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11 Feb - Blogs I'm Following

:40am MST

NORAD Commander: Russian Bombers Are Becoming More Aggressive Near US Territory

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 37 minutes ago
US Air Force F-22 Raptor escorting a Russian Tupolev Tu-95 Bear bomber in 2011. US Air Force Photo *USNI News:** WEST: NORAD Head Says Russia Increasing Arctic Long Range Air Patrols* *SAN DIEGO, CALIF. – While Russian military aircraft have stepped up their activity everywhere from the North Sea to the Baltic to the Black Sea in the last year they have also been spotted more frequently closer to the U.S. territory in the Arctic, the head of U.S. Northern Command (NORTHCOM) and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) told USNI News on Tuesday.* *WNU Editor: *“Aggressive ... more »

Did The U.S. Air Force 'Doctored' Its Stats In Its Campaign To Close The A-10 Program?

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 hour ago
A U.S. Air Force A-10C warplane carrying missiles, rockets and bombs takes off from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada during an exercise on March 5, 2010. Republicans in Congress may save the plane against the wishes of the Air Force. IBTimes / Alberto Riva *Mandy Smithberger, War Is Boring*: *The Air Force’s Smear Campaign Against the A-10 Relies on Flawed Data* *Per sorties flown, the attack jet is actually one of the least dangerous to friendly troops* *WNU Editor:* Talk about your case/presentation for why the A-10 should be retired being blown to smithereens. If this is true i... more »

Ukraine's Anti-War And Anti-Draft Movement Is Growing

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 2 hours ago
* Justin Raimondo, Zero Hedge/Anti-War:* *Ukrainians Rage Against Military Draft: "We're Sick Of This War"* *When Ukrainian army officers came to the Ukrainian village of Velikaya Znamenka to tell the men to prepare to be drafted, they weren’t prepared for what happened next. As the commanding officer was speaking, a woman seized the microphone and proceeded to tell him off: "We’re sick of this war! Our husbands and sons aren’t going anywhere!" She then launched into a passionate speech, denouncing the war, and the coup leaders in Kiev, to the cheers of the crowd.* *WNU Editor*: ... more »

This Is The Man Who Has United Ukraine's Rebels

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 2 hours ago
*Reuters*: *Ex-electrician backed by Putin helps unite Ukraine rebels * (*Reuters) - Separatist leader Alexander Zakharchenko will not be present at a summit on east Ukraine this week but his actions will help determine the success or failure of any peace deal.* *While Russian President Vladimir Putin is seen in the West as holding the key to peace, Zakharchenko is regarded vital for ensuring Moscow’s decisions are implemented.* *The 38-year former mine electrician, who often carries a pistol and knife and usually wears combat fatigues, has been tightening his grip on power since... more »

Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW) - Seeds & Gardening Information

Small FootprintsatReduce Footprints - 2 hours ago
Welcome to Change The World Wednesday (#CTWW)! Wondering how to live greener? You've come to the right place. Each week we challenge ourselves to try a new task ... or "amp up" something we're already doing. We raise our awareness, learn from each other and develop Eco-friendly skills which will improve our lives and protect our planet. Doing so together gives us power ... the power to Change The World! If this is your first visit, please click HERE for information and a complete list of all the challenges we've taken on so far. This post contains great information and I encourage ... more »

(Stewart's Adieu! Oliver Kicks Big Pharma!)  Who’s Really Benefiting from the Alleged Chinese Hack Attacks  (People could die and that’s OK:  Why the Right’s Free-Market Health Philosophy Is Ludicrous)

Surprise! Which money is talking today? Yeah. I believe another very young comedian is retiring. After Ferguson just leaving and Colbert being given Dave's spot, what do we have to believe in now? Jon Stewart to Leave the Daily Show in Surprise Announcement Will the bad news ever stop? And, yes, he may need a vacation, but I don't know anyone who gets to retire after 17 years of working. (

Morning Linkage

Josh BusbyatDuck of Minerva - 2 hours ago
After a hiatus, we will be back with some regular Morning Linkage. Look for the icon and the application of the new topic. I’m going to be brief here with some links. And it’s not even morning! Blogging Andrew Sullivan ends his blogging on the Dish Professor loses tenure after blogging gone wrong Ukraine Steve Walt […]

Ukrainians Struggle For Normalcy As The War Rages Only An Hour Or Two Away By Car

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Voice of America:* *On Ukraine Battle Fringes, Civilians Struggle for Normalcy * *KRAMATORSK, UKRAINE - While battles rage daily in some parts of eastern Ukraine, not far away -- in areas the government took back from the Russian-backed rebels last summer -- people are doing their best to live normal lives, while keeping a wary eye on the shifting front lines.* *Update:* Life under shelling in eastern Ukraine: a battle to survive (AP) *WNU Editor*: My aunt lives with her husband in the Ukrainian city of Kharkiv .... and even though the front lines are about 300 km away .... they... more »

Pictures From The Front Lines Of Ukraine (Photo Gallery)

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 4 hours ago
Empty shell casings outside Yenakieve, a rebel-held town 10 miles south of Vuhlehirsk. The war has been dominated by retrograde artillery exchanges in recent months: Ukrainian officials say shelling accounts for 70% of casualties among government forces. Max Avdeev for BuzzFeed News *Buzzfeed:** War Is Hell: Pictures From The Front Lines Of Ukraine* *Photographer Max Avdeev reports from eastern Ukraine for BuzzFeed News to capture the catastrophic affects of the ongoing war on the region. * *WNU Editor:* When this war is all over it will take years of effort and billions to repair ... more »

Important Health News: Study Shows Chemotherapy Treated Cancer Patients Die Sooner Than NO Treatment At All!

NortherntruthseekeratNortherntruthseeker - 4 hours ago
It has been quite some time since I last posted any important health news... I figure that with all of the news so focused elsewhere, that a new report was long overdue...This one deals again with the fraud of Cancer and Cancer treatments.... I came across this most important report that I absolutely want to share with everyone... It comes from the End All Disease website, at www.endalldisease.com, and shows again how much we have been lied to about Cancer and so called Cancer treatments.... The article is entitled: "Study: Chemotherapy Treated Cancer Patients Die Sooner Than No Tre... more »

Cancer Diaries-- Diagnosis

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
Yeah, its a big shock when your doctor first tells you that your diagnosis is cancer. BIG SHOCK. But I suspect that for most people-- certainly for myself-- it only happens once-- the shock, not the diagnosis. The second time you're diagnosed with cancer, the shock-- and the fear-- aren't as palpable, earthshaking and profound. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer around a decade ago, eventually chose to work with a doctor who treated it holistically rather than with traditional western medicine, and I've been in pretty good health since. Actually, I *haven't* been in pretty good ... more »

artificial structures on the moon

OberonatGlobaLove Think Tank - 4 hours ago
aliens on the moon


OberonatGlobaLove Think Tank - 5 hours ago

Egyptian TV Host Ibrahim Issa: Nobody Dares to Admit That ISIS Crimes Are Based on Islamic Sources.

Saman MohammadiatThe Excavator - 5 hours ago
*Title: Egyptian TV Host Ibrahim Issa: Nobody Dares to Admit That ISIS Crimes Are Based on Islamic Sources. Source: MEMRI TV. Date Published: February 9, 2015. Description:* In a recent TV show, Egyptian journalist and TV host Ibrahim Issa said that the barbaric crimes perpetrated by ISIS were indeed based on the Islamic sources but that the clerics were afraid to say so. "I would like to see a single Al-Azhar cleric in Egypt have the courage to admit that Abu Bakr burned a man alive," he said. This is a vicious circle of barbarity, because it is wrapped in religion, said Issa, whos... more »

Video Footage Captures A Rocket Attack On A Residential Area Of Ukraine

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 5 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Terrifying footage of rocket attack launched in residential area of Ukraine that has left at least six civilians dead* * * Six civilians killed in rocket attack on Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine * Military headquarters also hit during two minute long bombardment * Scene of the strikes is more than 30 miles from the front-lines * Said the rockets had been fired from the rebel-controlled Horlivka area * Increase in fighting comes ahead of peace talks in the region * *Update:* 'We are safe nowhere': Multiple civilians killed in Ukraine rocket attack -- Mashable *WNU ... more »

Ukraine War News Updates -- February 10, 2015

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 5 hours ago
(Click on Image to Enlarge) *Washington Post:* *Day before crucial Ukrainian peace summit, heavy fighting in nation’s east* *MOSCOW — Fighting expanded in eastern Ukraine on Tuesday, a day ahead of planned peace talks, with both Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian rebels claiming advances as a key Ukrainian-held town far behind the front lines was shelled for the first time in months.* *Ukraine War News Updates -- February 10, 2015* Agreement on Ukraine cease-fire deal is reported -- NYT Ukraine contact group representatives deny ceasefire deal in Minsk -- Reuters Fighting Intensi... more »

Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Velvet Morning” ("Void of the Stellar Winds")

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Liquid Mind, “Velvet Morning” ("Void of the Stellar Winds") - http://www.youtube.com/

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“Near the center of this sharp cosmic portrait, at the heart of the Orion Nebula, are four hot, massive stars known as the Trapezium. Gathered within a region about 1.5 light-years in radius, they dominate the core of the dense Orion Nebula Star Cluster. Ultraviolet ionizing radiation from the Trapezium stars, mostly from the brightest star Theta-1 Orionis C powers the complex star forming region's entire visible glow. *Click image for larger size.* About three million years old, the Orion Nebula Cluster was even more compact in its younger years and a recent dynamical study indicate... more »

Chet Raymo, “Surrounded By A Sleep”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“Surrounded By A Sleep”* by Chet Raymo “In an interview in the Sunday Times, the Irish novelist John Banville reflected on mortality: "All that will be left is a name. But we'll have been here, and we'll have seen these extraordinary things that we see. And that, in some peculiar way, can't be erased. This is the only reason to try to make a work of art: to say that there was a man once here, and this is how he saw this amazingly beautiful place. It's awful here, of course, but I can't imagine anywhere better." Banville was raised a Catholic, with the whole convoluted calculus of ... more »

Quote of the day: “an unexpected side-effect of the modern surveillance state”

Peter CresswellatNot PC - 6 hours ago
“This could be an unexpected side-effect of the modern surveillance state: our ancestors will get really kick-ass biographies.” - Danyl McLauchlan reviewing books he read over the summer holidays Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)

