The Duck of Minerva
Climate and Security: Bridging the Policy-Academic Gap
In March, I argued that the connections between climate change and security are complex, contingent, and not fully understood. Most of the academic literature has firmly focused on conflict onset with the broader security consequences largely understudied . For policy audiences, the nuance can be frustrating. It is difficult to know what to do with such complexity, other than talk broadly of clim
We are Groot
Today is President Putin’s inauguration day and even Avengers couldn’t stop it, as evidenced by the arrested raccoon in the center of Moscow on Saturday during the unsanctioned rally ““He’s No Tsar to Us.” For Russia watchers, the Saturday protests probably created a sense of déjà vu of May 2012 when much larger protests erupted in Moscow and around Russia. They displayed a high degree of social
No Supply Without Demand: A Response to Stephen Walt
This is a guest post by Sarah Detzner, a Ph.D Candidate at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. Her research is focused on international security, particularly post-conflict stabilization/reconstruction and security sector reform. In addition, she serves as Director of the Fletcher Graduate Writing Program, as a Fellow at the Center for Strategic Studies and the Institute for Human Security,
What is Happening to the Non-Intervention Norm?
This is a guest post by Betcy Jose , Assistant Professor at University of Colorado-Denver and author of Norm Contestation: Insights into Non-Conformity with Armed Conflict Norms . Follow her on Twitter . After the recent strikes in Syria, Germany’s Angela Merkel stated the intervention was, “necessary and appropriate, to ensure the effectiveness of the international ban of chemical weapons use an
The Tyranny of the Big 3? Which Journals Count Most May Be Increasingly Problematic
In recent days, there has been much discussion about the so-called Big3 journals in Political Science: the American Political Science Review, the American Journal of Political Science, and the Journal of Politics. Each is the standard-bearer journal for their respective associations–the American Political Science Association, the Midwest Political Science Association and the Southern Political Sc
Rumor, Social Media, and the Question of Knowledge
Some time ago, Charli reviewed an article I published in International Organization . In that review, Charli asked how do we know what we ‘know’ about the nature of external states. At the time, I thought the question an important one. In only a few years, the question has gone from important to absolutely critical. As the politics surrounding Trump’s election and administration, including the no
The Straight Goods
Justin Trudeau, all Huff, no puff, and more importantly, no political clout..Kinder Morgan Stageplay Unplugged
Written by Grant G Electoral reform, "The last federal election under a first past the post electoral system" Justin Trudeau said ....I clearly remember that 2015 Justin Trudeau election promise...oh indeed, once granted his federal majority that progressive election promise was the first promise to bite the dust...buried, dead, not even a lackluster attempt....Justin just blew it off.. Trudeau m
thwap's schoolyard
Movies About Childhood
I'm still working on the next chapter of my "Justin Trudeau vs. Free Speech" series. (The world awaits the next installment with bated breath, I know!) But today I feel like typing about three movies about childhood that really moved me. The first film I'll talk about isn't so much about childhood as it is about single-parenting. In "The Babadook" an isolated single-mother begins to receive sinis
Vagabond Scholar
National Poetry Month 2018: Fire and Ice
April is National Poetry Month. As usual, I'll promote the wonderful Favorite Poem Project. Unfortunately, the associated Summer Poetry Institute for teachers ceased last year, but the site still has resources for teachers or anyone else who wants to host a favorite poem event. This year, I'm going to feature a short piece, whose dark wit always makes me smile. Fire and Ice By Robert
Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis
Purge at highest levels of secret government spells doom for the satanists
A change of guard and a purge of secret power brokers is breaking the deadlock in the battle for the Earth, say Pentagon, Vatican, agency, and other sources. This is expected to result in the official disclosure of 9/11 and 3/11 truth as well as the removal of several G7 leaders, according to the sources. To kick off this process, Admiral Mike Rogers, the head of the NSA who “resigned” on May 4th
Prepare For Change Interviews Benjamin Fulford, May 3, 2018 Interviews Benjamin Fulford May 3, 2018 The post Prepare For Change Interviews Benjamin Fulford, May 3, 2018 appeared first on Weekly Geo-Political News and Analysis .
