10 pm MDT
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
*by Noah* Yep. As the meme says, he really did say that and, of course, the 2020 Republican Death Cult Con-Vention is upon us and we're already hearing much more of the same. Along with their usual NAZI words and Third Reich symblism, we can expect to hear little else from such a collection of grifters, con artists, and white supremacy goons. Here's the prelude to the uber fear-mongering quote in tonight's meme: If you want a vision of your life under Biden presidency think of the smoldering ruins in Minneapolis, the violent anarchy of Portland, the bloodstained sidewalks of Chi... more »
Patriot Humor – The Problem
The ProblemThis Is FineDizzy JoeA Terrible EndorsementThey Pinko PromiseKamala HarrisLocked Up!HarrisBet You Can’tAmerican GreatnessThink Outside the MailboxMore Democrat KneelingNow Trump’s Putting Mail Trucks in CagesGuessGoodyear Execs: ‘BLM’ Good, ‘MAGA’ BadNo Apology NecessaryCartoons Read more excellent articles at The Patriot Post
Is The F-5E Tiger II Or Soviet MiG-21 Superior? Here's What The Iran-Iraq War Has To Say
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, Middle East* It became obvious that both the F-5E and the MiG-21 lacked the advanced sensors, weapons and electronic countermeasures necessary for survival over a battlefield saturated with massive volumes of anti-aircraft weaponry. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* As far as is currently known, the Iran-Iraq War thus ended without a clear winner in this duel. Four each F-5Es and MiG-21s were destroyed. There have been countless discussions over which is the better fighter jet— the U.S.-made Northrop F-5E Tiger II or the Soviet MiG-21 Fishbed. Tha... more »
Politics And Gender Issues (I)
The article has the aim to investigate the situation of female representation in politics in the industrialized contemporary Western democracies. Though women are more and more visible in politics, we can not yet say they have taken an equal position compared to men. Of course, they have had to take […]
Jim Jordan Discusses President Trump, then Offers a Challenge…
Representative Jim Jordan (R-OH) spoke on the first night of the Republican National Convention. Jordan discusses the fraudulent roadblocks the democrats tried to put in front of President Trump, and the accomplishments. Then Jordan tells a story about the humanity … Continue reading →
U.S. Speaker Of The House Says President Trump And Republicans Are Domestic Enemies .... Enemies Of The State
UNHINGED: Pelosi labels Republicans “domestic enemies . . . . enemies of the state.” pic.twitter.com/11pdItVgdb — Arthur Schwartz (@ArthurSchwartz) August 24, 2020 *FOX News:* *Pelosi calls Trump, GOP lawmakers 'domestic enemies,''enemies of the state' over mail-in voting opposition* The top Democrat told MSNBC Russia isn't the only one 'trying to interfere in our election' House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., escalated her attacks toward President Trump and GOP lawmakers Monday, describing them as "domestic enemies" over their opposition to universal mail-in voting. During an... more »
An Asteroid is Headed for Earth (It's 2020, After All)
*Jonti Horner* *Astronomy, World* [image: Reuters] Even if Earth is in the crosshairs, though, there’s nothing to worry about. Social media around the world lit up over the weekend, discussing the possibility that an asteroid (known as 2018 VP₁) could crash into Earth on November 2. It seemed only fitting. What better way to round off a year that has seen catastrophic floods, explosions, fires, and storms – and, of course, a global pandemic? But you can rest easy. The asteroid does not pose a threat to life on Earth. Most likely, it will sail harmlessly past our planet. At wors... more »
Kenosha Riots are PROOF Democrats Know They Have LOST 2020 Election!!!
