Washington's Blog
The Washington Post has posted the results of a recent poll conducted in conjunction with ABC News. President Trump’s disapproval rating has hit a high point of 60 percent, according...
Eric Zuesse On Friday, August 31st, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced that Russia has handed to the OPCW (Organization for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons), and...
Once the Bubbles Pop, We’re Broke
2 days ago
Modern big screen daredevils such as Tom Cruise and Jackie Chan risk life and limb in the pursuit of realism for their movies. That being said, it’s worth sparing a thought for the...
The Jazz age of the 1920s and ’30s was a remarkable time in U.S. history. During the ’20s people were celebrating the end of the Great War. Young people especially were doing their...
Antonin Scalia – On American Exceptionalism
3 hours ago
Firebrand Vladimir Zhirinovsky spells it out
Nathalie Augustina is currently a prisoner in a mental hospital in Amsterdam for publishing this book.
Trump Blocks Token Increase in Federal Pay, Dooming GOP Reps. Barbara Comstock (VA 10, NOVA) and Scott Taylor (VA 2, Norfolk-Newport News) to Defeat; Boss Tweet Talks Violence with...
Trouble for Sino-Russian Bloc
3 days ago
United Front Against Austerity|Tax Wall Street Party American System Network|Thursday, August 30, 2018 Moscow Papers Slam China’s Belt and Road Imperialism for Loading Central...
Stop Kavanaugh!
4 days ago
The war against agricultural company Monsanto and its popular weedkiller Roundup is just beginning, say attorneys for Dwayne “Lee” Johnson, the former school groundskeeper...
Ketamine – a hallucinogenic party drug and experimental antidepressant. Phenylbutazone – an anti-inflammatory deemed too risky for human use. Chloramphenicol – a powerful...
South / North
Wow … Carbon Dioxide Fertilization Greening Earth, Study Finds From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely...
Diane Coyle says the fact that different countries have seen different changes in labour’s share of income in recent years – with it falling in the US but not UK - shows that “institutions...
On wider access to culture
7 days ago
One thing I especially like about Jesse Norman’s Adam Smith is his description of the social and intellectual climate in which Smith grew up. In doing so, he tells us that Smith’s...
Socialism in one country
10 days ago
From large-scale dam-building to unbridled resource-exploitation, human activity is causing serious damage to Himalayan ecosystems. While all the countries in the region are...
Brahma Chellaney says recent multilateral discussions in Singapore did little to advance preventive diplomacy or conflict resolution. Brahma Chellaney, South China Morning...
U.S. injects new irritant in ties with India
14 days ago
Russian Navy, Warplanes Start Massive Drills in Mediterranean by https://sputniknews.com/ MOSCOW (Sputnik) – The Russian Navy and Aerospace Forces will hold joint large-scale...
Russian MoD: Militants Plotted Attacks in Palmyra, Say They Were Trained by US by https://sputniknews.com/ The militants that attempted to assault the city of Palmyra claimed...
By Tom O’Leary Portugal is finally on the brink of ending the slump that began with the Great Recession at the start of 2008. But the economy remains far from a full recovery and important...
By Tom O’LearyThe multi-faceted attack on Jeremy Corbyn’s leadership of the Labour Party continues to include unjustified attacks on his economic policy. The liberal press...
And the Texts quoted from Pranav's Veda seem to be more on Vaasthu,that is rules of architecture. The Pranava Veda texts also speak of Temple construction. Vedas do not speak of Temple...
What is being done now is to Indianise Christianity,by, Wearing Thirumangalyam,in Tamil Nadu, Jesus Suprabhatha,Jesus Sahasranamam,Astotra, Building Churches modelled after...
Approach God Mother Amba Thaayaar Details
14 days ago
The Marion P. Thomas Charter High School kicked out students for minor dress code violations. Strangely, the story about the expulsions appeared in an Atlanta newspaper, not a New...
Tom Loughman writes here about the harmful impact of vouchers, which were recently defeated by a slim margin in the state legislature. He writes: “When I was a little boy, we lost...
The following is an excerpt from an interview with me and my collaborator Nader Hashemi that will be published soon by the excellent online magazine Qantara.de. The interviewer...
Eulogy for a Formative Influence
24 days ago
Twenty years ago today, on August 9, 1998, I delivered this eulogy at the dedication ceremony, or unveiling, of Eugene Zucker, my next-door neighbor growing up and a formative influence...
The summer repeats continued the week of August 20. The repeat of note that week was Jeffrey Wright’s May appearance with Carson Daly. Wright plays an android on Westworld...
Once again, it’s the repeats that bring the content this past week. Tuesday (August 14) you could have seen Bill Nye on a repeat of Last Call, or revisit Conan’s trip to Israel...
By Paul Homewood Amidst all of the hottest evah claims, a dose of reality from UAH: http://www.drroyspencer.com/wp-content/uploads/UAH_LT_1979_thru_August_2018_v6.jpg...
