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30 September - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

10 pm MDT
Why Windows XP Won’t Die
Brianna O'Shea, Paul Haskell-Dowland, The National Interest - 47 minutes ago
*Brianna O'Shea, Paul Haskell-Dowland* *Technology, World* Many airports, ATMs, and hospitals still use Microsoft Windows XP. A leak would be less of an issue, if this wasn't the case. The source code of the Windows XP operating system is now circulating online as a huge 43GB mega-dump. Although the software is nearly two decades old, it’s still used by people, businesses and organisations around the world. This source code leak leaves it open to being scoured for bugs and weaknesses hackers can exploit. The leaked torrent files, published on the bulletin board website 4chan, in...
Fox News Uses the Word 'Hate' Far More Than Other Networks
Curd Knüpfer, Robert Mathew Entman, The National Interest - 47 minutes ago
*Curd Knüpfer, Robert Mathew Entman* *Media, * Fox particularly uses the term when explaining opposition to Donald Trump. His opponents are said to “hate” Trump, his values and his followers. Fox News is up to five times more likely to use the word “hate” in its programming than its main competitors, according to our new study of how cable news channels use language. Fox particularly uses the term when explaining opposition to Donald Trump. His opponents are said to “hate” Trump, his values and his followers. Our research, which ran from Jan. 1 to May 8, 2020, initially explored ...
Will America Erupt in Violence After the Election? Here's What the Research Says
Ore Koren, The National Interest - 47 minutes ago
*Ore Koren* *Politics, * Some envision President Donald Trump’s supporters using misinformation to mobilize vigilante militias to clash with leftist protesters. Others envision that groups on the left will refuse to accept the results and mobilize, leading to violence and deaths across the country. Having a contested election in times of crisis, however, is by no means a guarantee of violence. After Kenya’s 2007 election, as incumbent President Mwai Kibaki declared victory, the opposition alleged the election had been rigged. A wave of protests, riots and ethnic violence followe...
How World War I Gave Birth To Tank Warfare
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 47 minutes ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Tanks entered combat for the first time in history on September 15, 1916, with British troops at Flers Courcelette during the Battle of the Somme. *Key Point*: Although the tanks at the Somme failed to break the stalemate, it was obvious that the new weapon would influence the future of land warfare. “We heard strange throbbing noises, and lumbering slowly towards us came three huge mechanical monsters such as we had never seen before,” remembered Bert Chaney, a 19-year-old officer in the Signal Corps of the British Army. “My first imp...
Meet the Gotha: Germany's First Strategic Bomber
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 47 minutes ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Germans flew 'Gothas,' their first strategic bombers, over England in World War I. *Key Point*: Gothas had a powerful effect. On May 25, 1917, a fleet of 21 bombers lumbered in a line at 12,000 feet over the English coast. The biplanes, each carrying 13 bombs, had wingspans exceeding 70 feet, immense for World War I aircraft. German military leaders called the planes *Gothas*, hoping the name would add an element of terror to English citizens in their homes below. Earlier that day the Gothas, a top-secret weapon carefully concealed at ...
When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 1 hour ago
James Comey is stricken with amnesia in real time.
La UE pide a Brasil que genere confianza medioambiental para desbloquear el acuerdo de Mercosur
bilaterals.org - 1 hour ago
30-Sep-2020 El Gobierno brasileño, criticado internacionalmente por su postura medioambiental, necesita “generar un ámbito de confianza” en esa área para sacar del impás el acuerdo comercial entre la UE y el Mercosur, consideró en entrevista con Efeagro el embajador del bloque comunitario en Brasil, Ignacio Ybáñez.
Apoya premier de Vietnam pronta firma de TLC con Reino Unido
bilaterals.org - 1 hour ago
30-Sep-2020 El primer ministro de Vietnam, Nguyen Xuan Phuc, abogó hoy por la conclusión y firma pronta del Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre su país y Reino Unido, al recibir al canciller británico, Dominic Raab, de visita aquí.
El arbitraje Aecon vs. Ecuador en la CPA diez años después de CIADI
bilaterals.org - 1 hour ago
30-Sep-2020 Aecon presenta diez años después su demanda contra Ecuador ante la Corte Permanente de Arbitraje (CPA), en esta ocasión en solitario y reclamando exenciones de impuestos.
