Centauri Dreams
How extraordinary that we can sometimes tell so much from so little. Extraordinary too how careful we must be to make sure we’re not reading too much into small sample sizes. All of which brings me to the Japanese Hayabusa probe, a spacecraft that survived continual mischance on its journey to asteroid 25143 Itokawa, but was somehow able to return tiny grains of surface material to Earth. And usi
One of the memorable things about 1995 (and this was also the year of the first detection of an exoplanet around a main sequence star) was the release of the Galileo spacecraft’s descent probe. Dive into that howling maelstrom, it would seem, and instant obliteration should follow. But the probe had been designed with a heavy duty heat shield to protect it during its journey. It kept transmitting
The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft carries three cameras as it makes its way to the asteroid called Bennu, a suite that is collectively known as the OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite (OCAMS). So now we’re into the realm of OSIRIS-REx acronyms, and these should become familiar in coming months just as New Horizons’ instruments like LORRI (Long Range Reconnaissance Imager) and PEPSSI (Pluto Energetic Particle Spectro
This morning we have an image of MU69, the Kuiper Belt object to which New Horizons is heading, with arrival and flyby scheduled for January 1, 2019. This just after the first glimpse of the asteroid Bennu by the spacecraft now heading there for observation and sample return, OSIRIS-REx. By way of comparison, the first glimpse New Horizons had of Pluto/Charon came during an optical navigation tes
Meteorites have proven a useful tool for probing the nature of the early Solar System. Although I missed it at the time, Thomas Kruijer (University of Münster) and colleagues announced results last year from their study of the age of Jupiter based on measuring isotopes in meteorites. The age of Jupiter is an open question, but because current formation models have gas giants forming large solid c
Light of the Stars: Alien Worlds and the Fate of the Earth , by Adam Frank. W.W. Norton & Co. (2018), 272 pp. Although he has published several previous books and is well represented in the technical literature, Adam Frank (University of Rochester) found himself suddenly thrust onto the public stage with an op-ed he wrote in the New York Times in 2016. Chosen by the paper’s editors, the title “Ye
David Climenhaga's Alberta Diary
Happy Labour Day! Overall union membership may be shrinking, but the number of workers who wish they had a union and would vote to join one if they could appears to on the rise. This tells an interesting story about the state of affairs in North America as the last long weekend of the summer rolls around again. Alas, in Canada as in the United States, the Labour Day weekend has lately become an o
Funny, isn’t it? Less than six months ago, tout le monde political Alberta was demanding harsh application of “the rule of law.” This was nearly universally interpreted to mean that no legal challenge or protest against the construction of the Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project could or would be tolerated. The government of British Columbia’s determination to exercise its right to mount a
Yes, Donald Trump is a liar and a braggart, but the American President’s boast yesterday morning that cowed Canadian trade negotiators have all but folded and any new trade deal they sign will be totally on U.S. terms has a ring of truth. Given his track record, it’s certainly not impossible to conclude Mr. Trump was just engaging in his usual pathological hyperbole about how smart he is and how
No doubt they were chuckling discreetly at Kinder Morgan headquarters in Houston yesterday as they counted up their additional spare change. They had, after all, just managed to sell off the Trans Mountain Pipeline to the Liberal government led by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, backstopped by Premier Rachel Notley’s Alberta New Democrats, at the very moment the Federal Court of Appeal de
WASHINGTON, D.C. – I see Chrystia Freeland, Canada’s foreign affairs minister, is also in town tonight, so if I happen to see meet her strolling on the National Mall or enjoying a beer at Kramer’s Books, I’ll say hi for you-all. I’ll also have some advice for her, worth what she paid for it, that she’s about as likely to take as my advice to her on Canada-Russia relations. To wit: Don’t be in too
