Peter Norman and the Black Power Salute

"They asked Norman if he believed in human rights. He said he did. They asked him if he believed in God. Norman, who came from a Salvation Army background, said he believed strongly in God. We knew that what we were going to do was far greater than any athletic feat. He said, *'I'll stand with you'*." Carlos said he expected to see fear in Norman's eyes. He didn't; I saw love." 15 PETER NORMAN The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the motion of Dr Leigh— That this House: (1) recognises the extraordinary athletic achievements of the lat... more »
The Global Warming Hoax: The UN Global Warming Hoax Is Slowly Dying (To Me, Not Fast Enough!)

Up here, in central Canada (and yes, Toronto is not central Canada), the temperatures this time of year have been absolutely unbearable... Right now, we are experiencing temperatures that we usually do not get until mid-January! Everywhere across the Canadian prairies, we have seen recent record cold temperatures, with daily highs not getting anywhere above -20 degrees Celcius (That's -5 Fahrenheit for those still on the non-metric scale). Overnight lows have plunged to the -35C mark (-30F) and wind chill values have been in the -40C (-40F) range... People have noticed this unseas... more »
Rush Limbaugh, the Half-Billion-Dollar Mouthpiece for 1% Rightwing Billionaires, Attacks The New Pope For Them

Rush Limbaugh has attacked women by calling them sluts & FemiNazis, he attacks poor people, unions, people fighting for a living wage, muslims, made fun of Michael J. Fox's disease, people without health care, and so on. But can something be the ULTIMATE that he could never top? I think he finally did the ULTIMATE: he attack the new Pope! You can't get any higher than the Pope: *Pope Francis Rebukes "Marxist" Attack From Rush Limbaugh & Conservative Media* Rush Limbaugh's "dittoheads" think RUSH is the Pope! That's why he gets away with this. What did the Pope do? He spoke about... more »
“Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s child? I don’t think so.” UPDATED
That, from Harper Industry Minister and Harper MP for Port Moody, James Moore when questioned on the embarrassing levels of child poverty in British Columbia. The only words that don't fail me are, Fucking selfish ... greedy ... scumbag. Typical bloody-minded right-wing puke. Charles Dickens wrote books about people like James Moore. UPDATE: Moore is now claiming he was taken out of context.
Congress and Federal Reserve continue to gun the pedal - and they won't stop until there is a buyer's strike by foreign buyers of US debt ... Peter Schiff takes the Budget Deal to task , while Russell Lamberti of the Ludwig von Mises Institute hashes notion of trashing the debt ceiling.... Affluenza defense gets one kid off a dui deaths of four " not one percenters " ? ? Heck that is nothing considering what the bankster" one tenth of one percenters " have gotten away with and will continue to get away with .... Affluenza on HGH AND Steroids !

Peter Schiff Bashes "Feeble And Fictitious" Budget Deal [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/15/2013 20:28 -0500 - 30 Year Treasury - Bond - Congressional Budget Office - Gross Domestic Product - Obamacare - Peter Schiff - Quantitative Easing - ratings - White House inShare David Stockman's exclamation at the "betrayal" realized within the latest so-called "festerng fiscal" budget deal is taken a step further withPeter Schiff's head-shaking diatribe on Congress' *inability to show that it is truly "capable of tack... more »
About Pearson, the Golden Goose State Standards, And Then Some
On December 13, 2013, Pearson, Inc., agreed to pay a $7.7 million settlement for allegedly using its nonprofit, Pearson Charitable Foundation (PCF), to assist its profit-making parent corporation in developing educational materials– including software. In this post, I would like to offer additional discussion of Pearson the For-Profit, Pearson the Nonprofit, and some friends both […]
Neville Hodgkinson of the Sunday Times on the AIDS Crisis and Non-Existent HIV Test

In 2000, I attended the second of two hearings called by President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa. He set up an AIDS Advisory Panel after learning of problems and uncertainties in AIDS science. For his trouble, Mbeki suffered intense criticism from the South African and indeed world media At the International AIDS Conference in Durban, there were people with placards saying, *“One dissident, one bullet”. * It was as though we were traitors in a war. But how can you fight a war when you don’t know who or what the enemy is? There is irrefutable evidence, for example, that TB, a mas... more »
Seriously now, is there any reason why Senator McCranky should be taken seriously about military matters -- or anything else?