Little Optimism Ahead Of Ukraine Peace Talks In Minsk

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 6 hours ago
Euronews: *Little optimism ahead of Ukraine peace talks in Minsk* Last year’s Minsk agreement failed to end the fighting in eastern Ukraine and there is little reason for optimism about the latest peace talks in the capital of Belarus. A Russian source has been quoted as saying that there are no plans to sign a document to resolve the conflict and that the creation of a demilitarised zone would be the main talking point. *WNU Editor:* I have no reasons to be optimistic. Both sides are not budging from their stated positions, and while some are speculating that today's intense bat... more »

President Obama Calls Russian President Putin To Deliver A Warning On Ukraine

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Sputnik:* *Obama Calls Putin to Discuss Conflict in Ukraine* *United States President Barack Obama called Russian President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday to discuss the ongoing and increasingly violent conflict in Ukraine.The White House said Obama urged Putin to seize the opportunity of peace talks between Russia, Ukraine, France and Germany.Obama told Putin if Russia continues aggressive actions in Ukraine, “including by sending troops, weapons, and financing to support the separatists, the costs for Russia will rise,” the White House said.* *WNU Editor*: I guess President Obam... more »


OberonatGlobaLove Think Tank - 6 hours ago

The Poet: May Sarton, "Unison Benediction"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*"Unison Benediction" * "Return to the most human, nothing less will nourish the torn spirit, the bewildered heart, the angry mind: and from the ultimate duress, pierced with the breath of anguish, speak of love. Return, return to the deep sources, nothing less will teach the stiff hands a new way to serve, to carve into our lives the forms of tenderness and still that ancient necessary pain preserve. Return to the most human, nothing less will teach the angry spirit, the bewildered heart; the torn mind, to accept the whole of its duress, and pierced with anguish… at last, act for love.... more »

"In The Final Analysis..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
"In the final analysis, our most common link is that we inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's future. And we are all mortal." - John F. Kennedy

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
Kodungallur, Kerala, India. Thanks for stopping by.

"Mark Twain’s Top 9 Tips for Living a Great Life"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
"Mark Twain’s Top 9 Tips for Living a Great Life" by Henrik Edberg "You may know Mark Twain for some of his very popular books like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He was a writer and also a humorist, satirist and lecturer. Twain is known for his many – and often funny – quotes. Here are a few of my favorite tips from him. 1. Approve of yourself. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” If you don’t approve of yourself, of your behavior and actions then you’ll probably walk around most of the day with a sort of uncomfortable feeling. ... more »

"Are You Feeling Stressed Out?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
"Are You Feeling Stressed Out?" by Jonathan "Have you got endless demands tugging at you from all directions? Does your life seem to be spinning out of control? It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stressed out when you can’t ever seem to catch up. Do you think bringing your life into balance would require a major life change? It may not be as difficult as what you imagine. Did you realize that, regardless of your circumstances, a true sense of balance actually comes from within you, not from your surroundings? 3 Ways to reduce feelings of stress: Here are three simple strategies to ... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 10, 2015

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 6 hours ago
*Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg:* *Ukraine Peace Talks Could Be the Real Deal* *At the time I'm writing this, it's still not entirely clear whether there will be a meeting in Minsk on Wednesday to hammer out a peace deal for Ukraine. But, unlike last Friday, when German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande flew to Moscow for talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, I believe a deal may be close. The frantic military activity in eastern Ukraine may actually be evidence of that.* *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 10, 2015* Ukraine confl... more »


New Orleans LadderatNew Orleans Ladder - 7 hours ago
*New concerns to cause Corps to step up monitoring of St. Bernard floodwalls ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate * *Flood authority flexes technical muscle, and Corps of Engineers responds ~Bob Marshall, The Lens* *Residents say Uptown construction causing homes to crack ~WWLTV* *UberX in New Orleans? ~Gambit*

Feb. 10: www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1500596.htm

Graeme DecarieatThe Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 7 hours ago
To the cheers of my French Catholic ancestors, and to the curses of my Scots Presbyterian ones, I urge you to read the site in today's title above. It's a report on a speech by Pope Francis; and it's brilliant. He starts with the problems of hunger, and points out that there is enough food for all. But while we let millions starve, we waste food, and we overeat so dreadfully that our greatest problem is not hunger but obesity. For this and for much of the hunger and suffering in our world, he blames our economic systems and the financial speculations of the very rich. We tolerate a ... more »

On the Industrial Revolution, and the Church’s institutional resistance

Peter CresswellatNot PC - 7 hours ago
On the role of the Church in the industrial revolution, Clarence Ayres (a disciple of Thorstein Veblen, oddly enough), has this to say: “Our concern is with industrial evolution and from this point of view the Church must be recognised as the spearhead of institutional resistance to technological change. Under the leadership of the church, feudal society opposed and interdicted all the great innovations of which industrial society is the outgrowth; but that opposition was ineffective­­ from the point of view of industrial evolution,­­ happily so,­­ and its ineffectiveness was du... more »

World News Briefs -- Febraury 10, 2015

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 7 hours ago
*BBC: *Ukraine conflict: *Battles rage ahead of Minsk talks* *Fighting has surged in eastern Ukraine as government forces and pro-Russian rebels try to make gains ahead of expected peace talks on Wednesday.Rebels carried out rocket attacks on a key military base and a residential area in Kramatorsk, officials say, killing at least seven civilians.* *MIDDLE EAST* Syrian government launches offensive* against rebels in south*. Assad says Syria is informed *on anti-IS air campaign*. Assad says Syria informed *about US strikes against ISIL.* U.S. leads 12 air strikes *against Isla... more »

Transpicuous News Feb 8 2015: Putin's Aspergers, America's Measles, and Scratch-n-Sniff phones

D ... Breaking The SilenceatRemoving The Shackles - 7 hours ago
Oh What a week it's been. Between the media and politician driven fear porn about the Measles and the push to punish those who've actually done their homework and refused toxic vaccines, to the soap opera of Greece, the EU and the Ukraine debacle, and the question of why 3 JPMorgan Execs were all gathered on a train together..... Can things get any more ridiculous? Probably.... and judging from the news that's been breaking in the past 24 hours, I would say that things are just spinning faster and faster. Remember: Be Aware ... more »

Russian News Service: Ukraine Ceasefire Agreement Reached. (Update: No Deal Reached)

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 8 hours ago
Denis Pushilin, representative of the separatist self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, speaks to the media after the meeting of the so-called Contact Group on eastern Ukraine, which brings together representatives of Ukraine, Russia, the Russian-backed separatist rebels and the OSCE European security watchdog, at the Dipservice Hall in Minsk February 10, 2015. Credit: Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko *New York Times: **Agreement on Ukraine Cease-Fire Deal Is Reported* *MOSCOW — Negotiators meeting in Minsk, Belarus, reached a tentative deal for a cease-fire in Ukraine on Tuesday nigh... more »

Accessing your Value: Pipe dream? .... maybe not!!

D ... Breaking The SilenceatRemoving The Shackles - 8 hours ago
If you tuned into the One People Round Table Discussion with Kiri Campbell from New Zealand last night on CCN then you know the news already. If you didn't.... well we had a pretty interesting 2 and a half hour conversation that has generated a HUGE amount of excitement, a new CCN show, and more LIVE stream updates, including the next one from Kiri that has just been put together a few minutes ago- to go LIVE at 11pm GMT tonight- in about 15 minutes! You may remember the discussions Lisa, Brian and I had with Kiri back in 2013, when she went into the banks to access her value, and... more »

Tom Holland: "In the Shadow of the Sword" + The Untold Story Documentary

Saman MohammadiatThe Excavator - 9 hours ago
*Wikipedia:* Thomas Holland (born 1968) is a British novelist and historian, who has published several popular works on classical and medieval history as well as creating two documentaries. In August 2012, he produced a documentary for Channel 4 entitled Islam: The Untold Story, which provoked what Holland described as "a firestorm of death threats" against him. Contributors included Professor Patricia Crone. The programme generated a strongly negative response from some British Muslims, with more than 1,000 complaints received by Ofcom and Channel 4. A planned screening of Islam... more »

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- February 10, 2015

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 9 hours ago
US General John Allen has said that much of the Iraqi army's equipment had been lost [Reuters] *IBTimes:* *US General Says Iraqi Forces Soon To Launch Ground Offensive Vs ISIS* *Iraq is poised to deploy its forces to carry out a massive ground offensive versus the ISIS to retake the large swathes of land the latter captured in the previous months. John Allen, the US coordinator for the anti-IS coalition of Western and Arab countries, told Jordan's official Petra news agency the ground mission is slated to begin “in the weeks ahead.”* *Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- Febr... more »

What is the Illuminati and How It Controls the Western World

WTStaffatWaking Times - 9 hours ago
*Video - *This video explains the theory of what is the Illuminati, what is its purpose, and how it has supposedly controlled the Western world using some of the world's most famous celebrities. The post What is the Illuminati and How It Controls the Western World appeared first on Waking Times.

Shark versus Man: Who comes first ethically?

