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28 Jan - Blogs I'm Following

English: Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) speaking dur...English: Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky) speaking during the Tea Party Patriots'"Continuing the Revolution Rally," near the Taft Memorial. Washington, DC. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
United States Senate candidate Rand Paul at a ...United States Senate candidate Rand Paul at a rally in Erlanger, Kentucky, along with Texas Congressman Ron Paul and his son, Will Paul. Please attribute to Gage Skidmore if used elsewhere. Unauthorized use by any candidate or candidate's committee is strictly prohibited without approval. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
12:22pm MST

Rand Paul gets challenged on his facts!

bob somerbyatthe daily howler - 1 hour ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014* *Discovering the 25-year-old intern:* According to Rand Paul, women are doing extremely well in certain areas. On Meet the Press, he cited a set of statistics in support of this general point: PAUL (1/26/14): You know, I think we have a lot of debates in Washington that get dumbed down and are used for political purposes. This whole sort of war on women thing, I'm scratching my head because if there was a war on women, I think they won. You know, the women in my family are incredibly successful. *I have a niece at Cornell vet school, and 85 percent of t... more »


bob somerbyatthe daily howler - 1 hour ago
*TUESDAY, JANUARY 28, 2014* *Part 2—Watching two tribes get dumbed down:* “My fellow Americans, the state of the union is dumb.” We don’t expect Obama to say that tonight! If he did, he could add this: “Powerful industries now exist to make us *tribally* dumb.” To see one tribe being dumbed way down, we strongly recommend this post by the Washington Post’s Erik Wemple. The Fox News Channel’s Jon Scott has always been quite hackish. At some length, Wemple quotes Scott reciting the Fox party line as he hosted a recent segment. You can hear conservative brain cells dying as you read... more »

Will A Growing And Unrestrained American Surveillance State Become A Real Issue In The Midterms?

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago
Yesterday's *Politico* featured a post by Manu Raju explaining how both Democratic and Republican candidates are running against the NSA's Cheney-conceived domestic spying agenda-- the NSA's Cheney-conceived domestic spying agenda that Obama has largely kept intact. Raju's top example: Maine progressive Shenna Bellows, who has talked with us about this last October and again in November. Maine Senator Susan Collins has been a lockstep captive of the Military Industrial Complex and an unwavering supporter of the very unpopular Surveillance State and of all the abusive NSA excesses... more »

US invokes holocaust in Syria aid spat with Russia

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 1 hour ago
How low can you go? How low can you go............. Samantha Power- pathetic Samantha Power - Remind you of anyone? When the hand you hold is a loser. The holocaust card can always be played. The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has called on Russia to use its influence with the Syrian regime to help get humanitarian aid to the besieged city of Homs. Tense negotiations between the Syrian government and opposition entered their fifth day Tuesday, focusing on the transfer of power and helping besieged parts of Homs. The emphasis on Homs and release of detainees are meant as con... more »

“Mind the Gap!” Bureaucracy, and the Regulation/Constitution of i(I)nternational r(R)elations

Charli CarpenteratDuck of Minerva - 1 hour ago
So the IR blogosphere and twitterverse in the process of exploding over this new proposal from the ISA Governing Council, which would ban those contributing to IR blogs from holding positions on ISA journal editorial boards. I second many of the questions raised by Steve and Jon and Will Pines and will write more on Continue reading

Navajos and Hopis oppose University of Arizona water rights speaker as exploiter

brendanorrell@gmail.comatCENSORED NEWS - 1 hour ago
Navajos Hopis oppose Univ Ariz speaker exploiting water rights


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 2 hours ago
Even when we are trying not to buy into the scripted demonization of US "enemies" those of us back home still have to evaluate just how much we have swallowed Mr. Big's pill. The history of successful demonization of others by our nation is the story of the scientific method put to evil purposes. Scientists, mental health experts, historians, mathematicians, engineers, anthropologists, media and more have been well paid to help the corporate oligarchy design their greedy plan for control of the people and everything else. They have it down to an art. In my lifetime I can rememb... more »

I heard a rumor that some guy is going to spend an hour tonight telling a bunch of lies...

AdrienneatAdrienne's Corner - 2 hours ago
*anyone else heard that?* I'm busy today. Dropping off three more boxes at the Hospice Thrift shop. Decluttering going well. Time for my favorite kitteh:

Thailand: US Sides With Increasingly Violent, Desperate Regime

Land DestroyeratLand Destroyer - 2 hours ago
US State Department condemns protests against sham election, but ignores assassination and thuggery aimed at opposition. *January 28, 2014* (ATN) - The US State Department openly sided with Thaksin Shinawatra and his proxy regime, and backed their planned one-party sham elections being carried out in a climate of political intimidation, terrorism, assassinations, and a draconian "emergency decree" in a statement released after protests disrupted polls across the country Sunday. The US State Department's statement read: The United States is deeply troubled by efforts to block polls... more »

Pete Seeger, 1919 - 2014

Nima ShiraziatWide Asleep in America - 2 hours ago
"A good song reminds us what we’re fighting for." The great Pete Seeger has passed away at the age of 94. Obituaries recounting his activism and folk singing, his moral strength and indelible contributions to not only American folk music, but the struggles for civil rights, equality, peace and justice, are now everywhere. He sang for freedom; he sang for labor; he sang for the oppressed, he

Grimmer news for League Investors - some $355 million of their money gone

paulatPaying attention - 2 hours ago
The news keep getting worse for investors in Victoria-based League Assets. And the financial disaster is still not getting adequate media coverage. Back in November, I predicted massive losses for the investors League, which promised investors security and great returns through real estate investments. Based on the latest filings from PWC, the news is even worse than I expected. League Assets, the creation of Adam Gant and Emanuel Arruda, is broke and filed for protection under the Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act. PWC is being paid to manage the mess. The best estimate, in Novemb... more »

Blogging and Teaching — and the Wrongheaded ISA Proposal

Jon WesternatDuck of Minerva - 3 hours ago
Steve has a nice roundup of many of the central concerns with ISA’s misguided policy proposal to limit those involved in editing ISA journals from blogging. I’d like to focus on one additional element. For many of us located principally in the teaching side of the profession, we realize and appreciate the significance and Continue reading

JobScam. An idea without a plan ...

DaveatThe Galloping Beaver - 3 hours ago
... is nothing more than a dream. That's what the weasel in a prime minister's suit is now trying to peddle to you. Having spent $2.5 million in advertising on a program that did not exist, this is how he explained it away. (From Aaron Wherry and you really need to read the whole piece). “Mr. Speaker, I noted that the Canada Job Grant was in fact very well received by those in the marketplace,

War is a racket

SteveatThinking Aboot - 3 hours ago
Major General Smedley Butler and Dwight Eisenhower would know Modern War is a racket A great game played by Darwinian winning dogs of men who history has proven are psychopaths totally clinically insane As you often point out on your blog you do not have to be George Orwell to suspect the military industrial complex has only one market to protect Unnatural death from above or below or by any means met as long as it needs the support of high tech.

International Holohoax Remembrance Day

John FriendatJohn Friend's Blog - 3 hours ago
Yesterday was International Holocaust Remembrance Day, observed annually in virtually all countries around the world. "The UN General Assembly designated January 27 — the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau — as International Holocaust Remembrance Day," reads *the official website* for the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. "On this annual day of commemoration, the UN urges every member state to honor the victims of the Nazi era and to develop educational programs to help prevent future genocides." President Obama urged all Americans and citizens of the world t... more »


BorisatThe Galloping Beaver - 3 hours ago
About those photo-ops... more »

R.I.P. Pete Seeger

Karen GarciaatSardonicky - 3 hours ago
If anyone ever personified the accolade "living legend," it was Pete Seeger. He was a man for the ages, a living slice of Americana, ageless and seemingly immortal. And that is why learning of his death at age 94 was still such a shock. Most of the world knew him, of course, as a folksinger. But to the locals in my Hudson Valley neck of the woods, he was known primarily as a social activist. I had the privilege of meeting and talking with Pete a couple of times. The first time was in the mid-70s, as part of a controversial effort to transform the national historic landmark Dutch Re... more »

Anbar Before And After the Awakening Pt. X, 2005-09 Governor Mamoun Alwani

Joel WingatMUSINGS ON IRAQ - 4 hours ago
--> Today Iraq’s Anbar province is as divided as ever. The provincial government and some tribes have come out in support of Baghdad against the insurgency, some tribes oppose both the central government and the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), some sheikhs have joined the revived insurgency, and ISIS is trying to take advantage of the entire situation. This is just the latest manifestation of the deep schisms that have existed within Anbar since the 2003 invasion. After the fall of the former regime, the Iraqi Islamic Party (IIP) and the tribes struggled for power. The... more »

Help! My Employer Is Making Me Work Overtime Off The Books. What Do I Do?