*Is Young Johnny McCranky explaining to NY Senators Gillibrand and Schumer about his superior background and experience?* *"The strongest argument for Senator Gillibrand's approach [to curbing sexual abuse in the military] is that the military's been saying the right things for about thirty years on this, and the problem hasn't been fixed."* *-- Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), quoted by*The New Yorker*'s Evan Osnos* *by Ken* One of the many reasons I'm grateful for Paul Krugman's years of intrepid op-ed service is his ongoing crusade against the concept of "seriousness" as applied to alleg... more »
Bitcoin: What have you got?
*In this Guest Post, Paul Van Dinther invites your best arguments against the new digital currency Bitcoins.* At the moment I am tentatively *for *Bitcoins, but I am very keen to hear a good argument *against**.* Here is my own take at present. I have not yet heard what I consider a solid argument against Bitcoins. One of the video bloggers I enjoy listening to is Peter Schiff. He appears a man with great insights and I tend to agree with many of his views. Recently however Peter and many others have taken to criticising Bitcoin, offering a range of arguments against the new digit... more »
Updates On Syria [12.15]: New Victories By Saudi-US-British Backed Jihadists Spells Doom For FSA, Influential Shiite Cleric Issues Fatwa Saying "Fighting In Syria Is Legitimate," PYD Leader Salih Muslim Says Results of Geneva II Are Meangingless Without Recognition of Kurds
- * New Victories By Saudi-US-British Backed Jihadists Spells Doom For FSA (Fictitious Syrian Army)* *- Influential Shiite Cleric Issues Fatwa Saying "Fighting In Syria Is Legitimate" * *- PYD Leader Salih Muslim Says Results of Geneva II Are Meangingless Without Recognition of Kurds* *1. An excerpt from, "Rise of Islamic Front a disaster for Syria" Al Monitor, December 15:* The ascendance of the Islamic Front sends the Syrian opposition into further, and now near complete, disarray. This column on Oct. 27 wrote that the consequences of Saudi backing of Islamic armed groups was t... more »
Longest Walk 4 Sacramento today Dec. 13, 2013
. . Thanks to Western Shoshone Long Walker Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson for sharing photos of the Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz today with Censored News. The walkers five month journey culminates on Dec. 21 at Alcatraz, with a Sovereignty Gathering at Oakland Friendship House on Dec. 22.
Joe Oliver, Stephen Harper Oil Spill Response Fake Out

*Bitumen excluded from data for federal tanker study, documents reveal* * The possible effects of a bitumen spill on Pacific waters were not considered in the oil response preparedness report released last week by the Harper government, the background data study reveals.....** The Genivar study, however, does warn, that if the Enbridge Northern Gateway project does go ahead, the spill risk from diluted bitumen carrying tankers in Douglas Channel and along the north Pacific coast will jump from “low” or “medium” to “very high.” If the twinning of the Kinder Morgan pipeline goes ahea... more »
12 Academic Days of Christmas

Instead of the Monday linkage I thought I would start the 12 days of Academic Christmas. It represents that ‘to do’ list we all struggle to finish before the holidays. We’ll start with the first two and I’ll add another one each day- feel free to add suggestions! On the first day of Christmas my Continue reading

*"Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century"* François Mitterrand, then-minister of the Interior of France, 1957 *Clementine Churchill:* "General, you must not hate your friends more than you hate your enemies" *De Gaulle (in English):* "France has no friends, only interests." Once again, French television screens are full of images of joyous Africans welcoming French troops. In January, the French military intervened in Mali to help liberate large swaths of the country from *radical jihadists. *Now, for the second time this year, France has sent tr... more »
Did Christie's Inability To Control Himself Just Queer His Chances To Run For President? Bridgegate
Last week I was stunned when I heard Rachel Maddow's first report on how Chris Christie took revenge on a mayor for partisan differences by essentially shutting down the traffic on the country's busiest bridge for a few days. Turns out, it's the *world's* busiest bridge-- and Friday, Maddow did a little update (above). The words "dangerous sociopath" come immediately to mind. I wonder how many voters will see this as the ultimate example of why a self-entitled bully like Christie must be kept as far away from lethal power as possible. I sure hope so, because polls seem to show he... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
Same question, plus a bit more. What's the general consensus of neutral experts going to be by, oh, the end of March on how the ACA is working? Series of disasters? Surprisingly successful, given the fiasco in October? Too soon to know? Or something else? And what of Barack Obama's job in implementing the law. Presumably he'll still be knocked for October, but among liberals, will it look not so bad in retrospect? Sign of all that is wrong with his presidency? Demonstration that he makes at least his share of mistakes, but is good at recovering from them? Or something else?
Mobutu Sese Seko, Glenn Close and the AIDS Crisis

NOTE: The AIDS Crisis *began* in the Congo, in Kinshasa, around 1975. It first affected the (hetrosexual) black urban upper and middle-classes of the Congolese Civil Service, and is believed to have originated radiating outwards from two brothels known to be frequented by government officials and other elites as their primary or sole clientele. AIDS in Africa is primarily a hetrosexual disease and intravenous drugs use is incredibly rare. The US Embassy in Kinshasa was the regional station for all of Southern Africa - the illegal secret war in Angola was run from there, by Philip ... more »
Pope Francis

