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Lizzy Gets in a Tizzy at Injustice Forum
Despite her own dubious past with cultural appropriation, Sen. Lizzy Warren loves to talk about racial injustice. She’ll accuse virtually anyone on either side of the aisle of sketchy racial motivations – or of supporting agendas that are racist – if it benefits her political aspirations. However, it’s clear that Warren would rather not face any questions about racial inequality when the subject matter hits too close to her tepee. Meet Amy Goodwin. She’s the hardcore left-wing host of "Democracy Now!" a modern day underground railroad of leftist rumor and propaganda heard on public... more »
EU Begins Accepting Serious Consequences From U.S. Economic and Trade Position…
The major industrial economies of the European Union (U.K., France, Germany) have been the beneficiaries of a decades-long system which allowed one-sided benefits -via tariffs- against U.S. products. With President Trump demanding reciprocity, and with less industrial purchasing from China, … Continue reading →
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, "Moment of Grace Part 1"
Liquid Mind, "Moment of Grace Part 1"
Create a manifestation of refinement in the very midst of life
Most of you know only too well that when your emotions become disturbed over outer conditions, feelings or concepts there is a moment when you are yet able to wrest control of your energies from your own emotional body. Subsequently, if these energies are permitted to continue to rage unabated, that moment of control is lost; and then it is easy for people to do, to think or to say that which they will one day regret.... deep within yourself there is a loving desire to serve your fellowman. This desire is what prompted the descent of the Christ, the un of David, in his role as ... more »
Forest Fires 145 Years Ago
Forest fires were raging in Massachusetts and Tennessee – “Induced by the drought and aggravated by high winds.” TimesMachine: Thursday November 12, 1874 – NYTimes.com h/t Don Penim
BOLIVIA COUP: Step By Step Guide to U.S. Regime Change Operation
*21WIRE.TV* | Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson offer a step-by-step guide to this latest regime change operation in South America.
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This mountain and night skyscape stretches across the French Pyrenees National Park on August 12, near the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower. The multi-exposure panoramic view was composed from the Col d'Aubisque, a mountain pass, about an hour before the bright gibbous moon rose. *Click image for larger size.* Centered is a misty valley and lights from the region's Gourette ski station toward the south. Taken over the following hour, frames capturing some of the night's long bright perseid meteors were aligned against the backdrop of stars and Milky Way.” - https://apod.nas... more »
Nigel Farage's Surrender Act
What was Nigel Farage's price? A nice warm seat in the House of Lords? No, apparently he's already turned the ermine down. How about a gong or, even better, a knighthood? We'll see when the New Year's honours swing round. Whatever convinced Farage to stand the Brexit Party down in the 317 Tory-held seats, surely some pay off will find its way to him should the Tories be successful on 12th December. Spare a moment then for those 300-odd would-be Brexit Party candidates who stumped up the hundred quid application fee only be told no refund will be given. On second thoughts, don't. ... more »
Chet Raymo, “Very, Very, Very, Very, Very...”
*“Very, Very, Very, Very, Very...”* by Chet Raymo "In a short story that was published posthumously in the New Yorker, the inestimable Primo Levi meditated on the limits of language. The story was called “The Tranquil Star.” He writes "The star was very big and very hot, and its weight was enormous," and realizes immediately that the adjectives have failed him: “For a discussion of stars our language is inadequate and seems laughable, as if someone were trying to plow with a feather. It's a language that was born with us, suitable for describing objects more or less as large and lo... more »
Saudi Arabia's Terrible War in Yemen Isn't Going as Planned
*Matthew Petti* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/SAUDI-RUSSIA--RC14D3E13330.html] Huge trouble for the Crown Prince. *Key point:* Saudi Arabia has not been able to quickly win or achieve its objectives. Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prince Mohammad bin Salman, also known as MbS, was once the promising young face of the Arab monarchy. Now he’s racking up foreign-policy defeats abroad—and facing disturbing murmurs at home. Over the weekend, Houthi rebels took down a Saudi-mechanized column along the border with Yemen, cap... more »
"Every Human Decision..."
"Except for totally impulsive or psychotic behavior, every human decision comes down to the choice between two alternatives." - Jeff Duntemann
The Poet: William Wordsworth, "Lines Written in Early Spring"
*"Lines Written in Early Spring"* "I heard a thousand blended notes, While in a grove I sat reclined; In that sweet mood when pleasant thoughts Bring sad thoughts to the mind. To her fair works did Nature link The human soul that through me ran; And much it grieved my heart to think, What man has made of man. Through primrose tufts, in that green bower, The periwinkle trailed its wreaths; And ’tis my faith that every flower Enjoys the air it breathes. The birds around me hopped and played, Their thoughts I cannot measure, But the least motion which they made It seemed a thrill of pleas... more »
"A Land Of Perfect Twilight..."