The latest round of race riots and state of emergency in Kenosha, Wisconsin is PROOF that the Democrats Know They Have LOST the 2020 Election! In this video, we’re going to take a look at the latest riots that have blown up due to a police shooting, we’re going to explore the cultural Marxist narrative […]
Police State China, Police State…Everywhere
China is a police state, surely everyone knows that. Leaving aside the fact that over the past thirty and more years its Government has raised the standard of living of most of its population massively. Hordes of Westerners are now living and working in China, doing everything from teaching English to industrial management. But, and […]
The Problem
Aug. 24, 2020 This Is Fine Dizzy Joe A Terrible Endorsement They Pinko Promise Kamala Harris Locked Up! Harris Bet You Can’t American Greatness Think Outside the Mailbox More Democrat Kneeling Now Trump’s Putting Mail Trucks in Cages Guess Goodyear Execs: ‘BLM’ Good, ‘MAGA’ Bad No Apology Necessary via The Problem
Antifa was imported to America from Europe by the Obama-Biden administration to forge domestic terrorism alliance with BLM, new report alleges
JD Heyes August 24, 2020 (Natural News) Scores of Americans have been angered and sickened by the non-stop violence and thuggery in our nation’s biggest cities that have been occurring all summer long, and their patience is running out. After the George Floyd incident in May, most of us were rightly indignant over the behavior … Continue reading Antifa was imported to America from Europe by the Obama-Biden administration to forge domestic terrorism alliance with BLM, new report alleges →
The rush to patent, control, profit from the coronavirus dates back to 1999, implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci
Lance D Johnson August 24, 2020 (Natural News) The rush to patent, control and profit from coronaviruses dates back to 1999 and implicates the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and virus researchers such as Ralph Barrick and Dr. Anthony Fauci, the leader of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) who helped drive the … Continue reading The rush to patent, control, profit from the coronavirus dates back to 1999, implicates the CDC, Dr. Fauci →
Virginia’s State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver declares FORCED coronavirus vaccines for all Virginians
Mike Adams August 23, 2020 (Natural News) If you’re keeping tracking of criminal, lawless medical tyrants who are looking to mass murder human beings with experimental vaccines, add Dr. Norman Oliver to that last. He’s the State Health Commissioner of Virginia, and he has just declared that he’s going to force vaccinate every single person … Continue reading Virginia’s State Health Commissioner Dr. Norman Oliver declares FORCED coronavirus vaccines for all Virginians →
As COVID-1984 Accelerates, Bill Gates Blames “Freedom” For Spread of the Virus
Spiro Skouras August 23, 2020 Recently, Bill Gates gave an interview to the Rothschild partially owned Economist. In this interview, Gates was asked about how he views the U.S. response to the outbreak. His reply was… Aside from the high ‘risk money’ the US ponied up for vaccine research and development, he think the U.S. is … Continue reading As COVID-1984 Accelerates, Bill Gates Blames “Freedom” For Spread of the Virus →
Sweden’s Senior Epidemiologist Warns Wearing Face Masks Is “Very Dangerous”
Tim Brown August 23, 2020 Andres Tengell, Sweden’s top epidemiologist, warns against people wearing face masks, saying it is “very dangerous,” but not because of health risks, but instead, they provide a false sense of security. Summit News reports: “It is very dangerous to believe face masks would change the game when it comes to COVID-19,” said Anders … Continue reading Sweden’s Senior Epidemiologist Warns Wearing Face Masks Is “Very Dangerous” →
Our Constitution Provides Two Separate & Independent Methods For The Federal Government To “Call Forth The Militia” To Suppress Insurrections
Publius Huldah August 23, 2020 Because of its excellence and relevance to the insurrections being fomented in our cities by the Marxist organization “Black Lives Matter”, Antifa, and other revolutionary organizations; I sent the recent paper by Edwin Vieira, JD., Ph.D., titled, “The President’s Authority To Suppress Insurrections” [link], to my lists. In response, some objected … Continue reading Our Constitution Provides Two Separate & Independent Methods For The Federal Government To “Call Forth The Militia” To Suppress Insurrections →
BOMBSHELL: Antifa was imported to America from Europe by the Obama-Biden administration to forge domestic terrorism alliance with BLM, new report alleges
JD Heyes August 24, 2020 (Natural News) Scores of Americans have been angered and sickened by the non-stop violence and thuggery in our nation’s biggest cities that have been occurring all summer long, and their patience is running out. After the George Floyd incident in May, most of us were rightly indignant over the behavior … Continue reading BOMBSHELL: Antifa was imported to America from Europe by the Obama-Biden administration to forge domestic terrorism alliance with BLM, new report alleges →
Fauci Lied, People Died..