“There is nothing in the Exhortation that cannot be found in the social Doctrine of the Church. I wasn’t speaking from a technical point of view, what I was trying to do was to give a picture of what is going on. The only specific quote I used was the one regarding the “trickle-down theories” which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and social inclusiveness in the world. The promise was that when the glass was full, it would overflow, benefitting the poor. But what happens instead, is that when the g... more »

* Khadijah Azhari* What links model Khdijah to a top politician? *Top Moslem politician Luthfi, linked to illicit sex, money laundering and huge bribes.* Homophobic politicians who claim to be strong Christians or strong Moslems are usually liars and crooks. The scandal involving *Luthfi* began in January 2013. This was when anti-corruption investigators raided a Jakarta hotel room and found a man called *Ahmad* and a naked teenage student and 1 billion rupiah. *Ahmad* is a personal aide to *Luthfi *Hasan Ishaaq *Luthfi* Hasan Ishaaq was, until he was arrested, boss of Indonesia... more »
Who Needs the Debt Ceiling?

*Arguments about the U.S. debt ceiling refuse to go away. That’s a good thing, say Russell Lamberti in this Guest Post. The singular brilliance of the debt ceiling, he argues, is that it keeps reminding everyone that there is a growing national debt that never seems to shrink. That is a tremendous service to American citizens, and others, who live in the dark regarding the borrowing machinations of their political overlords.* US lawmakers reached a(nother) budget deal this week that will avert sequester cuts and shutdowns. These fiscal “roadblocks” supposedly damaged investor con... more »
Sunday Question for Conservatives
What's the general consensus of neutral experts going to be by, oh, the end of March on how the ACA is working? Series of disasters? Surprisingly successful, given the fiasco in October? Too soon to know? Or something else?
Democracy Is A Cesspool In Iraq And Everywhere Else
*Source. * Making the "world safe for democracy" is the dumbest idea man has ever come up with in his political history on earth. It's not surprising that the so-called leader who came up with this stupid slogan also gave the world the rotten Federal Reserve Bank. Woodrow fucking Wilson. The idiot to crown all idiots. A century later, Barack fucking Obama, a liberal-progressive in the tradition of Wilson, wants to make Syria "safe for democracy." Enough of this bullshit. Democracy is a cesspool in Iraq and everywhere else. The best thing Syria has going for it right now is Assad,... more »

*The Universal Declaration of human rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly of the United Nations* *65 years ago this week.* *The solution to the Israel / Palestinian problem starts and ends, as it eventually did in South Africa, with the restoration of human rights. Now the world's attention rightfully turns to the Garrison State of Israel where apartheid still rules and 650,000 Israel settlers are illegally living in Palestine territory: Allen L Roland * *Gaza from within the Garrison State* The Palestinian disintegration plot thickens as Gaza is recently flo... more »
Following a deadly U.S. drone strike on civilians in Yemen, members of a dozen peace groups wearing blue scarves gathered yesterday at the entrance of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. With guards and barricades on one side and cars whizzing by on Rt. 123 on the other, they held a vigil in memory of civilians, especially children, killed by U.S. drone bombings in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. “The CIA touts that drones are accurate,” said Jack McHale of Pax Christi USA to about 30 protestors from groups including CODEPINK and Veterans for Peace. But, he said, according to ... more »
Hypocrisy, thy name is King
As NYSED Commissioner King’s traveling Common Core forum circus makes its way around the Empire State we are seeing more and more hypocrisy from New York’s educational leader. Example #1: “Special Interests” I have watched several of the forums, read about others, and attended one. At the first forum in Poughkeepsie King called parents and […]
Against the Ruin of the World

