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19 November - My Feedly! 1 of 3


The insights you need to get the inside edge

I’m travelling this week, so can’t get to this event, but promised I’d give it a free advert. For people interested in the history of Western Civilization and the role of the Classics and Education in the future of The West. These events are always thought provoking. Stephen Hurworth’s knowledge of the to’s and fro’s and strategic cycles of history is par excellence… A Classical Revival night in
Laugh at madness of the Climate Follies Downunder I’m delighted to be speaking in Europe and the UK Friday 23rd November at EIKE 12th International Conference on Climate and Energy, Munich 6pm Monday 26th November in Oslo, with Klimaterealistene, Norway 20.00 Weds 28th November in London at the Headquarters of GWPF 6pm 55 Tufton Street, London, info@thegwpf.org How to Destroy a Perfectly Good Elec
The climate change collectivist overlords were always going to overdo it Changing the global climate is such a ridiculously ambitious task that there was never an scientific limit to the imposts that would be demanded. So the zealots would take what they could get, and then ask for more in escalating cycles, until the people finally rose up in revolt. Changing the climate is all apple pie until it
Get tips and templates to tackle the four biggest challenges with tracking bugs and customer feedback.
[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode348-lq.mp3"][/audio] Difficult as it had been for the Round Table to maneuver the British Empire into the war with Germany, it would be that much harder for their American fellow travelers to coax the United States out of its neutrality and into World War One. The cabal was going to have to leverage its control of the press and key governmental
PART ONE: TO START A WAR Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the MP3 AUDIO or MP4 VIDEO PART TWO: THE AMERICAN FRONT Watch this video on BitChute / DTube / YouTube or Download the MP3 AUDIO or MP4 VIDEO TRANSCRIPT INTRODUCTION November 11, 1918. All across the Western front, the […]
Get ready to sob, because this newfound friendship will pull every single heartstring you have. While raking through debris from the devastating Camp Fire that destroyed Paradise, CA, firefighter Ryan Coleman came across a fluffy gray cat. Deciding that Coleman was her human, the friendly cat scaled his body and settled down on his shoulders. SEE ALSO: Some good news: Doughnut the 28-pound cat ha
Curling further cemented its legend as a completely underrated sport over the weekend when organizers had to kick out an entire team from a competition in Canada for being way too drunk. The incident happened on Sunday at the Red Deer Curling Classic in Red Deer, Alberta and the booted foursome included Ryan Fry, who was a member of Canada's 2014 Olympic gold medal-winning squad. Organizers field
More than 650 people gathered in Colorado this month to promote the idea that our planet is as flat as a pancake. In the age of orbiting satellites, i...
Via: cleveland.com: The Nov. 1 death of Daniel Best , a pharmaceutical executive from Bay Village who led U.S. Department of Health and Human Services efforts to lower prescription drug prices, has been ruled a suicide, officials in Washington, D.C., said Thursday. Police say Best was found “unresponsive” near the garage door exit of an […]
Rake America Great Again. You gotta rake it till you make it. After President Donald Trump suggested Finland has few wildfires because the nation spends a lot of time “raking and cleaning” forest floors, many were confused. Not least of all the Finns themselves — or the Californians Trump was visiting, whose state has been devastated by fires that have killed at least 76 and burned hundreds of th
Group is now designated ‘with ties to white nationalism’ according to report produced by Washington law enforcement The FBI now classifies the far-right Proud Boys as an “extremist group with ties to white nationalism”, according to a document produced by Washington state law enforcement. The FBI’s 2018 designation of the self-confessed “western chauvinist group” as extremist has not been previou
People don’t want to work in abattoirs any more. The industry is linked to psychological and physical damage Christmas is coming and the goose is getting fat. But this year, there might not be anyone to kill her. As British families start to plan their festive dinners of turkey and pigs in blankets, there is a crisis in the meat industry. A report in the trade magazine Farmers Weekly has revealed
CHICAGO—The midterms are done, and Barack Obama is trying to get back to his post-presidency. He still thinks the country and the world are broken, but he’s dropping back out of the public debate, urging those who came to his Foundation’s second annual summit here on Monday that they need to pick back up the charge for change. “You literally can remake the world right now, because it badly needs
The president puts blind faith in dictators twice in one Fox News interview. Time and time again, President Donald Trump seems to side with dictators over his own intelligence community. Take the case of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, with the two most recent examples occurring during a Fox News interview that aired on Sunday. The New York Times reported on Friday that the CIA has concluded Saudi Cr
Donald Trump lies regularly and on a wide range of subjects—but not all his lies are the same. Politicians are given ample room for puffery when inflating their accomplishments, and even lies motivated by vanity, like Trump’s boasts about his Inaugural Day crowds, are relatively harmless in the broader scheme of things. But then there are lies that are profoundly consequential, that raise questio
These marsupials have especially talented poop-cubing butts. And a team of physicists figured out how they work.
