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22 November - Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

10 pm MST

Cartel sieges leave Mexicans wondering if criminals run the country

Angélica Durán-Martínez, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of Massachusetts Lowell at Politics + Society – The Conversation - 11 hours ago
A series of brazen, highly visible attacks by Mexican drug cartels have killed at least 50 people in the past month, terrorizing citizens and making the government look weak on crime.

We Shouldn't Expect Philanthropists to Fund Activism

Nov 22 (IPS) - Since philanthropists are unlikely to fund anything that destabilises their businesses, building independent institutions can be an effective approach to create lasting impact. Read the full story, “We Shouldn't Expect Philanthropists to Fund Activism”, on globalissues.org →

80 Percent of Adolescents Do Less than 60 Minutes of Activity per Day, UN Health Agency Warns

UNITED NATIONS, Nov 22 (IPS) - An alarming lack of exercise among adolescents across the world risks seriously compromising their health into adulthood, the UN said on Thursday. Read the full story, “80 Percent of Adolescents Do Less than 60 Minutes of Activity per Day, UN Health Agency Warns”, on globalissues.org →

Beyoncé’s Father Teaches Entertainment Marketing at Prairie View A&M University

Sara Weissman at Diverse - 11 hours ago
Founder, president and CEO of Music World Entertainment Dr. Mathew Knowles – also known as Beyoncé’s father – is teaching a business class at Prairie View A&M University this fall. Knowles earned an MBA and a Ph.D. in business administration at Cornerstone Christian University. In the course – Sports, Event and Entertainment Marketing – he […]

SHOCK POLL: Young People Growing LESS TOLERANT of LGBTs!!!

Hadenoughalready at 'Nox & Friends - 11 hours ago
HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL… Even though it looks bad, not all is lost, folks. There IS, and always has been, HOPE. Hope that things will be reconciled. We are NOT alone; never have been. I say “keep the Faith” and keep on stockpiling. It WILL get rough but our battle against evil is NOT futile. HEA

UK Treasure Hunters Jailed for Stealing Viking-Era Hoard

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
Two amateur British treasure-hunters were sentenced to long prison terms for stealing a hoard of 1,100-year-old Anglo-Saxon coins and jewelry valued at millions of pounds.

Federal Addiction Treatment Dollars Off-Limits for Marijuana

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
The U.S. government is barring federal dollars meant for opioid addiction treatment to be used on medical marijuana.


Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
And talking of Andrew Neil: *Andrew Neil*: I forgot Twitter lesson one: never deploy satire. When I joked that Ms Sturgeon had just sent me a list of approved questions (as if!), a number of numpties out there actually believed me!!!

Who's Lying? (IV)

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Meanwhile, here's a little Channel 4-BBC exchange: *Krishnan Guru-Murthy*: Extraordinarily the BBC says it will no longer allow journalists to call somebody a liar because it is for audiences to judge motive. Does this include people convicted of telling lies? Or people whose deliberate untruth can be proven? *Andrew Neil*: Deliberate untruth is very hard to prove. Our job is to probe for truths and untruths. But we are not judge and jury. It’s for the people to decide and they don’t need our guidance. Just our efforts. I’m very happy with David Jordan’s sound sense. *Krishnan Guru-... more »

Who's lying? (III)

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Peter Oborne hasn't given in, despite all the scepticism aimed at him. That said, I'm puzzled. Mr Oborne originally said: I have talked to senior BBC executives, and they tell me they personally think it’s wrong to expose lies told by a British prime minister because it undermines trust in British politics. Today he's focusing on something he heard second hand ("on excellent authority") i.e. somewhat saying that Tony Hall had said something - which is rather less impressive: *Peter Oborne*: Three days ago I called the BBC press Office. I told them I had been told on excellent aut... more »

Who's lying? (II)

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
The BBC’s Director, Editorial Policy & Standards, David Jordan, wrote to *El Grauniad* to object to Peter Oborne's tale-telling: Letter to @guardian from BBC editorial policy director 👇 pic.twitter.com/XVTq07wW9r — BBC News Press Team (@BBCNewsPR) November 22, 2019

Who's lying? (I)

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
Veterans at war: *John Simpson*: Peter Oborne wrote in *The Guardian* recently that senior BBC execs had told him it was wrong to expose a British prime minister‘s lies because it undermined trust in politics. In 50 years at the BBC I’ve never heard this said once. Oborne has a public duty to name these execs. *Peter Oborne*: I'm not naming the people I spoke to. John Simpson should contact Tony Hall, director general of the BBC, and ask Hall's opinion about whether the BBC should expose Johnson as a liar. Rightly or wrongly (there are honourable reasons) I understand it's against B... more »

The kiss of death

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
I may have inadvertantly blighted the career of David Jordan, the BBC’s Director, Editorial Policy & Standards, by praising him here recently. But that's as nothing compared to what's recently befallen poor Laura K. She's received the blessing of the lad the pro-EU #FBPE mob especially love to hate - young Darren Grimes: I've never come across a more impartial, kind and courteous journalist than the BBC's Laura Kuenssberg. Who knows her politics? I haven't a clue. That's how it is and how it should be. The boos directed at her at this manifesto launch are chilling. That won't go... more »

Isn’t It Odd? The Project on Smith, Hume, Liberalism and Esotericism

Dan Klein at Econlib - 11 hours ago
Isn’t it odd that, in recounting a story about Antimachus discoursing before an audience including Plato, Adam Smith should replace Antimachus with Parmenides, even though Smith knew that Parmenides could never have addressed Plato? Isn’t it odd that, when Adam Smith endorses the status-quo policy of a ceiling on interest rates, saying that without […] The post Isn’t It Odd? The Project on Smith, Hume, Liberalism and Esotericism appeared first on Econlib.

The Charade of Romania’s Presidential Election

Serban V.C. Enache at The Duran - 11 hours ago
Social media is full of memes making fun of PSD’s candidate, Viorica Dancila. Indeed, she has committed a great many blunders – her casual use of cacophonies, in particular, is by now legendary – just like her 180 degree turn on the Romanian Deep State. Dancila was saying that a Deep State, a Shadow State […] More The post The Charade of Romania’s Presidential Election appeared first on The Duran.

