Channel: oldephartte(in training)
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The View

  Noted on Facebook : Barack Obama's approval ratings are so low ... Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the USA

Aging water mains a $1-billion headache for DWP


Dashboard of Things: The Third Evolution of Netvibes Dashboard Intelligence


Prime Minister Stephen Harper has invoked parliamentary privilege to avoid testifying in a libel lawsuit launched against him and his former director of communications, Jason MacDonald, by the National Council of Canadian...


Should the rise of conflicts across the Middle East and Ukraine serve as a warning sign that something much more dangerous is approaching? According to Jim Rickards, the CIA's Asymmetric Warfare Advisor, the answer is yes. In a...

The country’s new defence minister released the costs of the war against ISIL on Monday night

Conspiracy Syndrome's photo.

Sudan’s President has claimed the CIA, America’s intelligence agency, and Israel’s Mossad are behind the Islamist militant groups Boko Haram and Isis.

On Sunday, international news outlets the Guardian and Le Monde, working with the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), published...

Iceland's economy recovered from the financial crisis after they threw the banksters in prison and allowed struggling homeowners to reduce their debt.  SHARE if we should try this in the US! Thanks to The Knowledge Movement
Iceland's economy recovered from the financial crisis after they threw the banksters in prison and allowed struggling homeowners to reduce their debt.
SHARE if we should try this in the US!
Thanks to The Knowledge Movement


"While Prime Minister Stephen Harper has identified the threat as violent extremists motivated by radical Islamic views, the legislation would also expand the ability of government agencies to infiltrate environmental groups on the suspicion that they are promoting civil disobedience..." http://www.theglobeandmail.com//news/politics/anti-petroleum-movement-a-growing-security-threat-to-canada-rcmp-say/article23019252/?cmpid=rss1&click=sf_globe
"While Prime Minister Stephen Harper has identified the threat as violent extremists motivated by radical Islamic views, the legislation would also expand the ability of government agencies to infiltrate environmental groups on the suspicion that they are promoting civil disobedience..."http://www.theglobeandmail.com/…/anti-pet…/article23019252/…

Documents obtained by Greenpeace raise environmentalists’ fears they’ll be targets of surveillance and dirty tricks under Bill C-51

Reformers or "good ole"  tories, republicans or tea freaks, libertarians or neocons....whatever... they all want to hurt the unions, the workers and in effect hurt me and my country. They trash our social programs in favor of military and corporate funding and seek to destroy public education and healthcare. As a union member and a family man.....i do not care much for conservatives. peace to all ya'll

Locals living close to oil and gas projects in what is known as Alberta’s Industrial Heartland are not surprised that a recent study found that chemicals in the air...


The federal government has been vigorously spying on anti-oil sands activists and organizations in BC...

WOW. Whose side is the NEB really on? What's Kinder Morgan hiding? Canadians deserve answers! #notarsands

A CSX Corp oil train that derailed and erupted in flames in West Virginia on Monday was hauling newer model tank cars, not the older versions widely...
grandforksherald.com|By Reuters Media

PLEASE SHARE- This is a photo the Indonesian government does not want you to see.  The Grasberg mine, owned by US company Freeport-McMoRan funding genocide and illegal occupation in Indonesian occupied West Papua   A gaping wound in the heart of West Papua, which was once a beautiful and sacred mountain, capped by a glacier, is visible from space. It is so horrible and shameful for American politicians to see, they are taken in deliberately different flight routes when they visit the region so that they do not see the devastation which they are often helping to fund with this mine.  Everyday thousands of tons of gold and copper are being extracted from the Grasberg mine, the largest goldmine on Earth.  The work is also incredibly unsafe and unfair, whilst all of the mine owners are either American or Indonesian, the Papuans are given the most dangerous and low paid jobs. This year alone, over 29 people were killed in 2 mining disasters.  When workers went on strike in 2011, they were beaten and shot at by police, at least one worker was killed.   Freeport is Indonesia's biggest taxpayer and all the proceeds are channeled to Jakarta, whilst Papuans become poorer and poorer in their own land. Freeport dumps over 238,000 tonnes of toxic waste into the local river system EVERY DAY. And pays the Indonesian military over 3 MILLION dollars every year to kill local Papuans and keep them away from the mine. During the start of operations here, thousands of local Papuans were killed and evicted by the Indonesian military just to make way for this monstrous mine.  This only adds to the 500,000+ innocent West Papuan men, women and children who have so far been murdered by the Indonesian military, only for expressing their desire to live in a free and independent nation of West Papua.  Even for just raising the West Papuan national flag, West Papuans are given jail sentences by the Indonesian authorities of 15 years.  Indonesia - stop the theft of West Papua's natural resources and destruction of the West Papuan land!  To find out how you can help the suffering people of Wets Papua, please visit the website of the Free West Papua Campaign here: freewestpapua.org/ and here: http://freewestpapua.org/take-action/  Help to stop this 21st century genocide.  Thank you very much
 This is a photo the Indonesian government does not want you to see.
The Grasberg mine, owned by US company Freeport-McMoRan funding genocide and illegal occupation in Indonesian occupied West Papua
A gaping wound in the heart of West Papua, which was once a beautiful and sacred mountain, capped by a glacier, is visible from space.
It is so horrible and shameful for American politicians to see, they are taken in deliberately different flight routes when they visit the region so that they do not see the devastation which they are often helping to fund with this mine.

