11:00 pm MDT
A Military Exoskeleton Race Is On Between Russia And The U.S.
The Ratnik-3 exoskeleton from Russian weapons maker TsNiiTochMash. *Patrick Tucker, Defense One:* *Russia, US Are In A Military Exoskeleton Race* A look at the Iron Man-like dreams and power-starved realities of dueling technology programs. The Russian suit, Ratnik-3, is an imposing web of hexagonal armor plates, black webbing, and small joint motors called actuators. Oleg Faustov, an engineer working with weapons maker TsNiiTochMash, told Russian media outlet TASS this week that the government had already tested a prototype. “It really enhances a serviceman’s physical abilities. ... more »
New York Times Fraud At Adrian, Michigan
The New York Times says 90 degree days at Adrian, Michigan are becoming much more common as CO2 increases. How Much Hotter Is Your Hometown Than When You Were Born? – The New York Times The actual NOAA data shows … Continue reading →
Not A Good Week For Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau
*Bloomberg:* *Nafta Crunch Caps a Pretty Dreadful Week for Justin Trudeau* *This has not been a good week for Justin Trudeau.* It began with a surprise U.S.-Mexico trade pact that excluded Canada from a Nafta rewrite, sending the prime minister’s negotiating team scrambling to strike a deal ahead of the Trump administration’s deadline. Then a key pipeline he spent billions to nationalize got sideswiped by a court decision, and the most important ally in his climate change plan abandoned him. And now the White House has informed Congress of its intent to sign an new agreement with ... more »
Musical Interlude: Sly & The Family Stone, "Everybody Is a Star"
Sly & The Family Stone, "Everybody Is a Star" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-1s2gqDs_U
American Flag Planting On Moon Scene Omitted In Neil Armstrong Biopic 'First Man'
*FOX News: **Ryan Gosling defends Neil Armstrong biopic 'First Man' leaving out American flag in moon landing scene* “First Man,” the Neil Armstrong biopic that tells the tale of the 1969 moon landing, has stolen the show at several international film festivals — but not everyone is happy. The film fails to show one of the most integral moments of American history – when Armstrong plants the American flag on the moon, according to The Telegraph. Ryan Gosling, the Canadian actor who portrays Armstrong in the movie, defended the decision to not show the flag. Gosling was asked at t... more »
"I think humans might be like butterflies; people die every day without many other people knowing about them, seeing their colors, hearing their stories... and when humans are broken, they're like broken butterfly wings; suddenly there are so many beauties that are seen in different ways, so many thoughts and visions and possibilities that form, which couldn't form when the person wasn't broken! So it is not a very sad thing to be broken, after all! It's during the times of being broken, that you have all the opportunities to become things unforgettable! Just like the broken butter... more »
Friday Night Sing-Along- Trumpty Dumpty
Phil Festa is happy to have a life outside the corporate music business. You can tell from his most recent music. "It's great" he wrote, not to have a record company in charge of your ability to be heard." I know what he means. Enjoy!
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Night”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Night” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9NM-yK1C2I
Why Nothing Could Stop the P-51 Mustang
*Warfare History Network, Sam McGowan* *History, Europe* [image: By Arpingstone - Own work, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=2719583] Marrying an American dive-bomber design and a British engine, the North American P-51 Mustang became one of the greatest fighters of World War II. If a single airplane has captured the public imagination more than any other, it is undoubtedly the North American P-51 Mustang fighter. In the minds of many, including the young fighter pilots who flew it during the final year of combat in Europe, it was the P-51 that allow... more »
5 Reasons An F-22 Raptor Restart Is A Terrible Idea
*Task and Purpose, Jahara W. Matisek* *Security, Americas* [image: By Frank Kovalchek from Anchorage, Alaska, USA - F-22 Raptor back on terra firmaUploaded by High Contrast, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=24575076] It just makes no sense. Recent cost overruns and issues with the F-35 have compelled political and military leaders to reconsider ordering more F-22 Raptors. The U.S. Air Force was originally supposed to purchase 648 Raptors back in 1991, but ended up only ordering 195 due to fiscal constraints. While the military could always use more fift... more »
Is China's 'F-16' Now Obsolete?
*Charlie Gao* *Technology, Asia* [image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:China_airforce_J-10.jpg] As China puts more advanced indigenous radars and integrates new AESA radars on it, it could remain a credible threat, just as the F-16V remains relevant on the modern battlefield. In the 1990s, China introduced its answer to the MiG-29 and F-16. The J-10 was a light single-seat multirole aircraft meant to replace older J-7 and J-8 aircraft as the bulk of forces a possible adversary would meet. When China started to reopen itself to the world in the 1980s, the PLAAF realized... more »
John McCain Was a Fighter and a Hero
*Lawrence J. Korb* *Politics, Americas* [image: Cindy McCain, wife of U.S. Senator John McCain, touches the casket during a memorial service at the Arizona Capitol in Phoenix, Arizona, U.S., August 29, 2018. Ross D. Franklin/Pool via REUTERS] John McCain and I have disagreed over issues ranging from the war in Iraq to appropriate levels of defense spending in several congressional hearings, but he had my utmost respect. The death of Senator John McCain, a genuine American hero with whom I had many differences but whose bravery I always respected, brought back many memories of my... more »
Why Democrats are Going Socialist
*Robert Merry* *Politics, Americas* [image: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez speaks at the Netroots Nation annual conference for political progressives in New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S. August 4, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Bachman] In certain circumstances, the Democrats can win with a socialist. Whether they can govern successfully with such a president is another matter. The lurch to the left seen in the Democratic Party these days—including a new and increasingly serious flirtation with democratic socialism—is largely a reaction to the same phenomenon that spawned the emergence of Donald T... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Stars are forming in dark, dusty molecular cloud LDN 988. Seen near picture center some 2,000 light-years distant, LDN 988 and other nearby dark nebulae were cataloged by Beverly T. Lynds in 1962 using Palomar Observatory Sky Survey plates. *Click image for larger size.* Narrowband and near-infrared explorations of the dark nebula reveal energetic shocks and outflows light-years across associated with dozens of newborn stars. But in this sharp optical telescopic view, the irregular outlines of LDN 988 and friends look like dancing stick figures eclipsing the rich starfields of the ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Beyond The Porch- Light of Language”
*“Beyond The Porch- Light of Language”* by Chet Raymo "The title of this post is another phrase from the poet Pat Boran. A lovely image, evoking friends in rocking chairs sipping ice tea or gin-and-tonics on a drowsy summer night. Out there in the darkness lightnin' bugs flash their sleepy semaphores. Somewhere afar off heat lightnin' illuminates the horizon. Our language drifts into the dark. We have words too for stars, for black holes and quasars, for the cosmic microwave background radiation. Our words leak off the porch into the summer darkness, bringing some small part of the... more »
"Life, Eh?"
