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1 October - Blogs I'm Following - 1 of 5

10:03 pm MDT

Judge Sides With Harvard on Affirmative Action Case

Jamal Watson at Diverse - 1 minute ago
A federal court judge ruled on Tuesday to uphold Harvard University’s race-conscious admissions policy, dealing a blow to anti-affirmative action proponents who had hoped that the case might be a defining issue in next year’s 2020 presidential race.

How Worried Are You That Biden Would Pardon Trump If He Gets The Chance (God Forbid)?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 minutes ago
*Joseph Goebbels by Nancy Ohanian* Someone pulled their finger out of the dike and impeachable offenses are flooding into the mainstream more rapidly that most people can keep track of. Yesterday we saw how Trump and Barr were secretly conspiring to get Australia's very right-wing prime minister to meddle in U.S. internal affairs and then how Barr urged a number of foreign governments to help Trump destroy the CIA and FBI. Devlin Barrett, Shane Harris and Matt Zapotosky reported for the *Washington Post* that "Barr has held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence offici... more »

CNBC: FDA Issues Warning on Medical Devices that are Vulnerable to Takeover from Hackers

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 5 minutes ago
The Food and Drug Administration issued a warning to consumers Tuesday about potentially serious cybersecurity flaws in some medical devices that could allow hackers to take control of them remotely. Medical devices that use third-party, decades-old software called IPnet are at risk, the FDA said. The agency said it’s not sure how many or even […] The post CNBC: FDA Issues Warning on Medical Devices that are Vulnerable to Takeover from Hackers appeared first on Health Nut News.

2019 Arctic Ice Demise Deferred Again

Ron Clutz at Science Matters - 6 minutes ago
The graph shows the annual minimum September monthly average sea ice extent in NH from 2007 through 2019 according to two different data sets: Sea Ice Indiex (SII) from NOAA and Multisensor Analyzed Sea Ice Extent (MASIE) from NIC.. The chart begins with 2007 ending a decadal decline and beginning 12 years of fluctuations around […]

Don’t Be A Conspiracy Theorist!

tonyheller at Real Climate Science - 19 minutes ago
FOR SOME TIME I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government. This has led to trouble and may … Continue reading →

BORDER WALL: Trump's Bulldozers Killing Saguaros at Organ Pipe National Monument Today

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 34 minutes ago
BORDER WALL: Trump's Bulldozers Killing Saguaros at Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument Today at Ajo, Arizona, near the western border of the Tohono O'odham Nation. It is located east of Ajo, Arizona, and southwest of Tucson. The saguaro is one of many plants in Arizona protected by the Native Plant Protection Act, and within national park lands, the removal of any plant is illegal

China's Military Parade Was Huge. Here Are Some Other Parades To Compare

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 35 minutes ago
Soldiers of People's Liberation Army (PLA) march in formation during the military parade. REUTERS/Thomas Peter *Business Insider:* *China's epic military parade makes Trump's July 4 bash look puny. Here's how 15 parades for dictators compare*. * China held a massive military parade on Tuesday to celebrate its 70th National Day. 15,000 troops and several new weapons systems were part of the demonstration. * US President Donald Trump observed France's Bastille Day celebration in 2017. He wanted a similar event in the US, but critics were concerned about the cost — and parallels to m... more »


sundance at The Last Refuge - 40 minutes ago
They’ve gone too far. “Donald Trump’s supporters are racist“, or “uneducated”, or “unenlightened”, or (fill_In_The_Blank). This hate-filled sentiment is clear within the latest corrupt and targeted impeachment attack against the office of the President. Now the media narrative controllers are … Continue reading →

Annals Of Creative Destruction

Francis Menton at Manhattan Contrarian - 42 minutes ago
At a time when the two sides of the political divide seem to agree on nothing, I can actually name something on which I think they do agree: “The middle class has been devastated.” Of course, the sides do not agree on the causes of the devastation of the middle class, nor on the fixes. For the Democrat/progressive side (I’ll use quotes from Elizabeth Warren), the causes include that the “system . . . has been rigged by the wealthy and well-connected” and that evil banks have “steer[ed] [you] into overpriced credit products, risky sub-prime mortgages, and misleading insurance plans.”... more »

Is Canada's Love Affair With Trudeau Ending?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 50 minutes ago
Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, March 19, 2019. REUTERS/Chris Wattie *Reuters: **Young Canadians' love affair with Trudeau on shaky ground as election nears* OTTAWA/TORONTO (Reuters) - Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau may be renowned internationally for his youthful persona and social media savvy, but even before the embarrassment of his recent blackface makeup scandal there were concerns about the support he needs from younger voters to win re-election. Young Canadi... more »

October 1: Besare of Patriotism. It should be good.....

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 1 hour ago
..but we have lonWe have since abused the meaning of patriotism to mean sobedience to the powerful and greedy. _______________________________________________________________ https://www.cbc.ca/news/business/alberta-hydrogen-innovation-1.5290297 I don't know what to make about this one. If true, this should be a major story all over the world. But it's not. As well, there's the question of time. We don't have much of it left. How long would it take to put this project into effect? And why does this story have so little commentary built into it by professional scientists of varying... more »

What it Means to be Postmodern?

