10 pm MDT
September 11th – A Day That Will Live Infamy
By Pamela Geller – on September 11, 2020 Latest News 19 years ago at 8:45 am, the first plane hit the World Trade Center Tower. The 19 Muslim terrorists left behind “martyrdom” letters hailing Allah over 90 times. But if YOU mention Allah when discussing 9/11, you will be publicly shamed, smeared, defamed and ultimately … Continue reading September 11th – A Day That Will Live Infamy →
OMG: Imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque Hints at Normalization With Israel in Friday Sermon
By Pamela Geller – on September 10, 2020 Saudi Arabia President Trump is achieving the unimaginable. Imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque Hints at Normalization With Israel in Friday Sermon By: Algemeiner Staff, September 10, 2020: Muslim pilgrims pray around the holy Kaaba at the Grand Mosque, during the annual hajj pilgrimage in Mecca, September 27, … Continue reading OMG: Imam of Mecca’s Grand Mosque Hints at Normalization With Israel in Friday Sermon →
The Difference Donald Trump Has Made
Aug 20, 2020 By Robert Spencer Donald Trump is so passionately loved — and fanatically hated — partly because he has changed the course of the United States, both domestically and internationally, for the first time since before World War II. Some believe that he has upset the world order that has prevented a … Continue reading The Difference Donald Trump Has Made →
The Jihad Terrorist in New York City You Heard Nothing About
Aug 20, 2020 Robert Spencer My latest in PJ Media: While the New York Police Department zealously guards Mayor de Blasio’s infamous “Black Lives Matter” street graffiti in front of Trump Tower, other, more serious endeavors continue that, if the city had a rational mayor, might actually have a better claim on the NYPD’s time … Continue reading The Jihad Terrorist in New York City You Heard Nothing About →
Virginia: Islamic scholar serving life sentence for recruiting for jihad ordered released while he pursues appeal – What Could Go Wrong?
Aug 20, 2020 Robert Spencer “Al-Timimi argued that prosecutors overstated his influence with those who traveled to Pakistan, and that he was punished for unpopular speech rather than criminal conduct.” Interesting defense. It may have been true in 2005 that jihad recruitment was “unpopular speech,” but nowadays Leftists would cheer al-Timimi on. The real … Continue reading Virginia: Islamic scholar serving life sentence for recruiting for jihad ordered released while he pursues appeal – What Could Go Wrong? →
Got there in the end
Well, after all that, tonight's *Last Night of the Proms *was a roaring success, with *Rule, Britannia! *and *Land of Hope and Glory *properly sung. And no EU flags fluttered either. I'm glad to see that most of the BBC critics I follow on Twitter enjoyed it too, and quite a few are thanking Tim Davie for reversing his predecessor's final, painful foot-in-mouth condescension to BBC wokery.
UKC News: Govt’s COVID ‘Moonshot’ Seeks ‘Daily Testing’, Assange Trial Halted by Virus Scare
*UKC News* | Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up.
Rupert Murdoch’s attempt to shakedown Facebook and Google is underwritten by Scott Morrison and the Liberal Party
Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp and the Scott Morrison government are conspiring in an attempt to shakedown Google and Facebook for hundreds of millions of dollars. To prove the first point, about Murdoch’s […]
Cultural Marxism and Conspiracy Theory
Among the drafts never to have seen the light of day, there is a third-written piece about so-called Cultural Marxism, a favourite and persistent conspiracy theory starting out in the anti-semitic sewers of the far right and has ingressed into more mainstream conservative thought. Rather than spending time dusting it off and giving it the spit and polish treatment, Aaron Bastani over at Novara Media has supplied the goods instead. In lieu of extensive writing from me this evening, enjoy.
Scotland health chief’s ‘astonishing’ admission – Coronavirus tests are “a bit rubbish”
https://davidicke.com/2020/09/11/video-scotland-health-chiefs-astonishing-admission-coronavirus-tests-are-a-bit-rubbish/ Image by fernando zhiminaicela from Pixabay
Why is YouTube deleting videos from the top infectious disease doctor in France, Dr. Raoult Didier, detailing lives saved?
