10 pm MST
Merriam-Webster word for the day, heterodox
Today's M-W word is "heterodox," meaning different opinions or ways of perceiving things. I looked at the website for "Heterodox Academy" and found pretty much what I thought. Anything can be good or useful or instructional, but not if perceived as orthodox, conservative, and traditional. In fact, you could pretty much throw out the concepts of truth, goodness or beauty. I glanced through the blog written for Heterodox Academy and found a take down of Canadian psychologist/professor Dr. Jordan Peterson, who actually is best known for challenging orthodox leftist theory and mind co... more »
Green New Deal Begins... With Public Housing
The Green New Deal resolution-- (H.Res.109) is not a bill that funds anything or specifically passes any legislation; it's a *resolution* calling for "the creation of a Green New Deal with the goals of..." *•* achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions; *•* establishing millions of high-wage jobs and ensuring economic security for all; *•* investing in infrastructure and industry; *•* securing clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all; and *•* promoting justice and equality. "The resolution call... more »
Sweden drops Assange investigation, paving way for U.S. extradition (Video)
The Duran Quick Take: Episode 379. More The post Sweden drops Assange investigation, paving way for U.S. extradition (Video) appeared first on The Duran.
OK Millennials, Just Say No To OK Boomer At Work
Sure, the OK Boomer thing is cute and funny. After all, my generation can be a bit out of touch with the modern times. So say it to your parents, your aunt, uncle, grandparents (if they're actually boomers - they're more likely Silent Generation). But whatever you do, don't say it at work. Seriously. Boomers are, by definition, over age 40. That means they're protected from age discrimination by the Age Discrimination In Employment Act and state laws like the Florida Civil Rights Act. Saying OK Boomer at work can get you into hot water with HR and EEOC. If you're saying OK Boomer t... more »
My Medical Appointment
As promised for Funny Friday. From Colonel Marty, USMC Retired Its rather long, but worth the read! I visited a physician last week. It was a “new” doctor in the practice–a young lady (at MY age, EVERYBODY is “young”–when I was born, the Dead Sea wasn‘t even sick) who was quite enthusiastic. She was obviously a liberal by her dress and manner. I was thinking of hitting on her, but I don’t like the phrase, “You remind me of my grandfather.” She asked me what was wrong, and I replied, “I have a cut on my leg; and I think … Continue reading →
Almost 30 Percent Of All U.S. Circuit Judges Are Now Trump Appointees
From the Federalist: Read the good news! Excerpts: The U.S. Senate confirmed Barbara Lagoa to the Eleventh Circuit by a vote of 80-15 on Wednesday, replacing Judge Stanley Marcus, a Clinton-appointee who had sat on the court for over two decades. Lagoa is the 48th circuit court judge appointed by President Trump over the course of his presidency, making 28 percent of all circuit court judges now Trump appointees. The combined confirmations of Luck and Lagoa mark the third circuit that the Trump administration has tilted in favor of Republican appointees. For mere hours prior to Lago... more »
After Criticizing Foreign Aid, Bolsonaro Now Seeks US$50 Million for New Amazon Fund
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Months after President Jair Bolsonaro declared that foreign countries wanted to buy the Amazon and The post After Criticizing Foreign Aid, Bolsonaro Now Seeks US$50 Million for New Amazon Fund appeared first on The Rio Times.
Bolsonaro’s New Party Defends God, Weapons, and Opposition to Communism
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The 'Aliança pelo Brasil' ("Alliance for Brazil") party, which President Jair Bolsonaro is working to get off the ground, was launched . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe Login Here The post Bolsonaro’s New Party Defends God, Weapons, and Opposition to Communism appeared first on The Rio Times.
Sparkling Festival: Weekend Dedicated to Sparkling Wine in Rio de Janeiro
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A weekend dedicated to sparkling wine, and to summer, is the promise of the Sparkling Festival, which takes place at 'Marina da Glória' this weekend, on November 23rd and 24th. There will be approximately 30 areas for Brazilian wineries and importers, some 350 labels, many good food options, and various […] The post Sparkling Festival: Weekend Dedicated to Sparkling Wine in Rio de Janeiro appeared first on The Rio Times.
‘We decided to play it safe.’ Journal doesn’t retract paper even though the authors neglected to mention that they didn’t do the experiments themselves.