National Native American Hall of Fame hosts 2019 Induction Ceremony in Tulsa

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
The Kiowa Black Leggings Warrior Society photo by Laurie Waldon Hattie Kauffman, Nez Perce, photo by Laurie Waldon Ada Deer, Menominee, photo by Laurie Waldon NATIONAL NATIVE AMERICAN HALL OF FAME HOSTS 2019 INDUCTION CEREMONY IN TULSA, OKLAHOMA Censored News Nov. 21, 2019 GREAT FALLS, Montona — The National Native American Hall of Fame held its second annual Induction

DAYS OF IMPEACHMENT: These stupidifications are Trumpism too!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 11 hours ago
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 2019The problem we now live with:* Our view? In a pair of complementary columns today, Krugman and Brooks have gone a long way toward describing The Problem We Now Live With. Having canceled Thanksgiving plans, we plan to explore that problem next week. That said, one part of the problem involves the spectacular dumbness which has long characterized the analytical work which emerged from Our Own Tribal Side. That spectacular dumbness is Trumpism too; it was dominant long before Trump. Much of it comes from the upper-end press, much from academia. One example... more »

Sea Ice Extent (Global Antarctic and Arctic) – Day 325 – 2019

Hifast at Climate Collections - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on sunshine hours: South / North

Global winds reverse decades of slowing and pick up speed

Hifast at Climate Collections - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Could this point to an increasing difference between polar and equatorial average temperatures? Researchers cite ‘ocean-atmosphere oscillations’. In a boon to wind farms, average daily wind speeds are picking up across much of the globe after about 30 years of gradual slowing, reports Phys.org. Research led by a team…

Everything That Happens on Earth Happens in Cycles

Hifast at Climate Collections - 11 hours ago
Originally posted on Sierra Foothill Commentary: It’s a cycle, it’s a cycle, it’s a cycle! says Peter Temple who warns we are entering a cooling phase. “[J]ust when we need more energy and warmth, we have politicians trying to tax it out of existence.” “The sun and the planets are the main driver of climate…

JFK Assassination Anniversary 2019

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago
*Joseph Jr., Joseph Sr., and John Kennedy in 1938* On this the 56th Anniversary of the Assassination of US President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, *we can thank Ron Unz* and others in the alternative media for fearlessly presenting the truth about what happened on that day. The US government and all its so-called "security agencies" couldn't do it. All the Judicial Institutions in the US and internationally couldn't do it...the Main*Z*tream media certainly wouldn't do it. It finally t*ook a blogger to do it.* * Ron Unz,* in his several lengthy exposes on this topic, has ripped open ... more »

Sun into Sagittarius at 7 a..m. PST 22 Nov. 2019

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 11 hours ago
Sun at one-seventh of circle to Pluto, Sun at one-eighth of circle to Saturn--hence organizational, alignment, discipline challenges. (One may call: In the name I AM THAT I AM, Elohim Cyclopea, Lords of Form, Maitreya, Lords of Mind--may the light frequencies modulate from Scorpio to Sagittarius for the greater good, amen.) ....................

Pelosi Keeps The House Working To Protect Workers During Impeachment-- Corporately-Owned Conservatives Of Both Parties Balk

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
While the impeachment inquiry keeps chugging along in the House, there is also always Congress' regular, less glamorous but important work to get done. Wednesday, for example, California Congressman Mark DeSaulnier introduced a resolution to consider H.R. 1309, a bill to "direct the Secretary of Labor to issue an occupational safety and health standard that requires covered employers within the health care and social service industries to develop and implement a comprehensive workplace violence prevention plan." The bill was simply to proceed to debate and vote on the Workplace Vi... more »

Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Targets Alternative Media as Crackdown Turns Increasingly Violent

Alan Macleod at MintPress News - 12 hours ago
Facing increased resistance to its rule, the new “coup” gov't in Bolivia is purging any potential threats to its authority, including teleSUR and other alternative media. The post Bolivia’s Coup Gov’t Targets Alternative Media as Crackdown Turns Increasingly Violent appeared first on MintPress News.

With No End in Sight, Israel’s Election Soap Opera Rages On

Miko Peled at MintPress News - 12 hours ago
As Netanyahu faces corruption charges and Arabs become a predictable scapegoat, the political soap opera in Israel is just getting started, writes Miko Peled. The post With No End in Sight, Israel’s Election Soap Opera Rages On appeared first on MintPress News.

They’re Killing Us Like Dogs: A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help

Medea Benjamin at MintPress News - 12 hours ago
“The military has guns and a license to kill; we have nothing.” - A Bolivian mother shot by police The post They’re Killing Us Like Dogs: A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for Help appeared first on MintPress News.

Marler Clark Donates $25,000 to Pearl City High School for Science Scholarship

News Desk at Food Safety News - 12 hours ago
A new Marler Clark scholarship is being offered to students at Pearl City High School who are interested in pursuing a college degree in a science or medical field. Seattle-based food safety law firm Marler Clark made a $25,000 contribution to the Pearl City High School in November to foster student interest in a career... Continue Reading

Armored glass? Tesla plagiarizes a Czech cult film

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 12 hours ago
This blog post isn't important and belongs to the light genre. As Manzo reminded us, Tesla presented its new very ugly "Cybertruck"– a cardboard milk on wheels, as radio hosts call it in my homeland. The most important minute of the ritual included the tests of the resilience of this "tank". Sadly, two windows didn't survive the hammer test. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); What people outside Czechia don't realize is that this stunt was copied from the beloved 1999 Czech comedy movie about the year 1968, "The Cosy Dens". It's a movie revolving around two families... more »

INTERVIEW: Andre Vltchek on Location in Chile’s Uprising

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 12 hours ago
*21WIRE* | Will Chile realize its potential as a democratic and prosperous independent state?