Unknown at The Verma Report - 1 hour ago
What it means to be postmodern is dependent on our notion of what it means to be modern and premodern. If you believe that modern philosophy is better than premodern philosophy (medieval as well as ancient), then you will loathe the idea of postmodernism. But if you recognize the political and moral problems that have been caused by the modernist doctrine then you may empathize with the postmodernist rebellion against modern philosophy. Literally, postmodern means “after the modern” and that is the sense in which philosophers use it. Postmodern philosophy does not necessarily entail... more »

Well, here’s another nice mess he’s gotten us into!

nonnie9999 at HYSTERICAL RAISINS - 1 hour ago
From The Guardian: An effort in recent months by Donald Trump to rewrite the history of the 2016 US presidential election and set up a 2020 re-election victory was more geographically sprawling and reliant on the day-to-day participation of top cabinet members … Continue reading →

Tuesday Night Cat Blogging

Unknown at Accidental Deliberations - 1 hour ago
Costumed cats.

Stephen Miller: “The Deep State is Terrified of Being Exposed”…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 1 hour ago
White House Senior Policy Adviser, Stephan Miller, appears on Fox Business with Lou Dobbs to explain the apoplexy coming from DC’s administrative state. Miller outlines the deep fear held by many in the professional political class in/around DC toward ongoing … Continue reading →

Constitutional Crisis In Peru Amid Power Struggle

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
*FOX News:* *Peru in turmoil as president, lawmakers split over who is in charge* Peru’s government is in the midst of a political crisis Tuesday after its president dissolved the country’s congress for failing to support his anti-corruption reforms – only for lawmakers to respond by suspending him from office and appointing his vice president as their new leader. President Martín Vizcarra’s actions against the opposition-controlled congress were met with cheers early Tuesday morning by thousands of people who took to the streets of its capital, Lima, waving Peruvian flags, cha... more »

Pentagon Fires Official Responsible For Saving Money On Military Contracts

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
The Pentagon, headquarters of the United States Department of Defense, taken from an airplane in January 2008. Wikipedia *Yahoo News: **Trump tweeted ‘billions of dollars’ would be saved on military contracts. Then the Pentagon fired the official doing that.* In December 2016, just a few weeks before moving into the White House, President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that once he was in office, “billions of dollars can and will be saved on military (and other) purchases.” Presidential candidates often campaign for or against defense spending, but Trump was perhaps the first to promis... more »

Six youth justice staff sacked in Queensland amid corruption scandal

Josh Bavas at Just In - 1 hour ago
Six staff members within Queensland's Youth Justice Department are sacked amid dozens of substantiated cases of corruption that include criminal behaviour, inappropriate conduct and using excessive force.

Harvard University cleared of illegally discriminating against Asian-American applicants

Just In - 1 hour ago
Based on academic performance alone, Asian-Americans would comprise 43 per cent of admissions to Harvard instead of the current 19 per cent. But a judge has cleared the university of illegally rejecting applicants in order to boost racial diversity.

Melbourne Airport hoax caller spared jail over fake transmissions to passenger planes

Karen Percy at Just In - 1 hour ago
A former baggage handler who made a fake mayday call and sent other false transmissions to aircraft around Melbourne Airport in 2016 is spared jail.

Vision captures rare pink 'slinky-like' squid eggs off Cairns

Kristy Sexton-McGrath at Just In - 1 hour ago
One squid, most likely the diamondback squid, lays an estimated 40,000 free-floating eggs into Great Barrier Reef waters, in a rare event for the species that experts say lives fast and dies young.

The Trump affair is now politically messy for Morrison on two levels

Michelle Grattan at Just In - 1 hour ago
While the dramatic phone call revelation may not indicate any wrongdoing, it shows how Scott Morrison's bromance with US President Donald Trump brings its political embarrassments along with all that glitz and warmth, writes Michelle Grattan.

Super fund investigating privacy breach after financial documents sent to ABC producer

Kristian Silva at Just In - 1 hour ago
Radio producer Katrina Palmer was curious why she received "a very thick wad of paper" from her super company, and quickly realised the financial details she was reading were not her own.

Victorian Government announces extra $31m in drought support

Just In - 1 hour ago
Farmers struggling in the driest parts of Victoria will have access to an extra $31m in relief funds, days after the Federal Government announced an extension in drought support.

Morrison facing pressure to release transcript of Trump call

Brett Worthington at Just In - 1 hour ago
Labor intensifies its demands for the Prime Minister to release the transcript of a conversation with Donald Trump, accusing Scott Morrison of cosying up to the US President at the expense of Australia's national interest.

Climate protesters chained by the neck to fencing in Brisbane's CBD

Melanie Vujkovic at Just In - 1 hour ago
Seven Extinction Rebellion protesters are arrested after placing bike locks around their necks to secure themselves to temporary fencing in Brisbane's CBD this morning.

Letterbox bombs detonated at multiple residences on Sunshine Coast

Just In - 1 hour ago
Several letterboxes on the Sunshine Coast have been filled with crude, cheaply-made explosives and detonated, causing major damage and prompting a warning from police that residents are at risk of injury.

Off-duty cop guilty of murdering black neighbour while he ate ice cream

Just In - 1 hour ago
Botham Jean was sitting in his apartment eating ice cream when his neighbour Amber Guyger walked in mistaking it as her own home. The mistake cost the accountant his life.

Female student dead, nine people hurt in sword attack at Finnish college

Just In - 1 hour ago
Police say they were forced to open fire after a man went into a college in the Finnish town of Kuopio carrying a sword and a gun.

