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29 October - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5


 10:16 pm MDT

Crowdfunding the Women of the Islamic State
vmironova, Lawfare - 12 hours ago
Social media applications displayed on a screen. (https://flic.kr/p/AH2JWr; CC BY 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/) Life is not cheap in the women’s detainee camps for Islamic State-affiliated families in northeastern Syria. It costs around $500 a month for a family of four to survive (to buy food and other basic necessities), and being smuggled out is even more expensive—around $15,000. But detained women consistently manage to get the funds to survive and sometimes even to escape. So how are women getting that money? I tried to answer that very question. For al...
Johnson & Johnson sospende le sperimentazioni sui vaccini COVID dopo la “malattia inspiegabile”
Aerowenn Hunter, Children's Health Defense - 1 week ago
Di Jeremy Loffredo Johnson & Johnson ha temporaneamente sospeso le sperimentazioni cliniche di fase 3 del suo vaccino COVID-19 lunedì dopo che un partecipante ha sperimentato quella che l’azienda ha definito “una malattia inspiegabile”. La multinazionale di beni di consumo confezionati, dispositivi medici e prodotti farmaceutici ha rifiutato di fornire dettagli sulla reazione o malattia, […] The post Johnson & Johnson sospende le sperimentazioni sui vaccini COVID dopo la “malattia inspiegabile” appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
Johnson & Johnson pausa los ensayos de vacunas COVID tras una ‘enfermedad inexplicable’
Aerowenn Hunter, Children's Health Defense - 2 weeks ago
Por Jeremy Loffredo Johnson & Johnson detuvo temporalmente los ensayos clínicos de Fase 3 de su vacuna COVID-19 el lunes después de que un participante experimentara lo que la compañía denotó “una enfermedad inexplicable”. El fabricante multinacional de bienes de consumo envasados, dispositivos médicos y productos farmacéuticos se negó a proporcionar detalles sobre la reacción […] The post Johnson & Johnson pausa los ensayos de vacunas COVID tras una ‘enfermedad inexplicable’ appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
¿Dónde está la evidencia que falta?
Joyce Ghen, Children's Health Defense - 2 weeks ago
Una orden de emergencia del gobernador Evers de Wisconsin ordenando el uso de máscaras ha dado lugar a una investigación insatisfactoria. Una cláusula en la orden dice que si el 95% de los Wisconsinitas usan una cara que cubre en el publicador más de 500 vidas podría ser salvada. Pero ¿dónde está la investigación detrás de esto, y cuál es su procedencia. The post ¿Dónde está la evidencia que falta? appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
Rally en Berlín!
Joyce Ghen, Children's Health Defense - 2 weeks ago
¡La gente, gente normal, transmitida a Berlín por cientos de miles de personas para manifestarse por la libertad de salud y los derechos humanos! The post Rally en Berlín! appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
La Fundación Gates se duplica en la propaganda de la agricultura industrial en Africa
Angela Braden, Children's Health Defense - 2 weeks ago
Por Stacy Malkan, Estados Unidos Derecho a saber La Fundación Bill y Melinda Gates otorgó otros 10 millones de dólares a finales del mes pasado a la controvertida Cornell Alliance for Science, una campaña de comunicación alojada en Cornell que capacita a becarios en Africa y en otros lugares para promover y defender alimentos, cultivos […] The post La Fundación Gates se duplica en la propaganda de la agricultura industrial en Africa appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
La defensa de la salud infantil pone una cara a la mielitis transversa
Stefanie Spear, Children's Health Defense - 2 weeks ago
Por el Equipo de Defensa de la Salud Infantil El mes pasado el mundo vio a los medios de comunicación agacharse y esquivar la gravedad de la mielitis transversa,después de que se supo que un voluntario en los ensayos clínicos de la vacuna AstraZeneca COVID-19 desarrolló el trastorno. La mielitis transversa, que se produce cuando […] The post La defensa de la salud infantil pone una cara a la mielitis transversa appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
El juego de la cáscara de la poliomielitis y la “no poliomielitis” en Africa y la actualización de EE. UU. 2020
Joyce Ghen, Children's Health Defense - 3 weeks ago
La OMS reconoció oficialmente los casos de poliomielitis derivados de vacunas, pero ¿qué pasa con las decenas de miles de casos de parálisis flácida aguda, una condición debilitante con un cuadro clínico prácticamente idéntico a la poliomielitis? The post El juego de la cáscara de la poliomielitis y la “no poliomielitis” en Africa y la actualización de EE. UU. 2020 appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
El cáncer infantil causado en gran medida por factores ambientales, informe
Stefanie Spear, Children's Health Defense - 3 weeks ago
Por Jeremy Loffredo Para los niños en los Estados Unidos, el cáncer es la principal causa de muerte por enfermedad. En todo el mundo, el cáncer se ha vuelto tan frecuente y devastador que algunos pueden usar la frase “como curar el cáncer” al describir algo inviable o altamente complicado. Sin embargo, en septiembre, un […] The post El cáncer infantil causado en gran medida por factores ambientales, informe appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
Putin Calls for Turkish Involvement In OSCE Minsk Talks
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
*I'm not surprised in the least and have been waiting (hoping) for this to take place. The stance here has been very clear. Diplomacy. Involving nations who have legitimate concerns about this latest round of fighting. That includes Turkey and Iran.* *Sept. 27/20 - Birth Pangs: Nagarno Karabakh Flares Up- Regional Instability Rises & Which Parties Want Russia and Turkey at Odds? * *It’s curious. The timing of of this flare up. Russia and Turkey have been cooperating in Syria. Making agreements concerning Libya. Trade. Tourism. Purchases of the S-400.* *Diplomacy has been work...
George Musser and the final solution to the black hole information puzzle
Luboš Motl, The Reference Frame - 9 hours ago
George Musser wrote a very informative article to the Quanta Magazine, The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its Endwhich discusses several recent papers about "why and how the information gets out of the evaporating black hole", starting with the already well-known February 2020 paper by Marolf and Maxfield. When Hawking admitted that he had lost the bet and the information was preserved, he also offered a solution that no one considered kosher. That solution included some new, topologically distinct, configurations that contribute to the path integral and where the black hole i...
Could Donald Trump Really Lose Georgia?
Rachel Bucchino, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Joe Biden, Americas* Poll: Biden is leading Trump by 4 percent at 50-46 percent, and Biden still with a slight edge over the president in a low turnout model, 50-48 percent. Democratic nominee Joe Biden has garnered a five-point lead over President Donald Trump in Georgia, a state that hasn’t voted blue in nearly three decades. A new Monmouth University poll released Wednesday reveals that Biden has 50 percent of support among registered voters, while 45 percent back Trump—which marks the first time the former vice president has gained a Monmouth polling lead ...
Why AOC’s Green New Deal Might Not Be So ‘Green’ After All
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Politics, Americas* Going “green” could be expensive, labor-intensive, and confusing for many homeowners. In the run-up to the election, President Donald Trump was called out for suggesting that the Green New Deal pushed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA) involved a change in the way buildings are constructed. President Trump suggested, “They literally want to take buildings down and rebuild them with tiny little windows.” Windows are never actually mentioned in the fourteen-page Green New Deal TheHill reported, it isn’t hard to look...
Study Suggests Coronavirus Can Cause Major Cognitive Decline
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Coronavirus, World* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2I6H9EW4WL&share=true] However, this study has not yet been peer-reviewed and fully confirmed. The novel coronavirus may be responsible for causing some patients’ brains to age prematurely, which can be seen in their cognitive decline, according to a preliminary study out of the United Kingdom. The study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, examined data from more than 84,000 individuals who said they had recovered from a suspected or confirmed case of coro...
Russia’s 'New' Tu-160M2 Strategic Bomber: A Waste of Rubles?
Mark Episkopos, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Russia, * Between the Tu-160M2’s new engine, weapons, and avionics, its only remaining design commonality with the older Blackjack will be the airframe itself. But why not wait for new stealth bombers? Russia’s upcoming Tu-160M2 strategic bomber boasts a nearly identical design to its Soviet Tu-160 predecessor, but is slated to contain major weapons and avionics upgrades. In 2015, Russia’s Defense Ministry announced plans to modernize the 1980’s Tu-160 “Blackjack.” In 2018, the Defense Ministry unveiled a contract to convert 10 Tu-160’s to the new “M2” standar...
No $1,200 Checks Coming Soon: Why We May Never See a Stimulus Deal
Rachel Bucchino, The National Interest - 9 hours ago
*Rachel Bucchino* *Politics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC26RJ9QZ43L&share=true] The chances for a deal before the election are dwindling fast. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) pressed Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for a swift White House response over coronavirus stimulus disputes, showing a continuing partisan divide that’s prevented Congress to pass a massive relief bill since April. In a letter to Mnuchin on Thursday, released just five days before the presidential election, Pelosi cited a pack of corona...
A quantitative assessment of India's withdrawal from RCEP: issues and concerns
bilaterals.org - 9 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 This study casts serious doubt on earlier more optimistic projections of projected gains and shows that the case for proceeding with the RCEP without India's participation is even less convincing.
Un nouvel accord commercial entre le Royaume-Uni et la Tunisie pour un avenir plus radieux
bilaterals.org - 9 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 L'Assemblée des Représentants du Peuple Tunisienne a voté pour la ratification de l'accord établissant un partenariat entre la République Tunisienne et le Royaume-Uni.
