10:03 pm MDT
connecting 3 missing puzzle pieces of the Deep State
1) p. 106 of https://books.google.com/books?id=hP1DCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA106&dq=betrayal+bay+pigs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQspup7vvkAhXBup4KHaGUAewQ6AEwEHoECBwQAg#v=onepage&q=betrayal%20bay%20pigs&f=false ……............................................................................................... 2) https://books.google.com/books?id=y7GbJw693a8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=betrayal+cia++bay+pigs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiD0eL48_vkAhU1Mn0KHf_uBh0Q6AEwCXoECAwQAg#v=onepage&q=betrayal%20cia%20%20bay%20pigs&f=false ………................................................................................... 3) ... more »
Your Bird Mask Awaits You At The Night-Heron Masquerade Party On Oct 26th
Dear friends, You are invited to join us for the biggest Bird Rescue celebration of the year! We are throwing a glamorous Night-Heron Masquerade on the beautiful Ohana Floor of Salesforce East in San Francisco to commemorate and support our ongoing work rescuing and rehabilitating San Francisco Bay Area birds. Buy Tickets Date: Saturday, October […]
The "Post-9/11-Voter" Has Arrived
[image: duke-pesta-mitchell-shaw-post-9-11-voter-has-arrived] VIDEO - With the recent anniversary of 9/11, America is entering a new epoch: Millions of Americans who weren't even alive when the World Trade Center and Pentagon were attacked, will be eligible to vote in the next elections. Dr. Duke discusses all this with C. Mitchell Shaw in today's interview.
$15 Minimum Wage Takes a Bite Out of Big Apple’s Restaurants
[image: 15-minimum-wage-takes-a-bite-out-of-big-apple-s-restaurants] New York City’s restaurants are cutting staff and hours or even closing outright as a result of the increase in the city’s minimum wage to $15 an hour.
Pope May Allow Married Priests. Could This Spark a Schism?
[image: pope-may-allow-married-priests-could-this-spark-a-schism] After statements to the effect that Pope Francis might accept married priests, some cardinals said they’ll call for the pope’s resignation if the move goes through, and observers warn that it could create a schism.
Trump Administration Allocates Planned Parenthood Funds to Healthcare Groups
[image: trump-administration-allocates-planned-parenthood-funds-to-healthcare-groups] The Trump administration announced on Monday it would be re-allocating $33.6 million in funds originally slated for Planned Parenthood to healthcare groups that provide healthcare instead of abortions for FY 2019.
“Heartbroken” Pelosi Fast-Tracks Impeachment
[image: heartbroken-pelosi-fast-tracks-impeachment] House Speaker Nancy Pelosi professed her anguish after announcing that her Democratic House would conduct an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump. Another explanation, based on the actual events, suggests itself.
Crop Harvest Down – Historic Cold Dump Montana – Winter Early
Winter is arriving early and with a vengeance in the North West. Crops were planted late and are not yet fully ripe, with lower than expected yields. Not a good combination. Continue reading →
Saudi Arabia Under Siege: Is the Kingdom Quietly Crumbling?
*Matthew Petti* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] Saudi authorities have been silent about the Houthi claims of a cross-border raid, but worrying reports are leaking out of the country. Something is rotten in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Prince Mohammad bin Salman, also known as MbS, was once the promising young face of the Arab monarchy. Now he’s racking up foreign-policy defeats abroad—and facing disturbing murmurs at home. Over the weekend, Houthi rebels took down a Saudi-mechanized column along the border with Yemen, capturing hundreds of soldiers. Then, the mysterious... more »
Trump Team Haunted by So-Called 'Democrat Hoax'
*Hunter DeRensis* *Politics, Americas* [image: Reuters] The Departments of State and Justice are getting pulled into Donald Trump's abuse of power controversy. Less than a week into the House of Representatives’ impeachment inquiry, the State and Justice Departments are already being connected to the Trump-Zelensky phone call that begat the controversy. The *Wall Street Journal* reported yesterday that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo was on the phone call in July. Pompeo has ignored questions about his involvement and what he knew up to this point, only making a statement disagre... more »
Attack from Underground: North Korea Has a Secret Tunnel Network Ready for the Next War
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* [image: By Josh Berglund - originally posted to Flickr as Third Tunnel of Aggression, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=6355300] What can be done? *Key point:* History shows that these tunnels will be a huge security problem in the future. On November 15, 1974 a squad of South Korean soldiers stationed near Korangpo-ri, on the Korean demilitarized zone, noticed steam rising from the earth’s surface near to where they were camped out. Lt. Col. Michael Wikan, who served as a G-3 operations officer in Korea, recounted wh... more »
Poll suggests Californians want more adult-use marijuana stores
Recreational cannabis retailers could open far more stores in California if municipalities respond favorably to a poll that shows the majority of state residents welcome the legalization of adult-use MJ sales. The UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies’ poll conducted for the Los Angeles Times found that 68% of Californians say the legalized sale of […] Poll suggests Californians want more adult-use marijuana stores is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Nevada governor names head of new cannabis regulatory panel
Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak appointed an executive director to the new Cannabis Compliance Board (CCB), which is aimed at providing stronger oversight of the state’s $640 million legal cannabis industry. The panel, created by Assembly Bill 533, is modeled after the state board that oversees gambling and casinos. Sisolak appointed Tyler Klimas, a state government and […] Nevada governor names head of new cannabis regulatory panel is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind IV: Unity”
Liquid Mind, “Liquid Mind IV: Unity”
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Almost every object in the above photograph is a galaxy. The Coma Cluster of Galaxies pictured above is one of the densest clusters known - it contains thousands of galaxies. Each of these galaxies houses billions of stars - just as our own Milky Way Galaxy does. Although nearby when compared to most other clusters, light from the Coma Cluster still takes hundreds of millions of years to reach us. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, the Coma Cluster is so big it takes light millions of years just to go from one side to the other! Most galaxies in Coma and other clusters are ell... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Journey”