University of Sydney astronomers, working with international colleagues, have found a star system like none seen before in our galaxy.
Researchers reporting in Current Biology on November 19 have found that a vast array of regularly spaced, still-inhabited termite mounds in northeastern Brazil—covering an area the size of Great Britain—are up to about 4,000 years old.
“Campesinos” are driving the evolution of maize in North America -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
“Campesinos” are driving the evolution of maize in North America -- Read more on ScientificAmerican.com
NASA's InSight lander will arrive at the Red Planet on the afternoon of Nov. 26, hopefully amid a flurry of celebratory whoops akin to those elicited by the successful touchdown of the Curiosity Mars rover on Aug. 5, 2012.
A new mission: retired Army veteran finds new way to serve her own Article by Hancock Tire and DAV It seems the only thing retired about Army veteran Becky Smith is the word “retired.” After a distinguished 20-year career in the Army, which included service as the Women in the Army Policy Officer at the […]
Zoetis Petcare supports the K-9 Courage Program, which is a charitable healthcare donation program that provides financial and in-kind product donations that support the healthcare of retired police and military K-9s as well as service dogs currently in action. The K-9 Courage Program provides the owner of each dog with $300 annually on a debit […]
Health Editor’s Note: Trump is no ally for the Veteran….Carol In Fox Interview, Trump Shows More Disrespect To Our Veterans Democratic National Committee On Fox News Sunday, Trump tried to defend his decision not to visit Arlington National Cemetery on Veterans Day. Instead, Trump ended up showing even more disrespect to our nation’s veterans. Trump […]
Health Editor’s Note: Putin is not taking any chances on Trump idiocy and the Trump sanctions that Trump likes to throw around like confetti. When it comes to food, especially protein, people cannot be expected to sit quietly by and accept U.S. curbs on shipments of food……Carol Bloomberg Business By Stepan Kravchenko, Anatoly Medetsky, Evgenia […]
The long, slow collapse of Theresa May’s disastrous government has accelerated dramatically in the past week. Sir Graham Brady, a.ka. ‘Shady Brady’, the Chairman of the backbench 1922 Committee, probably already has the 48 signatures required to trigger a vote of no confidence. It is reasonable to assume that the names have been leaked to […]
Nahed Al Husaini, Damascus Bureau Chief Nick Griffin to VT: United States power is on the demise “Trump may risk another military blitz against Syria if he is cornered” Text of the interview Mr. Griffin, thank you for giving VT this interview, Please introduce yourself to our readers. Nick Thomas Griffin graduated in […]
The Backstreet Boys are back on the Ellen stage and performed their hit single, "Don't Go Breaking My Heart", from their upcoming album, "DNA". #BackstreetBoys #DontGoBreakingMyHeart #TheEllenShow From: TheEllenShow
Pop music stars Backstreet Boys have been together for over 25 years, but Ellen wanted to test just how much the fans actually know about the guys... in a game of “Never Have I Ever.” Find out who’s hooked up with a groupie, who’s forgotten lyrics on stage, and who’s joined the mile high club. #BackstreetBoys #TheEllenShow #NeverHaveIEver From: TheEllenShow
From the creators of More than Just Parks, in partnership with the U.S. Forest Service, Your Forests Your Future proudly presents More Than Just Forests | Dixie. Nestled in the rugged southwestern corner of Utah, Dixie National Forest spans nearly 2 million acres of jaw-dropping scenery and endless vistas. Join us as we take you on a visual journey through alpine lakes and forests of aspen to vas
Earlier this year we launched #YouTubeGiving, a suite of tools that empowers creators to raise money on behalf of their favorite charities. As we enter the giving season, we’re making these tools available to even more organizations and creators. To kick things off, next week some of YouTube’s biggest creators will celebrate Giving Week and team up with charities that hold a special place in their