Read at the link: LINK: https://www.thetruthbarrier.com/2020/09/09/does-google-want-you-dead-why-is-youtube-deleting-videos-from-the-top-infectious-disease-doctor-in-france-dr-raoult-didier-detailing-lives-saved-with-hcq/
68% of tech professionals think Facebook should police people’s election conversations
A new survey published by Blind, a community of verified anonymous professionals, looks into how Facebook employees see the company’s role in maintaining the integrity of the upcoming US election – i.e., curbing election misinformation. The survey was conducted in the wake of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg backpedaling on his previous “free speech” pledge (or … Continue reading 68% of tech professionals think Facebook should police people’s election conversations →
Beware the hidden dangers of some so-called ‘health products’
Saru G 385 subscribers Absolute Essential Ceramic Aroma Diffuser. EMF/EMR readings for a supposedly healthy essential oil diffuser. The frequency was measured with an Accoustimeter AM-10. It displayed a constant radiation of 450Mhz at high saturation. Please watch and share and be aware of these types of dangerous devices masquerading as health products.
If the ‘Safe Schools’ curriculum is about anti-bullying why were these children told not to speak about it outside of class? A concerned mother speaks out
Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: So in Victoria Australia the children are being told they should not divulge the contents of their ‘safe schools’ curriculum outside of the classroom? There is your red flag right there. Turns out this mother’s kids are spending their time in class creating vaginas, learning to masturbate, studying…
Originally posted on Conspiracy Daily Update: View on YouTube
Citizen Musk
Robert Reich - 6 hours ago
The problem isn’t only that Elon Musk has a net worth of about $100 billion when tens of millions of... more »
About Those Digital Natives
Now that so many schools are leaping back into the ed tech abyss with both feet and a few other limbs as well, the term "digital native" is turning up again, and it's just as silly as ever. Everyone who is scared about facing off against the digital native tribe in the digitized computerized distance learning world needs to take a deep breath. The term was coined by Marc Prensky, a writer who began his career as a teacher and who wrote an article about the topic in 2001. On the one hand, he has a bit of a point. When a culture transitions from one medium to another, there are bumps.... more »
Arson Arrests Being Made Across the West Coast – Multiple Fires Identified as Arson – 27 People Killed, Dozens Missing….
In a rather disconcerting sequence of events many of the west coast forest fires are now being attributed to intentional arson. One of the key aspects to the unnatural outbreak of fires is the proximity to homes and well established … Continue reading →
The Great Human Experiment
The post The Great Human Experiment appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
Belarus says US tank battalion deploys near border
[image: Belarus says US tank battalion deploys near border] A US tank battalion is being transferred to a Lithuanian military training ground located just 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) from the border with Belarus, Viktor Khrenin, the Belarusian minister of defense, said on Saturday. “The movement of NATO troops is taking place in territory adjacent to us, within the framework of the Enhanced Forward Presence and Atlantic Resolve operations. In particular, the 2nd Battalion of the 69th Armor Regiment is being deployed to the Pabrade training ground [in Lithuania], 15 kilometers from our... more »
DHS Official: Department Wanted To Down Play Far-Right Violence
On September 9, the news came out that a whistleblower within the Department of Homeland Security had filed a complaint about the department’s Trump-appointed leadership instructing him to downplay the threat represented by white supremacists and play up the dangers posed by anarchists and anti-fascists. Yet it has largely escaped notice how Joe Biden and other Democrats have embraced Donald Trump’s talking points about anarchists and anti-fascists. The post DHS Official: Department Wanted To Down Play Far-Right Violence appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Sept. 26: No New Cold War International Forum
For our second international webinar, we’re bringing together peace activists from China, the US, Britain, South Africa, India, Morocco, Bolivia and Belgium to discuss how to oppose the US-led New Cold War. The event will take place on Zoom, on Saturday 26 September, 2pm UK / 9pm China / 9am US Eastern / 6am US Pacific. To get a ticket to the Zoom event, register on Eventbrite. Registered users will receive a link within 24 hours of the event starting. The event will also be streamed to Youtube and Facebook. The post Sept. 26: No New Cold War International Forum appeared first on ... more »
Why Has Canada Fared Better Than US In The pandemic?