WASHINGTON, D.C. – Not to be negative, but the federal New Democrats might want to hold off scheduling the nomination to choose Linda Duncan’s successor until just after next spring’s provincial election. Then again – given the fraught relationship these days between the federal NDP and the Alberta branch of Canada’s social democratic party – perhaps not! Ms. Duncan, of course, is the NDP Member
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog
From Jenna Orkin Electric Cars Exceed 1 Million in Europe as Sales Increase by 42% Argentina’s Central Bank Hikes Rates to 60% as Currency Collapses Blue Orchard Bees video . Google stumbled in robotics — but evidence is mounting that it's getting ready for a big comeback, and it could take on Amazon Texas Spent $7 Million to Fight AC in Prison. It May Cost Only $4 Million to Install Earth's "Big
From Jenna Orkin Miami Will Be Underwater Soon - Its Drinking Water Could Go First NASA Discovers Bubbling Lakes in Remote Arctic Detroit Shutting Off Drinking Water in All Schools Because of Lead, Copper Contamination Rupiah Plunges To 1998 Asian Financial Crisis Low Amid Emerging Market Liquidation Argentine Peso Crashes Back To Record Low - Emergency 1500bp Rate-Hike Fails Farage For London Ma
From Jenna Orkin Obsolescence of Advertising in Information Age They'll find a way. Judge Rules Against Alex Jones and InfoWars in Sandy Hook Lawsuit M elting Arctic Real Time Horror Story Second Hanford Radioactive Tunnel Collapse Expected Vaccine Gap Between Japan and UK A Philadelphia refiner has a $120 million plan to create a machine that turns food scraps into natural gas Argentine Central
From Jenna Orkin Rising Sea Levels to Cost $14 Trillion Annually by 2100 Snail Venom 100 Times More Potent than Morphine video . Human Brain Cells Transplanted to Mice Russia Reports Unidentified Helicopters Delivering Weapons to Taliban, IS Americans are contracting STDs at a unprecedented rate, and 'super gonorrhea' is coming in hot Facebook Engineer's Stunning Admission: "We Tear Down Posters
From Jenna Orkin CIA and Saudi Arabia Conspired to Keep Details of 9/11 Secret, New Book Says - Newsweek(!) Got Set to Borrow Nearly a Trillion, Up 84% From Last Year Pollution Causes "Huge" Reduction in Intelligence, Study Finds Leading journalists join call for EU copyright reform "'Free access to the web will endure because the internet giants, which now use editorial content for free, can rei
From Jenna Orkin Vietnam Demands Monsanto Pay for Damage from Agent Orange Nearly Half of Republicans Think Trump Should Be Able to Close News Outlets US 2nd Fleet Reactivated, Preparing For Arctic Warfare With "Bad Actors" Venezuela orders banks to adopt cryptocurrency Turkey's currency plunges amid ongoing feud between Washington and Ankara "Terrorist Attack" Manual Targeting Atlanta Hospital F
GlobaLove Think Tank
The UTES are the future always have been since we program still in the womb and they hit our world mostly fully formed by DNA and Mothers love So do we tell them the truth and make them all cynical and not loving the status quo life or do we program them with stories of the Skygod and a bad experience in the after life Well we have IMHO done the SkyGod thing over and over maybe six or seven times
streetcap1 youtube page
Government and Taxes
Talking about GDP growth, Obama stands out as the ONLY administration that never achieved an annual growth rate of 3% or higher since WW2. Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, Carter, Ford, Nixon, Johnson, Kennedy, Eisenhower, Truman – ALL of their administrations have seen growth of 3% or higher. From this simple but important criteria, 8 years of "hope and change" was the lousiest administration
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last August 24, 2018. PRIVATE property rights is among the cornerstone of a free and dynamic economy. If people have no sense of control and ownership over their house, car, cellphone, appliances, savings, they will not work hard, invest, and accumulate wealth both at the household and macro or country levels. They will be in perpetual stress and fear that som
I don't like academics fanning climate alarmism. My friend since 3+ decades ago at the UPSE, Dr. Oggie Arcenas, wrote a paper where his opening sentence is terribly wrong, "Among the weather anomalies and climate shocks that are known in the modern world today, perhaps the most known are the “wonder twins” El Niño and La Niña..." Again, Oggie is my friend, very jolly and friendly guy until now, b
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last August 21, 2018. On Aug. 16, 2018, Thursday near-midnight, a Xiamen Airlines plane skidded at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) and caused the runway closure for some 36 hours. The result was a nightmare for thousands of passengers. Many arriving flights were rerouted to Clark and Mactan-Cebu airports while passengers departing from NAIA were