"It was an unusual sunset. Having sat behind opaque drapery all day, I had not realized that a storm was pushing in and that much of the sky was the precise shade of old suits of armor one finds in museums. At the same time, patches of brilliance engaged in a territorial dispute with the oncoming onyx of the storm. Light and darkness mingled in strange ways both above and below. Shadows and sunshine washed together, streaking the landscape with an unearthly study of glare and gloom. Bright clouds and black folded into each other in a no-man's land of the sky. The autumn trees took o... more »
Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 9, 2019, #222
Dane Wigington GeoengineeringWatch.org Weather whiplash scenarios are becoming more extreme, the unfolding geoengineered cooldown in much of the US is an unfolding example. As the climate unravels, military spending is rapidly accelerating in countries all over the world. Is building more weapons of mass destruction an intelligent or reasonable way to utilize what is yet left of Earth’s […] The post Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, November 9, 2019, #222 appeared first on Health Nut News.
Putin And Merkel Are In Agreement That Ukraine's Donbass Should Be Granted Special Status
German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L) and Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) speak together as they attend the opening ceremony of the Paris Peace Forum at the Villette Conference Hall in Paris on Nov. 11, 2018. AFP *Reuters:* *Putin, Merkel say Ukraine's Donbass should get special status - Kremlin* MOSCOW/BERLIN (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel agreed on Monday that Ukraine should give its separatist-led Donbass region a special status set out in Ukrainian law, the Kremlin said. It gave no further details of the leaders’ discussions... more »
"For Millions Of Americans In The Middle Of The Country, It Feels Like An Economic Depression Right Now"
*"For Millions Of Americans In The Middle Of The Country,* * It Feels Like An Economic Depression Right Now"* by Michael Snyder "What do you do when you have lost all hope that things will ever turn around? It may still feel like “the economy is booming” for those at the top end of the economic food chain in big coastal cities such as New York and San Francisco, but for millions of hard working Americans in the middle of the country, talk of a “coming recession” is absolutely ludicrous because it already feels like a severe economic depression is happening right now. In America’s h... more »
Deutsche Bank Collapse! – Economic Meltdown Imminent?
Deutsche Bank has been a constant headache for the United States financial system. Because it is heavily intertwined via derivatives with the big banks on Wall Street including JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of America. It has become the dark cloud on the horizon in the same way Citigroup cast a … The post Deutsche Bank Collapse! – Economic Meltdown Imminent? appeared first on OYE Alternative News.
Will Putting a Penny in a Microwave Cause the Coin to Shrink?
The art of appliance alchemy has yet to be perfected.
Las Vegas Approves Paying for Parking Tickets with Food Donations but Feeding the Homeless is Outlawed
*Isaac Davis* - This especially ironic considering the fact that Las Vegas is currently building a nearly $2 billion dollar NFL stadium at taxpayer expense.
Makers of Oreos, KitKats among brands linked to Indonesia forest fires
*Hans Nicholas Jong* - Consumer goods companies behind major brands are getting some of their palm oil from producers linked to fires in Indonesia that have burned an area the size of Puerto Rico.
Freezing from Texas to Maine
“Early Wintry Conditions for much of the Eastern 2/3rds of the U.S,” warns the National Weather Service. Hey! Guess what? Winter doesn’t officially begin until December 21! “Significant” freeze warning for Mississippi all the way south to Hattiesburg. Several hours below freezing down into the low 20s. Significant damage to vulnerable unprotected vegetation. https://www.weather.gov/jan/ …….. ... Read moreFreezing from Texas to Maine The post Freezing from Texas to Maine appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Statement by the Political Committee of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (Movement for Socialism) of Bolivia
Today, November 10, Bolivia’s humble citizens, its workers, the Aymara and Quechua peoples, we begin the long road of resistance to defend the historical achievements of the first indigenous government that ended today with the forced resignation of our president Evo Morales at the hands of a civilian-police coup.
Billionaire Entryism: Prospects and Problems for Mayor “Mike” Bloomberg’s Presidential Run
Who is Bloomberg going to take votes from? Will his late entry into the campaign work? Oppo, oppo, oppo! Can be buy enough votes? And is he really running?!