"We said together, wistfully, 'Life, eh?' It says everything without having to say anything: that we all experience moments of joyful or painful reflection, sometimes alone, sometimes sharing laughs and tears with others; that we all know and appreciate that however wonderful and precious life is, it can equally be a terribly confusing and mysterious beast. 'Life, eh?" - Miranda Hart
The Poet: Alfred, Lord Tennyson, “Ulysses”
*“Ulysses”* "It little profits that an idle king, By this still hearth, among these barren crags, Matched with an aged wife, I mete and dole Unequal laws unto a savage race, That hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not me. I cannot rest from travel; I will drink Life to the lees. All times I have enjoyed Greatly, have suffered greatly, both with those That loved me, and alone; on shore, and when Through scudding drifts the rainy Hyades Vext the dim sea. I am become a name; For always roaming with a hungry heart Much have I seen and known- cities of men And manners, climates, councils, go... more »
"It Becomes Sad..."
"Why does truth carry such a dreadful face? Why does subjugation carry such a happy mask? It becomes sad when people understand that they can lead a better life as long as they bow their heads, ignoring the truth." - Lionel Suggs
"Earth's 'Big Freeze' Looms As Sun Remains Devoid Of Sunspots For Most Of 2018"
*"Earth's 'Big Freeze' Looms As Sun Remains * *Devoid Of Sunspots For Most Of 2018"* by Mac Slavo via SHTFplan.com "Scientists believe that Earth could experience a “big freeze” as the sun goes through what’s known as “solar minimum.” During this time, sunspots are minimal and the globe could be in for a wicked cold snap. Scientists are reporting that the sun has been free of sunspots for a total of 133 days this year, according to The Express UK. With only 241 days of 2018 passing, that means the sun has been blank for the majority of the year. Experts continue to warn that this is... more »
How To Wake Up
I’ve been putting off writing this article all year, but readers keep asking for it, and since I’ve been writing about mass enlightenment a lot lately I figure I might as well slip it in now. It is a well-documented fact that it is possible […]
The Daily "Near You?"
León, Castilla y Leon, Spain. Thanks for stopping by!
"Never, Ever Forget..."
"Never, ever forget that nothing in this life is free. Life demands payment in some form for your "right" to express yourself, to condemn and abuse the evil surrounding us. Expect to pay... it will come for you, *they* will come for you, regardless. Knowing that, give them Hell itself every chance you can. Expect no mercy, and give none. That's how life works. Be ready to pay for what you do, or be a coward, pretend you don't see, don't know, and cry bitter tears over how terrible things are, over how *you* let them become." - Ernest Hemingway, "For Whom the Bell Tolls "“People pa... more »
US Already Drafted List of Targets for Potential Strike in Syria – Report
US Already Drafted List of Targets for Potential Strike in Syria – Report by https://www.rt.com/ The US military and intelligence have already compiled a list of preliminary targets they would strike in response to another chemical weapons incident in Syria, CNN reported, citing the US administration officials. – The military are ready to “respond very quickly” at any […]
In Argentina “All Bets Are Off” As Peso Disintegrates
In Argentina “All Bets Are Off” As Peso Disintegrates by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ “All bets are off” in Argentina” – as Bloomberg puts it – where the value of the local peso has plummeted, falling 20% this week alone. It is now 50$ weaker on the year versus the USD, making it the worst performing currency of 2018 and […]
EU Threatens to Retaliate US Auto Tariffs
PressTV Published on Aug 31, 2018 The European Commission president warns that the European Union will respond in kind if the U-S imposes car tariffs on the bloc. Jean-Claude Juncker says the EU would not let anyone determine its trade policies. US President, Donald Trump, rejected an offer from the European Union to eliminate auto tariffs […]
US to Impose More Duties on US$200B of Chinese Goods as Early as Next Week
PressTV Published on Aug 31, 2018 The US president says he is determined to push ahead with his trade policies despite strong criticism from partners. According to Bloomberg News, Donald Trump has told his aides that he will enact tariffs on 200 billion dollars worth of Chinese goods as early as next week. Also, the US […]
Palestinians Resume Great March of Return Protests Near Gaza Border, at Least 120 Injured
RT Published on Aug 31, 2018 According to the Palestinian Health Ministry, at least 120 protesters were injured after Israeli forces deployed tear gas and reportedly used live ammunition to disperse crowds. The series of protests known as the March of Return were launched along the Gaza-Israel border on March 30 to demand the right for […]
US Military Presence in Africa: All Over Continent and Still Expanding
US Military Presence in Africa: All Over Continent and Still Expanding by ARKADY SAVITSKY, https://www.strategic-culture.org/ Around 200,000 US troops are stationed in 177 countries throughout the world. Those forces utilize several hundred military installations. Africa is no exemption. On August 2, Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier took command of US Army Africa, promising to “hit the ground running.” – The US […]
‘WTO Treats US Very Badly’: Trump Threatens to Pull Out If Organization Doesn’t ‘Shape Up’
“Globalism” is a euphemism for the process towards a One World Government led by the Anti-Christ. Is Trump destroying “Globalism”? Answer is definitely: YES! By pulling the USA out of WTO, he is wrecking the Illuminist’s New World Order system. – RT Published on Aug 31, 2018 Donald Trump is threatening to pull the United States […]
Poll: Facebook at Risk of Losing 32% of Conservative Users
Poll: Facebook at Risk of Losing 32% of Conservative Users by Craig Bannister, https://www.cnsnews.com/ Facebook is at risk of losing 32% of its conservative users due to concerns the social media giant is censoring its content, a new national omnibus survey by McLaughlin & Associates reveals. – Sponsored by the Media Research Center (MRC), the national survey […]
Facebook Whistleblower Exposes Company’s Bias Against Conservative Views
Facebook Whistleblower Exposes Company’s Bias Against Conservative Views by https://sputniknews.com/ Looks like Trump’s attack on tech companies for being biased is not so groundless after all. – A senior Facebook engineer has revealed a massive anti-leftist bias within the tech company staff, saying those who do not share left-leaning political beliefs, or even outright express their right-wing […]
Opinion: What Happens at Israel’s Border Crossings Is Calculated Humiliation
Opinion: What Happens at Israel’s Border Crossings Is Calculated Humiliation by Amira Hass, https://www.haaretz.com/ Humiliation in guise of security questioning has been the norm for many non-Jews at the crossings for years. – Why is everyone getting all upset over the interrogation at the border crossings of a few left-wing Jews, a young friend of mine who […]
Great Comet of 2018 – Get Ready! 46P/Wirtanen Set to Light Up the Sky
nemesis maturity Published on Aug 31, 2018 Sky watchers are in for a rare treat over the coming months as comet 46/P Wirtanen is set to be visible with the naked eye in the night sky. On 16 December 2018 the comet will fly by Earth, making this pass the brightest one predicted, and the brightest […]
Argentina’s Currency Collapses Despite Massive Rate Hike as Possible Debt Default Looms
Argentina’s Currency collapses Despite Massive Rate Hike as Possible Debt Default Looms by https://www.rt.com/ Efforts by the Argentinian central bank to stabilize the national currency by raising a key interest rate to 60 percent have done little to soothe rapidly deteriorating sentiment in Latin America’s third-largest economy. – The peso, which has lost over half its […]