Donna BallmanatScrew You Guys, I'm Going Home - 4 hours ago
This question from an AOL Jobs reader reflects an all too common situation that many hourly workers face: Hello. I was reading an article *10 Tricks Employers Use To Cheat Workers Out Of Their Overtime. *Here's my problem. My fiancée works at a restaurant, and she recently received a raise from $9/hr to $12/hr. But the owner asked her to take her overtime off the books. The first 2 weeks went by without a hitch, but over the past month, her OT has been short. The past week, she worked 10 hours OT, and received $90, which not only is less than the $18/hr that she is entitled, but he... more »

What We Know (and Ignore) about Standards, Achievement, and Equity

plthomaseddat@ THE CHALK FACE - 4 hours ago
What We Know (and Ignore) about Standards, Achievement, and Equity. via What We Know (and Ignore) about Standards, Achievement, and Equity.Filed under: PAUL THOMAS: Becoming Radical

AuthorCare Begins With Transperancy

Martyn DanielsatBrave New World - 4 hours ago
Today we read Hugh Howey’s blog post ‘Bread and Roses’ on what he believes the Authors Guild should be focused on and an author’s perspective on today’s marketplace. His views will not be shared by all, but they convey a frustration that is often felt by many, not necessarily on the activities of the Guild, but on their position within the market. It is a given that we have to both encourage authors and reward them. Yesterday they often could secure healthy advances and had a clear measure of their sales and expectation of royalties. If there was an issue they could instigate an... more »

This Land is Your Land

Capt. FoggatThe Impolitic - 4 hours ago
*Despite the continuing efforts of the Republicans* By Capt. Fogg I was never a big Pete Seeger fan, but my college years having coincided with the folk music revival, I certainly heard him a lot. I appreciated that he came from the time and conditions that produced Woody Guthrie and John Steinbeck and a lot of skepticism about how well our version of Capitalism served freedom and democracy. Those folks and many others weren't well received by the same sort of -- I hesitate to use the word bastards, but it fits -- who are still calling everything and everyone Communists for eve... more »

If I Had a Hammer...

jurassicporkatWelcome Back to Pottersville - 4 hours ago
Not Soviet workers.RT @greenhousenyt: R.I.P. Pete Seeger,dead at 94, tireless champion of workers and labor unions. pic.twitter.com/gDYHg9nDNq — Grover Norquist (@GroverNorquist) January 28, 2014 ...I swear, I'd bury it halfway to the handle in every right wing nut job's thick skull. The next time one of the sons or daughters of Ronald Reagan accuses the left of incivility when one of their own war-mongering, tax-dodging icons shits the bed, think of asswipes like Grover Norquist jiggling his pudgy body in a spastic jig over the undug grave of progressive heroes like Pete... more »

Cop Watch

SteveatThinking Aboot - 4 hours ago
Who will watch the watchmen? I have the greatest respect for the Police. They do a difficult dangerous job on societies behalf. In fact you can say that a society is increasingly only as good as its police force. There is a sad development in North American society, people have lost respect for the police in big and small ways. The big way is that perps no longer respect the badge. When I grew up when the Police told you to do something, you did it no questions asked. Today I think many citizens see the Police as some kind of occupying force, not here to serve and protect. The po... more »

Tuesday Morning Linkage: ISA and Blogging Edition

Steve SaidemanatDuck of Minerva - 4 hours ago
The International Studies Association Executive Committee has forwarded a proposal to the Governing Council that meets at the Association’s annual meeting that addresses blogging. The proposal and my take on it are discussed at my blog. The essence of it is to prohibit those involved in the editing of journals from blogging. The text of Continue reading


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 4 hours ago

Steve, Neil And The First Nations

Owen GrayatNorthern Reflections - 5 hours ago
Neil Young is now on Stephen Harper's enemies list. Michael Harris writes: In the thug state Stephen Harper is busily constructing, Young has become Stephane Dion with a guitar, or Michael Ignatieff with a tambourine – just another opponent of the prime minister to be torn down. In Harper’s one-opinion world, to engage is to destroy, never to discuss. Young’s offence was to express his opinion and to make a donation. In normal democracies, that would be no big deal. You might agree with the rock-star, you might not. Ninety-nine percent of the time, most wouldn’t even notice. B... more »

President Obama Will Announce An Increase In The Minimum Wage to $10.10 For Federal Workers Tonight

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 5 hours ago
Few issues are as black and white as raising the minimum wage. The vast majority of Americans would like to see it go up to at least the $10.10 proposed by President Obama. The polling is through the roof on this, not only among normal people, but even among a *majority* of self-identified Republican voters! Democrats in Congress-- save a tiny handful of corporate whores from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party (Blue Dogs and New Dems)-- have been working to raise it. Republicans have not only blocked that; many of them want to abolish the minimum wage altogether-- and bri... more »


New Orleans LadderatNew Orleans Ladder - 5 hours ago
*Crescent City Snow* ~Editilla gotta toll'ya~ When Mz. Cowsill put out this song, 2008, I was still on a long road home in Memphis, quite deep into Kafkatrina Nightmare, certified insane and still tighter than a grenade pin... but online for the first time in my life... and it snowed in New Orleans! Aaaaand our New Orleans Saints won the Super bowl the next year! *New Law Could Force All of Louisiana’s Abortion Clinics to Close ~Zoë Carpenter, The Nation* *Sen. Landrieu calls for greater investment in N.O. port system ~Michael Patrick Welch, Louisiana Weekly* *Bipartisan flood In... more »

RU4Choice? More and more countries are!

noreply@blogger.com (fern hill)atDAMMIT JANET! - 5 hours ago
Around the world -- with a couple of notable exceptions -- politicians are finally getting it. Abortion is essential health care and a basic human right for people who have uteruses. A number of countries are expanding abortion services and access. In France, already the medical abortion capital of the world, they've approved a sweeping gender-equity bill that includes the abandonment of the requirement for women to justify their abortion decisions. The [abortion] amendment is part of a gender-equality bill that is the most comprehensive legislation on women’s rights in the history... more »

Futures Jump On January 28 , 2014 - Hope Emerging Market Rout Receding , RBI interest rate hikes , PBOC injects 150 billion yuan to interbank market , hopes that Turkey's Central Bank will take substantial actions to support lira , hopes for Fed Open Market meeting starting today ... Apple miss put on the back burner for now ... suicide at JP Morgan's London HQ no discussed in detail yet.... State of the union on tap as Obama will issue Executive Order to increase minimum wage for Federal Contractors

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
Futures not the only thing jumping..... Two suicides in just a few days ? http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-28/man-jumps-his-death-jpmorgan-london-headquarters Man Jumps To His Death From JPMorgan London Headquarters [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/28/2014 07:48 -0500 - Deutsche Bank - Lehman - Lehman Brothers inShare Early this morning, at JPM's 33 story high London Headquarters located at 25 Bank Street in Canary Wharf, a 39 year-old man jumped to his death after falling onto a 9th floor roof. The police, who were called to t... more »

"Have an Exit Plan"..... Exiting the Matrix

TUESDAY, 28 JANUARY 2014 *"Have an Exit Plan"..... Exiting the Matrix* By D. from removingtheshackles.blogspot.com Signs of the times? More and more information is being brought to the public's attention. This past week has been a HUGE week again for transparency coming out in the media. Matt Drudge's "Drudge Report" is an excellent example of this. As Mac Slavo points out below, The Drudge Report has a huge readership and is massively influencing not only alternative readership, but mainstream media as well. I do not agree with Mac's interpretation of gloom and doom, as in t... more »

Ukraine: Authorities vs gangsters - Rick Rozoff interview

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
*Download audio file- approx 15 minutes*[image: Ukraine: the authorities vs gangsters – Rick Rozoff]peaceful protestors?*Transcript below * Hello. This is John Robles, I'm speaking to Voice of Russia regular contributor Mr. Rick Rozoff, the owner and manager of the Stop NATO website and international mailing list Robles: Hello Rick. I hope you had some happy holidays. How are you this evening? Rozoff:I'm doing very good, John. Thanks again for having me on your show. Robles: Thanks a lot. I was wondering if we can get your views on what is going on in Maidan or Independence Square in... more »

Turkey corruption scandal updates January 28 , 2014 - Police chief suspended after revealing order to halt corruption operation ..... Lawsuit filed concerning PM, ministers and media figures ..... Turkish Lira eases as Central Bank announces higher inflation forecast ( no interest rate hikes though.. ) ...... Turkish PM Erdoğan accuses Gülen movement of trying to ‘steal national will’

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
http://www.todayszaman.com/news-337800-police-chief-suspended-after-revealing-order-to-halt-corruption-operation.html Police chief suspended after revealing order to halt corruption operation [image: Read Comment] 1 [image: Add to Google] 2 28 January 2014 /TODAYSZAMAN.COM, İSTANBUL An İzmir police chief was suspended on Tuesday after he made public a recording of a telephone conversation in which he received an order from his superior officer and the İzmir governor to halt a police operation into alleged corruption at the Port of İzmir. İzmir Police Department's Financial Crime Unit c... more »