Death waits for no woman. In the Quebec countryside during a brutal winter, a woman and her adult daughter await the death of their family's matriarch. A dark comedy about the unwitting emotional pain mothers and daughters inflict on each other. Written & Directed by Elizabeth Rose Produced by Julia Thompson Director of Photography Gris Jordana Edited by Keola Racela Color by Jaime O'Bradovich So
For centuries, Native communities have fought disenfranchisement and marginalization. Now, Deb Haaland will join another Native woman in U.S. Congress after a groundbreaking election. ➡ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/NatGeoSubscribe #NationalGeographic #DebHaaland #Congresswoman About National Geographic: National Geographic is the world's premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Th
If voting changed anything they'd make it illegal? But why doesn't it change anything? After all, it's the elected politicians who steer the ship of state, isn't it? Isn't it? Join James for today's edition of #PropagandaWatch where he explores the hidden history of WWI and exposes the lie that your vote counts.
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2018-11-14%20Fault%20Lines.mp3"][/audio] James joins Garland Nixon and Eric Ladny on Radio Fault Lines to discuss the WWI conspiracy, the lead up to the "Great War," and parallels with today.
[audio mp3="https://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/episode347-lq.mp3"][/audio] What was World War One about? How did it start? Who won? And what did they win? Now, 100 years after those final shots rang out, these questions still puzzle historians and laymen alike. But as we shall see, this confusion is not a happenstance of history but the wool that has been pulled over our eyes to stop us from seein
Tucker Carlson might be a wiz at political commentary (or he might not be depending on your point of view) but when it comes to UFOs, he knows nothing. He demonstrated that again just last night, November 13. He was discussing the report of a UFO by a couple of airline crews and played the tape of the discussion with air traffic control. He then brought on someone else who knows nothing about UFO
So, yes, I watched the first episode of the new season of Curse of Oak Island and have to say that nothing seems to have changed. We’re still teased with what is being found, including a gold coin but we don’t know if it was found deep inside one of those holes they have dug, or if it was discovered on the surface as Oak Island practically everything else has been. In other words, without some so
Robert O. Dean, the retired Army Command Sergeant-Major, and the man behind the tale of “The Assessment,” has died. Dean burst onto the UFO stage after his retirement from the Army. He told the tale, in several versions, as to how, as a senior NCO in NATO, he had been handed a copy of a document labeled “Cosmic Top Secret.” According to him, while on duty l A somewhat pensive Robert Dean. ate one
It has taken awhile, but I have now been able to follow up on the tale originally told to us by Kevin Ashley, as told by someone he knew. To briefly recap, Ashley said that he was talking about the Socorro UFO landing when another man entered the conversation, suggesting that this was an experiment by either staff or students at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. They had launched
I’m outraged… outraged, I say. In the last couple of days, I have been bombarded with nonsense in books, on the Internet and on television. Just when I think we have heard the last of some of the nonsense out there, someone feels the obligation to resurrect it with another half-baked, ignorant theory. Let’s start with the book. I had ordered, through Kindle, a book on conspiracies, not that I’m e
I am sure that most of those who visit here do not wish to descend into another pit of minutia about the real symbol that Lonnie Zamora saw on the side of the landed UFO. My first thought was to just allow Ben Moss to have his say and let it go. My second was to respond in kind, but that seemed like an exercise in futility. My last, and current thought, was to post the information in a dispassion
Thursday’s newspaper front pages have Theresa may saying it’s my deal or no Brexit: That last option is looking ever more attractive!