We Need To Build A Movement That Heals Our Nation’s Traumas
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 10 hours ago
As we head into what may be the most chaotic election in our lifetime, many people on all sides of the political aisle are reeling from anxiety and responding from a place of panic. With many of us on the left organizing for mass mobilizations and actions in the post-election season, we must make sure that we are doing so from a grounded place to ensure that we are not adding more panic to the world. To ensure this, we have to have some understanding of how panic and trauma work in our own bodies, and then see what we can learn from that about how trauma is working in our collecti...
OTI Condemns ‘Unhinged’ FCC, Urges Restoration Of Net Neutrality
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 10 hours ago
Washington, DC - On October 27, 2020, the Federal Communications Commission voted 3-2 to reaffirm its 2017 repeal of net neutrality. The vote is a response to Mozilla v. FCC, a 2019 court ruling that found the FCC’s decision to repeal net neutrality was “unhinged from the realities of modern broadband service” and ignored the government’s duty to protect public safety, digital equity, and broadband competition. In February 2020, the FCC abruptly announced a short public comment period to address the ruling and the court-ordered remand, or do-over, of the net neutrality proceeding...
Deception 2020: It’s Not Propaganda When We Do It
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 10 hours ago
In this fourth installment of the Deception 2020 Series, we dig into the cesspool of propaganda – the red, white and blue kind. Joined by Mickey Huff, Director of Project Censored, we turn the camera towards the corporate media and discuss some of the things you won’t hear in this election run up, and why media literacy is so vital now and especially moving forward. The post Deception 2020: It’s Not Propaganda When We Do It appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.
Disappearing documents and the coming dark winter...
Adrienne, Adrienne's Corner - 10 hours ago
*sorry for the doom and gloom.* On a more personal level, the Coeur d'Alene city council has imposed a mask mandate. I *learned this morning* that Post Falls, where I live, Hayden, and Rathdrum (contiguous communities) are also considering such a move. ...A problem with mask mandates, be it Panhandle Health District's or Coeur d'Alene's, is its exemption policy, Rathdrum Mayor Vic Holmes said Wednesday. With the exemptions, Holmes sees the mandates as more of a visual appearance than practical implementation. "With Panhandle Health District's mandate, once you allow people to not ...
‘American Dream plan’: Trump pitches Hispanic American economic plan
Admin, From the Trenches World Report - 10 hours ago
MSN President Donald Trump announced a two-page second-term vision for the Hispanic American community — the “American Dream Plan” — to rallygoers in Arizona on... The post ‘American Dream plan’: Trump pitches Hispanic American economic plan appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
US, Turkey And Israel Fuel Forgotten War Between Armenia And Azerbaijan
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
Since Sept. 27, fighting in the disputed south Caucasus Mountain region of Nagorno-Karabakh has killed over 1,000 people, both civilians and combatants, while uprooting the lives of thousands. This includes new 11 casualties on Sunday, Oct. 25, noted in a Deutsche Welle report citing numbers released by the Nagorno-Karabakh Defense Ministry. Leading up to the 2020 election, the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, its disputed history between Armenia and Azerbaijan, and its geopolitical implications, along with many other critical foreign policy issues, have been largely ignored by the Ame...
Looter Calls Philly Police to Report Looting After Fellow Looters Steal His Car
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft This is Philadelphia — After the first night of violent rioting Governor Wolf defended peaceful protests. So looters hit... The post Looter Calls Philly Police to Report Looting After Fellow Looters Steal His Car appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Victor Davis Hanson laments New Zealand’s COVID-19 quarantine ‘camps’ as end of personal freedom
Misty, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Fox News Hoover Institution senior fellow Victor Davis Hanson condemned New Zealand‘s institution of coronavirus quarantine “camps” on “The Ingraham Angle” Tuesday. Prime Minister Jacinda... The post Victor Davis Hanson laments New Zealand’s COVID-19 quarantine ‘camps’ as end of personal freedom appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
12ga. “Extremely Russian” penetrator slug – We test them!
Mark Schumacher, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
< div id=”text-container” class=”style-scope ytd-channel-name”>TAOFLEDERMAUS Oct 7, 2020 Filmed safely at a proper shooting range, we test out Alexey’s latest creation. These are 17mm (... The post 12ga. “Extremely Russian” penetrator slug – We test them! appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
18 ATM Machines ‘Blown Apart’ in Two Nights of Philadelphia Riots
A Reader, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Breitbart – by Bob Price Police reports indicate that 18 ATM machines were “blown apart” during two nights of rioting in Philadelphia. The incidents took... The post 18 ATM Machines ‘Blown Apart’ in Two Nights of Philadelphia Riots appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
How to Use Pool Shock to Purify Water
Mary, From the Trenches World Report - 11 hours ago
Backdoor Survival – by Survival Woman If I were to ask how many of you store liquid bleach along with your other prepping supplies, I... The post How to Use Pool Shock to Purify Water appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Miles Taylor Blasted By The Media After Revealing That He Is Washington's 'Anonymous'
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 8 hours ago
PROOF: Miles Taylor, who now admits to being “Anonymous,” once told us he was NOT Anonymous. He LIED! This is everything people hate about Washington — two-faced liars who push their own agendas at the expense of the People. This is the epitome of the swamp! ⬇️ https://t.co/cNz1Fgpz5g — Kayleigh McEnany (@PressSec) October 28, 2020 *Daily Mail: **'You lied to us': Chris Cuomo slams Miles Taylor for denying on CNN that he was 'Anonymous' author - as the now unmasked whistleblower says Trump wanted to 'gas, electrify and shoot migrants at the border' * * Former Department of Homela...
2:00PM Water Cooler 10/29/2020
Lambert Strether, naked capitalism - 10 hours ago
By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day So that is a thrush! #COVID19 At reader request, I’ve added this daily chart from 91-DIVOC. The data is the Johns Hopkins CSSE data. Here is the site. Here are the United States regions: No sign of relief, sadly. (I don’t know what other strongly […]
U.S. Air Force Test Launches Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic Missile
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *U.S. Air Force launches $7million Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile 4,200 miles across the Pacific to remote Marshall Islands in test 'not related to current world events' * * The ICBM travelled 4,200 miles to the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands * The U.S. has 400 of the missiles in its nuclear arsenal - Each costs $7 million * Officials stressed the test was planned and not in response to current events * Launch was to demonstrate the nuclear deterrent is 'safe, secure and effective' The U.S. Airforce has launched an unarmed intercon...
How To Beat The Lockdowners
Daniel McAdams, null - 10 hours ago
When city authorities in Waynesville, NC, announced that they were considering a city mask mandate they had not idea what was about to hit them. At the city council meeting at which the discussion was to take place, a massive show of citizen opposition and participation stole the show from the mandate promoters. Also today, why is flu disappearing in the US and elsewhere as Covid "cases" continue to rise? Watch today's Liberty Report:
Will Jill Biden Make All Americans Learn Spanish if Joe Biden is Elected President?
Snopes Staff, Snopes.com - 10 hours ago
A routine review of content labeled satire.
Boys and their vast mechanical toys
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 11 hours ago
The statistics of this engine are mind-boggling. The *Emma Maersk*’s Wartsila-Sulzer RTA96-C turbocharged two-stroke diesel ship engine is the most powerful and most efficient prime-mover of super ships in the world today. The RTA96-C is the largest engine in the world and is available in 6 through 14 cylinder versions, all are inline engines. These engines were designed primarily for very large container ships but similar large diesel engines run large ships of all kinds. Ship owners like the combination of a single engine and single propeller for reasons of efficiency and co...
FBI Raids Home Of Activist, Teacher Anthony Smith, Arrests Him
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
An activist and West Philadelphia teacher is facing federal charges related to rioting surrounding the George Floyd protests in Philadelphia this past June. Eyewitness News has learned that Anthony Smith, of West Philadelphia, has been arrested and faces multiple federal charges related to the civil unrest. Law enforcement sources confirmed Smith’s arrest, along with the community group he represents, Philly for Real Justice. “Early Wednesday morning Federal agents raided the West Philadelphia home of Anthony Smith, an outspoken community activist and a leader in the movement for...
Reid – End filibuster and Super Majority in first 30 days
Uriel, 'Nox & Friends - 11 hours ago
Reid says Biden should end Senate filibuster after 3 weeks Albany News 10 Lisa Mascaro October 24, 2020 WASHINGTON (AP) — Former Senate leader Harry Reid says if Democrats win the presidency and the Senate, Joe Biden should take “no more than three weeks” to test bipartisanship before ending the filibuster so Democrats can overcome what they call Republican obstruction and pass bills. “We want to get something done,” he said, mentioning climate change and renewable energy investment as an example. “There’s so much more to do and we can’t do it if it takes 60 votes to get it … Continu...
Branding Nicaraguan Meat As ‘Conflict Beef’ Is The Latest Political Attack
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 12 hours ago
Masaya, Nicaragua - Nicaraguan cattle ranchers, spurred by a surge in beef exports to the United States, are alleged to be attacking indigenous communities in eastern Nicaragua, destroying “pristine jungle,” forcing people to flee and killing those who resist, according to Reveal News. In a related report on PBS Newshour, beef imported from Nicaragua during the pandemic is said to “come at a high human cost,” while the Center for Investigative Reporting calls the imports “conflict beef.” These claims are based on allegations by the Oakland Institute in California, whose director A...