The New, Updated RTS and To BE Community Forum

D ... Breaking The SilenceatRemoving The Shackles - 6 hours ago
Yes, I've been a terrible Forum Administrator. I know, I know..... I'm sorry, it won't happen again!!! We have revamped and relaunched the RTS Forum to create a community for people to discuss, plan, theorize, investigate, meet up, and just chill out and relax with like minded people. I have been highly focused on skype and the many skype groups that I have been involved with for the past few years as we've been moving through this adventure. Skype is great for chatting.... but not so good for keeping track of conversations and information. ....and of course the whole NSA spyi... more »

War watch January 28 , 2014 - Afghanistan Officials accuses US of being behind some insurgent style attacks blamed on the Taliban , combined with another insider attack / prisoner release over US objections and Afghan government civilian death toll report - we are seeing a shift by the government toward the Taliban ...... Syria Talks End Early Over Regime Change ‘Impasse’ as the Syrian Government predictably spurns US demands to drop Assad , additional items of note on Syria peace talk developments and Syria War itself ..... Amidst the daily death dealing in Iraq , a news item of not involves news that the Iraq Opposition Leader Hires Lobbyist to Oppose US Arms Push

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
Afghanistan.... Afghan Officials: US Behind Some ‘Insurgent-Style’ AttacksAttacks Meant to Draw Attention Away From Civilian Deaths by Jason Ditz, January 27, 2014 Print This | Share This The Karzai government has repeatedly taken the US military to task for killing large numbers of civilians in the occupation, but they may just be the tip of the iceberg, as Afghan officials say a case is being made suggesting the US has also engaged in “insurgent-style” attacks which were blamed on the Taliban. The officials didn’t discuss the evidence in much detail, but the belief is that many of... more »

Thailand anti-government protest leader killed Protesters obstruct early voting polling stations ahead of general election ..... Thai protest getting violent as protest leader shot in the head and killed while giving a speech !

Catharsis Ours - 6 hours ago
Home Thai Anti-Government Protest Leader Killed [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/26/2014 09:51 -0500 - Davos - fixed - Reuters - SPY inShare<span class="IN-right" id="li_ui_li_gen_1390759190355_1-inner" style="background-attachment: initial !important; background-clip: initial !important; background-color: initial !important; background-image: url(http://s.c.lnkd.licdn.com/scds/common/u/img/sprite/sprite_connect_v13.png) !important; background-origin: initial

Dead women don't, and can't give life.

noreply@blogger.com (deBeauxOs)atDAMMIT JANET! - 7 hours ago
What a morbid thought, correct? In Canada, 26 years ago today the Supreme Court decision *R. v. Morgentaler* removed legal obstacles preventing women from accessing abortion - a medical procedure under the purview of professionals who administer the public health care system. But in Texas where the rights of corporations, guns and fetus are promoted by Bible-thumpers who claim they represent the will of God the Father, the laws of the state can desecrate and violate the rights of ordinary living breathing people. If there are profits to be made, weapons to be cherished and a zygot... more »

Can You Pass the Cricket (errr.. Soccer) Test?

Brandon ValerianoatDuck of Minerva - 7 hours ago
Its World Cup season again. That time a year when I start getting interview requests about soccer/football, fandom, and loyalty. The assumption for many seems to be if you are a citizen of a state, you must give a certain amount of loyalty to said state. Fixed nationalism for many is an assumption. With global Continue reading

"Have an Exit Plan"..... Exiting the Matrix

D ... Breaking The SilenceatRemoving The Shackles - 7 hours ago
Signs of the times? More and more information is being brought to the public's attention. This past week has been a HUGE week again for transparency coming out in the media. Matt Drudge's "Drudge Report" is an excellent example of this. As Mac Slavo points out below, The Drudge Report has a huge readership and is massively influencing not only alternative readership, but mainstream media as well. I do not agree with Mac's interpretation of gloom and doom, as in the break down of society that he is focused on happening. BUT, Drudge's tweet of "Have an exit plan" is a serious i... more »

Our Friendship Ties Us Together Valentine with Free Printable

Debra HawkinsatHousewife Eclectic - 7 hours ago
[image: Housewife Eclectic: Our Friendship Ties Us Together Valentine with Free Printable] This Printable Valentine using small stretchy hair ties is one of my favorites. Although it doesn't work for an entire school class, it is colorful and fun with something that little girls will actually use. We are making these ones for my daughter's dance class. You will need: The Valentine Printable found at the end of this post Scissors Hair Ties [image: Housewife Eclectic: Our Friendship Ties Us Together Valentine with Free Printable] This Printable Valentine comes six to one page. The b... more »

Escape from camp 14

Luboš MotlatThe Reference Frame - 8 hours ago
I am just reading Blaine Harden's book Escape from Camp 14: One Man's Remarkable Odyssey from North Korea to Freedom in the West and it is powerful stuff. It was published in 2012 by an American who shared the royalties with a guy named Sin who seems to be the world's only person who has ever escaped from the camps in North Korea (he was born in one such camp). We can learn quite something from him, at least if we believe that he is telling us the truth. There are between 150,000-200,000 people "living" in these camps. The conditions are horrible. I don't want to tell you about the... more »

REALIZATION: Traveling the path of the seeker

Hello Mr Kabuki, I hope this message finds you in good health. =). I like to think this is a good summation of what a lot of light workin' folks are experiencing or have experienced. Feel free to repost, fix, or sadly delete =(. Regardless have a wonderful day! -Faithful Reader *AK: Posted! * *REALIZATION:* Traveling the path of the seeker On my way Where the angels lay Parched for knowledge My drink matters not As long as there is no delay Rushing to a place Free to laugh and play Happiness I am taught A state of mind There is much pain Deep in the darkness My soul experiences B... more »

Musical Interlude: Georg Deuter, “Sea and Silence”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
Georg Deuter, “Sea and Silence” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf_tlrRhCRs

Bailout Architect Runs For California Governor; World Laughs

*Bailout Architect Runs For California Governor; World Laughs* By MATT TAIBBI POSTED: January 24, 12:05 PM ET Neel Kashkari Jin Lee/Bloomberg via Getty Images I want to apologize for this space being blank for quite some time. I actually spent the bulk of the last two days on a long blog post about the "Dr. V." story in Grantland. But then I got all the way to the end, and realized I was completely wrong about the entire thing. So, I spiked my own piece. Now I've been in Talk Radio-style "This is totally dead air, Barry" territory for about two weeks. I could swear I saw a cobweb... more »

Watch this video and it will change your life, it's changed mine - OK in a very small way

Not a sheepatNot a sheep - 9 hours ago
Admit it, you didn't know about the tabs on cling film and aluminium foil dispensers...


*This is part 2 of the SDR article series, interesting that they are using the same template as before including the Keynesian model that got us where we are now. If too big to fail didn't work in the USA, how is even bigger than too big to fail going to solve the problem? * *What if the problem IS the central banks hoarding vast stores of value (and the mountains of time-displaced hypothecated value that borrows from your grandchildren value via inflation)? Banks operating under an antiquated centrally planned economic model are doomed to failure. If central planning didn't w... more »

Review & #Giveaway - Homemade Cleaners by Mandy O'Brien & Dionna Ford

Small FootprintsatReduce Footprints - 9 hours ago
[image: Review & Giveaway - Homemade Cleaners, Quick-And-Easy, Toxic-Free Recipes] Have you ever considered making your own household cleaning solutions? I have! Commercial varieties usually contain toxic chemicals which are bad for our health and bad for the environment. There are "green" cleaners available but one has to be careful about them because they aren't always as green as the label implies and, they tend to be expensive. Making my own just makes sense. But here's my problem: The Internet is full of recipes and I don't always have the time to search out the "tried and tru... more »

HSBC restricts withdrawls, UST steals 401Ks, and Jamie gets a Raise!!

HSBC restricts withdrawls, UST steals 401Ks, and Jamie gets a Raise!! *Posted by D. at http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com/* A little more Financial News for your Saturday morning read. First up, HSBC is showing a lovely bit of transparency. http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-24/bank-run-fears-continue-hsbc-restricts-large-cash-withdrawals Bank-Run Fears Continue; HSBC Restricts Large Cash Withdrawals [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/24/2014 21:31 -0500 - China inShare12 Following research last week suggesting that HSBC has a major cap... more »

International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2014

BatocchioatVagabond Scholar - 10 hours ago
How to remember and teach the Holocaust have always been issues of debate, further complicated by the passage of time and the dwindling number of survivors. The Shoah Foundation started by Steven Spielberg has done an admirable job of capturing survivors' stories. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum remains an extraordinary resource. For high school students and younger, the Facing

Music For Those Who Hate the Grammys. Progressive Music Classics: "Joe Hill" by Paul Robeson

Marc McDonaldatBeggarsCanBeChoosers.com - 10 hours ago
. . *By MARC McDONALD* Welcome to another edition of Progressive Music Classics. I didn't watch the Grammy Awards this year. In fact, I never watch the Grammys (which is nothing more than a wank-fest of the corrupt U.S. corporate recording industry to celebrate another year of the utter mediocrity that clogs up today's pop charts). Anyone who thinks the Grammys celebrate the best of U.S. popular music probably also thinks the "Best Picture" Oscar actually has something to do with the best cinema of the year. I suppose there might be *some* worthwhile music at the Grammys. But as t... more »

Monday, January 27th Debate Between John Friend, Jim Fetzer, And Michael Collins Piper - My Analysis

NortherntruthseekeratNortherntruthseeker - 11 hours ago
I finished just a while ago listening to tonight's very important "debate" between Michael Collins Piper, Jim Fetzer, and John Friend.... I was both intrigued and very annoyed. Just like the last "debate" between Jim Fetzer and Keith Johnson, one party in this debate did their damnest to turn it into a witch hunt. I will not say which party, but after listening to this "debate" it does not take long to figure out whom! First, I do want to present the article that John Friend has posted tonight, including his opening statement for the debate... It is courtesy of John's blog, at ww... more »

Does reductive stress drive an adaptive inflammatory response, in depression linked to diet and lifestyle?