Prebiotics Do More Harm Than Good

News Staff at Science 2.0 blogs - 2 hours ago
Though prebiotics are a fad outside the chemotherapy sector, there is little evidence they do anything positive or negative in humans. Except in horses, where they seem to do something negative. Before they can reach the intestines, commercially available supplements partially break down in the animals' stomachs, which can lead to inflammation of the stomach lining. So if you really feel the need to give a horse prebiotics, preparing food supplements so that they don't take effect until they reach the large intestine. read more

Does Brexit Talk Make You Psychotic? You're Not Alone

News Staff at Science 2.0 blogs - 2 hours ago
Political events can take a serious toll on mental health - at least in one case. A man with a brief episode of acute psychosis convinced a doctor it was triggered by the 2016 Referendum on Brexit--the process of the UK leaving the European Union (EU), which it joined in 1993. The doctor describes the case of a middle aged man, brought to hospital by paramedics in an acute psychotic state, three weeks after the June 2016 Referendum result on the UK's departure from the EU. The patient was confused and very agitated, with disordered thoughts and speech. He heard voices and was delus... more »

Why Coalition Government in Israel Means War on Gaza

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Why Coalition Government in Israel Means War on Gaza by Ramzy Baroud, Special to Gulf News, https://gulfnews.com/opinion Netanyahu might finally be dislodged, but Palestinians have little to rejoice The harsh reality of the occupation is likely to remain unchanged for Palestinians, regardless of the Israeli leader who will succeed in forming a government coalition. – …

Palestinian Detainee Hospitalised After Israeli Interrogation

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Palestinian Detainee Hospitalised After Israeli Interrogation by https://www.aljazeera.com/ Samir Arbeed suffered ‘severe torture’ in custody, Israeli media reports an investigation has been opened in the case. – A Palestinian detainee has been hospitalised in a critical condition after he had “undergone severe torture” in Israeli custody, his lawyer has said. Israeli media has reported that …

Saudi Prince Warns Regional War with Iran Could Lead to ‘Total Collapse of Global Economy’

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Saudi Prince Warns Regional War with Iran Could Lead to ‘Total Collapse of Global Economy’ by Raf Sanchez, middle east correspondent, https://www.telegraph.co.uk/ A war with Iran would lead to “a total collapse of the global economy”, Saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman has said, as he called for a political solution and endorsed talks between Donald Trump …

HK Protesters Threaten Local TV Station After Outfit Change Exposé 暴徒公交换衣避罪 有媒体拍下过程被威胁

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
This scene happened in Hong Kong today. The barbaric action mob did to Hong Kong police should be condemned by the whole world. This is definitely not a 'beautiful sight' of democracy, right? pic.twitter.com/0W7XKvLdJH — Hu Xijin 胡锡进 (@HuXijin_GT) October 1, 2019

JPM Charged by DOJ: The Tip of the Iceberg | Ted Butler

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Reluctant Preppers ​”“The (JPM) defendants and others allegedly engaged in a massive, multiyear scheme to manipulate the market for precious metals futures contracts and defraud market participants…” ​ – US Dept of Justice, FBI’s New York Field Office, w/ assistance of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission’s Division of Enforcement. Renowned silver analyst Ted Butler, founder …

95% of Climate Models “Proving” the Link Between Human CO2 Emissions and Global Warming Have Been Found to be in Error

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
95% of Climate Models “Proving” the Link Between Human CO2 Emissions and Global Warming Have Been Found to be in Error by Martin Armstrong, https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/ Climate Change That Ignores History Climate has ALWAYS changed from decade to decade. There were major swings (volatility) during the 1930s. You had the dust bowl during the summer and …

China Releasing Government Crypto Currency As Early As November 11th?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
WallStForMainSt China’s PBOC Says Its Own Cryptocurrency Is ‘Close’ to Release. Other sources like Quartz, Forbes and a former global head of financial strategy for China Construction Bank until 2012, says the largest bank in the world, the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, the second largest bank in the world, his former employer, the …

NY Fed Starts New Quarter With Unexpectedly High $55BN Repo Operation

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
NY Fed Starts New Quarter With Unexpectedly High $55BN Repo Operation by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ Many expected the funding shortage sweeping across the US financial community to be mostly a function of one-time mid-September items coupled with traditional quarter-end liquidity: it explained why in addition to three term repos, on the last day of the …

Ron Paul: Impeachment…or CIA Coup?

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Impeachment…or CIA Coup? by Ron Paul, http://ronpaulinstitute.org/ You don’t need to be a supporter of President Trump to be concerned about the efforts to remove him from office. Last week House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced impeachment proceedings against the President over a phone call made to the President of Ukraine. According to the White House …

Eight More Countries Decide to Join INSTEX Mechanism for Trade with Iran – Mogherini Aide

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
Eight More Countries Decide to Join INSTEX Mechanism for Trade with Iran – Mogherini Aide by https://sputniknews.com/ The INSTEX trade mechanism was set up by France, Germany and the UK in January to continue trade with Iran, bypassing US sanctions. It became operational and available to all EU member states in June. – Eight more …

“It’s Almost Impossible To Buy”: Japanese Bond Crash, Margin Call Send Shockwaves Around The Globe

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 2 hours ago
“It’s Almost Impossible To Buy”: Japanese Bond Crash, Margin Call Send Shockwaves Around The Globe by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ For a dramatic preview of what will happen in the blink of an eye to all those record low interest rates without the backstop of central banks and ravenous pension fund buying, look no further than what …

Meet Stormbreaker: How the F-35 Will Crush You in a War (Even in Rain)

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 2 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://www.dvidshub.net/image/2212420/f-35-lightning-ii-begins-dt-ii-aboard-uss-dwight-d-eisenhower] Not even the weather will hold back the F-35. *Key point:* The F-35 is getting many upgrades, including those that will let it successfully hit targets in bad weather. The Air Force has begun early testing, software development and weapons integration for its upcoming Block 4 variant of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, an emerging model intended to give the multi-role fighter a new dimension of weapons and attack mission possibilities, ... more »

Check Out China's New DF-17 Hypersonic Glide Vehicle: A Real Killer?

