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3 October - Blogs I'm Following - 2 of 5


 10 pm MDT

The China And Africa Connection US Imperialism Does Not Want You To Know About
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 14 hours ago
We have a monumental problem on our hands. The issue of the U.S.’ policy of Full-spectrum Dominance is one that is connected to a host of contradictions afflicting the U.S. imperial order at this time. For nearly a decade, U.S. military power has made an enormous strategic shift to both the Asia Pacific and to Africa. At the center of the transition is the growth of China as an economic world power and the decline of the U.S. as a global hegemon. China has much to offer Africa and the Global South at this time. China shares a common history of colonialism and imperialist humiliat...
Investments Should Be ‘Determined By The Community’
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 14 hours ago
Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan is pledging $100 million from the city’s general fund to invest in communities of color. But where is that money going to go? And who is going to advise the mayor’s office on how it should be spent? Sean Goode, the executive director of Choose 180, a local organization that provides alternatives to incarceration for young people, was asked to be part of the task force that will look into how this money should be spent. He has since declined the invitation. The post Investments Should Be ‘Determined By The Community’ appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Counter-Coup Unarmed Community Organizing Resource List
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 14 hours ago
An organizer and analyst we deeply respect, “Training for Change” co-founder George Lakey, recently suggested Voices help maintain a list of organizations in the U.S. which are helping people prepare for the possibility of a stolen election, a rigged election, or an outright coup following November 3rd voting in the U.S.. In a nation with rapidly dwindling concern for democracy, the principle of nonviolent community organizing for democracy has seldom seemed so urgent. We’re impressed by the quality of outreach and organizing which has already developed in cities and states across...
To Catch The Heartbeat Of Those Below
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
Above photo: Amrus Natalsya, Interogasi Orde Baru (‘New Order Interrogation’), 1961. Interviewing Martin Aleida on Indonesia’s Cultural Organisation Lekra. Literature That Defends Victims, Not Power. ‘It was the worst when I was released. That’s the biggest prison I had to face’. Martin Aleida recalls the moment he was released from prison at the end of 1966. The then […] The post To Catch The Heartbeat Of Those Below appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Breaking With The Defunct Idea Of Development
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
One of the particularities of tourism in Nicaragua is its democratization. Since the Sandinista government won elections in 2006 and came to power in 2007, the promotion and expansion of the tourism sector is increasingly important for Nicaraguans, contributing significantly to a rise in incomes for many lower-income families.[i] Contrary to the focus on tourism (or even ‘ecotourism) for export in many countries, the Nicaraguan government’s tourism policies incentivize Nicaraguan working-class family tourism. The post Breaking With The Defunct Idea Of Development appeared first on ...
Book Review: “On The Judgment Of History”
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
The scene in Charlottesville, Va., three years ago -- the Confederate flags, the tiki-torch Nazis, the lethal use of a car against counterdemonstrators -- left Joan Wallach Scott feeling perplexity and horror, as she recounts in On the Judgment of History (Columbia University Press). It was not just the thuggish hatred on display, which was nothing new. Beyond that there was a kind of menacing shamelessness about all of it, even before the president gave his wink of approval: a defiance of the idea that slavery, white supremacy and fascism had been consigned to the dustbin of his...
How Residents Rallied To Get Their Post Office Back
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
On an otherwise typical summer day, rumors started spreading in the small rural mountain community of Munds Park in northern Arizona: The local post office had been shuttered. As the chatter and gossip grew on social media, Allison Tiffany, a seasonal resident, drove down to check. She found a suspension notice taped to the building’s glass door. “It was so shocking that you had to find out for yourself,” she said. “Sure enough, the doors were locked.” The closure was “extraordinarily disruptive,” said Tiffany, who became the de facto organizer of the community’s response. The p...
The Navalny Poisoning Hoax
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 16 hours ago
From the start, the alleged Navalny poisoning was riddled with contradictions and should have raised eyebrows by every politician and journalist. Being discharged from the Charité Clinic in Berlin, Navalny went into attack mode against President Vladimir Putin. As it seems, this will be his role designed to him by the intelligence agencies. In a couple of days, the Navalny hype will be over. One can only blame Putin for the alleged poisoning once. If Navalny had the guts, he would return to his homeland and fight Putin politically. The post The Navalny Poisoning Hoax appeared fir...
When Did Trump Test Positive for COVID-19? Speculation Swirls
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 6 hours ago
The public first learned that U.S. President Donald Trump tested positive for COVID-19 just before midnight on Oct. 1, 2020.