<b>bob somerby</b>, the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*THURSDAY, OCTOBER 29, 2020* *Real life intervenes:* Someone we know has received an undesirable medical diagnosis. No, it isn't covid. But we won't be posting a snapshot today. We may offer a late-afternoon post. There's no real way to say.
Poll – 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance
Robert, Ice Age Now - 12 hours ago
Ever think that maybe, perchance, just possibly, you’re not getting the full truth from the mainstream media? Thursday, October 29, 2020 “The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday, sponsored by Liberty Nation, Conservative News Where Truth Matters, shows that 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance.” https://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/political_updates/prez_track_oct29 Are the ... Read more Poll – 52% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump’s job performance The post Poll – 52% of Likely U.S. V...
2nd Attempt To Remove Speaker Of Iraq’s Parliament Halbusi
Joel Wing, MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
(Iran Press) In October a new Sunni party was announced with the stated goal of replacing Speaker of Parliament Mohammed al-Halbusi. It included Ahmad al-Jabouri, Osama al-Nujafi and Khamis al-Khanjar who Halbusi split with last year. They have been plotting against him ever since. Jabouri held a meeting in Irbil where the new party was announced. It had 36 members and accused Speaker Halbusi of working with the banned Baath Party. One parliamentarian said that it could grow to 40 MPs. Jabouri and others had been working for a month to put together the list. This is the sec...
This Day In Iraqi History - Oct 29
Joel Wing, MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
1936 Planes dropped flyers over Baghdad demanding PM Yasin Hashemi’s resignation as troops marched on capital in coup led by Sulaiman and Gen Sidqi PM Hashemi asked for King Ghazi’s support Sulaiman had been shut out of Hashemi’s govt and Sidqi thought he wouldn’t be promoted When didn't get it offered his resignation Parliament building bombed in coup Def Min Askari was assassinated by Gen Bakr Sidqi coup plotters Nuri al-Said Yasin Hashemi Rashid Ali al-Gaylani all fled Iraq fearing assassination after coup 1st coup in Iraq (Musings On Iraq review *The Role of the Military...
Amulets may prevent COVID-19, says a paper in Elsevier journal. (They don’t.)
Ivan Oransky, Retraction Watch - 12 hours ago
Sometimes, we just don’t know what to say. So we’ll let the people of Twitter comment on a paper titled “Can Traditional Chinese Medicine provide insights into controlling the COVID-19 pandemic: Serpentinization-induced lithospheric long-wavelength magnetic anomalies in Proterozoic bedrocks in a weakened geomagnetic field mediate the aberrant transformation of biogenic molecules in COVID-19 via magnetic … Continue reading Amulets may prevent COVID-19, says a paper in Elsevier journal. (They don’t.)
How the coronavirus attacks
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
How the coronavirus attacks https://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2020/11/explore-how-coronavirus-attacks-the-body-and-how-the-body-fights-back/?cmpid=org=ngp::mc=social::src=facebook::cmp=editorial::add=fb20201028ngm-covidbodyNov2020::rid=&sf239280988=1
New research predicts whether rheumatoid arthritis patients will respond to treatment
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
New research predicts whether rheumatoid arthritis patients will respond to treatment https://medicalxpress.com/news/2020-10-rheumatoid-arthritis-patients-treatment.html
Graphene-based memory resistors show promise for brain-based computing
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
Graphene-based memory resistors show promise for brain-based computing https://phys.org/news/2020-10-graphene-based-memory-resistors-brain-based.html
The Importance of Pepper And Chillies In Our Diet
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
The Importance of Pepper And Chillies In Our Diet https://tatanutrikorner.com/blogs/nutrikorner/importance-of-pepper-laal-mirch-and-kaali-mirch-benefits?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=tatanutri&utm_content=mirch&fbclid=IwAR0F1b2cw5NRYlVfbm-gzY86NJGLav5f53xZBhnjw_a9KCwtMdObl1svxTg
Rogue planet found floating through our galaxy, scientists say.
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 14 hours ago
Rogue planet found floating through our galaxy, scientists say | The Independent https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/rogue-planet-galaxy-milky-way-earth-gravitational-microlensing-b1422594.html
Breaking: Researchers at CERN break “The Speed of Light”
zedie, SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 16 hours ago
Breaking: Researchers at CERN break “The Speed of Light” – Science And Nature https://www.sci-nature.vip/2019/11/breaking-researchers-at-cern-break.html?m=1
Poll: 31% Of Black Likely Voters Intend To Cast Their Vote For President Trump
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 8 hours ago
Oct 29, 2020 - Morning Reader Data Points: "If the presidential election was held today, would you vote for Donald Trump or Joe Biden?" National Daily Black Likely Voter % For @POTUS - October 26-29, 2020 Mon 10/26 - 27% Tue 10/27 - 30% Wed 10/28 - 30% Thu 10/29 - 31% — Rasmussen Reports (@Rasmussen_Poll) October 29, 2020 *WNU Editor*: I have trouble believing this. But even if half of these black likely voters do vote for President Trump, it will be an easy victory for President Trump on November 3. My own personal gut tells me that the black vote for President Trump will be a a...
Now they're saying that the Transmountain Pipeline is not Financially Feasible
greencrow, Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 10 hours ago
*Greencrow says: * The CBC article below, written by *David Thurton,* has been printed in the CBC twice recently. The latest time is this morning. It is mostly blah, blah, blah but I have *bolded in red *and enlarged the only phrase that you need to read. Please see the article below and I will have more comments to follow: ***************** Trans Mountain expansion may not be economically viable, says think tank report https://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/opinion-thomas-gunton-pipelines-oil-demand-1.5755893?cmp=rss https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trans-mountain-pipeline-oilsan...
The Galactic Bulge: A Single Burst of Star Formation?
Paul Gilster, Centauri Dreams - 10 hours ago
Discussions of the Milky Way’s center have always attracted me. Here we find ancient stars, with all that suggests about the possibility of long-lived civilizations, but occurring in a place where ionizing radiation associated with the galaxy’s supermassive black hole (Sagittarius A*) may push the habitable regions out into the galactic suburbs. And then there […]
Challenging illegal Israeli military recruitment | Yves Engler
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 10 hours ago
There’s a Canadian law that makes it illegal to recruit soldiers for a foreign state, but you’d never know it the way Israel and its supporters operate in this country. Challenging illegal Israeli military recruitment | Yves Engler October 28, 2020 Yves Engler There’s a Canadian law that makes it illegal to recruit soldiers for … Continue reading Challenging illegal Israeli military recruitment | Yves Engler →
Why Are These Anti-Russian And Anti-Chinese Narratives So Similar?
barovsky, The New Dark Age - 11 hours ago
After more than four years of Russiagate we finally learn (paywalled original) where the Steele dossier allegations about nefarious relations between Trump and Russia came from:
Is President Trump Pondering The Prospect Of Defeat?
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Toluse Olorunnipa, The Washington Post:* *As Election Day nears, Trump ponders the prospect of defeat* Trailing in the polls and with little time left to change the trajectory or closing themes of the presidential race, President Donald Trump has spent the final days of the campaign complaining that the coronavirus crisis is getting too much coverage - and openly musing about losing. Trump has publicly lamented about what a loss would mean, spoken longingly of riding off into the sunset and made unsubstantiated claims that voter fraud could cost him the election. He has sarcastic...
6 more days to Armageddon
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Eatgrueldog: Eatgrueldog View original post
Say It Isn’t So, Joe!
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 11 hours ago
Media that refused to report Bobulinksi story goes nuts over Tucker Carlson’s allegation Bobulinski docs were pilfered in transit: UPS Finds Mystery Tucker Carlson Package And Carlson didn’t say they were the “only” copies. Did you think the Bobulinski documents were lost? Let’s begin: pic.twitter.com/cW8pjL0ssn — Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) October 29, 2020
Reuters Says That This Year's US Presidential Polls Should Be 'Trusted'
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 11 hours ago
A combination picture shows U.S. President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaking during the first 2020 presidential campaign debate, held on the campus of the Cleveland Clinic at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S., September 29, 2020. REUTERS/Brian Snyder/File Photo *Reuters:* *So what if Biden is up in the polls? Weren't they wrong last time?* NEW YORK (Reuters) - Whenever President Donald Trump is confronted with polls he does not like, especially the torrent of national data showing him trailing Democratic challenger Joe Bid...
Indiana University of Pennsylvania to Shut Down Programs
Arrman Kyaw, Diverse - 11 hours ago
Indiana University of Pennsylvania will close five fine arts programs as it restructures during a decade of declining enrollment and an expected $16 million budget shortfall, Trib Total Media reported. IUP will close enrollment in theatre-musical theatre, interdisciplinary fine arts-dance arts, the master of fine arts in art, master of art-art education and art studio […]
Your Government Is Here For You
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 11 hours ago
Blacklocks (paywalled): Canada’s chief public health officer yesterday in an official report on the pandemic deleted all references to garbled advice on masks. Dr. Theresa Tam as late as April 3 claimed there was no evidence masks protected Canadians from Covid-19: “It is absolutely mind-boggling.”
Boeing Continues To Have Problems With Its KC-46 Tanker Program
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 12 hours ago
A new 22nd Air Refueling Wing KC-46A Pegasus lands Dec. 20, 2019, at McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. (Airman 1st Class Alexi Bosarge/U.S. Air Force) *Defense News:* *Boeing has another overrun on the KC-46, but its CEO says there’s reason for hope* WASHINGTON — Boeing reported another $67 million charge on the KC-46 tanker program in third-quarter earnings disclosed Oct. 28, capping off a difficult quarter defined by continued hardships on its commercial side. The increase in KC-46 costs was “due to continued COVID-19 disruptions and productivity inefficiencies,” Boeing’s chie...