David Axe at The National Interest - 2 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, Asia* Can the U.S. military match it? How capable is it? The People’s Liberation Army on Oct. 1, 2019 revealed a new hypersonic missile that could pose a major threat to U.S. forces in the Pacific region. The DF-17 hypersonic glide vehicle, or HGV, made its public debut as part of the PLA’s sprawling, 15,000-person military parade in Beijing commemorating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. While other countries also are working on hypersonic weapons -- meaning powered or gliding precision-guided munitions that can trav... more »

Poll: Public Opinion On China Turns Negative In Western Europe And Asia-Pacific

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago
*PEW Research:* *People around the globe are divided in their opinions of China* As the People’s Republic of China celebrates the 70th anniversary of its founding on Oct. 1, it gets mixed reviews from people around the world, according to Pew Research Center’s latest Global Attitudes Survey. A median of 41% across the 32 countries surveyed have a favorable opinion of China, compared with a median of 37% who have an unfavorable opinion. And, while majorities in most countries agree China’s influence on the world stage has grown markedly, this has not necessarily translated into fav... more »

The Heatwave Of October 1963

tonyheller at Real Climate Science - 2 hours ago
October afternoon temperatures have been declining in the Midwest since the 19th century, and tended to be much hotter prior to 50 years ago. But one year really stood out – 1963. That year averaged about ten degrees above the … Continue reading →

President Trump Uses The “C” Word…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 2 hours ago
Oh my, media ‘splodey head alert! They’ll ignore the accuracy of the statement, and the mainstream praetorian guard is going to go full pearl-clutching bananas. President Trump tweets the impeachment effort is more akin to a coup. “Coup“: the overthrow … Continue reading →

The Disqualification Clause

Gerard N. Magliocca at Balkinization - 2 hours ago
Chief Justice Roberts is probably using his free time to brush up on impeachment trials. One issue that could become relevant in a few months is the Constitution's statement that the Senate can (upon conviction) impose a penalty beyond removal from office to include "disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the United States." Does this mean that the Senate can bar President Trump from being reelected? The answer is "probably," but there is no precedent on point. The disqualification power has been used by the Senate only twice (in both cases for... more »

This one-sided debate we're having about James Cook ...

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 2 hours ago
James Cook (1728-1779), painted by Nathaniel Dance-Holland [public domain] You would think from reading media reports of James Cook in recent days that he did little more in his long life but come to New Zealand to commit " *hara* or atrocities" -- two words used this morning on Radio New Zealand to discuss this man's contribution to history. RNZ's report this morning recounts how an "expression of regret" on the part of the Crown is to be given, as part of the 250-year commemorations of Cook's arrival to these shores, to "leaders of Gisborne iwi." This is accompanied on the RNZ webs... more »

iAnthus CEO offers business update, urges purchase of ‘undervalued’ cannabis stock

Jenel Stelton-Holtmeier at Marijuana Business Daily - 2 hours ago
Monday was a busy day for iAnthus (OTC: ITHUF), with CEO Hadley Ford addressing several topics important to investors, such as the recent cannabis stock sell off, his company’s build-out plan and a strict focus on cost controls. iAnthus CEO offers business update, urges purchase of ‘undervalued’ cannabis stock is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Is US President Blocked From Issuing Pardons During Impeachment?

Alex Kasprak at Snopes.com - 3 hours ago
Presidential pardon power is famously broad.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- October 1, 2019

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Emma Graham-Harrison, The Guardian*: *Hong Kong protesters rain on China’s anniversary parade* Beijing’s carefully planned celebrations turned into a PR disaster for Xi Jinping October 1 was meant to be a carefully choreographed showcase of China’s military and economic might on the 70th anniversary of communist rule, and a celebration of the strongman president, Xi Jinping. But after a picture-perfect parade was beamed around the world from Beijing, the one part of the country that is not under his full control ripped up the playbook, with the people of Hong Kong pouring on to ... more »

Dying Young—Falling Life Expectancy in the U.S.

Joyce Ghen at Children's Health Defense - 3 hours ago
By the Children’s Health Defense Team Note: A previous article focused on infant mortality; this article considers child and adolescent mortality and their contribution to falling life expectancy in the U.S. Life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen for several years in a row, representing the “longest sustained decline in expected lifespan since the […] The post Dying Young—Falling Life Expectancy in the U.S. appeared first on Children's Health Defense.

Police Officer Amber Guyger Found Guilty of Murder for Killing Botham Jean, Facing Life in Prison

Activist Post at Activist Post - 3 hours ago
By Matt Agorist Dallas, TX — Moments ago, former Dallas police officer Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder for shooting and killing Botham Jean... more »

Does a Failed Impeachment Nullify Presidential Term, Allow Extra Reelection?

Dan Evon at Snopes.com - 3 hours ago
On the flip side, if a president is impeached (but not convicted), is that person prevented from running for a second term?

World News Briefs -- September 27, 2019 (Evening Edition)

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago
*Reuters:* *Police shoot teen protester as Hong Kong violence escalates* HONG KONG (Reuters) - Hong Kong police shot a teenage protester on Tuesday, the first to be hit by live ammunition in almost four months of unrest in the Chinese-ruled city, amid violent clashes on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic. Cat-and-mouse clashes spread from the shopping district of Causeway Bay to the Admiralty area of government offices on Hong Kong island, and then on to the New Territories bordering mainland China, with police firing tear gas and water cannon at petrol... more »

Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Great White Lie

Selwyn Duke at rss - 3 hours ago
[image: mayor-bill-de-blasio-s-great-white-lie] New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his schools chancellor, Richard Carranza, are unhappy there aren’t “enough” blacks and Hispanics at the elite schools, so they’d cooked up a scheme to eliminate the institutions’ admissions exams.