An eye journal has issued an expression of concern for a paper on glaucoma that, given the litany of problems with the data, could well have been retracted. Not least of the issues: The authors admitted to using an outside firm to conduct experiments they’d tried to pass off as having done themselves. The article, … Continue reading ‘We decided to play it safe.’ Journal doesn’t retract paper even though the authors neglected to mention that they didn’t do the experiments themselves.
Week in Review: Landmark cannabis vote by US House committee, first MI adult-use licenses, vitamin E acetate vape additive bans & more
A key U.S. House panel makes history by passing a federal cannabis legalization bill, Michigan reveals its first adult-use license winners, two states finalize bans on vitamin E acetate as an additive in vaporizer products and more of the week’s top cannabis news. Panel casts first-ever US House vote to federally legalize MJ In a […] Week in Review: Landmark cannabis vote by US House committee, first MI adult-use licenses, vitamin E acetate vape additive bans & more is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
"Life Is Inconvenient..."
“One of life's best coping mechanisms is to know the difference between an inconvenience and a problem. If you break your neck, if you have nothing to eat, if your house is on fire, then you've got a problem. Everything else is an inconvenience. Life is inconvenient. Life is lumpy. A lump in the oatmeal, a lump in the throat and a lump in the breast are not the same kind of lump. One needs to learn the difference.” - Robert Fulghum
Seeing CO2
Experts tell us that life can’t survive CO2 levels over 400 PPM, which makes train travel rough at 2,500 PPM. Link Greta Thunberg can see CO2, which must make it difficult to also see what she is eating on the … Continue reading →
Kim's Worst Nightmare: Inside America's "OPLAN 5015" Against North Korea
*Michael Peck* *Security, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/NORTH-MACEDONIA-NATO--RC156AAF8BE0.html] Washington's war plan. *Key point:* Rest assured America would destroy Kim, but at a terrible, terrible cost. North Korea’s unpredictable leader Kim Jong-un has many ways of making war upon his neighbors. He can unleash commandos, or cyberweapons, or threaten to utilize weapons of mass destruction unless the world complies with his wishes. Whether Kim Jong-un will live to see the results is another matter. He might be assassinated by U.S. and South Korean speci... more »
"Boots On The Ground: Days in the Life of an Average American Nobody"
*"Boots On The Ground:* * Days in the Life of an Average American Nobody"* By Doug “Uncola” Lynn "Up at 6:30 AM. Showered, dressed, and cooking breakfast by 7:00 AM. Eggs, toast, fruit, and coffee ingested. Boots on, and laced, and out the door by 7:35 AM. Drove to the county seat and made two stops there. Then off to the Department of Transportation (DOT) center located across town by a now near-empty shopping mall. Slowed onto the highway off-ramp at approximately 10 AM. While waiting at the stoplight at the bottom of the ramp, a woman was seated on a street meridian just ahead. ... more »
The Climate change money machine
Green groups and corporate rent-seekers are raking in the cash. The post The Climate change money machine appeared first on CFACT.
But what if the power goes out?
Having had some little (very little) experience with ships, boats and such things, I couldn't help doing a double-take at the news that paper navigation charts appear to be on the way out. [The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration] is initiating a five-year process to end all traditional paper nautical chart production... * . . .* For nearly 200 years, NOAA’s Office of Coast Survey has produced traditional paper nautical chart products. Originally, this took the singular form of hard copy paper charts, today, there are several raster digital chart formats available to d... more »
If you ever wonder why positivity is such a big deal to health and wellness, look under the microscope. The mechanism for the connection between health and positivity may be found right in our very... The post AT A CELLULAR LEVEL, EVERY SINGLE HUMAN DEPENDS ON POSITIVITY TO SURVIVE appeared first on Healing Oracle.
"JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"
*"JFK and the Unspeakable: Why He Died and Why It Matters"* by Edward Curtin "Despite a treasure-trove of new information having emerged over the last fifty-five years, there are many people who still wonder about who killed President John Fitzgerald Kennedy and why there are still unanswerable questions. There are others who cling to the Lee Harvey Oswald "lone-nut" explanation proffered by the Warren Commission. Both groups agree, however, that whatever the truth, it has no contemporary relevance but is old-hat, history, stuff for conspiracy-obsessed people with nothing better to ... more »
JFK Assassination: Watch High Treason As It Happens"
“JFK Assassination: Secret Service Stand-down” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XY02Qkuc_f8 *Related followup analysis:* Paul Joseph Watson, “JFK Conspiracy: Did Secret Service Stand Down?” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eP6jDM6sXhA Cui bono?