Everyday thousands of tons of gold and copper are being extracted from the Grasberg mine, the largest goldmine on Earth.
The work is also incredibly unsafe and unfair, whilst all of the mine owners are either American or Indonesian, the Papuans are given the most dangerous and low paid jobs. This year alone, over 29 people were killed in 2 mining disasters.
When workers went on strike in 2011, they were beaten and shot at by police, at least one worker was killed.

Freeport is Indonesia's biggest taxpayer and all the proceeds are channeled to Jakarta, whilst Papuans become poorer and poorer in their own land.
Freeport dumps over 238,000 tonnes of toxic waste into the local river system EVERY DAY. And pays the Indonesian military over 3 MILLION dollars every year to kill local Papuans and keep them away from the mine.
During the start of operations here, thousands of local Papuans were killed and evicted by the Indonesian military just to make way for this monstrous mine.

This only adds to the 500,000+ innocent West Papuan men, women and children who have so far been murdered by the Indonesian military, only for expressing their desire to live in a free and independent nation of West Papua.
Even for just raising the West Papuan national flag, West Papuans are given jail sentences by the Indonesian authorities of 15 years.

Indonesia - stop the theft of West Papua's natural resources and destruction of the West Papuan land!
To find out how you can help the suffering people of Wets Papua, please visit the website of the Free West Papua Campaign here: freewestpapua.org/ and here: http://freewestpapua.org/take-action/

 Out of Sight, Out of Mind
 ( scroll down for a leaderboard of related current stories )

Young Americans for Liberty's photo.

Young Americans for Liberty's photo.

  • Jay Paul's photo.

  • Like ATTN: on Facebook to stand up against sexual assault...
    Like ATTN: on Facebook to stand up against sexual assault...

    Apparently this man knows where HIS priorities are, a little perspective share widely  http://www.cbc.ca/news/aboriginal/stephen-harper-s-comments-on-missing-murdered-aboriginal-women-show-lack-of-respect-1.2879154  http://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/pubs/mmaw-faapd-eng.pdf  http://www.globalresearch.ca/suspicious-canada-shooting-triggers-minority-report-pre-crime-plans-for-preventive-arrests/5409863  http://openparliament.ca/bills/41-2/C-51/  http://www.parl.gc.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=E&Mode=1&Bill=C51&Parl=41&Ses=2  http://www.parl.gc.ca/LegisInfo/BillDetails.aspx?Language=F&Mode=1&Bill=C51&Parl=41&Ses=2  I am still sitting on the "so called terrorist statement" I feel that there may be a better way of expressing it. However  I cannot see driving down a couple soldiers as terrorism but an act of war, I cannot see that Canadians as a whole are living in fear of religiously inspired vehicular homicide, and an isolated drug addict with mental health issues, who happened to embrace the Muslim religion, attacking a security guard doesn't really qualify  either.  To be terrorism in my mind they would need to be part of a well organized group. Though I am certainly not wanting to minimize the deaths of any human being. Also even bigger then the number of missing and murdered is how many of those remain unsolved and unresolved, how the system has marginalized and set these women up to be easy prey. The contrast for me is both his statement that MMIW was not a priority and the public safety of Canadians after these 2 incidents. Also in general it is bad form for for any cause to ride on the coattails of another. I compare these to point out his character and apologize to anyone who may feel this meme is disrespectful

    Apparently this man knows where HIS priorities are, a little perspective share widely
    I am still sitting on the "so called terrorist statement" I feel that there may be a better way of expressing it. However I cannot see driving down a couple soldiers as terrorism but an act of war, I cannot see that Canadians as a whole are living in fear of religiously inspired vehicular homicide, and an isolated drug addict with mental health issues, who happened to embrace the Muslim religion, attacking a security guard doesn't really qualify either. To be terrorism in my mind they would need to be part of a well organized group. Though I am certainly not wanting to minimize the deaths of any human being. Also even bigger then the number of missing and murdered is how many of those remain unsolved and unresolved, how the system has marginalized and set these women up to be easy prey. The contrast for me is both his statement that MMIW was not a priority and the public safety of Canadians after these 2 incidents. Also in general it is bad form for for any cause to ride on the coattails of another. I compare these to point out his character and apologize to anyone who may feel this meme is disrespectful

    'Elizabeth May and Thomas Mulcair have both shown great leadership in standing up against Harper's reckless, vague and unnecessary Secret Police bill. Send them a thank you by tweeting at them. Tweet at Mulcair by clicking here: http://bit.ly/thank-mulcair Tweet at May by clicking here: http://bit.ly/thank-EMay'
    Elizabeth May and Thomas Mulcair have both shown great leadership in standing up against Harper's reckless, vague and unnecessary Secret Police bill. Send them a thank you by tweeting at them.
    Tweet at Mulcair by clicking here: http://bit.ly/thank-mulcair
    Tweet at May by clicking here: http://bit.ly/thank-EMay

    Bernie Sanders's photo.

    Past presidents have worked to keep corporate influence out of our democracy, and the fight has continued to this day.  Read what presidents through our history have had to say.  READ: http://www.commoncause.org/democracy-wire/5-presidents-on-democracy.html
    Past presidents have worked to keep corporate influence out of our democracy, and the fight has continued to this day.
    Read what presidents through our history have had to say.
    READ: http://www.commoncause.org/d…/5-presidents-on-democracy.html

    Christopher Brooks's photo.

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