Luis Burgos: UMMO's Agents in Argentina

Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 12 hours ago
*Luis Burgos: UMMO's Agents in Argentina* *(An exclusive by FAO-ICOU)* [*Editor's note: This is a partial translation of Mr. Burgos's very extensive article on UMMO, which can be read in its entirety at https://luisburgosovni.blogspot.com/2019/11/ummitas-en-argentina.html?fbclid=IwAR200CXtZRRe-oedXbn5os3T1Q9eP0VFr-ZZC45XaIosgSd5Drl-aKXLPOQ (in Spanish) There are illustrations at the site as well]* In the turmoil of the UFO realm, it is evident that nothing surprises us any longer. But few times has a case remained current for decades upon decades: The UMMO enigma. Its agents stand ... more »

Israel’s Netanyahu Is Indicted Amid Political Gridlock

nsachs at Lawfare - 12 hours ago
Photo Credit: Oded Balilty/AP via ABC News *Editor’s Note: This article originally appeared on *Order from Chaos*.* Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit ended months of speculation today in announcing his decision to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on charges of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust. The move caps a dramatic and tumultuous year in Israeli politics. If convicted, Netanyahu could face prison time, potentially making him the second consecutive Israeli prime minister—after Ehud Olmert—to go to prison. Mandelblit’s decision was not in and of itself a surp... more »

Graham to Pompeo: Give Me Everything on Biden-Burisma

R. Cort Kirkwood at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: graham-to-pompeo-give-me-everything-on-biden-burisma] U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham has opened an investigation into Biden forcing Ukraine to fire its prosecutor general in 2016 as that top lawman looked into corruption at Burisma, which employed Biden’s son, Hunter.

California Supreme Court Kills Law Requiring Trump to Release Tax Returns

Luis Miguel at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: california-supreme-court-kills-law-requiring-trump-to-release-tax-returns] The California Supreme Court on Thursday unanimously struck down a state law that would have required President Trump to publicly release his tax returns to appear on the state primary ballot.

U.S. Has Spent $6 Trillion on Wars That Have Killed 500,000 Since 9/11

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: u-s-has-spent-6-trillion-on-wars-that-have-killed-500-000-since-9-11] The United States has spent $6 trillion on wars that have cost 500,000 lives since September 11, 2001. by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

“A Children’s Book of Demons” Teaches Kids How to Summon Dark Spirits

Selwyn Duke at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: a-children-s-book-of-demons-teaches-kids-how-to-summon-dark-spirits] A new book billed as a “playful guide” teaches children how to summon demons for personal benefit. It’s carried by major booksellers, too, such as Barnes & Noble, Walmart, Amazon, and Target.

Who Would Lead Iran If The Supreme Leader Is Deposed?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
AY-COLLECTION/SIPA/Sipa USA *Sohrab Ahmari, NYPost: **Here’s who’s likely to lead Iran if the ayatollah is deposed* The measure of a successful Iranian dynasty has always been simple: For 2 ¹/₂ millennia, Iranians have judged their kings good if the kings managed to keep good order. Siyasat, the Persian word for politics, originally meant simply this. By that yardstick, the current clerical “dynasty” has failed miserably. Witness the latest wave of popular unrest engulfing the Islamic Republic. What began Friday as a protest against fuel-subsidy cuts ignited into a full-blown upr... more »

Bolivia News Links 21-22 November 2019

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 12 hours ago
22 November 2019 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back Macri And The US Involvement In The Bolivian Coup Starting To Emerge https://popularresistance.org/macri-and-the-us-involvement-in-the-bolivian-coup-starting-to-emerge/ Impasse In Bolivia https://popularresistance.org/impasse-in-bolivia/ “They’re Killing Us Like Dogs”—A Massacre in Bolivia and a Plea for … Continue reading Bolivia News Links 21-22 November 2019

‘Years From Now, It’ll Be Clear to Everyone There Was a Coup in Bolivia’

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 12 hours ago
Janine Jackson interviewed CEPR’s Alex Main about the Bolivian coup for the November 15, 2019, episode of CounterSpin. This is a lightly edited transcript.

Netanyahu facing indictment charges

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 12 hours ago
As usual the leftards in the US Media are skewing the news … at least according to the Times of Israel Political stalemate could see Netanyahu’s formal indictment delayed by months Netanyahu could be required to immediately let go of his 4 other ministerial posts, but AG can’t formally file indictment before Knesset discusses a potential request for immunity The Times of Israel Raphael Ahren November 22, 2019 Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Thursday announced his final decision to indict Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on three different corruption charges, but due to the c... more »

Revised Review Iraq and the Politics of Oil, An Insider’s Perspective

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
*Revised Review Vogler, Gary, **Iraq and the Politics of Oil, An Insider’s Perspective**, Lawrence: University of Kansas Press, 2017* *Iraq and the Politics of Oil, An Insider’s Perspective*is a classic tale of experts being stifled from achieving their goals by the bureaucracy and political appointees. Gary Vogler spent 21 years working for Exxon-Mobile. In 2002 he was asked by the Pentagon to join a planning group for the Iraq invasion. That led to years working in that country. From 2003-04 he was with for the Pentagon, then the Office of Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistan... more »

Russia’s operation in Syria was serious test for military: Putin

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (5:20 P.M.) – Russian President Vladimir Putin has declared that the Russian military operation in Syria was a serious test of the professionalism of his nation’s armed forces. “The operation against terrorist gangs in Syria was a serious test of the professionalism of our armed forces,” Putin said during a session of the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Turkey says it will activate S-400s as US demands they destroy them

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
Turkish Minister of Defence Hulusi Akar stated on 21 November that his country is going to activate and make use of the air defence systems that it bought under a contract with Russia inked in 2017. “The S-400 will be functioning. At the moment, Turkish military personnel are undergoing training on the use of the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Video footage of Syrian troops expanding control over new sites in northeast Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:30 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) recently established control over several new areas in northeastern Syria after successfully fending off a number of militant attacks. In a new video posted on Friday, the Syrian Arab Army can be seen expanding their presence in the Tal Tamr countryside after advancing 10km west […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Turkey detains Syrian ISIS member who organized attacks in Russia and Germany

