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19 November - My Feedly! 2 of 3


Pesticide Action Network

This is an edited version of a blog post by our partners at the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition. See the full post here . With 435 House and 35 Senate races on the ballot last week, the 2018 midterms were closely watched across the nation – not least of all by advocates of sustainable agriculture. Before heading off to the campaign trail, Congress left two major ag agenda items danglin
On Halloween, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) made a truly scary announcement — the agency decided to continue its registration of Monsanto’s (now merged with Bayer) highly controversial dicamba-based herbicide, Xtendimax. The chemical has damaged millions of acres of farmland over the past two seasons of use, and with this decision, the devastation will continue. Farmers were outraged
In the food movement, people often talk about the importance of “voting” with your dollars. While it's true that smart consumer choices can help build a healthier food system, policies and politics matter too. And often much more. As these past two years have clearly shown, who’s in charge makes a difference. Next Tuesday’s election is hugely important in so many ways, including having very real
This post is part of an ongoing project by PAN Farmer Justice Fellows who are working to uplift the many different voices of farmers in California. The mission of this work is to broaden the narrative of what it means to be a farmer participating in the state's agricultural system by sharing the wide spectrum of relationships that growers have with land. Rubie Simonsen is the 28 year old Filipino
EPA decides to continue its registration of Monsanto’s (now merged with Bayer) highly controversial dicamba-based herbicide, Xtendimax. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
This year's Food Sovereignty Prize was awarded to Black Mesa Water Coalition and Organización Boricuá de Agricultura Ecológica de Puerto Rico for their commitment to food sovereignty. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
Submitted to the New York Times, Oct. 26, 2018 In “Why are we still teaching reading the wrong way?” (Oct 26) Emily Hanford says the research supports systematic intensive phonics, a method that teaches all the rules of phonics in a strict order to all children. Here are objections to this conclusion: (1) Researchers admit we have not discovered all the rules. (2) Even among those rules that have
“Blowing the racist dog whistle in politics is shameful. This disgraceful practice against black candidates unfortunately has a long and shameful history. That this would happen in California in 2018 is deeply disturbing. It appears you have chosen to follow President Trump’s playbook of using lies and fake news to smear prominent leaders of color.” — California Hawaii NAACP letter admonishing Ma
Outside the billionaires' bubble that insulates Betsy DeVos from the real world, there are employees at the U.S. Department of Education who are depressed, pissed off or, otherwise, upset over the many ways Betsy has made life at ED worse under her misleadership. And remember, we're talking about worse than life under Arne Duncan! In fact, the positive vibe has dropped from 65% to 43%, which is n
We've reached a tipping point where a majority of states now have laws that protect employees of smaller employers. Most federal discrimination laws protect employees only if their employers have 15 employees or more (20 for age discrimination, all employers for Equal Pay Act, 4 - 14 for national origin/citizenship under the The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986). But a majority of states
With Republicans threatening to cut Social Security benefits, retirement savings has become a national issue. Some states (not anti-employee Florida, of course) have tackled this issue by implementing retirement plans for private-sector employees. The latest state to implement a private-sector retirement plan is Connecticut . They join California, Illinois, Maryland and Oregon in implementing auto
Saudi Arabia, Shi’ism and the Illusion of Reform by Robert G. Rabil – @ robertgrabil October 30, 2019 The emergence of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is inextricably associated with the Wahhabi school of Islam. The Saudi-Wahhabi pact goes back to the eighteenth century when Sheikh Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab (1703-1792), the founder of the Wahhabi-Salafi school of Islam traveled to Diriya, the stron
The plight of the Druze hostages: Why Washington should change its approach in Syria By Talal el-Atrache – @ TalalElAtrache For Syria Comment – 8 Nov 2018 Throughout the Syrian war, the Southern Province of Sweida, in coordination with the Syrian army, had succeeded in protecting itself against the jihadist attacks on the province’s Western border with Deraa, and on the Eastern flank, adjacent to
By Michael Gerini Residing in the north of Lebanon, Mouin Merhebi is a member of Saad Hariri’s Future Movement. A staunch opponent of Hezbollah and the Assad government, he currently serves as Minister of Refugee Affairs (officially “Minister of State for Displaced Affairs”) in the Hariri government, a position he has held since December of 2016. Though coming into the position with little experi
Donald J Trump......Coward in Chief Written by grant G It's gone almost as predicted in a post I wrote November 8th, 2016..the night the US elected Donald J Trump president election here's the last few paragraphs in a post titled.... Donald Trump, King Lizard ______ I feel very sad for the 50% of Americans who voted for Hillary, I feel just as bad for the 50% that voted for Trump because they bel

thwap's schoolyard

So, plodding dullard, pants-pissing coward, anti-democratic doofus, brazen hypocrite, overall incompetent, stephen harper has (in a desperate attempt to appear relevant) farted out a book of sorts. It's called I'm Really Stupid Now (or something). In it, he apparently says that something he calls the global free-market economy has produced winners and losers and that these fucking losers are turn