Big showdown expected in Middle East as end game approaches for Saudi Israelia
Peace in the Korean Peninsula means the Khazarian mafia is now pulling out all stops in an effort to start World War 3 in the Middle East, multiple sources agree. The result is that there is now a huge battle going on there that is likely to determine the fate of Israel and its ally Saudi Arabia, a collective we will refer to as Saudi Israelia. The battle will also determine who rules the West—sa
The world asks, “Has America gone insane?”
The current leadership of the Anglo-Saxon world is acting in a manner that can only be described as insane, by issuing one obviously false, incendiary claim after another in a vain attempt to start World War 3. They are doing this because the current leadership is literally fighting to survive as the wheels of justice inevitably grind closer. This is why recently we have seen that UK Prime Minist
Revolution may start in France as crazy Zionists try yet again to start WW3
The insane religious-fanatic Zionists who have been trying for years to start Armageddon have failed yet again in their latest attempt, this time in Syria. They now face serious repercussions, possibly starting with a revolution in France. Before we get into the details, let’s remember what it is we’re dealing with here. It is difficult for sane, reality-based people to understand that the Wester
Massive satanist offensive runs out of steam and counterattack begins
The satan-worshipping elite who hijacked power in the West, fighting for their very lives, have staged a massive counteroffensive in Syria and against U.S. President Donald Trump. This offensive has now run out of steam and is backfiring on them big time as their lies about Syria and many other things are being exposed. And, although no word has been given about when the 25,500 sealed indictments
Welcome Back to Pottersville
Interview With Mystery Author Cathy Ace
1) First, let’s talk about your longer and more established Cait Morgan mysteries . What made you decide to make this series so cosmopolitan? I’ve noticed every entry in this series takes place not just in another city but in a different nation. It was a decision based upon two thoughts: first, I wanted to avoid what’s become known as “Cabot Cove Syndrome” where a certain locale becomes inundated
What's Playing on the Intertuvz?
My heroes are now on the final leg of their journey to catching the Gamesman in my new thriller, A GAME OF HANGMAN, So this digest is all I have time for right now, peeps. Just a coincidence, I'm sure, but the late Cambridge Analytica's primary funder, Rebekah Mercer (Robert Mercer's daughter) joined a shadowy new firm called Emerdata last month. When she filed British government paperwork, she u
Bless Me, Constant Reader, For I Have Sinned.
It has been 15 days since my last rant. Yeah, this was my reaction when i noticed the date of my last post and for that, for those few of you who have stuck by me when everyone else fled during the friendly fascist days of Obama, I have no excuses... ...except to say that I've been in the teeth of a new book since I put The Doll Maker into the submission swim. It's another Scott Carson novel, wel
Rat #46 Scuttles Off the Listing Ship of State
The self-pitying sanctimoniousness of Paul Ryan's official resignation announcement was literally sickening. He didn't seek the job as House Speaker. He wasn't really resigning because of November's Blue Tsunami getting bigger and bigger on the horizon. And, of course, he wanted to spend more time with the Koch Brothers his family. And so ends one of the shortest House Speaker tenures in modern A
What Is Sustainable
The Biggest Estate on Earth
The British colonization of Australia began in 1788. Historian Bill Gammage, a white fella, spent ten years studying the writings of early observers, as well as paintings, drawings, and maps from the era. The landscape in 1788 looked radically different from today. Much of what is now dense forest or scrub used to be grasslands. Early eyewitnesses frequently commented that large regions looked li
Wide Asleep in America
Citations Needed, Episode 35: The Total Blackout of the Korean Left
Police officers surround anti-THAAD protesters in Seongju, South Korea, April 23, 2018. (Credit: Yonhap) When Americans read about the Korean "conflict" in the Western press, the articles are populated almost entirely with Serious Western Talking Heads, weapons contractor-funded think tank "fellows," and former and current U.S. military brass. Who's never consulted, much less heeded, are
Citations Needed, Episode 34: What the Hell is Wrong with MSNBC?