Stealth Surprise: Japan's Two Helicopter Carriers Will Soon Carry the F-35B
*David Axe* *Security, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/JAPAN-USA-CARTER-RC1406D4D2A0.html] Watch out China. *Key point: *Tokyo's use of flatops with fixed-wing planes is major step towards power projection. Japan's cabinet on Dec. 18, 2018 *approved* a plan to modify the Japanese navy's two *Izumo*-class helicopter carriers to embark F-35B stealth fighters. The modifications should result in the Japanese fleet operating, for the first time since World War II, flattops with fixed-wing aircraft. With the two ships and their new planes, Tokyo could be able to d... more »
Israel's Kamikaze Drones Are Causing Problems for Syria
*Sebastien Roblin* *Technology, Middle East* [image: https://www.idf.il/media/28019/f16.jpeg?mode=?mode=crop&height=342&width=610] Very hard to counter. *Key point: *It is difficult to shoot down a lot of drones all at once, especially if those drones don't intend to survive in the first place. On January 21, Iranian, Syrian and Israeli forces unleashed a hail of missiles upon each other in what is becoming yet another flare-up of violence along the Syria-Israel border. Afterwards, the Israeli Defense Force released a video depicting unidentified munitions eliminating two or th... more »
"Economic Market Snapshot PM 11/11/19"
• Gregory Mannarino, "Epic RANT! Burn Baby Burn" - https://www.traderschoice.net/ • MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary CNN Market Data: - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ CNN Fear And Greed Index: - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/ • *Daily Job Cuts* - https://www.dailyjobcuts.com/ • Visit "ZeroHedge" and "Wall Street On Parade" for the very latest daily factual news and information: - https://www.zerohedge.com/ • - https://wallstreetonparade.com/ "The Fed’s Repo Bailout and JPMorgan’s 38 Trading Floors"• "Here Are th... more »
British Founder Of Syria's White Helmets Found Dead In Istanbul
*The Guardian*: *British founder of White Helmets found dead in Istanbul* *James Le Mesurier, who set up Syrian rescue group, reportedly fell from balcony * The British founder of the organisation that trained the Syrian rescue group known as the White Helmets has died in Istanbul. A spokesman for the White Helmets confirmed on Monday afternoon the death of James Le Mesurier and said further details were yet to be established. Le Mesurier, 48, was found dead near his apartment in central Istanbul’s Beyoğlu neighbourhood at around 4.30am. Turkish media reports said he was found wi... more »
The Great Replacement - This is what the truth sounds like in French (with English subtitles)
*French Politician speaks out about the deliberate* *immigrant inundation of Europe* The only European Nation that protects its culture and society is Russia. Is it any wonder that the Western perps revile Russia? The above video is a very rare example of the truth being told in one of the parliaments of the West. I am not one to blame the immigrants themselves for the inundation and consequent destruction of the [white] European cultures. They have, in most cases, been forcibly evicted by war or economic factors from their own countries. * Their passage is being paid to the lan... more »
Maybe more than cost-cutting at Fukushima Daiichi
An article published in the Yomiuri Shimbun and covered in the link below by Dailymotion reports that cracks were discovered in the Daiichi's infrastructure aimed at keeping buildings intact: Inspectors find 41 cracks in the grounds of Fukushima nuclear plant: local mediaVideo player from: Dailymotion Nov 10, 2019 https://www.msn.com/en-ph/video/news/inspectors-find-41-cracks-in-the-grounds-of-fukushima-nuclear-plant-local-media/vp-BBWxSf2 Dozens of cracks have been found in facilities built to contain radiation at Japan's Fukushima nuclear plant. Tokyo-based Yomiuri Shimbun report... more »
Chuck Schumer Is Already Weeping Over The Loss Of Peter King
Early this morning, Peter King-- first elected to Congress from the south shore of Long Island in 1992-- announced, on his Facebook page, that he won't be running for reelection. The announcement didn't say anything you wouldn't expect from a lock-step Trump enabler. Even though he sits on the Intelligence Committee and is well aware of how guilty Trump is, he announced in his statement that "In the coming weeks and during the next year I intend to vote against President Trump ‘s impeachment and will support the President’s bid for re-election." Many people first heard of his deci... more »
How The Federal Reserve Enslaved Us | Behind the Deep State
[image: alex-newman-how-the-federal-reserve-enslaved-us-behind-the-deep-state] VIDEO - In this episode of Behind The Deep State, host Alex Newman exposes the Federal Reserve System and how it has been used to enslave us. It caused the Great Depression and operates the most profitable scam in human history. This is how the Deep State was able to get all the fiat money it would need to enslave America and eventually humanity. You won't want to miss this!
Seven-year-old Facing “Gender Transition” Via Mom Attends School as a Boy
[image: 7-year-old-facing-gender-transition-via-mom-attends-school-as-a-boy] The father of a little boy whose mother is trying to force him to "transition" into a girl announced that his son has chosen to attend school as a boy.
Tillerson and Kelly Tried to Undermine Trump, Haley Reveals in New Book
[image: tillerson-and-kelly-tried-to-undermine-trump-haley-reveals-in-new-book] Former Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley observed the undermining of President Trump first-hand, coming from former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly.
Machete-wielding Migrants Hack Up German Disco
[image: machete-wielding-migrants-hack-up-german-disco] A group of approximately 10 migrants from Syria and Afghanistan attacked a disco near Berlin with machetes when two of them were not allowed entrance to the club.
Turkey Has Begun Deporting Foreign Members Of ISIS To Their Home Counries
*Daily Mail:** Turkey begins expelling foreign ISIS fighters, with an American and 20 Europeans the first to be sent to their home countries* * A US jihadist was deported with fighters from Germany and Denmark to follow * French and Irish citizens are also being deported, Turkey's interior ministry said * Ankara has been critical of Western nations for refusing to take back jihadists Turkey has begun sending foreign ISIS fighters back to their home countries, Ankara announced today. An American 'terrorist fighter' has already been expelled and two more jihadists from Germany an... more »
President Trump Delivers Remarks During New York Veterans Day Parade – Video and Transcript…
Earlier today President Trump and First Lady Melania attended the New York City Veterans Day parade to honor our nations service members. President Donald J. Trump has made it a priority to support American veterans. [Video and Transcript Below] . … Continue reading →
Remembrance Day fire one Port Lincoln 'won't forget' soon, with two homes lost
Just In - 8 hours ago
Two houses have been destroyed in a fire near Port Lincoln, which has been contained by firefighters. Resident Doc Halliday says the fire came within metres of his home.