Peter CresswellatNot PC - 9 hours ago
A man was killed over the weekend in a horrific shark attack off the northern coast of New South Wales. "We believe it was a very large shark," Detective Inspector Lindsay said. The victim was sitting on his surfboard when the shark came up beneath him, taking off both of his legs and pulling him off his surfboard, he said... "For a shark to take the board and the person sitting on it, it's got to be very big.” … Richard [the manager of a local surf shop] said the frequency of shark attacks in the area was "getting crazy.""Every week we get someone knocked off their board... more »

Ukrainian Woman Takes down War & Draft with Honesty, Heart and Love

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 9 hours ago
*H/T Anthony*- These two women are awesome. Courage; Anger channeled for all the right reasons. They speak for humanity, not just for Ukraines- These women speak for all of humanity when saying things like:* Paraphrasing*- *The state takes away our human rights!- because they do!* *Why should we go and kill them because they want to live on their own land* *We won't listen anymore. Our husbands are not going to fight* *Our children are not going to fight* *All of us together we will be strong- Quit ruining our families. Our human lives. That's enough.* *Those words spoke to me- loudly a... more »

Roswell Slides Today's (February 10) Update

KRandleatA Different Perspective - 9 hours ago
Well, we all knew that this would blow up quickly once the slides were out… or I should say a poor copy of one of the slides were out. As we’ve all seen by now, that image is not very clear, it doesn’t have much in the way of color, and it provides us little in the way of information. Tom Carey told me yesterday that the slide is much clearer than that very poor image we have. Today, that is February 10, Gilles Fernandez provided a photograph with “good rezolution [sorry, but I wanted to accurately report what Gilles had said though my first thought was to correct the spelling but ... more »

“Fukushima: 2015 - The Year The Pacific Ocean Died”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*“Fukushima: 2015 - The Year The Pacific Ocean Died”* “Dana continues his dangerous voyage up the BC coast, finding more and more evidence of the Pacific Ocean Dying. This is devastating news, and although we have known this would happen, actually seeing it through the lens of a camera brings it all home; the sobering facts proving without a doubt, that Fukushima IS an ELE event.”* - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DY31BfWyDrI ◆ Fukushima, Jan 17th 2015: “All Fukushima dispersal models are based upon a few days releases from unit 1 at Fukushima. The models do not include 99.9 percent... more »

TV Watch: Keeping up with "Downton Abbey" and "Grantchester" -- without flashing back to "Foyle's War" or ahead to "Better Call Saul"

KenInNYatDownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago
*Rob James-Collier, who plays Thomas Barrow, talks about the fateful plotline for him which came to a climax in this past week's episode, No. 6 of Series 5.* *by Ken* I hadn't intended to return, or at least not so soon, to *Downton Abbey*, and specifically the potent plotline of the life-threatening treatments self-adminstered by the famously, gloriously evil under-butler, Thomas Barrow (Rob James-Collier), by means of which he means to purge himself of his deadly but uncontrollable sexual attraction to men. And I don't think I'm being overlly dramatic in describing those urges ... more »

US Embassy in Yemen- Closing? Yemeni Child dreamed of drones before his death

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 10 hours ago
The *“Embassy closing in Yemen”* story is making the rounds yet again The Embassy was closing almost three weeks back, but apparently it didn’t then ‘ because how could it be closing now? I personally don’t believe the Embassy will close. Not entirely. I don’t think “staff’ will leave. Not entirely. Think of destabilization ops run out of the American embassy in Syria? Think of all the operations that were being run out of the American embassy in Libya? Including, but not limited to gun running and terrorist transfers. *Consider that the US drone kills Yemen citizens? Including chi... more »

Is Jordan About To Launch A Ground Invasion Against The Islamic State?

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 10 hours ago
*NBC*: *Jordan Moves 'Thousands' of Troops to Iraq Border: Jordanian Sources* *AMMAN, Jordan — Jordan has deployed "thousands" of troops at its border with Iraq as it ramps up a campaign against ISIS militants who set a pilot ablaze, two Jordanian government officials told NBC News on Tuesday.* *The troops were sent to prevent the infiltration of ISIS fighters into Jordan and as a show of force, according to the sources who spoke on condition of anonymity. * *More News On Reports That Jordan Is Sending Thousands Of Soldiers To The Iraqi Border* Jordan Deploys Ground Troops to I... more »

We can not have a uniligual Foriegn Affairs Minister

SteveatThinking Aboot - 10 hours ago
This is an insult to Canada.

‘Biggest Bank Leak in History’: A Look At How HSBC’s Private Swiss Bank Handles The Finances For The World's Rich And The Elite

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Heather Timmons, Quartz*: *HSBC’s private Swiss bank served everyone from alleged arms dealers to pop stars* *An investigation into 100,000 individuals who held accounts with HSBC’s Private Bank turned up a roster of royals, arms dealers, sanctioned Russian businessmen, and on-the-lam politicians—along with music icons Tina Turner, Phil Collins, and David Bowie. The leaks of the bank’s sometimes-unsavory clientele—who collectively held more than $100 billion in assets, often structured specifically to evade taxes—forced HSBC to acknowledge that its standards “were significantly l... more »

President Obama Talks With Vox Executive Editor Matthew Yglesias About War, Peace, The Middle East, China, Terrorism, Foreign Aid, And More.

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Matthew Yglesias, VOX*: *The Obama Interview* *Years before he was a national figure, Barack Obama delivered a speech at a rally against the proposed invasion of Iraq that became integral to his underdog primary campaign in 2008. "I don't oppose all wars," he said. "What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war." And yet an actual presidential foreign policy is far more complex than a single speech. The world is vast, and modern technology has rendered war less a binary choice than a broad spectrum of possible uses of force. When Obama sat down with Vox i... more »

Project 'Regime Change'

Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 11 hours ago
Here we see FOX News whipping up the Putin hysteria which is prevalent in the western corporate run media. Put your ear to the railroad tracks and hear the 'regime change' train coming....notice the reference to Qaddafi in Libya? Now just imagine for a moment that this is indeed the real agenda of US-NATO - take Putin down. Talk about starting a major f _ _ king nuclear war. Don't you just imagine it is beyond time for people to climb out of their cocoons of fear, resignation, or indifference and swing their rear ends into some action? By the way....yes Putin is ex-KGB. You e... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago

The Economy: “Debt Doesn’t Matter…”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
*“Debt Doesn’t Matter…”* by Bill Bonner “Last week, McKinsey Global Institute reported that the world’s total debt levels were twice what we thought – $200 trillion, or about three times the planet’s total output. So, what a relief it was to discover… only a few hours later... that there was nothing whatsoever to worry about. Our concern was totally misplaced. It was nothing but a colossal misunderstanding or, as Nobel laureate economist Paul Krugman put it in the New York Times, a “bad analogy.” So now, we can go back to our Portuguese lessons here in São Paolo without a care. *... more »

These are the People Kiev & Washington Call Terrorists

Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 11 hours ago
A journalist visiting a community soup kitchen in the city of Pervomaisk, Lugansk Region [in eastern Ukraine], caught the exact moment a shell struck the building. People ran for cover to a nearby basement. These are the people that US-NATO's vile regime in Kiev are shelling.....Kiev, Brussels, and Washington call them 'terrorists'. But in fact the real terrorists are the US-NATO and their puppet proxy Army in Kiev. They make me sick. And when they try to defend themselves against this barbarous attack by the US-NATO corporate pirates they are called terrorists once again.

White House Will Request New War Powers Request To Fight The Islamic State This Week

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal*: *White House Will Propose New Military Force Authorization This Week* *Move Would Define U.S. Military Role Against Islamic State GroupWASHINGTON—The White House on Wednesday will ask Congress to authorize military operations against Islamic State militants, officials said, kicking off a political fight to define the scope and extent of the U.S. operations that started in August.* *More News On The White House Will Soon Be Requesting A New War Powers Request To Fight The Islamic State* Text, timing of Obama AUMF request for Islamic State still in works: s... more »

“Courage to Face True History”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*“Courage to Face True History”* By BATR “History is philosophy teaching by examples.” ~ Thucydides, “The History of the Peloponnesian War” “Human consciousness and the ability to understand that which really occurred in the past, is a skill that many people have little experience with mastering. Scholarship and researching the yesteryear relies upon analyzing accounts of others and is usually based on chronicles written centuries ago. Most of the original evidence used in writing the accounts may be lost, based upon oral myths or accurate translations of vanished languages. Even ... more »

Syrian President Assad Denies His Forces Are Dropping Barrel Bombs

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Global Post:* *Assad denies using barrel bombs, just as barrel bombs fall on Aleppo* *The Syrian president has denied that his forces use the indiscriminate explosives, but there's a wealth of evidence demonstrating their use.* *WNU Editor:* No one is believing him. *More News On Syrian President Assad's Denials That His Forces Are Dropping Barrel Bombs* Syria: President Assad denies his forces drop barrel bombs, despite the evidence -- IBTimes #NotBarrelBombs aims to set record straight as Assad brushes off accusations -- Mashable Syria's President Assad Called 'Deluded Liar' F... more »

The Global Warming Fraud: Global Temperature Data Falsified For Years To Show "Warming" - Cartoon Reveals WHY!

NortherntruthseekeratNortherntruthseeker - 12 hours ago
I came across the reports over the weekend that vindicates everything that I and others have been stating for years.... These reports state unequivocally that Global Warming is indeed a fraud, and that all data pushed forward claiming that temperatures have been "rising" around the planet due to this fraud "Global Warming" have been purposely falsified! I am not shocked at all by these findings, and it shows indeed that what we are dealing with here is a scam just to fleece everyone for more "taxes"..... I want to present the following very important article that follows up all th... more »

Syria's President Bashar al-Assad: 'Informed Of US Air Strikes Through Third Parties'

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 12 hours ago
*BBC:** Assad says Syria is informed on anti-IS air campaign* *Syria's President Bashar al-Assad says his government is receiving messages from the US-led coalition battling the jihadist group, Islamic State.Mr Assad told the BBC that there had been no direct co-operation since air strikes began in Syria in September.But third parties - among them Iraq - were conveying "information".* *WNU Editor*: I am sure that the Syrian Air Force is being informed .... otherwise we will be hearing reports of Syrian fighters being shot down whenever the U.S. led coalition conducts air strik... more »

President Obama Confirms That American ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller Is Dead

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Reuters:* *American hostage Mueller's death confirmed by Obama, family* *President Barack Obama and the family of U.S. aid worker Kayla Mueller confirmed on Tuesday that the last-known American hostage held by Islamic State militants had died, with Obama promising to "find and bring to justice the terrorists who are responsible."* *WNU Editor:* Our prayers are with her family and loved ones. *More News On The Family And President Obama Confirming That American ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller Is Dead* ISIS Hostage Kayla Mueller’s Death Confirmed by Photo -- Daily Beast Death of Kayla... more »

Eurovision Invites Australia!