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
*RASHAD YOUNG* has been appointed senior vice president and chief strategy officer at Howard University. The longest-serving city administrator in the District of Columbia’s government history, Young received a bachelor’s degree in business management and a master’s degree in business administration from the University of Dayton in Ohio.
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
*JAMIE T. PLEASANT* has been appointed dean of graduate education at Clark Atlanta University (CAU). Most recently a tenured professor and associate dean of the School of Business Administration at CAU, Pleasant holds a bachelor’s in physics from Benedict College and a bachelor’s in marketing from Clemson University. He also holds an M.B.A. in marketing from CAU and was the first African American to graduate with a Ph.D. in management from the Georgia Institute of Technology.
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
*JOSEPH I. CASTRO* has been appointed the eighth chancellor of the California State University system. He is the first Mexican American to hold the position. Currently president of California State University, Fresno, he holds a bachelor’s in political science and a master’s in public policy from the University of California, Berkeley as well as a Ph.D. in higher education policy and leadership from Stanford University.
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
*SONJA SUTHERLAND* has been named the first director of Richmont Graduate University’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion. Also the dean of assessment, planning and accreditation, Sutherland holds a bachelor’s degree in psychology from New York University, a master’s degree in professional counseling from Georgia State University, and a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision from Regent University.
Scratch A Leftist
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 12 hours ago
Blame the Joos; Former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has been suspended from the party and has had the whip removed. A party spokesman said: “In light of his comments made today and his failure to retract them subsequently, the Labour Party has suspended Jeremy Corbyn pending investigation. He has also had the whip removed… Continue reading →
Break Them Up
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 12 hours ago
Dorsey Admits To Mob-Driven Censorship On Twitter During Heated Section 230 Hearing
Thursday Morning Links
Unknown, Accidental Deliberations - 13 hours ago
This and that for your Thursday reading. - Mariano Zafra and Javier Salas offer a handy visual aid as to how COVID-19 spreads indoors - showing that masking is a valuable partial solution, but that effective ventilation can significantly reduce community transmission. And Jessica Wong reports on the results of a teachers' survey showing how COVID-19 has dumped far more stress and responsibility on already-overworked educators. - Meanwhile, Apoorva Mandavilli discusses how some COVID-19 patients wind up with antibodies which attack their own bodies rather than the virus. - Georg...
A new minister, a new hope
Luboš Motl, The Reference Frame - 10 hours ago
Fer137 recommended us a very nice article on lockdownism, a new totalitarian ideology (or religion) that is spreading like fire. It is an extreme form of germophobia that tries to pretend it is healthy instead of a pathology (which is what germophobia has been for centuries – and I say it as a former child germophobe although probably a lite version of Sheldon Cooper). It envisions an ideal world where people never meet let alone touch each other. If you want to read a text demonstrating lockdownism at the intelligence level of a 2-year-old communist, check Tommaso Dorigo, a CERN ph...
Coronavirus Economic Comeback? Yes, GDP Is Way Up (But There Is a Catch)
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Economics, * Expert: "Because of permanent changes in location and behavior of large populations, there will be massive public and private sector layoffs in large cities in blue states no matter what. That is the problem.” According to the estimate released Thursday morning by the Bureau of Economic Analysis, which is part of the Commerce Department, the United States’ Gross domestic product (GDP) rebounded at 33.1 percent annualized rate. The rate, which is estimated, with a full report to follow in late November, followed a drop of 31.4 percent in the second ...
South Korea Will Have a 'Light' Aircraft Carrier Soon (with F-35s?)
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Asia* South Korean military officials and researchers have reviewed the $1.75 billion project, and apparently, the program could evolve into two different types of carriers. South Korea had hinted last year that it had an interest in building “multi-purpose large transport vessels,” and this summer what type of warships the country wanted came into better focus. In August, South Korea announced that it would move ahead with plans to procure several aircraft carriers over the coming decade to address threats from North Korea as well as the naval ambitions...
Sony Boosts Profit Outlook Ahead of PlayStation 5 Release
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Economics, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2018%3Anewsml_RC1FD751FE10&share=true] As coronavirus lockdowns continue and the holiday season approaching, Sony looks to make big bucks on its new video game console. Sony has raised its annual profit outlook after posting record-breaking numbers in the last quarter. The Japanese tech giant’s surging profits in its gaming business are boding well for the launch of the next-generation PlayStation 5 gaming console next month. The company boosted its annual profit forecast by 1...
Check Out Russia’s Bizarre Anti-Diver Underwater Drone
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC121C54F780&share=true] The Nerpa fires one of the Soviet Union’s more interesting underwater rifles, a so-called needlegun. Conventional firearms are extremely ineffective underwater. Water exerts much more drag on an object than air, rapidly slowing down bullets underwater. Shooting at targets much more than about six feet away becomes next to impossible—and not because of inaccuracy. Bullets simply tumble downwards and gently sink. This neat video shows why and i...
Karabiner 43: The Rifle Nazi Germany Hoped Would Win World War II
Caleb Larson, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Karabiner 43, Europe* Though not the first German semi-automatic rifle, the Karabiner 43 offered a number of improvements over its predecessors. Overall the design was solid, but came too late to tip the balance of the war towards Nazi Germany. German work on designing a semiautomatic rifle began in earnest after Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union. During the Nazi sweep eastward, German soldiers encountered Russian troops armed with SVT-38s and SVT-40, early semi-automatic rifles fielded by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Though i...
The U.S. Army Wants to Know Where Enemy Bullets Are Coming From
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Army, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2010%3Anewsml_GM1E64Q04C901&share=true] They are testing a new high-tech sound direction-detection system. Imagine a small recon unit of Army soldiers was advancing through hostile terrain on a high-risk scouting mission to find points of entry for a major follow-on armored ground assault. What if it was suddenly hit, even overwhelmed, with a massive array of enemy small arms fire? The soldiers take casualties, run for cover and immediately engage the enemy, yet the attackers ar...
India May Contribute 20% of Amazon’s Growth Over Next Five Years
Ethen Kim Lieser, The National Interest - 10 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Amazon, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC24RJ991A43&share=true] The e-commerce giant seems poised for even greater heights. India is far from being a major contributor to Amazon’s international growth today, but that might soon change. “When you think about Amazon and their growth profile, (they) just had wicked growth in the last six months,” tech investor and analyst Gene Munster, who is the founder and managing partner at Loup Ventures, recently said on CNBC’s “Squawk Box Asia.” “But you think about a...
Philly police : “Looters were shooting Looters”
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Eatgrueldog: Reality TV that I would watch “As riots spread in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania following the police-involved shooting of a knife-wielding suspect, 11 people were shot while looting businesses. Fox 29 reporter Steve Keeley was filming the scene outside one looted business when Philadelphia police told him “Looters were shooting looters.” Police also…
Philly police : “Looters were shooting Looters”
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Eatgrueldog: Reality TV that I would watch “As riots spread in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania following the police-involved shooting of a knife-wielding suspect, 11 people were shot while looting businesses. Fox 29 reporter Steve Keeley was filming the scene outside one looted business when Philadelphia police told him “Looters were shooting looters.” Police also…
Had enough yet?
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Eatgrueldog: Eatgrueldog View original post
Project Veritas Drops NUKE — GOP Ballot Chaser Admits to Major Voter Fraud Operation in Texas to Help Biden — ‘$55K for 5,000 Votes’ (VIDEO)
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Nwo Report: Source: Cassandra Fairbanks Project Veritas has released undercover footage of a ballot chaser admitting to conducting massive voter fraud to help elect Joe Biden. The new video is the second part to a bombshell undercover investigation into a Texas “Republican” consultant who was caught on camera violating both Texas and…
Trump/Biden: two bombshell breaking stories
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Jon Rappoport Oct29 ONE: Tucker Carlson announced, on his highly popular FOX broadcast, that a trove of Biden documents implicating Biden in illegal business relationships with China, the Ukraine, and other countries has gone missing. [1] The documents were shipped through a major commercial courier, from Manhattan to Carlson by FOX staff, and somewhere along … Continue reading Trump/Biden: two bombshell breaking stories →
President Trump Make America Great Again Rally – Tampa, Florida – 1:30pm EDT Livestream…
sundance, The Last Refuge - 11 hours ago
After spending the night at Doral, President Trump and First Lady Melania will be traveling to campaign stops in Tampa, FL, and Fayettville, NC, today. The first event is being held at Raymond James Stadium in Tampa. Anticipated start time … Continue reading →
Forget the Pot
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Eatgrueldog: Eatgrueldog View original post
US REJECTS WHO-lead COVID vaccine effort!! | FYM NEWS 💉😷
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on FeedYourMind1.com: https://youtu.be/YSZ8y9lqFJ8 US REJECTS WHO-lead COVID vaccine effort!! | FYM NEWS 💉😷
Hard Drive Content Exposes US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s Collusion with Xi Jinping
j, Wake Up To The Truth - 11 hours ago
October 29, 2020 Patriots for Truth The post and video below is from Lude Media. The video has not been translated so we don’t know if the information on Mnuchin was disclosed in the video and what evidence was offered to support the headline conclusion. Looking for AIM patriots to crowdsource this material and leave … Continue reading Hard Drive Content Exposes US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin’s Collusion with Xi Jinping →
DeVos New NAEP Baloney Sandwich
Peter Greene, CURMUDGUCATION - 12 hours ago
Betsy DeVos would like you to know--again, some more--that public schools are failing. Her exhibit this time is the newly-released NAEP results for 12th graders in 2019. And as usual at NAEP time, her brief exhortation is riddled with baloney. *America is the greatest country on the face of the earth, and we should deliver our rising generation the greatest educational opportunities possible. Sadly, today’s results confirm America’s schools continue to fall far short, and continue to fail too many kids, especially the most disadvantaged.* Wave that flag. But recognize that the ...