Vancouver - Why has Canada been more successful at limiting the spread of COVID-19 than our neighbours in the U.S.? One “critically important” factor is Canada’s universal health care system, B.C. health officials said Thursday. “People don’t have to pay for a test,” provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry said after being asked to weigh Canada’s advantages. “They weren’t worried that if they got sick they would not be able to get care.” The post Why Has Canada Fared Better Than US In The pandemic? appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Part I: The Unannounced Death Of The Green New Deal
You could say that the Green New Deal died when the Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force recommendations came through, or perhaps that was the moment we knew that the Jemez Principles and the principles of a Just Transition had been abandoned more than a year before? Perhaps they were abandoned shortly after John Washington’s straight forward, perfectly articulated warning to New Consensus? Or perhaps they were abandoned as Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey prepared the Green New Deal resolution with it’s “clean” and “net zero” language replacing the language of fossil fuel phase o... more »
Clear-Cuts: Cause Hot Catastrophic Wildfires
Pack billions of the same-age trees close together, wait for dry-lightning or another ignition source, and you have an unnatural firebomb. The cause of thousands of annual catastrophic hot fires around the world are tree farms created by timber industry clear-cutting and fire suppression to prevent timber inventory loss. I have seen it happen. About five years ago, driving home on Interstate 5 North of Lake Shasta, a dry-lightning storm began. It looked like the finger of God came down as lightning struck a conifer and it burst into smoke. The post Clear-Cuts: Cause Hot Catastrop... more »
BC: Preserving Biodiversity Now Guides Logging Policies
British Columbia - B.C. Forests Minister Doug Donaldson today announced the deferral of old-growth logging within more than 350,000 hectares as well as the protection of up to 1,500 giant trees. The move came in response to a highly anticipated report also released today on the management of old-growth forests in the province. Environmentalists, workers and First Nations representatives applauded the steps but say they leave out some of the most at-risk ancient forests as well as funding for implementation. The post BC: Preserving Biodiversity Now Guides Logging Policies appeared ... more »
South Pasadena Sues Dow Chemical And Shell Oil
The city of South Pasadena is suing The Dow Chemical Co. and Shell Oil Co., alleging that for more than four decades both firms willfully manufactured a pesticide containing a cancer-causing chemical that has contaminated the municipality’s drinking water supply. The 25-page complaint, filed last month in U.S. District Court, contends that from the 1940s to 1980s Dow and Shell marketed a pesticide containing the chemical 1,2,3-trichloropropane, also known as TCP. The post South Pasadena Sues Dow Chemical And Shell Oil appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Yes, America Thought It Might Need to Invade Italy to Protect It From the Soviets
*Michael Peck* *History, Europe* [image: By Adrian Pingstone (Arpingstone) - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4441675] Another D-Day all over again? It would have been a huge effort. *Key point: *Washington was worried that Moscow would seize Western Europe outright or use other means to gain control. Here is one of the lengths America would have gone to in order to protect its allies from the Soviets. As accusations fly that Russia manipulated the 2016 American election to put Donald Trump in the White House, some Americans are remembering... more »
This Day In Iraqi Histor - Sep 12
1915 British forces launched campaign to capture Baghdad starting in present day Wasit 1954 New parliamentary elections held Over 100 parliamentarians ran unopposed Ensured Nuri al-Said of govt he wanted so he could sign Baghdad Pact 1980 Iraq seized Qasr e-Shirin in Iran next to Diyala and claimed it took 30 miles of disputed territory along Iranian border 1980 Iraq bombed Kermanshah Iran southeast of Qasr e-Shirin to try to take out militia in that area (Musings On Iraq review *Iran-Iraq War Volume 4: The Forgotten Fronts*) (Musings On Iraq review *The Longest War, T... more »
Covid and the Endocrine System- Evidence for Hormone Involvement- Vitamin D (Hormone) Beneficial Treatment?