Rupiah Plunges To 1998 Asian Financial Crisis Low Amid Emerging Market Liquidation
Rupiah Plunges To 1998 Asian Financial Crisis Low Amid Emerging Market Liquidation by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Despite four rate hikes by the Bank of Indonesia since May, the Indonesia’s rupiah slid to a two-decade low, falling to 14,750 per dollar, a level last hit during the Asian Financial Crisis of 1998, and just shy of an […]
“Financial War” Deepens as Russia Buys Gold and Dollar Hegemony At Risk
“Financial War” Deepens as Russia Buys Gold and Dollar Hegemony At Risk by GoldCore, https://www.zerohedge.com/ – “This is a financial war … Russia is dumping Treasuries to get out from under dollar hegemony” – Rickards on CNN Money – Russia ramping up gold buying and has “tripled gold reserves in 10 years,” from 600 to almost 2,000 tonnes – […]
We Are Witnessing The Nation Being Prepared For A New Economic System
X22Report Published on Aug 30, 2018 The Feds inflation indicator jumps and finally hits their target. The Fed has no excuse now but to raise the interest rate to keep the economy from overheating. Trump decides that non military federal employees will not get raises starting in 2019. Strange that he would do this now since […]
“Labor Day Gets No Respect”
*“Labor Day Gets No Respect”* by Will Durst "Let us take a few minutes to talk about the most underrated holiday of them all: Labor Day. Poor baby. It gets less respect than a MAGA hat at a Bernie Sanders rally. Like a half-eaten chocolate chip cookie in the Great British Bake Off. Or a Super Soaker at a Northern Idaho gun show. The trailer for a Pauly Shore movie at the Tribeca Film Festival. We treat it as the runt of the holiday litter without any proscribed traditions. Every year we wing it. No fireworks or clock-watching countdowns. No designated animal to eat or steal chocola... more »
Disturbing – FISA Court States No Hearings Conducted Before Issuing Title-1 Warrant Allowing Surveillance Over Trump Campaign…
Well this is troubling on many levels. According to a responsive filing from the FISA Court (full pdf below), there wasn’t any hearing on the sketchy FISA application submitted by the DOJ/FBI to conduct FISA Title-1 surveillance on Carter Page. … Continue reading →
Details of ‘Secret Meeting’ in Damascus Reveal US Officials Wanted ‘Oil Guarantees’
*21WIRE + Syriana Analysis* | US officials reportedly issued their specific demands in exchange for complete withdrawal of troops from Syria, and it included oil.
US military makes preliminary list of possible targets in Syria – reports
Among the main targets that could be struck if US President Donald Trump were to order a new round of airstrikes in the country are Syrian facilities alleged to be connected with chemical weapons production, CNN reported. However, decisions on any specific strikes have not yet been made, a US administration official familiar with the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
UN warns Idlib may be next phase of war in Syria
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 A.M.) – Idlib may be the next face of war in Syria, said United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi during a meeting in the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Friday. “This is the next big face of the war in Syria and may be very bloody, we hope not, we hope […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
The Green Elephant in the Snowy Mountains
Canberra breeds many white elephants, but now they are breeding a gigantic new breed of pachyderm in Australia’s Snowy Mountains – a Green Elephant. Grandly named “Snowy 2.0 Hydro-Electric”, it has the compulsory green skin, but it is just another big white elephant under a thick layer of green paint. Snowy 2.0 plans a hugely […]
Leader Of Self-Proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic Assassinated In E. Ukraine
*RT*: *Leader of self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic killed in E. Ukraine blast* An explosion that rocked a cafe in central Donetsk city, in eastern Ukraine, has killed Aleksandr Zakharchenko, the leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, and injured several other top officials. “The head of the DPR, Aleksandr Zakharchenko, has died as a result of a terrorist act,” a spokesperson of the self-proclaimed republic’s administration told journalists, revealing no details of the incident. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: There is going to be blow-back from this ass... more »
Federal DOJ Arrests Five New Mexico Terror Training Suspects After Multiple Local Charges Dropped…
Thankfully, it looks like lawful common sense has interceded… New Mexico – The FBI on Friday announced that it has arrested all five of the New Mexico compound suspects, just days after multiple charges were dropped against those involved. The … Continue reading →
Lawyers Petition for 9/11 Grand Jury
By Corbett Report Extras Today we’re joined by Mick Harrison (and David Meiswinkle) of the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry to discuss their recent petition... more »
X22 Report: "The Globalists System Is Being Taken Apart One Piece At A Time"
X22 Report: "The Globalists System Is Being Taken Apart One Piece At A Time" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8npTt0DV3PE X22 Report: "Plan Confirmed, It's A Go, Systems Terminated" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WoN3BvU2Le8
Update 31 August 2018
I have been appointed Chairman and Research Director of the International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center to replace the recently deceased Dr. Dong Choi. I have also been appinted Chief Editor of the NCGT Journal.
PA: Better Than a Graduation Test
Pennsylvania's end of the year test faces a new challenge from the legislature, and if you're in the Keystone State, you may want to give your favorite legislator a call. In Pennsylvania, we actually have two flavors of the Big Standardized Test that everyone is mandated to inflict on students as a means of evaluation schools and teachers. For the elementary and eight grade students, we have the PSSA test. But our high school students take the Keystone exam. There are many problems with the Keystone Exam. If I were still in the classroom, I would be forbidden by law and by the test-... more »
An ocean 'heat wave' just drove temperatures off Maine's coast to near record levels
In some parts of the Gulf of Maine, surface temperatures soared to nearly 11 degrees warmer than normal.
BP disaster victims petition to have thousands of medical claims paid
While $67 million was paid for medical claims, attorneys representing victims made much more.
After California Jury Convicts Monsanto in Glyphosate Trial, Vietnamese Victims of Monsanto’s Agent Orange Also Want Justice
A jury's verdict in California that a groundskeeper got cancer from repeated exposure to Monsanto's Roundup weedkiller is offering new hope for justice for millions of plaintiffs an ocean away. During the Vietnam War, Monsanto was one of the primary companies that supplied Agent Orange to the U.S military, which sprayed 44 million liters (approximately 11.5 million gallons) of the dioxin-containing herbicide on the jungles of South Vietnam. As a result, at least three million Vietnamese people have suffered from cancer, neurological damage and reproductive problems that have been p... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Nuremberg'
From *Wikipedia*: Nuremberg is a 2000 Canadian/United States television docudrama, based on the book Nuremberg: Infamy on Trial by Joseph E. Persico, that tells the story of the Nuremberg trials. *WNU Editor*: I posted this movie before .... but this is a far better (and cleaner) version.
"Concert In A Dying Town..."