Tonight: How can we bridge the digital and health divide for students of color during the pandemic?
Dr. Julian Vasquez Heilig, Cloaking Inequity - 12 hours ago
Expert panelists from the National Medical Association and the NAACP will share their ideas in a free webinar taking place Thursday, Oct. 29. The discussion will be moderated by the University of Kentucky College of Education’s Dr. Gregory Vincent, executive director of the college’s Education and Civil Rights Initiative in collaboration with the NAACP. The initiative is based in the Department of Educational Policy
Is Wall Street Pulling the Plug to Sabotage Trump's Re-election?
Alicia, LaRouchePAC Feed - 14 hours ago
Is Wall Street Pulling the Plug to Sabotage Trump's Re-election? Video of Is Wall Street Pulling the Plug to Sabotage Trump's Re-election? As we have warned repeatedly, without adopting Lyndon LaRouche's Four Economic Laws, to put the collapsed financial/economic system through bankruptcy reorganization, the City of London/Wall St, establishment will impose a brutal global banker's dictatorship, guaranteeing deep depression and destructive wars. These networks have been behind the effort to remove President Trump since his inauguration, but they can still be defeated. Watch ...
How Donald Trump Is Putting American Workers at Risk
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 11 hours ago
A partial catalogue of how Trump has left worers high and dry.
Don’t Look Down! Estimating the Depth of State Covid Budget Holes
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 11 hours ago
The not-pretty picture of Covid impact on state and local governments.
Do Vampire Bats Practice ‘Social Distancing’ When Feeling Ill?
Madison Dapcevich, Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
Despite their creepy reputation, vampire bats are highly social creatures.
Crisis alla Turca II ‒ From Currency Crisis to Debt Crisis?
GENEVA, Oct 29 (IPS) - The meltdown of the Turkish currency that began in 2018 has continued unabated with the decline reaching unprecedented proportions in recent days. The causes of that turmoil including underlying financial fragilities and political shocks were discussed in a previous piece by this author. Since then the economy has become even more vulnerable in these respects. Read the full story, “Crisis alla Turca II ‒ From Currency Crisis to Debt Crisis?”, on globalissues.org →
Nepal Needs to Bridge the Gap Between Legal Provisions Against Child Marriage and Social Norms
KATHMANDU, Oct 29 (IPS) - Mohan and Sarita (name changed) studied together in the same school from Grade 6 onwards. They were friends initially, but fell in love and wished to be together, though underage. Read the full story, “Nepal Needs to Bridge the Gap Between Legal Provisions Against Child Marriage and Social Norms”, on globalissues.org →
Reclaiming Africa’s Early Post-independence History
ACCRA, Ghana, Oct 29 (IPS) - In 1965, Kwame Nkrumah described the paradox of neocolonialism in Africa, in which "the soil continue to enrich, not Africans predominantly, but groups and individuals who operate to Africa's impoverishment." He captured what continues to be an essential feature of Africa's political economy. Read the full story, “Reclaiming Africa’s Early Post-independence History”, on globalissues.org →
Trump’s Unverified Allegations About Hunter Biden, Explained
AP News, Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
The Associated Press explains the timeline and answers key questions about the unverified allegations around Joe Biden's son.
Was Canada’s Draconian COVID ‘Global Reset Plan’ Leaked to the Public?
Dan Evon, Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
The alleged plan laid out a series of jaw-dropping changes, including strict lockdowns and mandatory vaccines.
No, Trump Did Not Call for Biden’s Assassination
Dan MacGuill, Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
Critics of the president latched onto his use of the phrase "Joe's shot," in a speech in October 2020. What did he actually say?
Ending Regime Change In Bolivia And The World
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 12 hours ago
Less than a year after the United States and the U.S.-backed Organization of American States (OAS) supported a violent military coup to overthrow the government of Bolivia, the Bolivian people have reelected the Movement for Socialism (MAS) and restored it to power. In the long history of U.S.-backed “regime changes” in countries around the world, rarely have a people and a country so firmly and democratically repudiated U.S. efforts to dictate how they will be governed. Post-coup interim president Jeanine Añez has reportedly requested 350 U.S. visas for herself and others who ma...
Cop Who Allegedly Beat, Starved, Froze 8yo Boy to Death, Allowed to Resign to ‘Protect His Pension’
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: pension]A cop arrested for murdering his own son was allowed to quietly resign this week in an effort to "protect his benefits and his pension."
Tucker Carlson: 'Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish'
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 12 hours ago
*****News Topic 125***** Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish No Title Damning Hunter Biden documents suddenly vanish pic.twitter.com/B2qsajZlID
Rudy Giuliani goes nuclear on Fox Host Kennedy
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 12 hours ago
*****News Topic 124***** “You Better Apologize For That!”: Rudy Giuliani Goes Nuclear On Fox Host After Christopher Steele Comparison “You Better Apologize For That!”: Rudy Giuliani Goes Nuclear On Fox Host After Christopher Steele Comparison Former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani unloaded on Fox Business host Kennedy after she compared him to Christopher Steele, the […]
Told You So: After Supporting Censorship of Others, Mother Jones Now on the Receiving End of It
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 13 hours ago
[image: jones]In a blistering twist of irony, Mother Jones, who once supported banning political content on Facebook, is now facing that same censorship.
Propaganda Does Not Want Any Argument: A Conversation With NYU Professor Mark Crispin Miller
Penny, Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours ago
* Background:* - *NYU Warns Students After Professor Allegedly Declares Masks "Ineffective" In Slowing COVID Spread* - * Petition to Support Mark Crispin Miller and Academic Freedom* * The interview came to my attention via Yaya * Penny link *28/10/2020 03:27:08 pm* * Hey Yaya:* *I did listen to the interview and am going to share it at my place- He likes the Ice Age Farmer (gave him a mention) - Always linked in the sidebar to the right.* *I've not had a chance to read his article, but, intend to do so.* *That all said he made some good points about the phony greens-...
COVID19 Rips Through Michigan K-12 Schools
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 13 hours ago
The spread of COVID-19 through Michigan’s K-12 schools is rapidly accelerating, with the number of new outbreaks rising for the third week in a row, according to data released by the state yesterday. Last week, there were 29 separate outbreaks affecting 107 students, teachers and school workers, making it the most infectious week in Michigan since the school year began. The 29 new outbreaks last week are in addition to 70 other “ongoing” outbreaks, defined as outbreaks that have been reported more than a week ago, but which have at least one new associated case in the last 28 days...
Wisconsin Republican Party Says Hackers Stole $2.3 Million
AP News, Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
The party noticed the suspicious activity on Oct. 22 and contacted the FBI, said Wisconsin Republican Party Chairman Andrew Hitt.
Recusal and the supreme Court . . .
Fuzzyone, 'Nox & Friends - 13 hours ago
Luzerne County in Pennsylvania wants newly seated Justice Amy Barrett to recuse herself in hearings involving a case on voting procedures that may appear before the Supreme Court. (Link) The Pennsylvania county leaders involved feel Miss Barrett might not be impartial in her assessment of Pennsylvania’s attempt at stealing votes. Need I remind you that when the Affordable Care Act came up before the Supreme Court, one of the authors of that law, Elena Kagan, had been nominated to the Supreme Court, and confirmed by the Senate, seated on the Court, and then PROMPTLY REFUSED to recuse...
Why Marylanders Must Test The Water Near Military Bases
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 13 hours ago
Last month, independent testing of oysters in the St. Mary’s River and St. Inigoes Creek was performed on behalf of the St. Mary’s River Watershed Association and financially supported by Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility, PEER. Oysters in the St. Mary’s River and in St. Inigoes Creek were found to contain more than 1,000 parts per trillion (ppt) of the highly toxic chemicals. Oysters were analyzed by Eurofins, a world leader in PFAS testing. The Harvard School of Public Health and leading scientific institutions around the world tell us not to consume more than 1...
Redeeming Tenure
Bryan Caplan, Econlib - 14 hours ago
Tenure is terrible. Well, it’s awesome for those of us who have it. The tenure system, however, is nonsense on stilts. Economists’ rationalizations for tenure are flimsy indeed. Just consider: Virtually all semi-prestigious professors have tenure, yet virtually no one in the for-profit sector has anything close. I know, we can construct fanciful scenarios where […] The post Redeeming Tenure appeared first on Econlib.
The Problem With This Election, or When Is a Coup a Coup and When Is It Not?
Gaius Publius, DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago
*Headline: "MP claims "judicial coup" overturned Kenya election result; A Kenyan MP has filed a petition calling for the removal of Chief Justice David Maraga" (source)* *By Thomas Neuburger* The problem with this election is that it brings to a head the general problem of dealing with Movement Republicans — those whom Paul Krugman in 2003 correctly called "a revolutionary power"— that like all revolutionary powers "does not accept the legitimacy of our current political system" and therefore has no intention of operating within the rules that govern the rest of us. They don't...