*Interesting article: Evaluating Hormone Related Targets and Risks Associated With Covid- 19* The evidence for hormone involvement in COVID-19 infection and treatment will be evaluated and discussed by endocrine experts in a dedicated COVID-19 session at e-ECE 2020. The European Society of Endocrinology’s annual meeting is going online 5-9 September 2020 and the e-ECE 2020 programme will feature cutting-edge science and the latest in clinical practice and patient care. This includes a new, dedicated COVID-19 session, wher*e experts in the field will present, summarise and examine ... more »
Astra Zeneca Definitely Expedited The Covid Vaccine Review Process As Trials Resume
*It was clearly stated the goal was to expedite the process* - *From Wednesday’s report: Astra Zeneca Covid Vaccine Study Paused After One Serious Illness- Transverse Myelitis* *“We are working to expedite (make (an action or process) happen sooner or be accomplished more quickly) the review of the single event to minimize any potential impact on the trial timeline," the company statement said.”* *Mission Accomplished. Astra Zeneca Resumes Covid Trials* *British clinical trials for the AstraZeneca and Oxford University coronavirus vaccine have resumed following con... more »
They want to collect DNA for "genomic profiling/surveillance" - to root out dissidents. You can't make this shit up.
*Max Igan Video that was Banned on YouCan'tWatchTube* *H/T to thetruthseeker.uk* Humanity is being subjected to "*Out of Control*" lockdown. Remember when *Bullshit Bonnie* and the rest of* her ilk* told us it would *"only be for 15 days...just to "flatten the curve"*? It's now been six months. When are the Sheeple going to wake up!!!! You can go to a military base and learn to become an "*evacuation driver"*. Old Soviet Union Communist Bolshevism is starting to seem kinder and gentle--by comparison. I'm listening to Max Igan...but the nagging thought keeps cropping up in my... more »
Vote By Mail Tirades Are Starting To Bite Trump-- And Down-Ballot Republicans-- In The Ass
With Trump forces-- whether in the U.S. or Russia-- having prepared to steal the election by hacking voting machines in a few pivotal counties, news of heavily-promoted absentee voting, which has always been friendlier to Republicans than Democrats, sent Trump into a months-long rage. And all his carrying on against vote-by-mail, even though he and his family normally vote by mail themselves, many of his most devoted followers have decided to not vote by mail. One of the first indications of what that was going to mean to Republicans-- not just Trump-- came back in early April whe... more »
A Tanker's Grave: Why Soviet Soldiers Hated the T-35
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2001%3Anewsml_RP2DRIKPSHAA&share=true] This tank wasn't very good and it had a crew of 11. *Key point: *These tanks were deadly, but to their own crews. They had weak armor, were easily spotted, and didn't have good firepower. Recently, a Russian military museum in Sverdlovsk unveiled a moving replica T-35 tank, recreating one of the largest tanks ever to see combat, though only *very* briefly. Indeed, a few dozen T-35s charged straight into the largest tank battle in history—a... more »
Schools May Need 176 Million Coronavirus Tests Each Month to Safely Reopen
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Politics, Americas* How fast could that actually happen? The United States may need upwards of 176 million coronavirus tests each month to safely reopen schools, according to a report by health-policy experts at the Rockefeller Foundation and Duke University. Meeting this goal, however, will be difficult to achieve, as the current testing capacity in the country is roughly twenty-one million tests per month, according to the COVID Tracking Project. The report suggests that teachers and students should be tested twice per week in areas with elevated numbers of... more »
The New Quiz, The Lenny Henry Show, and dead horses being flogged
The *Daily Telegraph* featured an interview today with Andy Zaltman, the latest series host of Radio 4's *The News Quiz. * Addressing the bias question, Andy says that a rebalancing is “clearly needed” and says he’s working hard to make sure *The News Quiz *has “a balance of pundits – politically, geographically”. I rather like Andy Zaltman, so I've listened his first two episodes of *The News Quiz *all the way through, without switching off. I laughed a few times too. I think it's an improvement, though, of course, still heavily leaning one way politically - though one gues... more »