MSNBC is by far the most influential mainstream media outlet on the American left. It sets the tone and defines the boundary for what is acceptable discourse among American liberals. But major issues the left is generally thought to care about - imperial war, worker strikes, Palestine, climate change - are almost entirely absent from coverage, as the network increasingly looks like a 24-hour
Citations Needed, Episode 33: Liberals' Obsession with the Phantom Reasonable Republican
Jeffrey Goldberg, Leon Wieseltier, and James Bennet The unlikely rise of Trump in the past three years has created a chasm in the Republican party: those who embrace the President’s wild, unorthodox, nativist style and those who––with much posturing and self congratulation––reject his brand of conservatism. The latter group, generally called “NeverTrump” Republicans occupies a special,
WWF - Latest News
Environmental and indigenous rights activist to receive WWF's top youth conservation award
Cartagena, 8 May 2018 - Nina Gualinga, an indigenous woman leader of the Kichwa community of Sarayaku in the Ecuadorian Amazon, is the recipient of this year's WWF International President's Youth award. An advocate for climate justice and indigenous rights since the age of eight, the award recognizes Nina's relentless efforts to protect nature and communities in the Amazon at a time when the regi
'Business unusual' must be the mantra in Bonn as UN climate talks resume next week
BERLIN, Germany (25 April 2018) - As the 2018 climate talks kick off under the auspices of the UN next week, 'business unusual' must be the mantra delegations need heard resoundingly in Bonn, says WWF. Speaking ahead of the start of the meeting, Manuel Pulgar-Vidal, WWF's global climate and energy programme leader , said the window of opportunity to keep global temperature rise below 1.5°C if fas
Hope for critically endangered Mekong river dolphins as population increases for first time
Phnom Penh, Cambodia, April 23, 2018 – After decades of seemingly irreversible decline, results from a WWF and Government of Cambodia census released today show that the population of critically endangered river dolphins in the Mekong has risen from 80 to 92 in the past two years – the first increase since records began more than twenty years ago. Effective river patrolling by teams of river guar
Global Shipping Sector Steps Up, Sets Climate Targets And Bans Use Of Heavy Fuel Oil In Arctic
LONDON , UK ( 13 April 2018 ) - In a landmark step forward for the goals set out in the Paris Agreement, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) today agreed to climate targets for the sector, as part of its first comprehensive greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) reduction strategy. The global maritime regulator also agreed to ban heavy fuel oil in the Arctic, a region on the frontline of the im
Is the BBC biased?
Violating the terms?
Interestingly, on the Today Programme, Justin was rather pleasant to Emily Thornberry , despite some fairly rigorous probing. (It can be done.) Addressing Boris Johnson’s bid to persuade Donald Trump not to abandon the Iran deal, the Shadow Foreign Secretary said she was sad to see Boris on Fox News instead of ‘face to face’ with the POTUS, like Macron with the dandruff. “Might that have had anyt
Free Speech
It seems ironic that none of the mainstream press reported Tommy Robinson’s march yesterday (Sunday, May 6th). I err. One did, and you’ll never guess which one. The actual Guardian. Not the BBC, Sky, ITV, the Times - in fact, it would be much easier to just say the only other paper that mentioned it was t he Evening Standard . (I say this only after a somewhat perfunctory search so do please corr
Picking bones
Ellie Reeves MP Finally on today's The World This Weekend came a section with this introduction by Mark Mardell: The bones of the English local election results have been picked clean by now but here's one under-reported result: Nearly 4,000 people who wanted to vote were stopped from doing so, according to the Electoral Reform Society. Quite ow 'under-reported' it was I'm not sure because I've r
Raining on Ayn's Parade?
Mark Mardell admirer, former Labour MP and arch Europhile Denis MacShane, is full of praise for the World This Weekend presenter again today: As soon as I heard Mark announce the item about Ayn Rand I guessed she wouldn't be his cup of tea, and I wasn't exactly surprised when Mark talked to two people who aren't fans of Ayn Rand and one person who was but now isn't any longer!