A Camellia, in Charleston, South Carolina *Against the ruin of the world, there is only one defense - the creative act.* ~ Kenneth Rexroth*, **World Outside the Window* I found that quote in an essay written by Christy Rodgers which, thanks to the creative commons license, I am able to re-post (with deep gratitude) in its entirety, unmodified, other than to add some photographs. But let’s first start with an update of the last couple of weeks, since I’ve been very busy and unable to post here at Wit’s End. Does a road trip qualify as a creative act - performance art, perhaps? First... more »
A warning to teachers unions from collaborators in their demise, @teachplus
Teach Plus is a leadership development program (of sorts) for teachers in urban schools. Now, good leadership to me sounds like someone who distrusts party lines and examines issues from all angles. Our faculty was visited by Teach Plus one morning for a brief presentation, a lot of which focusing, oddly enough, on Common Core. […]
One Hundred KIPP 5th Graders in a Single Classroom on the Floor for a Week Until They "Earned" Their Desks
KIPP spends a great deal of money promoting their brand of total compliance segregated charter schools as the tough love, no excuses solution for schooling in urban communities disabled by poverty and the lack of hope. KIPP and its billionaire supporters contend that we cannot wait for an end to poverty to properly educate the children of the poor. No one I know would disagree with this premise, but everyone I know disagrees with KIPP's conception of what "properly educate" means. KIPP sees no irony in requiring the poorest urban children who have received the least in life to ear... more »
Sunday Classics: Three duets from three Verdi operas
*Marcelo Álvarez and Sondra Radvanovsky sing the Act II duet from Verdi's A Masked Ball at the Met, Dec. 8, 2012.* *by Ken* In Friday's preview we heard answering soprano and tenor snippets from three great Verdi duets, and I hope you heard what causes them, as I noted, to blend in my head. I assume you also guessed that, although the act numbers (I, II, and III) were given correctly, they weren't from the *same*Verdi opera. Today we're going to listen to a larger chunk from each duet -- still not the full scene, though perhaps one day we'll get to that. Even though the full duets... more »
Lardbaugh Should Pick His Victims More Carefully: Picking On Pope Francis May Backfire
By Manifesto Joe I don't know how many Roman Catholic "followers" Herr Rush Lardbaugh has, but he risks alienating many of them when he trashes the new pontiff, Pope Francis. Quoting recent e-mail alerts, on his radio "show" Herr Lardbaugh apparently referred to the pope as a "Marxist" and implied that Francis was bribed into urging the church toward more tolerant, more charitable (perhaps more CHRISTIAN) views about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. I confess to having a lot of blue-collar attitudes. When it comes to LGBT causes, I can't say that I've ever had a do... more »

Peter Woodruff and I have had a weekly radio show on WBOR at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine for the past six years. Peter works at Bath Iron Works and is a loyal union man. We've had past union leaders on the show. We talk politics, play commentaries, and put on good music connected to our theme that night. Peter has been the stalwart spending hours each week finding new music and timely commentaries for us to share with our midcoast audience. How many listeners? Know one knows. I used to ask folks to raise their hands high if they were listening so we could count them... more »
Anecdotes on teacher evaluation, horror-show edition @NCTQ
The DCPS IMPACT is considered by many to be a model for the nation, or it was in its heyday just a few years ago. It is now derided, disliked, and distrusted by nearly every DCPS educator with whom I encounter. If not for the impact of IMPACT, namely performance bonuses and the keeping of […]

I meet Betty Bowers for lunch at *Taco John's* in Des Moines. Betty is 'America's Best Christian' and she is keen to talk about the greatest conspiracy of all - the conspiracy to promote bisexuality and homosexuality. "I can put you straight," says Betty, "Praise the Lord!" Baptist Betty begins tucking in to her hard-shell taco, made with a prefabricated shell. "You know," says Betty "Even my pussy has become bisexual. "The people promoting the gay agenda are putting strange things in cat food. "And you know, my neighbour's son was recently seen wearing a pink shirt. "And his ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 15th, 2013
Sunday again, and of course time for my weekly rant... Is it just me? Or are others just as disgusted by the continuing world wide praise for the mass murdering terrorist known as Nelson Mandela. I for one cannot see what was so "great" about this man at all. He was a Communist, a terrorist, and definitely a mass murderer. He spent years in prison not for his stance against "Apartheid", but for his actions against the South African government. He called for the violent overthrow of a government, and rightfully should have been hanged for his acts of terrorism against the South ... more »
SWP: 'Comrade X' Resigns

The below comes from 'Comrade X', the woman who, like 'Comrade W' made a sexual assault complaint to the SWP's Dispute Commission about the alleged behaviour of a former leading member. Again, it is worth reiterating that "Delta" has never had charges brought against him and is entitled to the presumption of innocence like anyone else. The scandal, the putrescent stench has always been about the appalling handling of those allegations and hounding of alleged sexual abuse survivors by active SWP'ers. As you can see from X's resignation note (original here via Ciara Squires), her exp... more »
Libya updates- December 15 , 2013 ....Oil ports in Eastern Libya remain closed by Political Bureau of Cyrenaica, conditions not met allegedly by Libya nominal government .....petrol crisis in Tripoli hits third week.....fifty tons of ammunition destroyed in Misrata - that is good news......Sarir power station alleged to be restored to normal power by Wednesday.....more trial delays for Qaddafi aides as expected.....