Mammoth volunteer effort transforms 'dust bowl' school oval
Volunteers have pitched in to transform a dry school oval Queensland's Western Downs from a dust bowl to a lush play space for students.
Live: NSW Now: 'Catastrophic' Tuesday's fire danger unprecedented, authorities bracing for the worst
Just In - 8 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *Sydney, The Hunter, Illawarra and Shoalhaven are on high alert today as temperatures soar into the 30s and gusty winds are expected to aggravate dry conditions
'The world must not stand by': Gambia files 'game-changing' genocide case against Myanmar
Gambia has filed a "game-changing" case at the United Nations' top court, accusing Myanmar of committing genocide against its Rohingya Muslim minority.
'Things could change rapidly': Erratic conditions could hamper fire fighting efforts
Just In - 8 hours ago
Fire crews brace for complicated wind changes expected tonight which they say will "test" containment lines and have the potential to make any new fires "erratic".
'300 years to repair': Could a subterranean national park restore a devastated wetland?
It could take centuries to properly rehabilitate a Victorian wetland that was devastated by a water authority, and its Landcare group fears water extraction could resume.
Wedding gown made from shirt off a man's back, or 25 men's backs
This wedding gown has been worn by some high profile men in Alice Springs, including the Mayor and a war hero — and they are proud of it.
Live: Bushfires burn across NSW amid 'catastrophic' conditions
Just In - 8 hours ago
Fire crews in New South Wales are battling uncontained fires as the state experiences "catastrophic" fire conditions threatening highly populated areas around Sydney, Wollongong and Newcastle. Follow our live blog for updates.
Rural brands Landmark and Ruralco unite as Nutrien Ag Solutions
The Landmark and Ruralco brands will soon be phased out as the companies merge to form Nutrien Ag Solutions.
Lawyers for Annika Smethurst call for AFP to delete her copied phone data
The battle over press freedom will continue in the High Court today, as News Corp journalist Annika Smethurst's lawyers argue documents taken from her phone by the Australian Federal Police should be destroyed.
Popular food items just got rated for healthiness. Take the quiz to see what you can eat more of
Food manufacturers are facing allegations of "gaming" the system by picking and choosing which products to put stars on, prompting calls for the ratings to be applied to more products.
Which is Australia's most complained about bank?
The banking royal commission opened the eyes of many Australians to misbehaviour among financial institutions. Now one has claimed the unwanted title of Australia's most complained about bank.
Christeen and Paul have 24 koalas in their house and will likely end up with more
The husband and wife team behind Koalas In Care are treating koalas that have been injured or left homeless by the bushfires in NSW. Sooty, whose nose, chin and fur have been scorched, is one of 24 currently in their house.
Fit hiker may have succumbed to hypothermia in Victoria's high country, police say
Just In - 8 hours ago
Police stop searching for missing hiker Niels Becker, who has not been heard from in over a fortnight after setting out on a five-day solo hike in Victoria's north-east.
The terrifying bushfire future we were warned about is here. This is how we can adapt
Just In - 8 hours ago
Fires are now exceeding all known firefighting technologies but what can be done to stop them? It's a simple question with an incredibly complex answer and climate change is part of it, writes David Bowman.
One of Burnie's most loved stores has survived two world wars and the Depression, now it's closing
The owners of a much-loved jewellery store which is about to close its doors say online shopping has been the nail in the coffin after 126 years of continuous operation.
Passenger films as American Airlines flight slides off runway in snowy Chicago
A passenger has filmed the moment a jetliner slid off a runway after landing in icy conditions at a major airport in the United States.
'Thatcherism on steroids': Farage to stand down candidates in huge boost for Boris Johnson
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage says he will not field candidates in seats won by the Conservative Party in the previous election, in a huge boost for Boris Johnson's election hopes on December 12.
Polar Bears Are Alright (How Dare You Say That!)