Looking on the Dark Side
Today's The World This Weekend ,... ....which twice featured Mark Mardell calling DUP leader Arlene Foster "Eileen Foster",... ...also featured an interview with former EU commissioner Danuta Hübner. She was predictably negative about Brexit and the consequences for the UK of leaving the Customs Union. During the interview Ms Hübner said that non-tariff barriers "are not existing within the Custo
BBC Radio 4 marks a year out from Brexit - a review
So how did BBC Radio 4's much-anticipated Brexit day - Britain at the Crossroads - on 29 March pan out? This, you may recall, was the BBC's way of marking one year before the date when we leave the EU, and it was evidently meant to showcase the BBC's range, depth and impartiality. I've not have the time to write about it so far, frustratingly, but I have (at last) finally heard it all. In lieu of
A Different Perspective
John Greenewald's Take on AATIP - Updated
(Blogger’s note: My pal, John Greenewald, had attempted to post this to the comment section of the last column, but it is too long to be accepted there. Rather than breaking it into several pieces, I decided to just add it as a new post. It clarifies some of the issues that have been raised about the AATIP and the like. You can find additional information about a wide variety of topics at www.the
Art Bell Has Died
Art Bell, the creator and original host of Coast-to-Coast died on April 13, in Pahrump, Nevada. He was 72. There isn’t much information available at this time. The announcement was made by the Nye County sheriff’s office You can watch it here: Bell had been retired for a number of years, first leaving Coast-to-Coast but later retu
The Coyne Helicopter Encounter - Explained?
For the last several days I have been engaged in a conversation with someone who identifies himself as Parabunk. He analyzed the Coyne helicopter encounter and provided what he believed to be a terrestrial solution for the case. You can read his long report here: You can read my original post which inspired his (wel
Anatomy of an Investigation
Once again, going through older material looking for nothing specific, I have stumbled over something that might be of some significance. It all began when, scanning a document created by the Air Force that listed 49 UFO organizations in the United States that investigated UFOs, I spotted Karl Pflock’s name. He was listed as the director of something called the National Committee for Karl Pflock
Why I'm Beginning to Dislike the UFO Field - Part Four
I was going through old files with an eye to weeding out the nonsense, the useless, the outdated and the duplications. As I was doing that, I turned over a newsletter from December 1996 and on the back found a note that I hadn’t seen before. It explained that I hadn’t been invited to participate in the Roswell 1997 celebration because I had libeled someone. My first reaction was that is a strange
Moon Dust and the 4602nd AISS
For years, decades really, there has been this idea that Project Moon Dust began with the creation of the 4602 nd Air Intelligence Squadron (AISS) in early 1953. Ed Ruppelt, one time chief of Project Blue Book, had complained to his superiors after the massive UFO sighting wave of the summer 1952, that he needed help in the investigations. He was surprised when it was suggested, and later put int
A Very Public Sociologist
Understanding the Local Election Logjam
About a year ago, I was invited to write on the local elections and what they meant for the General Election. My argument was things were looking bad because the council results were pretty bad. This wasn't what said august publication wanted to publish so it never appeared, which is just as well as I got it completely wrong. Having learned my lesson I kept my counsel this year, but my gut feelin
The Tory Politics of the Windrush Scandal
You don't need me to tell you what a disgrace Theresa May is. She can't be accused of mishandling the Windrush scandal, because the pain and misery caused to surviving family members is by design, not by accident. As Diane Abbott puts it , "Tory MPs and commentators who have always supported the government’s policy of creating a ‘hostile environment’ for migrants express astonishment that there i
Owen Jones vs the British Media Establishment
It was January 1994 when my A-Level Sociology class got to grips with the media. I can remember learning about the discredited hypodermic model of media/audience interaction, the pluralist argument that whatever was transmitted or made it into print was there because the audience wanted it, as well as the bits and bobs of Marx and Weber around the edges manifesting as the manipulation and hegemon
Theresa May's Theatrical War
War and politics go hand in hand, which is something Theresa May certainly understands even if sundry Labour backbenchers do not. Reminding us of this was a rumour reported on by BBC Washington correspondent, Jon Sopel. He suggests that while the US led the bombing of selected targets in and around Damascus, it was actually the French and the British who were egging on an immediate response. The
Len McCluskey on Labour Anti-Semitism
Len McCluskey has played a blinder. Read his article for yourself. He doesn't give the impression, which he has in the past, that Labour anti-semitism is a put up job. He explicitly addresses it. Rightly, he contextualises it as an excrescence, a minority pursuit to be dug out and thrown out using the enhanced powers the party has adopted. And what he does is to give voice to the frustrations and
Jeremy Corbyn and the Anti-War Rightwingers
Politics sometimes makes for uncomfortable and uninvited bedfellows. Take poor old Jeremy Corbyn for instance. Since the left took over the Labour Party, we've been plagued with stories about cranks, weirds and racists taking out membership and getting spun by the media, sundry centrists and the Tories as some how indicative and typical of our party's transformation. The never-ending difficulty o
Adrienne's Corner
"Wild Bill" finally jumps into the "Catholic bashing" fray...