By Paul Homewood The Met Office are desperate to show this summer as the hottest evah: August was a fairly average month but it marked the end of what was a remarkable summer...
A German power utility now offers “vegan power” and “vegan gas” to consumers who wish to buy energy that is green, sustainable and whose production and use are gentle to animals...
When it comes to protecting endangered species and the environment, civil projects have to take a back seat, and often rightfully so. However, if there’s the chance or hope that...
Education Law Prof Blog: Connecting School Quality Dots: Money, Race, Suspension, and Safety School quality and school discipline are intertwined. As I explain in Reforming...
Shanker Blog: Teaching – And Defending – American Democracy If recent history demonstrates anything, it is the old truth that American democracy is a work in progress, and that...
Clifton Parker // Hoover Institution Victor Davis Hanson says history offers lessons for today’s technology-driven world, especially when it comes to elites, the masses, and...
The Truth Will Set Us All Free
3 days ago
Victor Davis Hanson // National Review Special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation was star-crossed from the start. His friend and successor as FBI director, James Comey...
A Post-Trump World
5 days ago
"That fervent faith, that proven devotion, that abiding love -- that is what drove my father from the fiery skies above the Red River Delta to the brink of the presidency itself..."...
John McCain carefully planned his funeral service. And it wasn’t just perfunctory: there were some clear messages. The contrast between the current occupant of the White House...
A Post-McCain America
21 hours ago
Once we re-compute the ROIC [return on invested capital] calculations to factor in estimates of intangible capital from the finance literature…we find that both the run-up by...
What should I ask Paul Krugman?
2 days ago
I will be doing a Conversations with Tyler with Paul Krugman, no associated public event. What should I ask him? To be clear, this is the conversation with Paul Krugman I want to have...
Hysteria Was Not Treated With Vibrators
5 hours ago
Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: When I read something this powerful, I am moved to share it. I find the last line strange. Donald Trump will never become “the leader we...
Originally posted on Diane Ravitch's blog: Rudy Guiliani and Trump have recently contended that “collusion is not a crime” but real lawyers know that “collusion” is a straw...
Gosnell: The Trial of America’s Biggest Serial Killer is set to open in over 700 theaters around the country, revealing the account of the trial of Kermit Gosnell, Philadelphia’s...
First there was the no-true-Scotsman fallacy. Now we have the no-true-Frenchman fallacy, courtesy of France’s de facto socialist president, Emmanuel Macron. It’s quite a...
“[If preserving the nuclear deal is the goal], then there is no escape from mustering the courage to comply with commitment to normalize Iran’s economic relations instead of...
Prominent human-rights groups like Amnesty International have rejected the U.S.-led coalition’s reported figures on civilian deaths, stating that the coalition is “deeply...
You know the story about the male Victorian physicians who unwittingly produced orgasms in their female clients by treating them for “hysteria” with newly-invented, labor-saving...
I wrote this as a blog post for Penguin blog about ten years ago (when I guest-blogged for them), and it has disappeared from Google. So I thought I would serve up another, slightly...
Mystery of the cargo ships that sink when their cargo suddenly liquefies (tags: ocean shipping physics materials viaFanf ) The Howard Rule: A Modest Proposal for Libdem policy (tags...
Unmarried mother wins access to a widowed parent's allowance in a landmark Supreme Court ruling. (tags: law marriage relationships uk pensions ) Ever wanted to see “beyond”...
According to a recent paper, naturally produced venoms could help design treatments for a range of diseases, including diabetes and chronic pain.
Insulin is key in regulating blood sugar levels. When this mechanism malfunctions, it can lead to diabetes. However, does insulin also stimulate immunity?...
by bigbear0083 Below are some of the notable companies coming out with earnings releases this upcoming trading week ahead which includes the date/time of release & consensus...
People Living in their Cars in California?
2 hours ago
by Martin Armstrong A very interesting issue has emerged in California. The price of real estate rose so high that the median price for a home reached $600,000 and the ... Read more...
Well, it was a night out, a date night I suppose you could say, and as far as that goes it was great, but as far as concerts go, I’ve seen better. I’m not complaining. That’s...
The Ridiculous Defense of Alex Jones
2 days ago
I couldn’t write my blog last night because the internet conked out and then it was super slow, like to the point of not working, all morning. I’d get two posts, but even responding...
Trump and Google
4 days ago
Where are we headed in the love-hate relationship of HumanKind with Nature (that is: the biotic and abiotic parts of the only planet we have from which all our resources are drawn)?...
What is Your Barbeque Footprint?
9 days ago
Labor Day for many marks (or used to mark) the end of summer and the return of the kids to school. By that time, Floyd County students will have been in sweltering classrooms for almost...
Giant Hogweed is Here
11 days ago
- I recently had the opportunity to ask one of the most knowledgeable botanists I know as many pertinent questions out of my confused and confusing plants folder as I could tastefully...