The Republican Party is Choking Itself Out
jurassicpork, Welcome Back to Gotham City - 7 hours ago
And I don't mean in a furtive David Carradine "Let's see if I can make myself ejaculate further by choking myself in the closet and hope the chambermaid doesn't find my rotting corpse" sort of way. This is a very, *very *public self-choking out due to nearly a year of flouting health regulations, denying the existence of the most palpably obvious and deadliest pandemic in over a century, gagging and even waging propaganda campaigns against trusted public health officials and publicly mocking those who wear masks and are generally responsible and trying to play their part...
Navy Railguns Are Coming (And Could Shoot Massive Slugs At Mach 10)
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, * The kinetic energy could be so great that a non-explosive projectile could do as much damage to a warship as a Tomahawk missile. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *While the rate of fire is slower than many cannons on the warships the railgun could be more accurate and far more devastating, which is why the research into once might have been an ideal that seemed almost fantastical continues today. While the concept of “directed-energy weapons” originated on the pages of pulp novels in the late nineteenth century, another weapon technology that seems ...
Could Russia's New Tank Fire Hypersonic Missiles?
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 7 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Europe* Hypersonics are all the rage with America's adversaries. Can Russia really deliver this or this just more fake news out of Moscow? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *A tank capable of firing hypersonic weapons would, if true, be a truly groundbreaking development giving heavily armed combat vehicles unprecedented levels of attack speed and lethality. However, while it may be feasible that this could be true, engineering the requisite propulsion systems sufficient to generate the thrust necessary to propel hypersonic weapons from a tank—is not li...
What is critical race theory and do you really need a seminar to soften you up?
Norma, Collecting My Thoughts - 7 hours ago
If your church, university department, community organization or civic group--or all of them--are thinking about a "peace, justice and reconciliation" workshop or seminar for the board or members, make sure they read this one first. Since the 90s, these reeducation camps/mafia have been a cottage industry, lining the pockets of so called specialists. Many otherwise smart people have swallowed this "systemic justice" myth--time to get a spine and at least tell them to do their homework. It's just dressed up Marxism in its Sunday best. And be prepared to be called a racist or white ...
Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of using cluster bombs in Karabakh: photos
[image: Armenia accuses Azerbaijan of using cluster bombs in Karabakh: photos] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:10 P.M.) – The spokesman for the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Artsron Hovhannisyan, said in a statement on Saturday that the Azerbaijani Armed Forces fired cluster munitions at the civilian population in Karabakh from the Israeli multi-launch LAR-160 missile system. The spokesman posted on his official Facebook page pictures showing remnants of what Hovhannesian said were the Israeli cluster weapon. “Azerbaijan is bombing civilians with cluster bombs from the LAR-160 multiple launch ...
Critical Thinking – First Requires an Understanding of the Basics
jennifer, Jennifer Marohasy - 8 hours ago
I once assumed everyone knew how to read graphs (charts), but I was wrong. So wrong. Of course, graphs are a quick way to understand patterns in data. They are a quick way to test whether a claim is supported by the data, or not. But graphs are something quite abstract and they were only [...] The post Critical Thinking – First Requires an Understanding of the Basics appeared first on Jennifer Marohasy.
3rd Iranian fuel tanker reaches Venezuela in defiance of US threats
[image: 3rd Iranian fuel tanker reaches Venezuela in defiance of US threats] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 P.M.) – On Saturday, an Iranian fuel tanker entered Venezuelan waters, carrying large quantities of fuel to help solve the fuel shortage that afflicts the latter. According to the agency Reuters, the Iranian fuel tanker “Faxon” was able to enter the territorial waters of Venezuela, loaded with about 234,000 barrels of fuel. The agency quoted Refinitiv Icon data, which indicated that the vessel arrived around 7:00 A.M. on Saturday in the northern state of Sucre, in northeastern Venezu...
Chris Christie COVID Positive – McConnell Adjusts Senate Calendar – SCOTUS Nomination Schedule Continues…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 8 hours ago
In addition to President Trump and First Lady Melania, Hope Hicks, Chris Christie, Trump campaign manager Bill Stepien, former Senior Advisor Kellyanne Conway, Notre Dame President Rev. John I. Jenkins, Senator Mike Lee, Senator Thom Tillis and Senator Ron Johnson … Continue reading →
Armenian forces destroy several Azerbaijani military posts, vehicles: videos
[image: Armenian forces destroy several Azerbaijani military posts, vehicles: videos] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 P.M.) – The Artsakh Defense Army (ADA) repelled several attacks by the Azerbaijani Army on Saturday, forcing the latter to withdraw from a number of sites used to launch their assault against the Armenian troops. In the most recent video released on Saturday, the Armenian forces can be seen destroying a number of Azerbaijani military vehicles, as the latter attempted to drive through an area heavily guarded by the ADA troops. Continue reading Armenian forces destroy several ...