The Brexit Mug:
Peter Tatchell gave a talk earlier this year on what’s wrong with the left:
I’ve just heard on the radio someone, talking about the elections in the USA, saying: We still have a president who supports God This, taken at face value, is odd. The Abrahamic tradition says God is all-powerful and all-knowing. Now the President of the USA is quite powerful, but he isn’t omnipotent. And Donald Trump certainly isn’t omniscient either. So why would an all-powerful God need the su
LEAVER: I want an omelette. REMAINER: Right. It’s just we haven’t got any eggs. LEAVER: Yes, we have. There they are. [HE POINTS AT A CAKE] REMAINER: They’re in the cake. LEAVER: Yes, get them out of the cake, please. REMAINER: But we voted in 1974 to put them into a cake. LEAVER: Yes, but that cake has got icing on it. Nobody said there was going to be icing on it. REMAINER: Icing is good. LEAVE
It is rather disconcerting to be watching the UK continue its disintegration in such spectacular fashion, from as far away as Ghana. I wonder whether events appear quite so ridiculous close up. It surprises me that, in all the discussion and analysis of the withdrawal agreement, there has been so little analysis of the much more important conjoined Political Declaration , which is about the UK’s
Theresa May today chose to compare herself with Geoffrey Boycott. For once, she was being very accurate, especially when it comes to relationships with her own team. Boycott’s players hated him so much during his captaincy they actually ran him out on purpose during a test match. http://www.espncricinfo.com/magazine/content/story/604169.html The post For Once, Theresa May is Very Accurate appeare
The Turkish account of the murder of Khashoggi given by President Erdogan is true, in every detail. Audio and video evidence exists and has been widely shared with world intelligence agencies, including the US, UK, Russia and Germany, and others which have a relationship with Turkey or are seen as influential. That is why, despite their desperate desire to do so, no Western country has been able
I am in Ghana and had some Ghanaian friends in the apartment here while I was watching the budget. I was ashamed, and they were incredulous, at the sheer crassness of the entire event. Hammond’s manner and delivery were beyond embarrassing. The constant stream of infantile jokes, of which the lengthy stream of toilet humour was just one part, was beyond childish. The worst thing about it is that
I expect you are all familiar with the maps showing the radical shrinking of Palestinian land over 70 years due to the expansion of colonial Israeli settlement. Startling and appalling, yes, but to me they bring back strong memories of other maps, in a precisely analogous situation, which goes to the heart of why Israel is an apartheid state. The original apartheid state of South Africa created “
I have never managed fully to understand the mechanism by which the media and political class decide when to leave a fact, a glaringly obvious and vital fact, completely excluded from public debate. That process of exclusion is a psychological, not an organisational, phenomenon but extremely effective. Brexit continues to dominate mainstream political discussion, and the Northern Ireland border i
As 2019 approaches, Cloud Imperium Games still haven't released details of, or even a flowchart of, their plans to accommodate multi-system gaming into their multi-player game Star Citizen. If game giants like Sega, Konami or Nintendo were making the Star Citizen demo, internally away from the prying eyes of non-game-makers, at this four-year point in its development they would GUT THE WHOLE THIN
This is just a lovely, and cogent, and detailed editorial on the subject of 'the emptiness of deep space' as described by Standard Cosmology. ELECTRIC UNIVERSE, I'm telling you, this is going to be how we have to see our universe.