Breaking News – Jadhran now refuses to open oil terminals *By **Aimen Eljali*. [image: Jadhran speaking today in Ajdabia (Photo: Nabba TV)] Jadhran speaking today in Ajdabia (Photo: Nabba TV) *Tripoli, 15 December 2013:* Ibrahim Jadhran, head of the self-styled Political Bureau of Cyrenaica, has refused to reopen oil ports in the east of the country, as promised, on the grounds that the authorities have failed to meet the conditions put forward by his federalist movement. Jadhran had said on Tuesday that he would reopen the oil export terminals at Sidra, Ras Lanuf and Zueitina today on... more »
Snowden still has 1.7 million docs. NSA considering amnesty. Is amnesty for real or just a lie to get Snowden and his documents back in US hands ? And how far does this proposed amnesty extend - are all Federal and State law enforcement Agencies who could potentially charge Snowden with civil , criminal and administrative charges , fines actions of any and all types really on board ? And what about Congress and the President - these parties on board ?

http://www.businessinsider.com/nsa-officials-are-considering-an-amnesty-for-edward-snowden-in-exhange-for-secret-documents-2013-12 ( Amnesty won't happen... think of what that could open up ? ) NSA Officials Are Considering An Amnesty For Edward Snowden In Exchange For Secret Documents [image: The Guardian] SPENCER ACKERMAN, THE GUARDIAN DEC. 15, 2013, 12:19 PM 261 2 - - inShare - - - EMAIL - MORE [image: Edward Snowden] Getty Images National Security Agency officials are considering a controversial amnesty that would return Edward Snowden to the United States... more »
Shocked, Shocked, I Tell You
As the outrages pile up, so does the outrage fatigue. So I'll be brief: Rich people get away with it. When plutocrats misbehave, they get special meetings with the attorney general and set the terms for their own deferred prosecution agreements. When garden variety rich people and spoiled brats misbehave they either go to celebrity rehab, or get off on a novel defense called *Affluenza.* So here's an idea for all you poor slobs out there. Next time you get arrested for robbing a bank because your unemployment and food stamps got cut off, try pleading not guilty on grounds of *Indi... more »
Do you think charter schools “know how to do middle school really well?”
According to DCPS Chancellor Kaya Henderson, charter schools “know how to do middle school really well.” When it comes to defining the phrase “really well,” are education reformers basing their narrative on quantity over quality, i.e. proficiency rates versus growth? What do you – @thechalkfacers – think? In this piece, you can compare the data […]
"According to [Washington's] self-righteous doctrine, America is the indispensable country.""A person might wonder what is exceptional and indispensable about a government that is a reincarnation of Nazi Germany in every respect. People propagandized into the belief that they are the world’s special people inevitably lose their humanity.""With the exception of the ACLU, constitutional rights groups and independent Internet voices, the American people including the Christian churches have accepted their government’s criminality and immorality with scant protest." -- Paul Craig Roberts

------------------------------ *Washington Drives the World Toward War — Paul Craig Roberts* ------------------------------ December 15, 2013 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *Washington Drives the World Toward War* Paul Craig Roberts Washington has had the US at war for 12 years: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and almost Syria, which could still happen, with Iran waiting in the wings. These wars have been expensive in terms of money, prestige, and deaths and injuries of bo... more »
Crown must prove the offence particularized
R. v. Sadeghi-Jebelli, 2013 ONCA 747: [23] When the Crown charges an accused with an offence, and particularizes the way the offence was committed, it must prove the offence as particularized in the charge. The Supreme Court of Canada affirmed this principle in *R. v. Saunders*, [1990] 1 SCR 1020 at 1023. McLachlin J. said: "It is a fundamental principle of criminal law, that the offence, as particularized in the charge, must be proved". So, for example, if the Crown charges an accused with trafficking in heroin, it cannot, without an amendment to the charge, obtain a co... more »
Fukushima updates - December 15 , 2013 - highly contaminated water in gutters and trenches - source may be reactor buildings...... #Fukushima I NPP: Workers Cleaning Out and Water-Proofing the Drainage Channel in Effort to Prevent Contaminated Water from Flowing into Ocean ( pity the poor workers doing that slave labor ) .... Fukushima is death by a thousand lies from Tepco and Government of Japan

drainage related issues - with high radiation naturally ....... http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/12/high-level-of-contamination-in-gutter-near-reactor2-tepco-doesnt-mention-the-possibility-of-reactor2-leakage/ High level of contamination in gutter near reactor2 / Tepco doesn’t mention the possibility of reactor2 leakage Posted by *Mochizuki* on December 14th, 2013 · 2 Comments Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services *Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.* Along a drain, ... more »
They Call That Accountability