Public service executive sacked amid $25m corruption allegations
A public service executive is sacked after being charged last week with two counts of official corruption amid claims he stole millions of dollars from WA's Department of Communities.
Warner's partnership with Burns in first Test shows what's old is new again
The decision to go back to the well by selecting David Warner and Joe Burns to open the batting against Pakistan pays off, suggesting Australia has at last found the right partnership at the top of the order, writes Geoff Lemon.
Musk bemused after armoured windows smashed at Cybertruck unveiling
Just In - 17 hours ago
At a cyberpunk-themed event in Los Angeles, Tesla founder Elon Musk claimed the ute's "ultra-hard" exterior "won't scratch and dent". It did.
If We Can Make 'Stealth' Fighters Like the F-35, Why Not Stealth Soldiers?
*Michael Peck* *Security, North America* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/MIDEAST-CRISIS-IRAQ-MOSUL-S1AEUJBBSUAA.html] The Army is working on new "stealth" uniforms. *Key Point:* Russia claims to have already created radar-proof soldier uniforms. First there were stealth fighters that didn’t show up on radar. Now the U.S. Army wants uniforms that allow ground troops to escape the notice of electromagnetic eyes. Radar has become an integral part of ground warfare, which makes it that much harder for soldiers to hide on the battlefield. Thus, the Army wants uniforms ... more »
Why All of America's Enemies Should Still Fear the B-1 Bomber
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Americas* [image: By http://www.dodmedia.osd.mil/DVIC_View/Still_Details.cfm?SDAN=DFST8310359&JPGPath=/Assets/1983/Air_Force/DF-ST-83-10359.JPG, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=13353164] A new age, a new role. *Key point: *No longer an anti-Soviet nuclear bomber, the B-1 now helps against insurgencies like ISIS. Huge yet surprisingly sleek and agile, the U.S. Air Force’s B-1 Lancer strategic bombers—popularly dubbed “Bones” for B-ONE—circles over battlefields in Syria and Afghanistan like angels of death dispensing GPS... more »
President Trump and First Lady Melania Participate in Dignified Transfer Ceremony…
President Donald J Trump and First Lady Melania Trump honor two fallen Army officers at Dover Air Force Base on November 21st, 2019. The President and First Lady traveled to Delaware to meet with the officers’ families and pay their … Continue reading →
President Trump Presents National Medal of Arts and National Medal of Humanities – Video and Transcript…
Yesterday in a White House ceremony President Trump, together with First Lady Melania, presented the National Medal of Arts to: John Voight, Alison Krauss, and Sharon Percy Rockefeller; and the National Medal of Humanities to The Claremont Institute, Teresa Lozano, … Continue reading →
PG&E Failed California. Here’s How the State Could Turn Things Around.
How PG&E came to dominate California's electricity market, plus discussion of options to fix the fiery mess it has created.
Funny Friday
From Terry : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Foguth : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From Wendy : ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From I.R. Wayright : I SWEAR these are the last Epstein memes ! This is Incredible. I never send chain letters, but this one actually works. I guarantee it. You will be offered sex by simply passing it on! It’s incredible! Send: “I Love Elizabeth Warren. Please vote for her” to 10 friends. At least 9 will reply telling you to go screw yourself. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A guy walks into a bar with a pet alligator by his side. He puts ... more »
Le Maroc réfléchit à rompre l'accord de libre-échange avec la Turquie
bilaterals.org - 18 hours ago
22-Nov-2019 Le ministère de l'industrie et du commerce planche sur la réalisation d'une étude globale sur l'impact des différents accords de libre-échanges signés par le Maroc.
Vietnam to allow independent trade unions, delay retirement
bilaterals.org - 18 hours ago
22-Nov-2019 The adoption of the law" is expected to pave the way for the ratification of several free trade agreements Vietnam has signed, including one with the European Union.