"The ability to transmute the atoms of our existence into SOMETHING ELSE!" according to Dr Judy Wood in this 2017 interview, you could DUSTIFY the entire planet with this free-energy Tesla device . Seriously, more important than who clicked the GO BUTTON on the 9/11 Operation, is the use of a spectacular free energy tool for the whole of mankind, not just some military economic coup in the name of


I hope all who operate from a position of love will invest a few minutes to watch this beautiful expression of consciousness concerning true freedom as it relates to voting. I know you will want to share this video with everyone! "You are BEAUTIFUL! You are POWERFUL! and You are FREE!" - Derrick Broze, The Conscious Resistance Network​ A Non-Voters Guide to Voting… It’s that time again, the time o
This is an abstract for several presentations I'll be giving over the next few months. We Need a Ruminant Revolution! Human beings exist because of ruminants. Today’s societies rely upon them. Humanity’s future depends upon improvements in the productivity and efficiency of worldwide ruminant animal agriculture. Like the general public’s confusion of what constitutes a “healthy diet,” tremendous

Greg Mankiw's Blog

I am interviewed in N Magazine , starting on page 63.
The 10th edition of my intermediate macro text is now available. Click here for more information .

Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology

Source: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Date: 11.19.2018 Argentina: A Mothership in Coronel Vidal "On Friday the 16th of this month (November 2018) at 12:14 noon I had finished my teaching duties at the Coronel Vidal Agricultural School (Buenos Aires), located on Route 55, and was in the company of another female instructor. The School has 300 meter long exit driveway to Route 55. The othe
Source: PLANETA UFO and El Litoral www.ellitoral.com.ar Date: 10.23.2018 An Article by Francisco Villagrán Argentina: An Incredible UFO Case in Mburucuyá During the 1980s and 1990s, residents of the interior of our province were witnesses to a number of cases of varying importance, classified according to renown world-class researchers as close encounters. The first classification, which still en
Source: Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía (FAO) Date: 11.08.2018 Argentina: A UFO Over Palermo (Buenos Aires)? A report submitted by Rodrigo Zion to Luis Burgos from FAO : "On Saturday, November 3 I was touring the forests of Palermo, Buenos Aires gazing at native plants and birds with group from the University and fellow enthusiastas. At approimately 10:00 a.m. I saw a BRIGHT OBJECT (emphasis in
Source: Radio Santiago (www.radiosantiago.cl) Date: 10.31.2018 Mexico: UFO Sighting "Is The Most Shocking" in Recent Memory The UFO sighting in Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico can easily be catalogued as one of the most significant in recent memory. The witness sharing the video made the following remarks on social media: "Today, October 28, 2018, I witnessed five (5) UFOs over Rosarito, Baja C
Source: PLANETA UFO and DuraznoDigital.uy (Uruguay) Date: 11.01.2018 Uruguay: Truckers Claim Seeing UFO in Durazno An audio recording circulated this past Monday - October 29, 2018 - on WhatsApp that purportedly reported the apparition, at 2:30 a.m., of a green light in the middle of a field. A loud detonation was heard afterward and the light climbed into the dark sky until it vanished. Accordin
Source: Los Andes (losandes.com.ar) and Fundación Argentina de Ovnilogía Date: 29 October 2018 Argentina: Potrerillos Resident Claims Seeing UFO Flying Over Lake On Saturday, October 27 at 0940 am, Carlos Arenas was on his way to Potrerillos when he saw a phenomenon that captured his attention. Using the zoom on his cellphone, he was startled to be able to see a light moving over the Potrerillos
November 19, 2018 ( Gunnar Ulson - NEO ) - Accidents happen. For Norway at the conclusion of NATO’s Trident Juncture 2018 military exercises, such an accident occurred with its Lockheed Martin Aegis-equipped frigate, HNoMS Helge Ingstad. After a collision with an oil tanker, the frigate’s captain ordered the ship aground to prevent a total loss. The quick thinking may have saved the lives of Norw
October 24, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - The West's human rights racket has once again mobilized - this time supposedly in support of China's Uyghur minority centered primarily in the nation's northwestern region of Xinjiang, China. Headlines and reports have been published claiming that up to a million mostly Uyghurs have been detained in what the West is claiming are "internment camps." As