Militias' Ongoing Harassment of Assyrians in Iraq, Syria Focus of Hearing

A Catholic church destroyed by Islamic State militants in Karamles, Iraq, is examined by a priest March 6, 2018. The genocide conducted by the Islamic State against Christian communities in Iraq and Syria has turned into continued harassment by Iran-backed militias and shows no signs of abating soon, said speakers at a Sept.

Nineveh Plains Transitional Justice Report: September

Washington -- During the month of September, irregular military forces existing within the Nineveh Plains increased demonstrations of strength. The Islamic State published a rare audio message from self-declared Caliph al-Baghdadi, who strongly suggested an upcoming increase of militant activity.

Quantum Queries

Louis Hissink at Louis Hissink's Crazy World - 3 hours ago
Both gravity and electrostatic forces are represented by the same form of equation, force equals constant multiplied by the product of the objects physical characteristic, mass or charge, divided by the square of the distance, aka the inverse square rule. … Continue reading →

"The Great Disconnect"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
*"The Great Disconnect"* by Brian Maher "Today the calendar rolls to October. October’s very mention plunges Wall Street into horrific sweats. The Panic of 1907. The Crash of 1929. “Black Monday” 1987. They each share October in common. So blackened is October’s reputation, market observers have fashioned a term for it - the “October effect. But as we revealed at September’s onset, September is the stock market’s leanest month historically. October is as tame as a tabby besides it. Yardeni Research proves the average October return historically is 0.4%. A slender gain - but a gain.... more »

How Safe Is The Whistleblower? Are We In The U.S. Or In Russia?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago
I don't understand why Buzzflash was sending out fundraising e-mails for itself in the midst of the end of the quarter federal elections deadline, but aside from that, one of their e-mails was very worthwhile reading. Whether Trump or Barr had Trump-crony Jeff Epstein murdered while he was in federal custody or not-- one of them probably did, and Trump is blaming Hillary Clinton for the deed (a classic Trump indication of his own guilt)-- Trump has absolutely painted a target on the back on the Ukraine whistleblower. Buzzflash: "His or her personal safety is threatened, attorneys ... more »

Confirmation – Bill Barr and John Durham Listened to Mifsud Audio-Tape Deposition in Italy…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 4 hours ago
When reports first surfaced that AG Bill Barr had traveled to Italy recently, we surmised the trip was likely related to Joseph Mifsud; specifically related to an audio-taped deposition that Mifsud gave to Italian police about being a western intelligence … Continue reading →

No to Ageism, Yes to Intergenerational Equality

BANGKOK, Thailand, Oct 01 (IPS) - Srinivas Tata, is Director, Social Development Division, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) Eduardo Klien, is Regional Director, Asia, HelpAge InternationalAs we are celebrating the International Day of Older Persons today, we recognize that population ageing is a human success story, a story of longer and often healthier lives of the world's people. The many faces of older persons that we see in Asia and in the Pacific, and, indeed, all over the world, attest to this fact. Still, however, ageing is co... more »

North Korean Missile Lands Into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Kim Jong Un is seen as the newly developed intercontinental ballistic rocket Hwasong-15 was successfully launched. KCNA/Reuters *CNBC/Reuters*: *North Korean projectile landed in Japan’s exclusive economic zone, Tokyo says* * A North Korean missile appears to have fallen into Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone Wednesday morning, Japan’s top government spokesman said. * There were no reports so far of any impact on aircraft or ships in the vicinity. North Korea carried out another projectile launch on Wednesday, the South Korean military and Japan’s Coast Guard said, a day after North ... more »

GMO Mosquito Trials Scheduled for Florida and Texas

Admin at Health Impact News - 4 hours ago
Oxitec is proposing to release its genetically modified (GM) OX5034 Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the US states of Florida and Texas. The EPA has opened a public comment period. Oxitec's application says, "Female offspring of the OX5034 mosquitoes in the environment are expected to die before they mature into adults and therefore exposure to biting female mosquitoes is not anticipated." However, experience with another strain of Oxitec mosquito, OX513A, shows that Oxitec's claims that its GM mosquitoes are self-limiting are unreliable. The GM mosquitoes ended up breeding with native ... more »

The pressure continues on Ireland to release two U.S. veterans

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago
Love this - supporters and family of U.S. veterans Tarak Kauff and Kenneth Mayers are taking it right to the Irish president. Let them come home! Give them back their passports - taken after a peaceful protest at Shannon Airport. Stop supporting the U.S. war machine by allowing Pentagon war planes to land and refuel in Ireland at Shannon Airport. Respect Irish neutrality and sovereignty!