Trump condemned the ‘Deep State’ by name and said they’ve been dragging their feet when it comes to a vaccine for the coronavirus. I won’t take any sort of vaccine regardless and I’ll especially resist a ‘mandatory’ vaccine. However, progress is being made. Trump named the Deep State and replaced Dr. Fauci, with a certain Dr. Atlas. … Continue reading Fauci Lied, People Died.. →
Tweets For Today
Graphic looking at countries with the highest #coronavirus death tolls and their respective death rates as of August 24@AFPgraphics pic.twitter.com/BfAVadKX2V — AFP news agency (@AFP) August 25, 2020 The U.N. health agency issues new advice to parents: Children aged 6 to 11 should at times wear masks to stop the spread of coronavirus, especially if they live in high-transmission areas. https://t.co/snQweT6GqW — AP Europe (@AP_Europe) August 24, 2020 Hong Kong scientists say they have the first evidence that reinfection with the coronavirus is possible. https://t.co/npjEKLolIL —... more »
Canadian officials investigating Salmonella outbreak linked to U.S. peaches
Canadian officials are reporting there are dozens of patients in a Salmonella outbreak related to fresh peaches. In the U.S. 68 people in nine states have been sickened. Recalls are underway in both countries. Prima Wawona in California distributed the implicated peaches in bags and bulk bins, according to public health officials in both countries.... Continue Reading
Hygiene issues found in a third of ice cream samples in Czech Rep
Almost a third of ice cream samples tested by authorities in the Czech Republic have been found to be noncompliant. Inspectors at the Czech Agriculture and Food Inspection Authority (SZPI) looked at safety and quality of scooped and soft whipped ice creams and ice used for beverages, including equipment for their preparation. These checks were... Continue Reading
Suspected Clenbuterol poisonings in Mexico under investigation
Officials in a Mexican state have issued a warning after suspicions that more than 50 people fell sick from eating meat contaminated with Clenbuterol. Health services in Morelos called on people to remain vigilant for the physical symptoms that can result from consuming meat with Clenbuterol. A total of 54 people from six municipalities are affected... Continue Reading
August 24, 2020 Week with Jim Willie
Mike Murphy Unfiltered Get Real with Mike Murphy: Real News, Real Problems, Real Solutions, Real Hope Starting the week with Jim Willie, financial expert and editor the Hat Trick Letter. Mike and Jim talk about what’s going on in the news. Jim will also talk about where we are financially in the country and what …
US Default Bomb Goes Off: 2020 Will Have A Record Number Of Large Corporate Bankruptcies
US Default Bomb Goes Off: 2020 Will Have A Record Number Of Large Corporate Bankruptcies by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ The disconnect between the all time highs in the stock market and the broader economy has never been greater (with even Janet Yellen, one of the main architects of this disconnect, agreeing), and one of the …
The True Value of Gold And Silver And Revalued Currencies … Q&A with Lynette Zang
ITM TRADING, INC. There’s been a lot of questions and concerns regarding the next most likely outcomes for us both socially and economically. And while I can’t tell you exact what’s going to happen, I can definitely prepare you for the top 3 scenarios. So today I’m going to show you how to protect yourself …
Pope Francis Backs ‘Universal’ COVID Vaccination ‘For All’, WHO Thrilled
Some version of a coming vaccine is going to be the Mark of the Beast. We need to be alert. Pope Francis Backs ‘Universal’ COVID Vaccination ‘For All’, WHO Thrilled by Dorothy Cummings McLean, https://www.lifesitenews.com/ ‘It would be sad if this vaccine became the property of this or that nation and was not universal and …
Breaking!!! FedRes Announces Digital Dollar Plans … Exploring Blockchain!
The new financial system is already up and running, IMO. It is just waiting for the current old system to die and then do a immediate switch over. – Boston Fed Is Looking at ’30 to 40′ Blockchain Networks for Digital Dollar Experiments by Nikhilesh De, https://www.coindesk.com/ The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, one of …
REVEALED: UK Officials Inflated COVID Hospital Numbers at Height of ‘Pandemic’
REVEALED: UK Officials Inflated COVID Hospital Numbers at Height of ‘Pandemic’ by https://21stcenturywire.com/ New evidence has emerged which shows that UK hospital admissions for COVID-19 were ‘over-reported’ during the height of the crisis back in April. It seems that patients who were being taken in for other common illnesses were in fact being counted as …
What Investment Has A Better Profile than Silver
Arcadia Economics What Investment Has A Better Profile than #Silver Obviously I’m a fan of silver. But when you actually think about it, at least if you’re investing for the long-term, what other alternatives are there? The Fed has already inflated bubbles in almost every other asset class, and it’s a question worth considering. Fortunately, …
Selling Out Palestinians: From The UN to The PA