Nick Bryant carries on regardless
Mac, on the open thread, noted the ending of a Nick Bryant report for the BBC's *News at Ten *a couple of days back: *Mac*: Did enjoy Nick Bryant on News at 10 last night: "Donald Trump keeps on trying to change the conversation to law and order but we keep on returning to the health crisis that has claimed the lives of more than 190,000 Americans. This feels like a covid campaign." Sometimes you don't even have to do any work to detect the bias. They just tell you straight up. We are not going to report what the President says about the murders and riots but instead stick wit... more »
Williams recalls Walmart, HEB taco seasoning for Salmonella risk
Williams Foods LLC has initiated a recall of certain taco spice seasoning because its cumin supplier has recalled its product because of a positive test for Salmonella. “These items contain cumin spice involved in a recall initiated by our supplier, Mincing Spice Co. Mincing has issued a recall for a specific lot of cumin they... Continue Reading
Hottest August Claims In California Don’t Stack Up
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood The LA Times claims that last month was the hottest August in record in California: ? https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-09-10/a-sizzling-record-august-was-hottest-month-on-record-in-california? ? And NOAA seem to confirm this: https://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/cag/national/time-series And yet as we already know, last month’s heatwave was not exceptional there. So do NOAA’s claims…
California Has Always Had Fires, Environmentalism Makes Them Worse
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? [Editor’s Note – This post appeared earlier without any body! Sorry for the confusion! Also the previous post failed to download some NOAA graphs, so I have resorted to screenshots] ? Michael Schellenberger rubbishes wildfire claims: ? ? ? I woke…
Navajos to be used in coronavirus vaccine experiments by Johns Hopkins and drug company
Navajo government approves high risk COVID-19 vaccine experiments on Navajos by Johns Hopkins and the drug company Pfizer By Brenda Norrell Censored News The Navajo Nation government has agreed to allow Johns Hopkins to carry out coronavirus vaccine experiments on Navajos. Navajo President Jonathan Nez said Friday that the Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 study will be administered by the Johns
Sorry this is late, my friends, but better late than never considering the situation. Victoria, BC, is smoked in; I cannot see 100 feet from my windows at the moment. I apologize for the tardiness. I also apologize if there are irregularities but it figures my blog has just shifted all the format and I am still trying to figure things out. But I am sure things will be ok. Please enjoy. And if you are in Twitter, or any other media, PLEASE share my URL! Thank you so very much. Add caption Mmmm. Cake! His last moments of oblivion... Ug... more »
This is your natal day when you are born of the flame
Also you must have control over that which is beneath your level of awareness. And so you must test your control not by observation buy by vibration. You must develop sensitivity in the center of the Christ to know when threes turbulence beneath the surface and when there is calm, for only by that omnipotence can you go forward in the action of becoming the Christ. Do you see, precious ones, to be the fullness of the manifestation of the Divine Mother requires that you be with God omnipresent, that is everywhere present….And so the Mother teaches Her children to exercise daily ... more »
Beware the Duck!
There’s one more problem with solar power: peak electricity use in California occurs in the late afternoon and early evening, when solar power is small or zero. When I taught an energy economics course at the Naval Postgraduate School in 2015, I made that point. One student responded, “Ah, yes, the duck curve.” In response […] The post Beware the Duck! appeared first on Econlib.
