10 pm MDT
Midnight Meme Of The Day!
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
*by Noah* As you can see above, I've created a new Trump Death Panel Hat. It's the hat that no Republican would want to be seen without! Hell, they'd feel naked without it! By the time you read this, the horrid COVID-19 death toll will have zoomed past the 230,000 listed on the red Trump hat above. It was 226,000 just a few days ago when I made it. It's hard to keep up. Sadly, what we need one of those big digital counters like the ones that show the ever mounting national debt. They have those in prominent places around the country. Here in NYC, there's one I always see by Pe...
Editor, Dances With Bears - 21 hours ago
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Alexei Kudrin (lead image) , officially Russia’s state auditor, is the irrepressible successor to President Vladimir Putin upon whom the oligarchs, the western secret services and the London and New York financial press agree. Their dream team for regime change comprises Alexei Navalny as president; Kudrin as either Vice President or […]
New Forecast Predicts Trump Reelection VICTORY In “Republican Surge,” Media FRANTIC To Explain Away![]()
The Duran, The Duran - 21 hours ago

New Forecast Predicts Trump Reelection VICTORY In “Republican Surge,” Media FRANTIC To Explain Away. CBS says if Trump’s supporters actually show up then he will win reelection on Tuesday. Democrats and joe Biden of course know this and have been frantically warning their base that victory is not guaranteed and they need to work extra […]
President Trump Winning Michigan Cements Electoral College Victory and Reelection![]()
The Duran, The Duran - 21 hours ago

Trump Supporters Surround Biden Bus Honking, Biden Event CANCELED Due To "Harassment"![]()
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 21 hours ago

Joe Biden’s lies are legendary. He’s still the same dishonest plagiarist he was 33 years ago.![]()
dadu, The Duran - 21 hours ago

A Tale Of Two Conspiracies![]()
TheDarkMan, The Duran - 21 hours ago

Four hundred years ago, a group of conspirators came within a whisker of murdering the King of England and his entire Government. Although it took eighteen month to come to fruition, their plan was simple, to secrete 36 barrels of gunpowder underneath the English Parliament building, and blow it up on November 5, 1605 when […]
The 'surge is on' for President Trump![]()
Alex Christoforou, The Duran - 21 hours ago

The “surge is on” for US President Donald Trump ahead of the crucial presidential election just days away, says Sky News host Chris Kenny. Mr Kenny said the surge for the US president “is being reflected in the polls”. “It’s being reflected in the polls, those same polling companies that have so often underestimated his […]
RSBN Trump Rally Frozen Final 5!
E.M.Smith, Musings from the Chiefio - 22 hours ago
The Final 5 Events today. Then it's election day and our long Democratic Brat Nightmare of obstruction will be over... (Hey, a fella can hope, can't he?) Continue reading →
Trump Threatens to Fire Fauci in Rift with Disease Expert
AP News, Snopes.com - 22 hours ago
President Donald Trump is suggesting that he will fire Dr. Anthony Fauci after Tuesday’s election, as his rift with the nation’s top infectious disease expert widens.
There Will Be a Reset but Not the Globalist Kind
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 22 hours ago
maneco64 Today we will be looking at what the real reset will be like and how it will not be the globalist’s Great Reset but one led by market forces. We will also be doing our usual Sunday Q & A. end
How should we teach monetary policy?![]()
Scott Sumner, Econlib - 22 hours ago