Selling Out Palestinians: From The UN to The PA by Ramona Wadi, https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ While Israel and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) normalised relations, based upon a US-brokered deal, the United Nations (UN) in turn normalised this latest diplomatic aggression against Palestine, hoping it will: “Create an opportunity for Israeli and Palestinian leaders to re-engage in meaningful …
UAE and Israel Peace Treaty Signals Big Changes on the Horizon
UAE and Israel Peace Treaty Signals Big Changes on the Horizon by James Gorrie, https://epochtimes.today/ New peace agreement will make Iran even more desperate to maintain relevance in a rapidly changing—and more ‘Israel-tolerant’ Mideast – The Israeli peace deal with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is viewed a very smart deal on the part of the …
Dr Sherri Tenpenny: This Makes Me Physically Ill ….. They Know Not What They Are Doing: 2,700 Evangelicals Warn Against Politicizing Coronavirus, Urge Christians to Take Vaccine
THIS MAKES ME PHYSICALLY ILL…..THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY ARE DOING:https://t.co/EYdGNLLAU5 — Dr Sherri Tenpenny (@BusyDrT) August 21, 2020
Australia: Authorities Give Themselves Power to Remove Children From Parents to Ensure COVID Compliance
Australia: Authorities Give Themselves Power to Remove Children From Parents to Ensure COVID Compliance by Paul Joseph Watson, https://summit.news/ Corona rules becoming more draconian. Authorities in Australia have given themselves the power to have police remove children from the custody of their parents in order to ensure compliance with coronavirus rules. – Schedule 2 of …
Asteroid Heading Our Way Day Before Presidential Election — Could Be 3 Potential Impacts Based on 21 Observations Spanning 12.968 Days
Asteroid Heading Our Way Day Before Presidential Election by WND News Services, https://www.wnd.com/ Could be 3 potential impacts based on 21 observations spanning 12.968 days (NEW YORK POST) — This year could end with a bang. Scientists recently spotted an asteroid on a direct collision course to Earth — projected to hit a day before …
Congressman Thomas Massie Rebukes The Counterfeiting Fed & Reckless Political Spending
RonPaulLibertyReport Politicians are spending money (that they don’t have) like never before. Bailouts, “Stimulus,” and Welfare for everyone are the only game in town. The great enabler, the Federal Reserve, counterfeits dollars by the trillions! The failure of “planning” cannot be more obvious! Representative Thomas Massie sounds off in opposition to the madness on today’s …
Iron, Guns, And Men: These 5 Battleships Owned The Oceans
*James Holmes* *Security, * What makes a battleship "great?" *Here's What You Need To Remember: *A battleship's name becomes legend if it helps win a grand victory, loses in dramatic fashion, or perhaps accomplishes some landmark diplomatic feat. A vessel favored (or damned) by fortune, furthermore, becomes a strategic compass rose. It becomes part of the intellectual fund on which future generations draw when making maritime strategy. Ranking the greatest battleships of all time is a tad easier than ranking naval battles. Both involve comparing apples with oranges. But at least... more »
"Challenge Trials" Could Speed COVID-19 Vaccine Production. Are They Ethical?
*Ben Bramble* *Health, World* [image: Reuters] To answer that question, ethicists must consider an equation involving risk, knowledge and need. The world urgently needs a vaccine for COVID-19. Only when a vaccine is approved and people are safe can countries fully end their lockdowns and resume normal life. The trouble is that such vaccines usually take years to develop and test for efficacy and safety. Recently, some bioethicists have proposed a way of speeding up this testing process by several months. Researchers would put volunteers in quarantine with access to the best medi... more »
Small Nation, Big Guns: Slovakia's Artillery Will Blow You Away
*Robert Beckhusen* *Security, Europe* Slovakia has some of the world's best. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The reason this machine is appearing now has to do with Slovakia’s goal of equipping a modern mechanized brigade with an artillery battalion that can respond rapidly to crises — whether affecting Slovakia itself or the NATO alliance, which is all the more salient given Slovakia’s proximity to Ukraine. The Slovak armored corps is still largely comprised of Warsaw Pact-era T-72s and BMP-1 and -2 armored fighting vehicles, although Slovakia is acquiring dozens of Finnish ... more »
Are Nurses Heroes? We're Not Acting Like It
*Jody Ralph, Dana Menard, Kendall Soucie, Laurie A. Freeman* *Public Health, Americas* [image: Reuters] As a community, we need solutions that go beyond a pat on the back and “hero” label, and instead address unsafe working conditions and offer practical effective support. The Year of the Nurse brought increased attention to the “heroes of health care”: nurses working on the front lines of COVID-19. However, despite public displays of thanks, it’s becoming clear that many nurses are not getting the support they need to feel safe on the job and to maintain their own health and wel... more »