Last week, the Harper government announced that it was going to tighten the rules on the transportation of petroleum by rail. But, for this government, the proclamation of the rules and the enforcement of them are mutually exclusive propositions. Cutbacks cripple enforcement. David McGuinty says: “My first concern is the cuts (are) beginning to take effect on the good people at Transport Canada,” he says. “There’s a serious capacity crisis.” Phil Gibson writes that the Harper government doesn't take the Ministry of Transportation seriously: Transport Canada has been “victimized... more »
Who is Watching the President...? - Part 247

"The VIP section was where Obama and dozens of other dignitaries sat, including former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. This area was protected by a short pane of protective glass that covered only those in the first row of seats. Obama and his wife were several rows back. Large crowds were allowed to gather in front of where Obama sat, with *no visible security nearby.* When Obama made his way to the stage to deliver his speech, a South African sign-language interpreter stood an arm's length away. *This man later described himself as schizophrenic with violent tendenc... more »
Vietnamese Woman Rendered Stateless in cruel, hypocritical, racist act

The Taiwan government renders a Vietnamese woman stateless for the crime of having an extramarital affair. This move, so obviously racist in every way... well, no need to comment further. FrozenGarlic describes: A few days ago, the media gave a tiny bit of coverage to the case of Wu Tsui-heng (武翠姮). Wu, who is originally from Vietnam, came to Taiwan in 2005 for work, married a Taiwanese man in 2006, got ROC citizenship in 2010, and gave up her Vietnamese citizenship. She had an extramarital affair, and her husband divorced her in 2011. This week the government notified her that it ... more »
Texas Is Afflicted By Affluenza
Growing up, I never knew any rich people. I'm sure I saw some in movies and on TV but it was like the tooth fairy or a white Santa Claus… not real. I had aspirations but they weren't tarnished and perverted by a lust for money; I was lucky. Susan Berman was my first wealthy friend. Like most wealthy heirs, her money was inherited from criminals. Her father was a Las Vegas mobster, David "Davie the Jew" Berman, a bank robber, crime boss of Minneapolis and, finally, a pioneer in the Vegas gambling business in association with the Genovese Family, Moe Sedway and Bugsy Siegel. Her pa... more »
* George Rodrigue dies at 69* *~Please also see: Musings of an Artist's Wife* *And Statement from the Rodrigue Family * *It’s Not A Trap ~The Angry Who Dat* *Saints vs. Rams 2013: Game Time, TV Schedule, Online Streaming, Radio, Odds and More ~Canal Street Chronicles* *Legislative auditor won’t review legality of levee board’s contract ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate* *Extra Caffeine Please ~Slabbed* *Sunday: Big Nine Social Aid and Pleasure Club second line parade ~Big Red Cotton, Gambit*
Prioritization of Individualized Programs has Completed
*Prioritization of Individualized Programs has Completed* by ÉirePort Prioritization of individualized programs has completed. Analysis of relevant Star Pattern contributions has begun and will continue for necessary time period. *Meritorious(1) procurements take precedence.* Flashes of Higher Light may be noticed as upgrades continue. ÉirePort | December 15, 2013 at 10:42 URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-qQ *(1) meritorious* Syllabification: (mer·i·to·ri·ous) Pronunciation: /ˈmeriˌtôrēəs/ adjective deserving reward or praise: a medal for meritorious conduct Law, chiefly North American ... more »
The BBC v free schools (2)

As you may recall, various right-leaning commentators took the BBC to task for spinning a recent report about free schools to make it look worse than it was. They accused the BBC of having an "anti-free schools bias". Toby Young, in particular, specifically charged BBC online education correspondent Hannah Richardson with having written a "misleading article", accusing her of "Left-wing bias". Just to test the grounds for this allegation, I've checked back through the BBC News website and tracked down all of Hannah's articles which focus (to a lesser or greater extent) on the iss... more »
A T Shirt for Princeton Students

Princeton University--the ivy league school known for its policy of "grade deflation"--has been experiencing a small outbreak of Meningitis B, for which students are now being vaccinated. Hence, this T shirt:
Dreams: Behind the Wall of Sleep

*Behind the Walls of Sleep* By Scott Corrales (c) 2013 *“But the dream is your enemy…”- Kate Bush* Research into dreams became mainstream in the 1960s thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. William Dement into the nature of sleep and dreaming. By the 1970s, even astronomer Carl Sagan was venturing into this territory in the pages of his landmark The Dragons of Eden from an anthropological and medical standpoint. “Statistical studies,” he writes, “have been made of the most common categories of dreams – studies which, at least to some extent, ought to illuminate the nature of dreams... more »
What constitutes a religion?