*“The Journey”* by Chet Raymo “Here's a deep-deep sky map of the universe from "Nature." The horizontal scale is a 360 view right around the sky; the vertical gaps at 6 hours and 24 hours are the parts of the universe that are blocked to our view by the disk of our own Milky Way Galaxy. The vertical scale - distance from Earth - is logarithmic (10, 100, 1000, etc.) measured in megaparsecs (a parsec equals 3.26 light-years). Across the top is the Big Bang, and the oldest and most distant thing we can see, the cosmic microwave background, the radiation of the Big Bang itself. A few r... more »
"Hope In a Time of Hopelessness"
*"Hope In a Time of Hopelessness"* by Washingtons Blog "Hope has two beautiful daughters. Their names are anger and courage; anger at the way things are, and courage to see that they do not remain the way they are." - Augustine of Hippo "Several long-time activists have told me recently they are overwhelmed, worried, and think that we may be losing the struggle. One very smart friend asked me if there is any basis for hope. Hope is an act of will, not a passive mood. Admittedly, things are easier when circumstances bring hope to us, and we can just receive the hopeful and inspirin... more »
Industrial Production in Brazil Back to Growth in August, but Pace is Still Below 2018
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After three months of decline, the national industrial production gets back to growth: 0.8 percent in August compared to July. The recovery of almost the entire cumulative loss since May was driven by the mining and quarrying industry, which grew 6.6 percent in the month, thanks to the increase in […] The post Industrial Production in Brazil Back to Growth in August, but Pace is Still Below 2018 appeared first on The Rio Times.
Will Thames Freeze Again? UK Vulnerable to Cooling Catastrophe
By Vijay Jayaraj writing at CNSNews.com [. . . ] Studies suggest that the previous lows in solar activity—solar cycles 5 and 6 during the Dalton Minimum (1790–1830)—coincided with the Little Ice Age that disrupted the entire Northern Hemisphere. It… Continue reading →
Puerto Rico’s Higher Ed Institutions Show Resilience After 2017 Hurricanes
In September 2017, hurricanes Irma and Maria blasted through Puerto Rico and wrecked Inter American University’s campus in Arecibo and left many of its students displaced. Following the storms, student enrollment tumbled.
García Takes the Helm at Center for Community College Student Engagement
Dr. Linda Garcia has been named the new executive director of the Center for Community College Student Engagement, which administers the Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE).
Report: HBCUs Produce More Upwardly Mobile Graduates than PWIs
A new report presents data indicating that more students experience upward economic mobility at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) than at Predominantly White Institutions (PWIs).
Rebuilding Puerto Rico
Higher ed institutions, students on hurricane-ravaged island show resiliency.
Dr. Cain Hope Felder, Biblical Scholar, Dead at 76
Rev. Dr. Cain Hope Felder, a prominent biblical scholar who was the former dean for many years of Howard University’s School of Divinity, has died. He was 76. A faculty member at Howard since 1981, Felder previously taught at Princeton Theological Seminary and served as the first executive director of Black Methodists for Church Renewal, […]
Remembering Jessye Norman
Jessye Norman, the renowned international opera star whose passionate soprano voice won her four Grammy Awards, the National Medal of Arts and the Kennedy Center Honor died on Monday. She was 74. “We are so proud of Jessye’s musical achievements and the inspiration that she provided to audiences around the world that will continue to […]
"The Test..."
"The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function. One should, for example, be able to see that things are hopeless and yet be determined to make them otherwise." - F. Scott Fitzgerald
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "I Happened to Be Standing"
*"I Happened to Be Standing"* "I don't know where prayers go, or what they do. Do cats pray, while they sleep half-asleep in the sun? Does the opossum pray as it crosses the street? The sunflowers? The old black oak growing older every year? I know I can walk through the world, along the shore or under the trees, with my mind filled with things of little importance, in full self-attendance. A condition I can't really call being alive. Is a prayer a gift, or a petition, or does it matter? The sunflowers blaze, maybe that's their way. Maybe the cats a... more »
Prosecution Responds to Flynn Discovery Motion – Government Refuses to Provide Any Additional Evidence…
The DOJ responds today to the Flynn motion for additional evidence; ie. Brady material requested by Flynn’s defense. In the governments’ response filing (full pdf below), the DOJ rejects any additional efforts to provide evidence, and requests Judge Emmet Sullivan … Continue reading →
"The Philosophy Of Being"
* "The Philosophy Of Being"* By E D Detetcheverrie "Outrageous to some, clarifying for others, a strange conversation meant to provoke further thought. Now I know why they explain it in metaphors. The truth seems surreal. We are inadequate to describe it concisely. Ask not if you have strayed from the path; there is only one path, one way, and you are always on it... *Do they call it enlightenment because there is a light?* It is not mere photons, and light is only one part of it. *Who is in charge of it all?* Yes, we are. *Do the wicked receive their just reward?* We shall all... more »
"This week marks the 138th birthday of Ludwig von Mises, the greatest defender of capitalism in the history of economic thought. No one is truly educated who has not read and studied his works. " #QotD
*"[This week marks] the 138th birthday of Ludwig von Mises, the greatest defender of capitalism in the history of economic thought. No one is truly educated who has not read and studied his works.* *His ideas deserve and have the ability to replace Marxism in people’s minds. They need to be read, studied, and spread further, to and by professors and teachers at all levels, to and by journalists, government officials, businessmen, and intelligent laymen in all walks of life.* * "Von Mises is important because his teachings are necessary to the preservation of material civilisati... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Helsinki, Southern Finland, Finland. Thanks for stopping by!