and it's very disappointing. Add to that the ridiculous filthy Hollywood degenerates at the Met Gala mocking Catholics - but more important mocking God. (no pictures on purpose.) Hey, I have an idea - how about you mock muslims and their Allah next year? You know - the religion of peace. From Facecrap: I had no idea that Bill Finlay was such an anti-Catholic bigot and a self-appointed bearer of B
The fetid swamp creatures are disappearing faster then a melting milk shake in July...
good riddance. A lovely way to start the weekend: Lisa Page and James Baker resign from FBI Michelle Wolf fired from comedy Central Trump and Pence pump up the crowd at the National Rifle Association’s Annual Leadership Forum in Dallas, Texas. , aka driving the commie/libtards insane. very favorite concerning Sexy Paul Manafort the Great from U.A. District Judge T.S. Ellis
Project Veritas: James O'Keefe confronts Hamilton Township Education Association President David Perry...
you know - the mafia wannabe mook who protects and defends bad teachers. Sure wouldn't want them to lose their pensions, doncha know. Watch him in all his glory being a jackass I understand he's been suspended. Good. More: Bruce Deitrick Price: K-12: Let the Peasants Eat Popcorn Project Veritas Day Two: Union City NJEA Protects "Teacher Who Had Sex" w/ Student... Amazon Today Super Deals in Patio
Anti-Catholic bigotry is alive and flourishing with the self proclaimed "Bible believing Christians"...
and it's ludicrous. I wasn't going to comment on this, but it's been weighing heavy on my heart since yesterday. Not because I'm surprised (okay - I am a little surprised) , but because it saddens me to see good conservative people display such unwillingness to access the truth. A few days ago, Bill Finlay aka "Wild Bill for America", a man who I've followed and admired, posted a meme on his Face
Cory Booker to Mike Pompeo: Do you believe gay sex is a perversion?...
yes or no? Seriously? This elected crackpot wants to discuss homosexual sex during congressional hearings? Let me answer that for you Cory. Yes. Clear enough? More: Thomas Lifson: Cory Booker disgraced himself questioning Pompeo Metal Tape Yesterday I was forced to replace the vent hose on my dryer. The vent hose had not only a kink in it, but also a hole. I'm a big believer in duct tape and had
North and South Korea officially end war while the commie/libtards of the U.S. remove the statue of Stephen Foster...
two things I never thought to see. It occurred to me that most people alive today have no memory of the Korean War. Even though I was very young I remember it well. At the same time I remember the songs of Stephen Foster , all of which I sang around campfires. Stephen Collins Foster (July 4, 1826 – January 13, 1864), known as "the father of American music", was an American songwriter known primar
Centauri Dreams
Indifferently Spacefaring Civilizations
How big a role space travel will play in our future is a question with implications for our civilization’s intellectual, economic and philosophical growth. It may even be the hinge upon which swings the survival of the planet. But as Centauri Dreams regular Nick Nielsen points out in the essay below, enthusiasts for spacefaring can overlook historical analogies that show us the many ways humans c
A Self-Assembling Space Telescope?
Scaling up our space telescopes calls for new thinking. Consider this: The Hubble telescope has a primary mirror of 2.4 meters. The James Webb Space Telescope takes us to 6.5 meters. But as we begin to get results from missions like TESS and JWST (assuming the latter gets off safely), we’re going to need much more to see our most interesting targets. Imagine what could be done with a 30-meter spa
SETI: Breakthrough Listen Expands the Search
The SETI effort run by Breakthrough Listen is beginning to hit on all cylinders. Yesterday came news that observations at the CSIRO Parkes Radio Telescope in New South Wales have been extended. You may recall that work at the site began in November of 2016, when Parkes joined the Green Bank Telescope (GBT) in West Virginia, USA, and the Automated Planet Finder (APF) at Lick Observatory in Califor
Helium Discovered in Exoplanet ‘Tail’
Scientists have been saying for some time now that helium should be readily detectable in the atmospheres of gas giant planets — after all, this is the second-most common element in the universe, and we know it is plentiful at Jupiter and Saturn. The problem has been how to detect it, an issue which this morning’s story brings into sharp relief. At the University of Exeter (UK), Jessica Spake has
Civilization Before Homo Sapiens?