Walter Reed Doctors Are Endangering Trump’s Life
Brian-Admin, Health Impact News - 10 hours ago
If media reports are correct, the president is receiving 2 experimental drugs: the antibody cocktail, Regeneron, and the antiviral, Remdesivir. Aside from their individual adverse effects… THESE DRUGS HAVE NEVER BEEN STUDIED FOR THEIR COMBINED EFFECTS ON A PATIENT. AND NOW THAT PATIENT…THE FIRST PATIENT RECEIVING THEM…IS THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. The adverse effects of Remdesivir are more than worrisome. Acute kidney injury, for example. And this drug has only emergency authorization, and it’s explicitly for patients who are SEVERE COVID cases. Trump is not a severe case....
A new and glossier climate-indoctrination movie is now being inserted into classrooms, starting with Australia and New Zealand
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 11 hours ago
Australian schools in the past decade have forced literally millions of kids to watch Al Gore’s error-riddled propaganda movie, An Inconvenient Truth. In 2007 an outraged English truck driver and parent took the education minister to the High Court in 2007 over the film’s gross inaccuracies, with Justice Burton ordering UK teachers must not show it … Continue reading A new and glossier climate-indoctrination movie is now being inserted into classrooms, starting with Australia and New Zealand →
Silent Epidemic (2013); The Untold Story of Vaccines Movie dire 1hr 45mins – Peter Miller
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on The Nightingale Files: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K1m3TjokVU4&ab_channel=PeterMiller Dr Peter Gøtzsche exposes BigPharma as OrganizedCrime https://youtu.be/zlOni8v_xs4
Russia Stands Up to Pedo-Flix, Orders Removal of All LGBT Sexual Propaganda From Children’s Videos
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Shane Trejo While Americans allow Netflix to sexualize children with perverted content, Russia is?taking a stand?against this degeneracy aimed at corrupting the souls of the youth. Any content featuring LGBT sexual propaganda has been removed from Netflix in Russia because of a law that prevents gay predators from targeting…
Tens Of Thousands Of Automotive Jobs On The Brink, Climate Policy Hammers Once Mighty German Auto Industry
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Iowa Climate Science Education: The future for the backbone of the German economy is looking bleak. A look at the impacts of climate policy on the German car industry. =============================================== By AR Göhring at EIKE (Text translated/edited by P. Gosselin) Not only at Daimler, Volkswagen and others, but elsewhere the working people…
This is how we end up taking prescription drugs our entire lives
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on NoFakeNews.net: Dr. John Reizer We’re born into this world, mostly, as healthy human beings. You don’t find many newborns taking prescription drugs. As we progress through the childhood years, our parents are encouraged, through clever marketing campaigns, to take their children to medical physicians for wellness checkups. And so our parents,…
David Icke Interview with Dr. Andrew Kaufman (PCR Tests Are Useless)
Pam Vernon, Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on NoFakeNews.net: By Dr. John Reizer David Icke has a new interview out with Dr. Andrew Kaufman that is a must-watch video. The discussion is about the PCR test and how absolutely useless the diagnostic tool is when assessing if a person has the imaginary Covid-19 disease. As I have been writing…
…laws mandating outdoor mask-wearing have “no scientific rationale”
drinkingwateradvisor, The Drinking Water Advisor - 11 hours ago
“The president of the Italian Society of Anti-infection Therapy (SITA) has criticized new laws mandating outdoor mask-wearing, insisting that these politically motivated maneuvers have “no scientific rationale.” ” click here
tl;dr (but maybe you should? It's more about the BBC seriously misbehaving than classical music!)
Craig, Is the BBC biased? - 7 hours ago
*Black Classical Music: The Forgotten History* on BBC Four, presented by Sir Lenny Henry and Suzie Klein, was much as you'd expect, but worth watching nonetheless. You had, of course, to put up with lots and lots and lots and lots of Black Lives Matter-provoked, extremely earnest finger-wagging from Sir Lenny, Suzie & Co. about how bad *we* are for neglecting all these forgotten black names, and about the lack of diversity in classical music... And you also had to also put up with Sir Lenny 'being funny', dancing, and fencing, and swooning with unrestrained enthusiasm over th...
There Are Kick-Ass Progressives Everywhere-- And That Includes Montana
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
Aaron Sklar called me up and told me about some extraordinary progressive Montana Democrats a few days ago. I called our old friend, Missoula-area state Rep. Tom Winter to get another opinion and some contact info. Tom was super-enthusiastic and told me that Mary Ann Dunwell is great but in a very tough Trump district and that she needs some help. I called her up. Her answer machine message was so positive and uplifting that it's still reverberating. This photo of her is in front of Helena’s new Equity Fountain that has replaced an old racist Confederate fountain that she worke...