Navalny False-Flag Authors Invent New Twist To Cover Lies
So now the Navalny poison episode takes on a new twist with German military intelligence subsequently claiming they found traces of Novichok on a bottle of water the Russian dissident had purportedly been drinking from. Rather, it sounds more like the authors of this false-flag operation have “bottled” – meaning became unnerved by the absurdities inherent in their own narrative. Last week the German government announced that a Bundeswehr military laboratory had detected Novichok in the body fluids of Sergei Navalny. The post Navalny False-Flag Authors Invent New Twist To Cover Li... more »
It’s Time For The West To Sit Down, Shut Up And Listen To ‘The Others’
We were always told what to think; what is correct and what is wrong. By the white dudes living in or coming from Europe and North America. They knew everything. They were the most qualified. When I write “white,” I don’t mean just their race or color of their skin. To me, “white” is their culture, where they belong. Yes, their identity. We Russians, Cubans, Venezuelans, Chinese, Iranians, Turks are not really “white,” even if our color of the skin is. Not that we are dying to be white, really! We have our own way of living and thinking, and most of us are on the side of the oppre... more »
The triggering of the left after Trump receives 2 Nobel Nominations shows how useless they are
The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to United States President Barack Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between people. Even though the man had not even been in office for more than six months. The Socialists flocked across the world to congratulate the man for “NOTHING”. There was a lot of chest pounding, hoorays, sage looks, and nodding heads. Then he proceeded to entangle us in several new wars, millions of displaced refugees, and gave Iran billions for their own war funds, armament, and nuclear program before he left of... more »
At Hell's Island, A Small Band Of Aviators Saved Guadalcanal From Japan
*Stephen L. Moore* *Security, Oceania* Let your history lesson begin. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The intense three days of fighting along Lunga Ridge became known at the time as the Battle of the Ridge. After the battle, Lunga Ridge was known to the Marines as Edson’s Ridge, although war correspondents dubbed it Bloody Ridge. The Japanese had one purpose in their fight on Guadalcanal—to recapture their airfield. Eleven Douglas Dauntless SBD dive bombers crews from the carrier USS Enterprise were forced to land on Guadalcanal Island on August 24, 1942, following the Bat... more »
Joe Biden’s Manufacturing Revival Plan Has Some Serious Flaws
*Alan Tonelson* *Politics, Americas* Biden’s collective manufacturing blueprint will still face major obstacles stemming from its main head-scratching proposal: penalizing the offshoring of domestic manufacturing with taxes. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden released proposals to revive manufacturing in America in recent weeks that are good, original, and convoluted. Actually, the parts that are good but not original create some problems for the former vice president. They raise the question of why they were neglected, went nowhere, or didn't accomplish much in the eig... more »
How the Evolving U.S.-China ‘Tech Cold War’ Helps Taiwan
*Patrick Mendis, Hon-Min Yau* *Security, Asia* In the heart of this “Great Game” between Washington and Beijing, the technology-driven entrepreneurial and democratic Taiwan is likely the most important geopolitical factor that has greater implications for the United States and China—both domestically and globally. The Sino-American trade war has now turned into a new chapter in August, focusing more on tech competition between the two largest economies to decouple each other and potentially dividing countries into a bipolar world in the global influence industry—the beginning of ... more »
Russia's Su-27 “Flanker” and MiG-29 “Fulcrum” Changed NATO's War Plans
*Charlie Gao* *Technology, Europe* In 1974, the Central Committee of the CPSU approved for work to begin on the 4th generation of fighters—the MiG-29 and Su-27. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Overall, the main advantage of the R-27 series of missiles is the range on the ER variants, which is said to be around 130 km. This is far longer than any variant of the AIM-7 Sparrow, the closest NATO equivalent. The primary problem with the R-27 is that long development cycle of the allowed American missiles to surpass it. When the Su-27 “Flanker” and MiG-29 “Fulcrum” came onto the sc... more »
So Close: How These Leaders Nearly Took Out Hitler