My doctor is a long-time friend who always stops during my annual physical to ask about what’s going on in the hunt for exoplanets. Last week he surprised me when, after I had described ways of analyzing a transiting planet’s atmosphere, he asked whether planets could give rise to civilizations in different epochs. Why just one, in other words, given that homo sapiens has only been around for sev
Disk Imagery from Nearby Young Stars
Here’s an interesting situation: Around a star designated GSC 07396-00759, a member of a multiple star system, astronomers have found an edge-on disk. Such disks are helpful ways of studying planetary evolution, as we’re looking at gas, dust and planetesimals that represent a planetary system in the process of formation. But at GSC 07396-00759, the disk is more evolved than the gas-rich disk arou
Craig Murray
Trump’s Act of American Hubris
The United States is so far doing virtually no trade with Iran anyway. In 2017 total US exports to Iran were just 138 million dollars, and total imports a mere 63 million dollars, figures entirely insignificant to the US economy. By contrast, for the EU as a whole imports and exports to Iran were each a very much more substantial 8 billion dollars in 2017 and projected to rise to over 10 billion
Freedom No More
As I write, with over 75% of all yesterday’s English local election results in, Labour has a net gain of 55 councillors compared to the high water mark of the 2014 result in these wards, while the Tories have a net gain of one seat against a 2014 result which was regarded at the time as disastrous for them, and led the Daily Telegraph to editoralise “David Cameron Must Now Assuage the Voters’ Rag
Jeremy Corbyn and Mhairi Black
There are very few people who support Irish re-unification but oppose Scottish Independence. I do not know of any. I have always, from my knowledge of Jeremy Corbyn and his general political philosophy and way of thinking, and that of many of his close associates, believed him to be sympathetic to Scottish Independence. I do not claim to know Jeremy well. I have shared a Stop the War platform wit
Marching for Freedom
I am off now to Glasgow for a rally for Independence – which might give some indication of how ready the movement are for renewing the struggle in earnest. You should be able to follow events live on Independence Live . I am speaking at Glasgow Green at 1.15, which is pretty early so don’t dawdle on the march. My technique on demonstrations is to start at the front, nip in to the first pub, quick
The Right to Stand in First Class
For every one mile one passenger travels, the British taxpayer pays an average 8 pence subsidy to the train operating company. That is an average of 8p per mile subsidy for every single journey for every single passenger. That is, of course, in addition to your train fare. The train fare system in the UK is ridiculously complicated, so much so that it makes comparison to other countries difficult
Robert Fisk Reports Head of Douma Clinic Denies Chemical Weapons Attack
Robert Fisk is one of the very few excellent investigative journalists still employed in the UK. He is twice winner of the British Press Awards ‘ Journalist of the Year prize, and seven time winner of the British Press Awards’ Foreign Correspondent of the Year. He is extremely smart and knows the Middle East very well. He has just made his way – not accompanied by Russian or Syrian government off
David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary
The United Conservative campaign strategy after Red Deer: Tom Olsen and the Wreckage offer hints
I think I’ve figured out the United Conservative Party election strategy for 2019. In light of the embarrassingly revealing policy resolutions passed at the UCP’s founding convention in Red Deer over the weekend and the party leadership’s subsequent effort at damage control, not to mention the emerging behaviour of candidates seeking UCP nominations, the strategy is becoming clear. They’re going
Admirably true to their Iron Age code, UCP delegates defy their leaders and the zeitgeist
Modern Conservatives indeed! The Wildrose Party base – by which I mean the United Conservative Party base, they are the same people – is a wild horse that cannot be ridden safely or broken easily for reasons of mere political expedience. This is partly because it contains many people of genuine principle, even if their principles are those of a previous epoch – to wit, the Iron Age when the Old T
Alberta then and now: Marking the third anniversary of the unexpected victory of Rachel Notley and the NDP
CALGARY Three years ago today, Albertans did the unexpected in the province’s 29th general election and elected a majority New Democratic Party government. In truth, despite Albertans having been instructed for generations by those who are supposed to know better that they lived in the most conservative province in Canada, what voters did was not completely unexpected. From a macro point of view,