Turkey must destroy S-400 system to get back into F-35 program: US
A senior US State Department official has urged the Turkish authorities to stop using Russian air defence systems, suggesting a radical solution to get Ankara back into the F-35 stealth fighter programme. “There is room for Turkey to come back to the table. They know that to make this work they need to either destroy […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Israel to possibly expand attacks to Iraq in near future: expert
BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – Iraqi military expert, retired Lieutenant General Wafiq al-Samarrai, warned on Thursday that the Israeli forces may expand their attacks to Iraq. According to the site Baghdad Today, Samarrai said, “we are not advocates of war, and not advocates of conflict and hostility,” pointing out that Iraq is not interested in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Assyrian-led forces on the front-lines in northeast Syria: video
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:20 A.M.) – The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) released a new video this week showing their allies from the Assyrian-led Syriac Military Council (SMC) at the front-lines in northeastern Syria. In the video, the Syriac Military Council can be seen preparing themselves for a potential attack by the Turkish-backed militants near the Assyrian […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
US and EU begin ditching the Syrian opposition
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) – Several western countries, including the United States, have begun terminating their support for the Syrian opposition and its militias because of the latter’s participation in the Turkish-led “Peace Spring” operation against forces allied with the U.S. and E.U. Citing private sources to Syria TV (not to be confused with the […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Turkish Army, allies kill several Syrian soldiers in northeast Syria
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 A.M.) – The Turkish Army and their militant allies killed several Syrian Arab Army (SAA) soldiers in the northeastern region of Syria this week. According to a military report from the Al-Hasakah Governorate in northeastern Syria, the Turkish Army and their allied militants targeted the Syrian Arab Army’s positions near the Abu […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Evo Morales dismisses accusations that Russian soldiers are awaiting his return in Bolivia
Bolivia’s former president Evo Morales who was granted political asylum in Mexico has dismissed allegations that Russian military are waiting for him in Bolivia. “They are trying to destroy us with endless lies and accusations,” Morales wrote on his official Twitter account. “They said that I already returned to Bolivia, that Russian soldiers are in […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Ex-Israeli military commander reveals Hezbollah’s alleged plan to storm Israel
BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:00 A.M.) – A former Israeli chief-of-staff unveiled an alleged “new plan” by Hezbollah to storm his country from the southern border of Lebanon. The newspaper “Israel Hayom” reported on Thursday evening that General Gadi Eizenkot revealed a new plan by Hezbollah to penetrate into Israel from several border tunnels. According to Eizenkot, […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Jihadist rebels and Syrian Army troops suffer heavy casualties in fierce northern Latakia battle
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:45 A.M.) – The jihadist rebels launched a new attack against the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) troops in the northern countryside of the Latakia Governorate on Thursday. Led by the Turkestan Islamic Party (TIP), the jihadist rebels began their assault by storming the Syrian Arab Army’s positions north of the hilltop town of […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
Syrian Army unleashes heavy attack on west Aleppo: video
BEIRUT, LEBANON (7:20 A.M.) – The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) unleashed a heavy assault on the western and southwestern countrysides of Aleppo last night, as they targeted sites belonging to the jihadist rebels of Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham. According to reports this morning, the Syrian Arab Army fired several missiles and artillery shells towards the sites […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
The Daily Brief 2019-11-20
This is a summary of 24 AMN articles on the following subjects: Israel, Rusia, Siria, Idlib, Iran, Zarif, Pakistan, US, Damasco, Chechenia, EE.UU., F-35, Sukhnah, Syria, Hama, Assyrians, Hasakah, SDF, Russia, Damascus, Chechnya, Turkey, ISIS, Baniyas. Categories covered in this brief: Espanol, Siria, Medio-Oriente, World-News, Syria, Iran, Middleeast, Turkey Let us know how you like […] Source: AMN - Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - The Arab Source
What If Stalin and Hitler Had Called a Truce During World War II?
