem—but in the case of the U.S. Navy’s aircraft carriers the problem has been specifically one of human wast... more »
The F-22 May Finally Get Its Big Break (In A War Against China)
*David Axe* *Security, Asia* Let's hope that doesn't happen. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The twin ideas of distributed forces and independent command could point the way toward a more flexible and resilient form of U.S. air power that's less reliant on large bases and top-down micromanagement and could help to offset China's own expanding military power. The U.S. Air Force is rewriting its war plan for the Pacific, the flying branch's new commander for the region told reporters at the Pentagon in late November. Gen. Charles Brown, commander of Pacific Air Forces, said h... more »
B-50: This Deadly (and Expensive) Air Force Bomber Was the First To Go Around the World
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Americas* These went onto become the tip of the newly-formed Strategic Air Command’s nuclear deterrence fleet. *This Is What You Should Remember:* The Air Force needed a nuclear bomber that could make it all the way from the United States to Russia. This was their answer. Quiz time! Which secret American military project during World War II proved even more expensive than the $2 billion Manhattan Project which developed U.S. atomic bombs? That would be the $3 billion B-29 Superfortress—the huge four-engine bomber designed to fly across huge distance... more »
"Covid-19 Pandemic Updates AM 7/11/20"
*"Covid-19 Pandemic **Updates AM 7/11/20" * *- Frequently **Updated* Please visit these sites often for the very latest Covid-19 Pandemic and Economic news and information. ○ *- https://www.zerohedge.com/* ○ *The Covid Tracking Project* "The public deserves the most complete data available about COVID-19 in the US. No official source is providing it, so we are. Every day, our volunteers compile the latest numbers on tests, confirmed cases, hospitalizations, and patient outcomes from every US state and territory." - *https://covidtracking.com/* *The COVID Racial Data Tracker* "COVID-19... more »
Donald Trump has commuted Roger Stone's prison sentence. It is, says Stone, a sign of God's mercy. Because, you see, Roger has come to Jesus. Howard Fineman writes in *The Washington Post*: When I called Roger Stone early Friday evening, he was in the midst of doing an online interview with an evangelical Christian leader. He let me listen in. It was, shall we say, a revelation. Until recently about as un-devout as a lapsedeverything could be, he earnestly recounted for an equally earnest interviewer how he’d been saved by Jesus Christ at a Franklin Graham rally. “I stood up,” St... more »
Get Ready for a New Type of Israeli War
*Jacob Nagel, Jonathan Schanzer* *Security, Middle East* The focus until now has been on when and where Israel strikes, and not what is being destroyed. But that is now changing. A string of credible reports suggest that Israel recently targeted Iranian forces and infrastructure in Syria. Reporters broadly describe these strikes as a continuation of the “War Between Wars,” a campaign whereby Israel erodes the capabilities of its enemies to forestall the next major conflict. In a December interview shortly before he retired, Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gadi Eizenkot reve... more »
China's New Stealth Bomber Might Not Even Be A Bomber Afterall
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, Asia* The JH-XX hasn't been built yet but is rumored to be a fighter-bomber combo. *Here's What You Need to Remember: * As formidable as it appears in filling what is a niche, but vital role that blurs the line between strategic and tactical roles, there is currently no assurance that the JH-XX-- or something like it-- is coming anytime soon. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is developing not one, but two stealth bombers, according to a Defense Intelligence Agency report published earlier in 2019. A steady stream of details has e... more »
Pocket Rocket: For Its Size, The Mini Glock 42 Packs A Real Punch
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * A combination of the successful Glock pistol design and a caliber invented by armsman John Moses Browning, the Glock 42 is certainly worth taking a look at. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In the right hands, the Glock 42 pistol could conceivably become as deadly as its larger caliber brethren. The smallest Glock, it is also suitable for whom concealability is a major purchase factor. A combination of the successful Glock pistol design and a caliber invented by armsman John Moses Browning, the Glock 42 is certainly worth taking a look at. The p... more »
This Video Shows How Dangerous Russia's MiG-31 Can Be
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * The MiG-31 has been the fastest aircraft to serve in the formerly Soviet and now Russian Air Force. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *This recent exercise is a reminder of the MiG-31’s tactical utility as an interceptor. From mounting hypersonic Kinzhal missiles to deploying anti-satellite technology, the Russian Air Force has big plans for their MiG-31 fighter. Recently released exercise footage of MiG-31’s intercepting an “intruder” in the stratosphere sheds further light on the capabilities and intended role of its latest incarnation, the MiG-... more »
Yes, France 'Shot Down' an American F-22 Stealth Fighter
*David Axe* *Security, * Bad news for America's top dogfighter. *Key Point*: The 2009 war game would not be the last to result in “dead” Raptors. Past evidence seems to confirm that a French fighter pilot once “killed” an American F-22 Raptor stealth fighter in mock combat. Although not unprecedented, the simulated shoot-down is still a big deal for a couple reasons. For one, the Lockheed Martin-made F-22 is supposed to be the most fearsome warplane in history, a quarter-billion-dollar-per-plane technological marvel that flies higher and faster than its opponents while avoiding... more »
*This Is A Great Opportunity To Destroy Academia* Never let a good crisis go to waste, which in the current crisis means we must use the fact that our universities have shown themselves to be petri dishes swimming with anti-American ideologies, combined with pre-existing trends, to lance this particular cultural boil. Let’s be clear: Academia today is a pack of rabid reds, and we need to put it down like Old Yeller. And academia itself has loaded up the 12 gauge. They will say that we oppose academia because we are stupid Neanderthals, just like Trump is (That’s Lie #2 in my new bo... more »
*Why is the EPA restricting ventilator sterilization chemical ethylene oxide when we need it the most in the middle of the pandemic?* The Environmental Protection Agency is making a mistake. They are moving forward with the process of further regulating something called ethylene oxide [EtO] upon a harshly contested assumption that the chemical’s emissions may contribute to cancer. So what’s not to like? It just so happens that the chemical ethylene oxide is the only thing which sufficiently sterilizes medical equipment like ventilators, so that they can be re-used in new patients.... more »
When Marx Shaves his Beard
Question: What happens when Karl Marx shaves his beard? Answer: The smiling face of Comrade Josef Stalin is revealed.