*"Concert In A Dying Town..."* by Bill Bonner POITOU, FRANCE – "So passeth the last days of summer… The sun sinks lower every day. We put things away. We close the shutters. And the cool night drafts seep in through the cracks. *Stones Whisper: *Yesterday, we went to a concert in Montmorillon. The town sits on the river Gartempe, as it has for 1,000 years. *View of the countryside in Montmorillon.* Church spires rise from the hills. The mairie (the local government office) dominates the town square. God on the high ground; the feds down low. Between them are shops (many vacant) and ... more »
Trump: FISA Court Should Investigate FBI Abuse of Warrant Process
[image: trump-fisa-court-should-investigate-fbi-abuse-of-warrant-process] President Trump is calling on the FISA court to look into allegations that Obama administration officials knowingly used false information to obtain surveillance warrants against one of Trump’s campaign advisers.
16 States Ask SCOTUS for Protection Against “Transgender” Tyranny
[image: 16-states-ask-scotus-for-protection-against-transgender-tyranny] You’re certainly free to fire an employee if he insists on coming to work in a thong bikini. But if he’s a man dressing as a woman, then your freedom of association and business’s well being are expected to take a back seat to the transgender agenda. This double standard has worsened in recent times, but not everyone is taking it lying down.
Hope Fades That NAFTA Will End
[image: hope-fades-that-nafta-will-end] The author of* The Art of the Deal* should consider the possibility that no deal at all is the best deal for America.
More Off-Scale Fraud From The New York Times
The New York Times has become completely shameless with their climate fraud. They have a new web page which claims to show the increase in the number of 90 degree days “Than When You Were Born.” The first place I … Continue reading →
About That AP Report on Bruce Ohr: Skip the Headline, Look at Detail Hidden Mid-Way…
There’s an Associated Press report published today presenting a ridiculously slanted version of the Bruce Ohr testimony from the perspective of two leaking democrat congressional staffers who were present. However, if you fly passed the nonsense narrative engineering, and go … Continue reading →
Why Are There So Many Zombies Hanging Around Spokane?
The eastern Washington state congressional district (WA-05) is one of the hottest in the country. The highest ranking Republican woman in the House, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, a pure Trump enabler and rubber stamp, is under pressure from former majority leader of the Washington state House and former Washington State University University (Spokane), Lisa Brown. The two candidates have raised $6,170,863 so far, far more than any other race in the state. As of the July 18 FEC reporting deadline, McMorris Rodgers had $1,232,499 left in her campaign account and Lisa Brown had $920,575 in ... more »
FBI Arrests 5 from New Mexico Compound on Firearms Charges
The FBI arrested five former residents of a ramshackle compound in New Mexico on firearms and conspiracy charges as local prosecutors dropped charges in the death of a 3-year-old boy at the property.
Did Ripon College Ban a 9/11 Memorial Because ‘It May Offend Muslims’?
A conservative youth organization's claims about Ripon College's response to a controversial poster were contradicted by school officials.
Lawyers in Monsanto Roundup Cancer Lawsuit: “Only 10% of What We’ve Got” Was Divulged at Trial
The war against agricultural company Monsanto and its popular weedkiller Roundup is just beginning, say attorneys for Dwayne “Lee” Johnson, the former school groundskeeper who was awarded $289 million in damages after the product caused his terminal cancer. In their first joint appearance since the verdict, lawyers Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Brent Wisner shared information and incriminating internal emails from […] The post Lawyers in Monsanto Roundup Cancer Lawsuit: “Only 10% of What We’ve Got” Was Divulged at Trial appeared first on Sustainable Pulse.
Did George Webb Rat on TaskForce AKA Jenny Moore?
There's no doubt that George Webb tipped us off to the Clinton Foundation Haitian child sex trafficking and organ stealing story. He was also first to highlight the Awan spy ring in... Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced
Andrew Neil v Owen Jones
For those who don't follow Twitter very closely, here's a Twitter exchange between BBC presenter Andrew Neil and BBC regular Owen Jones. Enjoy! *Owen Jones*: Frank Field voted to save Theresa May's government, supported her extreme Tory Brexiteer policies and has been compared to Enoch Powell because of his xenophobia. His local party wanted him out, and he jumped before he was pushed. *Andrew Neil*: Frank Field = Enoch Powell. Modern McCarthyism at its finest/worst, depending on your point of view. *Owen Jones*: I quoted a Bishop who compared Frank Field to Enoch Powell - who Fi...more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 31, 2018
iStock *Cipher Brief Analysis*: *The Global Threat Posed by Al-Qaeda* A United Nations report delivered to the Security Council last month offered a stark reminder that al Qaeda remains a serious threat around the world. The report suggested that the de-centralized terrorist network is stronger than ISIS in countries like Yemen and Somalia. The report was issued just before al Qaeda leader Ayman al Zawahiri released a new video calling on Muslims to unite against what he calls an “international infidel alliance”. U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley said last week t... more »
Prisoner strike exposes an age old American reliance on forced labor
Calvin Schermerhorn, Professor of History, Arizona State University at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 5 hours ago
Enslaved workers used to grow cotton and mill flour. Now prisoners grind beef and crate eggs. Here, a historian explores Americans' troubling habit of consuming the products of slave labor.
Professor Stacey Patton: Helping Students Purchase Textbooks
Back-to-school season is in full swing and Morgan State University (MSU) professor and award-winning journalist Dr. Stacey Patton has already raised more than $10,000 to help financially-strapped students purchase their textbooks this semester.
Lighthizer Submits 90-day U.S-Mexico Trade Modification Notification to Congress…
U.S. Trade Represenative Robert Lighthizer releases a statement announcing the administration is filing a NAFTA Section 2202 trade modification “notification of intent” letter to congress: Washington, DC – U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer today issued the following statement regarding the … Continue reading →
Chrystia Freeland Discusses Trade Negotiations – Deal Unlikely, Will Revisit Next Wednesday After Poll-testing Canadian Sentiment…
Deploying her best cutesy high school routine at the Canadian Embassy in Washington DC, Foreign Minister Chrystia Freeland gives an update on the state of trade negotiations between Canada and the United States. The presentation is fraught with *tells* highlighting … Continue reading →
In the footsteps of John Simpson
Jo Coburn, provoking me into assonance Oh woe! So, JoCo says 'no'... ...to claims of BBC bias (in the UK Press Gazette): I have to say I’ve got annoyed about all the claims of Brexit bias on the BBC. You have to imagine the BBC as this massive information tool broadcasting on radio, on television, on websites. Now, do we balance every single interview, every single day, every single time we mention Brexit and who’s judging that? Well, no. But is there some ingrained bias? No – and there certainly isn’t here at political programmes. I think we’ve done a very good job of heari... more »
World News Briefs -- August 31, 2018
*The Guardian:* *US-Canada trade talks end without deal as Trump proceeds with Mexico* *Amid rancour over remarks in Bloomberg interview, president indicates intent to revise Nafta without northern neighbour* Trade talks between Canada and the US faltered on Friday, with the two sides reportedly failing to reach agreement over the fraught renegotiations of the North American Free Trade Agreement, or Nafta. *Read more* .... *MIDDLE EAST* UN renews warning against *government offensive in Syria's Idlib.* US accuses Moscow *of 'defending' Syria's Idlib offensive.* US Senators pres... more »
Does This Image Show Heath Ledger’s Joker Doing a Skateboard Kickflip Over Batman?