DeVos Awards Another $131 Mill From Failed Federal Charter Fund
Peter Greene, CURMUDGUCATION - 9 hours ago
Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos announced Friday that the department will pump yet another $131 million into the charter school industry (you may have missed the news; a few other things have happened in the last 48 hours). The grants go to 19 different organizations, primarily charter school "developers." Amounts range from a tiny $299,988 to Acadia Academy in Maine up to $18 mill to Florida's department of education and $23 mill to the Texas ed department. There are a couple of state-level agencies, and a couple of charter-financing groups. Most intriguing [digression alert] is...
More than 1,000 doctors call Covid-10 the biggest crime of the century – Video
Robert, Ice Age Now - 9 hours ago
“You don’t need fascism, you don’t need socialism, all you need is fear to control the people.” In case this video gets taken down (which is likely**), here a just a few quotes from the doctors: “No scientific basis.” “It’s just a lie.” “Covid-19 is not a problem. The real problem is the economy.” “These ... Read more More than 1,000 doctors call Covid-10 the biggest crime of the century – Video The post More than 1,000 doctors call Covid-10 the biggest crime of the century – Video appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Can Vizio’s P-Series Quantum X Make You Forget About LG and Samsung?
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Technology, * Can it take on Samsung's QLEDs and LGs OLEDs? Whenever those heated discussions veer toward the best TV panels on the planet right now, they invariably land on LG’s OLED and Samsung’s QLED HDTVs. Yes, there’s no doubting their ability to provide jaw-dropping picture quality—but at what price? During this ongoing coronavirus pandemic, many people, understandably, just aren’t in a financial situation where they can just throw around $2,000 or $3,000 on a top-of-the-line HDTV. If you do share such sentiments, then make sure to take a long hard loo...
Russia's Tu-144 Was The First Supersonic Commercial Jet. It Was a Disaster.
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *History, Europe* Sometimes being first does mean the best or even mediocre. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The Tu-144 reportedly flew a paltry 102 flights, only 55 of which actually carried any passengers. Compared to its arch-rival Concorde, the Tu-144 was a fiasco, draining precious time and rubles from other projects. The Soviet-built Tu-144 actually flew before its supersonic rival Concorde, though it had a number of flaws inherent to the design that severely limited its usefulness. Part of the problem with the Tu-144 was its weight. Not only was it hea...
Why Turkey's Newest TF-X Stealth Fighter Won't Make It To The Tarmac
David Axe, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, * Right now the TF-X is all plywood, paint and bold claims. It’s likely to remain so. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In working on its own radar-evading warplane, Ankara might simply be trying to prove to Washington that it can threaten the F-35’s near-monopoly on stealth-fighter exports, either by building a plane of its own or helping Russia to finish the Su-57. Turkish Aerospace Industries revealed a mockup of a new stealth fighter at the Paris Air Show on June 17, 2019. Don’t get excited. The mockup of the TF-X fighter bears a resemblance to the ...
What Trump and Amy Coney Barrett Hide about Amy Coney Barrett
Eric Zuesse, The Duran - 9 hours ago
Eric Zuesse U.S. President Donald Trump and his appointee to the U.S. Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, hide the fact that Judge Barrett believes that both abortion and any form of after-conception contraception, such as a “morning-after pill”, constitute murder, because life, as will here be documented that she views it, begins at the very […]
Julian Assange’s Extradition Hearing: The Only Just Outcome Is His Freedom
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 9 hours ago
The testimony portion of the extradition hearing of Julian Assange, taking place in the United Kingdom, concluded after four weeks. Judge Vanessa Baraitser, who presided over the hearing, will not announce her decision until January. Until then, Assange will remain in detention in Belmarsh Prison. Under conditions that violated Assange's rights and his ability to defend himself, his legal team made a clear case that for multiple reasons why the only just solution is to free Assange. However, Judge Baraitser has not ruled favorably for him in her past decisions or even in this hear...
Sick Etiquette, Or Speaking Ill of the Ill
Karen Garcia, Sardonicky - 10 hours ago
Some of the same people who just the other day were accusing Donald Trump of personally killing tens of thousands of people with Covid-19 today are falling all over themselves to wish this mass murderer and the worst criminal in the history of humanity a speedy recovery from his own bout with the virus. The less hypocritical among them are, at least, lopping off the requisite "Prayers" from their get-well tweets, sending only their ambiguous generic Thoughts. That way, they can leave the interpretation of their mental processes to the imagination of the audience. They can have the...
Special treatment for the powerful?
Scott Sumner, Econlib - 10 hours ago
Should powerful people be treated differently? Should they get special treatment? Should their bad behavior be more easily excused? It seems to me that there are two arguments to consider: 1. Decisions made by powerful people are more consequential for all of us. 2. Societies operate more effectively if there is an egalitarian sense of […] The post Special treatment for the powerful? appeared first on Econlib.
Return Of The Warrior
WTStaff, Waking Times - 10 hours ago
*Elva Thompson* - Have no doubt, there is a spiritual war raging on this planet, and we need to get up to speed.

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