Ukraine Has Reached an Agreement With Separatists In The East On Local Elections

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy and American actor Tom Cruise met in Kyiv on Monday.Ukrainian Presidential Press Office *Sydney Morning Herald*: *Kiev agrees to election for eastern Ukraine zones under control of Kremlin-backed separatists* Ukraine on Tuesday signed much-anticipated accords with separatists from the country's east, Russia and European monitors that agree a local election can be held in separatist-controlled territory, paving the way for peace talks with Moscow. The signing at a meeting in the Belarusian capital Minsk was largely seen as the new Ukrainian g... more »

Is Saudi Arabia's Military Competent?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago
*Warzone/The Drive:* *Houthi Rebels Trounce Saudi Force Amid Concerns Over The Kingdom's Military Competence* *A top U.S. Army advisor to the Saudis had previously described high casualty rates and a worrying lack of capacity in the country's National Guard.* Yemen's Houthi rebels have released video footage that they say is from a recent major battle with Saudi Arabian forces that resulted in hundreds of Saudi casualties and the capture of many more, along with the seizure of vast array of vehicles and other weapons and equipment. The Houthi's specific claims cannot be independe... more »

Confessions Of A Climate Scientist

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on Iowa Climate Science Education: A new book by a Japanese climate scientist explains why the predictions of climate models are useful but insufficiently reliable for large scale public policy action. None of this is new information. None of it is widely known. Illustration 100719 © Kheng Guan Toh – Dreamstime. Excerpts from Confessions…

MEDICINE WHEEL: ‘Mushroom of Immortality’, The Healing Power of Reishi Mushrooms

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on RIELPOLITIK: Source – naturalblaze.com – “…Reishi is one of the many types of medicinal mushrooms that have been used for thousands of years in cultures around the world, particularly in Asian countries…known as the “longevity mushroom,” the “mushroom of immortality,” and the “queen of mushrooms,” because of its powerful bioactive compounds (polysaccharides…

Global shipping companies have spent billions rigging vessels with “cheat devices” that circumvent new environmental legislation concerning pollution !

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on © blogfactory: Environment Thousands of ships fitted with ‘cheat devices’ to divert poisonous pollution into sea Experts say this could have a devastating effect on wildlife Global?shipping?companies have spent billions?rigging vessels with “cheat devices” that circumvent new environmental legislation by dumping?pollution?into the sea instead of the air,?The Independent?can reveal. More than $12bn (£9.7bn)?has…

JAG Blocked Public Submissions Opposed to Her Car Tax — The BFD

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 4 hours ago
Originally posted on NZ Conservative Coalition: ? An OIA has revealed that Associate Transport Minister Julie Anne Genter dumped at least 1000 public submissions from New Zealanders who were against her government’s Car tax proposal. Documents released under the Official Information Act have shown that JAG’s ministry blocked New Zealanders from submitting on the car…

North Korea Plans to Wage War from Secret Underground Air Bases

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* [image: https://i.imgur.com/8z4YFT0.png] How would they pull it off? *Key point:* In order to survive the beginning of a war, North Korea has built many underground bases and bunkers. North Korea, one of the most secretive countries in the world, is no stranger to building underground military facilities. Whether a tunnel dug under the demilitarized zone designed to pass thousands of troops an hour, or bunkers to accommodate the regime’s leadership, North Korea has built extensive underground facilities designed to give it an edge in wartime. *Re... more »

Who's Winning the Trade War? Economists Speak Out

Audrey Conklin at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Audrey Conklin* *Politics, Americas* [image: Ng Han Guan/Pool via REUTERS] You'd be surprised by their answers. - *As the 2020 presidential election approaches, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation that no one is emerging in the U.S.-China trade war as a clear winner.* - *U.S. companies are moving production out of China as Chinese unemployment rates waver, according to The Wall Street Journal, but some experts said that is not a result of the trade war.* - *Suicide and foreclosure rates among U.S. farmers have increased ... more »

Ex-Cop Amber Guyger Convicted of Botham-Shem Jean Murder

Audrey Conklin at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Audrey Conklin* *Politics, Americas* [image: Amber Guyger, who is charged in the killing of Botham Jean in his own home, arrives on the first day of the trial in Dallas, Texas, U.S., September 23, 2019. REUTERS/Jeremy Lock] She claims she shot him by accident. Ex-Dallas Police Department officer Amber Guyger was found guilty of murder after she shot her unarmed neighbor in his own apartment while she was off duty in September 2018. Guyger, who is white, told authorities she mistook her 26-year-old neighbor, Botham Shem Jean, who was black, for a burglar when she shot and wound... more »

Chuck Grassley: Whistleblower Should Be 'Protected' But Complaint Needs ‘Additional Leg Work’

Audrey Conklin at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Audrey Conklin* *Politics, Americas* [image: Washington, U.S., January 15, 2019. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst] Who else will fall in line? Sen. Chuck Grassley on Tuesday defended the whistleblower who filed a complaint regarding President Donald Trump’s phone call with Ukraine’s president. The Iowa Republican’s statement diverges from the opinions of his fellow congressional Republicans such as Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and John Cornyn of Texas, as well as California Reps. Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes and Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, who have all expressed skepticism regardi... more »

Zuckerberg in Leaked Audio: I Will 'Go to the Mat' Against Warren

Audrey Conklin at The National Interest - 4 hours ago
*Audrey Conklin* *Politics, Americas* [image: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies before a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing regarding the company’s use and protection of user data on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S., April 11, 2018. REUTERS/Aaron P. Bernstein] He's already gearing up for a fight. Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg vowed in leaked audio to “go to the mat” with 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren if she beats President Donald Trump. Warren, a Big Tech adversary, is campaigning largely on ideas to break up tech giants like Facebook, ... more »

How 'awesome bombs' and 'brag-a-logs' can supercharge your work life

Sarah Scopelianos And Maria Tickle at Just In - 4 hours ago
Self-promotion can be tricky in the land of the tall poppy syndrome. We asked the experts for tips on standing out from the pack, and they told us about mindset audits, "brag-a-logs" and dropping "awesome bombs".

Trump slams 'pathetic' Fed and Wall St tumbles as US factory activity hits 10-year low

David Chau at Just In - 4 hours ago
Australian shares are set to fall sharply in the wake of the United States recording its worst manufacturing result in 10 years — ratcheting up fears of a global economic downturn, exacerbated by the US-China trade war.