"Unanswered Questions..."
"Life is filled with unanswered questions, but it is the courage to seek those answers that continues to give meaning to life. You can spend your life wallowing in despair, wondering why you were the one who was led towards the road strewn with pain, or you can be grateful that you are strong enough to survive it." - J.D. Stroube
"7 Ways to Support Others During Tough Times"
*"7 Ways to Support Others During Tough Times"* by Lexi Behrndt "Life is fragile. Hard times are inevitable. At one time or another, we will all go through a difficult time, whether we deal with sickness, catastrophe, crisis, or relational breakdown. In those times, we need each other more than ever, but it's not just enough to be surrounded by people. We, as supporters, need to be educated in the best way to love our friends and family through tough times. *1. Silence speaks louder than words misspoken.* Don't ignore them. Plain and simple. If you don't know what to say, don't av... more »
"Economic Market Snapshot PM 10/1/19"
• Gregory Mannarino, "By Design. MELTDOWN: A World Wide Worst Case Scenario Is Unfolding" https://www.traderschoice.net/ • MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary • CNN Market Data: - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ CNN Fear And Greed Index: - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/ • For the very latest factual news and information please visit ZeroHedge, often. - https://www.zerohedge.com/
Could Pricey Urban Meccas Become Crime-Ridden Ghost Towns?
*"Could Pricey Urban Meccas Become Crime-Ridden Ghost Towns?"* by Charles Hugh Smith "If there is any trend that's viewed as permanent, it's the enduring attraction of coastal urban meccas: despite the insane rents and housing costs, that's where the jobs, the opportunities and the desirable urban culture are. Nice, but like many other things the status quo considers permanent, this could reverse very quickly, and all those pricey urban meccas could become crime-ridden ghost towns. How could such a reversal occur? *1. *Those in the top 10% who can leave reach an inflection point an... more »
Wild Free and Happy Sample 23
[Note: This is the twenty-third sample from my rough draft of a far from finished new book, *Wild, Free, & Happy*. I don’t plan on reviewing more books for a while. My blog is home to reviews of 202 books, and you are very welcome to explore them. The Search field on the right side will find words in the full contents of all rants and reviews, if you are interested in specific authors, titles, or subjects.] *Super Grass* I previously mentioned the notion that humans are creatures of the grass. Recently, I stumbled on information that added a deeper dimension to this theme. I... more »
Pentagon Creates A New Office That Will Be Solely Focused On China
Soldiers of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) stand on military vehicles travelling past Tiananmen Square. REUTERS/Jason Lee *Defense News: **The Pentagon has created a new office solely focused on China. Is that a good idea?* WASHINGTON — Since the release of the National Defense Strategy in early 2018, top Pentagon officials have stressed that the department needs to keep its focus on the long-term challenge from China. Now, with the creation of a new office focused solely on China, officials in the department hope to take a major step forward in that effort. In June, the Depar... more »
China Shows Off Its New Weapons And Advances In Military Technology During 70th Anniversary Parade
*Daily Mail:* *'The world's most powerful nuke' that can hit the US in 30 minutes, hypersonic drones and 'carrier killer' missiles: China shows off bristling array of new military technology during 70th anniversary parade* * China held parade to mark the 70th anniversary of founding of People's Republic * Beijing showed off huge range of new technology designed to counter US power * Centrepiece was DF-41 ICBM, which could be the world's most powerful nuke * New hypersonic nukes, stealth drones, fighter jets and tanks were also shown China has unveiled a bristling array of new ... more »
Impeach, Imprison & Place in Solitary Confinement
Maxine Waters, the congressional wig-hat wearing Queen of Bombast who represents Los Angles, was one of the first democrats to openly call for President DJT impeachment beginning shortly after his inauguration, now says that's not good enough. Today Waters took to the tweeter to further the dems narrative du jour to say that she's had enough of the president's nasty talk of whistleblowers being spies & using mob language and stuff to imply they should be killed. But she went even further, "He needs to be imprisoned & placed in solitary confinement." I'm calling on the GOP to stop ... more »
If North Korea's Air Force Is Outdated, Why Is It Still a Threat?
*TNI Staff* *Security, Asia* [image: https://i.imgur.com/0rzqsr2.jpg] We break it down. *Key point:* Just because an air force is old, doesn't mean that it can't still cause damage. North Korea’s Korean People's Army Air Force (KPAAF)—referred to as the Air and Anti-Air Force Command in South Korean documents—is not in the top ranks of the world’s air forces. However, the North Korean forces are fanatically devoted to Kim Jong-Un and the Kim regime—which more resembles a Confucian monarchy with Stalinist stylings than Soviet-style communism. The regime’s survival is their survi... more »
Polio Making a Comeback Due to Oral Polio Vaccine
Recent news reports confirm the worst fears: the oral polio vaccine has caused crippling paralysis because live strains of the oral polio virus in the vaccine have mutated and have become virulent. The vaccine-derived type 2 poliovirus is spreading throughout Africa: Ghana, Angola, Cameroon, Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, Niger, Nigeria, and Somalia. Type 1 vaccine-derived poliovirus cases have been reported in the Philippines, Myanmar, Indonesia, New Guinea. In January 2019, the WHO did not call the world’s atten... more »
Country towns fighting to stop contaminated recycling from Visy ending up in their tips
Just In - 7 hours ago
In country New South Wales, residents are up in arms about tens of thousands of tonnes of recycling waste from Sydney and surrounding areas being dumped in landfill sites in their local region.
Call that a mortgage cut? In Denmark the banks are paying you to borrow, so why not here?
The RBA is about exhausted, the banks are not passing on much of a rate cut as their profits are being crushed, and the economy has just about stalled. Have we reached the end of the road with rate cuts, writes Stephen Letts.