George HendersonatThe High-fat Hep C Diet - 11 hours ago
Everyone knows (I hope, because if they do it will save me a lot of time explaining) that inflammation can cause depression by activating the enzymes that degrade tryptophan, thus depleting the brain of serotonin. Basically, macrophages hoover up tryptophan and pass it through Indoleamine 2,3,-Dioxygenase (IDO), where it is broken down. This is the pathway for the synthesis of niacin and nicotinamide, which is used to make NAD+. (Note the other product, picolinic acid, thought to assist in absorption of minerals chromium and zinc) There is the "sickness behaviour" explanation, wher... more »


Anonataangirfan - 12 hours ago
*Andrew Ash* *Part Two of the Child Abuse Timeline. We include extracts from the blog Fighting Back and some additions:* *1980's* - A female member of the UK parliament sexually abused a thirteen-year-old boy called Andrew Ash. Andrew Ash was brought from a government children's home, to parliament, to be sexually abused. The female MP was part of a pedophile ring 'at the heart of government', a ring that included Sir Jimmy Savile. Andrew was also trafficked to Amsterdam on a number of occasions. Female MP abused boy in care - Express.co.uk ‎ *Peter Hatton-Bornshin* *1980's* -... more »

SKrashen: The Common Core: A Disaster for Libraries, A Disaster for Language Arts, a Disaster for American Education

Robert D. Skeels * rdsatheneatSchools Matter - 12 hours ago
SKrashen: The Common Core: A Disaster for Libraries, A Disaster for Language Arts, a Disaster for American Education: Stephen Krashen Knowledge Quest 42(3): 37-45 (2014). There never has been a need for the common core and there is no evidence ... more »

Alan Waldman : Beloved Brit actor Robson Green is great in the excellent cop series ‘Touching Evil’

Thorne DreyeratThe Rag Blog - 13 hours ago
Created by distinguished scribe Paul Abbott, the series is intelligent, exciting, and well-paced. By Alan Waldman | The Rag Blog | January 28, 2014 [In his weekly column, Alan Waldman reviews some of his favorite films and TV series that … finish reading Alan Waldman : Beloved Brit actor Robson Green is great in the excellent cop series ‘Touching Evil’

Christy Clark And Her Paid Team of Scofflaws and Slimers

Grant GatThe Straight Goods - 14 hours ago
This post is about a BC Liberal Government that breaks laws, ignores court rulings, a government that has disrespected almost everyone who has lived, and died in British Columbia, but more importantly this article is about the slimers and media that not only enabled this Christy Clark BC Liberal government but cheerleaded their actions.. Where to start, so many lowclass creeps to keep track of.. Phil Hochstein who was rewarded a well paying appointed position at the Port of Vancouver, that was his reward for slamming the public sector, for fighting minimum wage and his futile att... more »

What's Wrong With The DCCC? Does The Rot Go Beyond Just Steve Israel?

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 14 hours ago
As awful as he was, at least Rahm managed to win some seats Over the weekend, the *NY Times'* Carl Hulse predicted another two years of split government after the midterms. In other words, as we've been predicting all year, Steve Israel's disastrous reign at the DCCC and his abysmally flawed strategy will yield a second consecutive cycle of failure. Israel recruits conservatives, refuses to allow the DCCC to plan beyond one cycle, targets the wrong seats, and is probably trading safety for himself for safety for senior Republicans who would be otherwise vulnerable. A review of compe... more »

Energy Econ 12: EPIRA, WESM, PSALM and DOE Bureaucracy

Nonoy OplasatGovernment and Taxes - 14 hours ago
I like this new article by Romy Bernardo. My comments after his paper, below. --------- BUSINESS WORLD, January 26, 2014 10:15:33 PM Introspective By Romeo Bernardo *The way forward for the power industry* *THE RECENT sharp spike in power rates led to the understandable shock and anger of consumers; most are unfamiliar with the structure and workings of a now market-based power industry. Headline news and public discourse have generated more heat than light. It can be satisfying to embrace conspiracy as a short-cut to thinking about a complex subject which the ideologically oppose... more »


John FriendatJohn Friend's Blog - 15 hours ago
*On Monday, January 27, 2014, at 8 p.m. ET, Dave Gahary moderates the debate many of us have been waiting for.* *For two hours, Mike Piper takes on Jim Fetzer and John Friend, who tackle the controversy surrounding the Sandy Hook Elementary School event, which will address most or all of the points raised in the article “Top Ten Reasons: Sandy Hook was an Elaborate Hoax,” plus additional information which may cause you to reassess your position on whether what happened on December 14, 2012 was real or staged.* *Jim has published an article on his debate with Keith Johnson and Mike... more »

Bob Feldman : A People’s History of Egypt, Part 14, 1949-1952

Thorne DreyeratThe Rag Blog - 15 hours ago
The movement to democratize Egypt: Bloodless coup sends Farouk into exile. By Bob Feldman / The Rag Blog / January 27, 2014 [With all the dramatic activity in Egypt, Bob Feldman's Rag Blog "people's history" series, "The Movement to Democratize … finish reading Bob Feldman : A People’s History of Egypt, Part 14, 1949-1952

Updates On Syria [1.27]: A Localized Ceasefire Is Off The Table, Syria's Leading Internal Opposition Group Is Not Represented At Geneva II, Syria Makes A Fool of Itself By Releasing A Communiqué Saying It Is A "Democratic Country"

Saman MohammadiatThe Excavator - 16 hours ago
*1. An excerpt from, "Brahimi saves his energy for Geneva III" by Jean Aziz, Al-Monitor, January 27, 2014: * But reaching a cease-fire will not be much easier. It seemed that the two parties have different priorities for the cease-fire for military and geographic considerations. *The opposition delegation, for example, wants to start the cease-fire in Homs, where things are clearly going in the Syrian army’s favor and a cease-fire would give oxygen to the opposition’s armed groups. The official delegation wants to start the cease-fire either in the Aleppo area or in Daraa, near the... more »


New Orleans LadderatNew Orleans Ladder - 16 hours ago
*New Law Could Force All of Louisiana’s Abortion Clinics to Close ~Zoë Carpenter, The Nation*

Kate Braun : Candlemas can sweep us into our future

Thorne DreyeratThe Rag Blog - 16 hours ago
Lord Sun is in Aquarius and winter is fast a-fleeting as we celebrate Candlemas with reflected light. “…do do be do, do be do, be do be do be do…” – Swingle Singers scatting Bach By Kate Braun | The … finish reading Kate Braun : Candlemas can sweep us into our future

Hang out in your local coffee shop, and you may be lucky enough to overhear "someone discussing their airline mileage plan in detail"

KenInNYatDownWithTyranny! - 17 hours ago
*No, it's not exactly Socratic dialogues you're apt to overhear while hanging out in a coffee shop.* *by Ken* I have a lingering interest -- somewhere between curiosity and tolerance -- in "The Frisky," a website aimed at not-too-old and not-too-unhip women, specializing in gee-whiz pieces about sex and relationships which tend to fall into two categories: • *Explaining men to women.* (Random example: "'Guy’s Guide To Birth Control' Is The Sexiest Thing You’ll See All Day.") • *Explaining women to women.* (Random example: "Life After Dating: A Look Back at 4 Strange Things I Did ... more »

Rewards for reading outloud to children?

skrashenatSchools Matter - 17 hours ago
To be published in the School Library Journal Should we provide rewards if parents read 1000 books aloud to their children ("Vivacious vocabulary," Jan. 2014)? Read-alouds are very pleasant for both parents and children. The vast majority of children say that they enjoy being read to: 97% in Walker and Kuerbitz (1979), 95% in Mason and Blanton (1971), and parents agree: Eighy-nine percent of mothers interviewed in Newson and Newson (cited in Wells, 1985) said their children liked to be read to. Giving certificates, getting one's picture in the local newspaper, and other incenti... more »


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 17 hours ago
Snowden-Interview in English (Exclusive on German Television 01/26/2014)from Anonymous News on Vimeo. In an exclusive interview with German television, NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden discussed reports of government death threats and dismissed President Obama's calls to return home, saying he would face a "show trial." Snowden was interviewed by German journalist and documentary filmmaker Hubert Seipel at an undisclosed location in Russia. It aired late Sunday night on Germany's main public broadcaster ARD.