Meghan Markle sues paper for publishing a private letter

Just In - 4 hours ago
The Duchess of Sussex starts legal proceedings against the Mail on Sunday newspaper over what her husband, Prince Harry, refers to as a "ruthless campaign" against his wife that is reminiscent of the media hounding of his mother.

Pair charged over alleged murder in Hackham West

Just In - 4 hours ago
Police charge a man and a woman wanted in connection with an alleged murder in a park in Adelaide's southern suburbs.

Rare 'daytime fireball' meteor rumbles across sky in Far North Queensland

Kristy Sexton-McGrath at Just In - 4 hours ago
Hundreds of residents in Far North Queensland describe how the ground shook after what is believed to be a rare daytime meteor streaks across the sky.

Remote community playgroup bands together to create bilingual story time

Gabrielle Lyons at Just In - 4 hours ago
More than 5,000 children's picture books have been translated into Aboriginal languages and given to families throughout the Northern Territory.

Older people lifting their health with weights

Larissa Romensky at Just In - 4 hours ago
Their average age is 75, but that's not stopping this group of retirees powerlifting their way to good health.

Can you say no if your employer wants to drug test you?

Carrington Clarke at Just In - 4 hours ago
More and more Australians are facing the prospect of random drug testing in their places of work. What does it involve, how reliable is it, and can you say no?

Tasmanian magpies are polite but no-one knows why

Georgie Burgess at Just In - 4 hours ago
Of the almost 3,000 magpie attacks reported in Australia this year, only one was in Tasmania. So why are these notoriously angry birds so much more relaxed on the Apple Isle?

Farmers warn booming roo numbers spell trouble

Jacqueline Lynch And Georgia Loney at Just In - 4 hours ago
A massive boom in kangaroo numbers in Western Australia has sparked calls for an expansion of the state's roo meat industry.

Could you be the cure? Donor registry pleas for more ethnic diversity to help save lives

Daniel Miles at Just In - 4 hours ago
Despite not being able to help his niece as she battled leukaemia, Daniel Roberts stayed on the bone marrow donor list, and just two years later he was reduced to tears when he got the call.

Mining giant blames 'typo' for incorrectly giving workers 10pc bonus

Jarrod Lucas at Just In - 4 hours ago
A Japanese multinational agreed to pay its workers a 2 per cent annual bonus. It ended up in court blaming an errant keystroke after filing paperwork agreeing to pay a 10 per cent bonus.

Kelsey-Lee Barber claims Australia's first javelin gold at world championships

Just In - 4 hours ago
Saving her best throw for last, Australian Kelsey-Lee Barber claims Australia's first javelin gold medal at the World Athletics Championships in Doha.

Local council corruption risk highlights need for greater scrutiny, ratepayers group says

Dominic Cansdale And Sian Johnson at Just In - 4 hours ago
A ratepayers advocacy group says a damning report into the risk of corruption within local government in Victoria highlights the need for greater scrutiny of regional councils.

NSW Now: Petrol prices to hit 11-year high, man dies in house fire

Just In - 4 hours ago
*MORNING BRIEFING: *The average petrol price in Sydney is expected to jump to $1.66 by Thursday — the highest level in more than a decade — while a man dies in a house fire in Sydney's west.

Dying Young—Falling Life Expectancy in the U.S. by the Children’s Health Defense Team

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 4 hours ago
By the Children’s Health Defense TeamNote: A previous article focused on infant mortality; this article considers child and adolescent mortality and their contribution to falling life expectancy in the U.S.Life expectancy in the U.S. has fallen for several years in a row, representing the “longest sustained decline in expected lifespan since the tumultuous period of […] The post Dying Young—Falling Life Expectancy in the U.S. by the Children’s Health Defense Team appeared first on Health Nut News.

Conservation Group Plans To Buy World’s Largest Sequoia Forest For $15.6 Million

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 4 hours ago
By John Vibes, Waking Times A conservation group from San Francisco named “Save the Redwoods League” recently agreed on a deal to purchase the largest privately-owned sequoia forest in the world. However, they don’t actually have the $15.6 million that will be needed to seal the deal yet. The area is known as Alder Creek […] The post Conservation Group Plans To Buy World’s Largest Sequoia Forest For $15.6 Million appeared first on Health Nut News.

2019.10.01 Mikaeli, SR “Människor och tro”…

alicia hamberg at the ethereal kiosk - 5 hours ago
Det är två dagar för sent, förstås, för att önska glad eller god mikaeli, men mikaelitiden pågår väl ännu även om dagen är passerad? Vi säger så. Önskas härmed med ovanstående bild, som härstammar från föregående veckas skärgårdsvistelse med hunden och huvudsakligen utan internet och modernitetens brus i form av dagsaktuella nyheter, sociala medier, anonyma … Continue reading 2019.10.01 Mikaeli, SR “Människor och tro”… →

To Which Flesh Is Heir...

Alfred Lehmberg at alienviews - 5 hours ago
I've had some significant oral surgery... it puts me a little overdrawn at my muse's idiosyncratic bank, currently. Production, spotty anyway, will be curtailed. I offer in the interim that the reader checking in first consider the work of Frank Feschino... and then move to *restore* John Ford, but read on.

Ex-Rep. Chris Collins Pleads Guilty in Insider Trading Case (Video)

AP News at Snopes.com - 5 hours ago
Former Rep. Chris Collins pleaded guilty in an insider trading case, a day after he resigned from Congress and set off a scramble to fill his seat in his Republican-leaning district.