A new paper by Jane Ihrig and Scott Wolla makes some recommendations for changing the way we teach monetary policy in intro economics courses. These include: 1. Dropping coverage of the money multiplier. 2. De-emphasizing open market operations (OMOs), and focusing most heavily on the Fed’s interest on reserves (IOR) policy tool. I have long […] The post How should we teach monetary policy? appeared first on Econlib.
Bill Murphy: Silver Price To Continue Spiking Higher
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Arcadia Economics For years, there was a #silver analyst who warned to watch out once the #silverprice broke through the $21 level. Because when it did, he expected the price to rise substantially. Sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. And to find out what #BillMurphy is forecasting now that his last prediction was spot on …
Deconstructing France’s Emmanuel Macron
M. K. BHADRAKUMAR, OrientalReview.org - 23 hours ago
The Modi government has earned the distinction as the “first non-western” voice to come out in support of French President Emmanuel Macron over the recent horrific killings in that country. This distinction apparently presents itself as too good to miss. The Rajya Sabha TV slotted a programme to castigate “Islamist […]
Andy Schectman: Silver To Soar To $50 If Biden Wins Says Bank of America
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 23 hours ago
Arcadia Economics Andy Schectman: Silver To Soar To $50 If Biden Wins Says Bank of America Perhaps unlike ever before, now, even the main stream investment banks are talking about buying silver. And to find out why Bank of America sees the possibility of $50 silver if Biden should win the election, click to watch …
Should Uber Drivers Be Considered Employees or Contractors? California Will Decide on Tuesday
Juliet B. Schor, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Juliet B. Schor* *Politics, California* Gig worker employment fights, like those in California, pit flexibility against a livable wage, but 'platform cooperatives' could ensure workers get both. Voters in California will decide in November whether Uber drivers and other gig economy workers should be considered employees or contractors – a question that’s been debated and litigated for many years now. On the surface, the issue pits the flexibility that comes with being independent against the higher incomes and benefits that employees tend to get. Uber, Doordash and others say t...
Why Does the Belief in Ghosts Persist?
Anna Stone, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Anna Stone* *Religion, World* Unlikely as it might seem in the cold light of day, ghosts and hauntings are a mainstream area of belief. Halloween seems an appropriate time of year to share the story of the Chaffin family and how a ghost helped decide a dispute over an inheritance. James L Chaffin of Monksville, North Carolina, died after an accident in 1921, leaving his estate in full to his favourite son Marshall and nothing to his wife and three other children. A year later Marshall died, so the house and 120 acres of land went to Marshall’s widow and son. But four years late...
Google Antitrust Case Suggests Apple Should be in the DOJ's Crosshairs As Well
Hemant K. Bhargava, The National Interest - 21 hours ago
*Hemant K. Bhargava* *Technlogy, North America* The agreement seems more like a damning indictment of Apple’s own potentially illegal business practices. Google’s payments to Apple to promote its search engine in iPhones, iPads and Mac computers are at the center of the Department of Justice’s antitrust lawsuit against the tech giant. The suit alleges this creates a “continuous and self-reinforcing cycle of monopolization” by limiting which search engines consumers can use. But as someone who studies platform markets, competition and industry structure, I believe the agreement s...
Fake GDP Booms 33.1% Due To MASSIVE Debt Stimulus as Economic Meltdown Worsens!![]()
Dewey Fernfield, The Duran - 21 hours ago