*Warfare History Network* *History, Europe* [image: By Panther - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=3661740] Could it have happened? *Key point: *Several things would have had to have happened at the same time in order for Berlin and Moscow to come to a separate peace. At daybreak on Monday, July 12, 1943, SS Sturmbannführer Christian Bachmann, the panzer group commander of the 3rd SS Panzergrenadier Division, ordered his unit to cross the Psel River and attack. The Germans drove north toward the east-west road connecting the towns of Kartesc... more »
How One Nation Nearly Destroyed Its Own Air Force (Hint: A NATO Country)
*Michael Peck* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/TURKEY-SECURITY-AIRFORCE-S1AEULZGSKAA.html] The picture is a clue. *Key Point:* Ankara's distrust and elimination of many pilots was a huge error. Fighter pilots aren't cheap. The U.S. Air Force estimates that training a new pilot to fly a plane like the F-35 costs $11 million. And that doesn't count the priceless experience of a veteran pilot who has been flying for years. That's why the U.S. Air Force is willing to offer half-million-dollar bonuses to retain experienced fighter pilots. So a ... more »
Would President Trump Ever Bring Back the Battleships?
*Salvatore Babones* *Security, Asia-Pacific* The U.S. Navy will never again be a dreadnought fleet of big-gun battleships. But it is time to reexamine the role of armor in naval architecture. Even the most forward-leaning offensive operation needs a few tough linesmen who can take a beating and stay in the game. A future battleship would give the Navy— and by extension the president—warfighting options other than the total annihilation of the enemy. *Key Point:* Going forward the United States Navy will have to develop a new battleship that is in line with new strategy against Ch... more »
The Worst: Meet 5 Guns That Don't Belong on Any Range
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, North America* [image: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nambu_pistol#/media/File:Nambu2470.jpg] Colt is on the list twice. *Key Point:* Don't buy these. Guns are tools meant to address life or death situations, so a poorly designed or manufactured gun often earns particular scorn. The gun world has long memories of particularly bad firearms, many of which sealed the fate of brave soldiers. The rapid pace of firearms development in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries meant that few if any mistakes were repeated, but the memories of these weapons—some w... more »
Where Are the Best Resorts in Rio de Janeiro State?
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Travelling to Rio de Janeiro is a dream come true for many, and one of the best vacation and holiday ideas you may ever have. You can enjoyably remain in the capital, visiting and getting to know the most famous sights such as Christ the Redeemer, Sugar Loaf and the […] The post Where Are the Best Resorts in Rio de Janeiro State? appeared first on The Rio Times.
This Holiday, Give Thanks For Affordable Food - And The Farmers Who Only Get 8 Cents Of Every Dollar For Making It
You know you are in a wealthy country when there are articles about how people are depressed if they can't get a $2,000 Macbook, young people can talk about how bored they are, and poor families live in more square footage than the middle class in France. Oh, and a majority are fat, even among poor people. It was never before possible for poor people to be obese, abundance of food used to be a sign of wealth. read more
Death Anxiety Seems To Be Universal - Do We Also Suffer Birth Anxiety?
Many people feel anxious about the prospect of their death. Indeed, some philosophers have argued that death anxiety is universal and that this anxiety bounds and organizes human existence. But do we also suffer from birth anxiety? Perhaps. After all, we are all beings that are born as well as beings that die. Whereas philosophers have said a lot about our anxiety about death, they have said little about birth anxiety. This is part-and-parcel of the broader neglect of birth in the Western philosophical tradition. The guiding thought has been that ‘all men are mortal’ (‘men’ in the... more »
Qanon - 9 DEC 19 - IG FISA Lands
I do not have the exact numbers, but it appears that we now have 134,000 unsealed indictments along with around 13,500 unsealed indictments and i presume this last figure is actually the otherwise norma traffic percolating through the system. It has now been announced that the IG FISA report is arriving on 9 Dec 19. In the meantime the DEMs continue to disparately discover any reason to plausibly remove the President to block what is now clearly coming. Understand that what has been happening is that all the bad acts of the past administration have slowly been revealed to t... more »
Obama Observed
I have never quite understood how Obama could be loyal to the USA. National loyalty is learned through childhood education and Obama took his in Indonesia while also educated as a Muslim. He then presented in the USA as a foreign student in order to get the benefits available. He really missed all that 'American' thing.. Here we catch an exchange that nicely confirms what his natural thinking was. Again is is not American Sadly it also informs that Michelle has learned to be Anti American and this is more about her learned racism. There is much more to this whole pictu... more »
9 Scientific Facts Prove the "Theory of Evolution" is False
Sadly Darwin's great effort was based on MEMEs of the nineteenth century drawn upon a small fraction of the data available to us now. Needless to say, specific examples are now available that show just how crude the Theory itself happens to be. Let me make all this a lot clearer. We are third tier matter entities fabricated and progressively improved upon by second tier matter spirit bodies that in fact provide the life of our third tier matter bodies. Real creation and evolution actually happens in this matrix like world that floods our Galaxy and is still specific to local... more »
How Entrepreneurs Build the World
[image: Per Bylund Austrian cover 750x516] This is important as it provides a superior conceptualization of the critical role of the entrepreneur. Read and do digest. It underlines my major beef with so called economic theory which is that it is far from been complete and yes, it really models central planning because it adopts mathematics whose application is reasonably inappropriate. There is scant understanding of the discontinuous nature of human activity and it all gets assumed away. My own work is empirical and focuses on the economic role of the natural community which wi... more »
The Washington Post Helps Identify FBI Lawyer Who Altered FISA Docs…
At 8:15pm last evening Washington Post journalist Devlin Barrett posted a supportive article for the CNN (Manu Raju) news exclusive that outlined an “FBI Official” who was under criminal investigation as an outcome of the inspector general review of FISA. … Continue reading →
On TV, Political Ads Are Regulated – But Online, Anything Goes
We've had over two years of pearl-clutching about political ads in the Internet era. What if anything should be done?