Just get over it, WestJet! It’s time to negotiate like grownups with your pilots’ union
Message to WestJet: It’s time to negotiate with your pilots like grownups. After all, this is Canada and they’ve got a constitutional right to bargain collectively, so you need to just get over it. At this point, you’ll do more harm to your business by fighting them than you will by making an effort to have a mature business relationship. The recent call for a strike vote by WestJet pilots, who a
UCP policy list controversies will disappear in a puff of smoke as Jason Kenney performs his best-known magic trick
Alberta’s Opposition United Conservative Party has distributed to its members a list of 782 policy proposals to be considered at its founding convention in Red Deer this weekend. Inevitably, the list was immediately handed over to media and the blogosphere by Conservatives unknown. Much was immediately made by the UCP’s enemies, and a few of its friends, of the list’s many potentially controversi
Review of Canada’s energy systems unlikely to cut through noise generated by pipeline hysteria
The furious debate about the merits of current and future pipeline projects underscores the need for an evidence-based long-term energy strategy for our country, the conclusions of a new review of Canada’s energy systems suggest. Alas, the report released yesterday by the Corporate Mapping Project and its partners at the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives and the Edmonton-based Parkland Inst
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog
From Jenna Orkin 9/11 Planner, Tortured by C.I.A., Asks to Tell Senators About Gina Haspel Duck Pesticide Disgraced New...
From Jenna Orkin 9/11 Planner, Tortured by C.I.A., Asks to Tell Senators About Gina Haspel Duck Pesticide Disgraced New York attorney general Eric Schneiderman to be replaced by State Solicitor Barbara Underwood My kid used to play baseball with her son. She’s wonderful!!! An Australian state is 'reviewing' its relationship with China's controversial Confucius Institute over fears of covert forei
From Jenna Orkin Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, Resigns Amid Abuse Accusations Oliver North Will Be th...
From Jenna Orkin Eric Schneiderman, New York’s Attorney General, Resigns Amid Abuse Accusations Oliver North Will Be the Next N.R.A. President Britain's post-Brexit economy isn't actually doing that terribly Cambodia's last independent paper was sold to the owner of a PR company that once worked for the prime minister Stephen Hawking's Last Words: We Live In 'The Matrix'? Did Italy's Five Star Mo
From Jenna Orkin Gina Haspel, nominee to head CIA, sought to withdraw over questions about her role in agency interroga...
From Jenna Orkin Gina Haspel, nominee to head CIA, sought to withdraw over questions about her role in agency interrogation program Psychedelic drugs appear to fundamentally reorganize the brain — and they're starting to turn into approved treatments Bitcoin Goes Physical: Swiss Start-Up Launches Pilot Sale Of BTC "Banknotes""To His Dying Breath": McCain Regrets Picking Palin, Wants Pence But No
From Jenna Orkin CIA emails to journalists don't have to be released to public, judge rules Researchers are keeping pig...
From Jenna Orkin CIA emails to journalists don't have to be released to public, judge rules Researchers are keeping pig brains alive outside the body Read more here: Inside New York City Cyber Command — a government agency most people know nothing about that's leading America's biggest city
From Jenna Orkin Argentina Hikes Rates To 40% To Stall Currency, Bond Market Collapse Mandalay Bay Shooting Body Camera...
From Jenna Orkin Argentina Hikes Rates To 40% To Stall Currency, Bond Market Collapse Mandalay Bay Shooting Body Camera Footage Released: No Broken Windows Reported Taiwan Livid After China Secretly Installs Cruise Missiles On Contested Spratly Islands Exposed: The Naked Truth About Robert Mueller Presented with all due skepticism about an author who proclaims the innocence of Dick Cheney, for on
From Jenna Orkin Geothermal Plant Linked To South Korean Earthquake Judge Who Gave Saudis a Free Pass Orders Iran to Pa...
From Jenna Orkin Geothermal Plant Linked To South Korean Earthquake Judge Who Gave Saudis a Free Pass Orders Iran to Pay $6 Billion to 9/11 Families Wearing certain sunscreens in the ocean could kill sea life — here's what you should look out for In his first TV appearance as Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani made a bombshell admission about why Trump fired James Comey Pentagon Accelerates Testing Of
GlobaLove Think Tank
Lion-man prehistoric ivory sculpture
Löwenmensch, a lion-headed figurine found in Germany, dating to the Upper Paleolithic of about 35,000 to 40,000 years ago.