October 22, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - Elections are set to be held sometime in early 2019 for the Southeast Asian Kingdom of Thailand. The nation has struggled with political instability since former police colonel-turned-billionaire Thaksin Shinawatra came to power in 2001. Two military coups, one in 2006 and another in 2014, have unfolded in attempt to remove Shinawatra and his political p
November 12, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - Nothing illustrates the cynical and deceitful nature of Western "journalism" better than the recent, apparent US-Saudi fallout in the wake of the alleged death of Washington Post Saudi correspondent, Jamal Khashoggi. Khashoggi allegedly disappeared and has been reported killed at the hands of Saudi consulate staff in Istanbul, Turkey. Of course, the U
November 4, 2018 ( Joseph Thomas - NEO ) - Officially called the Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge, the 55 kilometre-long bridge-tunnel is an engineering marvel physically connecting Hong Kong and Macau to China's mainland. Beyond providing links to the mainland, the bridge helps form a wider bay area, connecting several cities, spurring the movement of tourists, workers and goods. Like the recently
October 31, 2018 ( Tony Cartalucci - NEO ) - No. Obviously Russia does not benefit from the scrapping of yet another treaty designed to prevent a nuclear exchange amid a war with the United States. Yet, as an attempt to frame blatant US provocations as somehow "Russia's fault," a narrative has begun circulating - claiming that not only does the US withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Fo

Left I on the News

Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) for Nov. 16, 2018 Correction from last week: I said the “Amazon Cuomo” and “Amazon River” stories were a way of covering up government giving “millions” to Amazon. Actual number? $1.5 BILLON. And t
Click here [not active yet] to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) for Nov. 9, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: *New York's governor jokes he'll change his name to 'Amazon Cuomo' to win the HQ2 bid, and it reveals just how desperate
Click here [not active yet] to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines (WMMFH) for Nov. 2, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: *DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen Says U.S. Has No Plans 'Right Now' to Shoot at Caravan https://www.newsweek.com/dhs-secre
Click here to listen to this week's segment on Loud & Clear Radio . Headlines with an * are the ones we managed to fit in in our allotted 11 minutes. Worst, Most Misleading & Funniest Headlines for Oct. 26, 2018 CANDIDATES FOR “WORST”/”MOST DISGUSTING”: Also a Candidate for Dumb and at the same time Alarming: *Beijing’s Nuclear Option: Why a U.S.-Chinese War Could Spiral Out of Control https://ww
Recently, Egypt sponsored an internal conference “Cairo Water Week” which began on October 14-18, 2018. Seventy nations participated represented by high officials, as well as the United Nations, and the FAO. In addition, water experts and scientists took part in the conference. The objective of the conference was to create awareness on water shortage in the Arab World and to discuss the possibili
by Ugh I could not get enough. Donald Trump continues as President of the United States of America, having been nominated by the "Party of Lincoln" no less. Not that Micheal Pence could carry that banner with any more authenticity. OT
by liberal japonicus https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2018/nov/12/stan-lees-best-marvel-cameos-video Excelsior!
by liberal japonicus Well, that was quick. . An open thread for that.
by liberal japonicus Well, Tuesday's here and the world hasn't ended, but unfortunately, my Tuesday is a US Monday... Anyway, an open thread to put your observations in.
by Ugh Vote Tuesday, he said, expecting the answer no. I'll be in Silicon Valley then, having turned in my absentee ballot in races so one sided that "some" might say maximizing utility would be better spent watching the Haunting of Hill House, which I had to turn off last night (I'm 45 years old, tho I loved that Henry Thomas was cast in that episode - he deserved an Oscar for E.T.). What other
Joyce Fienberg, 75, of Oakland Richard Gottfried, 65, of Ross Township Rose Mallinger, 97, of Squirrel Hill Jerry Rabinowitz, 66, of Edgewood Cecil Rosenthal, 59, of Squirrel Hill David Rosenthal, 54, of Squirrel Hill (Cecil and David Rosenthal are brothers) Bernice Simon, 84, of Wilkinsburg Sylvan Simon, 87, of Wilkinsburg​​​​​​​ (Bernice and Sylvan are husband and wife) Daniel Stein, 71,

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