The Dollar is Taking a Beating - But It Still Doesn't Have Any Serious Competitors
*Arturo Bris* *economy, World* [image: Reuters] The dollar may be soft, but not for long. Stock markets have been very strange this year. We witnessed the fastest sell-off in history between February and March, with the S&P 500 falling more than 30%, only to enjoy the best recovery ever, reaching an all-time high on August 21. Institutional investors and especially pension funds have gone from panicking to completely reconsidering their long-term asset allocations. What we thought would be the biggest stock market crash in history has led to a fundamental reconsideration of the ... more »
August 25th – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1314
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
Tuesday August 25th – Open Thread
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
Andrew Pollack Speech During RNC Convention…
Andrew Pollack, who lost his daughter in the 2018 Stoneman Douglas High School shooting, spoke on the first night of the Republican National Convention. Mr. Pollack criticized an Obama-era policy, “restorative justice” (aka the promise program), that intended to curb … Continue reading →
U.S. Air Force Has A New Training Center To Prepare Pilots For War With China And Russia
An open-house event at Nellis Air Force Base, November 12, 2014. US Air Force *Business Insider/Military.com:* *The Air Force has a new training center to prepare pilots for war with China and Russia* * The Air Force has a new $38 million training center at a Nevada base where pilots can link real and simulated environments. * The new 60,000-square-foot center is designed to replicate any kind of conflict — specifically ones simulating the complexity and intensity of an air war with Russia or China. NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nevada — The Air Force doesn't have enough aircraft or ran... more »
COVID19 = CLIMATE CHANGE : The More Afraid You Are, The More You Will Accept
IF you watch anything today, watch this. Tucker Carlson, ties in the obvious. COVID-19 is nothing more than another excuse to control you and your family. A condensed version of the Climate Change scam, that apparently failed to control you destroy your life, fast enough. “The more afraid you are, the more you will accept.” […]
Must Watch! “Wall St Is Eating Main St Up; Eviction Crisis; Renters Helpless; China Economy To Boom”
Jeremiah Babe, *“Wall St Is Eating Main St Up; Eviction Crisis;* * Renters Helpless; China Economy To Boom”*
Picture Of The Day
Law enforcement officers stand behind barbed wire during an opposition demonstration to protest against presidential election results, in Minsk, Belarus August 23, 2020. REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Thousands defy Belarus army to march in streets again* (Reuters).
Why No Pinocchios Or ‘Pants On Fire’ Ratings For Biden’s Big Convention Speech?
By Tim Graham ~ CNN’s Brian Stelter accurately reflected the liberal arrogance that Biden’s speech fileting Trump was “largely accurate,” but there were some obvious red flags in this speech that a truly objective fact watchdog should have evaluated as something less than accurate, and often False. For example: 1. Biden promised to win “For all […]
California Blackout Scapegoating
From the team at CFACT ~ By Mark Mathis of The Clear Energy Alliance ~ It’s been 20 years since California ISO has had to order rolling blackouts. The extraordinary move happened on 8/14/2020 affecting millions of people because the state was not prepared for high electricity use during a heatwave. The governor has ordered […]
Maximo Alvarez Delivers Powerful RNC Speech Warning of Socialist Democrats…
Maximo Alvarez is a Cuban immigrant whose family fled totalitarianism from both Cuba and Spain. Tonight, Mr. Alvarez spoke directly about candidate Joe Biden and the Democrats’ dangerous slide towards socialism and the far left. Mr. Alvarez knows personally how … Continue reading →
This Is What The Ultimate Submarine Could Look Like In 20 Years
It will be for naval architects to see how the new technologies, such as AI, automation and quantum computing, will affect the physical form of submarines. H I Sutton *Forbes:* *What The Ultimate Submarine Could Look Like In 20 Years* The U.S. Navy’s Virginia Class fast attack submarines are ruthlessly efficient war machines, the apex predators of the deep. Yet their general appearance and many aspects of their design have a direct lineage back to the 1950s. The same can be said of British and Russian subs. However, a range of new technologies could allow radically different subma... more »
MSM Is Propaganda: Notes From The Edge Of The Narrative Matrix
The US tortures journalists and whistleblowers, arms terrorists, kills children with starvation sanctions, wages endless wars, facilitates mass atrocities in Yemen, repeatedly used nuclear weapons on civilian populations, circles the entire planet with hundreds of military bases and bullies every nation on earth using military […]
The Trump Family-- What An Ugly Mess!