Outside of the electoral $$$ game
Bruce K. Gagnon, Organizing Notes - 12 hours ago
Last night Lisa Savage tried her best to get into the final US Senate debate. Standing in the cold dark Maine night outside the WMTW studio, joined by 33 others, she tried to hand a station representative copies of 2,600 petition signatures calling on the station to allow her to debate. The person refused to accept them so they were placed at the feet of the man sent out to push them away. Alongside Lisa was 9-year old Fiona who came to stand with Lisa with her mother and younger brother. Can you imagine the lesson young Fiona learned about so-called 'democracy' in America...
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
*TESS BARKER* has been named vice chancellor for student affairs and enrollment management at Indiana University Kokomo. Previously chief of staff to the chancellor of the University of Michigan-Flint, she holds a bachelor’s in political science from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, a master’s in counseling/college student personnel from the University of Maryland-College Park and a J.D. and Ph.D. in educational policy from the University of Iowa.
cmaadmin, Diverse - 12 hours ago
*CRESHEMA MURRAY* has been appointed special assistant to the Office of the University of Houston-Downtown president. Currently an associate professor of corporate communication at the school and a fellow in the Center for Critical Race Studies, Murray holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and social work; a master’s degree in interpersonal and intercultural communication; and a doctorate in organizational communication from the University of Alabama.
My ‘fake news’ odyssey: How I learned the media prefer narratives over facts and never tell the whole story
Nebojsa Malic, null - 13 hours ago
[image: undefined] With just days left to go before a US election everyone deservingly regards as pivotal, a battle is raging over ‘fake news’ and even the meaning of words. It’s a battle I’ve already watched being fought, in another war long ago. Today, outlets like CNN would have you believe ‘fake news’ began with President Donald Trump five years ago, and that he weaponized the term against the good and honest media serving as the guardians of ‘our democracy’, or some such. Trump was the first US President to deploy the term "fake news" against his opponents. And over the last ...
It's The Greatest Pumpkin In The Universe, Charlie Brown
News Staff, Science 2.0 blogs - 13 hours ago
In a classic "Charlie Brown" Halloween tale, one character believes in the pumpkin equivalent of an Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairy, but NGC 2292 and NGC 2293 are real. At 109,000 light-years across, the diameter of our Milky Way, they don't just form a Great Pumpkin, they form the greatest pumpkin of all. What looks like two glowing eyes and a crooked carved smile is a snapshot of the early stages of a collision between the two galaxies. The "pumpkin’s" glowing "eyes" are the bright, star-filled cores of each galaxy that contain supermassive black holes. read more
Another Skills of Tomorrow Pitch
Peter Greene, CURMUDGUCATION - 13 hours ago
Matt Barnum of Chalkbeat has made a small hobby out of tracking one of the pervasive made-up statistics of education-- "65% (or 80% or what-have-you) of the jobs that this years kindergartners will fill don't exist yet." Well, the folks at the World Economic Forum have another variation on this kind of crystal ball data theme-- "50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025." Fortunately, I guess, WEF's Future of Jobs Report knows exactly which ten skills will be needed. And they are floridly optimistic: *"We have the tools at our disposal. The bounty of technological innovatio...
RSBN Trump Rally T Minus 5
E.M.Smith, Musings from the Chiefio - 13 hours ago
Off to Florida, and the East Coast. To be followed up later by some of the midwest, again. Continue reading →
The Original Thucydides Trap: Sparta vs. Athens
Warfare History Network, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: Wikimedia Commons] The Spartan way of war was not simply a matter of outstanding individual toughness, strength, or even weaponry skills. Superior tactics played key roles as well. The wars fought by Sparta and Athens in the fifth century bc pitted one city-state with ancient Greece’s greatest army against one boasting her most powerful fleet. Yet the Spartan and Athenian ways of war differed in far more than a simple preference for fighting on land rather than sea. In fact, the distinctive approaches that Sparta and Athens took...
How Many New Stealth Bombers and Fighters Does the U.S. Air Force Need?
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Air Force, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1AETOKVDKAB&share=true] Budget constraints might mean that reaching the desired number of squadrons is not possible. While the U.S. Air Force would certainly never turn away an opportunity to add more new high-tech bombers, fighters, tankers and drones to its aging fleet, senior service leaders are realizing the unprecedented combat gains attainable through the development of new technologies. These advances include networking, sensing and multi-function plat...
Training Future Leaders
cmaadmin, Diverse - 13 hours ago
AASCU's Millennium Leadership Initiative among professional development programs for aspiring college presidents.
Second Highest-Ranking General In US Space Force Tests Positive For The Covid-19 Coronavirus
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Then-Lt. Gen. David D. Thompson, vice commander of Air Force Space Command, addresses basic military training graduates during an Air Force graduation March 13 at Joint Base San Antonio-Lackland, Texas. Thompson, now the vice chief of U.S. Space Force, has tested positive for the coronavirus. (Johnny Saldivar/Air Force) *Air Force Times:* *Space Force vice chief tests positive for COVID-19 * The second highest-ranking general in the Space Force is quarantining after testing positive for COVID-19, the Air Force said Wednesday. Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said in a news rele...
Tucker interviews Bobulinksi. The Biden Family, Chairman Ye and Rosneft
The Duran, The Duran - 13 hours ago
Tucker Carlson interviews Tony Bobulinksi. The Biden Family, China CEFC Chairman Ye & Russia Rosneft The Duran: Episode 719. Here Are Ten Moments from the Bobulinski Interview the Liberal Media Will Ignore Here Are Ten Moments from the Bobulinski Interview the Liberal Media Will Ignore With the Wall Street Journal’s news side having gotten cold […]
Meet the First Black Woman to Receive a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from the University of Rochester
Sarah Wood, Diverse - 13 hours ago
Upon graduating, Dr. Monique Mendes was “surprised” to learn that she became the first Black woman to receive a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Rochester.
Belarusian Opposition Figure Awarded Freedom Prize Will ‘Sell Belarus Out’
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 14 hours ago
The European Parliament selected Belarus’ opposition movement as the winners of 2020’s Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought. The European Union’s legislative body specifically singled out a number of people and organisations including Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, whom they refer to as an “opposition leader”. Kayla Popuchet is minoring in Slavic studies as part of her education in Latin American and Eastern European politics at City University of New York. Ms Popuchet, who is also a regular contributor to Anticonquista and a New York City Housing Court Specialist, says that... The pos...
Preparing for the election - and its aftermath
Peter, Bayou Renaissance Man - 14 hours ago
Greg Ellifritz is a well-known security consultant and firearms instructor, whom we've met in these pages several times before. I respect him, and trust his advice. In a recent Facebook post, Greg warns that the coming weeks are likely to be difficult. I'm reproducing his warning in full here, because I think it's very important. Election-related violence is increasing. So are the reported rates of Covid-19 positive tests. If I were to look into my crystal ball and prepare a forecast for the next few weeks, it would look like this: Street violence is going to increase as we...
I Have My Doubts
Owen Gray, Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago
Max Boot writes that it's time to destroy the Republican Party: I have watched with incredulity the GOP’s descent into collective madness. Many Republicans I know began by holding their noses and voting for Trump because of judges and taxes and their hatred of Hillary Clinton. Now the whole Republican Party seems to inhabit the Fox News Cinematic Universe, an alternative reality where President Barack Obama spied on Trump and Joe Biden is a socialist who will let “anarchists” and “arsonists” run riot. The madness knows no bounds: The party has even become infected by the lunatic ...
Turkey withdraws from besieged military post in Syria
[image: Turkey withdraws from besieged military post in Syria] BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) – On Thursday, the Turkish military began to withdraw its forces from its observation post in the northwestern countryside of Hama. According to a field source in the Hama Governorate, the Turkish Armed Forces were observed by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) as they withdrew their troops from the Sher Magher military post. The field source said the Turkish military made their way towards the southern countryside of the Idlib Governorate, where they were reported to have moved its forces to the tow...
Biden’s Attempt To Unite Democrat & Republican Foreign Policy Hawks Is Intriguing
Andrew KORYBKO, OrientalReview.org - 15 hours ago
Biden’s description of Russia as “the biggest threat to America” and China as its “biggest competitor” is an intriguing attempt to unite the anti-Russian and anti-Chinese factions of America’s permanent military, intelligence, and diplomatic bureaucracies (“deep state”) even if it’s ultimately insincere (to say nothing of being unsuccessful in the […]
The Ethical Reasons For Staying Home, And The Need To Explain Exponential Growth
Tommaso Dorigo, Science 2.0 blogs - 15 hours ago
The sanitary emergency presently affecting most countries across the World is highlighting the duties that each of us, as a member of a collectivity of individuals who share commodities, services and infrastructure, is called at times to attend to. In a well-functioning society paying taxes should not be enough to earn the right to be a citizen. Indeed, the "social contract" also demands us to, e.g., abide to laws. read more
Russia's Old MiG-29 Fighter Just Won't Go Away
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Africa* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2017%3Anewsml_RC18B29FFA60&share=true] New sales to Algeria prove this Cold Warfighter has some life left. But how many upgrades can be done before it becomes obsolete? The Mikoyan MiG-29 Fulcrum was developed during the late Cold War and entered service with the Soviet Union’s Air Force in July 1982, and despite the age the aircraft has remained in service throughout the world. It has been reported to be the fifth most common combat aircraft in the world. Continually updated, the...