Helen Buyniski writes an op ed at Russia Today The REAL inconvenient truth: Polar bears thriving in spite of climate change, but saying this gets scientists fired. Others have covered this disgraceful episode, but the article provides some important details and European perspective. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. Polar bears have become the poster child […]
Jamaica plans cannabis regulations overhaul, blueprint for industry support
Jamaica plans to overhaul the interim cannabis regulations governing legal marijuana businesses and create a national road map to support the development of the island’s regulated industry. The support could help businesses overcome obstacles hindering the sector’s growth, which include banking issues and finding markets for products. The Agriculture Ministry (MICAF) will reconstitute the National Cannabis […] Jamaica plans cannabis regulations overhaul, blueprint for industry support is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entr... more »
New European trade group hopes to help its members put CBD products in stores
A fledgling United Kingdom-based trade group, which represents about 25 companies from Europe and North America, is seeking to allow its members to sell CBD products even though they might be in violation of European Union regulations. New European trade group hopes to help its members put CBD products in stores is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
UK Capacity Market “Back In Play”
By Paul Homewood Timera bring news that the UK’s Capacity Market Auction has been deemed to be valid by the EU, following a spurious legal challenge: The UK capacity market was re-instated two weeks ago. This means the immediate resumption of payments for both on-going and historical capacity provided. Importantly, the European Commission found […]
Sunlight Improves Gut Health
Written by Joseph Mercola, D.O., Ph.D. Story at-a-glance Recent data show that the fat-soluble hormone known as vitamin D modulates your gut microbiome, creating a healthier environment. This is likely one of the reasons sunlight has a positive effect on those suffering from inflammatory bowel disease and multiple sclerosis Vitamin D is known as the sunshine […] The post Sunlight Improves Gut Health appeared first on Health Nut News.
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Albedo 039 - Alpha”
Vangelis, “Albedo 039 - Alpha”
The Daily "Near You?"
Villahermosa, Tabasco, Mexico. Thanks for stopping by!
"The 'Not Great' Stuff..."
"Everybody is great when things are great. It's the 'not great' stuff that matters." - Franka Potente
Nikki Haley For VP? War Drums Banging On Armistice Day.
From Serbia to Syria to Nikki Haley's explosive new book, the war party is still firmly in control in Washington. Wars and threats of wars keep increasing, ensuring a steady of wounded and broken veterans to "thank" for their "service." Don't miss today's Liberty Report:
Record cold possible from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast
The Washington Post calls it an ‘impressively cold snap.” A cold snap? Hundreds, if not thousands of records could fall, and its just a cold snap? “The Arctic blast set to engulf the eastern half of the Lower 48 will make mid-November feel like mid-January,” and its just a cold snap? “Between Sunday and Wednesday, ... Read moreRecord cold possible from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast The post Record cold possible from the Great Lakes to the Gulf Coast appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Remember Spock/Leonard Nimoy warning us of another ice age in 1979??
Short video. Thanks to Chuck for this link The post Remember Spock/Leonard Nimoy warning us of another ice age in 1979?? appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Donald Trump Jr. Talk Marked By Anger Over No Q&A
Members of the audience of about 450 people at UCLA were reportedly angry that Donald Trump Jr. declined to take questions because of time constraints.
Corporate Media Studiously Avoids the Word “Coup” in Bolivia Reporting
There has been a military coup in Bolivia backed by violent right-wing rioters and the US government, but you’d hardly know this from any of the mainstream media headlines. “Bolivian President Evo Morales steps down following accusations of election fraud” proclaims CNN. “Bolivia’s Morales resigns amid scathing election report, rising protests” reports The Washington Post. “Bolivian Leader Evo Morales Steps Down” says The New York Times. “Bolivian President Evo Morales resigns amid fraud poll protests” declares the BBC. “President of Bolivia steps down amid allegations of election... more »
When Republicans Can't Win, They Always Try Cheating-- It's Part Of The Nature Of Conservatism... And Kentucky Is A Good Case
*Gangsta President by Nancy Ohanian* Last week, Mehdi Hasan interviewed Bernie for *The Intercept*. I dealt with some of it last night, but not this interaction about 2020: *Hasan:* I’ll hold you to that. I’ll hold you to that definitely, Senator. One last question before I let you go. Let’s say November, you beat Donald Trump. You win the popular vote. You win the Electoral College. It’s clear. It’s decisive. And he says, “No, I don’t accept the result. It’s fake news. It was the deep state. It was a coup. It was illegal immigrants voting for the Democrats.” What do you do in that... more »
Free Download: Edward Bernays, "Propaganda"
*“Propaganda”* by Edward Bernays “The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to liv... more »
5 Fast Facts About the Military Coup in Bolivia and What You Can Do
Despite what the mainstream media headlines would have you believe, a coup is underway in Bolivia. The post 5 Fast Facts About the Military Coup in Bolivia and What You Can Do appeared first on MintPress News.
"Peak Demoralization: Media Faking Stats on Inflation, Housing and Tuition Costs to Destroy People's Will to Resist"
*"Peak Demoralization: Media Faking Stats on Inflation, * *Housing and Tuition Costs to Destroy People's Will to Resist"* by Charles Hugh Smith "When propaganda is cleverly engineered, people don't even recognize it as propaganda: welcome to the USSR, the United States of Suppression and Repression. The propaganda in the U.S. has reached such a high state that the majority of people accept it as "pravda" (truth), even as their limbic system's BS detector is sensing there is a great disturbance in the Force. Inflation is a good example. The official (i.e. propaganda) inflation rate i... more »
"It Seemed Pitiful..."