PhilatAll That Is Solid ... - 12 hours ago
Already this year's 60th anniversary celebration of European peace and love - *Eurovision* - has pulled off a cunning and super smart move. It has invited Australia to participate. I know, I know, normally accidents of geography would ordinarily preclude the Aussies from entering. Then again, who in 1955 could have thought the contest would eventually end up being won by a bearded lady? As far as I'm concerned, this is a master stroke. And as everyone knows, All That Is Solid ... is the only leftwing pro-*Eurovision* blog there is, so of course I'm going to endorse this move. *Euro... more »

Bernie Sanders Makes The Case For Bernie Sanders

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
Vermont's Independent senator, Bernie Sanders, told an audience at the Brookings Institute yesterday that he's seriously considering running for president and added, as he has before, that he doesn't want to run "futile campaign" and that he very much needs grassroots support. Since last year, Blue America has been asking progressives to show support for Bernie by contributing to his campaign efforts. Most other progressive outfits are still focused on persuading Elizabeth Warren to run. Elizabeth Warren has made it clear-- over and over and in several tenses-- that she will not ru... more »

The Liars of 9/11 : Stanlety Praimnath

Spike EPatNews Spike - 12 hours ago
The Liars of 9/11 : Inside The Twin Towers - Plane Impact Survivor Stanley Praimnath from Spike EP on Vimeo. *The North Tower (WTC1) was struck at 8.46am. The South Tower (WTC2) was struck at 9.03am.* I contend that it is neither feasible be nor even perhaps physically possible to make the the journey via elevator and emergency stairs from around Floor 72 to the main WTC lobby, back up Floor 72 under emergency evacuation conditions in less than 17 minutes. This man is a liar.

Jonah Raskin : NBC’s Brian Williams and the causalities of war

Thorne DreyeratThe Rag Blog - 12 hours ago
Brian Williams helped to further wound the already wounded U.S. news media. Healing those wounds will take a long time. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | February 10, 2015 Most of us exaggerate and embellish at some time … finish reading Jonah Raskin : NBC’s Brian Williams and the causalities of war

Citing Growing Unrest, U.S. Closes Its Embassy In Yemen And Orders Its Ambassador To Leave

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 13 hours ago
A general view of the U.S. embassy compound in Sanaa (Reuters) *Reuters:** United States closing its embassy in conflict-hit Yemen* *The United States is closing its embassy in Yemen, the Arabian penninsula state where a rebel group has seized control of the capital, embassy employees and a U.S. official in Washington said on Tuesday. * *WNU Editor*: This is what happens when U.S. foreign policy in a country completely and utterly fails .... you close up shop and run away. *More News On The U.S. Closing Its Embassy In Yemen By Wednesday* Officials: US closing embassy in Yemen due ... more »

Russian President Putin Presents Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi With A Kalashnikov AK-47

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 13 hours ago
Russia's Vladimir Putin presenting Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi with a Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle in Egypt. @carlbildt / Twitter *Moscow Times:* *Putin Gives Egypt's Fattah al-Sisi 'Glorious' Kalashnikov AK-47* *Russia's Vladimir Putin presented Egyptian President Abdul Fattah al-Sisi with an authentic Russian-made Kalashnikov AK-47 assault rifle while visiting the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Tuesday."President Putin presented President Sisi with a glorious gift — a Kalashnikov. Undoubtedly very symbolic," Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt wrote on his Twitter p... more »

The World According to Joaquin

greencrowatGreencrow As The Crow Flies - 13 hours ago
*Joaquin Flores on Morris108* One of my favourite bloggers is *Morris Herman *of Morris108. Morris, originally from the UK, is a world traveller. Currently he's living in Cambodia. Morris travels around on a rickety motorbike and this provides excitement/adventures in and of itself. He's had a few motorbike crashes. Sometimes he does videos while he's travelling around on his motorbike without a helmet! *Joaquin Flores*, as I understand it, is an American, born in New Mexico. Currently he's employed as a geostrategic analyst at a NGO thinktank in Serbia. Morris regularly interv... more »

Unit 3 Still Spewing

Majia's BlogatMajia's Blog - 13 hours ago

The U.S. Navy Re-Invents The Littoral Combat Ship Program

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 14 hours ago
US NAVY/Reuters *Bill Sweetman, Daily Beast:* *The Navy Just Sank Its High-Speed Future* *The ship was supposed to zoom over the ocean top, 50 percent faster than its competitors. Then things changed.The future of the Navy was supposed to be speedy, thanks to its new Littoral Combat Ships. The Navy has built two versions of the LCS, a conventional-looking single-hull ship from Lockheed Martin and a trimaran—a ship with a slender hull and two outriggers—developed by General Dynamics. Tiny by U.S. warship standards, at 3,000-plus tons, the LCS is distinguished by its 45-knot-plus t... more »

It's the Plutonomy, Stupid

Karen GarciaatSardonicky - 14 hours ago
I've been reading with great interest the richly detailed *Times* series about the claque of international high rollers creating a luxury real estate bubble in New York City. I am shocked, shocked that corruption is going on here. This scam is one more manifestation of the global plutonomy -- an economy controlled by and benefiting only the extremely rich. Nations and their laws are being rendered moot faster than you can say TPP, IMF, WTO, NATO, the banking mafia, and the Obama Justice Department. Rather than enforcing the laws on the books, the DoJ is doing nothing, zilch, nada ... more »

Pro-U.S. troops in Ukraine, U.S. bailout for Greece

Luboš MotlatThe Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
The following two stories share one thing: the sheer stupidity of the political opinions that became common in the U.S. Oleg told us about this terrific screenshot from a CNN show. Obama considers arming *pro-U.S.* troops. I have already discussed how crazy and counterproductive it is to think about weapon deliveries to Donbass. Russia would surely respond correspondingly and not necessarily symmetrically and the escalation of the sad conflict would be the only possible outcome. But the new funny twist is that the pro-Kiev soldiers were called "pro-U.S." troops. Much of the Inte... more »

Dine' Walkers Conclude 225 Mile Trek: Remembering Long Walk

brendanorrell@gmail.comatCENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
Walkers Conclude 225-Mile Trek to Mount Taylor By Lyla June Johnston Censored News On February 1st 2015, the walkers of Nihígaal Bee Iina (pronounced ni-hi-gahl beh ee-nah, meaning "Our Journey for Existence") completed their quest to walk over 200 miles in the name of their children, land and ancestors. The walk was in commemoration of the 150th anniversary of The Long Walk, whereby

US Navy Sailors Search For Justice And Information After Fukushima Mission

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 14 hours ago
Soon after the devastating tsunami struck Japan's east coast in March of 2011, the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan showed up to provide humanitarian aid. It may have exposed those on board to toxic levels of radiation. Here, sailors scrub down the flight deck to clean the ship of radiation on March 23, 2011. AFP/US Navy *Alexander Osang, Speigel Online: ** 'Uncertain Radiological Threat': US Navy Sailors Search for Justice after Fukushima Mission* *In March of 2011, the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan rushed to Japan to help after the disastrous tsunami. Since then, m... more »

FLASHBACK : Election Day 2010 - The Attempted Assassination of Nigel Farage

Spike EPatNews Spike - 15 hours ago
*Before* *After* Nigel Farage always hated flying *[Note the Telegraph Columnist writing of Farage on the day of the crash almost as though he were already dead..]* *He especially loathed having to take the tiny propellor-powered plane that was the only direct route to Strasbourg before the fast train link. [Well, that's got nothig to do with the plane he was in on Election Day - FOR NO REASON - which crashed, has it?] *But he bore those journeys with good-humoured stoicism, as he did most of the disagreeable aspects of our job. Nigel is, I suppose, my chief rival in the South Ea... more »

Who Will "Keep Us Safe" From the Conservative Party of Canada????

thwapatthwap's schoolyard - 15 hours ago
Seriously. 158 Canadian Forces were killed to impose a narco-pedophile kleptocracy on Afghanistan. (True, it was the Liberals who sent them there, and true, the people of Afghanistan were suffering under a nutbar-fundamentalist theocracy with their previous government.) And suicides of active CF and veterans is "an epidemic." Given that many of these suicides (and nervous breakdowns, and the negative health impacts of stress) are caused by targeted and deliberate mental and physical abuse on the part of the harpercon government, the Conservative Party of Canada is clearly a threat ... more »

Authentic Journalism: The Toughest Job of Narco News

brendanorrell@gmail.comatCENSORED NEWS - 15 hours ago
Thank you to Narco News for 15 years of the toughest unpaid job in America By Brenda Norrell Censored News For journalists, there are few jobs that require more courage than reporting on the so-called drug war in Mexico. Journalists in Mexico are continually murdered and disappeared as the United States’ ATF (Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms) is exposed running assault weapons to the

THE FOG OF BRIAN’S VARIOUS SONGS: Deferring to a wonderful friend!

bob somerbyatthe daily howler - 15 hours ago
*TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2015Part 2—All for the love of Rush Limbaugh:* On balance, the New York Times is doing a lousy job discussing Williams-gate. In this morning’s Science Times section, Tara Parker-Pope seems to advance the assumption that we are dealing with issues of memory in the Brian-gate matter. The possibility that we’re dealing with issues of dissembling is barely voiced once Parker-Pope starts chatting with the nation's “memory experts.” Has Brian Williams been dissembling—perhaps even lying—over these many years? We can’t exactly tell you! In this morning’s op-ed colu... more »

Canada and Nicaragua: Different worlds, but not for sex workers

Jody PatersonatA Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 15 hours ago
I’m still shaking my head after two and a half enlightening hours yesterday talking with the local sex workers’ organization here in Managua, RedTraSex (Red de Trabajadores Sexuales). I’m not sure whether to be delighted or shattered by how completely identical the issues are for sex workers in Nicaragua as they are back home in Canada. Had it not been for us talking in Spanish, I could have easily been back in Victoria talking to my pals at Peers Victoria. I fear my new friends at RedTraSex were a little discouraged to hear that everything they identified as problems were... more »

Jordan: Build up continues- Deploys thousands of troops to the border..

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 16 hours ago
......with Iraq, which is pretty much the border with Syria also. Look at the map and you will see what I mean. Keeping track of the happenings in this area... *NEW YORK (MarketWatch)* -- *Thousands of Jordanian troops have been deployed to its border with Iraq as the country escalates its fight against ISIS militants,* NBC News reported Tuesday. *The troops were deployed as a show of force, and to prevent fighters aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria from crossing the border into Jordan*, NBC reported, citing two Jordanian officials. Jordan's King Abdullah said last wee... more »

The U.S. has been pushing hard the idea of supplying weapons to Ukraine for use to subjugate the break-away Russian-speaking provinces of the east. However, German chancellor Angela Merkel has said of her meeting with Vladimir Putin last Friday: “I cannot imagine any situation in which improved equipment for the Ukrainian army leads to President Putin being so impressed that he believes he will lose militarily. I have to put it that bluntly.” So if she and French President Francois Hollande can hold their ground, maybe Washington's push toward World War III will be stymied.