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: By Office for Emergency Management. Office of War Information. Overseas Operations Branch. New York Office. News and Features Bureau. - This image is available from the Online Public Access (OPA) of the United States National Archives and Records Administ] The assasination plot could have meant an early end to the war. *Key point: *The plot was a good one, but the blast did not kill Hitler. As a result, he was able to regain control and crush the consiprators. For Nazi Party Führer (Leader) and German Reich Chancellor Adolf Hit... more »
The Military Wants to Put Hypersonic Missiles on the F-35
*David Axe* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] But the fighter’s dense internal layout doesn’t leave a lot of space for munitions. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Crews can hang tons of missiles and bombs from the wings, albeit at the cost of the F-35’s radar stealth. The U.S. military even has a nickname for this configuration: “beast mode.” The U.S. military could hang more weapons under the wings of its F-35 stealth fighters. Lockheed Martin, which assembles the single-engine, radar-evading jets, in early May 2019 revealed a concept for a hypersonic surface-to-air miss... more »
*RT Reporting on Intentionally Set "Wild" fires in the* * US Western States of Oregon, Washington and California - * *UPDATED AND BUMPED TO THE TOP: September 12, 2020 Here is more video from "From the Trenches" showing that arsonists are behind the Western States Fires.* *The RichieFromBoston YouCan'tWatchTube video on the wildfire arsonist has been disappeared. As soon as I find it on BitChute I will repost. Meanwhile,* *RT is reporting that the rumours* that the "wild" fires have been set intentionally are "conspiracy theories" . Yet it remains a fact that some of the fire... more »
Dollar Vigilante - Operation Moonshot Must Watch Update on the Plandemic HOAX
*H/T Freaked Out* *Lots of Background on the latest criminal behaviours of the perpZ who brought you 9/11, the CovID-19 HOAX, etc., etc.*
Commander commits dereliction of duty!
*SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 2020* *Did Krugman and Brooks follow suit?: * This past Thursday, Donald J. Trump had finally absorbed sufficient abuse. At long last, the commander decided to take some credit for the masterful way he's managed to handle the virus. Purveyors of fake news sat before him, gazing about in the garden. At long last, the commander made the following comments. We join his statement in progress: TRUMP (9/10/20): In the past five weeks, per capita cases doubled in France, surged to over 300 percent in Spain, which I’ve been hearing about and speaking to some o... more »
Cat Report
. . . Joint Statement of the United States, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and the State of Israel . . Trump’s triumph with UAE-Israel accord has unleashed a ‘preference cascade’ of Middle East peace developments . Thank you, President Trump. Voices heard. . . . President Trump and First Lady Melania Remember 9/11 – Flight … Continue reading Cat Report →
Originally posted on SURVIVAL BLOG: I have become personally so disenchanted with the way people fail to prep. People still don’t understand how important it is to put away. I have gotten into arguments over this and had cretins call me a fool because I put away food, water, and supplies. I thought about this…
The Anatomy of a Breakdown: When you take the time to understand how a breakdown behaves and how it progresses, only then can you truly prepare for it
Originally posted on SURVIVAL BLOG: If we can all agree on one thing, it’s that the government and disaster organizations alike grossly underestimate how dependent the majority of the population is on them during and after a disastrous event takes place. We need not look any further than the last major disasters that have occurred…
The Truth is Being Obliterated. The Global Elite’s Campaign Against Humanity
Originally posted on SURVIVAL BLOG: The COVID-19 virus. Does it?exist? Is it a novel virus? Is there a Pandemic? If you ask any doctor or scientist in the world to show you a scientifically-verified proof, they will not be able to show you one. Given that it has not been scientifically established that the COVID-19…
How Well You Can Survive, Amidst Looting, Violence and the Desperation of the Under-Prepared or Completely Unprepared Will Depend on Your Own Good Sense and Your Ability to Prepare Ahead of Time
Originally posted on SURVIVAL BLOG: Whether you’re unsure of how to plan for a bug out situation because you don’t know where you would bug out?to, or you simply prefer the idea of battening down the hatches in your current dwelling to weather whatever catastrophe may strike, urban survival and bugging in are two important…
Promoting Crime
Originally posted on disturbeddeputy: Either you promote something or you resist it. Even choosing not to be for it or against it means you are making a choice. And all it take for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Nancy has a long history of being diametrically opposed to law and…
Originally posted on Boudica BPI Weblog: democRATS ?