Vagabond Scholar

(Click on the comic strip for a larger view.) In 1959, Pogo creator Walt Kelly wrote: The eleventh day of the eleventh month has always seemed to me to be special. Even if the reason for it fell apart as the years went on, it was a symbol of something close to the high part of the heart. Perhaps a life that stretches through two or three wars takes its first war rather seriously, but I still
Today, 11/11/18, marks the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, the Great War, the supposed War to End All Wars that unfortunately didn't. I've always been struck by how eager nations were to go to war at the start and how horrific the reality often was. By the end, by most estimates, about 8.5 million soldiers were dead and the total casualty count was about 37.5 million. Add in a
Get out and vote on Tuesday, if you haven't already! This post will collate some California and Los Angeles County resources. California voters should already have received the official voter information guide in the mail, but it's also online and available in multiple languages. Unfortunately, some candidates don't include statements, but the guide is particularly useful for seeing who's
[Note: This is the third sample from my rough draft of a far from finished new book, Wild Free & Happy . I don’t plan on reviewing more books for a while. My blog is home to reviews of 196 books, and you are very welcome to explore them. The Search field on the right side will find words in the full contents of all rants and reviews, if you are interested in specific authors, titles, or subjects.
The Rise of Homo Sapiens , by Frederick Coolidge (psychologist) and Thomas Wynn (anthropologist), is a book about the evolution of human cognition. It describes the seven million year voyage that resulted in the magnificent mind that’s throbbing between your ears right now. This voyage began with the first hominins — bipedal (two legged) apes who were either our direct ancestors, or our long lost
Alongside the all-too-visible deforestation, the Amazon is facing an invisible but increasing threat from mercury pollution according to a new WWF report released today at the 2 nd Conference of the Parties to the Minamata Convention on Mercury in Geneva, Switzerland. Healthy Rivers, Healthy People highlights the dangers mercury pollution poses across the Amazon and calls for urgent action to red