Reportback: Julian Assange Hearing On Tuesday September 29
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 2 hours ago
Tuesday has been another day on which the testimony focused on the extreme inhumane conditions in which Julian Assange would be kept imprisoned in the USA if extradited. The prosecution’s continued tactic of extraordinary aggression towards witnesses who are patently well informed played less well, and there were distinct signs that Judge Baraitser was becoming irritated by this approach. The totality of defence witnesses and the sheer extent of mutual corroboration they provided could not simply be dismissed by the prosecution attempting to characterise all of them as uninformed o...
“This unfortunate situation”: Journal retracts bizarre paper about a black hole at the center of Earth
Ivan Oransky, Retraction Watch - 3 hours ago
It was a paper that caught the attention — and bemusement — of Twitter: And now it is no more, along with four more articles from the Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences in what was billed as a special issue on Global Dermatology. Here’s the whole title: “A black hole at the center … Continue reading “This unfortunate situation”: Journal retracts bizarre paper about a black hole at the center of Earth
Community Colleges Across the Nation Join Google Apprenticeship Program
Dynahlee Padilla, Diverse - 4 hours ago
Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), San Jose City College (SJCC) and the Austin Community College District (ACC) have joined Google’s first federally registered apprenticeship program through the Department of Labor, which works with state apprenticeship agencies to administer the program nationally.
Australian state law empowers officials to forcibly remove clothing including underwear if necessary to administer vaccine
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 5 hours ago
Law enforcement has the legal power ‘to remove anything (including underwear) that the relevant person is wearing’ if it’s determined that that person must be vaccinated. WESTERN AUSTRALIA, September 24, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — The state of Western Australia has legislated to allow police officers or other “authorised officers” to restrain individuals and, if deemed necessary, … Continue reading Australian state law empowers officials to forcibly remove clothing including underwear if necessary to administer vaccine →
Patent WO2020060606 — Health News Disclosure
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 5 hours ago
Originally posted on New Human New Earth Communities: https://youtu.be/NZjs-XgIudw View on YouTube Patent WO2020060606 — Health News Disclosure
John Stossel on “Mostly Peaceful Protests” – Video
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 5 hours ago
Originally posted on Iowa Climate Science Education: And “Mostly Fair” Media The post John Stossel on “Mostly Peaceful Protests” – Video appeared first on Ice Age Now. via Ice Age Now https://ift.tt/3jjhODQ September 30, 2020 at 03:35PM
NYC Is In Economic Collpase
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 5 hours ago
Originally posted on Conspiracy Daily Update: View on YouTube
Amazon’s Palm Scanner Has Many Concerned
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 5 hours ago
Originally posted on Conspiracy Daily Update: View on YouTube
appropriate for the KCDC’s edifice complex — the Folly Fellowship
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 5 hours ago
Originally posted on Waikanae Watch: In the old days in the UK and Europe it was common for the landed gentry to build purely decorative structures on the grounds of their estates which looked intrigiung but had no useful purpose. These were known as Follies. Says Wikipedia: “Eighteenth-century English landscape gardening and French landscape gardening often featured mock Roman…
Hooray! Met Our Sixth Goal, On to Our Seventh: More Original Reporting
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 2 hours ago
Help fund what we most like to do, but find hardest to get to: original reporting.
From 20 years ago , this video made history in the Middle East
egyptianchronicler@gmail.com (Zeinobia), Egyptian Chronicles - 2 hours ago
On that day from 20 years ago, a photographer caught on camera a crime against humanity and it changed the world as we know it. A freelance photographer and videographer caught in Gaza how the Israeli occupation forces opened their fire on a civilian and his son killing the 12-years-old boy despite the pleas of his father. [image: The last moments of Mohamed El-Dorra which his father tried to protect him "AFP"] The last moments of Mohamed El-Dorra where his father tried to protect him "AFP" Freelance reporter caught Talal Abu Rahma those 26 minutes and were first aired on France ...
A sensationalist, award-winning ‘NY Times’ podcast on Islamic Jihadism was based on a fraud
contact@ifamericansknew.org, Israel Palestine News - 3 hours ago
An award-winning breathless New York Times podcast about Islamic Jihadism that was downloaded millions of times in 2018 turns out to have been based on a fraudulent liar — but so far the paper and its reporter, Rukmini Callimachi, have declined to fully acknowledge their error. Callimachi has connections to Israel lobby organizations...
When Does Daylight Saving Time End?