"...the human race, like drops of water in that river, and they flowed on, each so close to the other and yet so far apart, a nameless flood, to the sea. When all things lasted so short a time and nothing mattered very much, it seemed pitiful that men, attaching an absurd importance to trivial objects, should make themselves and one another so unhappy." - W. Somerset Maugham
Coup in Bolivia rejected worldwide
Political parties, politicians, leaders of people’s movements and academics have sharply condemned the civic-military coup carried out yesterday against the government of Bolivian president Evo Morales. Morales and his vice-president Álvaro García Linera, as well as ministers and other members of his government, were cornered into resigning after the right-wing opposition scaled up acts of violence and intimidation against them and supporters of the Movement Towards Socialism (MAS) and their family members.
Urgent Words on Bolivia
11 November 2019 — Internationalist 360° Edgardo Mocca The illegal dismissal of President Evo Morales in Bolivia marks the end of an era. Since Argentina’s democratic recovery in 1983, the armed forces had not emerged as a decisive actor in a process of breaking the constitutional order in Latin America. It is clear that military personnel … Continue reading Urgent Words on Bolivia
Turkey Starts Returning IS Fighters; Deports US National
While Turkey has quietly deported IS sympathizers for years, it raised the issue more forcefully after Western nations refused to back its invasion of northeastern Syria and its offensive against Syrian Kurdish fighters.
Did a Hotel Cleaner Who Stole Sperm from a Used Condom Win Child Support?
A routine review of content labeled satire.
U.S. Army's New Recruitment Ad Focuses Less On Combat Roles
*ABC News:* *Army's new recruiting ads focus less on combat roles* The Army's glitzy new recruiting campaign that kicked off on Veterans Day focuses less attention on combat roles and highlights lesser-known jobs like cyber warriors and scientists. The ads are intended to "surprise" the 17-to-24-year-olds of "Generation Z" and raise awareness of less-popularized roles in the Army at a time when a strong economy is making it difficult to find new recruits. The "What's Your Warrior" campaign will still highlight combat roles, but it also plays up some of the service's 150 career fie... more »
Over the weekend, *The Washington Post*'s Jennifer Rubin listed several ways Mike Bloomberg can spend his money that would be more useful to society than a futile presidential run. At the top of Rubin's list was this: First, buy Fox News. I’m entirely serious. It is a journalistic toxic-waste dump that has misinformed millions of Americans, damaged our civic culture, spread xenophobia and insulated an unfit president from scrutiny. Certainly there is some price the Murdochs would accept for the Fox News empire. (They’ve already sold the entertainment portion of the company). Imagine ... more »
We Read All 2,677 Pages of Ukraine Testimony So You Don't Have To
From left, Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Ambassador to the EU Gordon Sondland, among others, at Zelensky's 2019 inauguration. (Mykola Lazarenko) Public impeachment hearings by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence begin this week. Charge d’Affaires to Ukraine William Taylor and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State George Kent are scheduled to testify on Nov. 13. Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch is scheduled to testify on Nov. 15. These witnes... more »
Yes, China Is Now a Major Modern Military Power
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/AIRSHOW-CHINA--S1BEUKGWXZAA.html] Check out all the weapons they have. *Key point:* The PLA is getting closer to being on-par with the United States. On January 12, 2019, the Defense Intelligence Agency released an annual report highlighting the radical reorganization of China’s People’s Liberation Army to become faster-responding, more flexible and more lethal than ever before. The PLA was formed in 1927 as a Communist revolutionary force to oppose the Nationalist Kuomintang government and (later... more »
Can't Touch This: Why Missiles and Drones Are Getting Harder to Stop
*Eliot Pence* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/MIDEAST-IRAN-DRONES-RC1F2F356490.html] Iran's attack on Saudi Arabia is a case in point. *Key point: *Even the best defenses can't always detect and stop a drone or missile swarm. The Abqaiq attacks this month raised many questions. Who did it? How did they do it? What did they do it with? One question was notably absent: Why couldn't Saudi Arabia stop it? The answer is not straightforward, nor is it necessarily clear that anything could have stopped it. After all, the Kingdom spends as much as a... more »
Missing WWII Submarine The U.S.S Grayback Found After 75 Years Off The Coast Of Okinawa
This map shows where the U.S.S. Grayback was found 1,427 feet deep and 50 nautical miles south of Okinawa, Japan *Daily Mail:* *The last resting place of WW2 submarine the USS Grayback is found off the coast of Okinawa using high-tech undersea drones 75 years after the Japanese dropped a 500 pound bomb on it sending it 1,400ft down* * The missing WWII submarine the U.S.S Grayback was found in June after the ship mysteriously disappeared 75 years ago off of Japan * It was presumed lost, along with 80 American servicemen, in March 1944 * The Grayback sank more than a dozen ships dur... more »
Following Evo Morales’ Resignation, Bolivia Moves Closer to Civil War
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The joy of demonstrators in La Paz at the resignation of President Evo Morales lasted for a short time - on Sunday evening (local time) the festive mood turned into violence. Supporters of the ruling party Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS) marched through La Paz and, according to eyewitnesses, attacked people […] The post Following Evo Morales’ Resignation, Bolivia Moves Closer to Civil War appeared first on The Rio Times.