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
Turkey has detained in Syria a member of the Daesh terror group* who has organised terror attacks in Russia and Germany, Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said on Friday, as quoted by Turkish Hurriyet newspaper. “We have captured in Syria’s A’zaz one of the key Daesh terrorists, a member of the top leadership of the group, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Syria may replace Russia’s S-300 with China’s HQ-9: report

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – Syria may replace the Russian-made S-300 air defense system with the Chinese-made HQ-9, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported on Friday. “A number of Syrian sources report that Syria has begun negotiations with China regarding the purchase of the Chinese H-9 air defense systems (according to other sources – HQ-22) instead […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Turkey gave militant forces German tanks in northern Syria: Bild

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:20 P.M.) – The Turkish authorities gave their allied militants in Syria German-made tanks, the German magazine Bild reported on Friday. According to the report, the Turkish authorities supplied its allied militant forces like the so-called “Syrian National Army” (SNA) with the German-made Leopard-2 tank. The German publication said that the Turkish-backed militants […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Palestinian Archbishop denounces Israeli attack on Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (2:00 P.M.) – Palestinian Archbishop Atallah Hanna issued a statement on Friday that denounced the latest Israeli attack on the Syrian capital city of Damascus. The Archbishop of the Antiochian Orthodox Church of Sebastia, said that the Israeli attack on Syria’s sovereignty was a flagrant aggression against the Arab world and Palestine in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Russia blasts US actions in Syria, demands withdrawal from all oil fields

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Oleg Syromolotov on Friday slammed US actions in Syria as “destructive, inconsistent”, especially those regarding the country’s oil fields. On Elimination of Former Daesh Leader Al-Baghdadi According to the senior official, the Russian military does not possess any reliable information about the results of an American operation aimed at eliminating Daesh* […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

British Typhoon jets approach Russian airbase in Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:45 P.M.) – British fighter jets were seen approaching the main Russian airbase in western Syria earlier today, the Russian publication Avia.Pro reported. According to the Russian publication, British Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets were spotted flying west of the Hmeimim Airbase, raising the alert levels of the Russian Armed Forces in Syria. “A […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Syrian Army takes control of new areas along strategic highway in northeast Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 P.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has taken control of new points along the Aleppo-Hasakah Highway this week. According to reports from the Al-Hasakah Governorate, the Syrian Arab Army expanded further west of Tal Tamr after fending off the Turkish-backed militants in this area. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Russia could supply Iran with S-400s as early as next year: report

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 12 hours ago
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 A.M.) – The Russian Federation could supply the Islamic Republic of Iran with their S-400 air defense system as early as next year, the Russian publication Nezavisimaya Gazeta said in a report this week. “The Russian Federation and China can become the main exporters of advanced weapons to Iran after the country […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source

Electric vehicle fleet would require council tax hike, warns city councillor

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 12 hours ago
By Paul Homewood h/t John Cooknell From In Cumbria; Replacing all city council vehicles with an electric fleet would require a massive hike in council tax, a leading Carlisle councillor has warned. Deputy leader Gareth Ellis urged his fellow councillors to be “realistic” about their demands to tackle climate change and to consider […]

This Day In Iraqi History - Nov 22

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
1915 Start of Battle of Salman Pak Ottomans called on Indian troops to rise up against British commanders 20thPunjabi Batt removed after an Indian killed a British soldier 1923 PM Sadoun resigned over differences with Shiite leaders and King Faisal 1923 Jafar Pasha al-Askari became 3rd PM of Iraq Would hold office 2 times Shiites got Finance and Education ministries in Askari govt Shiite leaders gave pledge of allegiance to King as a result 1952 Baghdad protests against Regent Started 1952 Intifada Communists one of main organizers Clashes with police led to 1 dead 52 wounded Led t... more »

Meet America's New 'Assault Ship' Armed with F-35s (And Much More)

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, * Firing deck-mounted guns, intercepting enemy cruise missiles, launching F-35B Joint Strike Fighters and using Osprey tiltrotor aircraft to attack behind enemy lines -- are all mission possibilities envisioned for the Navy’s fast-progressing second big-deck America-class amphibious assault ship, the future USS Tripoli. (Washington, D.C.) Firing deck-mounted guns, intercepting enemy cruise missiles, launching F-35B Joint Strike Fighters and using Osprey tiltrotor aircraft to attack behind enemy lines -- are all mission possibilities envisioned for the N... more »

Forget Those F-35s and F-22s: This Plane Might Be More Important for the Air Force

Kris Osborn at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* [image: By U.S. Air Force photo by Yasuo Osakabe - https://www.dvidshub.net/image/4866237/boeing-kc-46-visits-yokota, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=74987336] Vital for extending the range of U.S. fighters. *Key point:* Tankers are necessary for long-range missions. The first new, high-tech next-generation KC-46A aerial refueling tanker will be delivered to the service later this year, marking the beginning of a long-sought after effort to replace the current aging fleet and better enable attack and ISR missions ... more »

Here's What We Can Tell You About America's Mysterious X-37B

David Axe at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*David Axe* *Technology, Space* [image: Reuters] Not much is known. *Key point:* The Pentagon keeps very quiet about the missions and capabilities of the X-37B. A Dutch skywatcher achieved a rare feat in late June and early July 2019. Using a 10-inch-diameter telescope fitted with a camera, Ralf Vandebergh photographed the U.S. Air Force's secretive X-37B space plane in mid-mission 210 miles over Earth’s surface. "We can recognize a bit of the nose, payload bay and tail of this mini-shuttle, with even a sign of some smaller detail," Vandebergh *told* Space.com. Vandebergh had ... more »