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2WUI99VGGJ&share=true] Why do we have to put our clocks back? What does the controversial tradition mean for your health or for the economy? On November 1, Daylight Saving Time (DST) will end, which means that at 2 a.m. on that day most clocks in America will “fall back” one hour. The result will be much shorter days, with the sun setting in many states before 5 p.m. Given this, studies have shown annual upticks in rates of depression associated with less e...
The Depth Charge: A Deadly Menace for Germany's U-Boats
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Although depth charges weren't fully implemented until the later stages of World War I, they did help to thwart future attacks by German U-Boats. *Key Point*: Large-scale depth charge production began in 1916, and the first recorded sinking of a German U-boat occurred on March 22 that year. At the beginning of World War I, British naval strategists did not believe German submarines would play a significant role in the Atlantic or North Sea. They believed that the battle for the sea would be fought on the surface by the tangible muscle o...
Pandemic Work Bubbles Can Help Businesses Reopen
News Staff, Science 2.0 blogs - 3 hours ago
Businesses would like to return to business as usual and government officials reliant on taxes desperately need a return to normal. The people arguing lockdowns need to occur indefinitely live on Twitter. How can it be done safely? The example of Bombardier Aviation in an analysis published in *Canadian Medical Association Journal* finds that creating "work bubbles" during the COVID-19 pandemic can help reduce the risk of company-wide outbreaks while helping essential businesses continue to function. read more
The U.S. Presidential Debates Have Become a Reality Show
Symington W. Smith, The National Interest - 3 hours ago
*Symington W. Smith* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] The Trump-Biden “presidential” debate, if one can call it that, cost American taxpayers something much more valuable than money: their time. Running an hour and a half long, the average citizen would be better off spending that time learning about whales. By now, there is no need to describe in detail what happened during the first round of the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden. Major news outlets and thinkers alike acknowledge that what was supposed to be a civil and professional debate between conte...
Debate #2? Do better! ... and today's chapter is about 'hating government"
David Brin, CONTRARY BRIN - 3 hours ago
Let's resume posting chapters from Polemical Judo. The last one dealt with what I deem the most important 'political' issue of all - whether there might be hundreds in Washington - and other centers of power - who could (if properly encouraged) blow the whistle and *expose terrible things*... including the very blackmail used to control *them. * I still call it the under-appreciated threat of our time -- and the greatest opportunity for dramatic counter moves. *This time?* Well, we're going to SKIP Chapter 9 of the book. It deals with international relations, especially China. If ...
Did Trump ‘Refuse to Condemn’ White Supremacists at Debate?
Dan MacGuill, Snopes.com - 3 hours ago
"Who do you want me to condemn? Who?" the president asked Fox News moderator Chris Wallace, in an extraordinary exchange during the first presidential debate in September 2020.
Biden intends to hit everyone with a tax increase
Robert, Ice Age Now - 3 hours ago
Last night, Trump got Biden to admit he’s going to raise taxes on the middle class. ____________ “Trump won,” writes John Nolte. “It wasn’t pretty, but Trump won.” “And that’s why the corrupt media want to cancel the next two debates” “(Last night,) Trump got Biden to admit he’s going to raise taxes on the ... Read more Biden intends to hit everyone with a tax increase The post Biden intends to hit everyone with a tax increase appeared first on Ice Age Now.
AUSTRALIA’S SHAME: Melbourne Police Bodyslam Reporter Avi Yemini Covering Pandemic Lockdown Protest
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: Public Order Police The New Stasi: Exposing The Blatant Tyranny Of Authorities. https://youtu.be/IP4k1aJpIcM
Member of Parliament Demands Martial Law Medical Tyranny Forced Vaccinations
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: A Conservative MP, Tobias Ellwood, has called for mandatory coronavirus vaccination certificates distributed by the Army that will determine whether people will be allowed to travel internationally. Link to banned video: https://2020electioncenter.com/watch?id=5f73af0dffdcbc0c06258ba9
Man Beats Criminal Charges for #MasksOff; Now Going After Police for Brutality And; Business for Discrimination
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: SAY NO TO THE MUSSELS: SAY NO TO THE TYRANNY! (See 42 Peer Reviewed Studies That Prove Masks Are Neither Safe Nor Effective) https://wp.me/p19seq-8lU
President Trump Great America Comeback and Peaceful Protest – Duluth, MN – 9:00pm Livestream…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 4 hours ago
Tonight President Donald Trump heads to Minnesota for a Great American Comeback rally and peaceful protest at Duluth International Airport in Duluth, MN. Anticipated Start Time is 9:00pm ET [Livestream Links Below] Campaign Livestream – RSBN Livestream – Fox News … Continue reading →
What Happened at That Debate Last Night
Ron Clutz, Science Matters - 4 hours ago
The First Take: At least for now, the debate strategies seem clear. On one side, let’s troll Trump with fake news and then pretend he is a clown when he objects. On the other side, let’s bait Biden and see if he loses control and goes off the script beamed into his ears. The Second […]
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 4 hours ago
TDS Trigger Time (at the left wing Winnipeg Free Press).
