8 Things Gifted People Experience
5 days ago
We’re all gifted in some way or another. While some gifts are easily recognized, some are subtle and can even make you feel weird. Gifted people vary from being somewhat too intense...
Ever been stuck in a dead-end relationship? Did you find it extremely difficult to move on from it? Well, most of us have been unfortunate enough to deal with toxic relationships or...
TweetThe achievement gap has driven education reform for the past twenty years. Guest David Stevens says it’s time to stop talking about the achievement gap and focus instead on...
TweetTeachers unions are the biggest impediments to fixing schools and improving student achievement. That mantra has been at the heart of school reform efforts for more than a decade...
I have written a lot at my own site. I don’t know how strong the interest is here. It is a topic I know a fair bit about, both the Mythbusters and the recent-thinking-and-research varieties...
The Giants of Flight 93 – Plus 19 Years
2 days ago
The NFL took a major hit in their ratings for opening week. Rating were down 16% with many fans tuning out the social justice lectures from virtue signaling millionaire players. We...
Armstrong Economics Blog/Uncategorized Re-Posted Sep 13, 2020 by Martin Armstrong The Wolds New Hitler — Bill Gates We are in the midst of an all-out psychological war being wages...
* * * Perry Dorrell blogs as PDiddie at Brains and Eggs, usually on topics concerning the strange brew of Texas politics. He's also on Twitter @PDiddie...
On today's BradCast, it was not a good day for those who believe in free, fair, honest, overseeable and safe democracy. On the other hand, it was a great day for Republicans! [Audio link...
Sunday musical offering
9 hours ago
Russians who risk freedom to oppose nuclear sector rewarded Fedor Maryasov and Andrey Talevlin, four others, win 2020 Nuclear Free Future Award Munich, Germany, September 8, 2020—Fedor...
Ian Zabarte speaking at a press conference at a Nuclear Forum event he organized at the University of Nevada at Las Vegas in 2016.More than 900 nuclear tests were conducted on Shoshone...
Two Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were shot repeatedly at point-blank range in an ambush on Saturday and Black Power protesters responded by gathering outside the hospital...
After centuries of marginalisation, the Mediterranean Sea is back in the international spotlight. A new Great Game is unfolding in its eastern part, similar to the 19th century machinations...
COVID-911: From Homeland Security to Biosecurity
18 hours ago
Our weekly round-up of the best psychology coverage from elsewhere on the web
By Emma Young. Feelings of autonomy increased across early weeks of pandemic, suggesting at least some aspects of psychological recovery begin during stressful experience...
Beth Campbell remembers long days working on various family farms as a child. Along with her parents and siblings, as well as her aunts, uncles, and cousins, she would go from one farm...
It is the year 1504, Cesare Borgia has fallen and Imola, his headquarters, is wracked by violence. Two families, as in many Italian stories, are facing each other: Sassatelli and Vaini...
One of the most renowned poets from Japan's Edo period (1603–1868), Matsuo Bashō is known for his travelogue Oku no Hosomichi (The Narrow Road to the Deep North), a collection...