Freaky Friday
*Hunter* Lunden Robert, Biden baby mama A paternity test established Hunter Biden's Paternity with his child in Arkansas. Lunden Alexis Roberts posted online by the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette. Biden denied having sex with his baby mama, but won't contest the results. Roberts’ child was born in August 2018, while Hunter was in a relationship with Hallie Biden, the widow of his late older brother, Beau, who died of brain cancer in 2015. Roberts filed her paternity suit in May, about two weeks after Hunter, 49, married Melissa Cohen, 33, following a whirlwind, six-day romance. In 2015, ... more »
Game “Tell Me Why” to Feature First Transgender Character
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Life is Strange game studio and DONTNOD Entertainment are releasing the first game in history featuring a transgender character. The announcement was made during Microsoft's X019 event in London last week. The game "Tell me Why", which should reach the market in 2020, is set in Alaska and features 21-year-old […] The post Game “Tell Me Why” to Feature First Transgender Character appeared first on The Rio Times.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Charged With Bribery And Fraud In Corruption Probe
It is the first time a sitting Israeli prime minister has been charged with a crime.
Funding for the Clinton Foundation Has Dried Up Along with Its Influence, Indicating that Hillary Was Selling Access to Power
Peter Schweizer, author of Clinton Cash, says that the funding for the Clinton Foundation has dried up because Hillary lost the election and the Clintons no longer have influence to sell, which is the primary evidence for what the Clinton Foundation was really all about.
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Thursday 21st November 2019
By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […]
Chick-fil-A Orders Values to Go
Plus Podcast of 1st and 1 more Title: ‘Now That I’m Healed from the Surgeries, I Regret Them’ ~ Tony Perkins ~ If the last 24 hours have proven anything about Chick-fil-A, it’s this: It was never about the chicken. For millions of Americans, there was a much deeper significance behind […]
Google Restricts Political Ad Options To Align With Media ‘Practices’
By Corinne Weaver ~ Liberals complain about Big Tech platforms that allow for free and unfettered speech in political advertising. It seems as though some of these companies are listening. Google announced on Nov. 20 that it was restricting microtargeting on election ads on the platform. Google Vice President of Product Management Scott Spencer writes, […]
Green “Nirvanas” Beset By Crime Waves
From the team at CFACT ~ A crime wave is underway in the once-Golden state of California, and another crime wave is soon likely in the once-Empire state of New York. California Governor Gavin Newsom and New York Governor Andrew Cuomo are among the leading crusaders who are imposing policies to address climate change. They […]
6 Big Moments From Day 5 Of Public Impeachment Hearings
By Fred Lucas ~ Two career foreign policy officials testified Thursday that President Donald Trump altered U.S. policy toward Ukraine for a political agenda of going after former Vice President Joe Biden. Fiona Hill, a former official with the National Security Council who was Trump’s adviser on Russia, and David Holmes, political counselor to the […]
Arctic Ice Building up in November
Originally posted on Science Matters: The image is an animation of MASIE ice charts over the last three weeks from Oct.1 to yesterday, Nov.20, 2019. At the top is Kara Sea icing, along with Barents, both higher than the 12 year average at this time. On the left Laptev and East Siberian have filled with…
Brazil Creates 70,800 New Jobs in October
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Benefiting from trade and services, job creation with a signed worker's registration book reached its seventh consecutive month of growth in October. According to data released by the General Registry of Employees and Unemployed (CAGED), of the Secretariat of Labor of the Ministry of Economy, a net 70,852 The post Brazil Creates 70,800 New Jobs in October appeared first on The Rio Times.