David L GriscomatCherchez la Verite - 16 hours ago
------------------------------ *Is Peace or War at Hand? — Paul Craig Roberts* ------------------------------ February 9, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Is Peace or War at Hand? Paul Craig Roberts King World News illustrates this article with photos. If you enjoy visuals, go here: http://kingworldnews.com/paul-craig-roberts-world-now-cusp-total-war/ At this time we do not know the outcome of the meeting in Moscow between Merkel, Hollande, and Putin. The meeting with Putin was initiated... more »

Violence Down In Iraq 1st Week Of February 2015

Joel WingatMUSINGS ON IRAQ - 16 hours ago
Attacks across Iraq took a dip in the first week of February 2015. January was marked by a number of offensive operations by the insurgents, which led to an increase in security incidents and casualties. At the start of February, however the number of incidents, dead, and wounded were what they were like in December showing the ebb and flow in the fighting in the country. From February 1-7 there were 155 reported incidents. That averaged out to 22.1 per day, which was down from 26.1 in January. Attacks had been going up since the end of December and peaked in January, but then d... more »

Is Uniqueness of Land A Requirement for Injunctive Relief?

James C MortonatMorton's Musings - 16 hours ago
Since the Supreme Court decision in *Semelhago v. Paramadevan*, [1996] 2 SCR 415 it has been widely accepted that specific performance for the sale of land is not presumed because it "cannot be assumed that damages for breach of contract for the purchase and sale of real estate will be an inadequate remedy " (at par. 21). As a result, where there is an alleged breach of contract and a remedy other than damages is sought in the context of real estate, one of the issues live before the Court is uniqueness of the property. To show a good case the plaintiff must show that damages ... more »

Greenland Ilulissat Glacier Break-Up — Largest Calving Event Ever Recorded

KenInNYatDownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
[*Click to enlarge*.] *by Gaius Publius* More and more people — as opposed to billionaire-driven corporations — are becoming aware that we are entering a new age, a new "normal," with respect to earth's climate and its conditions. We see this especially in the rapid approach of tipping points, irreversible changes, many quite visible. Of those tipping points, none is more visible, more immediately "gettable," than the rapid disappearance of standing ice everywhere on the planet. The image above, for example, shows IPCC calculations via many models regarding the loss of ice in the ... more »

Photos Apache Oak Flat Spiritual Gathering by Sandra Rambler

brendanorrell@gmail.comatCENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
Photos by Sandra Rambler, San Carlos Apache Censored News On Feb. 5, tribal members and guests danced to four blessing songs by medicine man, Anthony Logan and other spiritual leaders at the San Carlos Apache Tribal Administration lawn prior to beginning the spiritual march to Oak Flat. On Feb. 5, Tribal Vice-Chairman, Tao Etpison joined by Seven Mile Wash District


sueatIs the BBC biased? - 17 hours ago
Two updates regarding the subjects of previous threads. George Galloway is disgruntled and aggrieved about his Q.T. ‘ambush’ (I couldn’t bring myself to read it all) but this caught my eye. “I know of several pro-Palestinian supporters, Muslims, and Respect members who were turned down in their attempts to join the audience. Fanatic supporters of Israel evidently had no such difficulty.” which some of us might find kind of ironic. Look at the comments below the line on Huffpo. Many of them think George is vilified for merely ‘speaking the truth’ about Israel. Oh dear. Many of th... more »

Editor's Note

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 17 hours ago
Stuck in meetings this morning. Blogging will return 12:00 EST

The News Is Not Good

Owen GrayatNorthern Reflections - 17 hours ago
http://www.journaldemontreal.com/ Yesterday, I wrote that Stephen Harper had devalued the coin of the realm -- trust. And I suggested that the distrust Canadians now felt for him might result in his losing the next election. On the same day, Eve Adams joined Justin Trudeau's Liberals. Tom Clark reports: Some time before Christmas, Eve Adams and Dimitri Soudas called the co-chairs of the Liberal campaign in Ontario. They wanted to talk, they said, about becoming Liberals. Talks started almost immediately, but it would take another month bef... more »

More on Ukraine GMO Story

Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 17 hours ago
*German Lawmakers Claim Ukraine Conflict Covers Up Massive Cropland Seizures* MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The armed conflict in Ukraine is a smokescreen for the seizure of high-quality cropland by foreign firms funded by the World Bank and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the office of a German parliament member said on Thursday. "The conflict in Ukraine is used to cover up a sale of farmlands in the interest of major corporations," Birgit Bock-Luna, who heads the office of Niema Movassat, a deputy for the opposition Left faction in the German parliament, told RIA N... more »

10+ Easy Valentines, One Free Printable Tag

Lorene NanceatHousewife Eclectic - 17 hours ago
Valentine's Day is fast approaching! If you're looking for a cute and easy Valentine, I've got 10+ ideas that can all be used with the same free printable tag. You're welcome :) (And you can also check out more cute printables and crafts here.) [image: Free Printable Valentine Tag with 10+ Easy Gift Ideas] *DOWNLOAD AND PRINT THE TAG HERE* *(or if you are a tightwad like me and only print in grayscale - you can get the black and white version here)* There are two different page formats (both in the same file, just print page 1 or 2) 4 per page -- fold in half, trim the front pane... more »

Castaneda’s Recipe: The Phyllo Dough of the Subconscious Mind

WakingTimesatWaking Times - 18 hours ago
*Christina Sarich* - You see, the layers of the mind are more like phyllo - that mouth-watering, unleavened dough placed in layer after infinitesimally thin layer on top of one another to create, when baked, a delicious pastry... The post Castaneda’s Recipe: The Phyllo Dough of the Subconscious Mind appeared first on Waking Times.

Is the Age of Free Energy Already Upon Us?

WakingTimesatWaking Times - 18 hours ago
*Waking Times* - Is the age of free energy upon us? Will some of this technology escape and go open source? The post Is the Age of Free Energy Already Upon Us? appeared first on Waking Times.

Manipulations & Mind Games: The Secret Battle to Control How We Think

WakingTimesatWaking Times - 18 hours ago
*Kingsley Dennis* - Modern programs of social influence could not exist without recent developments in mass media. The post Manipulations & Mind Games: The Secret Battle to Control How We Think appeared first on Waking Times.

10 Reasons Cannabis Is Much Safer Than Alcohol

WakingTimesatWaking Times - 18 hours ago
*Marco Torres* - Both cannabis (marijuana) and alcohol have very different and complex actions on the brain. The post 10 Reasons Cannabis Is Much Safer Than Alcohol appeared first on Waking Times.

Happy Panda Family

James C MortonatMorton's Musings - 18 hours ago

Ferguson's Jim Crowe System

Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 18 hours ago
Civil rights lawyers are taking the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Missouri to court over what they are calling unconstitutional “debtors prisons.” Claiming that city officials routinely burden low-income individuals with outrageous fines before proceeding to throw them in jail for failure to pay these penalties, the group of attorneys is targeting the largely African-American city’s second largest source of income. RT’s Marina Portnaya has more.

The Fourth Phase of Water

WakingTimesatWaking Times - 18 hours ago
*Dr. Mercola* - Water is clearly one of the most important factors for your health—especially when you consider that your body actually consists of over 99 percent water molecules! The post The Fourth Phase of Water appeared first on Waking Times.


jonjayrayatEDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 18 hours ago
*Education Is the Business of the States* In 1981, Tennessee’s 41-year-old governor proposed to President Ronald Reagan a swap: Washington would fully fund Medicaid and the states would have complete responsibility for primary and secondary education. Reagan, a former governor, was receptive. But Democrats, who controlled the House and were beginning to be controlled by teachers unions (the largest, the National Education Association, had bartered its first presidential endorsement, of Jimmy Carter, for creation of the Department of Education) balked. In 1992, the former Tennesse... more »


JRatGREENIE WATCH - 19 hours ago
*Indian railroad engineer Rajendra Pachauri now thinks he knows how to judge countries* The outgoing chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), Dr Rajendra Pachauri, has a new vision for the organisation's future. Traditionally focused on collating the science underpinning climate change, Pachauri's proposals would seem to take the IPCC in a distinctly more political direction. Suggesting the panel "moves forward with the times and responds to changing expectations", Pachauri wants the IPCC to take an official role in assessing countries' pledges to reduce gre... more »

JERUSALEM (from 'Milton'): William Blake (1757-1827)

James C MortonatMorton's Musings - 19 hours ago
ND did those feet in ancient timeWalk upon England's mountains green?And was the holy Lamb of GodOn England's pleasant pastures seen? And did the Countenance DivineShine forth upon our clouded hills?And was Jerusalem builded hereAmong these dark Satanic Mills? Bring me my bow of burning gold!Bring me my arrows of desire!Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!Bring me my chariot of fire! I will not cease from mental fight,Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,Till we have built JerusalemIn England's green and pleasant land.

Forbidden: WHATREALLYHAPPENED.COM under DOS attack?

greencrowatGreencrow As The Crow Flies - 19 hours ago
*UPDATE: February 10, 2015 Message on WRH seems to indicate technical issues....* "As you can see, WRH is back up, albeit with some problems we are still working on." Read more: whatreallyhappened.com http://whatreallyhappened.com/#ixzz3RMYB0AQY ForbiddenYou don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. ------------------------------ Apache/2.2.29 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.29 OpenSSL/0.9.8e-fips-rhel5 mod_bwlimited/1.4 PHP/5.4.37 Server at whatreallyhappened.com Port 80 *****... more »

US Navy, Air Force and DARPA Tested The Lockheed Martin LRASM Next-Gen Anti-Ship Missile

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: LRASM]The U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) completed a successful test of the Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile (LRASM) Feb. 4, marking a significant step in maturing key technologies for the future operational weapon system. The joint-service team, known as the LRASM Deployment Office (LDO), conducted the test to evaluate LRASM’s low-altitude performance and obstacle avoidance as part of the program’s accelerated development effort. “We are very pleased with how LRASM performed today and we are looking forward to continuing integrat... more »

Sparks of Life: Lockheed Martin-Led Team Lays Keel on Nation’s Thirteenth Littoral Combat Ship

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
The Lockheed Martin-led industry team officially laid the keel for the U.S. Navy’s thirteenth Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), the future USS Wichita, in a ceremony held at Marinette Marine Corporation in Marinette, Wisconsin, today. Ship sponsor Mrs. Kate Staples Lehrer completed the time-honored tradition and authenticated the keel of Wichita (LCS 13). Mrs. Lehrer had her initials welded into a sheet of the ship’s steel, which will ultimately be mounted in the ship throughout its entire service. "This is an honor and a pleasure for me to be a sponsor of the USS Wichita,” said Lehrer.... more »

Does Anyone Care That Ukraine's Economy Has Just Collapsed?