Geneva II Is Going Nowhere, As Predicted By Any Analyst Worth The Name

Saman MohammadiatThe Excavator - 18 hours ago
The forces that have been unleashed in Syria in the last three years cannot be put back into a bottle with a laughable peace conference held thousands of miles away in Europe. This is just good old political theatre. Geneva II was destined for disaster on the day it was announced. Does the world truly want to end this war tomorrow? Okay then. Be serious about it. Let Syria attack Saudi Arabia. Make them bleed and pay the price for arming 7th century barbarians and invading Syria by proxy. Retaliation is long overdue. The events in Syria are not happening in a vacuum. These people a... more »

@PARCCplace : More bang for the buck?

Chris Cerroneat@ THE CHALK FACE - 18 hours ago
The PARCC folks and Common Core cheerleaders like to talk about the next generation of standardized testing. Are these new tests worth the $29.50 per student cost? In my state of New York that would triple the cost of the current 3-8 testing program. Of course we will also need to seriously upgrade technology in […]

Walking Dead Season 4 preview

SteveatThinking Aboot - 18 hours ago
Wow, it looks fantastic. Can not wait.

"We Never Live..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
“We do not rest satisfied with the present. We anticipate the future as too slow in coming, as if in order to hasten its course; or we recall the past, to stop its too rapid flight. So imprudent are we that we wander in the times which are not ours, and do not think of the only one which belongs to us; and so idle are we that we dream of those times which are no more, and thoughtlessly overlook that which alone exists. For the present is generally painful to us. We conceal it from our sight, because it troubles us; and if it be delightful to us, we regret to see it pass away. We tr... more »

"A Look to the Heavens"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
“There is a road that connects the Northern to the Southern Cross but you have to be at the right place and time to see it. The road, as pictured below, is actually the central band of our Milky Way Galaxy; the right place, in this case, is dark Laguna Cejar in Salar de Atacama of Northern Chile; and the right time was in early October, just after sunset. *Click image for larger size.* Many sky wonders were captured then, including the bright Moon, inside the Milky Way arch; Venus, just above the Moon; Saturn and Mercury, just below the Moon; the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds sat... more »

Chet Raymo, “In A Dark Time...”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*“In A Dark Time...”* by Chet Raymo “I've quoted a few of these lines before, from a poem by Charles Simic: "It's like fishing in the dark. Our thoughts are the hooks, Our heart the raw bait. We cast the line past all believing Into the night sky Until it's lost to sight." In a sense, that's the story of my life: a long love affair with the night sky. My first book of popular science was “365 Starry Nights”. My first book of personal prose was “The Soul of the Night: An Astronomical Pilgrimage”. “An Intimate Look at the Night Sky” followed much later, but every book in between, fic... more »

NY State Senator George Latimer is my new Hero!

Angel Cintron Jr.at@ THE CHALK FACE - 19 hours ago
Although NY State Senator George Latimer isn’t a professional educator by trade, his perspective, vis-à-vis CCSS implementation, is spot on! This video is definitely worth watching, a few times. You have to love how he “slaps” the table for added emphasis!Filed under: ANGEL CINTRON, JR.: I Think, Therefore I Teach Tagged: ccss


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 19 hours ago

Not an Economist, not a Statesman, Not to be believed!

SteveatThinking Aboot - 20 hours ago
(story behind picture, lots of Strauss) If Strauss and Rand begot Manning, Manning and Cheney begot Steve Guess who? Okay its Harper. I can not say it any better than it has already been said.

“Mind-Blowing Time-Lapse of the Milky Way in the Chilean Sky”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
“Mind-Blowing Time-Lapse of the Milky Way in the Chilean Sky” - http://www.washingtonsblog.com/

The Daily "Near You?

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Thanks for stopping by.

The Poet: Matthew Arnold, "Growing Old"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
*"Growing Old"* "What is it to grow old? Is it to lose the glory of the form, The lustre of the eye? Is it for beauty to forego her wreath? Yes, but not for this alone. Is it to feel our strength - Not our bloom only, but our strength - decay? Is it to feel each limb Grow stiffer, every function less exact, Each nerve more weakly strung? Yes, this, and more! but not, Ah, 'tis not what in youth we dreamed 'twould be! 'Tis not to have our life Mellowed and softened as with sunset-glow, A golden day's decline! 'Tis not to see the world As from a height, with rapt prophetic eyes, And heart... more »

Quotes of the day: The David Cunliffe edition

Peter CresswellatNot PC - 20 hours ago
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the majority discovers it can vote itself largess out of the public treasury.” – attrib. to Alexander Fraser Tytler "Every election is a sort of advance auction sale of stolen goods." - H. L. Mencken “Institutions purely democratic may endure until the day politicians discover they can bribe the public with the public's money.” – attrib. to Alexis de Tocqueville "Democracy will fail when people begin to think they can vote themselves rich." - PJ O’Rourke Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Ple... more »

"This Is Your Life..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 20 hours ago
“This is your life, and it's ending one minute at a time. Every breath is a choice. Every minute is a choice. To be or not to be. Every time you don't throw yourself down the stairs, that's a choice. Every time you don't crash your car, you re-enlist. If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?" - Chuck Palahniuk

Tom Houghton Declares His Candidacy In PA-16-- A Seat Held By Right-Winger Joe Pitts

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago
This afternoon, Democrat Tom Houghton announced his candidacy for the 16th Congressional District in Pennsylvania, challenging incumbent right-wing Republican Joe Pitts, who we're very familiar with from the Aryanna Strader campaign in 2012. Once again, Steve Israel is forcing the DCCC to ignore this very winnable (R+4) southeast Pennsylvania seat that President Obama won in 2008. And Tom has also been an electoral winner in this area. A former Township Supervisor in his community of London Grove and a former State representative in Pennsylvania’s 13th legislative District., he was... more »

Illuminati Motor Works

SteveatThinking Aboot - 21 hours ago
This X prize competitor did not win the ten million dollar prize, but just for the name alone they struck gold with me. What a lovely back story behind this carbon fiber tail. I am only disappointed by the lack of tinfoil. Based upon my rough calculations about the dismal economic efficiency of the Canadian Oil Sands passenger fuel I have come to two conclusions about future automobiles. They will be all tad pole shaped. I designed in my mind a inflatable profile that would inflate to full tadpole at speed and retract around town. Today's cars have tons of co efficient to consu... more »

Vatican's unsuccessful Dove message of peace & love since Pope Benedict XVI

Jason LeewigatOur Manmade Disasters - 21 hours ago
Ill omen? Pope’s doves of peace for Ukraine attacked by angry birds (PHOTOS) Published time: January 26, 2014 19:23 Edited time: January 27, 2014 10:39 Get short URL [image: Pope Francis (C) watches as children release doves during the Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican January 26, 2014 (Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi)] Pope Francis (C) watches as children release doves during the Angelus prayer in Saint Peter's square at the Vatican January 26, 2014 (Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi) Pope Francis on Sunday prayed for the start of a “constructive dialogue” in Ukraine, releas... more »

Being Absent Limits Does Not Mean Being Absent Common Sense

*Being Absent Limits Does Not Mean Being Absent Common Sense* By American Kabuki January 26, 2013 Caleb and I come from a similar religious backgrounds, actually many of us do, D, Bob and Vera and others. Heather grew up marginally Catholic and had her fingers beaten with car antennas by nuns. She still has the scars from those piano lessons when she missed some notes. One thing Caleb I both saw in the faiths we grew up was there was a saying in our churches among the clued in, "you never want to do business with another church person"... what was the reason for this? Well cert... more »

“10 Most Absurd Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: Pity the 1% Edition”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago
*“10 Most Absurd Right-Wing Lunacies This Week: * *Pity the 1% Edition”* By Janet Allon "So much right-wing craziness this week, it's difficult to know where to start. So, we'll just dive in. *1. Thomas Perkins: The 1% are treated the way Nazis treated Jews. *If you’ve been spending your time worrying about the plight of the very poor, the long-term unemployed, low-wage workers or even the strapped middle class, stop it! You need to get some sensitivity training about the persecuted 1%. You know, it is just not easy being mega-wealthy. People are mean to you, In fact, it’s like t... more »


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 22 hours ago
This is the English version of the Edward Snowden interview done by the German TV-station NDR.

Hound Dog

CraigatIs the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
There were a lot of very angry elderly bingo players during tonight's *The Unbelievable Truth. *I even had to duck as an ashtray narrowly missed my head after one particularly fanatical player of Rad*i*o 4 Comedians Bingo registered her frustration at Marcus Brigstocke barely believable failure to attack *The Daily Mail*. Despite some mockery of Christian belief, all the Radio 4 comedians present failed to make any jokes about Michael Gove or the Bullingdon Club or baby-killing Tory prime ministers. It was the lowest-scoring edition of the programme yet, and a thousand cigarettes... more »

Digital Warming: Can We Avoid the Destruction of the Physical Book Habitat?