A doctored image purportedly showing Heath Ledger's Joker doing a kickflip over Batman has been fooling internet users for years.
Oregon Officer Rescues Baby Deer Stuck in Fence
Eugene police officer Shawni McLaughlin freed the terrified fawn and, after a short recovery period, it was able to spring up and run away.
White Supremacist Group Making Robocalls About Iowa Student’s Death
Prosecutors have no authority to step in because there's no apparent effort to deceive anyone for commercial purposes,.
Middle Finger Symphony Theater
** No Tuxedos Required ** Brought To You By *BLUESJUNKY*: Honorary Chair of Music - Middle Finger Symphony Music Director
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- August 31, 2018
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Kris Osborn, National Interest:* *The Real 'Top Gun': How the F-22 Raptor Can Out Dogfight Anyone* The Air Force F-22 has been refining it dog-fighting skills, assessing technical upgrades and testing air to air combat tactics during a Red Flag exercise in Nevada – designed to improve attack maneuvers and solidify emerging communications technologies and sensors, service officials said. *First operational in 2005, the F-22 is a multi-role fighter designed with stealth technology to evade enemy radar detection and speeds able to reach Mach 2 with what... more »
August Arctic Ice Results
There are two more days to complete August, but these provisional results show what has happened. July was a surprise with both MASIE and SII showing a monthly surplus to the 11-year average. August ice decline in MASIE was large with 2018 coming in 400k km2 below 11 year average. Meanwhile SII which most years […]
Karma Yoga Decoded – Part 1
Karma yoga is a spiritual path centered on helping others as a form of meditation and a way to achieve enlightenment.
Comparing/Contrasting (again) - and a Quiz
As per earlier comments I 'grabbed' the respective reports on the BBC, Sky and ITV news websites tonight at around 6 o'clock for one of the day's main stories. The BBC report began: *Theresa May plot: Man jailed for life for Downing Street murder plan* *A man who plotted to kill the prime minister in a suicide attack has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum term of 30 years.* Sky's report began: *Man jailed for at least 30 years for plot to kill Theresa May and bomb Downing Street* *An Islamic State terrorist has been jailed for life with a minimum term of 30 years aft... more »
The Brutally Stark Difference Between a Conservative and a Progressive
I’m pretty sure the Tuto wearer believes in CAGW. Please Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment Advertisements
Chosen Images (2)
The news tonight that the Trump administration is stopping funding for UNRWA, the UN agency which gives aid to alleged Palestinian refugees, is being covered by both the BBC and ITV news websites. Immediately below their respective headlines is a chosen stock image and a caption. They differ quite strikingly. ITV's chosen image shows confrontational Palestinians accompanied by the caption "The Gaza Strip border with Israel during a protest": The BBC's chosen image, in contrast, is a classroom of young children (mostly girls) with the loaded caption "Unrwa provides *critical ser... more »
Trump Wants Pink Slip for Lack, Zucker
[image: trump-wants-pink-slip-for-lack-zucker] Donald Trump wants to hear just two words about the chieftains of NBC and CNN, Andy Lack and Jeff Zucker: “You’re fired!”
“Monkeying” Up Our Nation With False “Racism” Charges
[image: monkeying-up-our-nation-with-false-racism-charges] “Racism” certainly is a problem in America today. The latest example concerns Republican Ron DeSantis’ use of the term “monkey [this] up." But the prejudice in question here isn’t actually what many think.
Science is Religion
I came across this interesting opinion on the internet linked here: Having explored your site and found some potentially valuable information, I find myself at a loss to explain who exactly you are. You see, as a philosopher (I’m at … Continue reading →
QotD: “If passions are things found fully formed, and your job is to look around the world for your passion—it’s a crazy thought."
*“If passions are things found fully formed, and your job is to look around the world for your passion—it’s a crazy thought,” says Greg Walton of Stanford University. “It doesn’t reflect the way I or my students experience school, where you go to a class and have a lecture or a conversation, and you think, That’s interesting. It’s through a process of investment and development that you develop an abiding passion in a field.”* ~ from Olga Khazan's article 'Find Your Passion’ Is Awful Advice' [Hat tip Maria Montessori Education Foundation] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Perm... more »
You Can Track An F-35 Stealth Fighter
Flightrader24 *Michael Peck:* *This Could Be a Problem: Here's Your Chance to Track an F-35 Stealth Fighter* *Not so stealth after all? * Regardless of intent or accident, the Israeli F-35 incident illuminates a problem with stealth aircraft. Flying machines that are designed to minimize detection by radar still need to share airspace with lots of other aircraft in crowded skies, which means that those other aircraft as well as air traffic control needs to know the stealth plane's location. There may be no harm in a stealth aircraft turning on its transponder over friendly airspa... more »
Lebanon is on a tightrope, balancing Saudi, Iranian and Western interests
The Sunni Lebanese prime minister Saad Hariri loves the Saudis – or rather, has to love the Saudis, since they support him, he holds Saudi citizenship and the Saudis believe he will do their bidding
Positioning for Politics – Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Gives Remarks on Trade Negotiations…
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks Friday, August 31, 2018 about the Canadian perspective on trade negotiations with the U.S. – Everything about the Canadian position is framed through the prism of politics not economics. Virtue signalling is the primary tactic. … Continue reading →
Sources Go Quiet in Moscow
[image: undefined] A quite astonishing article recently appeared in the New York Times, astonishing even by the standards of that newspaper, which featured Judith Miller and Michael Gordon in the Pentagon-sponsored lie machine that led up to the catastrophic war against Iraq. The article, entitled “Kremlin Sources Go Quiet, Leaving CIA in the Dark about Putin’s Plans for Midterms,” claims that the United States has had a number of spies close to the Russian president “who have provided crucial details” that have now stopped reporting at a critical time with midterm elections coming ... more »
Is The GOP Too Far Gone To Be Rescued From The Swamp Of Corruption?