MASSIVE explosion shakes outskirts of Jordanian capital
Originally posted on Conspiracy Daily Update: View on YouTube
Joe Biden says Trump’s USMCA is ‘better than NAFTA’
Originally posted on Evans News Report: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden admitted Thursday that President Trump’s United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement is “better than NAFTA,” which he voted for in 1993 as a senator and expressed his support for over a decade later. During an interview on CNN, Jake Tapper pressed the former veep on whether…
Mueller Crooks Wiped Phones
Originally posted on Call Me Stormy: Robert Mueller was such a hot-shot, professional investigator that his staffers wiped an estimated 27 phones, erasing the evidence. In other words, they were crooks! Meanwhile, the fake impeachment whistleblowers are at it again. Adam Schiff is mounting a new scam! More from Black Conservative Patriot. How do we…
California Has Always Had Fires, Environmentalism Makes Them Worse
By Paul Homewood [Editor’s Note – This post appeared earlier without any body! Sorry for the confusion! Also the previous post failed to download some NOAA graphs, so I have resorted to screenshots] Michael Schellenberger rubbishes wildfire claims: I woke up an hour later than normal yesterday morning because smoke […]
Vicki Young and Hugh Pugh
Speculation time: Whoever was behind the captions on last night's BBC One *News at Ten* could (a) have been tired after a long week, (b) tipsy on the job or (c) up to mischief. Or (d) just not having a good night:
Wee Nippy Not Happy
Nicola Sturgeon, while conceding that she has occasionally "slipped up" by making party political comments during her coronavirus briefings, clearly isn't happy that the BBC has decided (after six months) to stop broadcasting every one of them. Opposition parties in Scotland, however, are delighted. As are pro-union commentators like Alan Cochrane who says, writing in the Telegraph, "like many others I’ve always believed it was simply an unnecessary and expensive sop to placate SNP moans about the BBC’s coverage of Scotland." Will Tim Davie's BBC hold its nerve or U-turn und... more »
Massive clouds of mosquitoes kill cows, horses in Louisiana
Killing large animals by the hundreds. Swarms of mosquitoes have killed cows, deer, horses and other livestock in Louisiana after rain from Hurricane Laura led to an explosion in the pests’ population. Thousands of mosquitoes have attacked animals as large as bulls. “As soon as you would walk outside, your legs would turn black from ... Read more Massive clouds of mosquitoes kill cows, horses in Louisiana The post Massive clouds of mosquitoes kill cows, horses in Louisiana appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Our liberty and economy are being threatened
We simply do not know what to do about it. ___________ People KNOW what is happening Penelope I have found in conversation with others that there is near-universal understanding that: – There is no medical necessity for lockdown, masks, distancing, or a vaccine. – These measures are politically inspired & ominous. – That our liberty ... Read more Our liberty and economy are being threatened The post Our liberty and economy are being threatened appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Chapter 6: Credibility? How Often the Right Has Been Wrong
I've been posting (for free!) chapters of Polemical Judo, in hope that at least a few of the ideas may percolate through some of you to where they'll do some good. (Or start fresh with Chapter 1. Or else... actually buy a copy?) Last time we offered the *second half of* Chapter 5: End the War on Facts! Here we'll offer *Chapter Six* where I start getting fierce. No more reaching out, with things we have in common and could negotiate. (Well, in fact, I start the chapter with just such an olive branch!) But it's time to make very clear how very often the American conservative mo... more »
Quebec City sets up secret" facilities for "uncooperative" citizens
*****News Topic 19***** Quebec City Says it Will Isolate “Uncooperative” Citizens in Secret Corona FacilityHealth officials also visiting homes to take away people who violate quarantine. https://summit.news/2020/09/09/quebec-city-says-it-will-isolate-uncooperative-citizens-in-secret-corona-facility/
Particularly as parents face difficult decisions in determining how to handle a return to unsafe schools in the midst of a pandemic, it's no surprise that the Moe government's secrecy about the infrastructure deficit it's accumulated in the education sector is raising some outrage. But it's particularly jarring to see how the choice to withhold that information affects the province's impending election campaign. In the Information and Privacy Commissioner's report (PDF) recommending the release of that information, the government used these excuses to claim it was entitled to keep S... more »