Now that the ACT has given marijuana the green light, is MDMA next?
Just In - 7 hours ago
When it comes to drugs, the top concern for most Australians is keeping users alive and well. So does that mean the recent cannabis laws in the ACT should also include MDMA? Matt Noffs and Shelley Smith investigate.
Victorian hospital sued over woman's death after routine surgery
It was routine elective surgery to remove a gallstone that should have seen Delphine Murphy discharged from hospital the next day but she never left the private hospital and died 12 days later from multiple organ failure.
'Something has fallen out of the sky in a place called Murchison'
It startled the cows, intrigued the locals and excited scientists around the world. Fifty years on, the Murchison meteorite still defines a town and is contributing to science.
'A tipping point' for Jokowi as students killed, activists arrested in Indonesia protests
Indonesia's President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo will face another week of fighting fires, both figurative and literal, as the world's third largest democracy faces its largest student protests in two decades.
The black hole behind Morrison's $100m funding splash leaves the west waiting
If Morrison had a message for farmers, announcing it on a Friday afternoon amid football finals, school holidays and long weekends is not how you'd typically deliver it, writes Kath Sullivan.
Could female concussion be a whole new ball game? Early data suggest that's so
Australia's first digital platform that helps assess sports injuries is only in its infancy, but already its data is highlighting significant differences between male and female concussions.
Off-duty cop guilty of murdering black neighbour while he ate ice cream
Just In - 7 hours ago
Botham Jean was sitting in his apartment eating ice cream when his neighbour Amber Guyger walked in mistaking it as her own home. The mistake cost the accountant his life.
I know it is not Saturday! However, just because I have not been posting does not mean I have not been collecting. And, oh, my goodness, but I have a ton of stuff. Too much. So, in the interests of sanity, I am just going to clear them out in separate posts over the coming week. The next will be either the impeachment mess or the Justin brownface foolishness. The notes I have received from you have been so very heartwarming; thank you so much. To be honest, the world has been getting harder to bear every day. I have given up trying to analyze who, what, where, why. These things r... more »
Meet the Assyrian Jews
Assyrian International News Agency - 7 hours ago
Aramaic singers, Shaked and Eden.Imagine a random person just showed up to your home unannounced and knocked on your door. You open the door, and the stranger introduces himself, at which point you realize you've never met him.
We Have A New Candidate For You To Meet: Montana's Tom Winter
Montana state Rep. Tom Winter entered politics in the aftermath of the 2016 election. He told me that his motivation was "equal parts frustration with where we were and optimism about where we could go." When we spoke he wanted to make certain that everyone understand that "contrary to popular opinion, we are not a 'red state.' We elected President Trump and Democratic Governor Steve Bullock at the same time. Democratic Senator Jon Tester has won statewide twice. Montana just doesn’t fit the mold of a red, blue, or even purple state. Republicans win when they can cast their oppone... more »
An Armey of One Less
From POLITICO (August 7, 2009): Former House Majority Leader Dick Armey (R-Texas) is resigning from DLA Piper law firm amid a wave of negative attention his grassroots organization, Freedom Works, has drawn for helping to organize protesters at health care town hall meetings with members of Congress. In an interview with POLITICO Armey said that […]
Changing the Rule$
From The Miami Herald: TALLAHASSEE –A federal appeals court in Atlanta turned Florida’s public campaign financing law on its head Friday, halting a critical provision that was expected to inject taxpayer cash into Attorney General Bill McCollum’s struggling campaign. The ruling by a three-judge panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals will put […]
The Grapes are Sour in Floriduhhh, Must Be the Heat
From The Miami Herald: Two days after he lost the Republican nomination for governor, McCollum still refuses to support winner Rick Scott, and continues to raise questions about his former rival’s character. In his first public appearance since conceding the race, McCollum said Thursday that he called Scott to “congratulate him and wish him well.” […]
Who Ya Gonna Call?
From the Atlantic: One is a bald, blue-eyed former hospital executive brand new to public office. Another is a career politician who leads statewide motorcycle tours to boost tourism. And the other is a former congressman and FOX News host who called a cop who gave him a traffic ticket last month an “idiot.” All […]
Misinformation, evasion and the informational problem of live TV interviews
Michael J. Socolow, Associate Professor, Communication and Journalism, University of Maine at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 8 hours ago
Why do TV news shows book interviews with people who lie or obfuscate? Dogged interviewer Mike Wallace was an example of how to do it right. But on live TV, it's almost impossible to do what he did.
Going Off-Track
From NAKED POLITICS at The Miami Herald: Two Florida senators just sued Gov. Rick Scott in the Florida Supreme Court to stop him from killing a Tampa-Orlando bullet train. Arthenia Joyner, D-Tampa, and Republican Thad Altman of Melbourne said Scott had over-stepped his authority by rejecting the project, which received a green light after a […]
From The Miami Herald: Call 2011 the year of the Republican governor. Newly elected officials such as New Jersey’s Chris Christie, Florida’s Rick Scott and Wisconsin’s Scott Walker are exerting power in dramatic ways and jumping over each other for a share of the national spotlight. Original DVD cover With more Republican legislatures behind them […]
No, Capitalism Doesn’t Threaten Humanity
Presumably bolstered by the fiery claims of Greta Thunberg and the general theme of Climate Week, people on Twitter have… The post No, Capitalism Doesn’t Threaten Humanity appeared first on IER.
Australia is Reconsidering the Nuclear Option
Australia is finally reassessing its ban on commercial nuclear power generation. The country, which has more known uranium resources than… The post Australia is Reconsidering the Nuclear Option appeared first on IER .