Rare September Snowfall Near Rome
Robert, Ice Age Now - 4 hours ago
Snow rarely ever falls this early in the Lazio region. Snow fell on the hills and mountains in the greater Rome area and in the Lazio region as temperatures plummeted over the weekend, reports Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera. Snowfalls were recorded at Monte Livata (near Subiaco), Cervara di Roma, Ciociaria, Campocatino and Forca d’Acero, ... Read more Rare September Snowfall Near Rome The post Rare September Snowfall Near Rome appeared first on Ice Age Now.
The US Postal Service Is A National Asset
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 4 hours ago
The financial problems of the United States Postal Service (USPS) are the result of misguided policy decisions — some of them long-standing — not declines in first-class mail, its primary source of revenue. With the increased demands of voting by mail in a national election and a boom in home package delivery, the pandemic makes a well-resourced postal service more important than ever. Nostrums about the public debt have contributed to a decades-long, bipartisan attack on the US public sector, including the postal service. The post The US Postal Service Is A National Asset appear...
Italy’s coldest September in 50 years
Robert, Ice Age Now - 5 hours ago
Over the weekend, temperatures in Italy plunged suddenly by between 10 and 15 degrees, resulting in the country’s coldest September in 50 years and leading to snowfalls much earlier than usual, Italian media reports. The cold has been particularly intense in Milan and Turin which recorded 5°C and 4°C degrees respectively on the night of ... Read more Italy’s coldest September in 50 years The post Italy’s coldest September in 50 years appeared first on Ice Age Now .
Richard Betts Misunderstands Basic Science
Hifast, Climate Collections - 5 hours ago
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood When in a hole, stop digging Richard! From NTZ: Just recently Anthony Watts posted an article on wildfires penned by Paul Homewood. Lately alarmists have been blaming the active forest fire season on global warming. They warn that warmer…
CPP Investments' High-Carbon Approach?
Leo Kolivakis, Pension Pulse - 1 hour ago
Professor Cynthia Williams, chair of business law at Osgoode Hall Law School and co-principal investigator of the Canada Climate Law Initiative, wrote a comment for Corporate Knights arguing CPP Investments should be supporting the government’s low-carbon transition policies: The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) is one of the world’s largest public pension funds, with $434.4 billion in assets under management as of June. The mandate of the investment board that runs it (CPPIB) has been to manage funds in the best interests of Canadian CPP contributors and beneficiaries (Canada’s retirees...
Breaking Democracy Is A Republican Party Thing Now
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
*Slimeball by Nancy Ohanian* I have no idea if George Packer knew he was comparing democracy to religion in his *Atlantic* essay Trump Is Trying to Trick Americans Into Giving Up on Democracy... but that's how I read it. "Democracy," he wrote "depends on belief in democracy-- on an extraordinary leap of faith by ordinary people that their rulers will abide by the rules, that their votes will count, that their compatriots won’t tear the country apart, that lies won’t become truth. When the checks and balances have all given way, the last barrier to an authoritarian regime is publ...
A False Imprisonment Of Entire Nations – Coronavirus Regulations Are Not Lawful
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: The Government Has Exceeded The Provisions Of The Public health Act. Millions Of Jobs Lost, Your Freedoms Destroyed. https://youtu.be/tfWOUgHSq24
The Fascism Of Separating Families For A Virus That Does Not Exist!