This 2013 Exercise Proves Subs Can Still Sink Carriers

David Axe at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, Europe* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/DDAY-ANNIVERSARY-BRITAIN-RC1C51F5E1D0.html] A big deal. *Key point:* European allies have sunk U.S. carriers in wargames and so have American subs destroyed British carriers. A photo depicting an American nuclear-powered submarine poking its periscope above the waves—within shooting distance of a British aircraft carrier during a war game—is a useful reminder of one of the most important truths of naval warfare. For every sailor who’s not in a submarine, submarines are real scary. Stealthy and heavily-... more »

Ever Wonder Where World War III Will Start? Keep An Eye On India and Pakistan

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* The world's most dangerous border. *Key Point:* Each country has hundreds of nuclear weapons and deep historical enmity. India and Pakistan have been rivals since 1947, when the two countries were born from the dissolution of the British Raj in India. The two countries have gone to war four times since then, in 1947, 1965, 1974 and 1999, and been on the brink of war as recently as 2008. The last war, the 1999 Kargil War, was particularly dangerous as both countries were avowed nuclear powers. If a war on the subcontinent went nuclear, how bad cou... more »

Dog Befriends Baby Giraffe After Abandoned in South Africa

AP News at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
A dog in South Africa has befriended a baby giraffe that was abandoned at birth, rescued and taken to a local orphanage.

Spacewalking Astronauts Repairing Cosmic Ray Detector

AP News at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
Spacewalking astronauts ventured out for the second week in a row to repair a cosmic ray detector, this time actually cutting into the $2 billion instrument.

President Trump Extensive Phone Interview Discussing FISA Report Developments and Coup Effort…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 13 hours ago
Earlier this morning President Trump called in to Fox and Friends for an hour-long interview about the breaking story of FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith manipulating FISA documents to gain surveillance on the 2016 Trump campaign. President Trump notes the current … Continue reading →

Major protests in Colombia is following a similar regional anti-government theme

Lee Jay at Modern Tokyo Times - 13 hours ago
Major protests in Colombia is following a similar regional anti-government theme Kanako Itamae and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times It appears that Colombia is following a similar anti-government theme that is affecting many regional nations. Thus, nations including Bolivia, Chile, Ecuador, Nicaragua, and Venezuela have witnessed major anti-government protests. Therefore, it matters not if […]

SLIDESHOW: MJBizDaily Awards Industry Impact Award finalists

Kate Lavin at Marijuana Business Daily - 13 hours ago
The MJBizDaily Awards recognize excellence and impact in the cannabis industry. SLIDESHOW: MJBizDaily Awards Industry Impact Award finalists is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Hundreds of California marijuana business licenses still suspended and likely going unused

John Schroyer at Marijuana Business Daily - 13 hours ago
Almost 4% of California’s state marijuana business permits remain suspended weeks after regulators put more than 400 in limbo for not participating in mandatory track-and-trace system training. The number of suspended permits has fallen – but remains sizable. As of Tuesday, 277 out of the 407 permits involved had not received reinstatement to “active” status, […] Hundreds of California marijuana business licenses still suspended and likely going unused is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Marijuana layoffs continue

John Rebchook at Marijuana Business Daily - 13 hours ago
Marijuana layoffs continue is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Hunter Biden-Linked Firm Reportedly Got $130 Million from a Federal Bailout Loan Program When His Dad Was VP Under Obama

Washington Examiner at Need To Know - 13 hours ago
Under the program, the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve Bank issued billions of dollars in highly favorable loans to 177 companies, many were well-connected insiders, that agreed to buy bonds that banks were struggling to offload, including college and auto loans.

As Impeachment Charade Pauses for Congressional Recess, What American Citizens Do Now Is Critical

adam at LaRouchePAC Feed - 13 hours ago
[image: President Donald J. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence participate in a Cabinet meeting Tuesday, Nov. 19, 2019, in the Cabinet Room of the White House. (Official White House photo by Tia Dufour)] The initial phase of the House impeachment show trial paused today with the testimony of Russia hawk, former Senior Director for Europe and Russia on the National Security Council Fiona Hill and State Department bureaucrat David Holmes. Congress will be out in their home districts through Dec. 3. While most believe that the Democrats will now draft articles of impeachment against P... more »

Cows Swept Out to Sea by Hurricane Dorian are Found Months Later – on the Outer Banks

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 13 hours ago
Cape Lookout National Seashore on the Outer Banks has discovered three cows are roaming the national park, and it is believed they got there by swimming four to five miles across the Core Sound during Hurricane Dorian. All three were living on Cedar Island when the hurricane generated a “mini tsunami” on Sept. 6, sweeping […] The post Cows Swept Out to Sea by Hurricane Dorian are Found Months Later – on the Outer Banks appeared first on Health Nut News.

Skyrocketing Charges for Insulin Should Be a Crime

Erin Elizabeth at Health Nut News - 13 hours ago
Written by Joseph Mercola, D.O.,Ph.D. Story at-a-glance – Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune disease in which your immune system attacks and destroys the pancreatic cells that produce insulin, which is why it’s also referred to as insulin-dependent diabetes Type 1 diabetics require a steady supply of insulin for their survival, as their bodies produce […] The post Skyrocketing Charges for Insulin Should Be a Crime appeared first on Health Nut News.

'Rage Is Escalating' In Iran

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
People protest against an increase in gas prices on a highway in Tehran on Saturday. (Nazanin Tabatabaee/WANA (West Asia News Agency) via Reuters) *Washington Post: **In Iran, 'rage is escalating' as economic stress reaches new level* ISTANBUL - A sudden move to raise fuel prices in Iran has sparked nationwide protests over the past week and, in turn, drawn a fierce crackdown by security forces, marking some of the worst violence in the country in years. Scores have been reported killed. The protests have flared in many of the same areas that experienced unrest two years ago, when... more »

Elizabeth Warren on Abortion Rights...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*which she believes are "human rights"* This is chilling. It's also in complete agreement with the UN declaration on abortion. *What's she's saying is it's a human right to kill another human.* And every single democrat standing on that stage with her is in complete agreement. Must I remind you that if you are a Christian of any stripe you may not vote for a candidate that supports the killing of babies? Not to be outdone, Pete Buttigieg continues to misquote the Bible *in defense of baby killing and anything else that suits his little fancy. * *Amazon Today* *Black Friday C... more »

Lack of Right to Repair Limits Ability of US Military to Maintain its Own Equipment

Jerri-Lynn Scofield at naked capitalism - 13 hours ago
Support for right to repair from an unlikely quarter: US military. At present, military hardware is scooped back the states for repair, due to warranty or other contractual stipulations.