I am reposting another good article from a friend, Nick Smith of Lion Rock Inst. in HK. This was published in March 2018. Is Everything Under Control? Nick Sallnow-Smith Chairman, The Lion Rock Institute You may not think it from my title but this piece is about the Budget. Let me explain. Human beings, when faced with the chaos of nature, crave some degree of certainty. Governments respond to th
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last August 20, 2018. On Aug. 13, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Gen. Carlito Galvez, Jr. admitted that China’s radio warnings to Philippine aircraft and ships in the South China Sea (SCS) are “a daily occurrence.” The AFP leadership has actually been mum about this, giving only occasional admission of such China warnings until BBC, one o
A year before his death, Sen. Joseph McCarthy made the connection between Freemasonry, Communism, and Judaism. He cited B ritish General Charles Cornwallis 1781 prophecy of the Masonic (Communist) takeover of America. "Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest would continue until mind control could be accompl
Lisa (now 40) says that for her father, Steve Jobs, her very existence was a disappointment and a source of shame. "Aspasia", who has rubbed shoulders with Illuminati men, explains why they can't satisfy their sexual needs in normal committed relationships. Reader: " Most of the current leaders of European countries have no children" By Aspasia (henrymakow.com) These power men have no interest in
The world's most used herbicide - glyphosate - was found in all of the 14 most popular German beers tested in 2016. Sustainable Pulse Director Henry Rowlands stated: "Stone-Age industry-funded science suggested that the higher the dose of a chemical the more dangerous it was; however modern independent science has discovered that many toxic chemicals have as much or more of an influence on our he
Rich, a reader, responds to Some #MeToo Women are Complicit Many women are governed by emotion. They are natural Cabalists. They make up reality. Robbed of their natural and social role, they are keen to wreak revenge on men, instead of the feminists who betrayed them. Disclaimer: I realize many women are capable of objectivity but this is a warning I wish I had heard 50 years ago. Men are blinde
With all the noise and confusion over gender and sexual harassment, with women's heads so inflated, men need a reminder of how to approach a woman. Essentially he must have a role for her in his life, and he has to enlist her. This role must be in her best interests too. Ultimately, in a long-term relationship, women trade power for love. Men want power. Women want love. Heterosexual marriage is
Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff pulled the strings on the "Russian" Revolution, including the savage murder of Czar Nicholas II and his family in July 1918. The same power is behind the New World Order. from July 9, 2011 by Krister (henrymakow.com) In July 1918, Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff sent a direct order t hru US diplomatic channels to the Bolsheviks in Russia to murder Czar
This past weekend was an auspicious date for the Democratic Party to attempt to come together in the name of unity. As DNC members gathered at the Hyatt Regency Chicago to discuss whether or not to pass a package of reforms spurred by the turbulent 2016 primary contest, it couldn’t have escaped them they were doing so not only in the same city that 50 years ago saw party divisions boil over into
Roe Will Fall. We Must Be Ready for It. Within a few years, abortion will likely be illegal in close to half of U.S. states—if we’re lucky. Should Republicans continue their control of the House, Senate and White House, within a decade or two they could easily move to pass a total abortion ban, extending the right to life guaranteed in the 14th Amendment down to the moment of conception— and have
The Democratic primary for a Delaware Senate seat this year is showcasing the sharp divide in the party. Incumbent Tom Carper, a pro-corporate white male centrist with a track record of anti-choice votes faces a challenge from Kerri Evelyn Harris, a Black woman and antiwar Air Force veteran with working-class roots and a transformative progressive agenda. The Democratic Party establishment has ra