Even Eric Trump will be speaking at the Republican convention-- the whole Trump family-- but not Barron... and not his sister, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry. Definitely not his sister. *Washington Post* reporter Michael Kranish explained why over the weekend: secretly recorded tapes. Yes, another glimpse into the dysfunctional sociopath in the Oval Office. Their niece, Mary Trump-- the one who wrote the book-- recorded the phone conversations with Trump's older sister, Maryanne, in 2018. "Barry, 83, was aghast at how her 74-year-old brother operated as president," wrote Kranish. "'H... more »
Russia's Defense Establishment Highlight Recent Rocket Artillery Advancements
Tornado-S 9A52-4 Rocket Launcher performs a live demonstration at the Army Forum 2019 event. Photo: Defense-Update *Defense Update:* *Russian MOD, Industries Highlight Artillery Rockets Advancement* The Russian defense establishment’s perception of the place of artillery – in general, and rocket Artillery – in particular, has undergone a significant advancement over the past decade, placing these systems at a central place on the ground battlefield. This emphasis was evident at the recent Victory Parade in Moscow and at the Army Forum 2020 defense expo taking place in Kubinka this... more »
Russia's Annual Defense Expo Army-2020 Begins Near Moscow
*RT: **Roaring tanks, fast-sailing cars, big bucks: Visitors flow to annual military expo near Moscow for brand new equipment & gear show * Army-2020, the annual defense expo where Russian arms producers show their gear to foreign clients and visitors, has started. Contracts worth billions are expected to be inked between tank races and other entertainment. The week-long expo was launched on Sunday with a ceremony, but only opened to the general public on Monday. The forum is happening at Patriot Park near the Russian capital. A record number of journalists – over 750 – are coveri... more »
Biden’s Electricity Plan Follows California’s Lead
California prides itself on being at the forefront of the so-called energy transition, having set its first renewable portfolio standard… The post Biden’s Electricity Plan Follows California’s Lead appeared first on IER.
Is This The Best Attack Helicopter In The World?
The navalized Ka-52K has folding rotor blades and can carry an anti-ship missile capable of taking out tanker ships. (Anna Zvereva, CC BY-SA 2.0) *We Are The Mighty:* *Why this Russian helicopter is often the top ranked in the world* The Ka-52 Alligator is an attack helicopter. It's not the first or the most heavily armed or the fastest attack helicopter. It's not even Russia's biggest attack helicopter. So why is it so often ranked number 1 in the world? It's a balance of speed, armament, and an absolutely stunning range. Best attack helicopter in the world? America built the fir... more »
Why Everyone Loves The AK-47 (Four Countries Have It On Their Flag Or Coat Of Arms)
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * One of the world's most popular rifles. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Russia’s military may no longer be using it, but the AK-74 serves a curious purpose elsewhere in contemporary Russian society: schools. It was mandatory for many Soviet schoolchildren to fieldstrip and assemble AK-74’s within a certain timespan. Born into a poor peasant family amid the Bolshevik seizure of power, young Mikhail Kalashnikov aspired to become a poet. Instead, he fought as a tank commander in the Second World War and went on to design one of the most iconic fire... more »
Why Evangelicals Still Love Donald Trump
*Emma Long* *Politics, Americas* Evangelicals who feel that “America is becoming a more difficult place for them to live,” believe Trump hears their fears, takes them seriously, and responds. “He’s following the radical left agenda, take away your guns, destroy your second amendment, no religion, no anything, hurt the Bible, hurt God … He’s against God,” President Donald Trump told supporters during a recent trip to Ohio. Trump was speaking about Joe Biden, the Democrat challenger for the White House. Never mind that Biden, a Catholic, has spoken openly and often about how his ... more »
Recent Energy and Environmental News August 24, 2020
*Recent Energy and Environmental News* August 24, 2020 in Energy, Environment /by John Droz, Jr. Welcome to our latest *Energy & Environmental Newsletter*... (For all 2020* Newsletters*, go here.) To review the current issue's highlights, see below (and page *62*)… *Two upbeat specials:* Short video: Dogs pray before eating Short video: A Millennial Job Interview *— This Newsletter's Articles, by Topic —* *COVID-19: Therapies* *—* Questions for Dr. Fauci 13 HCQ studies of early treatment: ALL were positive How Democrats' Trump Derangement Syndrome is literal... more »
Federation Failure
* Opinion by Viv Forbes* *Australian* *Climate Sceptics Blog* *Please feel free to publish and circulate.* *25 August 2020* *Federation Failure* Federation in Australia gave three essential tasks to the central Government – maintenance of free trade between states, defence, and quarantine. But state borders are closed, defence is enfeebled by gender-agenda and poor equipment choices, and they have failed to protect us from foreign pests and viruses. Moreover, Canberra’s green dreams, targets and subsidies have made a monster mess of electricity generation and cost. These ... more »
Hand sanitizer package looks like children’s food pouch
Child safety experts are warning parents about a hand sanitizer marketed to young children that looks remarkably similar to a food product. Last Friday, the IWK Health Centre’s Child Safety Link injury prevention program shared a tweet showing a Paw Patrol-themed hand sanitizer product packaged like a lunch box snack. Apple sauce and other fruit […]
The Age of Uncriticized Life
People of the twenty-first century are getting habituated to leading the uncriticized life, which Plato has described as a life not worth living.