Martyn DanielsatBrave New World - 22 hours ago
In our last article we wrote about the market impact of Digital Warming, which like its more famous environment equivalent, global environment warming, can result in unpredictable effects. Today we have to ask the question of whether it is now not wise to adjust our behaviour, not only to mitigate some of the extremes of today’s trade, but to also protect and reduce the risk from irreversible damage tomorrow. When CDrom digital ebook content first appeared many rushed to add extras and in doing so often took their eyes off the costs and the lack of market demand. The inevitable r... more »


sueatIs the BBC biased? - 22 hours ago
I’m not the kind of person who goes “I hold my hands up” when they think they’ve done something a bit naughty, but just in case the things I wrote about the Liberal Democrats and the Jesus and Mo cartoons appeared to trivialize a serious matter by use of facetious or flippant language, I’ll elaborate. The Liberal Democrats are a shambles. They are though, are they not? I wrote that before everyone else started saying it. I even heard Michael Deacon say the same, days after I’d written it. You’ll have to take my word for that. Damian Thompson has said it (twice) as well. The Liber... more »

Sandy Hoax: Mark Glenn Exposes Himself As A Fraud!

NortherntruthseekeratNortherntruthseeker - 22 hours ago
Tonight is an important night in the continuing saga between those in the "TUT" camp, who have been trying their best (and worse) to convince everyone that the Sandy Hook operation was "real" and that we can somehow trust the mainstream media and government that they would not lie to us, and those who do see the truth about Sandy Hook being an operation where not only did nobody die, but has been used to psychologically turn America upside down and into a state of paranoia.....Tonight, Jim Fetzer is to try again to debate Michael Collins Piper on John Friend's "The Realist Report" a... more »

Sex, Power Play, and Trotskyism

PhilatA Very Public Sociologist - 22 hours ago
It's one that has had seasoned left watchers stumped in bemusement. Back in the day, it was so different. As a general rule, most people exiting revolutionary outfits either returned to private life, or continued being active inside the labour movement. A small minority of comrades, however, would stick with the far left. The ultra-correct posturing of ultra-left "fighting" propaganda groups like the Spartacists and Workers Power occasionally attracted a few by exposing the centrism or *gasp* reformism of the IS/SWP or Militant/SP. Or some waltzed off and formed their own outfit af... more »

The Grammy Awards: Parents outraged the freak show they allowed their kids to watch turned out to be, wait for it - a freak show...

AdrienneatAdrienne's Corner - 22 hours ago
*you asked for it and you got it.* Good work, parents of America. Did you really think Beyonce and her husband were going to do anything that was uplifting - other than her butt, of course? You willing invited that stupidity into your home, and now you complain and try and blame everyone but yourself. I have no sympathy and think your outrage is misplaced. It isn't up to networks, producers of shows, or entertainers to protect your kids. It's your job and you're failing. And don't forget Michelle Obama thinks Beyonce is a "role model" for her daughters. Have we ever had suc... more »

Talent will out

Peter CresswellatNot PC - 23 hours ago
Does anyone remember, years ago, when four Swedes called ABBA were banking truckloads of money in their very small country while Muldoon down here was busy taxing the bejesus out of recorded music, that there was an argument had that instead of shitting all over music-buyers and local musicians, Muldoon would do better to remove the thumbscrews and get out their way, and then maybe, one day, a New Zealander or two might enjoy the same sort of success that might just benefit all of us as well? Have we just seen that, much belatedly, with Lorde and Joel Little – their success, thei... more »

How liberals get played by people like Walsh!

bob somerbyatthe daily howler - 23 hours ago
*MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2014* *Refuses to tell you the truth:* This is a very good day to learn an important point. It’s a good day to see how the liberal world gets played by the likes of Joan Walsh. Walsh is now paid by MSNBC, a branch of NBC News. Her patron there is Chris Matthews. Walsh refused to describe his repellent behavior all through the Clinton/Gore years, and then in the years which followed. Today, she is refusing to tell you what her colleague and corporate-mate David Gregory did on yesterday’s Meet the Press. People, it just isn’t done. As we noted in this earlie... more »

Protect Western Navajo Confluence from Desecration!

brendanorrell@gmail.comatCENSORED NEWS - 23 hours ago
Save the Confluence Read how Navajos are struggling to protect sacred land on the western side of the Navajo Nation from the Navajo Nation government's proposed $120 million resort development: http://savetheconfluence.com/ KTNN: Listen on Facebook to recorded portions in Dine' language: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=4840501892954 Families on KTNN against the Confluence Development

More middle-class welfare [updated]

Peter CresswellatNot PC - 23 hours ago
[image: Family benefit] There’s nothing like a new idea to give a politician hope in an election year – and what Labour leader David Cunliffe pledge yesterday to big acclaim in a speech much-hyped by his supporters yesterday was nothing like a new idea. Or a good one. It was what columnist George Will once called “the politics of seeming to care,” expressed by Cunliffe in rummaging through the recycling bin of the Ghosts of Elections Past. Didn’t we have a universal “family benefit” back in the day, finally abandoned only in 1991? Didn’t we have a Labour hopeful here some years... more »

The Divine Plan

Sophia LoveatAMERICAN KABUKI - 23 hours ago
At the start of last week, January 20th to be specific, we (those in my home) felt a very definite shift energetically. It was positive, creating a feeling of “all is well”. Just four days later there was another emotion that seemed to descend on us from somewhere else and it was exhausting, “done”; an “I can’t do this anymore” sort of energy. This roller coaster ride brought up wonderings of “What the heck is going on?” This did not emanate from us, but rather TO us, to create a reaction. This post contains some thoughts on what may be going on. This time is marked with a str... more »


Nobody Gets Left Behind By American Kabuki January 27, 2013 Everything you encounter will interact with your energy. Energy exchange is a ubiquitous fact of life. Your physical embodiment depends on energy exchange with the earth, air, sun, and water and the various components of vibrations bound up as photons, magnetism and the highly condensed and slowed down encapsulations of light known as matter (E=MC2). There is a ginormous amount of light in a single atom. Scientists learned this in the 1940s and created a bomb out of that very simple fact of existence. Your eternal ess... more »

More on Moral Hazard in US Alliances: Explaining Japan-Korea Tension (and Greece-Turkey?)

Robert KellyatDuck of Minerva - 1 day ago
So this post is a bleg to those of you who know more about alliances than me. I am considering writing this up for an article, so I thought I would ‘crowd-source’ early comments on the basic argument. I also wonder if someone elsewhere has already suggested this idea in the vast alliance literature. So Continue reading

Corbett Report - the NSA and the 9/11 Deception

Mike PhilbinatFREE PLANET BLOG - 1 day ago
Corbett Report goes absolutely apeshit about the "L.I.N.K." between the NSA and the 9/11 Deception, namely, "Surely they'll have known whether Edward Snowden's claims of omnipotence were so ... omnipotent?" non-quote: *As the public finally becomes outraged over the NSA's illegal spying, members of government and the corporate media wage an information war to misdirect that anger to issues of less importance.* [source CORBETT REPORT] Ah-hahaha, and when you think about it, synchronistically speaking, this TURN IT OFF campaign that's asking the State of Utah to 'turn off' the NSA's... more »

You Are A Gem Valentine with Free Printable

Debra HawkinsatHousewife Eclectic - 1 day ago
[image: Housewife Eclectic: You Are A Gem Valentine with Free Printable] I have a confession to make. I might just absolutely love Ring Pops. Who doesn't like awesome bling that is tasty too? Just me? Even if I am the only adult who still loves them, at least I know the kids go crazy for them. You will need: Ring Pops Baker's Twine Double Sided Tape Printable Valentine found at the end of this post Scissors [image: Housewife Eclectic: You Are A Gem Valentine with Free Printable] I bought the Disney Princess ring pops from the dollar store because the suckers are in clear packages i... more »

It is immoral for Al Gore to organize "fertility management" for other nations

Luboš MotlatThe Reference Frame - 1 day ago
Various influential and would-be influential people have gathered at the annual meeting in Davos. Folks like Al Gore and Bill Gates are among them. These two participated in the panel Changing the Climate for Growth and Development (video) Bill Gates represented some kind of a relatively traditional charity guy who has really helped people in poor nations and who noticed that there's been a huge improvement. He also predicts that there won't be any poverty in 20 years. Well, maybe, it depends on the definition of poverty. Al Gore started to talk around 14:55 in the video above and a... more »

Moscow's Ukraine bailout on track- Energy politics fuel Ukraine 'revolution'

PennyatPenny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*Does this bailout give Russia some serious leverage no matter the outcome in Ukraine?* *Ukraine borrows $2 bln from Moscow, signals bailout on track* * Adds to December Eurobond, total borrowed now $5 bln * One third of Russian bailout disbursed * Violence has prompted speculation about aid from Moscow KIEV, Jan 27 (Reuters) - U*kraine is borrowing another $2 billion from Russia on the same terms as a $3 billion Eurobond sold in December, in a sign that Moscow is pushing on with a $15 billion bailout despite concern about violence at anti-government protests in Kiev.* Perhap... more »

KIPP's Open Bar Night at Houston's Hard Rock Cafe, and Other Tales from Las Vegas

Jim HornatSchools Matter - 1 day ago
The stories of twenty former KIPP teachers will be compiled in a book available later this year, but here is another tiny clip that relates to news reported this morning in the Times-Picayune (below). This bombshell was dropped near the end of one of those twenty interviews when this participant offered one final concern about KIPP: . . . . I think there is a lot of danger, too, in the fact that the charter school systems do not have to report what they do with their funds to anyone. And I don’t, I certainly would not say that I saw, I did not have any want for anything in my class... more »

For Congress In Iowa's First Congressional District: Pat Murphy

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
In October, Blue America endorsed Pat Murphy, the progressive candidate in the battle for the open Iowa congressional seat Bruce Braley is leaving in the state's northeast corner, IA-01-- Dubuque, Cedar Rapids, Waterloo, Marshalltown, Decorah. It's a D+5 district and the winner of the primary will be going to Congress next year. Murphy was the former Minority leader and then the House Speaker and has proven himself to be a dynamic and capable progressive champion. He managed to raise the minimum wage, block the Republican jihad against LGBT equality and was able to raise the cigar... more »

"How It Really Is"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago

"Disordered Minds..."