In Storm King Art Center’s Indicators: Artists on Climate Change, 17 artists offer unique responses to the destruction and destabilization wrought by planetary warming. The works, installed across Storm King’s museum and 500-acre campus, include the accusatory gaze of Jenny Kendler’s sculpture, “Birds Watching”: 100 eyes, each belonging to a different species of bird threatened by climate change,
On August 7, Rashida Tlaib won the Democratic primary for Michigan’s 13th Congressional District, replacing longtime African-American Rep. John Conyers. Tlaib’s victory has been showered with mainstream press around the fact that she’s the daughter of Palestinian immigrants and would become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress. (Tlaib is running unopposed, and will most likely win in Novemb
Emmett Sanders was incarcerated at age 18 and spent 22 and a half years in prison. When he spoke with In These Times in June, he had only been home for 18 months. After getting the lay of the land—learning things like how to write a résumé and use a cell phone, and what the hell a Google was—he threw himself headlong into the work that now consumes so much of his daily life: advocating for voting
Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology
Source: Crónica and Planeta UFO Date: 08.26.2018 Argentina: Impressive UFO Photographed over Neuquén. Paranormal Phenomena Chronicle: An oil worker in Rincón de las Cenizas saw the flying object and did not hesitate to capture a record of the shocking moment. An oil industry worker took this crisp photo showing an alien spacecraft in the skies of Patagonia. This UFO was seen in a wilderness known
Source: Chacoadentro.com and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Date: 08.27.18 Argentina: UFO Reported in a Field in Sáenz Peña A cattleman reported seeing "an oval-shaped object with many lights" in the early hours of the morning and asked for NASA's intervention. A 65-year-old man reported an encounter with a UFO in the early hours of this Monday morning at his property in Colonia Napenay,
NIGHT WANDERERS: THE ARMIES OF DARKNESS by Scott Corrales and Manuel Carballal (C) 2002 Few of the simple pleasures of life are as satisfying as taking a walk through the woods: we can enjoy the subtle interplay of light and shadow, the calls of myriad unseen birds, the occasional glimpse of wildlife...but these sensory pleasures soon turn terrifying in the dark of night: sounds are magnified, th
Source: www.nuevodiarioweb.com.ar and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Date: 08.24.18 Argentina: Ojo de Agua Commissariat Receives Complaint Against a Cattle-Killing UFO (Santiago del Estero) *** Goats and cows began dying in bizarre fashion after strange red lights appeared in the sky *** Two local residents appeared before Ojo de Agua Station 31 on Sunday and Monday. Both live on the edge
UFO: Saucers of the Colonial Era By Scott Corrales [Abstracted from the book INEXPLICATA - UFOs in Latin America and Spain] It’s hard for us to imagine what crossing the Atlantic in a Sixteenth century sailing ship must have been like. Creatures of comfort that we are, the privations and unsanitary conditions of a galleon or caravel would be the stuff of nightmares, and the risk of shipwreck on a
[ Editor's Note : As usual, officialdom dismisses the cattle mutilation epidemic by blaming the usual suspects - the red muzzled mouse, vultures and foxes. Argentina is experiencing a repetition of the events of 2002, which were 'explained away' at the time by SENASA, the government's agricultural service ] Source: Todo Noticias (Argentina) and Pablo Omastott (FAO) Date: 8.7.2018 Argentina: No Ch
Land Destroyer
September, 3 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - The Washington Post has now repeatedly used its platform to systematically cover up extensive US political interference across Southeast Asia. Last month, the Washington Post attempted to deny US interference in Cambodia . Its article - however - did more to reveal US meddling in the process - exclusively citing opposition organizations and individual
September 2, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - The worst sort of deception is that perpetrated by those who pose as defending the most vulnerable when in reality, are leveraging their circumstances, exploiting their suffering, and in many cases, playing a direct role in perpetuating both. This is an apt description of Washington, London, and Brussels' global-spanning human rights racket - used rep
August 29, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - US National Security Adviser John Bolton - a tireless proponent of US-led war around the globe - has recently claimed the Syrian government is preparing to use chemical weapons to retake territory held by militants in northern Syria. In response, the US has already threatened to carry out military strikes against Syria. Bloomberg in its article titled,