source The GDP numbers came in and my goodness they were fantastic. I mean, who could deny the best numbers ever in the history of the US? Except there’s just one problem, they’re coming off of the worst numbers in history, the fact that the government expenditures were the most ever in such a short […]
Tweets For Today
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 22 hours ago
The White House is pushing back after Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's leading infectious disease expert, said the U.S. is in a terrible position to face the upcoming months of the pandemic. A White House spokesman called Fauci's remarks "unacceptable." https://t.co/utmxUvGaCq — NBC News (@NBCNews) November 2, 2020 That's a pretty sweet retirement packagehttps://t.co/BD9UGUpD6A — RT (@RT_com) November 2, 2020 On @Breakingviews - China's latest five-year blueprint suggests President Xi Jinping is girding for battle, writes @ywchen1: https://t.co/oVx6sC7ITa pic.twitter.com/jrFBrbZ2Cx ...
Could This U.S. Presidential Election Nightmare Happen?
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
...then what? pic.twitter.com/EdsAA12CKq — The Election Crab (@IntelCrab) November 1, 2020 *WNU Editor:* Talk about nightmares.
The Daily Brief 2020-11-01
News Desk, AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 23 hours ago
[image: The Daily Brief 2020-11-01] This is a summary of *18* AMN articles on the following subjects: *Aleppo, Syria, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Karabakh, Iran, Russia, Serbia, France, Turkey, Maduro, US, Venezuela, Idlib, Iraq, Salaheddine, Pakistan, Israel*. Categories covered in this brief: Syria, World-News, Gulf, Iran, Turkey, Iraq, Middleeast Let us know how you like this brief in the comments below. — The AMN Live Team Table of Contents - Turkish-backed forces lose important base after clashes with jihadist ally in western Aleppo - Armenian air defenses shoot down Azerba...
Picture Of The Day
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Growler Takeoff* A Navy EA-18G Growler takes off from the flight deck of the USS Ronald Reagan in the Philippine Sea, Oct. 28, 2020, during Keen Sword, an exercise with joint and bilateral partners to enhance long-range interception capabilities. *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *U.S. Department of Defense Photo-Gallery*
The Complete U.S. Election Cheat Sheet![]()
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*Zero Hedge*: *The Complete Election Cheat Sheet: What Happens On And After November 3* It's after midnight on Nov 3, the US population has voted, and the election results are popping up across the media landscape. When will we know who is the next president? Well, due to the special circumstances surrounding this election including a record number of mail in ballots and countless court challenges involving the voting process, we may have to wait.... a while. Below we lay out a timeline of key events and catalysts that everyone should be aware of. After Election Day on November...
November 2nd – 2020 Presidential Politics – Trump Administration Day #1383
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the Donald Trump Administration and … Continue reading →
The Lockdown Has Gone From a Mistake to a Crime
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
Dennis Prager ~ Four months ago, I wrote a column titled “The Worldwide Lockdown May Be the Greatest Mistake in History.” I explained that “‘mistake’ and ‘evil’ are not synonyms. The lockdown is a mistake; the Holocaust, slavery, communism, fascism, etc., were evils. Massive mistakes are made by arrogant fools; massive evils are committed by […]
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Sunday 1st November 2020 – Plus Weekly Update
TonyfromOz, PA Pundits – International - 23 hours ago
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
Trump’s America: poor targeted, red carpet for wealthiest tax avoiders
David Cay Johnston, Michael West - 23 hours ago
[image: Donald Trump] While Trump’s tax affairs have been widely reported, statistics show that US authorities are going after the poorest families. Just seven of the 23,400 households earning on average $30 million were audited (0.03%). Yet more than a third of households earning an average $12,600 were audited – nine times the rate for the richest. David Cay Johnston reports.
Vanity Fair Adores The Idea Of A ‘News-Cycle Slowdown’ Under Sleepy Joe
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago
By Tim Graham ~ Vanity Fair media reporter Joe Pompeo speculated on Friday how the lives of reporters would improve if Donald Trump lost. “For political reporters burned out on Trumpian chaos, is a news-cycle slowdown coming? A Biden presidency would likely be quieter—no predawn Twitter rants, “enemy of the people” attacks, or endless scandal—and […]
Reliable Electricity? Bah Humbug!
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago
By Kenneth Green ~ In a refreshingly honest article in the Boston Review, David McDermott Hughes confirms something that we energy evangelists have been saying for some time: Environmentalists do not simply want people to transition to “green energy,” they want humanity put on energy rationing, for the good of the planet. Now, apparently, they’ve […]
The 2020 Finish Line
PA Pundits - International, PA Pundits – International - 1 day ago
A Dry Bones Cartoon ~ We worried and we agonized and now we’re almost at the end of the official American Presidential campaign 2020. So what happens next?! Read more by Yaakov Kirschen at Dry Bones . http://drybonesblog.blogspot.com/
November 2, 2020: Reader Tips
Kate, Small Dead Animals - 1 day ago
Tip of the day: It’s not nice to harass a Black Hawk. Thread’s open.
Quote of the Day
vonMesser, 'Nox & Friends - 1 day ago
Do you want what side “R” is offering? More of the same from the past 4 years . Or do you want what side “D” is offering? A return to the 2009-2016 economy?
FAQs About What’s Ahead
Robert Reich - 1 day ago
You’ve been in or around politics for more than 50 years. How are you feeling about Tuesday’s...
Part four: Tips for working with remote auditors![]()
Laura Mushrush, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago

In part four of this four-part series with SafetyChain Software, Food Safety News reviews how companies and auditors should work together to achieve a more effective remote audit. In an industry that still relies on hard-copy records and face-to-face business, navigating COVID-19 has pushed more food companies into embracing new working systems. Included in this... Continue Reading
Scientists get grant to study Toxoplasma
News Desk, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Researchers have been awarded a grant to help determine how disease caused by a parasite progresses in warm-blooded animals, and how it is transmitted in food. A team from the United Kingdom and Brazil were given funding of around £500,000 ($650,000) from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the Fundação de Amparo à... Continue Reading
FDA posts alerts against imports of cheese, seafood, juice, etc.
News Desk, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
Editor’s note: The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Use the links to view the full alert modifications. Import Alert... Continue Reading
Two California food companies warned over violations
News Desk, Food Safety News - 23 hours ago
As part of its enforcement activities, the Food and Drug Administration sends warning letters to entities under its jurisdiction. Some letters are not posted for public view until weeks or months after they are sent. Business owners have 15 days to respond to FDA warning letters. Warning letters often are not issued until a company... Continue Reading
Monday November 2nd – Open Thread
sundance, The Last Refuge - 23 hours ago
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those … Continue reading →
Stop Girdling the Post Office
Yves Smith, naked capitalism - 23 hours ago
A pre-election reminder of the importance of saving the Post Office.
US Headed for Dollar & Sovereign Debt Crisis on Scale Never Experienced – Peter Schiff![]()
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

US Headed for Dollar & Sovereign Debt Crisis on Scale Never Experienced – Peter Schiff by https://www.rt.com/ The US Federal Reserve has never been right in its policies and has set up the American economy for an even bigger crisis, said economist Peter Schiff at the Virtual Investor Day Conference. According to Schiff, the United …
New ‘Pandemic Predictive Programming’ Movie Suggests They’re Setting Us Up To Be ‘Cooked’ Like Frogs In A Slowly Boiling Pot Of Water As Deagel’s Population Reduction Forecast Accelerates![]()
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

New ‘Pandemic Predictive Programming’ Movie Suggests They’re Setting Us Up To Be ‘Cooked’ Like Frogs In A Slowly Boiling Pot Of Water As Deagel’s Population Reduction Forecast Accelerates by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, https://allnewspipeline.com/ – With ‘Songbird’, The Globalists Aren’t Even Bothering To Hide Their Satanic Agenda Anymore …
Holter & Sinclair: Trump Win Offers a Way Forward After US Bankruptcy – Exploding Debt Means $100,000 Gold
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Trump Win Offers a Way Forward After US Bankruptcy – Holter & Sinclair by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post) Financial writer Bill Holter and renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair warn that no matter who wins this Presidential Election, the next administration will have to navigate the so-called financial reset that has already started. …
Federal Homeland Security Agent Sounds Alarm
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
SGT Report Kevin, a Department of Homeland Security Agent contacted me to express his concerns about border security, illegal immigration, and election fraud. end
Davos, Gates and the Great Covid Deception. Shocking Agenda that You Need to Know About-Edited RE-UPLOAD![]()
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