Donald Trump's V-Shaped Economic Recovery Is In Trouble
Desmond Lachman, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Desmond Lachman* *economy, * Two factors seem to be fueling the market’s growing doubts about a sustainable V-shaped recovery. The first is the market’s growing concern about a vicious second wave in the pandemic not only in the United States but also in Europe. The second is that political developments in the aftermath of the election could delay the passage of the second stimulus package till February or until a new Congress is in place. Judging by the renewed spike in COVID-19 infections and by the stock market's recent swoon, it would seem that the gods have decided to rain ...
Who Is 'Homeless Jesus'?
Kaitlin Wynia Baluk, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Kaitlin Wynia Baluk* *Religion, North America, Australia* On Oct. 12, 20 minutes after a replica of the sculpture was installed at St. Barnabas Episcopal Church in Bay Village, Ohio, a community member called the emergency department, mistaking it for a person in need. Saturday Night Live lampooned this story in a skit on their Oct. 17 show. Recently, a life-size bronze sculpture of Jesus, called *Homeless Jesus*, went viral after someone made a 911 call about a homeless man on a bench. The bronze sculpture by Canadian artist Timothy Schmalz depicts Jesus, identifiable by the wo...
The U.S. Military Has a Problem: Defending Bases in a War Won't Be Easy
Kris Osborn, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Military, * The Pentagon is looking across the services to figure out ways to better defend forward-positioned bases, assets and forces from a growing sphere of highly sophisticated, long-range enemy attack threats. The Pentagon is looking across the services to figure out ways to better defend forward-positioned bases, assets and forces from a growing sphere of highly sophisticated, long-range enemy attack threats. Many small bases, facilities, troop locations and even major platforms such as stealth airplanes are positioned in high-risk areas potentially ...
Yikes: Comcast Lost Another 273,000 Cable Customers
Stephen Silver, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Comcast, * However, there is good news: Comcast gained 633,000 high-speed internet customers in the quarter, which it called a record. The results indicate that long-term cord-cutting trends are continuing, if not accelerating, and that Comcast’s stated strategy for emphasizing flexibility appears to be paying off. Comcast announced its quarterly earnings Thursday morning, and the company announced that it lost another 273,000 cable subscribers in the third quarter. Comcast had lost 477,000 such subscribers in the second quarter and around 400,000 in the first...
Victoria Cross: The History of Britain's Highest Military Decoration
Peter Suciu, The National Interest - 13 hours ago
*Peter Suciu* *History, Europe* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2019%3Anewsml_RC1990869200&share=true] This distinguished award has an interesting history. It is hard to think of the history of Great Britain without considering class and social status, and it was for these reasons that Queen Victoria established the Victoria Cross. Introduced in 1856 to reward acts of valor in the face of the enemy, the medal has been awarded 1,358 times to 1,353 individual recipients, and only 14 medals have been awarded since the end of the Second World War. ...
Why Americans are so enamored with election polls
W. Joseph Campbell, Professor of Communication Studies, American University School of Communication, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 13 hours ago
Polling is an imperfect attempt at providing insight and explanation. But the public's desire for insight and explanation about elections never ends, so polls endure despite their flaws and failures.
Will Russia influence the American vote?
Scott Jasper, Lecturer in National Security Affairs, Naval Postgraduate School, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 13 hours ago
As Election Day approaches, Americans would do well to remember they are targets of disinformation campaigns. Here's what they could look like, and what's being done about them.
How 'strategic' bias keeps Americans from voting for women and candidates of color
Regina Bateson, Visiting Professor, Graduate School of Public & International Affairs and the Faculty of Law, L’Université d’Ottawa/University of Ottawa, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 13 hours ago
Women and people of color continue to appear on ballots less often than white men, and that, in part, is due to concerns by American voters that others will not view these candidates as electable.
American suburbs radically changed over the decades – and so have their politics
Jan Nijman, Distinguished Professor of Urban Studies and Geosciences, Georgia State University, Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 13 hours ago
Suburbs are more racially and economically diverse than ever, making them key battlegrounds for the election.
Abandoned Van With Propane Tanks and Torches Inside Found in Center City
Rodgeroc, From the Trenches World Report - 13 hours ago
NBC Philadelphia An investigation is underway after Philadelphia police found an abandoned van with propane tanks and torches inside on the Ben Franklin Parkway in... The post Abandoned Van With Propane Tanks and Torches Inside Found in Center City appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
No More Lockdown
A Reader, From the Trenches World Report - 13 hours ago
The post No More Lockdown appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Democrat abortion extremism; they're for abortion for any reason at any time
trinko, Conversations about the obvious - 14 hours ago
Democrats have fought against laws that would have prevented abortions based on race, sex, or disability. That means that Democrat politicians support a woman's "right" to kill her unborn daughter because she wants a boy. It also means that they support killing unborn babies who might be "defective". In 2012 House Democrat the vast majority of Democrats opposed a law that would have prohibited abortions based on the father's race or the unborn child's sex. Joe Biden used to oppose using taxpayer dollars to support elective abortions but he's all for taxing you to pay for women's...
Tucker Carlson Reveals More Documents Implicating Joe Biden In Business Deals Have Gone Missing From Courier Company
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *Tucker Carlson reveals new trove of documents implicating Joe Biden in shady deals has gone MISSING from courier company - as recording reveals Hunter's two business partners were concerned their secrets would 'blow up big time' * * Tucker Carlson said on Wednesday night that documents had gone missing * The documents detailed Hunter Biden's business affairs, Carlson claimed * He said Fox News sent them by courier Monday from Manhattan to Los Angeles * Carlson was in Los Angeles at the time to interview Hunter's business partner Tony Bobulinski * The host sa...
Three Killed In Terrorist Attack On French Church In Nice
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Daily Mail:* *France under attack: Jihadist murders three worshippers – including two who were beheaded – INSIDE Nice church + Gunman screaming 'Allahu Akbar' is shot dead by cops in Avignon + French consulate worker is stabbed in Saudi Arabia * * Two terror attacks have hit France, the first at the Notre Dame cathedral in Nice and the second in Avignon * Knifeman beheaded two people - an elderly female parishioner and a male church warden - at 9am in Nice, fatally stabbed a second woman and wounded others before being shot and arrested by police * Two hours later man armed...
US Economy Grew At A Record 33% Rate In The Third Quarter
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*CNBC*: *U.S. GDP booms at 33.1% rate in Q3, better than expected * Coming off the worst quarter in history, the U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace ever in the third quarter as a nation battered by an unprecedented pandemic started to put itself back together. Third-quarter gross domestic product, a measure of the total goods and services produced in the July-to-September period, expanded at a 33.1% annualized pace, the Commerce Department reported Thursday in its initial estimate for the period. That came after a 31.4% plunge in the second quarter and was better than the...
COVID and Us: Immigrant women in Halifax share pandemic stories
Suzanne Rent, Halifax Examiner - 15 hours ago
News 1. COVID update This item is written by Tim Bousquet. Yesterday, Premier Stephen McNeil and Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. Robert Strang had a COVID-19 briefing with reporters, their first in two weeks. A few items of interest came up. First, Strang confirmed that the province is preparing to create “regional care centres” […]
Brazil Improves Super Port in Southern State of Rio Grande do Sul
Xiu Ying, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After two years of dredging works using a federal investment of R$500 million (US$100 million), the Port of Rio Grande – the main port in the southernmost Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul – will be able to receive vessels of up to 366 meters in length. This is […] The post Brazil Improves Super Port in Southern State of Rio Grande do Sul appeared first on The Rio Times.
59 Bodies Found in Clandestine Graves in Mexico’s Guanajuato State
Newsfeed, The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The remains of 59 bodies have been discovered in clandestine graves in a region of central Mexico that has suffered some of the highest levels of drug violence in recent years, national authorities said on Wednesday, October 28th. The grim discovery was made in the Salvatierra municipality of Guanajuato state, […] The post 59 Bodies Found in Clandestine Graves in Mexico’s Guanajuato State appeared first on The Rio Times.
When Leaders Override Term Limits, Democracy Grinds to a Halt
jtemin, Lawfare - 16 hours ago
African Union Executive Council opening, Jan. 25, 2017. (GovernmentZA, https://flic.kr/p/RtN9KW; CC BY-ND 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/) Before the end of October, Alpha Condé, the 82-year-old president of Guinea, and Alassane Ouattara, the 78-year-old president of Côte d’Ivoire, will have contested elections to grant them a third term in office. Each has found a way to circumvent constitutional rules that limit presidents to two terms. Guinea’s election was held on Oct. 18 and Condé declared victorious on Oct. 24; Ouattara is likely heading for the same res...
Where's Hunter Biden?
trinko, Conversations about the obvious - 11 hours ago
Joe Biden hasn't said that the emails found on Hunter Biden's computer are false or fake. Hunter Biden has disappeared from the face of the earth. If in fact the whole thing is Russian disinformation, despite the FBI and DNI saying it isn't, why hasn't Hunter surfaces to say so? If in fact the whole sordid story of Biden corruption and Joe's selling his influence is bogus why isn't Hunter on CNN 24/7 telling us that? Further if the story is bogus why aren't the #FakeNews media covering it to show people why it's bogus? Why are they instead totally ignoring it? The answer to all...