Rick Scott, Floridiot
From Bob Norman’s Pulp (Blog) at BROWARD PALM BEACH New Times: A group called Public Policy Polling (PPP) discovered the obvious: Floridians are having some dramatic buyer’s remorse when it comes to electing fraudster Rick Scott as governor. xxxxx A poll of 500 Floridians found that his approval rating from diehards remained about the same […]
The U-Word
From The Palm Beach Post: Have you heard about the uterus rebellion? It started this past week in the Florida House of Representatives when Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, suggested during a floor debate that his wife ought to incorporate her uterus. If women’s wombs were businesses, Republicans would have no interest in regulating them, Randolph […]
The Right’s Guff
From John Avlon at THE DAILY BEAST: The cycle of over-reach and backlash is in over-drive these days—with significant implications for the 2012 presidential election. In pivotal swing-states where voters narrowly elected Republican governors in 2010—like Florida and Ohio (with 47 electoral votes between them)—evidence of buyer’s remorse is piling up fast. The latest sign: […]
Doctors took a newborn baby from her parents after they refused a vitamin K shot for her. Now the couple is suing the hospital and DCFS.
In the seconds after Angela Bougher gave birth last winter, she and her husband Brian, a suburban Chicago pastor, were excited to hold their new baby girl. Moments after their healthy daughter arrived, a nurse announced that it was time for the infant’s vitamin K shot. Brian and Angela Bougher, who said they are not […] The post Doctors took a newborn baby from her parents after they refused a vitamin K shot for her. Now the couple is suing the hospital and DCFS. appeared first on Health Nut News.
FOX: 16 Students Sent to Hospital After Getting Wrong Shot by Mistake at Indiana School
(Editor’s note: I grew up minutes from this school in Indiana. I can’t imagine how concerned these parents and children must be following this unfortunate incident.) More than a dozen Indiana students were sent to the hospital after being given the wrong shot at Lawrence Township school on Monday. The school district said sixteen students […] The post FOX: 16 Students Sent to Hospital After Getting Wrong Shot by Mistake at Indiana School appeared first on Health Nut News.
Picture This!
From tampabay.com: Is this what happens when you put a CEO in charge of state government? Those experienced in dealing with the cranky, suspicious class known as hardcore news reporters know the best way to get journalists to do something, is to tell them they can’t — and vice versa. So it’s hard to understand […]
"Flying Tanks?" Russia's Airborne Troops Get the New T-72B3 Tank
*Charlie Gao* *Security, Europe* [image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/62/1d/9b/621d9b3524def951ab3c4db0ce2e2c63.jpg] What can they do? *Key point:* The T-72B3 can be flown to the battlefield and is made to be networked with Airborne Troops. The Russian Airborne Troops (VDV) are famous for their usage of the BMD and BTR-D series of airdropped armored vehicles. But in 2018, the VDV’s 7th Novorossiysk and 76th Pskov air assault divisions received T-72B3 tanks to bolster their firepower. While tanks were attached to VDV units on a limited basis during the Soviet war in Afghanista... more »
China's Expert Snipers Have an Advanced Rifle That Is No Joke
*Charlie Gao* *Technology, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/CHINA-MILITARY-MARINES-GF10000286121.html] Legit will kill you. *Key point:* China has developed a serious sniper capability. While the U.S. Army is concerned about next-generation Russian precision rifles and tactics, China has also been making significant advances in the field. In the 1980s, the Chinese used practically the same equipment as the Soviet Union. Nowadays, they use fairly different sets of equipment, including some rifles chambered in NATO calibers. The diverging development of Chinese... more »
Rumor Has It That North Korea May Help Built Submarines for Taiwan
*Charlie Gao* *Security, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/NORTHKOREA-MILITARY--S1AETPPPDEAC.html] But is it true? *Key point:* North Korea has some decent submarine technology that Taiwan wants to buy. Submarines are a critical asset for Taiwan’s Navy, the Republic of China Navy (ROCN). They provide critical intelligence gathering, patrol, and deterrence capabilities in the Taiwan Strait. However, they are few in number. The ROCN only operates four submarines, only two of which are used operationally. Pressure by the People’s Republic of China on would-be exp... more »
One Nation May Have No Choice But to Buy the F-35 Stealth Fighter
*Michael Peck* *Security, * Canada may simply have no choice. Here's why. Canada may be the next nation to buy the F-35 stealth fighter. The F-35’s competitors are dwindling. In August, Britain’s Ministry of Defense and European manufacturer Airbus withdrew the Eurofighter from Canada’s competition to pick a replacement for its 35-year-old CF-18 fighters. In 2018, France’s Dassault withdrew the Rafale from the contest. That just leaves three contenders: Lockheed Martin’s F-35, Boeing’s F/A-18 Super Hornet and Swedish manufacturer Saab’s Gripen. The winner is slated to receive ... more »
How to Bring Iraq Back from the Brink of Self-Destruction
*Robert S. Ford, Randa Slim* *Security, Middle East* [image: Reuters] An unstable Iraqi political system won’t reduce Iranian influence and it won’t benefit stability in the Middle East or international energy markets. As the traffic jam and organized chaos at Kamal Jumblatt Square in Baghdad made clear during our visit last month, life in Iraq is steadily getting better. Gone are the concrete walls and checkpoints that snarled traffic. Fifteen years ago, there were few cars as the civil war raged. Three years ago, there were plenty of cars, but traffic kept moving. Now traffic ... more »
Sword-Wielding Student Kills 1, Wounds 9 at Finland School
The police superintendent for eastern Finland told a news conference that officers were forced to shoot the man to prevent more bloodshed at the Herman shopping center in the town of Kuopio.