Bolsonaro Accuses Witzel of Manipulating Investigation into Marielle Franco
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Thursday, November 21st, President Jair Bolsonaro accused the governor of Rio de Janeiro, Wilson Witzel, of manipulating the investigation of the Marielle Franco case and said that his life has "turned to hell" since the election of his former ally. "This is the work of a governor who has […] The post Bolsonaro Accuses Witzel of Manipulating Investigation into Marielle Franco appeared first on The Rio Times.
Four People Indicted for Homophobic Attacks in Rio
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Four men charged with homophobia were indicted in Rio de Janeiro for bodily injury against three people. The crime occurred after two women kissed across a bar in Flamengo, in the city's South Zone. According to newspaper 'Extra', prosecutor Sauvei Lai reported that on the day of the crime, João […] The post Four People Indicted for Homophobic Attacks in Rio appeared first on The Rio Times.
Dilma Rousseff Insists on Supreme Court Action to Overthrow Impeachment
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Michel Temer became president, Lula was arrested and released, Jair Bolsonaro was elected, and three and a half years after being impeached, Dilma Rousseff continues her battle to nullify the impeachment proceedings that toppled her from the presidency of the republic. Rousseff describes it as one of her last . […] The post Dilma Rousseff Insists on Supreme Court Action to Overthrow Impeachment appeared first on The Rio Times.
Slowdowns of Regional Powers Aggravate Economic Stagnation in Latin America
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The three major Latin American business engines, responsible for almost two-thirds of the region's GDP (Gross Domestic Product), are at a standstill. Far from Jair Bolsonaro's triumphalist rhetoric during his campaign, Brazil will barely keep its head above water and grow 0.8 percent in 2020; Mexico will recover a timid […] The post Slowdowns of Regional Powers Aggravate Economic Stagnation in Latin America appeared first on The Rio Times.
Jackie Trad referred to Ethics Committee over investment property row
An investment property bought near the $5.4 billion Cross River Rail project continues to haunt the Deputy Premier, who, despite being cleared by the state's corruption watchdog, may now face Parliament’s Ethics Committee.
Department takes boy with rare health condition from family after seeing weight loss as 'neglect'
Territory Families was "not justified" in its decision to remove a four-year-old Indigenous boy from his family in the months before his death, the Northern Territory coroner finds.
Former AWI chairman Wal Merriman dumped from board after divisive election
The wool industry has shaken up Australian Wool Innovation, with woolgrowers electing two new candidates to the board and dumping former chairman Wal Merriman.
Police union says officers 'shocked' over Yuendumu murder charge
The national police union says the murder charge against constable Zachary Rolfe over the death of 19-year-old Kumanjayi Walker has left officers around the country "questioning what they do".
Calls for quick decision on health clinic closures after Kumanjayi Walker shooting
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation NT Branch is calling on the NT Health Department to urgently decide whether it will push ahead with plans to shut four health clinics in remote Indigenous communities.
Man who egged on friends''vicious and torturous' attack on kangaroo guilty of animal cruelty
A fourth Perth man is convicted of animal cruelty over the "brutal" torture of a kangaroo that was recorded on a mobile phone.
WA town razed by deadly fire rises from the ashes
Just In - 20 hours ago
As fires burn across the eastern states of Australia, one town in Western Australia's south-west has proved there is life after a devastating bushfire.
Dozens of motorcyclists storm Indonesian hospital to grab baby's body
Just In - 20 hours ago
A group of motorbike taxi drivers storm an Indonesian hospital and grab the body of a colleague's six-month-old baby, which was reportedly being held as leverage to secure payment of outstanding medical bills.