"Economic Market Snapshot AM 11/22/19"

noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
Updated frequently as available. ◆ AM 11/22/19: Gregory Mannerino, "ALERT: Get Ready! Yes It Happened, Mind Blower!" - https://www.traderschoice.net/ ◆ *MarketWatch Market Summary, Live Updates* - https://www.marketwatch.com/tools/marketsummary *CNN Market Data:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/markets/ *CNN Fear And Greed Index:* - http://money.cnn.com/data/fear-and-greed/ ◆ *Buffett Indicator: Where Are We with Market Valuations?* "As of 2019-11-22 (updates daily): The Stock Market is Significantly Overvalued. Based on historical ratio of total market cap over GDP (currently at 147.6%),... more »

This ALL Leads BACK to Obama and his Mommy ValJar.

GunnyG at 'Nox & Friends - 13 hours ago
EXCERPT: “Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) made big news on Nov. 20 when he announced on Fox News in an interview with Sean Hannity that the Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz would be releasing his report on Dec. 9 on FBI and Justice Department surveillance of the Trump campaign in 2016 under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), with Horowitz set to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Dec. 11. The Horowitz report should cover how false allegations made by the intelligence agencies and the Justice Department that President Donald Trump and hi... more »

Australia and US sign energy mineral agreement

Uriel at 'Nox & Friends - 13 hours ago
United States and Australia Sign MoU on Critical Energy Minerals State Department November 18, 2019 Assistant Secretary of State for Energy Resources Francis Fannon and Australian Ambassador Joe Hockey signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) today in Washington, DC, on energy mineral resources. Matt Canavan, Australian Minister for Natural Resources and Northern Australia also attended the MoU signing. This MoU is the first of its kind to come out of the new Energy Resources Governance Initiative (ERGI) launched by the U.S. Department of State on June 11 and convened with partne... more »

Everything That Happens on Earth Happens in Cycles

Russ Steele at The Next Grand Minimum - 13 hours ago
It’s a cycle, it’s a cycle, it’s a cycle says Peter Temple who warns we are entering a cooling phase. “[J]ust when we need more energy and warmth, we have politicians trying to tax it out of existence.” “The sun… Continue reading →

China Telecoms Already Working on Development of 6G Networks

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 13 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Chinese officials announced this Friday, November 22nd, that they had already begun research into the development of sixth-generation wireless networks, just a few weeks after the country's top three telecommunications operators launched 5G commercial services. As reported by official news agency Xinhua, officials from the Ministry of Industry and Information […] The post China Telecoms Already Working on Development of 6G Networks appeared first on The Rio Times.

Group in Rio Raids Catholic Mass with African Celebration, Insults Blacks

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 13 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A mass celebrated on Wednesday, November 20th, in honor of the Black Awareness Day in a church in Glória, south zone of Rio de Janeiro, ended up in the police station. A group tried to prevent the celebration and attacked the faithful with The post Group in Rio Raids Catholic Mass with African Celebration, Insults Blacks appeared first on The Rio Times.

Four Signs That Your Daily Protein Intake Is Insufficient

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 13 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Protein does not directly provide energy for training, but it is a fundamental part of any athlete's diet. We need the substance to produce enzymes and hormones; accelerate healing; help the immune system and give the body the required components for the development of new cells. "Protein is not an […] The post Four Signs That Your Daily Protein Intake Is Insufficient appeared first on The Rio Times.

How fast could UK-EU trade deal be struck?

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
22-Nov-2019 While the UK focuses on its upcoming general election, with all the uncertainty it throws up, the EU is using the time and space to game-plan the various negotiation scenarios that may follow.

Pelosi, Neal et Lighthizer ne parviennent pas à un accord sur l'accord USCMA de Trump

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
22-Nov-2019 Les démocrates de la Chambre et le gouvernement Trump ne sont pas parvenus à un accord sur le nouvel accord commercial nord-américain.

Pelosi casts doubt on USMCA deal in 2019

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
22-Nov-2019 House Speaker Nancy Pelosi cast doubt on the possibility of passing an updated North American trade deal by the end of 2019.

Interview de Ken Ukaoha

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
22-Nov-2019 Ken Ukaoha est président de l'Association nationale des commerçants nigérians (NANTS) et partage son point de vue sur la Zone de libre-échange continentale africaine.

The Waltons Try To Disrupt Elizabeth Warren (updated)

Peter Greene at CURMUDGUCATION - 14 hours ago
Elizabeth Warren was in Atlanta at Clark Atlanta University to talk to black voters, when the rally was disrupted by a group of charter school supporters, angry about the hard line stance Warren has staked out on the charter school industry. The group of grass roots charter supporters had, they said, "come from all over the country," and if that doesn't send up a little red flag, then perhaps their perfectly matching t-shirts and signs might. Intercept reporter Ryan Grim was there, and with some interviewing and online searches, he unraveled the whole thing pretty quickly in a serie... more »

Four men will lecture on women’s contributions to a militarized world

Tim Bousquet at Halifax Examiner - 14 hours ago
I moved to Halifax in December 1, 2004. At the time, there was a strong journalism industry locally — two daily newspapers, the CBC, The Coast altweekly, a bevy of TV and radio stations, a beefy Canadian Press bureau… I’d guess there were something like 300 people working in newsrooms across the city. Over the […]

Jury fails to convict humanitarian aid volunteer Scott Warren for a second time

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 14 hours ago
On November 20th, a jury acquitted Dr. Scott Warren on 2 counts of felony harboring. Below are statements shared after the verdict was released: By No More DeathsCensored News DR. SCOTT WARREN: “Everyone here did diligent, detailed, and amazing work. And regardless of the verdict our preparation and commitment has always paid off. I love you all. And to those who aren’t here because