Iranian General Says Destruction of Israel Is Now an “Achievable Goal”
[image: iranian-general-says-destruction-of-israel-is-now-an-achievable-goal] “This sinister regime must be wiped off the map and this is no longer … a dream, it is an achievable goal,” Major General Hossein Salami, the commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guard said Monday
Virginia Girl Admits Making Up Story About Classmates’ Forcibly Cutting Her Hair
[image: virginia-girl-admits-making-up-story-about-classmates-forcibly-cutting-her-hair] A black Virginia sixth-grader has admitted fabricating a story that three white boys in her class restrained her and forcibly cut her hair.
Report: China Continues to Harvest Organs From Religious, Political Prisoners
[image: report-china-continues-to-harvest-organs-from-religious-political-prisoners] A watchdog group warns that China continues to “harvest” the vital organs of religious and political prisoners.
Return of the Luddites: British Workers Sabotaging Workplace Robots
[image: return-of-the-luddites-british-workers-sabotaging-workplace-robots] The British press reported that some workers in the U.K. who are fearful that they may lose their jobs to workplace robots have resorted to sabotaging the robots.
Daniel Dale gets it right about Schiff!
*TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019Elsewhere, standards going and gone:* In our view, Daniel Dale got it right on CNN last night. The fabled fact-checker was responding to a question from the perpetually over-matched Don Lemon. According to the CNN transcript, the question went like this: LEMON (9/30/19): Listen, Daniel. Ever since *House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff paraphrased and added some analysis to Trump's Ukraine call transcript,* that occurring with the acting DNI, he has become the president's target on Twitter. *Just today, [Trump] said this: "Rep. Adam Schiff illegally mad... more »
US Pensions Abandoning 8% Pipe Dreams?
Robert Steyer of Pensions & Investments reports that US public pension funds are abandoning their 8% dreams: When it comes to public pension plans' assumed rates of return, what is rare today was quite common less than 10 years ago. *Only three (correction: it's six) of 129 public plans tracked by the National Association of State Retirement Administrators have assumed rates of return at 8%.* In 2010, by contrast, 59 plans had assumed rates of return of 8% and another 30 had rates higher than 8%, said Alex Brown, NASRA's research director. As recently as 2015, NASRA reported that ... more »
From Tomb To Table: Cumin’s Health Benefits Rediscovered
*Sayer Ji* - Traded along spice routes separating ancient cultures by vast distances, spices like cumin were once worth their weight in gold. Has modern science now revealed why, beyond their remarkable aesthetic value, they were so highly prized?
October if Domestic Violence Month
For 40 years, October has been National Domestic Violence Awareness Month, so be nice--it's for men, women, same-sex couples, teens, etc. We also have VAWA, or Violence Against Women Act, drafted by handsy, hair smelling, Ukraine visiting Joe Biden in 1991 and signed in 1994 by President Clinton, who lost his license to practice law because of the law suit by Paula Jones bringing on the impeachment when he lied under oath about the assault. Republicans have had bad press about VAWA because they've failed to renew it due to Democrats stuffing it with all sorts of things like specia... more »
Everyone’s a monetarist (except when it comes to money)
Why does the value of strawberries change over time? How about the value of houses? How about gasoline? Most people use some form of a supply and demand model to explain changes in the value of goods. These models actually explain “relative prices”, not nominal prices. Thus in EC101, a 3% increase in the price […] The post Everyone’s a monetarist (except when it comes to money) appeared first on Econlib.
In *The Guardian,* Catherine Fieschi notes that populist politicians in many countries lie proudly. The torrent of lies that flows from the mouths of populists feels relentless: from Donald Trump’s routine lying about everything from Iran to the weather, to Boris Johnson’s fictitious £350m for the NHS, Turkey on the cusp of joining the EU or most sensationally misleading the Queen about why the UK parliament should be shut down. My research on populism elsewhere in Europe confirms that lying is a constant feature of populist politics.... And the lies -- Fieschi gives Trump's inaugu... more »
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
A double minded man *is* unstable in all his ways. -James 1:8 (New Living Translation: Their loyalty is divided between God and the world, and they are unstable in everything they do.) Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you. Cleanse *your* hands, *ye* sinners; and purify *your* hearts, *ye* double minded. -James 4:8 6-25-2019 The *U.S. Constitution* does not mention the need for a central bank, nor does it explicitly grant the government the power to create one. Those who adhere to a strict interpretation of the *Constitution* believe the government does not have ... more »
Minnesota State System Waives Application Fee in October
In recognition of October as College Knowledge month, students will be able to submit free applications to any of the 30 colleges or seven universities under Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system. “The colleges and universities of Minnesota State offer a transformational education and are the most affordable and accessible options in the state,” said […]
Brexit Party Climate Fudge
By Paul Homewood Apart from their ongoing difficulties delivering Brexit, by far the biggest worry about Boris Johnson’s Conservatives is their craven subservience to the green sky fairy. I’ve just been watching one of their panel discussions on energy and environment, broadcast from the Tory conference in Manchester, and it made me feel quite ill. […]
Centrica to use customers’ hot water tanks to stop blackouts
By Paul Homewood h/t Philip Bratby/Joe Public Centrica, the owner of British Gas, plans to use its customers’ hot water tanks to create a virtual power plant which could help National Grid prevent future blackouts. The UK’s biggest energy supplier hopes to harness household gadgets with energy capacity equivalent to a large […]
The real reason for the impeachment effort becomes much clearer
Listen to Senator Lindsey Graham comment (yesterday) on foreign influence in the last US Presidential election, and since that time. All the countries mentioned have already been demonstrated to be involved in the Mueller investigation, either as instigators of specific areas or as collaborators. One does wonder why the Establishment is so desperately afraid of Barr's investigation of that, and what he might uncover. What's more, the Senator says we'll know more "in two weeks" (3m. 30sec. into the video clip). That's a pretty specific timetable . . . and tends to explain why ... more »
War On Identity – The Abuse Of Kosovo Toponym
Every now and then we are being bombed by some terms in order to get used to them and accept them as something regular, accurate and correct. Such a thing happened with the toponym of Kosovo. The same method was applied in Bosnia and Hercegovina, i.e with the toponym of […]
Obama (NOT TRUMP) blocked sending lethal military aid to Ukraine (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 322. The post Obama (NOT TRUMP) blocked sending lethal military aid to Ukraine (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
Conservation Group Plans To Buy World’s Largest Sequoia Forest For $15.6 Million
*John Vibes* - A conservation group from San Francisco named “Save the Redwoods League” recently agreed on a deal.