A PPP survey released yesterday found that 61% of Arizona voters-- all parties-- want Governor Ducey to appoint someone more like John McCain rather than like Señor Trumpanzee, although 37% of crazy treanous voters do want someone more like Trump. Jesus! All they all on drugs? Or just stupid? Trump has aa 53% disapproval rating in the state; 44% approve. Poor Ducey-- 42% of respondents said they be more likely to vote for his reelection if he picks someone more like McCain and 35% said they'd be *less* likely if he picks someone like McCain (a mainstream conservative). 35% want a ... more »
Here Comes the MQ-25A Stingray: Boeing Wins Big (And So Do Navy Aircraft Carriers)
*Dave Majumdar* *Security, * If all goes as planned, Boeing will complete the design, development, fabrication, test, delivery and support of four MQ-25A unmanned air vehicles—including integration into the carrier air wing—for an initial operational capability by 2024 under a fixed-price-incentive-firm-target contract with a ceiling price of $805.3 million. The service expects to buy 72 production MQ-25 aircraft at a total program cost of roughly $13 billion. The United States Navy has awarded Boeing a $805.3 million contract to develop the MQ-25A Stingray, which will become the... more »
Why the F-35 Program Needs to Be Cancelled
*Task and Purpose, Matthew Gjertsen* *Security, Americas* [image: By US Air Force from USASenior Airman Stormy Archer/33rd Fighter Wing/Public Affairs - 160822-F-VB174-124, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51197574] A big mistake? The F-35 Lightning II, otherwise known as the Joint Strike Fighter, has a lot of critics and a lot of supporters. To cut through the debate currently being waged on the aircraft it is important to point out four facts about the situation the Department of Defense finds itself in: The F-35 is behind schedule and over-budget;... more »
"Bad Faith Nation"
*"Bad Faith Nation"* by James Howard Kunstler "There’s a simple reason that the old US Ship-of-State has turned into a garbage barge of toxic politics: both sides are operating in obviously bad faith - making arguments and taking positions that they know are false - and it’s been on full display this past week. For instance, the Trump rally in Evansville, Indiana, Thursday night. The Golden Gloating Golem of Greatness presided over the spectacle in full gloatissimo mode, playing his audience of economic losers like a Hammond B-3 organ at a roller rink. His performance was oddly lik... more »
Groundbreaking Alternative Paper Village Voice Shuts Down
The Village Voice was the country's first alternative newsweekly, founded in 1955 by a group that included writer Norman Mailer.
Ron DeSantis Leaves Racist Facebook Group, Says He Was Unknowingly a Member
Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis claimed that he was added to Facebook group known for sharing bigoted content and conspiracy theories without his knowledge or consent.
FBI: No Evidence Clinton Server Hacked Despite Trump Tweet
The FBI said that it has no evidence Hillary Clinton’s private email server was compromised even though President Donald Trump tweeted a news report that alleged the Chinese had hacked it.
Russia shares intel with US regarding planned ‘false flag’ attack in Syria
Russian ambassador hopes that the US will act responsibly, in contrast to April's Syria airstrikes after a previous false flag attack. The post Russia shares intel with US regarding planned ‘false flag’ attack in Syria appeared first on The Duran.
Leader of Donetsk People’s Republic killed in explosion
Terror attack suspected of Kyivan backing takes the life of the popular leader of the Donetsk, as Ukraine continues to spiral out of control. The post Leader of Donetsk People’s Republic killed in explosion appeared first on The Duran.
The 5 Main Cultural Influences Controlling Your Subconscious Mind
*Sigmund Fraud* - Most of the time we are basically on autopilot.
Watch-Dog Report: Pentagon Trying To Keep The F-35's Biggest Problems Under Wraps
An F-35A Lightning II from the 388th Fighter Wing flies over the Warriors Over the Wasatch Air and Space Show June 24, 2018, at Hill Air Force Base, Utah. The F-35 was part of a four-ship participating in an attack demonstration. (U.S. Air Force photo/Todd Cromar) *DoD Buzz:* *Watchdog Slams F-35 Program for Taking Shortcuts That Could Harm Troops* The Pentagon is downplaying major F-35 Joint Strike Fighter design flaws that could leave service members at risk in an effort to keep the long-scrutinized program on schedule, a watchdog group warned this week. A military review board ... more »
Local Council By-Elections August 2018
This month saw 20,964 votes cast over 14 local authority (tier one and tier two) contests. All percentages are rounded to the nearest single decimal place. Four council seats changed hands in total. For comparison with July's results, see here. Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- July +/- Aug 17 Average/ Contest +/- Seats Conservative 14 6,931 33.1% -3.1% -5.4% 495 -1 Labour 13 6,203 30.0% -1.6% -10.9% 477 -1 LibDem 11 5,145 25.0% +10.0% +11.9% 468 +1 UKIP 3 298 1.4%... more »
Des parlementaires congolais et japonais raffermissent la diplomatie économique
bilaterals.org - 9 hours ago
31-Aug-2018 Il est question de réactiver notamment l'accord de partenariat économique Congo-Japon qui date de 1974.
Skeeezoid Chronicles; Schooling the Climate Sophist Part Quatro
After addressing a few of Skeeezoid’s responses to our analysis, I noticed that he doesn’t seem to grasp the very basics of science. Skeeezoid has produced numerous examples and data sets that conflate the impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect and Water Vapor into the effect of CO2. He has deliberately chosen corrupted data … Continue reading "Skeeezoid Chronicles; Schooling the Climate Sophist Part Quatro"
President Trump Delivers Remarks During “Promote Retirement Security Event”, Charlotte North Carolina…
President Donald Trump makes remarks and signs the “Executive Order to Promote Retirement Security in America” at the Harris Conference Center in Charlotte, North Carolina. Anticipated Start time 3:00pm. WH Livestream Link – RSBN Livestream Link – Fox News Livestream … Continue reading →
No U.S-Canada Trade Deal Likely – Canada Deploys Media To Frame Political Cover for Failed Negotiations…
Continual emphasis on the severity of Canadian politics is needed to understand the latest developments in the U.S-Canada trade negotiations. The Trump administration set a deadline of today for Canada to join the U.S-Mexico trade agreement and make the NAFTA … Continue reading →
Apple, Google, Twitter, Facebook Sued for Leftist Bias and Conservative Censorship
[image: apple-google-twitter-facebook-sued-for-leftist-bias-and-conservative-censorship] Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch and Judicial Watch has filed suit against Apple, Google, Facebook, and other tech giants, accusing them of censoring conservative viewpoints.
Shocking Government Report Outlines “North American Energy Integration” Scheme
[image: shocking-government-report-outlines-north-american-energy-integration-scheme] A new report from the Government Accountability Office details the integration of the U.S., Canadian, and Mexican energy sectors.
Could Andrew Gillum be the next governor of Florida?
Sharon Austin, Professor of Political Science and Director of the African American Studies Program, University of Florida at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 9 hours ago
The mayor of Tallahassee underspent three rivals to win the state's Democratic primary. But what awaits in the general election?