Well well well... I can hang up my hat

Gail Zawacki at Wit's End - 14 hours ago
*Were other humans the first victims of the sixth mass extinction?* ~ Nick Longrich, *University of Bath* A Neanderthal skull shows head trauma, evidence of ancient violence. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History Nine human species walked the Earth 300,000 years ago. Now there is just one. The Neanderthals, *Homo neanderthalensis*, were stocky hunters adapted to Europe’s cold steppes. The related Denisovans inhabited Asia, while the more primitive *Homo erectus* lived in Indonesia, and *Homo rhodesiensis* in central Africa. Several short, small-brained species survived al... more »

Wars Have Cost The U.S. $6.4 Trillion Over The Past 20 Years

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Mish Talks*: *Forever War in the Last 20 Years Cost $6.4 Trillion * Since 911, the cost of Forever War totals $6.4 Trillion and 801,000 killed including 335,000 dead civilians. For What? Neta C. Crawford, Professor and Chair of the Department of Political Science at Boston University and a co-director of the Costs of War Project at Brown University calculates the [*Cost of 20 Years of War*]. *Read more* .... *WNU Editor*: And the costs continue to rise.

The Stalinist Show Trial of Roger Stone

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 14 hours ago
*SUNDAY WIRE* | It was one of the most abominable moments in the history of American justice, and hardly anyone noticed it.

HTS Terrorists Intensity Attacks on Aleppo’s Residential Neighborhoods

21wire at 21st Century Wire - 14 hours ago
*21WIRE* | US and Turkish-backed terrorists in Syria continue indiscriminate shelling of residential areas in Aleppo.

'Perfect storm of screw-ups' led to Epstein's death: Barr

Just In - 14 hours ago
US Attorney-General William Barr says he initially had his own suspicions about Jeffrey Epstein's death but realised there a "series" of mistakes were made that gave the disgraced financier the chance to take his own life.

NO JAIL for Police Chief Caught Stealing 3,000 Bags of Heroin from Evidence Room

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: heroin]Despite stealing 60 bundles and over 3,000 bags of heroin from the evidence room, a Pennsylvania police chief will avoid any time behind bars.

Carter Page Discusses Revelation FBI Lawyer Manipulated Evidence to Gain FISA Warrant on Him…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 14 hours ago
Former foreign policy adviser to President Trump Carter Page discusses the breaking reports of FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith altering documents in the 2016 Russia probe to gain a FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant on him and the Trump campaign.

Bah Humbug! North Pole Lacks Enough Ice for Sculptures

AP News at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
Blame the Grinch or Mother Nature, but the annual Christmas in Ice sculpture park won’t open this year in North Pole, Alaska, because of a lack of ice.

Trump Pays Respects to Army Officers Killed in Afghanistan

AP News at Snopes.com - 14 hours ago
President Donald Trump paid respects to two Army officers who were killed when their helicopter crashed this week in Afghanistan, holding his salute until each of the flag-draped cases containing their remains were returned to their grieving families.

A New Scenario?

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 14 hours ago
A month is a long time in politics. And, Susan Delacout writes, the past month has made a difference in Ontario's politics: Trudeau and Ford will be having what’s widely expected to be a cordial meeting in Ottawa, to talk over what they can do together to help the province. Officials for the prime minister were saying on Thursday evening that they were cautiously optimistic about both the tone and potential for progress at the meeting, especially on issues related to infrastructure and transit. For his part, Ford doesn’t seem to be holding any post-campaign grudges. “Politics is ... more »

The origins of the Ukraine story.....

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
There is much confusion these days about the Ukraine story. That confusion sadly also widely exists within the 'progressive community' as well. It never ceases to amaze me how many so-called enlightened activists fall victim to the non-stop lies and distortions that daily come to us from NPR, Washington Post, New York Times, CNN, Fox, MSNBC and more. The truth is out there if one is willing to search for it and allow yourself to be skeptical of the same media outlets that sold us the Vietnam War and the 2003 'shock and awe' in Iraq (among many other recent regime change wars). T... more »

Leaked U.S. Intelligence Report: Qatar Had Prior Knowledge Of Iranian Plans To Attack Oil Tankers But Failed To Tell Allies

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
A damaged Andrea Victory ship is seen off the Port of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates, May 13, 2019. REUTERS/Satish Kumar. *FOX News:* *Qatar had prior knowledge of Iran attack on vessels, failed to tell allies: report* Qatar had advance knowledge on an Iranian attack on four commercial vessels in the Gulf of Oman in May and may have failed to warn its U.S., French and British allies, a western intelligence report alleges. The report, obtained exclusively by Fox News, claims that Qatar had prior knowledge of the May 12 attack of two Saudi tankers, a Norwegian tanker and a UAE bunk... more »

Canadian Lawyers Launch $500M Class-Action Lawsuit against Roundup Makers

Sustainable Pulse at Sustainable Pulse - 15 hours ago
Diamond & Diamond, a national personal injury law firm in Canada, is spearheading a $500 million class-action lawsuit against various Roundup makers, including pharmaceutical company Bayer, the owner of Roundup maker Monsanto, CBC reported Thursday. Source: CBC.ca Roundup is a weedkiller that contains glyphosate, a herbicide chemical often used by homeowners to treat their lawns. […] The post Canadian Lawyers Launch $500M Class-Action Lawsuit against Roundup Makers appeared first on Sustainable Pulse.