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: Covid Hoax threw away our common sense, A Virus is not living therefore cannot be airborne or contagious FACT!!!! https://twitter.com/BusyDrT/status/1310634374468075522?s=20 42 Peer Reviewed Studies That Prove Masks Are Neither Safe Nor Effective https://wp.me/p19seq-8lU
Over One Million Casualties: The Battle of the Somme Was a Human Slaughter
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* Commanders have been heavily criticized for the fighting at the Battle of the Somme, which led to horrendous casualties but little military value. *Key Point*: The deepest Allied penetration along the 30-mile front was only seven miles. In February 1916, Allied military leaders met at Chantilly, in the Picardy region of France to discuss grand strategy as World War I entered its second full year. British and French commanders agreed to undertake a joint offensive against the Germans in the West, and the area of the Somme River in north...
Was Biden As Acerbic As Trump During the Debate?
Rachel Bucchino, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Politics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2Q8J91IKHH&share=true] The first presidential debate is over and it was very contentious. In a night filled with seething insults and mud-slinging blows, President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden battled at the first of three presidential debates Tuesday night. The candidates threw punches in the political boxing ring about their opponents’ track record and decisions when serving in public office but rode roughshod over the debate playbook rules ...
Biden vs. Trump: The Battle for America’s Foreign Policy Direction
TNI Staff, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*TNI Staff* *Politics, Americas* What kinds of foreign policies should we expect from the next presidency, whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden? What kinds of foreign policies should we expect from the next presidency, whether Donald Trump or Joe Biden? Would a re-elected Trump find new ways to advance his America First agenda, this time backed by a team of appointees more united and supportive of his goals? What would Biden’s pledge to restore competence and normalcy to U.S. foreign policy mean in practice? Emma Ashford and Robert Kaplan discuss these issues and more in a panel mo...
The Real Story Behind Joe Biden’s Attack On Trump And Russia
Mark Episkopos, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Politics, Americas* The debate presented Trump with an opportunity to confront his opponent on the many failures and contradictions of the Democrats’ Russia narratives. At the first presidential debate, Joe Biden tried to strike a reasonable, measured contrast to President Donald Trump’s unfettered aggression. But as the night dragged on, the former vice president’s aspiration to project the image of an elder statesman gave way to baser instincts. When pressed by Trump, Biden recurrently fell back on a generic repertoire of personal epithets: among them, “fool,”...
Twitter Will Begin to Prompt Users to Read Before They Retweet
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2S5J9YRWDB&share=true] It appears to work, but will it really improve the quality of Twitter? There are quite a few problems with the way Twitter works, from users curating their timelines to never see an opinion they disagree with, to the potential for dogpiles and harassment, and the lack of an edit button. But one of the more enduring ones is the tendency for Twitter users to share things without reading them, based on the headline only. Twitter’s structur...
CNN Asks ‘Undecided Voters’ If Debate Had Clear Winner – Only One Person Raises Hand For Biden
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: “One person, okay” Source: Chris Menahan | Information Liberation CNN on Tuesday night asked a panel of “undecided voters” in Ohio if the first presidential debate had a clear winner and then downplayed the results as meaningless after only one person raised their hand for Joe Biden. WATCH: https://twitter.com/STEPHMHAMILL/status/1311149580755464192?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1311149580755464192%7Ctwgr%5Eshare_3&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.infowars.com%2Fcnn-asks-undecided-voters-if-debate-had-clear-winner-only-one-person-raises-...
Kansas City Art Institute Hires First Director of Talent and Inclusion
Sara Weissman, Diverse - 4 hours ago
Shawntae Jones was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri. Now, she’s serving as the first director of talent and inclusion at Kansas City Art Institute.
“Longtime Climate Denier Tony Heller Gets YouTube Ban For COVID Denial”
tonyheller, Real Climate Science - 4 hours ago
Sep 30, 2020 7:21am MDT by ClimateDenierRoundup, Community A couple years ago, Youtube (belatedly) started to do something about the disinformation rampant on its platform, and began putting disclaimers on climate denial videos that pointed to more reliable information. Unfortunately, … Continue reading →
Candidates Spar on Issues at Tuesday’s Debate, But Education Not One of Them
Walter Hudson, Diverse - 5 hours ago
The first of three presidential debates for the 2020 campaign kicked off on Tuesday night, with K-12 and higher education noticeably missing from the moderator’s questions. That omission frustrates scholars who argue that the future of education — particularly amid COVID-19 — must be discussed and debated in the days leading up to November's election.