This morning's *Sunday *with Edward Stourton did mostly what you would expect *Sunday *with Edward Stourton to do. There were segments dealing with two of the programme's main obsessions - same-sex marriage and priestly abuse within the Catholic Church - plus three distinct features on Nelson 'Madiba' Mandela. The report on same-sex marriage featured a balanced range of voices but did what such reports tend to do on *Sunday*: End with the liberal point of view. (One day, when I've got some spare time, I'll properly test that hypothesis out). It looked at the continuing debate with... more »
Dr Rima Laibow - you heal yourself - 9/11 missile legacy
I was randomly talking to a person who turned out to be a Hypnotherapist the other day and the summary of that conversation is, "You hear yourself." Sure the hypnotherapist has a hand in putting your mind in the right attitude to heal itself, but the hypnotherpist doesn't heal you, you heal yourself. I kinda like how Rima Laibow explains how 'gut feeling' is based on the amount of SERATONIN in the gut as compared to the brain: the gut is an 'emotional entity'. Here's another person who also believes that, "You heal yourself," Dr Rima Laibow, wife of Major Albert Stubblebein III: ... more »

Child marriage. Roman women were married off at the age of thirteen. "In the middle ages, Girls were as young as 12 when they married, and boys as young as 17. *"Most of the time, women didn't even know the man before they wed.* "The arrangement of the marriage was based on monetary worth." Marriage - Medieval Times "The good bourgeois of fifteenth-century Siena ... remained convinced that, whatever the preacher said, *it was still better for their boys to chase boys than to mess with the virginity of girls of their own class."* *Sin, sex and the very alien morality of the Romans... more »
What America would look like without the EPA

Pretty much like Shanghai: For the seventh day this month, Shanghai officials have warned children and the elderly to stay inside in a city where 24 hours exposed to the off-the-charts pollution would have hazardous consequences to one’s health. Hundreds of flights and sporting events have been cancelled, while face masks and air purifiers sold out in stores. All week, the pollution level hovered at “heavily” and “severely” polluted, according to Shanghai’s Air Quality Index, at up to 31 times the recommended levels. [...] Officials have ordered vehicles off the road to curb air ... more »
Your moment of Zen

"Monster Sled" at Fenway starting 12/28. [photo via RedSox]
For uncertainty principle, against philosophy
Scott Aaronson was asked five questions about the "progress in philosophy". In this text, I will replace his talkative nonsensical answers by the concise and correct ones and clarify some of his minuderstandings of quantum mechanics, too. OK, the first question is: 1. Why are you so interested in philosophy? And what is the social value of philosophy, from your perspective? The social value of philosophy was hiding in its role of a subject that used to attract – and, to a lesser extent, still attracts – high-IQ people and makes them think about important questions. Historically, ph... more »
Hegemonic Warfare Watch: ADIZziness, while in Taiwan... *Sigh*

Well, well. The depressing global situation, which pits hegemonic powers against each other, when they need to be attacking global warming and the global economic downturn, just got a little more depressing this week with the US claim that a Chinese ship had attempted to ram a US ship (or create a collision -- take your pick) shadowing the task force around the Chinese carrier Liaoning (WashTimes, Reuters, WantChinaTimes). Such ramming actions are normal for the Chinese, as we have seen over the years, and the incident has the ring of truth. Meanwhile, back in ADIZ land, the commen... more »
Merry Christmas From Parliament Hill ,2013 Edition

*Merry Christmas From Parliament Hill ,2013 Edition* *Written by Robin Mathews* T’is some days before Christmas, and all through The House The PM’s voice drones. He’s attempting to douse The things being said there that all know are true And replace them with rancid and festering brew. His MPs are trained seals, with nary a brain – “Elected” there by voters, completely in vain. His Office is full of appointees with might - All ‘Truthful’ And ‘Honest’, ‘Upholding The Wright’. They strong-arm whoever might step out of line. Or they bribe (if it wor... more »
Old House on the way