Victoria's Secret cancels annual fashion show
Just In - 20 hours ago
Known for supermodels with angel wings and multi-million-dollar bras, the Victoria's Secret show has been called off for 2019, amid slumping television audiences and controversy.
Tinder date found guilty of murdering British backpacker Grace Millane in New Zealand
Just In - 20 hours ago
Grace Millane was killed on her birthday in December 2018 after meeting the man on Tinder, going out for drinks with him, and then returning to his hotel apartment in central Auckland.
Witness who collapsed at banking royal commission first to be convicted
Nine months after the banking royal commission wrapped up, Terry McMaster, the sole director of Dover Financial Services, becomes the first witness to face court and be convicted.
More Than just a Toilet: Fusing innovation & Partnerships for a Better World
Global Issues News Headlines - 20 hours ago
KOHLER, Wisconsin, Nov 21 (IPS) - Rotish Namboothiry is Associate Director-Innovation for Good at Kohler Co.Each year, World Toilet Day* raises awareness of the crucial role that sanitation plays in reducing disease and creating healthier communities. At Kohler, we're committed to finding solutions for universal sanitation access by leveraging our design & innovation competencies and partnering with like-minded organizations to bring meaningful innovations to those communities most in need. Read the full story, “More Than just a Toilet: Fusing innovation & Partnerships for a Bet... more »
No Contest: Why Israel's Tavor Rifle Outclasses the Uzi
*Michael Peck* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/MIDEAST-RP4DRHYCOOAA.html] A better gun? *Key point:* The Tavor is more modern and can cause a lot of damage. Israel builds its own high-tech military equipment, such as tanks, missiles and drones. Not bad for a nation of just 8.5 million people living in a state the size of New Jersey. But Israel has also proven adept at designing rifles. Perhaps its most famous firearm is the legendary Uzi submachine gun, an almost iconic 1950s design made famous by the photo of a U.S. Secret Service agent wavi... more »
This One Technological Advance Could Result in the Ultimate Stealth Fighter
*Robert Beckhusen* *Technology, Europe* [image: https://www.baesystems.com/en/article/first-magma-flight-trials] Or not? *Key point:* This may be one of the few ways left for fighters to get stealthier. Researchers at BAE Systems and The University of Manchester successfully test-flew an experimental unmanned aerial vehicle with no moving control surfaces, BAE Systems announced in December 2017. The 12-foot-span, jet-propelled MAGMA drone could help BAE develop stealthier warplanes. Control surfaces account for a significant portion of an airplane’s radar signature. Instead o... more »
Meet North Korea's Weird AK-47 Knock Off: The Type 88
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, Asia* [image: https://pictures.reuters.com/archive/NORTHKOREA-MILITARY--S1AETPPPDDAA.html] How is it different? *Key point: *Pyongyang's weapon can carry many, many more rounds than Moscow's AK. One of the largest armies in the world has adopted one of the most unusual variants of the AK-series of assault rifles. The North Korean People’s Army Type 88 rifle is similar to the Soviet-era AK-74 with one key difference: unusual helical magazines that carry up to five times as many rounds as conventional 30-round magazines. Over the past sixty years, the ... more »
Why India's Aircraft Carrier from Russia Was a Total Lemon
*Kyle Mizokami* *History, Asia* [image: https://www.indiannavy.nic.in/sites/default/files/surface_ships/V_aditya_5_0.jpg] The Admiral Gorshkov was a terrible ship. *Key point: *Buyers can't be choosers when there are very few sellers to pick from. Like a lot of countries, India wants the best weapons it can afford. But ideological and financial concerns mean there are a lot of things it won’t buy from the United States or Europe. That pretty much leaves, well, Russia. India has been a big buyer of Russian weapons for 50 years. Those haven’t been easy years for New Delhi. India’... more »
Trump's New Abuse of Power Problem: Sondland Sang Like a Song Bird
*James Steiner-Dillon* *Politics, America* [image: Reuters] Why hearsay isn’t a problem for Congress in impeachment hearings. Wednesday’s testimony by U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland included the allegation that Sondland pushed Ukraine to investigate the Biden family in exchange for U.S. political support at the “express direction” of President Donald Trump. Sondland’s version of events comes as others’ statements about the president’s involvement have been attacked by Republicans. Trump’s defenders have suggested that the overall impeachment effort is ille... more »