The racist incumbent in the White House
Keith, musingsofanoldfart - 5 hours ago
In a article by Justin Coleman of The Hill called “Santorum: ‘Huge mistake’ for Trump not to condemn white supremacy at debate,” the former Senator chastised the president for not condemning white supremacism. Per The Hill’s article (a link is … Continue reading →
Say Their Names, But Not the N-Word
cmaadmin, Diverse - 8 hours ago
The current reckoning about anti-Blackness in the United States is exposing the limits of solidarity. Millions of white and non-white people have marched and expressed support for Black Lives by saying the names of men and women brutally killed or shot in police custody. This powerful act of solidarity humanizes these victims while bearing witness to systemic racism. At the same time, faculty in some of our nation’s colleges and universities continue to defend the right to utter the N-word as part of their educational practice. This counterintuitive notion is not just tone-deaf to t...
Harvard Business School Renames Building After Renowned Black Professor
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 9 hours ago
Harvard Business School (HBS) announced Tuesday that it will rename a building on its campus in honor of Dr. James I. Cash, a retired faculty member known for his leadership and for breaking barriers for Black people. The announcement came at a virtual town hall with faculty, staff and students. “When one thinks of individuals […]
NBA Star Chris Paul Enrolls at HBCU
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 9 hours ago
NBA star Chris Paul has enrolled at Winston-Salem State University, a North Carolina historically Black college, where he will take a class and encourage students to get to the polls, the NBA reported. Paul’s parents also attended Winston-Salem State. “We are providing transportation to HBCU students to get the polls so we are working on […]
Delaware State University Refutes Reports of Biden ‘Lying’ About Attendance
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 9 hours ago
Delaware State University is refuting the reporting by some media outlets that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden lied about attending the school, Delaware’s only historically Black university, Delaware Online reported. Outlets such as Fox News, The Washington Times and The Blaze reported that Biden lied and that the school disproved the claims. Although DSU did […]
Charlottetown, V3 Unadjusted Data Show Prince Edward Island’s Station Doesn’t Have The Annual Temperature Data Since 2001
Kirye, Real Climate Science - 10 hours ago
Today I checked the temperature data from Charlottetown located in Edward Island, Canada. I found that GHCN V3 Unadjusted data show Prince Edward Island doesn’t have the annual temperature data at all since 2001, despite the V3 data set being … Continue reading →
... But Don't Stand Down.
jurassicpork, Welcome Back to Gotham City - 1 hour ago
(By *American Zen*'s Mike Flannigan, on loan from Ari.) *P*roud Boys, stand back and stand by." Those words, hopefully, will come back to bite Donald Trump in his fat ass come election day. That now-infamous moment came toward the end of the first presidential debate at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio last night. Taking too many words and interrupting Trump too many times, debate moderator Chris Wallace set up a layup that no sane politician would ever deliberately muff: Will you tell your supporters to stand down on election night? Trump, feigni...
What hijacked my world that night?
Avedon, Avedon's Sideshow - 2 hours ago
I see a lot of people talking about Trump's Supreme Court nominee's weird and anti-constitutional religious views, but she also seems bent on creating the kind of society that God always liked to "smite" in the Bible. "Barrett Crushed Gig Workers Weeks Before Likely SCOTUS Nomination: *In August, the likely Trump nominee delivered a key ruling blocking many gig workers from suing in court when tech companies deny them overtime pay.* That ruling was one of a number of cases in which Barrett helped corporate interests prevail over workers. Her highest-profile business-focused action...
Debate Commission Says It Will Make Changes to Format
AP News, Snopes.com - 4 hours ago
The presidential debate commission says it will soon adopt changes to its format to avoid a repeat of the disjointed first meeting between President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.
Armenia - Azerbaijan War News Updates -- September 30, 2020
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 5 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Russia claims Turkey has sent 'terrorists' from Syria and Libya into Nagorno-Karabakh warzone as fighting between Armenia and Aberbaijan escalates* * Russia today said that illegal Syrian and Libyan fighters were being sent to the Nagorno-Karabakh region * Despite Azerbaijan and ally Turkey denying that F-16 downed Armenian SU-25, defence ministry in Yerevan named dead pilot as Major Valeri Danelin and published photos of jet painted in Armenian Air Force colours * Meanwhile Azerbaijan claimed it had 'neutralised' 2,300 Armenian soldiers as fighting entered f...
Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 5 hours ago
The New York Times is fake news.