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 22 hours ago
*Mark Adomanis, Forbes:* *Ukraine's Economy Is Collapsing And The West Doesn't Seem To Care* *Earlier reports, including my own, that Ukraine’s currency lost 30% of its value were not entirely accurate. The reality was actually quite a bit worse: the hryvnia shed roughly 50% of its value over the course of just two days, a stunning rout that places the country a hair’s breadth away from default.* *WNU Editor:* Mark Adomanis is right when he says the following .... *.... Unless the West steps in to massively aid Ukraine’s economy in the very near future the country will simply no... more »

Iran unveils indigenous supersonic fighter jet

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
Iran's Defense Ministry has unveiled a new domestically-built advanced supersonic trainer fighter jet, named Saeqeh 2 (Thunderbolt 2). The double-cockpit supersonic Saeqeh 2 fighter jet has been designed and manufactured by experts and engineers of Defense Ministry's Aerospace Industries Organization and in cooperation with the Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force (IRIAF), Iran's Deputy Defense Minister Brigadier General Amir Hatami said on Monday. The fighter jet will do close-range cover and backup tactical missions as well as advanced pilot training missions, he added. Read more

Top 3 Russian foils of US missile defence system

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: Bulava missile test launch]In late January, the chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, Army General Valery Gerasimov, told the media that Russia would take countermeasures against the deployment of the US global missile defence system. Gerasimov underlined that the countermeasures would be aimed at equipping the Russian army and navy with promising complexes and weapon systems that could neutralise the potential of US missile defence system, and will have an increased capacity to defeat it. He did not name any particular systems, but the RIR has come up wi... more »

GHOST Vessel Travels Through Water Bubbles, Inspired by Mantis Shrimp

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: Navy GHOST]The Mantis Shrimp has become an inspiration in making GHOST, a water vessel that uses the supercavitation physics principle, which could allow it travel through water safe and stable at high speeds. The sea crustacean uses its set of claws, accelerating at a speed that creates air bubbles which can cause harm not only to other sea-dwelling creatures, but also to man. Supercavitation is observed by the bubbles created by the Mantis Shrimp and also by the penguins shooting through underwater while without much friction or water drag. Read more

Analysts: Navy brass view F-35C's stealth as overrated

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: F-35C Lightning II]The top officer of one of three services projected to spend tens of billions of dollars on stealthy new F-35 Joint Strike Fighters, now says "stealth may be overrated." During a speech last week to a Washington audience, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Jon Greenert described what he's looking for in the next generation of strike aircraft — and it doesn't look like the controversial F-35. "What does that next strike fighter look like?" Greenert asked the packed forum. "I'm not sure it's manned, don't know that it is. You can only go so fast, and you know th... more »

Bidding for fighter project fails

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: KFX-E design]The bidding for Korea’s 8.5 trillion won ($8.3 billion) homegrown fighter jet development program fell through after Korean Air failed to submit its proposal on Monday, leaving state-run Korea Aerospace Industries as the sole bidder for the so-called KF-X project. But analysts said Korean Air apparently aimed to earn time to participate in the final competition with KAI. The Defense Acquisition Program Administration, the state-run arms procurement agency, said according to the government’s procurement rules, it will reopen the bid due to lack of competition. R... more »

Jordan Blasts Islamic State With 56 Air Strikes in Four Days

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
The head of the Jordanian air-force claims the intense blitz of strikes over the past few days have destroyed a fifth of the Islamic State’s war-fighting capabilities, in a series of attacks reportedly led by the king of Jordan in retaliation for the brutal murder of a prisoner of war last week. Although the recent strikes make up just a small proportion of the 2,000 bombing raids made by coalition war-planes since the start of the campaign against the Islamic state last year, if the claims by Jordan are true they have been uniquely effective. The Guardian reports the remarks of ... more »

DICE does Star Wars Battlefront - oh, yes!

Mike PhilbinatMike Philbin's free planet blog - 22 hours ago
DICE are a tech-obsessed games company based in Sweden. They made the seminal first person *parcour* game MIRROR'S EDGE back in 2008. DICE are now putting the final touches to the latest instalment of Star Wars Battlefront, a PSP instalment of which I worked on at Rebellion here in Oxford in 2008 -- but it didn't look this good! Here's their introductory trailer for the new Star Wars Battlefield incarnation - wow!

Engility Wins $27.5 Million Contract To Provide Technical Services To Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: Refueling at night]Engility Holdings, Inc., today announced it has been awarded a $27.5 million contract to provide a broad range of technical services support to the Air Traffic Control (ATC) Systems Division of the Naval Air Warfare Center, Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) at Patuxent River, MD and St. Inigoes, MD. Under this cost-plus-fixed-fee contract (one year base and four option years), Engility will assist the Navy in developing technologies for performing automated aerial refueling with commercial and military tankers and manned and unmanned air systems (UAS). “Engility... more »

FL Technics to provide spare parts for Sri Lanka Air Force’s transport aircraft

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: An-32 Cline]The Sri Lankan Government has authorised FL Technics Defence to support and maintain tactical transport aircraft of the country's armed forces. The approval requires the company to provide spare parts and also look after maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) activities of the Sri Lanka Air Force's (SLAF) An-32 and the C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft. FL Technics CEO Zilvinas Lapinskas said: "Boasting a convenient geographical location, Sri Lanka aims to develop a fully-fledged aviation hub which would service the entire region. Read more

Israel Aerospace Industries Introduces Business Jet-Based Maritime Patrol Aircraft

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: ELI-3360 Maritime Patrol Aircraft]Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) introduced the new generation ELI-3360 Maritime Patrol Aircraft (MPA), based on a modified Bombardier Global 5000 business-jet platform. Designed by IAI’s ELTA Group to provide maritime domain situational awareness and maritime superiority, the new MPA provides the most sophisticated surveillance, reconnaissance and armament systems to be installed on a business-jet to date, according to a company press release. The system incorporates the advanced ELTA ELM-2022 Maritime Patrol Radar, an electro-optical sens... more »

HT exclusive: India to get US military tech in 3 key areas

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: EMALS launch]India and the US have agreed to jointly develop and produce cutting-edge military equipment to enhance the reach and muscle of the Indian military. The Pentagon has agreed to share with New Delhi the electro-magnetic aircraft launch system (EMALS), hot engine and extended battery man pack technologies under the defence trade and technology initiative, government sources said Monday. The world’s biggest importer of weapons, India is looking to promote its domestic arms industry and sharing of technology is a vital part of it. Read more

Tomahawk Strike Missile Punches Hole Through Moving Maritime Target

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
A January test of a Raytheon Tomahawk land attack missile (TLAM) against a moving target at sea could be a short-term answer to the U.S. Navy’s long-range anti-surface missile problem, USNI News understands. The test – conducted off of San Nicolas Island, Calif. – demonstrated that a TLAM launched from a ship could be guided into a moving target at sea by a Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. An unclassified video of the test, obtained by USNI News, shows the missile launch from guided missile destroyer USS Kidd (DDG-100), fly for an unspecified amount of time and punch a hole through a... more »

Benjamin Netanyahu's Crusade Against President Obama Backfires

Saman MohammadiatThe Excavator - 23 hours ago
*"Who the fuck does he think he is? Who's the fucking superpower here?" - President Bill Clinton in 1996, after being lectured by Netanyahu on the Middle East (Source: Wikiquote)*. *An excerpt from, "Former Israeli Opposition Leader Puts Bibi-Boehner Ploy Bluntly" by Jim Lobe, LobeLog, February 8, 2015:* Yossi Sarid, the former head of Israel’s Meretz Party and leader of the opposition in the Knesset from 2001 to 2003, has just written a very blunt—far too blunt for “acceptable” political discourse in Washington, DC—op-ed published Sunday by Haaretz. Unfortunately, it’s behind a pa... more »

Thirty year Roadmap for Navy power systems to support railguns and lasers

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: USNS Spearhead (JHSV-1)]The US Navy has a roadmap to align electrical power system developments with warfighter needs and enable capability based budgeting. It is meant to be a living document, updated biannually, that invites innovation and guides investment by DOD, government, industry, and academia to achieve synergistic advances in naval power systems. Recommendations have been provided based on available information, engineering judgment, and projected requirements. The historic timelines for major component and large system development such as the gas turbine engine... more »

NATO: Global Hegemony in the Guise of "Collective Defense"

Land DestroyeratLand Destroyer - 23 hours ago
*February 10, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Chief among the stated reasons the United States has decided to arbitrate the future of Ukraine for its citizens, is the grave danger Russia allegedly poses not only to Kiev, but to Europe and the rest of the world. This despite the fact that it was the US which facilitated violent protests that eventually overthrew the elected government of Ukraine in 2013-2014 in the first place, leading directly to the war now unfolding in the heart of Eastern Europe. It was not long ago that another ambitious power cited Russia as a threat and invok... more »

Pro-Russian Rebels In Ukraine Say They Have Encircled The Ukraine Army In The Town Of Debaltseve

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 23 hours ago
BBC *BBC:* *Rebels claim to encircle Ukraine troops in Debaltseve* *Pro-Russian rebels in Ukraine say they have encircled the town of Debaltseve - but Ukraine says its troops are still fighting along a supply road.* *Update:* City of Debaltseve emerges as a tipping point in Ukraine’s war -- Financial Times *WNU Editor*: If these reports are true .... it is a significant defeat for the Ukraine military. And while I do not expect a major offensive to be launched by the rebels until after this Wednesday's peace conference in Minsk .... the situation on the ground is so fluid that an... more »

Sarah Palin Calls for Article V States Convention

arcleinatTerra Forming Terra - 23 hours ago
[image: 1palin23] . I think this first came up by way of Rush Limbaugh and my first instinct was to dismiss it as a long shot. It was meant to be even back then and with the need to bring at least forty States on line it surely must be. *EXCEPT: *Both congress and the Senate are completely locked into a persuasive relationship with huge money that has effectively been stolen from the US fed. Reform and correction has proven impossible over the last decade since this came about and the actual control shift really took place during Clinton's Presidency, was effectuated during Bush... more »