aminutetomidnite This video has been re-upped after being edited, and updated with new additional content. The original video published on September 3rd was taken down by YT. Important information as to what the true agenda is behind the crazy events we have seen in 2020. Everyone should know the truth! https://www.facebook.com/GregReesesPieces/videos/589897145205039/
Markets DOWN as Economic Spiral Rapid Drop With More Layoffs in Several Sectors!
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
The Money GPS There has been considerable investment into tech stocks in 2020. As of now, there has been a pull back while the market reassesses the stimulus measures and other factors. Without more money and expansion of debt, the financial markets will be stuck. end
Israel is Subjecting Palestinian Children to Physical And Psychological Abuse
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
https://videos.files.wordpress.com/OE3ttpmY/elkh9vzvkaaqv7x_dvd.mp4 Israel is Subjecting Palestinian Children to Physical And Psychological Abuse by Anjuman Rahman, https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ Israel is the only country in the world to prosecute children routinely in military courts that lack basic safeguards for a fair trial – “They destroyed the front door, entered my room, covered my face with a bag and took …
Dr Jim Willie Insider Updates: With Jean-Claude@BeyondMystic
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Rick Rule: The Gold Bull Market Has Just Started. Are You Ready This Time?
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
As Good As Gold Australia In this latest interview, Darryl and Brian Panes at As Good As Gold Australia, connect with President and CEO of Sprott US Holdings Inc., the incomparable, Rick Rule. Rick shares his highly articulated views on the role of gold and silver – the ultimate safe haven investment in this enormously …
After the Virus: The World of 2025 – #PropagandaWatch
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
corbettreport SHOW NOTES AND MP3: https://www.corbettreport.com/?p=37646 What will the world look like in 2025? Don’t worry, you don’t have to think about the world you want and then work to bring it about. That’s silly! Just listen to the good Bilderbergers at Cognizant, who are more than happy to tell you about the new police …
Dr. Stephen Leeb: The New Monetary Reserve System
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
Palisade Radio Tom Welcomes Dr. Stephen Leeb, financial author, wealth manager, and newsletter publisher, to the show. His interest began to shift in 2000 towards gold when it was apparent that globally we were reaching a significant turning point. Dr. Leeb discusses the gap between developed and emerging countries and how China’s growth has mainly …
Fake GDP Booms 33.1% Due To MASSIVE Debt Stimulus as Economic Meltdown Worsens!
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
The Money GPS The financial system has seen more economic stimulus which has helped artificially get things moving again. Stocks have been pushed higher in recent months. More money and debt is flowing into equities, stocks right now. end
Major Banks & Hedge Funds Start Shorting the Dollar — The Mother of all Trades — Got Gold?
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago
The Atlantis Report Major Banks & Hedge Funds start Shorting the Dollar — The Mother of all Trades — Got Gold? It is getting dicier by the day and looks as if everything is about to fall apart. America is headed for tough times. The same could be said for most of the world. An …
Sane, achieved Americans need to think about emigration
Luboš Motl, The Reference Frame - 12 minutes ago
You should also know where & how to hide your money from the organized thieves I still believe that Trump will win handsomely tomorrow (see CNN: key model shows that Hillary will win 332-206 exactly 4 years ago LOL) but that conclusion is largely based on fuzzy thinking, extrapolated and amplified corrections resulting from the 2016 mismatches, and feelings. Some of you may also be optimists but you may be shocked by the events tomorrow. You may suddenly become unable to think sharply. That's why you need to think about these matters in advance. You need to create a plan how to thin...
Coronavirus: Medieval Japanese Faced Similar Questions When Dealing with Plagues
Yujin Nagasa, The National Interest - 23 hours ago
*Yujin Nagasa* *Coronavirus, Japan* Medieval thinkers in Japan also contemplated crises within a religious framework – but their perspective was radically distinct. They regarded sudden and tragic deaths in crises as exemplifications of impermanence (無常 mujō), which is, along with suffering (苦 ku) and non-self (無我 muga), one of three marks of existence according to Buddhism. In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, many people who have elderly parents will share the sentiment below: Things that make the heart lurch with anxiety: … When a parent looks out of sorts, and remarks that t...
Latest States Poll Predicts President Trump Will Win 322 Electoral Votes To 216 For Democrat Presidential Candidate Joe Biden![]()
War News Updates Editor, War News Updates - 1 day ago