We’re About to Find Life on Mars but the World is “Not Prepared,” NASA Scientist Warns
*Elias Marat* - “It will start a whole new line of thinking. I don’t think we’re prepared for the results."
Watch as New WiFi Method Sees Through Walls and Identifies People from Video Footage
By Kevin Samson Several years ago, I wrote an article titled “How WiFi Will Be Used to Erase Civil Liberties.” At that time, announcements in... more »
Recall update adds diced chicken products amidst Listeria outbreaks
Health officials are reporting that dozens more imported frozen chicken products are being recalled in Canada because of Listeria contamination. Outbreaks in the U.S. and Canada have been traced to such products that are under recall. Today, food safety officials in Canada issued an updated recall notice for chicken products. The frozen chicken imported to... Continue Reading
Phil Hogan promet de monter le ton face à la Chine
bilaterals.org - 9 hours ago
01-Oct-2019 Phil Hogan a obtenu l'aval provisoire des eurodéputés pour devenir le prochain commissaire européen au commerce, notamment en promettant d'adopter une attitude plus stricte envers la Chine.
Why the Nineteenth Amendment Matters Today: A Citizen's Guide for the Centennial
This year marks the one hundredth anniversary of the ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, a radically pro-democratic amendment that empowered roughly ten million women to vote in a general election for the first time. Given the practical and expressive significance of the Amendment, it is appropriate that the United States is honoring the occasion. But Americans might do more than honor their shared past. They might be encouraged to think about why the story of the Nineteenth Amendment matters to Americans living today. That story includes a ha... more »
Want to fix peer review? Standardize appeals
It’s happened to all of us. You get that email “Decision on Manuscript…,” open it with a bit of trepidation, just to find a (hopefully) politely worded rejection from the editor. Sometimes this is justified. Other times, however, the rejection is due to the legendary “Reviewer #2,” a cranky, ill-informed, hastily written rant against your […]
China Celebrates 70 Years Of Communist Party Rule. President Xi Says ‘No Force Can Shake China’
*CNBC:* *China’s Xi: ‘No force can stop the Chinese people and the Chinese nation’* * “There is no force that can shake the foundation of this great nation,” Chinese President Xi Jinping says Tuesday in a speech commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. * Xi did not specifically mention any other country by name, and emphasized that China would pursue peaceful development. * In his speech Tuesday, Xi says the central government would “maintain long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macao.” BEIJING — Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tues... more »
Iraq War 3.0? Israel Attacks...With US Backing!
Iraq has formally accused Israel of the spate of attacks on its territory over the past several weeks. Most recently, Israeli drones are said to have taken off from a US-controlled base in the Kurdish region of Syria and attacked Iraqi territory. Again. Iraq is warning of war while the US again pursues an incoherent and counterproductive policy. Will the US continue to back Israeli aggression in the region? Tune in to today's Liberty Report:
2:00PM Water Cooler 10/1/2019
This is Naked Capitalism fundraising week. 417 donors have already invested in our efforts to combat corruption and predatory conduct, particularly in the financial realm. Please join us and participate via our donation page, which shows how to give via check, credit card, debit card, or PayPal. Read about why we’re doing this fundraiser, what […]
Twofer Tuesday (and the mail)
*Politics and China* I've been trying to deal with situations in Hong Kong and Big China more intensely over the past few days. A statement was put to me directly by a shot caller. "You have the best plan to resolve the situation but what would it look like if a Westerner (foreign, barbarian devil) solved this vexing problem?" They're right. It would make them appear to be totally incompetent. Thus ends the comment. *Planet X* There has been a lot of discussion about a tenth planet (assuming that you're counting Pluto as the ninth planet) bouncing around the Jet Propulsion Laborat... more »
What the House Has Planned on Impeachment This Week
House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff (Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore) The House of Representatives is out of session this week and is not scheduled to return until Oct. 15. Most members are back in their districts—and many of them will be explaining to their constituents their position on the House’s impeachment inquiry, which picked up serious steam last week in the wake of news about the president’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. But several House committees—Intelligence, Foreign Affairs, and Oversight and Reform—are nonetheless energetical... more »
Does Giuliani’s Work in Ukraine Violate the Appointments Clause?