On War Crimes and Double Standards in Ukraine First

Land DestroyeratLand Destroyer - 23 hours ago
*February 10, 2015* (Eric Draitser - NEO) - The Western media has been abuzz in recent days with the claim that videos posted to youtube, which show Ukrainian prisoners being “mistreated” by anti-Kiev rebels, amount to war crimes. Naturally, such claims deserve attention as violations of international laws governing war and treatment of prisoners are of concern to all. However, it is equally true that those calling for prosecution of the anti-Kiev rebels are applying a farcical double standard as they have utterly ignored the exponentially more egregious war crimes committed by the... more »

SharpEye Radar Ordered for NZ Frigates Upgrade

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: HMNzS Te Kaha]As part of the Lockheed Martin Canada prime contract for the Frigate Systems Upgrade project, a contract has been awarded to Kelvin Hughes to supply SharpEye radars and with an Agile Tracker to the New Zealand (NZ) Ministry of Defense. Kelvin Hughes will supply its S-Band solid state upmast 2D navigation and surveillance radar SharpEye, for two ship sets along with their tactical Naval MantaDigital display software and processors. The NZ Ministry of Defense has also selected Kelvin Hughes’ agile tracker option providing advanced target tracking capability for ... more »

Russia Successfully Tests Small-Sized Anti-Submarine System in Baltic Sea

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: RFS Soobrazitelny FS]Russia has successfully tested its newest anti-submarine system, which features anti-torpedo capabilities, during military exercises in the Baltic Sea. Russia’s stealth corvette Soobrazitelny has successfully tested the country’s newest Paket-NK small-sized anti-submarine system with anti-torpedo capabilities during the military exercises in the Baltic Sea. The Kilo class diesel-electric torpedo submarine “Varshavyanka” (Project 877) served as a target and was fired at with actual torpedoes (which hadn't been equipped with warheads). Read more

U.S. Considering Basing Warships in Australia

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: Wasp class LHD]The U.S. Navy is considering a plan to base warships in Australia and would like to broaden yearly maritime exercises with India to permanently include close regional allies Japan and Australia, in an expansion of security ties that could risk exacerbating strategic rivalries with China. Visiting Australia to inspect port facilities the U.S. would like to use to support a regular Marine training presence in the northern city of Darwin, U.S. Chief of Navy Operations Adm. Jonathan Greenert said military officials from both countries were looking to increase mari... more »

Japan won’t share secret submarine technology with anyone

Ko SavonijeatNaval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: Soryu class SSK]Australia has asked Japanese officials to provide critical information about stealth, power and combat system integration issues for the 4200-tonne boat considered front runner in the race to be the Navy’s future submarine, but Japan has so far declined to provide access to the information. News Corporation also understands that the government’s 2015 Defence White Paper — due out by June — explores cutting the number of submarines from 12 to eight, with an option for two more and a budget well below $20 billion. The 2009 White Paper included a requirement for... more »

MENA Report - Iraq / Syria / ISIS Regional War - ( February 10 , 2015 ) - Ground War imminent for Iraq with Mosul the prize .... Jordan takes battle against ISIS in Iraq and perhaps Syria ......Jihadists losing ground in Iraq but influential still in Yemen and Libya ...... Additional News and Views

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 23 hours ago
Links ....... *US: Iraq Ground Offensive Begins 'Within Weeks'* *Opposition Parties Withdraw From Yemen Talks* *Afghan ISIS Recruiter Killed in US Drone Strike* Bombers Still Targeting Baghdad; 96 Killed Across Iraq Iraq Official Appeals for More Aid to Fight ISIS Czech to Send Tanks and Armored Personnel Carriers to Iraq ISIS Pulls Forces and Hardware From Syria's Aleppo: Rebels Syria Says It Doesn't Need Jordan's Help Fighting ISIS Jordan Says Its Airstrikes Are Targeting ISIS Leadership Libyan Army Says Has Retaken Main Camp in Benghazi EU Threatens Sanctions Against 'Spoile... more »

NASA Finds Mysterious Bright Spot on Dwarf Planet Ceres: What Is It?

arcleinatTerra Forming Terra - 23 hours ago
[image: NASA Finds Mysterious Bright Spot on Dwarf Planet Ceres: What Is It?] We are too far away yet, but with previous geysers observed this will surely be integral to whatever is the active fluid. This it is even sort of expected. The great news is that we will get a detailed look see starting over the next four weeks and lasting through many orbits. Ceres will be fully mapped and likely done close up. We are now getting a serious inspection of all inner system objects. This is very good. It remains amusing that Phobus continues to elude us. That appears more and more... more »

Microsoft's Remarkable Holographic Headset

arcleinatTerra Forming Terra - 23 hours ago
[image: Microsoft HoloLens RGB] The Holodec is essentially here, or at least the working software. We can expect glasses that also adjust for out prescription as well. All of which means that we can expect 'glasses that provide us with a surround work station wherever we wish to sit and be comfortable. Better yet, it will even be soon. How about a virtual cell phone as well. We will be watching folks essentially miming their cell phone and carrying out a conversation with no visible cell phone. It is now a short step to integrate separate systems as well. You will walk ... more »

Budwig Protocol

arcleinatTerra Forming Terra - 23 hours ago
. We have already seen several items regarding the elimination of cancer and as this makes very clear, all depend on deep oxygenation. This work clearly expands our simple protocols and provides a far more dynamic system with more options to offset variation. Cottage Cheese is the least of it all. We now know enough to simply cure cancer itself. Central is developing an alkaline blood profile and this means at the least plent of check measurement. It is also unforgiving. If you have never employed self discipline, this is a bad time to learn. The mind will discover a thous... more »

Preventing A US-China Nuclear War

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
Fang Fenghui (L), chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, holds a welcoming ceremony for Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, prior to their talks in Beijing, capital of China, April 22, 2013. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) *James Jay Carafano, The National Interest*:* Avoiding the Unthinkable: Preventing a US-China Nuclear War* *"The goal is to leave everyone in Asia believing that when it comes to solving regional problems, there are better answers than the force of arms."* *WNU Editor:* Using the tactics, policies, and strategies that we... more »

Will China Become Invovled In Afghanistan?

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
*Wall Street Journal*:* As U.S. Exits, China Takes On Afghanistan Role* *After a Decade of Rebuffing U.S. Requests for Help in Afghanistan, China May Be Ready to Do MoreIn December, representatives of the U.S., China and Afghanistan met for private talks in London, the first time the three countries convened to seek ways to forge peace in Afghanistan, a senior U.S. official said.The previously undisclosed meeting, which came within days of a visit by the Afghan Taliban to Beijing, was a step on a path long resisted by China, wary of the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan and... more »

When taking longer to finish is not failure but heroism

skrashenatSchools Matter - 1 day ago
Sent to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, February 9, 2015 Like Peter Smagorinsky ("Opinion: Issue isn’t welding vs. Chaucer. It’s how to remove barriers to college," Feb. 9). I also "admire people who persist through obstacles." As Smagorinksy points out, many of those who take longer than the traditional time period to finish high school, community college, or a "four-year" college need to work to support themselves and their families. We must allow working students to take a reduced course load and and occasional leaves of absence. During the depression, the father of a colle... more »

President Obama: Time For Iran To Decide On Nuclear Weapons. Admits 'Very Real Differences' With Netanyahu On Iran

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
*Time:* *Obama: It’s Time for Iran to Decide on Nuclear Weapons* *President Obama said Monday that Iran needs to decide whether it will agree to end its nuclear weapons research.In a joint press conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel at the White House, Obama said he does not see much chance for an extension of the upcoming deadline on negotiations with the U.S. and several other countries, arguing that the issue is now whether Iran has the political will to get a deal done.* *WNU Editor:* President Obama definitely does not sound optimistic on an Iranian deal. *More N... more »

Review - Ultimate Cleaning Package by Radiantly You

Small FootprintsatReduce Footprints - 1 day ago
Do-It-Yourself (DIY) recipes are available, online, for just about everything. And that's great for people who are into making stuff. Making stuff isn't for everyone. So we look to commercial products to fill our needs. In my experience, shopping for Eco-friendly products at the market is difficult. The selections are limited, the expense is high, and one has to be very careful about ingredients because not all so-called green items are actually green. I was invited to try out the *Ultimate Cleaning Package by Radiantly You*. Before agreeing to do a review, I asked about where the ... more »

Preventing A US-China Nuclear War

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
Fang Fenghui (L), chief of the general staff of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, holds a welcoming ceremony for Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, prior to their talks in Beijing, capital of China, April 22, 2013. (Xinhua/Xie Huanchi) *James Jay Carafano, The National Interest*:* Avoiding the Unthinkable: Preventing a US-China Nuclear War* *"The goal is to leave everyone in Asia believing that when it comes to solving regional problems, there are better answers than the force of arms."* *WNU Editor:* Using the tactics, policies, and strategies that we... more »

EFN Asia 46: A Young Korean's Reflections of Conference 2014 in Hong Kong

Nonoy OplasatGovernment and Taxes - 1 day ago
Here's a good reflection paper by a young participant from Seoul during the Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia Conference 2014 in Hong Kong. This is posted yesterday, 09 February 2015, at the EFN Asia website. Reposting it here. ----------- *Perspective from the Youth Alliance for the Future of Korea: EFN Asia conference 2014* By Ms Kwon Ji-Eun, staff, The Young Alliance for the Future of Korea … This year's topic of the annual conference was 'Liberalism: Promoting Growth, Reducing Inequality', and the members from developing Asian countries gather together to discuss the method... more »

Is Cyprus About To Lease Two Military Bases To Russia?