A Very Public Sociologist

Any deal is better than a bad deal. That about summed up the mood at the Confederation of British Industry annual conference earlier today. Theresa May will have accepted that as an endorsement of her plan , after the worst week a sitting Prime Minister Westminster has seen for about 60 years. She will take the sideswipe at Jeremy Corbyn by chief exec Carolyn Fairburn as a jolly consolation. But
Imagine shooting someone for a packet of cheese and onion crisps in the blasted ruins of Sheffield. With the announcement of Theresa May's withdrawal deal, it appears, for now, that a Threads Brexit is off the table. But what smörgåsbord of culinary goodies can we look forward to instead? The 600 pages of the withdrawal agreement looks like a meaty affair, but almost two-and-a-half years on from
The moment of decision is with us and the Tories are in a state of collapse. Two cabinet ministers and four juniors have gone. Theresa May's presentation of her deal to the Commons received next to no support, and speculation abounds that enough no-confidence letters have gone to the 1922 Committee. "Scribble, scribble, Mr Gibbon" replied Jacob Rees-Mogg to Channel Four's political correspondent
1. Big charities discharge a number of functions . Their raison d'etre is the provision of some sort of service and/or support for certain groups of recipients. It may be a cold, grey, loveless thing as Clem Atlee put it, but unfortunately their works are often important and necessary. Especially when, for whatever reason, the state refuses to step in and charity makes up the short fall. Simultan
There's a weird sort of revisionism going on. We're three years into Jeremy Corbyn's leadership of the Labour Party, and during that time all the received wisdom that governed the Coalition Government years and before - mine included - has gone into the wheelie bin and carted off to land fill. The new politics, characterised by polarisation , the return of big ideas, and the rude intrusion of mas
Can anything more be said about the so-called People's Vote march in London that hasn't already been noted elsewhere? According to the organisers, there was anywhere between half a million and 750,000 on the streets. Not content with nicking A to B marches off the left, they've half-inched the revolutionary inflation as well. And what's more, some of Britain's wealthiest reached into their pocket
are you serious, Kirsten? You statement is racist. Did you ever stop to think about that? Of course not, you educated beyond your intelligence elitist snob. In the previous post Victor Davis Hanson several times juxtaposed the words arrogant and ignorant as usually going hand in hand. I've been saying that for years. Kirsten is a perfect example. And then we have hot shot wild-eyed demodummy majo
have you planned your week yet? "Today is the first day of the rest of your life" Sounds good, right? Except I think that's rather short notice to get your life in order. How about this: Monday is the first day of the rest of your week. That's better - bigger than an acorn and smaller than a breadbox. My long time readers know that I'm a bit of a planning freak because if I didn't plan nothing of
one of the best. He's with Glen Campbell in this clip who was also a super fine guitarist. What is the definition of perfect pitch? Throwing a banjo into a dumpster and hitting an accordion. I might also add that most (if not all) banjo players despise Dueling Banjos. You'll be missed, Roy.
I think so and so does Rush. On November 14, Rush talked about an issue that I've thought about most my life. As each generation grows older they bemoan the upcoming generation not having the same quality of education and values. The answer has always been, "Now, now - every generation complains about the upcoming generation and it's always been okay. So just calm down." One thing I've always rec
because I'm all about easy. While Florida attends night classes on how to count past ten, New York flounders about in a "historic" winter storm of a couple of inches of snow, and a commie/marxist/libtard judge says Jim Acosta has a "right" to be rude at the White house, lets talk about making mug bread. There are numerous recipes on the web for this quick and easy low carb friendly bread substitu
Gospel for Today 24th Sunday after Pentecost Extraordinary Form of the Mass Matthew 13:31-35 He put before them another parable: "The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that someone took and sowed in his field; it is the smallest of all the seeds, but when it has grown it is the greatest of shrubs and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches." He told
Lyric of the week: “Don’t want to die in a Super 8 Motel just because somebody’s evening didn’t go so well” — Jason Isbell, “Super 8” in the Southeastern album Every nuclear weapon awaits a set of circumstances that could produce truly awful headlines. An accident waiting to happen. A failure in safety or security …
Dave Schmerler, Michael Duitsman, and I were gathered around my computer, admiring satellite images we found of an Indian missile on a launch pad from May 2017. I pointed to some cloudy streaks on the screen and joked, “That’s probably smoke from a failed test.” We zoomed out to see more of the image. “Holy …
Quotes of the week: “You use a small one, then you go to a bigger one. I think nuclear weapons are nuclear weapons and we need to draw the line there.” — George Shultz “I don’t think there’s any such thing as a tactical nuclear weapon. Any nuclear weapon used at any time is a strategic …
Quote of the week: “Wake the damn Bambino. I’ll drill him in the ass.” — Attributed to Pedro Martinez, 2004, the year when the Red Sox broke the curse of not winning a World Series after trading Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees 86 years earlier. Donald Trump announced at a campaign rally on …