Rudy Giuliani (Source: Flickr/Gage Skidmore) President Trump’s personal lawyer—former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani—appears to have played a pivotal role in orchestrating the president’s designs with respect to Ukraine. Assuming the part of an unofficial diplomat, Giuliani reportedly met with a Ukrainian prosecutor and with a senior aide to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in order to press for an investigation of former Vice President Joe Biden. In doing so, Giuliani appears to have sidelined the national security officials who manage U.S.-Ukraine relations, expressing ... more »
Twilight Zone Stuff - "Investigate the Investigator"
"Investigate the investigator" is the new rallying call: Devlin Barrett, Shane Harris, Matt Zapotosky (2019, October 1). Barr personally asked foreign officials to aid inquiry into CIA, FBI activities in 2016 https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/attorney-general-barr-personally-asked-foreign-officials-to-aid-inquiry-into-cia-fbi-activities-in-2016/ar-AAI4Q6S ...Attorney General William P. Barr has held private meetings overseas with foreign intelligence officials seeking their help in a Justice Department inquiry that President Trump hopes will discredit U.S. intelligence agen... more »
Hong Kong On Lockdown During Widespread Violent Clashes
*Daily Mail*: *Hong Kong on lockdown: Police tell public to stay indoors after student, 18, is shot in chest by cop and another officer threatens to throw Molotov cocktails at protesters as streets are turned into battlefield* * Hong Kong is on lockdown after clashes erupted in a dozen places as police urged public to stay at home * The financial hub was rocked by blood and violence, marring China's grand National Day celebrations * Footage shows a police officer shooting a protester at close range while being hit by him with a baton * The student was in critical condition aft... more »
World News Briefs -- October 1, 2019
*Daily Mail:* *'No force can shake this great nation': President Xi leads spectacular ceremony to mark 70 years of Communist rule in China and unveils top-secret hypersonic DF-17 missile for the first time as unrest in Hong Kong overshadows the choreographed show* * China held a huge parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic on Tuesday * Military display, featuring 15,000 troops, 160 aircraft and 580 pieces of equipment, was the first since 2015 * Beijing used it as an opportunity to show off its new technology - including the Dongfeng 41 ICBM, wh... more »
40 States Are Drowning In Debt, Just Like The Federal Government
By Mac Slavo As the United States government continues to pile up debt, most states are following in its footsteps. Total state government debt now... more »
Did Iran Pass a Law Allowing Men to Marry Their Daughters?
An Indian website muddied an already confusing issue about marriage in Iran by republishing a several-year-old article without attribution.
Taxation Without Representation
The very words that started America down the path to a Revolution. It is very apparent that Congress no longer represents the American People and thus, we are taxed without getting a shred of representation. Case-in-point, Nutsy Pelosi’s Kongress (spelled as the USSR would in order to represent the DNC). WHAT have they done since 2016 except waste money and time crying and whining about losing an election that THEY, the Dems and the Never Trumpers rigged? In a word, nothing. FACTOID: “The last time the Congress and the President completed the [Constitutionally required] budget proce... more »
UK rules out Irish 'backstop' border plan after Brexit
Just In - 10 hours ago
It remains a sticking point for an orderly British exit from the European Union, but Boris Johnson says for "practical reasons" and "sentiments" there can be no physical barrier on the Irish border.
Nigel Farage Will Run for Parliament; Offers Boris Johnson a Deal
[image: nigel-farage-will-run-for-parliament-offers-boris-johnson-a-deal] Nigel Farage has announced that he will run for Parliament whenever the next general election in the U.K. occurs. And he’s offering PM Boris Johnson a deal.
Schiff Sought Nude Photos of Trump From Foreign Source, Concocted Falsehood About Trump-Zelensky Call
[image: schiff-sought-nude-photos-of-trump-concocted-falsehood-about-trump-zelensky-call] Representative Adam Schiff claimed President Trump must be impeached for seeking dirt on a political opponent during a phone call with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, but the California Democrat committed the same misdeed himself.
Mainstream Media Ignores FBI Report That Violent Crime Decreased Again
[image: mainstream-media-ignores-fbi-report-that-violent-crime-decreased-again] When the FBI released its 2018 Crime Statistics on Monday, the silence from the anti-gun, anti-Second Amendment mainstream media was deafening.
House Dems Subpoena Trump Lawyer Giuliani — Rudy Says He Might Talk
[image: house-dems-subpoena-trump-lawyer-giuliani-rudy-says-he-might-talk] Democrats continued their impeachment inquiry with a subpoena on Rudy Giuliani, who said he might talk to Congress under certain conditions.
'Stealth' Drones and More: 6 Crazy New Weapons China Just Displayed
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * Hypersonic missiles, drone submarines and much more. On October 1, 2019 the People’s Republic of China’s celebrated the seventieth anniversary of its official founding after Mao Zedong consolidated the Chinese Communist Party’s control over mainland China. For the occasion, Beijing paraded cutting-edge military systems on Tiananmen Square deemed ready to unveil before audiences both domestic and international. Formerly reliant on reverse-engineered Soviet weapons from the 1950s, China has leveraged forty years of sustained economic growth to not... more »
Why .44 Magnum Rifles Matter to Gun Owners Today
*Gun News Daily* *Security, Americas* [image: https://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/prodimages/62425-DEFAULT-l.jpg] What do you think? *Key point: *All the benefits of a revolver, but with better range. The .44 Magnum is a powerful revolver cartridge. It was initially developed to be a more potent load of the .44 S&W Special, its parent cartridge, by Elmer Keith in 1955. Made largely popular by Clint Eastwood in his 1971 movie “Dirty Harry”, it has enjoyed a well-deserved reputation among law enforcers, hunters and sporting arms enthusiasts. Because of its popularity, amm... more »
Everything You Wanted to Know About Stun Guns and Tasers
*Gun News Daily* *Technology, Americas* [image: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a3/73/3d/a3733debf8bfb8782f8e7e4a0b9a5354.jpg] They are similar weapons but are not the same thing. *Key point:* Tasers and Stun Guns are important for self-defense, but there are important differences. I’ve always wondered why stun guns are called such when they don’t really look, much less function, like any gun. A Taser device on the other hand typically looks and handles like a handgun and fires two prongs from a short distance, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone referring to it as a stu... more »
Xi Jinping Will Usher in a Dark Age for China
*Bradley Thayer, Lianchao Han* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] Xi Jinping's rule will likely result in unprecedented disaster for China and the world given that his actions will adversely affect the global community. Today marks the seventieth anniversary of the People’s Republic of China. In the Communist world, the anniversary of the Party’s seizure of power is always employed to send political messages. This is particularly true on this occasion. We expect China’s leader, Xi Jinping, to use the occasion to glorify himself as the savior of China, celebrate his rise to power... more »