2020 Electoral College Forecast Final Map Donald Trump vs Joe Biden November 1. 2020 My Analysis Post: https://t.co/CDBH7WWoRw#ElectoralMap #ElectoralCollegeMap2020 #Election2020#2020ElectionPredictionMAP #Election2020Map #ElectoralCollege #Elections2020 pic.twitter.com/guZMatMTgL — StatesPoll,com (@StatesPoll) November 1, 2020 *WNU Editor:* The last Democracy Institute/Sunday Express poll is also predicting a Trump landslide ....* Poll: Donald Trump set to win US presidency by electoral college landslide* (Express). Real Clear Politics is predicting the opposite (see below):
Will Trump Be Indicted? Tried? Imprisoned? Erased From History?![]()
DownWithTyranny, DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Today someone on Twitter seemed to be advocating-- for history's sake-- that Trump be hanged. As you can see, my Twitter followers would *overwhelmingly* like to see him face Justice. I feel the same way-- and then some. If you agree he's been not just the worst president in history but also the most corrupt, the most venal and the one who has caused the most pain and suffering to the American people, then prison is the *least* he should be made to endure. Biden has already pledged not to pardon him. He may be reluctant to strat his presidency off with a lie but his natural incli...
Mexico Keeping Day of the Dead Alive amid Pandemic
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
Mexico is keeping the Day of the Dead celebration alive as a hybrid holiday amid the coronavirus pandemic, and although the churches are open in some states, for millions of families the traditional festivities are occurring at home, including uncounted numbers of people who are commemorating the event virtually.
FBI Investigating Ambush on Biden’s Campaign Caravan in Texas
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
The Federal Bureau of Investigation is probing an incident that occurred late last week in Texas when supporters of President Donald Trump violently ambushed a campaign bus for his Democratic challenger, former vice president Joe Biden.
Eta, Latest Atlantic Storm, Heading towards Nicaragua, Honduras
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
Tropical Depression 29, which formed in the Caribbean on the weekend, is already Tropical Storm Eta, is strengthening as it moves west and is expected to become a hurricane before it nears the Nicaraguan and Honduran coast.
At Least 7 Dead as Super Typhoon Goni Hits Philippines
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
At least seven people died on Sunday due to high winds and torrential rains caused by Typhoon Goni in northern Philippines.
Death Toll from Aegean Earthquake Climbs to 64, over 900 Injured
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
At least 62 people have been killed and over 900 injured in Turkey while two people died in Greece from the magnitude-6.8 earthquake that struck the Aegean coast at noon Friday.
Hamilton Nears World Title as Mercedes Wins Constructor’s Championship
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
Britain’s Lewis Hamilton (Mercedes) won the Emilia Romagna Grand Prix on Sunday to move closer to his record-equaling seventh world championship title.
‘Donut Day’: Australia Records 0 Local COVID Cases in 5 Months
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
Australia has recorded zero community transmissions of COVID-19 for the first time since June 9, authorities announced on Sunday, days after a strict lockdown in the Melbourne metropolitan area was lifted.
Turkish Miners Pause Strike to Pitch in with Izmir Rescue Efforts
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
Wearing yellow vests and white helmets, miners from Soma, the heart of Turkey’s coal mining country, have interrupted a strike that has pitted them against industrialists and authorities to travel to Izmir to help with rescue efforts after the magnitude-6.8 earthquake on Friday that has left at least 58 deaths.
Dozens Arrested as Protests against COVID Restrictions Spread around Spain
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
Around 60 people have been detained during riots and violent clashes with police following protests on Saturday night against restrictions imposed to curb the spread of coronavirus in several Spanish cities, including the capital Madrid.
South Korean Exports Fall in October amid Worsening Pandemic
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
South Korean exports declined by 3.6 percent year-on-year in October following a rebound in the previous month, due to fewer business days and the worsening of the COVID-19 pandemic worldwide.
China Finds Coronavirus Again in Fish from Ecuador, Pork from Brazil
Latin American Herald Tribune - 1 day ago
China again detected coronavirus in the packaging of frozen fish from Ecuador and frozen pork imported from Brazil, local media reported on Sunday.
Sword-Wielding Man Arrested After Halloween Deaths in Quebec
AP News, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
A man dressed in medieval clothing and armed with a Japanese sword was arrested on suspicion of killing two people and wounding five others on Halloween in Quebec City.
Trump Decries FBI Probe of Supporters Surrounding Biden Bus
AP News, Snopes.com - 1 day ago
President Donald Trump suggested the FBI should stop investigating an incident in which his supporters were seen surrounding a Biden campaign bus in Texas, which led Democrats to cancel an event there.
NSW Police blow whistle on coronavirus deception
Editor, cairnsnews, Cairns News - 1 day ago
By TONY MOBILIFONITIS A LETTER written by a senior constable from the Coffs/Clarence Highway Patrol in NSW and signed by colleagues, has exposed the COVID-19 narrative for its deception and the harm it is causing to police and their relations with the public. The letter, dated October 26, is addressed to NSW Commissioner of Police […]
Nearly 50% Of BLM Protesters Arrested In Seattle Were White, From Other Cities — Only 18% Were Black![]()
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Nearly 50% Of BLM Protesters Arrested In Seattle Were White, From Other Cities by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ An analysis of 95 arrest records from Seattle riots from May reveals that nearly half of all suspects are white are white men from other cities who traveled to Seattle to commit crimes, according to King5. – Of 95 cases obtained …
Interview with Archbishop Viganò about the Deep State, Luciferian New World Order, Mark of The Beast, Vaccines, Digital ID, Global Reset …![]()
mosesman, Socio-Economics History Blog - 1 day ago

Interview with Archbishop Viganò October 30, 2020 Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò speaks out against the Deep State, the Deep Church and the Global Elite’s plan to enslave humanity. – English transcripts of interview: https://docdro.id/X74pEXm Italian transcripts of interview: https://docdro.id/9A5Rbf7 – Archbishop Vigano Open Letter to Trump: Save Us From “Great Reset” — Digital ID — …