Herschel Walker Speech During RNC Convention….
Herschel Walker describes his 38-year friendship with President Donald Trump. In his remarks Mr. Walker puts a face on the person we know as the people’s president:
Former Board Member Jelincic: CalPERS Claims It Is Protecting Confidential, as in Criminal, Informants in Hiding Details About Lending
CalPERS made damaging statements to justify withholding information about private loans. That suggestswhat it was hiding is even worse.
How the Syrian Civil War Smashed Germany's Famed Leopard 2 Tank
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * Ankara had offered to release a German political prisoner in exchange for Germany upgrading the Turkish Army’s older-model Leopard 2A4 tank, which had proven embarrassingly vulnerable in combat. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *This was shockingly illustrated in December 2016 when evidence emerged that numerous Leopard 2s had been destroyed in intense fighting over ISIS-held Al-Bab—a fight that Turkish military leaders described as a “trauma,” according to *Der Spiegel*. A document published online listed ISIS as apparently having destroyed ten ... more »
Nazi Germany's Panzer Battalion 129 Gave Everything To Take Stalingrad
*Robert Beckhusen* *History, Europe* But failed all the same. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *This is where Mark’s narrative begins to break down. It’s not his fault — it’s simply harder to keep track of what happened given the chaos. The shock of the Soviet attack was so severe, *Panzer-Abteiling 129* broke down as a cohesive fighting unit. The battalion’s surviving tanks, disorganized and disrupted, merged with other German formation as they fell farther back into the pocket. The* Panzer-Abteilung 129*, a tank battalion serving with the German 6th Army, fought its way into... more »
The Battle of Iwo Jima Proved That Marines Have Grit
*Warfare History Network* *History, Asia* Thirty-six days of hell. *Key Point*: Iwo Jima was one of the worst blood-lettings of World War II. “You know,” said Marine Maj. Gen. Clifton B. Cates to a war correspondent on the eve of Operation Detachment, the invasion of Iwo Jima, “if I knew the name of the man on the extreme right of the right-hand squad of the right-hand company of the right-hand battalion, I’d recommend him for a medal before we go in.” And for good reason. General Cates’s 4th Marine Division was tasked with conducting its fourth opposed amphibious landing on a h... more »
Hitler's Panzer Tank Plan To Stop The Soviet Union Totally Backfired
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* The German leader became fixed on the need to protect the Hungarian oilfields from Red Army tank and rifle units that had encircled Budapest in late December 1944. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Hitler would have done well to heed Guderian’s advice to commit the Sixth Panzer Army to the defense of the Oder line to slow the Russian advance on Berlin. Georg Maier, deputy chief of staff for operations for the Sixth Panzer Army, offered a fitting summation of the failed offensive. “Time, pressure, poor weather, extremely difficult ter... more »
If China's Plan Succeeds, The USS Nimitz Aircraft Carrier Will Be On The Sea Floor
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* More than twenty years ago, a military confrontation in East Asia pushed the United States and China uncomfortably close to conflict. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The Third Taiwan Crisis was a brutal lesson for a China that had long prepared to fight wars inside of its own borders. Still, the PLA Navy deserves credit for learning from the incident and now, twenty-two years later, it is quite possible that China could seriously damage or even sink an American carrier. More than twenty years ago, a military confrontation in East Asia pushed ... more »
Is Russia Developing an Unmanned Armata T-14 Tank?
*Peter Suciu* *Security, * [image: Reuters] One issue with any remote control vehicle is ensuring that distant operators are provided with “situational awareness” but in this case, the T-14 may have that covered. Does the Russian military have a personnel shortage? Is it an issue of trust, or does Russia simply desire to keep its soldiers out of harm’s way in a future conflict? Perhaps Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin doesn’t believe there is any danger from autonomous weapons, because this week there is news that the Russian military is exploring remote-controlled op... more »
Why America Once Sent Four Aircraft Carriers Near Israel (And for Good Reason)
*Edward Chang* *Security, * The 1982 mission was the largest ever American naval deployment to the Mediterranean. *Key Point*: It may be the Middle East, not Europe or the Asia-Pacific, where America and its allies will be faced with its most complex military challenge. As tensions escalated in the Middle East over the civil war in Syria, in April 2018 the United States deployed one of the largest naval forces to the region since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The carrier strike group, centered on Nimitz-class nuclear-powered supercarrier USS Harry S. Truman, seven surface combatan... more »
Oregon May Soon Decriminalize the Low-Level Possession of All Drugs, Massively Reducing Arrests
*Elias Marat* - Under the proposed measure, low-level possession of illegal substances would be reclassified from a misdemeanor to a violation.