August 5, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - In 2010, Thailand was the scene of a smaller-scale foreign-backed destabilisation similar to those carried out by the United States and Europe against nations like Libya, Syria, Yemen and Ukraine from 2011 onward. Between April and May of that year, nearly 100 would die and many more injured when US-backed former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra attempted
America's bid to install a compromised Thai politician into power is part of a larger bid to encircle China with hostile and dysfunctional client states. August 20, 201 8 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - The US is currently pressuring the Southeast Asian Kingdom of Thailand to hold immediate elections in a bid to return billionaire former prime minister and now fugitive Thaksin Shinawatra to power. The
August 22, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - Associated Press has revealed that the US-backed, Saudi-led war against Yemen includes the use of Al Qaeda as a mercenary force against Houthi rebels. This confirms as fact what was widely dismissed by Western politicians and a complicit Western media as a "conspiracy theory" since 2011. Evidence that the US and its allies enlisted Al Qaeda and other ex
I'm far too left to be a fan of former Senator John McCain, but I did very much appreciate his willingness to stand up against torture and to rebuke the most powerful financial firms for endangering national security, particularly where uranium trading was involved. Going back through my files, I found the following letter pasted below that I had sent McCain on behalf of my university students wh
Nuclear narratives circulating across the news media point to less regulation and more contamination. In particular, the highly hazardous and contested Rokkasho "reprocessing" facility under construction in Japan has been leaking (it also has an active fault under the facilities) and US nuclear facilities are eroding transparency and accountability requirements with the support of the US Trump Ad
Fukushima prefecture will remove a controversial statute of a child in a radiation suit after concern that the statute would be stigmatizing: Fukushima to remove controversial statue of child in radiation protection suit. The Japan Times https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/08/28/national/fukushima-remove-controversial-statue-child-radiation-protection-suit/#.W4cqrs5Kj3g FUKUSHIMA – Fukushima M
The weekend edition of the Wall Street Journal reports that PG&E suffered a massive loss of control of the utility's databases, leaving critical information fully available on the Internet for 70 days: Smith, Rebecca (2018, August 24-25). PG&E Named as Utility Fined in Data Breach. The Wall Street Journal, A3 As a result of the failure, 30,000 records about PG&E's cyber assets were exposed to the
I realize this series of posts on Fukushima Daiichi's webcam imagery may seem tiresome to some readers. However, I've been watching the plant for 7 years and am very aware of changes in emissions patterns. Today the plant looks drowned, especially as viewed through the cam focused on units 1 and 2: Now: Yesterday Yesterday I noted that the lens has some sort of "stuff" on it but that alone does n
The usually clear view during daytime hours is muddied by what looks like smog: m The bad "air quality" at Fukushima Daiichi has been building. No idea why other than the removal of melted fuel underway has stirred up some that is still very hot. Can we rely on TEPCO, or the industry more generally, to warn us in the event of ongoing contamination? Perhaps not: Watchdog says TEPCO nuclear disaste
The Constitution of the United States lays out how a President can be removed by the Legislative branch of the United States government. In that […]
The 2018 mid terms are of unusual significance in that they will either be a popular endorsement of the “Making America Great Again agenda” and […]
Each time we vote for Republicans, we help establish a deeper and more entrenched plutarchy, a government dedicated to and for the rich. Most assuredly, […]
What if Comey had been honest about the Clinton Investigation? If you don’t list to Rush Limbaugh or the other conservative talk show hosts, you […]
How long is this going to go on? How long will a Special Prosecutor continue to conduct an investigation that has proven to go nowhere? […]
When I was a young adolescent, I never read the books that teachers assigned. I am not saying I didn’t read books, just saying I […]