How the Department of Homeland Security Created a Deceptive Tale of Russia Hacking US Voter Sites
[image: undefined] The narrative of Russian intelligence attacking state and local election boards and threatening the integrity of US elections has achieved near-universal acceptance by media and political elites. And now it has been accepted by the Trump administration’s intelligence chief, Dan Coats, as well. But the real story behind that narrative, recounted here for the first time, reveals that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) created and nurtured an account that was grossly and deliberately deceptive. DHS compiled an intelligence report suggesting hackers linked t... more »
Busted Week
August is ending and the past week has been a complete bust for me because I deal with DC to make money and that establishment has been almost completely consumed by the funerary rites of Sen. John McCain (R/D-AZ). It cost me a week of overhead and one of my guys is headed to Africa to deal with a problem without the preliminary problem being solved because John McCain died and DC is almost totally preoccupied. The media loves John McCain -- now. But if you pay attention, the only thing they really love about him is that he was the Republican who confirmed to Democrats that all othe... more »
Don McGahn and the Freedom Caucus Presidency
*Curt Mills* *Politics, * McGahn’s tenure underscores the quiet, steady and ascendant influence of small government conservatives in the Donald Trump era. “Don McGahn is the most consequential White House Counsel in history,” Dave Warrington, Donald Trump’s lawyer in the 2016 Republican Convention fight, told me earlier this week after the president announced that McGahn’s tenure was reaching its terminus. “Don,” says Warrington, “had the vision that Trump as President could reshape the federal judiciary by appointing conservative textualist judges in the Scalia Thomas mode.” H... more »
It Won't Be Easy for Trump to Fire Sessions
*W. James Antle III* *Politics, Americas* [image: U.S. President Donald Trump delivers his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress inside the House Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., January 30, 2018. REUTERS/Win McNamee/Pool TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY] It depends on what Senate Republics think and how the midterms go. Here’s a line that jumped out at me from a recent news story about President Trump’s efforts to build Senate support for firing Attorney General Jeff Sessions. “Though they once cautioned him that dismissing Sessions would feed special... more »
Fort Ross/Beloit Strait Weather Observations–Yacht Crushed by Ice, Sinks
Reference: Canadian Coast Guard takes 11 hours to rescue 2 persons on Bellot Strait ice floe after 11-meter S/V ANAHITA (FR) sinking French-flagged yacht “Anahita”, an aluminum Ovni 345, sank in Ballot Strait of the Northwest Passage. The disaster occurred in Depot Bay, just east of Bellot Strait. According to initial information, the ship was […]
Northwest Passage Yacht Sinks In Thick Ice
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? From the Arctic Northwest Passage blog: ? The Canadian Coast Guard rescued two passengers of a sinking sailboat who were trapped on an ice floe in Arctic waters early Wednesday morning. The incident took place in Bellot Strait. (CBC) Drama in…
A Six-Year-Old Bug In The F-35 Fighter Helmet Is Close To Being Solved
U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Charles Escher, Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA-101) operations officer, dons his helmet prior to flying an Air Force F-35A Dec. 6, 2016, at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida. (U.S. Air Force/ Staff Sgt. Peter Thompson) *Defense Tech/Military.com: **F-35 Helmet Bug Means Only Expert Pilots Can Do Night Carrier Landings* ABOARD THE USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN -- The Navy is close to fixing a technical bug in the sophisticated F-35 Joint Strike Fighter helmet that amounts to a dangerous hindrance for aviators attempting to land in the black of night on a moving aircraft carrier... more »
Theresa May plot: Man jailed for life for Downing Street murder plan per BBC News
This BBC report https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-45373487 bears the BBC imprint of protect Islam from criticism: 'Mr Justice Haddon-Cave told Rahman he would have "plenty of time" to study the Koran in prison, adding that Islam was "a religion of peace".' Yes, of course it is.
8 evidence-based health benefits of Kombucha Tea
Kombucha is a fermented tea that has been consumed for thousands of years. Not only does it have the same health benefits as tea — it’s also rich in beneficial probiotics. Kombucha also contains antioxidants, can kill harmful bacteria and may help fight several diseases. RELATED STORY: Probiotics help reduce symptoms of depression Here are […] The post 8 evidence-based health benefits of Kombucha Tea appeared first on Health Nut News.
Newsweek States Which Cell Phones Emit Most and Least Radiation but Wrong That Research Is Inconclusive About Risks
By B.N. Frank Activist Post has covered Newsweek articles on radiation exposure before: American Cancer Society chief medical officer referred to results from a U.S.... more »
Are You Confused About 5G, The Military’s Microwave Weapon?
By Catherine J. Frompovich High tech, “smart” appliance, smart phone and faster-Internet services consumers probably don’t know what they are asking for when they support,... more »
White Supremacy: Get Out the Way
Some might describe Ludacris’s (2001) song, "Move Bitch" as an anthem of fight, strength, and resistance. Others might describe the song as bold, vulgar, and direct. I use the title to describe a recent experience I had working in higher education that forced me to resign from my position and the institution that employed me.
UPenn Provides Support Services for First-Generation and Low-Income Students
The University of Pennsylvania’s advocacy for education accessibility among first-generation and low-income students is one of the reasons why it has been ranked as one of Diverse’s Top 100 undergraduate and graduate degree programs for minorities. In order to provide accessibility and allow more students to attend the university, Penn has created several bold initiatives. […]
Inflammation | Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatments
It may surprise you to know that there is a link between coronary artery disease, Alzheimer’s disease, diabetes, and cancer. This common link is inflammation. Chronic inflammation at the cellular level is the root cause of most all diseases. This is a serious concern that most regular MD’s aren’t treating. Rather, they are just prescribing […] The post Inflammation | Causes, Symptoms & Natural Treatments appeared first on The Drs. Wolfson.
Russia to STOP transporting US astronauts to International Space Station
Plan to resume American-launched manned spaceflight may be too ambitious, causing a problem if US astronauts cannot get into space. The post Russia to STOP transporting US astronauts to International Space Station appeared first on The Duran.
NATO member Turkey concludes deal with Russia for S-400 missile systems
Turkey's purchase of defense system from the "enemy" nation of NATO further underlines the complete irrelevance of the military alliance. The post NATO member Turkey concludes deal with Russia for S-400 missile systems appeared first on The Duran.
Donald Trump gets CNN to throw down the gauntlet in latest tweet
CNN digs in and defends its debatable quality of journalism as President Trump slams the network for using false accounts in its reporting. The post Donald Trump gets CNN to throw down the gauntlet in latest tweet appeared first on The Duran.
One-third of Labour Voters Consider Corbyn To Be Anti-Semitic But Would Vote For Him Anyway
I have worried that Jeremy Corbyn being antisemitic might not be the vote loser that decent people believe should be the case. 'MOBOPINIONS Insight, released a representative sample poll of 1,903 citizens of the United Kingdom. The poll found that the majority of Britons, 57%, do not think Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is Anti-Semitic and that his views are legitimate. 43% expressed an opinion that his views on Jews and Israel are Anti-Semitic. Two-thirds (65%) of Labour party voters said his views are legitimate but a full one-third (35%) said he was Anti-Semitic even though they in... more »
AP Sources: Lawyer Was Told Russia Had ‘Trump Over a Barrel’
A senior Justice Department lawyer says a former British spy told him at a breakfast meeting two years ago that Russian intelligence believed it had Donald Trump “over a barrel,” according to multiple people familiar with the encounter.
5 Myths About CBD Oil That Need To Be Dispelled
What, exactly, is CBD oil?
What Is it about Blessing?
The remarkable shift transfixes me.
Essential Taoist Wisdom for Living in Politically Charged and Chaotic Times
Lao-Tzu, the Old Master of Taoism, condensed the human struggle into the prose of the Tao Te Ching.
Researchers Develop New Method to Inject Turmeric Compound Into Cancer Cells
Mainstream science is now openly trying to inject high-powered curcumin into tumors in order to kill cancer cells. But first they must solve the issue of insolubility…
Childhood Obesity Rates Expected to Grow 10-Fold by 2020
*Christina Sarich* -What is really happening to our children?