President Trump Delivers Impromptu Remarks Departing the White House – Video and Transcript…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 5 hours ago
President Trump delivers remarks to the assembled press pool as he departs the White House for campaign stops in Minnesota. [Video and Transcript below] . [Transcript] – THE PRESIDENT: Okay, thank you very much. We’re going to Minnesota. I thought … Continue reading →
Is WAPO unaware of hurricane history?
Joe Bastardi, CFACT - 6 hours ago
Basically they co-opted a correct forecast made from natural reasons, and then decided to pile on with their missive, and that part is easily countered. The post Is WAPO unaware of hurricane history? appeared first on CFACT.
Armenia releases flight radar of Turkish F-16 route before shooting down Su-25: video
[image: Armenia releases flight radar of Turkish F-16 route before shooting down Su-25: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:30 P.M.) – Armenia released this evening, what it claims is proof that Turkey shot down their Su-25 aircraft on Wednesday, September 30. The Press Secretary of the Armenian Minister of Defense, Shushan Stepanyan, released the flight radar detail from September 30, which shows the movement of the Turkish F-16 before the Armenian Su-25 is shot down. An episode of the air environment presented earlier today pic.twitter.com/4yiOezihF5 — Shushan Stepanyan (@ShStepanyan) Se...
Fossil fuel gaslighting: accept climate change but undermine action
Ian Dunlop, Michael West - 8 hours ago
[image: Lobbyland, lobbying, lobbyists] Lobbyists for the fossil fuel industry have enjoyed a meteoric rise in influence both locally and globally over the past few decades, writes Ian Dunlop.
Newsweek: Three Arrested for Not Wearing Masks at Idaho Church ‘Psalm Sing’ Event
Erin Elizabeth, Health Nut News - 8 hours ago
Police arrested three people who attended a large religious gathering in Moscow, Idaho, last week for reportedly violating local public health orders. One of the people taken into custody was Gabriel Rench, a Republican campaigning to replace Latah County Commissioner Tom Lamar, a Democrat, in November. Rench was attending an outdoor “psalm sing” event at […] The post Newsweek: Three Arrested for Not Wearing Masks at Idaho Church ‘Psalm Sing’ Event appeared first on Health Nut News.
Azerbaijan publishes scenes from massive attack on Armenian forces
[image: Azerbaijan publishes scenes from massive attack on Armenian forces] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 P.M.) – The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense released several videos on Wednesday, showing their forces carrying out a number of attacks against the Armenian forces in the Kabakh region. In the first video released by the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense, their troops can be seen carrying out a big attack using rockets. Active fire #support to our attacking units #KarabakhisAzerbaijan #StopArmenianOccupation pic.twitter.com/sK8AYo4dBs — Azerbaijan MOD (@wwwmodgovaz) September 30, 2020 T...
Iran shoots down suspected Azerbaijani drone: video
[image: Iran shoots down suspected Azerbaijani drone: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 P.M.) – For the third straight day, either a drone or artillery shell has entered Iran because of the ongoing conflict between neighboring Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Karabakh region. A video captured from Iran’s Ardebil Province, which is located south of the Azerbaijani border, showed the Islamic Republic’s air defense forces shooting a foreign drone over their airspace. The video was reportedly taken from the Aslan Heights, which is located near Azerbaijan’s southern border with Iran. Continue r...
Armenian forces capture Azerbaijani armored vehicle: video
[image: Armenian forces capture Azerbaijani armored vehicle: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:15 P.M.) – The Armenian-led Artsakh Defense Army has managed to capture another armored vehicle left behind by the Azerbaijani Army in the Karabakh region. In a video captured from the Karabakh region, the Armenian forces can be see in possession of a Russian-made BMP-2. The Armenian forces were filmed driving the captured armored vehicle to their lines and oddly parking it on a mound in Karabakh. Captured ex-Azeri BMP-2 getting used by Armenian volunteer troops. Continue reading Armenian forces ...
Egypt publishes video showing most powerful weapon in navy
[image: Egypt publishes video showing most powerful weapon in navy] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 P.M.) – The Egyptian Armed Forces have released a video in which it unveiled the fourth and final S44 Type 209/1400mod German-made electric diesel submarine. This submarine is the most powerful in the Egyptian military, as it has strong specifications and a maximum displacement of 1,450 tons floating above sea level and 1,600 tons submerged in depth. The submarine has 4 MTU-396 12V diesel engines that generate 3755 horsepower from the German MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH. Continue reading Egypt pub...