US Approves $39M Sales of Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine

AP News at Snopes.com - 5 hours ago
Congress and the State Department have given initial approval to a $39 million sale of anti-tank missiles to Ukraine to help the country battle Russia-backed separatists.

Hurricane Lorenzo to Bring 70-Foot Waves to Azores

AP News at Snopes.com - 5 hours ago
A hurricane packing a punch rarely witnessed in the mid-Atlantic Ocean is bearing down on the Azores Islands, placing emergency services on red alert for waves that could reach eight stories high.

Did US Intelligence Eliminate a Requirement That Whistleblowers Provide Firsthand Knowledge?

Bethania Palma at Snopes.com - 5 hours ago
A conspiracy theory about the "deep state" got shared widely by the president and his supporters.

Is 'Communist' China More Weaker Today than Ever Before?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago
A paramilitary policeman stands guard at Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China, in 2013. (Kim Kyung-Hoon/Reuters) *Marion Smith, NRO:** After 70 Years, Communist China Is Weaker Than It Appears* *The Communist ideology is a parasite that cannot survive for long on its own.* The Soviet Union collapsed in 1991 after 69 years of tyranny and aggression. On October 1, the People’s Republic of China will officially turn 70. The brutal regime of Mao Zedong and Xi Jinping has made China the world’s longest surviving Communist country, and unlike the Kremlin of old, Beijing seems stronger th... more »

Justice Department To Unveil 500 Pages of Mueller Notes Every Month

Chuck Ross at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Chuck Ross* *Politics, Americas* [image: Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller departs from the U.S. Capitol following his testimonies before the House of Representatives, on Capitol Hill in Washington, U.S. July 24, 2019. REUTERS/Tom Brenner] What didn't they want you to see before? The Justice Department will start releasing 500 pages of notes from witness interviews in the special counsel’s probe each month, beginning on Nov. 1. A Justice Department lawyer said at a hearing that the agency has 800 witness interview transcripts, known as FD-302s, totaling more than 44,000 pag... more »

U.S. State Department: North Korea Talks Scheduled 'in Weeks'

Audrey Conklin at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Audrey Conklin* *Politics, Asia* [image: White House former National Security Advisor John Bolton fixes his hair and listens to a question after his remarks on North Korea at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank in Washington, U.S. September 30, 2019.] It's the first in months. The United States and North Korea will hold talks “within the next week” after months of silence, the State Department announced Tuesday. “I can confirm that U.S. and DPRK officials plan to meet within the next week. I do not have further details to share on the meeting,” S... more »

AG Bill Barr Digs Up Dirt on CIA, FBI Activities in 2016

Chuck Ross at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Chuck Ross* *Politics, Americas* [image: September 9, 2019. REUTERS/Erin Scott] What will he find in Italy? Attorney General William Barr has met with foreign intelligence officials, including during a trip to Italy earlier in September, regarding an investigation into surveillance activities against the Trump campaign, The Washington Post reported. Barr was joined in the meeting by John Durham, the U.S. attorney in Connecticut, WaPo reported, citing anonymous sources familiar with the matter. “As the Department of Justice has previously announced, a team led by U.S. Attorney ... more »

The Way North Korea Would Start a War (And What Tools They Would Use)

Robert Farley at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *Security, Asia* [image: By John Harwood - T55, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=9421892] A disastrous conflict. *Key point: *North Korea would have to go all-out and attack fast if it wants any hope of victory. The most intense period of fighting in Korea ended some 62 years ago, but the divide across the Peninsula remains the world’s most visible legacy of the Cold War. While the Republic of Korea (ROK) has become economically successful and democratic, North Korea has become a punchline. Nevertheless, the Democratic People’s Republ... more »

Trump Admin to Supreme Court: Don't Save Google From Copyright Suit

Kevin Daley at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Kevin Daley* *Politics, Americas* [image: People are silhouetted as they pose with laptops in front of a screen projected with a Google logo, in this picture illustration taken in Zenica October 29, 2014. This logo has been updated and is no longer in use. REUTERS/Dado Ruvic/File Photo] Google is playing defense. - *The Trump administration is urging the Supreme Court to stay out of a years-long copyright dispute between tech giants Google and Oracle. * - *Oracle said Google impermissibly copied its computer code to build its Android operating syste... more »

Pelosi Unveils Impeachment Messaging Strategy

Mary Margaret Olohan at The National Interest - 5 hours ago
*Mary Margaret Olohan* *Politics, Americas* [image: September 24, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque] How will House Dems sell it? House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told Democrats to have their “hearts full of love for the Constitution” as she laid out a strategy on how to win public support of an impeachment inquiry against President Donald Trump, but a colleague said vulnerable representatives would need to determine what messaging worked best. “We have to proceed with our hearts full of love for America and our hearts full of love for the Constitution,” Pelosi said in a private conference... more »

Pelosi’s Impeachment by Innuendo Continues – Ukraine Narrative is The Vehicle…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 5 hours ago
In the same way the 2016-2019 Trump-Russia Collusion Conspiracy was a vehicle; a tool toward the end goal of an “obstruction” impeachment; so too is the 2019 Trump-Ukraine narrative a vehicle; a means to an end: “corruption of office”, impeachment … Continue reading →

The Assyrians and Aramaic: Speaking the Oldest Living Language of the Middle East

Aramaic is easily recognizable in the lowest line, below the Greek inscription. It is dated to 129 AD. In the following article I will address three issues: How have Assyrians retained Aramaic into the 21th century? Will they be able to continue the language? Under what circumstances can Aramaic survive? Changing Language Use Patterns In this eve

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