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“We do not have to visit a madhouse to find disordered minds; our planet is the mental institution of the universe.” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Karl Denninger, “Our Government Runs Drugs, Eh?

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Our Government Runs Drugs, Eh?* by Karl Denninger “It also gets our border agents killed. And it does so, it is alleged, for the specific purpose of allowing one cartel to run drugs, including getting those caught out of the charges for doing so. “The DEA agents met with members of the cartel in Mexico to obtain information about their rivals and simultaneously built a network of informants who sign drug cooperation agreements, subject to results, to enable them to obtain future benefits, including cancellation of charges in the U.S.,” the report adds. What's this about? This. ... more »

Satire: “Stephen Hawking’s Blunder on Black Holes Shows Danger of Listening to Scientists, Says Bachmann”

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime)atRunning 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Stephen Hawking’s Blunder on Black Holes Shows* * Danger of Listening to Scientists, Says Bachmann”* by Andy Borowitz WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “Dr. Stephen Hawking’s recent statement that the black holes he famously described do not actually exist underscores “the danger inherent in listening to scientists,” Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) said today. Rep. Bachmann unleashed a blistering attack on Dr. Hawking, who earlier referred to his mistake on black holes as his “biggest blunder.” “Actually, Dr. Hawking, our biggest blunder as a society was ever listening to peo... more »

The True Origin of Geocentrism: Another Truth That Must Not Be Mentioned

Harry Dale HuffmanatThe Earth and Man: Setting the Stage - 1 day ago
When you are a scientist with research findings that strike at the heart, not only of the current consensus, nor even the current paradigm in science, but at the whole tangle of man's most obsessively and religiously affirmed beliefs, and their uncounted variations, over the full course of known history--well, suffice it to say that you find yourself in the land of perpetual experiment, strugging to find a way to get your discoveries before the world, and not just a relative handful of open-minded individuals. This blog is an exploratory experiment, as are all my efforts on the int... more »

Bad Journalism, Test-Mania, and High Education: “A Flabbergasting Reality”

plthomaseddat@ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
About thirty years after the fabricated “the sky is falling” moment in public education—A Nation at Risk—we may be witnessing a similar dismantling of higher education in the U.S., as John Marcus overstates: On weekend mornings all this winter, anxious high school juniors and seniors will file into school cafeterias to sweat through the SAT, […]

A Note of No Importance

Paul CokeratNews Spike - 1 day ago
I am sitting here at my desk today in October, longing for someone to hug me & encourage me to keep strong & hold my head high — this particular phase in my life is the most dangerous — my husband is planning "an accident" in my car. brake failure & serious head injury in order to make the path clear for him to marry Tiggy. Camilla is nothing but a decoy, so we are all being used by the man in every sense of the word. I have been battered, bruised and abused mentally by a system for 15 years now, but I feel no resentment, I carry no hatred. I am weary of the battles, but I will n... more »

Conspiracy Theory

Paul CokeratNews Spike - 1 day ago
3. Action. We do not recommend that discussion of the assassination question be initiated where it is not already taking place. Where discussion is active, however, addressees are requested: CS COPY 9 attachments h/w DATE 4/1/67 1- Satts 8-Unclassified DESTROY WHEN NO LONGER NEEDED JFK 01, p.2 a. To discuss the publicity problem with liaison and friendly elite contacts (especially politicians and editors), pointing out that the Warren Commission made as thorough an investigation as humanly possible, that the charges of the critics are without serious foundation, and tha... more »

Updated: Silence Implies Consent

*Update 1/28/2013: A friend pointed out this article (which I hadn't read) which came out a couple of days before mine along similar lines of thought... only comment that I would make on Zen Gardeners article is that knowledge alone will not get you there, connecting with your heart with that knowledge will... -AK* *Silence Implies Consent* *by* *American Kabuki* *Many people do not understand the difference between free-will and consent. Free-will is what you do and whether you lend your consent or do not consent to an action or experience affecting you or others. What do yo... more »

When Gregory welcomed Chertoff back!

bob somerbyatthe daily howler - 1 day ago
*MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2014* *The things which don’t get discussed:* Yesterday morning, on Meet the Press, David Gregory went a million miles out of his way to reprise Miss Lewinsky, the intern who wasn’t an intern and who has been getting younger. We were also struck by the way he introduced Michael Chertoff. In the segment in question, Gregory was discussing Edward Snowden’s situation in Moscow. First, he spoke with one of Snowden’s legal advisers. After that, he brought Chertoff on, in very casual fashion: GREGORY (1/26/14): All right, Jesselyn Radack in Moscow for us today. Than... more »

On Assortative Mating

Greg MankiwatGreg Mankiw's Blog - 1 day ago
A new working paper concludes: "Data from the United States Census Bureau suggests there has been a rise in assortative mating....[I]f matching in 2005 between husbands and wives had been random, instead of the pattern observed in the data, then the Gini coefficient would have fallen from the observed 0.43 to 0.34, so that income inequality would be smaller"

Fukushima and Global Warming Science

SteveatThinking Aboot - 1 day ago
(Picture Credit) I maintain that there is a cause and effect relationship that can not be denied. The burning of fossil fuels creates CO2 gas which is absorbed by the atmosphere. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere can be measured. The amount in the atmosphere today is the highest in hundreds of thousands of years. The effect is global warming. Fukushima Nuclear Disaster evidence is cloudy. I have no clear idea if it is more serious than the damage caused by atmospheric Atomic Bond testing, or less serious than Chernobyl. I suspect it is much worse than both combined. Is there eno... more »

Got Assets?

SteveatThinking Aboot - 1 day ago
Chances are the gummit is busy planning to take a quarter of them. It may be the easiest way out of the corner the world has painted itself into. Smartest thing you can do is reduce your expenditures now. Buy a car with the lowest operating cost practical. Get as far off the grid as reasonable. Silver coins in your stash are going to be worth more than dividend stocks in the goverment cross hairs.


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 1 day ago
I've been closely following the back-and-forth public relations campaign going on between the US and Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan over long-term bases. The US wants to maintain permanent presence in Afghanistan practically forever but Karzai lately has been more forceful about Pentagon and CIA drone attacks and other Special Forces operations that have killed many innocent people. The *New York Times* reported on Sunday that: The risk that President Obama may be forced to pull all American troops out of Afghanistan by the end of the year has set off concerns inside the American i... more »

Abusive Cornerstone Prep Attempts PR Comeback

Jim HornatSchools Matter - 1 day ago
The Achievement School District (ASD), which was formed in Tennessee to charterize the state’s poorest schools in the same fashion that the Recovery School District has done to New Orleans, had their point person for the Memphis Corporate Appeal, Jane Roberts, to do a PR piece to help in the recovery of the abusive and scandal-ridden Cornerstone Prep in Memphis. Marching to Cornerstone Drum In 2012, parents complained that children were being abused by the insensitive white corporate missionaries hired to culturally sterilize Shelby County’s poorest children. As a response, Cor... more »

Poverty in America in Global Context

noreply@blogger.com (Roger Pielke, Jr.)atRoger Pielke Jr.'s Blog - 1 day ago
The graph above comes from the work of Branko Milanovic of the World Bank. It shows income distributions by "ventile" (that is, 5-percentile bins) for the US, Brazil, China and India. Here is how the New York Times describes the graph: The graph shows inequality within a country, in the context of inequality around the world. It can take a few minutes to get your bearings with this chart, but trust me, it’s worth it. Here the population of each country is divided into 20 equally-sized income groups, ranked by their household per-capita income. These are called “ventiles,” as you c... more »

Venezuela updates - January 26 , 2014....Venezuela Enacts "Law of Fair Prices" Banning Profits Over 30%, with 10-Year Imprisonment for Hoarding ...... Law of Fair Prices comes into effect as food shortages loom , foreign airlines are cutting off access to overseas flight due to Venezuela's failure to pay 3 billion owed and as Venezuela Overhauls Foreign-Exchange System - Denies 'Stealth Devaluation' Of The Bolivar

Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
From Mish..... Saturday, January 25, 2014 9:49 PM Venezuela Enacts "Law of Fair Prices" Banning Profits Over 30%, with 10-Year Imprisonment for Hoarding No matter how ridiculous things are, they can always get worse, especially when dealing with leftist dictators and hyperinflation setups. Via translation from El Economista, please consider Venezuela Issues Law of Fair Prices, Prohibiting Profits Over 30%. The Fair Prices Act, an instrument with which the Government of Nicolas Maduro intends to control prices and eliminate shortages, includes a ban on profit margins over 30%, wi... more »

The FBI, having bungled 9/11, has now decided to rebrand its primary function as "national security" -- at the expense of cutting their white-collar-crime unit now that Wall Street and bankster crime is running rampant. And what more can they do than NSA, which confessed under oath that by spying on everyone for years they have uncovered ZERO terrorist plots?