Lebanese Army thwarted planned terrorist attack
[image: Lebanese Army thwarted planned terrorist attack] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:45 P.M.) – The commander of the Lebanese Army, General Joseph Aoun, spoke about “foiling plans that were prepared for Lebanon,” stressing that the terrorist project was not allowed to infiltrate into the country. He said during his meeting with soldiers who were killed during a raid on the home of a wanted terrorist in northern Lebanon, “terrorism does not recognize a sect or religion, and its main project is murder,” indicating that “these soldiers thwarted plans that were prepared for our homeland, but we...
Azerbaijan praises effectiveness of Israeli drones against Armenian forces
[image: Azerbaijan praises effectiveness of Israeli drones against Armenian forces] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:20 P.M.) – Assistant to the President of Azerbaijan Hikmat Hajiyev announced that his country has used Israeli-made drones in the military confrontations with Armenia in the disputed Karabakh region. The Times of Israel newspaper quoted Hajiyev as saying on Wednesday, in an interview with the Hebrew-language site Walla News that the Azeri forces used Israeli drones, including suicide drones (kamikaze), in their recent combat operations in Karabakh. He expressed his country’s prais...
Armenian forces storm Azerbaijani lines amid big counter-attack: video
[image: Armenian forces storm Azerbaijani lines amid big counter-attack: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:00 P.M.) – The Armenian forces were filmed on Wednesday, advancing towards the Azerbaijani military’s front-lines in the Karabakh region. Backed by heavy artillery, the Armenian forces launched the counter-attack after stifling the Azerbaijani’s offensive earlier in the day. In the video that was previously released on Wednesday, the Armenian forces, also known as the Artsakh Defense Army, can be seen pushing towards the Azerbaijani’s positions. Later in the day, the Artsakh forces s...
Armenia denies Azerbaijan destroyed their S-300 system
[image: Armenia denies Azerbaijan destroyed their S-300 system] BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 P.M.) – The spokesman for the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Artsron Hovhannisyan, denied reports of the destruction of the S-300 system in the Karabakh region. In an interview with Russia’s Sputnik Agency, Hovhannisyan said that “this information does not correspond to reality.” Earlier, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense had announced that it had destroyed the S-300 missile system of the Armenian Air Force on the front line in the Karabakh region. Continue reading Armenia denies Azerbaijan destr...
Turkey’s ready to support Azerbaijan to end the ‘Armenian occupation problem’
[image: Turkey’s ready to support Azerbaijan to end the ‘Armenian occupation problem’] BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:10 P.M.) – Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said on Wednesday, that his country is “ready to provide military support to Azerbaijan during its current conflict with Armenia, whenever it requests it from Ankara.” In an interview with state-owned Anadolu Agency, Çavuşolu said, “We will stand by Azerbaijan in case it needs military support,” pointing out, “If Azerbaijan requests assistance from us, we will do everything we can, but we see that the strength of Azerbaijan i...
Syrian and Russian jets strike ISIS in central Syria
[image: Syrian and Russian jets strike ISIS in central Syria] BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:30 P.M.) – Syrian warplanes, with help from Russia, launched a number of airstrikes over the Al-Raqqa and Homs governorates on Wednesday, as they heavily targeted the Islamic State’s (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) positions. According to a field report from the Homs Governorate, the Syrian Air Force began the day by targeting the Islamic State positions in the Badiya Al-Sham region. The report specified airstrikes on the Sukhnah area, where the Islamic State has repeatedly launched attacks near the desert city a...
Electronic Warfare in the Era of Great-Power Problems
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] The U.S. Army is working on an electronic-warfare-centered approach to “counter” enemy radar detection and avoid giving up location details to enemies, while also seeking to find and disrupt any and all enemy electronic signals. Radios, jammers, sensors and certain weapons are all crucial combat items of known value, yet they are also things that can emit a detectable electronic signature potentially able to give away a location or point of attack. Radio communications can get jammed by electronic attack, weapons guidance syste...
Department of Justice Set to Sue Google, Report Says
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * [image: Reuters] The proposed suit is somewhat fraught arriving just five weeks before the presidential election. Also concerning is the prospect of former Vice President Joe Biden winning the election, which means that the Google lawsuit would be carried over into a new administration with a new Justice Department. The Department of Justice’s probe of Alphabet’s Google is expected to result in a federal antitrust suit as soon as next week, Reuters reported Wednesday. The department is seeking to roll state attorneys general, some of whom have a...

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