It's official: Joe Biden hates women, sports edition
trinko, Conversations about the obvious - 14 hours ago
Joe Biden's web site says he supports allowing biological men to compete in women's sports. Joe says he believes in science but that's clearly not true because if he did he'd know that even if they're taking drugs biological men are stronger, faster, and have better endurance than women do. That's why when so so male athletes declare themselves to be women they suddenly start setting records. Allowing biological men to compete in women's sports is amazingly anti-women because not only does it make it hard if not impossible for women to win in women's sports it essentially denies ...
Democrat Governors use China Virus lockdown to discriminate against people of faith
trinko, Conversations about the obvious - 14 hours ago
In Oregon State Democrat Governor Kate Brown has said that public schools with fewer than 75 students can reopen but she ordered private schools with fewer students to close. What makes this even more egregious is that same Governor hasn't stopped the on-going rioting where masks and social distancing are totally ignored. Apparently rioting is ok but God isn't in Democrat run Oregon. Oh and then there's New York where the governor and the Mayor New York City extol riots and massive demonstrations but send the cops into Jewish homes if they think too many Jews are coming together...
EU-Vietnam FTA, expiry of GSP+ may hit Pakistani exports
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 Pakistani exporters fear that a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Vietnam and European Union (EU) and expiry of GSP+ status in 2023 will severely hit Pakistan's exports to European countries.
EU agri-food products to be protected in China against misuse and imitation
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 European Parliament should back the deal between the EU and China that would protect 200 European and Chinese products, said the Trade Committee on Tuesday.
Moon's 'New Deal' visions and India-South Korea economic ties
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 In September this year, India and South Korea resumed renegotiation of their landmark Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) that played a key role in spurring trade between the two sides and boosted bilateral ties.
Lupaka submits request for arbitration claim against the Republic of Peru
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 The dispute stems from the Community of Parán's actions, which invaded Lupaka's project held through Invicta Mining Corp.
India-China row sets new dimension for India's economic partnership In Asia, albeit decoupling from RCEP – analysis
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 India's decoupling from China led to a number of harsh steps to undermine the trade and investment relations with China, despite the fact that Chinese investment set the turf for mobile phone manufacturing in the country.
Rules of Origin a key issue for continuing African free trade area talks
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 African Union Ministers of Trade held their twelfth meeting, undertaken virtually, which was focused on concluding essential elements that remain to be agreed in the AfCFTA talks.
EU tries to stop fossil fuel companies suing states over climate action
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 Brussels' proposed green reforms to the Energy Charter Treaty face resistance from Japan, yet do not go far enough for environmental campaigners.
Building China's Belt and Road Initiative BIT by BIT
bilaterals.org - 14 hours ago
29-Oct-2020 Rather than viewing international investment law as inherently threatening or constraining, China now sees it as a valuable instrument for protecting its investments and interests abroad.
Open Letter From Williams Family About Police Intimidation At Land Back Lane
Terrace, PopularResistance.Org - 14 hours ago
About a hundred years ago, in 1927, when First Nation peoples were increasingly organizing land claims, the federal government amended the Indian Act to make it illegal for anyone to fundraise for First Nation peoples’ legal representation. It also made it illegal for any litigator to represent any First Nation person in a judicial proceeding. The penalty for such activity was a fine and/or imprisonment. As Haudenosaunee people continue to fight the colonial theft of land along the Grand River, the government still criminalizes our resistance. The post Open Letter From Williams ...
A managed system.....
Bruce K. Gagnon, Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
“No Conspiracy Required” Scene from Peter Joseph’s InterReflections
Court Forces Cop to Pay $1 Million in His Own Money to Family He Terrorized, Called Racial Slurs
Matt Agorist, The Free Thought Project - 15 hours ago
[image: family]An NYPD cop who terrorized an innocent family, calling them the n-word while holding them hostage, was ordered to pay them $1 million.
Steve M., No More Mister Nice Blog - 15 hours ago
Here's a series of tweets from Ben Shapiro: We have all gone insane. The latest CDC estimates of IFR by age: 0-19 years: 0.00003 20-49 years: 0.0002 50-69 years: 0.005 70+ years: 0.054 — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2020 By the way, to translate those numbers: 0-19 years: 3 deaths per 100,000 infections 20-49 years: 2 deaths per 10,000 infections 50-69 years: 5 deaths per 1,000 infections 70+ years: 5.4 deaths per 100 infections — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 29, 2020 "IFR" means "infection fatality rate." That's what most people are focusing on, inluding many of us who...
jonjayray, EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 15 hours ago
* The future of higher education will be determined on Election Day* * A Leftist view* Joe Biden and Donald Trump, and their parties, have starkly different visions for colleges and universities, and for students. Virtually everything that matters seems to be on the ballot this year, from the economy to democracy to “the soul of the nation.” And there’s a real choice, since the two major-party candidates for president have presented two starkly divergent visions for all of those things. But voters are also casting their ballots for another important issue that could shape the cou...
Century-old “LOWS” Follow Century-old “SNOWS” across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Cap Allon, Electroverse - 15 hours ago
Following on from the UP's unprecedented weekend snowfall, a stack of new low temperature records fell Mon, Tue, and Wed, breaking benchmarks from 1887. The post Century-old “LOWS” Follow Century-old “SNOWS” across Michigan’s Upper Peninsula appeared first on Electroverse.
More Deadly Than War – A Lecture by G. Edward Griffin
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 16 hours ago
THE COMMIE PLAN FOR REVOLUTION…..IT HAS BEEN IN PLAY SINCE THE END OF WWII…..MUST WATCH VIDEO, ESPECIALLY FOR YOU MILLENNIAL AND SNOWFLAKES….YOU ARE BEING PROGRAMED… Found on the State of the Nation: video is about 1:15 hours long…. Who is G. Edward Griffin? G. EDWARD GRIFFIN is a writer, documentary film producer, and Founder of Freedom Force International. Listed in Who’s Who in America, he is well known because of his talent for researching difficult topics and presenting them in clear terms that all can understand. This is both a teaching and learning moment for all….. ~Ragnar (...
Mafia Playbook: The Biden Five
Ragnar, 'Nox & Friends - 16 hours ago
This is how the corrupocrats cheat the system…….PAY FOR PLAY at it’s best…. From the BlackSphere: Excerpts: Exactly how did Joe Biden’s family manage to monetize political connections under the table for so long? I have a hard time believing those sitting on Capitol Hill were blind to Biden’s behavior. And I’m calling out both the left and the right. This is why our country was desperate to find a swamp-drainer. (Bold and Italics mine.) Thank God for Donald Trump. The President of the Government Accountability Institute is a senior contributor for Breitbart News. Today, Schweizer jo...
Over the past 7 Days, the United States broke 3,782 Low Temperature Records vs just the 518 Max
Cap Allon, Electroverse - 17 hours ago
Moreover, records haven't merely been "broken", they've been utterly obliterated. The post Over the past 7 Days, the United States broke 3,782 Low Temperature Records vs just the 518 Max appeared first on Electroverse.
The Words of Krishna and Yama
Unknown, The Conservative Socrates - 14 hours ago
What Krishna says to Arjuna in the verse 2.19 of the *Bhagavad Gita*, when both of them are at the battlefield of Kurukshetra, is very close to what Yama, the God of Death, says in the verse 2.19 of the *Katha Upaniṣad*. Here’s the verse 2.19 of the *Bhagavad Gita*: य एनं वेत्ति हन्तारं यश्चैनं मन्यते हतम् | उभौ तौ न विजानीतो नायं हन्ति न हन्यते || (Neither of them is in knowledge—the one who thinks the soul can slay and the one who thinks the soul can be slain. For truly, the soul neither kills nor can it be killed.) Here’s Valerie Roebuck’s translation of verse 2.19 from the *Kat...
France Raises Its Alert Level to Maximum After Nice Attack
AP News, Snopes.com - 15 hours ago
The knife attack was the third incident in two months in France amid a growing furor over caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad that were re-published by the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo.
Exceptionally massive hail strikes Tripoli, Libya - possibly one of the largest on record
Libya's capital Tripoli was hit by a sudden storm on Tuesday, October 27, 2020, which generated exceptionally massive hail measuring more than 20 cm (8 inches) in diameter. Reports indicate that the hail could be one of the largest on record, along with the 2010...... Read more »
Zeta Barrels Northeast After Battering Storm-Weary Coast
AP News, Snopes.com - 15 hours ago
Hurricane Zeta set a new record as the 11th named storm to make landfall in the continental U.S. in a single season, well beyond the nine storms that hit in 1916.
JR, GREENIE WATCH - 15 hours ago
* Don’t Believe the Lies. Joe Biden Plans to Destroy Every Fracking, Oil, and Coal Job in America* Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has spent the better part of the past month Skyping across America—because, you know, it’s much too dangerous for Joe to actually leave his basement—telling everyone who will listen that he pinky swears that a Biden-Harris administration would not “ban” fracking. It’s all a “lie,” Biden says, cooked up by President Trump and his allies to ruin Biden’s chances in key swing states where fracking plays an important role in the economy, especial...
Law Abiding Citizen – Cell Phone Explosion
Enemy of the State, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
OneLoneLegend Jan 18, 2010 Scene from Law Abiding Citizen where the judge gets quite the shocker. The post Law Abiding Citizen – Cell Phone Explosion appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.
Knock-on Effects Knock out Economy Like Dominoes
David Haggith, From the Trenches World Report - 15 hours ago
The Great Recession The major knock-on effects of the COVID shutdown are now starting to stack against each other, pushing city centers into the dust.... The post Knock-on Effects Knock out Economy Like Dominoes appeared first on From the Trenches World Report.

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