Last year, cameras in Japan noticed an object streaking the night sky — possibly the reentry vehicle from one of North Korea’s July 28 missile test. Did it burn up? Survive? If if it did, or did not, what does that mean for North Korea’s ability to deliver a nuclear weapon to targets throughout the …
On this Veterans/Armistice Day, I’m reprinting a post from August 24, 2010, “The Least Abhorrent Choice.” The military cemetery at Nettuno, thirty miles south of Rome, is serene and immaculately kept. Almost as many GIs are buried there – 7,861 – as at Normandy, painful testimony of how botched the Italian campaign was. I’m named …
Saturday, today, at AIM WestPhoto by Tony Gonzalez By Tony Gonzalez AIM West Censored News Location 2969 Mission Street San Francisco . Welcome all my American Indian Movement-West (AIM-WEST), an inter-tribal non-profit human rights organization based in San Francisco is pleased to welcome everyone to its annual AIM-West Coast Conference/Summit in San Francisco beginning
. Friday, November, 16, 2018 Contact: protectpeaks@gmail.com www.protectthepeaks.org Indigenous Peoples Denied Access to Sacred Site as Ski Area Opens with Sewage Snow By Indigenous Action Censored News Flagstaff, Ariz. — Continuing years of ecological destruction, threats to public health, and desecration and assault on Indigenous Peoples’ ways of life, Arizona Snowbowl
Military vehicles like this one swarmed the Tohono O'odham region today, because of the racist hysteria of the U.S. President. U.S. soldiers are now used as pawns in psychotic breakdown -- as U S. government bottoms out By Brenda Norrell Censored News LUKEVILLE, Arizona-- Lukeville is just beyond the western edge of the Tohono O'odham Nation. It is a small border crossing vital to locals
. Indigen.ous Organizers Face Political Attack by Flagstaff Police for Anti-Columbus Day Demonstration By Indigenous Action Censored News OCCUPIED FLAGSTAFF, Ariz. — Flagstaff police stalked and cited an Indigenous organizer in so-called Flagstaff, Arizona last night for their alleged role in a demonstration that took to the streets the previous month on what is now recognized as "
Read article at Mohawk Nation News .Mohawk Nation News "Scorched Earth" http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2018/11/12/scorched-earth/
Even today, I can well understand the reaction that Dennis Conti had when confronted with the prospect of finding a planet around another star with nothing more than an amateur instrument. Conti, who founded and now chairs the Exoplanet Section of the American Association of Variable Star Observers , was a newcomer to the transit method just a few years ago. “I thought, there’s no way for someone
The detection of a planet around Barnard’s Star really hits home for me. No, this isn’t a habitable world, but the whole topic of planets around this star has resonance for those of us who remember the earliest days of exoplanet study, which could be extended back to Peter van de Kamp’s work at Swarthmore’s Sproul Observatory in Pennsylvania. The astronomer thought he had found evidence for a 1.6
The first interstellar object detected in our own Solar System, ‘Oumuamua has a pleasing name, translating from the Hawaiian as something like ‘far visitor first to arrive,’ or words to that effect. It’s also proven a frustrating catch ever since detected by the University of Hawaii’s Pan-STARRS 1 telescope on Haleakala, Hawaii during a search for near-Earth asteroids. We’ve put telescope resourc
A crater roughly the size of the area inside Washington DC’s beltway has been found beneath the Greenland ice. On this, some thoughts, but first, a reminiscence. If you’ve ever driven the Capital Beltway at rush hour, you’ll have some sense of the crater’s size. My own experiences of it have been few, but the most memorable was the afternoon I spent at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, where Greg
The interstellar object called ‘Oumuamua continues to inspire analysis and speculation. And no wonder. We had limited time to observe it and were unable to obtain a resolved image to find out exactly what it looks like. This morning I want to go through a new paper from Shmuel Bialy and Abraham Loeb (Harvard University) considering the role radiation pressure from the Sun could play on this deep
To say that the Space Science and Engineering Division at Southwest Research Institute has been busy of late is quite an understatement. Alan Stern, principal investigator for New Horizons, has been leading an SwRI study examining just how we might operate an orbiter at Pluto/Charon, with results that are surprising and encouraging for the future of such a project. Working with spaceflight engine
Many Albertans were shocked to learn last week that Opposition Leader Jason Kenney had promised an auto dealers association pouring money into a political action committee supporting his United Conservative Party that if elected he would hand enforcement of vehicle sale consumer protection back to the dealers. Twenty-six Alberta car and truck dealerships are reported to have donated at least $175
When Premier Rachel Notley announced to the annual general meeting of the United Nurses of Alberta yesterday morning her government would keep a promise made to working Albertans 26 years ago by a Conservative government, it offered an ironic coda to one of the issues that contributed to the downfall of the Conservative Dynasty in 2015. In 2014, I wrote a number of blog posts about what I then ca
Carl von Clausewitz, the Prussian aphorist and theoretician of war, famously observed that “war is the continuation of politics by other means.” Something like the opposite – that politics is the prosecution of war by other means, or darn close anyway – is likely true as well. I hope I offend no gentle readers by describing politics in warlike terms. I do so because the metaphor helps explain the