Government and Taxes
China Watch 27, How many islands the PH has?
A friend sent me this meme, I posted it in my fb wall with this note: Old Q: How many islands in the PH? Old clarification: High tide or low tide? New clarification, this... (and the joke is on us) Many people commented and shared it, nice. Some trolls came, posted their own meme with quotes like "you want Duterte to attack those islands?" That comment can only come from paranoid and even idiotic
BWorld 205, Energy mix and wishful thinking
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last April 16, 2018. “You must be ready to give up even the most attractive ideas when experiment shows them to be wrong.” — Alessandro Volta (1745-1827, Italian scientist who invented one of the first electric batteries known as a voltaic pile) This quote should be remembered by people who keep on insisting the urban legend that we can banish coal power in ou
AsPac markets after the Korea Summit
Two days before the Boracay closure last Thursday April 26, the PSE was among the worst performers that day in the Asia Pacific (AsPac) market. Ytd decline was -11%, wow. Second worst was the Duterte-beloved China and its various stockmarkets. Last Friday April 27, the Korea Summit was around 8:30am PH time, many Asian markets were about to open. It was positive for all markets in Aspac except Ch
The Korea Summit, moving to world peace
I like these news reports last Friday, April 27, 2018. More talks and saliva are a lot better than more bombs and missiles.
BWorld 204, Mining attractiveness index and the Philippines
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last April 12, 2018. There are two similarities between the mining industry and Boracay. The first is that both have small contributions to GDP, and the second is that both can be closed by the Duterte government for six months without any compensation to affected enterprises including environment-compliant ones. Mining companies and Boracay establishments sho
Ytd, PH stockmarket is the worst-performer in AsPac
The AsPac stockmarkets: 1. Today: everyone recovered, positive change except the PH's. 2. Full month: everyone has a bad month except India, but PH's decline is the biggest, -6.1%; 2nd biggest decline is CN Shanghai, -3.6%. 3. Year to date (ytd, from Jan 01 till today): PH has the biggest decline, -7.3%; 2nd biggest decline is JP Topix, -4.7%. Yes, the PH investment environment is "improving", wo
Karl Marx Was Rothschilds' Third Cousin
(Rothschild agent Chaim Mordecai makes Masonic sign. Freemasonry is Jewish Cabalism. Cabalism is Satanism.) May 5 is the 200th anniversary of Karl Marx's birth. "In order that the true meaning of things may not strike the goyim before the proper time, we shall mask it under an alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes..." Protocols of Zion VI Latest - Top Ten Marxian Objectives Accomplis
Young Men are Starting to Hate Women
"There are two ways to dehumanize someone: by dismissing them, and by idolizing them," says David Wong. In the article below, he argues that men hate women because life doesn't conform to their masculine brainwashing: They aren't getting sex from beautiful women. No doubt for men, our idealized image of women is a big part of the Matrix . In spite of online dating, men (and women) are not getting
Billionaires are Behind Communism - Reece Committee
Norman Dodd (1899-1987) was a banker/bank manager, worked as a financial advisor and served as chief investigator in 1953 for U.S. Congressman B. Carroll Reece Special Committee on Tax Exempt Foundations (commonly referred to as the Reece Committee). Most of America's great fortunes were made by men chosen by the Rothschilds and given the money to become monopolies. Naturally, they share the Roth
No Commercial Planes Crashed on 9-11
When a foreign power can commit an atrocity like 9-11 with the complicity of America's Masonic colonial ruling class, you know that the United States is not an empire . Although I cannot vouch for the claims made here, they are plausible and expose 9-11 as a bald-faced hoax . Because they got away with 9-11, these false flags have continued on a regular basis. "NOT ONE single supposed passenger p
Why All Porn is Gay
(Porn king relied on gay porn) Think of heterosexuality as monogamous and dedicated to rearing children; homosexuality as promiscuous and concerned with sex for its own sake. Porn is creating new generations of heterosexuals who behave like homosexuals. (Updated from Feb. 2006) By Henry Makow Ph.D. In 2004, a woman revealed details of Hugh Hefner's sex life . If the Playboy founder is any indicat