U.K.'s Brexit Party Will Not Contest Tory Seats That Were Won In The 2017 Election
*BBC*:* General election 2019: Brexit Party will not stand in Tory seats* The Brexit Party has announced that it will not stand candidates in the 317 seats won by the Conservatives at the 2017 general election. Party leader Nigel Farage said standing candidates across the country could increase the chances of another EU referendum taking place. But he said the party would stand against all other parties - and focus on taking seats off Labour. It had vowed to stand more than 600 candidates. The Commons has 650 seats. Launched in April, the Brexit Party does not hold any Commons sea... more »
"Riding the Type 3 Mega Market Melt Up Train"
*"Riding the Type 3 Mega Market Melt Up Train"* by MN Gordon "The decade long bull market run, aside from making everyone ridiculously rich, has opened up a new array of competencies. The proliferation of ETFs, for instance, has precipitated a heyday for the ETF Analyst. So, too, blind faith in data has prompted the rise of Psychic Quants… who see the future by modeling the past. For the big financial outfits, optimizing systematic – preprogrammed – delta hedges is an essential aptitude of the 21st century. Our guess is that many of today’s high-fliers will crash and burn during th... more »
Unrest In Bolivia -- News Updates November 11, 2019
*Daily Mail*: *Bolivia's socialist President Evo Morales goes into hiding, fearing arrest, and Mexico offers him asylum as jubilant crowds take to the streets to celebrate his resignation* * Evo Morales announced his resignation in a televised address yesterday * Military had urged him to quit after weeks of protests over a disputed election * Opponents celebrated in La Paz today while others labelled it a military coup Bolivia's socialist leader Evo Morales has gone into hiding after resigning as President, as jubilant crowds took to the streets to celebrate his downfall. Mo... more »
2:00PM Water Cooler 11/11/2019
Today's Water Cooler: open thread
National Debt Surpasses $23 Trillion, Up 16% Since Trump Took Office
The US National Debt has surpassed $23 trillion barely 9 months after it eclipsed $22 trillion on February 11th earlier this year.
Unrest In Hong Kong -- News Updates November 11, 2019
*Daily Mail*: *Hong Kong police officer shoots protester at point-blank range while activists set another man on FIRE after dousing him with petrol as fresh violence erupts after city's 24th weekend of protests* * WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT * Footage broadcast live on Facebook showed a Hong Kong police officer firing his weapon at a masked man * The protester was critically wounded by the gunshot during rush-hour clashes in Sai Wan Ho this morning * The shooting has already sparked further anger at alleged police brutality and calls for an 'indefinite' strike * Separate footage sho... more »
Illegal Aliens Arrested in Mississippi Raid Stole Identities of 400 Americans
[image: illegal-aliens-arrested-in-mississippi-raid-stole-identities-of-400-americans] A DHS special agent in charge told members of the House Homeland Security Committee that 400 illegal aliens arrested in raids stole Americans’ identities.
Bloomberg Facing Obstacles for 2020
[image: bloomberg-facing-obstacles-for-2020] Bloomberg’s challenges include the fact that he is old, white, and male as well as rich — things that cannot be “fixed” — which hardly make for a winning combination among Democrat voters.
REAL ID Soon: Inescapable Extension of the Federal Surveillance State
[image: real-id-comingcoming-soon-inescapable-extension-of-the-federal-surveillance-state] On October 1, 2020, all Americans wanting to fly must have REAL ID-compliant identification, despite the dangers of such ID.
New Curriculum “Deep Equity” Deeply Racist, Demonizes Whites
[image: new-curriculum-deep-equity-deeply-racist-demonizes-whites] A new curriculum in schools across the nation called “Deep Equity” demonizes whites while deep-sixing debate, instructing teachers to reject and resist parents who disagree.
Constitutional Scholars Downplay Impeachability of Trump Phone Call
[image: constitutional-scholars-downplay-impeachability-of-trump-phone-call] The Constitution gives four reasons for impeachment — and constitutional scholars say nothing in the Trump phone call falls within those four reasons.
Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION
By Kent Heckenlively, JD With the permission of Robert F. Kennedy. Jr., I’ve been authorized to allow you a sneak peek at his Foreword to my new book with Dr. Judy Mikovits, PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION. I’d like to encourage all my readers to begin regularly using the expression, “plague of corruption,” to refer to the … Continue reading Robert F. Kennedy. Jr. – EXCLUSIVE!!! Excerpt from his Foreword to PLAGUE OF CORRUPTION
Virginia Union University Focuses on Increasing Latinx Enrollment
In partnership with the Virginia Hispanic Chamber (VHC), Virginia Union University (VUU) is looking to increase its enrollment of Latinx students. The historically Black university (HBCU) will launch the Latin Studies program, which will open for enrollment beginning next fall. The program is part of a five year relationship to promote diversity on campus and […]
Florida Program Aims to Boost College Completion
The Last Mile College Completion Program, spearheaded by Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, will allow Florida residents who left college because of cost to finish their degrees. There are 28 colleges participating, including Miami Dade College, which recently announced a new scholarship to help its returning students. The scholarship for former Miami Dade College students provides […]
West Virginia County to Offer Simultaneous High School and Associate Degree Program
High school students in a West Virginia county can now choose to start their college education a little earlier.In a partnership between BridgeValley Community and Technical College and Kanawha County School District, students would be given the opportunity to earn both a high school degree and associate degree simultaneously.