type of poison used on Navally ascertained in Berlin
"Clinical findings indicate poisoning with a substance from the group of cholinesterase inhibitors," the renowned Charité hospital in Berlin said on Twitter. Cholinesterase is an enzyme that is needed for the central nervous system to function properly. "Alexei Navalny's prognosis remains unclear; the possibility of long-term effects, particularly those affecting the nervous system, cannot be excluded," the hospital added. "Our assertions have now been confirmed by independent laboratory analyses," Navalny's spokeswoman Kira Yarmysh said on Twitter. "Alexei's poisoning is no ... more »
Jerry Falwell Jr. Resigns from Liberty University
Jerry Falwell, Jr.—the controversial president of Liberty University—resigned on Monday several hours after a news story was published that alleged that he and his wife Becki, had a sexual relationship with a business associate, reported Religion News Service. Falwell—an ardent supporter of President Donald Trump—had been placed on indefinite leave after posting an Instagram photo […]
Study Finds Evidence That Counters Legal Complaints Filed Against Yale and Harvard
A new study found evidence that counters legal complaints that Asian American students faced consequences if they were not admitted and or did not attend their first-choice school, according to the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The two complaints, filed by the Coalition of Asian American Associations and the Asian American Coalition for Education (AACE), […]
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History to Host Conference Virtually
The Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH) announced that it will host its 105th Annual Conference virtually in September. With the theme of “African Americans and the Vote,” the conference will have panels and discussions featuring prominent speakers such as Congresswoman Terri Sewell, poet Sonia Sanchez and co-founders of Black […]
Fisk University Cuts Ties with University President Dr. Kevin Rome
Fisk University announced that it has cut ties with Dr. Kevin D. Rome, Sr, who has served as president of the institution since 2017. Rome was placed on leave Aug.11 after it was learned that a restraining order was filed against him for allegedly threatening and drugging a man, according to WMSV News 4 Nashville. […]
Dr. Diana Doyle to Retire as President June 2021
Dr. Diana Doyle, president of Arapahoe Community College (ACC), announced that she will retire in June 2021, the school reported. During her presidency, which will span over 11 years upon retirement, ACC established support services for veterans and students with disabilities and created three health service bachelor’s degree programs. Additionally, Doyle oversaw the building of […]
Bethel University’s College of Adult and Professional Studies to Offer Lower Tuition Rate for Active-Duty Military Members
Bethel University’s College of Adult and Professional Studies (CAPS) will offer a tuition rate of $250 per credit for active duty military members, according to the school. To be eligible, military members must be actively serving in the Marine Corps, Navy Coast Guard, Space Force, Air Force or Army as well as those within the […]
Five Practical Tips for a Successful Career in STEM
Hiring committees are increasingly more cautious when hiring and perform their due diligence by having online background checks and/or speaking directly with references over the phone or by Skype for job candidates. The proverb “People may not remember exactly what you did or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel” is very applicable in science. First impressions matter and you want to make sure you leave a positive impression with everyone you meet during an interview
One of China’s most secretive and expansive orgs
8-24-20 One of China’s most secretive and expansive organisations, the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, has moved into an international spotlight. The US sanctions have multiple implications for XPCC, from choking off bank loans to curbing its farm exports, such as cotton and tomatoes. They could also threaten its investments. XPCC, which is involved in a myriad of industries, from construction and infrastructure to property and farming, has stakes in more than 800,000 companies and groups in 147 countries, according to US consultancy and commercial intelligence fi... more »
Official Says Falwell Leaving Liberty; Falwell Says He’s Not
Jerry Falwell Jr.’s future at evangelical Liberty University was unclear, with a senior school official saying he had resigned from his leadership post but Falwell telling several news outlets that he does not plan to leave permanently.
‘Woman Goes To UN Meeting, Horrified At What Obama’s Sleeper Cells Have Planned For US Neighborhoods’ – BLOW-BACK CONTINUES….
08/23/2020 America’s Civil War Rising DAILY/HEADLINES | August 20, 2020 President Trump has been battling liberals every day ever since he enacted the migrant travel ban. However, there is one woman who sits in on many of the United Nations’ meetings regarding refugee resettlement to the United States that stands by Trump. She is doing everything … Continue reading ‘Woman Goes To UN Meeting, Horrified At What Obama’s Sleeper Cells Have Planned For US Neighborhoods’ – BLOW-BACK CONTINUES…. →