Former Alberta New Democratic Party leader Brian Mason has been a gale force presence in Alberta politics for so long it’s hard to imagine the place without him. Yet there he was yesterday at lunchtime, on stage in the ballroom of Edmonton’s Westin Hotel, saying farewell to politics, the NDP he led in the provincial Legislature from 2004 to 2014, and – perhaps more than a little to his surprise –
When Alberta Advanced Education Minister Marlin Schmidt was tossed out of the Legislature Wednesday morning for supposedly insulting an Opposition MLA, the kerfuffle that resulted obviously came as welcome relief to United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney. In recent weeks, Mr. Kenney has often been on the run, sometimes almost literally, from questions by journalists about the views some of
Want to know how to deal with the irresponsible refusal by the organizers of the so-called Munk Debate to cancel their invitation to former Trump election strategist Steve Bannon to come to Canada and spew his racist dreck around our country? Follow the example of Jason Kenney! In most circumstances, the last thing a sane commentator would do would be to advise Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and h
From Jenna Orkin Researchers Discover Second Earth Pack your bags. Who Killed Robert Kennedy? - Aljazeera Iowa Grants Gun Permits to the Blind ICE Targeting Activists in Vermont - DMV Helping Using Goats to Prevent Forest Fires US Soldiers Secretly Fighting Saudi Arabia's War in Yemen (May) The death toll from California's fires has risen to 76 — and nearly 1,300 people are still missing One Dead
From Jenna Orkin The U.S. Military Testing Stratospheric Balloons That Never Have to Come Down Japan’s Cyber-Security Minister Has ‘Never Used a Computer’ Woman Blows Herself Up In Grozny - Chechnya Robot Surgery Fiasco "In a statement after the inquest Mr Pettitt's family said an "investigation revealed a catalogue of errors including significant deficiencies in training and competence of the su
From Jenna Orkin Pentagon Fails Its First Ever Audit, Official Says 9/11 Compensation Crusader John Feal Considering Run for Congress California's Deadliest Fire Now Blocking Sun; Temps Drop By 10 Degrees As "Hazardous" Air Chokes Residents 654 Central American Migrants Detained After Crossing Arizona Border 'Mini Ice Age' Looms As NASA Scientist Warns Lack Of Sunspots Could Bring Record Cold She
From Jenna Orkin Once Fired, There's No Calling a Nuke Back - Daniel Ellsberg Facebook Reportedly Paid for Smear Campaign Against George Soros Chinese Soldiers to Plant Forest Size of Ireland Governor signs bill allowing utilities to increase fees to pay for fire settlements Revisiting Mike Davis' Case for Letting Malibu Burn Saudi prosecutor claims Crown Prince Mohammed innocent, seeks death for
From Jenna Orkin Sowing Seeds of Science I hope this is as permacultural as it appears. As Bezos Earns $191000 Per Minute, Why Are NY and VA Giving Amazon Corporate Welfare? Official Absentee Ballot Returned to Sender Sigrid Nunez Wins National Book Award for Fiction Here's my review Macy's is making a move that signals the death of department stores as we know them A former CIA officer says the
From Jenna Orkin New Zealand Bans Plastic Where White Nationalists Get Their Funding post . Fire Tornado in CA SWIFT Cuts Off Iran Central Bank As Tehran Sells 700,000 Barrels To Anonymous Direct Buyers A judge has ordered Amazon to hand over recordings from an Echo to help solve a double murder case Napoleon Reborn: We Need A "European Empire" To Challenge US And China, French Minister Says Finn
"Man-made" climate change (CC) / global warming is causing SE Asia rice harvest to decline? Another proof that the climate alarmism movement is based on dishonesty, deception and lies. SE Asia rice production keeps rising, not falling. Climate Change Causing Southeast Asia Rice Harvests to “Dwindle”… NOT! David Middleton / November 14, 2018 https://wattsupwiththat.com/2018/11/14/climate-change-ca
* This is my article in BusinessWorld on November 13, 2018. Last week, the October inflation and 3rd quarter GDP growth data were released by the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) and the numbers confirm the fear of many observers of deteriorating macroeconomic fundamentals of the Duterte administration. The big jump in inflation rate was triggered by the TRAIN law. Only 2.9% in December 2017
Brazil's new President, Jair Bolsonaro, has become another inconvenient truth for the climate alarmism movement. Many 'planet saviours' have labelled him as a 'climate denier', wow. In the first place, how can anyone, even skeptics, deny climate change (CC) since the planet was born some 4.6 B years ago? See some reports here, The Paris Climate Agreement Survived Trump. Can It Survive Brazil's Bo
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last November 08, 2018. Integrated Public-Private Partnership (PPP) means the construction then operation and maintenance (O&M) phases will be done by a single entity while Hybrid PPP means the construction is done by one entity, the O&M to be done by another entity. Funding of the former therefore will be fully shouldered by that entity while in Hybrid PPP,
Wow, WTI prices today went down to $55.7 a barrel ($4 decline in a day), Brent $65.5, Dubai $69.8. Despite rising global demand, despite political and military tensions in big oil exporting countries (Iran, Venezuela,...), oil supply keeps increasing. Thank you America (latest output 11.6 million barrels a day), thank you Trump. Oil prices must fall further. Sources: US EIA , https://www.wsj.com/
Last Monday on my way to a meeting in Solaire Hotel, I passed by a group of rallyists going to the Senate. Mostly NFA employees, they oppose rice tariffication (conversion of quantitative restrictions, QRs into tariff), oppose

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