David L GriscomatCherchez la Verite - 1 day ago
------------------------------ *FBI Drops Law Enforcement as Primary Mission* ------------------------------ BY JOHN HUDSON | JANUARY 5, 2014 -- 9.49 PM ORIGINAL HERE The FBI's creeping advance into the world of counterterrorism is nothing new. But quietly and without notice, the agency has finally decided to make it official in one of its organizational fact sheets. Instead of declaring "law enforcement" as its "primary function," as it has for years, the FBI fact sheet now lists "national security" as its chief mission. The changes l... more »

Worldwide Pedophilia Conspiracy?

SteveatThinking Aboot - 1 day ago
There is more and more evidence something is seriously amiss. There are truths revealing themselves.

The Earth Channel

SteveatThinking Aboot - 1 day ago
Coming real soon a live continuous HD stream of Earth from the International Space Station. Ho-ray after $300 Billion they have finally found a use for the Space Station. The worlds most expensive camera mount. Maybe its appropriate because the cameras cost $17 million each. Space junk does not come cheap.

Questioning The Lancet, PLOS, And Other Surveys On Iraqi Deaths, An Interview With Univ. of London Professor Michael Spagat

Joel WingatMUSINGS ON IRAQ - 1 day ago
Michael Spagat is a professor of economics at Royal Holloway, University of London. He has written extensively upon survey work done in Iraq, specifically on the two *Lancet *reports on estimated deaths in Iraq following the 2003 invasion, and two other studies done on child mortality rates in the country during the 1990s sanctions period. He’s also studied the Iraq Living Conditions Survey, the Iraq Family Health Survey, and the 2013 PLOS Medicine Journal Survey on Iraqi fatalities. Professor Spagat has found anomalies with almost all of these papers that undermine their findin... more »


bob somerbyatthe daily howler - 1 day ago
*MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 2014* *Part 1—David Gregory and the even younger intern:* “The state of the union is dumb.” We’d love to see Obama say it, right at the start of tomorrow night’s address. In our mind’s eye, members would shift about in their seats. Starting in the gallery, the applause would start to spread. Helpful suggestion! As a performance hook, the president might want to borrow from Foxworthy, repeatedly saying this: “The state of the union may be dumb if...” He could then produce his examples. His point would of course be the same. Good God, but the state of the union... more »

Thailand: Regime Assassinates Protest Leader on Eve of Sham Elections

Land DestroyeratLand Destroyer - 1 day ago
Peaceful protests turn deadly as regime unleashes "red shirt" enforcers and heavily armed assassins. *January 26, 2014* (ATN) - Regime gunmen assassinated celebrated NGO worker, activist, and protest core leader Sutin Taratin Sunday, during a brazen broad-daylight drive by shooting amid a melee between protesters and armed "red shirt" regime enforcers. Protests were held across the country at polling stations in opposition to advance voting. Forty-five out of fifty polling stations were closed in Bangkok alone. Bangkok's English paper The Nation would report in its article, "Thaksin... more »


Bruce K. GagnonatOrganizing Notes - 1 day ago
The Waihopai Valley spy base in New Zealand has been swamped with demonstrators calling for its closure.

Identity Politics Sucks

DownWithTyrannyatDownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
I've been meaning to say something about a piece I saw last week in the *Washington Post* by David Broockman, a political science grad student from UC Berkeley ever since I read this one finding from his research: "disengaged and infrequent voters who allegedly constitute the moderate middle are actually more likely to endorse extreme policies than politically active voters." Btoockman's premise is that the real extremists are American voters, not politicians, something that goes along well with something my friend Danny Goldberg told me decades ago about politicians, that they ar... more »

Gold & Silver Sold As Benoit Gilson ( BIS ) Gets Back To Work .... Of course with a Federal Reserve Open Market Committee Meeting this week ( more taper ) and First Day Notice for the February gold Contract at COMEX looming , is a gold takedown a huge shocker for this week ? London afternoon currency spikes subside under regulators' glare ......... Australian law provides for gold confiscation -- and it's not unique

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 1 day ago
http://jessescrossroadscafe.blogspot.com/ 27 JANUARY 2014 Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - FOMC Week Shenanigans Gold spiked higher in the morning on a pure flight to safety, but was pushed lower as stocks attempted to rally. Reality versus liquidity? The FOMC will meet this week, so we might expect the usual FOMC shenanigans, but bear in mind that the big traders are squaring off against the upcoming February delivery. I do not expect any curve balls from the Fed which is now locked into its mild tapering. Their monetization has clearly failed, being a 'top down' approach ... more »

Misreading Florida

P. L. ThomasatSchools Matter - 1 day ago
The headline appears simple enough: Fla. Pushes Longer Day, More Reading in Some Schools Gewertz explains: Two years ago, Florida took a step no other state has taken to improve students' reading skills: It required its 100 lowest-performing elementary schools to add an extra hour to their school day and to use that time for reading instruction. Early results suggest the new initiative may be paying off. This EdWeek article is typical of how the media covers education since little consideration is given to important nuances. The Florida plan, essentially, appears to be *adding an ... more »


New Orleans LadderatNew Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*Drivers warned to gear up for another round of wintry weather ~WWLTV * *New Orleans Saints Flashback: Tommy Myers ~Steve Peloquin* *Six N.O. neighborhoods to vote on property security fee renewals ~Bruce Eggler, New Orleans Advocate* *New Orleans: houses can be rebuilt, but can trust in central government? ~Tom Dart, The Guardian* *New Orleans Rail Gateway : the Drew Ward Alternative* *The Music Lover’s Guide to the New Orleans Elections** ~Michael Patrick Welch, Vice*

Bundesbank's Stunner To Broke Eurozone Nations: First "Bail In" Your Rich Citizens .... Bail ins make sense as th idea that Central Bank manipulations may have run their course of effectiveness !

Fred WaltonatCatharsis Ours - 1 day ago
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-01-27/bundesbanks-stunner-broke-eurozone-nations-first-bail-your-rich-citizens ( Buba launches a cruise missile to the European Davos crowd.... ) Bundesbank's Stunner To Broke Eurozone Nations: First "Bail In" Your Rich Citizens [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/27/2014 08:28 -0500 - Bond - Central Banks - default - European Central Bank - European Union - Eurozone - Germany - Greece - International Monetary Fund - Italy - Monetary Policy - Reuters inShare In wha... more »

SOUTH KOREA TO HOLD EMERGENCY MEETING ON JAN. 26 TO DISCUSS MARKETS - South Korea Vice Finance Minister Choo Kyung Ho will host an emergency meeting tomorrow at 11 a.m. with counterparts from Bank of Korea and financial regulators to discuss market instabilities in emerging economies including Argentina ... Looking at the three day chart from the Financial Times , south Korea is probably more concerned with moves on the Kospi Index from January 23rd and 24th , rather than a 4 percent decline on the US S&P Index ..... FX for basically all of the emrgin markets have been in turmoil - the point being is this is not simply a US stock movement issue !

Catharsis Ours - 1 day ago
Stocks Drop 4% From Their All Time Highs And This Happens.... [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/25/2014 19:32 -0500 - Janet Yellen - Market Crash inShare1 One couldn't make this up: - *S.KOREA TO HOLD EMERGENCY MEETING ON JAN. 26 TO DISCUSS MARKETS* Bloomberg has the details: South Korea Vice Finance Minister Choo Kyung Ho will host an emergency meeting tomorrow at 11 a.m. with counterparts from Bank of Korea and financial regulators *to discuss market instabilities in emerging economies *including Argentina, ministry says in text messa... more »

The Perfect Ponzi Scheme

Owen GrayatNorthern Reflections - 1 day ago
Last week, Thomas Perkins complained that governments were treating the very rich like Jews in Nazi Germany. Paul Krugman writes that such plutocratic paranoia is not an isolated instance: There are a number of other plutocrats who manage to keep Hitler out of their remarks but who nonetheless hold, and loudly express, political and economic views that combine paranoia and megalomania in equal measure. I know that sounds strong. But look at all the speeches and opinion pieces by Wall Streeters accusing President Obama — who has never done anything more than say the obvious, that ... more »
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