How Many People are on Psychiatric Drugs?
*Jon Rappoport* - The numbers are mind-boggling.
The Power of Divide and Conquer: The Left’s Hatred for Trump Has Them Embracing War Criminals
[image: criminals] The power of the -two-party paradigm has divided Americans so vastly that liberals are now embracing war criminals and champions of the police state. The post The Power of Divide and Conquer: The Left’s Hatred for Trump Has Them Embracing War Criminals appeared first on The Free Thought Project.
Lockheed Wants To Build An F-22/F-35 Hybrid For The U.S. Air Force
Two F-22 Raptors fly with two Norwegian F-35s in Norway. Senior Airman Preston Cherry *Marcus Weisgerber, Defense One:* *Lockheed Pitching F-22/F-35 Hybrid to U.S. Air Force* *With a Raptor’s body and the JSF’s brain, the new jet would aim to answer the next decade’s Russian and Chinese threats.* Lockheed Martin is quietly pitching the U.S. Air Force a new variant of the F-22 Raptor, equipped with the F-35’s more modern mission avionics and some structural changes, Defense One has learned. It is one of several options being shopped to the U.S. military and allies as Lockheed expl... more »
I'm pleased that this appeared on Chris Hayes's show last night: *What will happen if Republicans retain the House in November?* From trying to repeal the ACA, to weakening the Russia investigation, Republicans would be emboldened by keeping control of Congress. Hayes and his guests, Sabrina Siddiqi of *The Guardian* and Jim Manley, the former chief spokesperson for Senator Harry Reid, touched on a number of risks if Republicans keep unified control of the federal government -- that the Trump-Russia investigation will likely be shut down, that the Affordable Care Act will probabl... more »
The Syrian-Iranian Military Deal Strengthens Russia’s “Balancing” Strategy
Encouraging the dignified “phased withdrawal” of Iranian forces from all of Syria just like it recently did from around the Golan Heights would strengthen the Russian-Israeli Strategic Partnership and provide an opportunity for reaching a common understanding with the US. The post The Syrian-Iranian Military Deal Strengthens Russia’s “Balancing” Strategy appeared first on OrientalReview.org.
Skeeezoid Chronicles; Schooling the Climate Sophist Part Trois
(Source) Remember, this is a “settled science” yet no one can accurately quantify the Urban Heat Island Effect. Skeeezoid claims that some study found no widespread impact of the Urban Heat Island Effect. It is also very odd that NASA Data is continually “adjusted” to compensate for factors such as the “Urban Heat Island Effect,” … Continue reading "Skeeezoid Chronicles; Schooling the Climate Sophist Part Trois"
How To Debate Global Warming
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Blowback; It’s Not the Crime, It’s the Coverup
This is pretty funny how everything is boomeranging back on the Democrats. President Trump needs to make Jim Jordan the Attorney General. Please Like, Share, Subscribe and Comment.
Iraq blocks Russian warplane from using its airspace
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:20 P.M.) – The Russian Aerospace Forces were redirected from Iraq’s airspace on Friday and forced to reroute over Iran, air traffic observers reported this afternoon. According to the reports, a Russian Tu-154M was traveling from Moscow to the Syrian coastal province of Latakia, when the Iraqi government made the decision to block […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Top Iranian cleric rules out peace talks with US
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:40 P.M.) – Iranian cleric Ahmad Khatami said that ruled out the possibility of holding any negotiations with the United States, speaking at an open prayer in Tehran on Friday. Khatami said “the US should know, the European Union should know, the entire world should know that the Islamic system will not back down […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russia says its submitted ‘proof’ of planned chemical attack in Idlib
Moscow is calling on the international community to realize its responsibility to prevent regular provocations with chemical weapons in Syria, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said. “I would still not talk about the risk of using chemical weapons, but about the risk of provocations using chemical weapons in order to blame the Syrian government afterward, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Turkish forces enter northern Syria as Idlib battle looms
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (4:30 P.M.) – Another convoy for the Turkish military has made it into the northwestern province of Idlib as tensions rise due to an expected Syrian Army offensive. The convoy, made up of troops and military equipment, was seen heading to Ishtabraq village of Jisr al-Shughur where the Turkish forces have an observation […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Combat Footage: Syrian Army unleashes heavy strikes against ISIS in east Swaida
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:45 P.M.) – Several ISIS militants were killed while trying to escape their last stronghold in east Swaida which came under heavy strikes conducted by the Syrian Army. The Syrian forces are using artillery and rocket launchers, as well as air strikes, to pound the extremist militants in Safa Hilltops. Meantime, the government […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Iran moves missiles to Iraq amid turmoil with West
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:20 P.M.) – Iran has reportedly moved its ballistic missiles to their on the ground allies in Iraq, the Reuters News Agency reported today. According to the Reuters report, Iran sent these missiles to its allies in response to the U.S.’ increased sanctions against the Persian Gulf nation. Reuters said that three Iranian […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Jihadists in north Hama destroy two bridges to curb Army advance
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:30 P.M.) – Jihadi militants in northern Hama have destroyed two bridges linking the areas they control to government-held regions ahead the prospective offensive to be launched by the Syrian forces. Militants from the recently-formed alliance of National Liberation Front detonated two bridges located in Al-Shariaa and Beir Ras villages just along the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Kurdish forces kill two Turkish servicemen in Syria’s Afrin
DAMASCUS, SYRIA (3:15 P.M.) – At least two Turkish soldiers and two Syrian rebel fighters were killed when Kurdish forces targeted their checkpoint in Afrin region, northern Syria. According to a statement released by YPG press office, a Kurdish unit carried out a ‘sabotage operation’ against a checkpoint jointly run by Turkish Army and al-Hamza […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syria plans first transition of refugees from Rukban Camp
The Syrian government is planning the first organized transition of Syrian refugees from the Rukban refugee camp to their places of previous residence, representative for the Syrian Interior Ministry Hasan Maruf stated on Thursday. The camp is located in the US-controlled Al-Tanf areThe camp is located in the US-controlled Al-Tanf area. US hampering humanitarian aid […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
New map shows front-lines before Idlib battle
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) is preparing to launch their large-scale offensive in the Latakia, Idlib, and Hama governorates in the upcoming days. With several divisions deploying to these fronts, this Syrian Arab Army offensive is expected to be the largest operation of the war. Among the Syrian Arab Army […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Germany extradites militant suspect who took part in Syrian conflict
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:20 P.M.) – Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) reports of a Russian national who was involved in the Syrian conflict, being expelled from Germany to Russia, footage released from Moscow shows, on Friday. Footage shows the 31 year-old man arriving to one of Moscow’s airports by plane. According to the FSB, he was born […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Democrats Continue Defaming, Threatening ICE Agents
[image: democrats-continue-defaming-threatening-ice-agents] Prominent Democrats have been waging the rhetorical war on Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for some time, but now they’ve escalated their attacks into potentially dangerous rhetoric.