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 15 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Overturning WI v. Yoder: Making Education a Federal Right for All Children (and Bringing the MeToo Movement to Fundamentalist Communities) Turkey And Europe On Collision Course Over Energy AgendaChina's appetite for coal power returns despite climate pledgeWhy the Hell Did Democrats Just Extend the Patriot Act? Markets May Welcome Buttigieg, Cowan Says Iceberg-making submarine aims to tackle global warming by re-freezing the Arctic Ukraine widens probe against Burisma founder to embezzlement of state funds DNA test shows Hunter Biden is father of Arkansas woman's b... more »


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 15 hours ago
I'm seeing a lot of Fiona-mania in the media today. I admire Fiona Hill, too, but I don't believe anything she said yesterday moved the needle. I'm reminded of previous moments when a certain class of Americans -- my class -- thought forthright women were changing the American political conversation. Sally Yates. Wendy Davis. Sandra Fluke. It was assumed that all Americans recognized their heroic acts of speaking truth to power. But eventually it became clear that only liberal America was moved. Those women courageously stood up to the powerful, but the powerful prevailed. Nothing c... more »

The Navy Is Ready To Kill China's Aircraft Carrier On The Open Sea

James Holmes at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, * The Navy has carrier killers of its own. *Key point:* The U.S. Navy, it seems, is optimized for the blue-water conflagration that’s least likely to occur. Ah, yes, the “carrier-killer.” China is forever *touting* the array of guided missiles its weaponeers have devised to pummel U.S. Navy nuclear-powered aircraft carriers (CVNs). Most prominent among them are its DF-21D and DF-26 antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), which the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has made a mainstay of China’s *anti-access/area-denial* (A2/AD) defenses. Beijing has made bel... more »

OECD Sees Gobal 2020 Growth At 2.9% From 3.0%

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Reuters:** OECD sees global growth at decade-low, blames governments' indecision* PARIS (Reuters) - The global economy is growing at the slowest pace since the financial crisis as governments leave it to central banks to revive investment, the OECD said on Thursday in an update of its forecasts. The world economy is projected to grow by a decade-low 2.9% this year and next, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development said in its Economic Outlook, trimming its 2020 forecast from an estimate of 3.0% in September. Offering meager consolation, the Paris-based policy... more »

The One And Only Lesson To Be Learned From NAEP Scores

Peter Greene at CURMUDGUCATION - 15 hours ago
It has been almost a month since the NAERP scores have dropped, and some folks are still trying to torture some sort of useful insights from the numbers (here's Mike Petrilli at Fordham writing a piece that should be entitled "What to learn about being better a hitting the wrong target"). The world of education is a fuzzy one, with some declaring that teaching is more art than science. But then the National Assessment of Educational Progress is issued. “The Nation’s Report Card” is greeted as a source of hard data about the educational achievement of fourth and eighth graders (and i... more »

Traditions Encourage Openness, Flexibility, and Adaptability

Unknown at The Verma Report - 15 hours ago
Michael Oakeshott, in his essay, “The Tower of Babel,” shows that there are fundamentally two idealized versions of moral orders: a moral order that is based on established traditions or customs and one that is doctrinal, self-conscious and critical. He places traditions or customs between the extremes of ‘rigidity’ and ‘instability’. He notes that traditions or customs encourage openness and flexibility, and enable a society to be adaptable to the “nuance of the situation’. Here’s an excerpt from his essay: "Custom is always adaptable and susceptible to the nuance of the situation... more »

China grows cotton plant on the far side of the moon

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

Chocolate Fights Coughs Better Than Codeine, Says Science.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

400-Year-Old #Shark Found in the #Arctic Being the Oldest Living #Vertebrate

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

German Circus Uses Holograms Instead Of Live Animals For A Cruelty.

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

Scientists may have discovered fifth force of nature, laboratory announces

zedie at SOMEONE SOMEWHERE - 15 hours ago

U.S. Tells NATO To Make The Case On Why Should They Still Be A Part Of The Open Skies Treaty

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
An OC-135 aircraft used as part of the Open Skies Treaty takes off Sept. 14, 2018, from Offutt Air Force Base, Neb. (Charles J. Haymond/U.S. Air Force) *Defense News*: *US to Europe: Fix Open Skies Treaty or we quit* WASHINGTON — NATO allies worried U.S. President Donald Trump will abandon the Open Skies Treaty have been told the administration views the arms control agreement as a danger to U.S. national security, and that unless those nations can assuage such concerns, the U.S. will likely pull out, Defense News has learned. At a meeting in Brussels last week, Trump administrati... more »

Why I Got My Flu Shot

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 15 hours ago
The folksy hearts are a perfect touch. Thanks Hear This Well for the honest graphic.

Twas Brillig and The Vaccines Are Safe

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 15 hours ago
Take a look at this Tweet from Dorit Reiss, pharma mouthpiece for vaccination.Clearly someone told her that vaccines recommended for pregnant woman (forced upon them really) have never been tested on pregnant women, because this is considered unethical. Unethical is... more »

Australia’s China Wars

Binoy KAMPMARK at OrientalReview.org - 15 hours ago
This year, China as Intimidating Monster has become the popular motif in Canberra circles. Australian government members Andrew Hastie and Senator James Paterson have become vigorous moral, if hollow enthusiasts. Their criticism of China has led to the revocation of visas to the country, something that has given reason to […]

China's Mysterious Stealth JH-XX Bomber: A Threat to the U.S. Military?

Mark Episkopos at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, * Here is everything we know about it. The Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) is developing not one, but two stealth bombers, according to a Defense Intelligence Agency report published earlier this year. A steady stream of details has emerged concerning one of them-- the H-20 is a long-distance flying wing stealth bomber, with a robust electronic countermeasures (ECM) package and sensor fusion integration. Nevertheless, Chinese defense sources remain tight-lipped concerning the PLAAF’s second project. Here is everything we know about... more »

Zapatistas Call for Meeting in Defense of the Territory and Mother Earth Dec. 21 -- 22, 2019 San Cristobal, Chiapas

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 15 hours ago
Marcos in Sonora photo by Brenda Norrell, Censored News CALL FOR MEETING IN DEFENSE OF THE TERRITORY AND MOTHER EARTH Translations TO THE PEOPLES OF MEXICO AND THE WORLD, TO THE NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL SIXTH, TO THE CIG SUPPORT NETWORKS, TO THE MEDIA. Capitalism, from its birth, is a world economic system contrary to human life and contrary to our mother earth, because, in its logic

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