The Rhetoric of the Paris Agreement
On November 4, the US government started the process of leaving the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (also called the Paris Agreement) by transmitting the formal one-year notification (“U.S. Formally Begins to Leave the Paris Climate Agreement,” NPR, November 4, 2019). A Wall Street Journal report (“U.S. Starts Process to Exit Paris Climate […] The post The Rhetoric of the Paris Agreement appeared first on Econlib.
Prohibitions: Sex, Markets, and Commodification
Each prohibition has its cruxes. In previous blogposts, we saw that cruxes of polygamy are social imbalance and pre-modernity, whereas the crux of mind drugs is addiction. The cruxes of sex markets are commodification, stigma, and a complex of coercion, inequality, and discrimination. In this blogpost I focus on commodification, or transformation of goods […] The post Prohibitions: Sex, Markets, and Commodification appeared first on Econlib.
Iranian forces will not leave Syria until requested by Damascus: official
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:20 P.M.) – Iran’s top aide to the foreign minister, Abbas Araghchi, stressed on Monday that the Iranian military advisers will stay in Syria as long as Damascus requests it. Araghchi said in an interview with Sputnik on Monday that the reason for the presence of Iranian military advisers in Syria was because […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russia slams US attempt to take control of Syria’s oil
The United States’ attempt to establish control of Syria’s oil facilities is illegal, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the media on Monday. Moreover, he likened this attempt to robbery. In reply to a question at a joint news conference with his Armenian counterpart Zograb Mnatsakanyan Lavrov said that he sometimes had no time to […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syrian Army preparations for Idlib offensive are complete: expert
BEIRUT, LEBANON (6:00 P.M.) – Hisham Jaber, head of the Middle East Center for Strategic Studies, told the Arabic-language version of the Sputnik News Agency on Monday that the conditions are right for the start of the Syrian Arab Army’s (SAA)Idlib offensive. In an interview with Russia Today on Monday, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad said […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russian, Turkish forces carry out 4th joint patrol in northern Syria
The Russian military police and the Turkish border service have started their fourth joint patrol in a new area in Syria’s north, at the border with Turkey, and the route will make around 80 kilometers (49 miles), the Russian Defence Ministry said on Monday. “The fourth joint patrol of the Russian military police and the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russia eyes new base in northeast Syria to challenge US influence
Media reports say that Russia may rent an airfield in the Syrian city of Qamishli located several kilometers from the Turkish border, Nezavisimaya Gazeta wrote. The city of Qamishli and its large dual-use airfield have strategic importance in Syria’s northeastern Hasakah province. Even during the most challenging years of the war against the Islamic State […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syrian President gives rare in-depth interview in English: video
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:45 P.M.) – In an interview with Russia Today’s UK channel, Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad discussed a number of topics regarding his country. The Syrian President said that the accusations of chemical weapons use have been unjust allegations and those who spoke about their occurrence must prove the story and provide the evidence. […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Twin car bombings kill 3 civilians in Qamishli city
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) – Two car bombings were reported inside the densely populated city of Al-Qamishli in Syria’s northeastern region on Monday. According to local reports, the twin car bombings took place along Al-Wahda Street and the Al-Salaam Hospital in Qamishli city. Three car bomb explosions hit #Qamishli city in northeast #Syria, two in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Russian Air Force launches largest attack on southern Idlib this month
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) – The Russian Air Force unleashed a big assault over the southern region of the Idlib Governorate today, as their warplanes heavily targeted sites belonging to the jihadist rebels. According to a military report from nearby Hama, the Russian Air Force began the day by launching several airstrikes between the towns […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
ISIS terrorists kill 2 Armenian priests in northeast Syria
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) – The Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/IS/Daesh) terrorist organization announced on Monday that their forces murdered two Armenian priests that were traveling in northeastern Syria. According to the reports, the Islamic State terrorists attacked the vehicle carrying Father Ibrahim Hanna Bido and Rev. Hanna Ibrahim as they were traveling through the town of […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Whaley Bridge Cover Up
By Paul Homewood Despite attempts to blame the failure of the Toddbrook dam at Whaley Bridge in August on extreme weather, many experts claimed it was caused by poor maintenance. Last month, in news apparently not widely reported, The Canal and River Trust has been accused of a cover-up after it released heavily-censored […]
World News Briefs -- November 11, 2019
*Reuters:* *'Everything is a mess': Morales exit rocks Bolivia, splits region* LA PAZ (Reuters) - Looting, fighting and roadblocks convulsed Bolivia on Monday after President Evo Morales’ resignation ended his 14-year rule and created a power vacuum following weeks of violent protests. The departure of Bolivia’s first indigenous president, who was the last survivor of a wave of leftist leaders in Latin America from two decades ago, came on Sunday when the military abandoned him amid unrest over his disputed Oct. 20 re-election. The Organization of American States (OAS), which ha... more »