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
Image from MINA *Newsweek:* *Russian Army Set to Agree Deal to Use Cyprus Ports and Airstrips* *The president of Cyprus, Nicos Anastasiades, has said he is in talks with the Russian government to let its military use the island nation’s sea and airports. He made the announcement in an interview with Russia’s state owned news agency Itar-Tass today, having previously denied earlier reports that Cyprus had agreed a deal to lease its facilities with the Russian armed forces.* *WNU Editor:* Russian media first reported over the weekend on a military deal that would* permit Russia to ... more »

Russian President Vladimir Putin Begins A Two Day Trip To Egypt

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
*BBC*: *Russia's Putin arrives in Cairo for talks with Egyptian leader* *Russian President Vladimir Putin has begun a two-day visit to Egypt, as both sides aim to boost bilateral ties and discuss major regional security issues.* *WNU Editor:* Arms deals, closer bilateral relations, and regional security issues will be on the plate for discussion. *More News On Russian President Vladimir Putin Beginning A Two Day Trip To Egypt * Russia's Putin arrives in Egypt to meet Sisi -- Ahram Online Egypt Provides a Warm Welcome for Russia's President -- Sputnik Putin Begins Egypt Visit -- Ra... more »

BC Liberals Take The Cash At Swanky Election Fundraiser Hosted By LNG Proponent Wooodfibre, 2 1/2 Years Before The Next Election

Grant GatThe Straight Goods - 1 day ago
BC Liberals Take The Cash At Swanky Election Fundraiser Hosted By LNG Proponent Wooodfibre, 2 1/2 Years Before The Next Election(An LNG Story) *Written by Grant G* Well well well.....On January 13th/2015 Woodfibre LNG applies to the BC Liberal Government for an environmental certificate on it`s proposed project in Squamish.. ______________ *Small LNG project in B.C. applies for environmental certificate* * [image: Printer-friendly version]Printer-friendly version[image: Send by email]Send by email* * Latest Oil and Gas News: * *January 15, 2015* *(The Globe and Mail; Jan. 13)... more »

Andrew Cuomo thinks pols are either talkers or doers -- guess which he thinks he is

KenInNYatDownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
*The New Yorker caption for this picture is: "At close range, the Governor is a formidable presence. His speech comes in aggressive, self-confident bursts, especially when he's sizing up the state of political play, and he is relentless." I thought this was kind of funny, because just looking at the picture, I thought of some tacky horror-movie villain.* *by Ken* It's about as old an argument as there is in the field of government: compromising to get stuff done vs. holding out for getting the right thing(s) done. Of course it's kind of a fake dichotomy. I think most people unders... more »

Real Crusades History - The First Crusaders: Their Motivations

Saman MohammadiatThe Excavator - 1 day ago
*Pope Urban II at the Council of Clermont (1095).* "Let those who have been accustomed unjustly to wage private warfare against the faithful now go against the infidels and end with victory this war which should have been begun long ago. Let those who for a long time, have been robbers, now become knights. Let those who have been fighting against their brothers and relatives now fight in a proper way against the barbarians. Let those who have been serving as mercenaries for small pay now obtain the eternal reward. Let those who have been wearing themselves out in both body and soul... more »

Red Cross: The Afghan War Is Going To Get Worse

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
Reuters / Jose Miguel Gomez *Reuters:* *Red Cross saw twice as many dead Afghan fighters in 2014, fears worse to come* *(Reuters) - The International Committee of the Red Cross removed more than twice as many dead combatants from Afghan battlefields in 2014 than in the previous year as fighting intensified, the charity said on Monday.The ICRC retrieved the remains of 1,372 dead fighters in the 12-month period, up from 620 the year before.* *WNU Editor*: Afghanistan's neighbors are certainly becoming concerned on where the security situation is heading .... *Afghan, Pakistani, Ch... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“What created the Waterfall Nebula? No one knows. The structure seen in the region of NGC 1999 in the Great Orion Molecular Cloud complex is one of the more mysterious structures yet found on the sky. Designated HH-222, the elongated gaseous stream stretches about ten light years and emits an unusual array of colors. * Click image for larger size.* One hypothesis is that the gas filament results from the wind from a young star impacting a nearby molecular cloud. That would not explain, however, why the Waterfall and fainter streams all appear to converge on a bright but unusual non ... more »

Crowfoot, "What Is Life?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset." - Crowfoot, Blackfoot warrior and orator.


noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Look, I want to love this world as though it's the last chance I'm ever going to get to be alive and know it." - Mary Oliver

Chet Raymo

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Sea Grows Old In It”* by Chet Raymo ․ “’The poet, like the electric [lightning] rod, must reach from a point nearer to the sky than all surrounding objects down to the earth, and down to the dark wet soil, or neither is of use. The poet must not only converse with pure thought, but he must demonstrate it almost to the senses. His words must be pictures, his verses must be spheres and cubes, to be seen, and smelled and handled.’ - Ralph Waldo Emerson Ah, Mr. Emerson. This seems about as good a description of poetry as one is likely to find. I love the image. Not a hand reachin... more »

The Daily "Near You?"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Gainesville, Florida, USA. Thanks for stopping by.

Eckhart Tolle, "On Happiness"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"On Happiness" by Eckhart Tolle "If there is unhappiness in you, first you need to acknowledge that it is there. But don't say, “I'm unhappy.” Unhappiness has nothing to do with who you are. Say: “There is unhappiness in me.” Then investigate it. A situation you find yourself in may have something to do with it. Action may be required to change the situation or remove yourself from it. If there is nothing you can do, face what is and say, “Well, right now, this is how it is. I can either accept it, or make myself miserable.” The primary cause of unhappiness is never the situation b... more »

FREE Download: Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
FREE Download: Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations""Life is neither good or evil, but only a place for good and evil." - Marcus Aurelius "Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus (26 April 121 – 17 March 180) was the Roman emperor from 161 to his death in 180. He ruled with Lucius Verus as co-emperor from 161 until Lucius' death in 169. He was the last of the "Five Good Emperors", and is also considered one of the most important Stoic philosophers. His tenure was marked by wars in Asia against a revitalized Parthian Empire, and with Germanic tribes along the Limes Germanicus into Gaul and ac... more »

More Than Just A Wish - A Poem by Seldom Heard

Stranger in a Strange LandatStranger in a Strange Land - 1 day ago
Source: *https://plus.google.com/u/0/108767350436427277961/posts*

"The First Rule Of Life..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The first rule of life is to reveal nothing, to be exceptionally cautious in what you say, in whatever company you may find yourself. If you have a secret, you have only to whisper it to your dearest friend with the strictest injunction that it will go no further, and within half a day the story is all over town, and when you do make what would seem to be a perfectly sensible remark, you will find it reported in the most grotesque form, thus incurring no end of criticism to rebound upon you." - Elizabeth Aston

"Making Life Yours: Perception"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Making Life Yours: Perception"* by The DailyOm "A simple shift in attitude can help us recognize the hidden potential for fulfillment in every event. There is no secret recipe for happiness and contentment. The individuals who move through life joyously have not necessarily been blessed with lives of abundance, love, success, and prosperity. Such people have, however, been blessed with the ability to take the circumstances they’ve been handed and make them into something great. Our individual realities are colored by perception—delight and despair come from within rather than wit... more »

If The Ukraine Peace Talks Fail Expect The Next Big Battles To Occur In These Cities

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
*Anna Nemtsova, Daily Beast:* *Is This The Next Big Battle of the Ukraine War?* *Western leaders are trying to negotiate a political solution to the war in Ukraine, but Mariupol, which stands between Russia and Crimea, has to be ready for the worst.* *WNU Editor:* If recent reports from Ukraine are true .... *Russian-backed rebels massing to attack key Ukrainian towns: Kiev *(Reuters) .... and if this weeks Ukraine peace talks do fail .... the next major battle will be for the town of Debaltseve .... * City of Debaltseve emerges as a tipping point in Ukraine’s war * (Financial Tim... more »

Greece Updates - February 9 - 10 , 2015 - Following the Tsipras Speech to the Greek Parliament ( not a whiff of backing down to Troika ) , examination of post - mortems , news / views data for Greece - all ahead of Wednesday key EuroGroup meeting of February 9 , 2015.....

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Surveying the field m the day after the Tsipras speech , before the vote of confidence and prior to Wednesday EuroGroup ! Tweets..... 2/10/15...... Evening..... *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts · 53m53 minutes ago #BREAKING -- Greek gov't receives vote of confidence. *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts · 39m39 minutes ago IMF thinks #Greece better use current program to conclude review & receive available tranches as talks w Eurozone will drag on. ~@mignatiou *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts · 4m4 minutes ago My baseline scenario now for the Greek issue is no agreement wit... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 9, 0215

War News Updates EditoratWar News Updates - 1 day ago
Ukrainian servicemen launch a Grad rocket towards pro-Russian separatist forces outside Debaltseve, eastern Ukraine Feb. 8, 2015. REUTERS/Alexei Chernyshev *Lucian Kim, Reuters:* *Signs of desperation in West’s latest moves to halt Ukraine crisis* *The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Germany’s Gray Lady, ran a tabloid-style headline on its website Sunday morning: “The Day the World Fell Apart.” The catastrophe in question was the Munich Security Conference, an annual forum that packs dozens of world leaders into a five-star hotel for a weekend of speeches and back-room dealings. T... more »

Aerial war on Syria is expanding- UAE is back & the US (Israel) is pleased.

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
I wondered at the comments from Syrian leadership? *From: Syria- No, to Foreign Troops on Syrian Soil- Syrian/Belarus cooperation* Syria's foreign minister has criticized neighboring Jordan, which recently stepped up air strikes *"We will not allow anyone to infringe upon our national sovereignty and we don't need (foreign) ground troops to fight the IS*" *Jordan stepping up airstrike and troops on the ground?* What was going on behind the scenes? I knew Jordan had been training terrorists for some time now- I searched through my blog and found at least three posts mentioning this ... more »

Why Your Taxes Are Going UP UP UP  (Biggest Leak in Banking History Exposes Massive Tax Evasion)  Truth Is Unspeakable   (American Sniper Means America Loves Its Violence-Prone Image)  America:  Murder, Inc.

He Was Truly The Dean 88-Year-Old Retired Central Banker Expects Grexit In His Lifetime Are you so used to stories about bankster money laundering (for narcotics smuggling, a source of ready funds enabling excessive lifestyles, or other questionable ventures) that they are not exciting enough to get you going anymore? They're hoping so. Cause no one (except maybe a confused new hire or two)

'Stand Strong Against Racism' Rapid City Feb. 10, 2015

brendanorrell@gmail.comatCENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Censored News: Rapid City Journal victimizing victims: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2015/02/rapid-city-journal-victimizing-victims.html

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