I set out to put in some kilometers on the bike yesterday. Intending to ride down to the coast, I hopped on the 140, and then, as so often is the case, I had a never-been-on-this-road moment, and turned down the oddly named Chung-Miao 47 (this intersection). This turned out to be a pleasant, gentle downward sloping ride all the way to Yuanli through rice fields and old farmhouses. At one point I passed this old house and said to myself "Hmm, original wood! Have to have a look!" I turned into the driveway, where a man in his forties was eating breakfast. I asked if I could see the h... more »
Execs Got Bailout Bonuses/Pensioners Get Permanent Cuts? (Investing In Prestige - It's Not Charity, Folks!) JP Morgan Chase, the Foreign Corrupt Practice Act and the Corruption of America (Vampires Continue To Suck!)
They can own the mass media, who misrepresent every important event, but they cannot own our perceptions of it and them. We know when the Congress, whom we've elected to represent the interests of millions of common citizens, pass laws against our interests and in favor of those who pass riches to them for votes that favor their interests, industries and personal wealth. We are not confused.
Sandy Hook Hoax One Year Later: Fantastic Video - Sandy Hook Hoax Oscars Nominees 2013!
It is now just over one year since the Sandy Hook operation in Newtown Connecticut involving the use of poor actors, a fully compliant media in the hoax, and some other high paid shills…. I have yet to see any evidence that convinces me that this was real, and more and more from what I have seen and what has been sent to me by fellow real truth seekers, I am absolutely convinced that this was indeed an operation carried out to shock the American people into being fully compliant in the acceptance of more freedoms curtailed, and to push for gun control on the entire American nation!... more »
Third Way Strikes Back-- And Strikes Out
You know the famous old audio clip of FDR welcoming the hatred of Wall Street plutocrats? It was a long speech but, by far, that line, about welcoming the hatred of America's villains, got the loudest and most sustained applause. I don't mean to equate Adam Green of the PCCC with FDR, but if I were giving him any advise I would tell him to welcome the hatred the consultant-driven world of hacks that Buzzfeed services. "The group is seen as an irritant and a drain, a parasite on liberal successes and a direct-marketing machine better at raising money than at changing policy or win... more »
Common Core Math and Teaching to the PISA Test
Student Achievement Partners is the outfit headed by David Coleman that Achieve, Inc. and Bill Gates hired to write the Common Core corporate standards. Along with his two partners, Susan Pimentel and Jason Zimba, SAP raked in $3,942,566 in tax exempt money during 2011, alone (see 990 here). Coleman has had a number of other pursuits, including helping to found Michelle Rhee's Students First, and more recently being elevated to the top spot at ETS. Zimba, on the other hand, remains the guiding math light for the SAPs, whose staff has grown from 3 to 27. On December 13, SAP issued t... more »
With the mercy of the Lord, we survive yet another SantaCon

*NYT caption*: "*Here Comes SantaCon (Despite the Snow and Rain)*: *The annual costumed bar crawl, which has faced complaints from New York residents, went on despite the snow and cold temperatures."* *"For us, it's a tradition. And nothing is going to stop us."* *-- Amber Tyson, 32, who drove from Philadelphia to NewJersey, then took three trains to get to SantaCon NYC* *by Ken* For those of us unendowed with Holiday Spirit, it's the darkest of many fairly dim days strung from about Halloween (or is it Labor Day now?) through New Year's and beyond. I suppose it's just another pr... more »
The Rabbit has landed
From Universe Today : China scored a stunning, history making success with the successful touchdown of the ambitious Chang’e-3 probe with the ‘Yutu’ rover on the surface of the Moon today, Dec. 14, on the country’s first ever attempt to conduct a landing on an extraterrestrial body. The dramatic Chang’e-3 soft landing on the lava filled plains of the Bay of Rainbows occurred at about 8:11 am EST, 9:11 p.m. Beijing local time, 1311 GMT today. The monumental feat is the first landing on the Moon by any entity in nearly four decades. It was broadcast live on CCTV, China’s state run ... more »
Horus the Avenger on The Realist Report
Subscribe to *The Realist Report on YouTube* Check out *WhiteRabbitRadio.net* Subscribe to *WhiteRabbitRadioTV on YouTube* *The Mantra* *ASIA FOR THE ASIANS, AFRICA FOR THE AFRICANS, WHITE COUNTRIES FOR EVERYBODY!* *Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.* *The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote ass... more »
Having it All? A Male Academic’s Perspective

With Thanksgiving behind us and the winter holidays and family time approaching, the season encourages some stock-taking and reflection. We at the Duck have been having a bit of behind the scenes emailing about the challenges of finding child care, and I wanted to recount a happier story from my own experience here at the Continue reading
Dan Bacher's Photo Essay Native Americans protest at California Capitol
Dec. 13 Bay Delta Conservation Plan Protest Photo Essay by Dan Bacher Censored News "Turn the pages and you’ll discover what William Burroughs meant when he observed that, 'a paranoid schizophrenic is simply someone who’s discovered what’s going on,'" quipped Bill Jennings, Executive Director of the California Sportfishing Protection Alliance and board member of
Updates On Syria [12.14]: Washington Publicly Backs Al-Qaeda Sympathizers, Al-Qaeda Kidnaps 120 Kurdish Civilians, US-Backed Jihadists In Syria Pose Security Threat To Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics
*1. An excerpt from, "US Open to Backing Syria’s Islamist Rebels" by Jason Ditz, AntiWar.com, December 13:* But the goal must go on, apparently, and the White House now says its open to the idea of throwing its support behind the Islamic Front, a Salafist group that was involved in mass kidnappings and executions earlier this weekon the outskirts of Damascus. All the US is asking is that they disavow al-Qaeda, who was also involved in those executions. *It wouldn’t do for the US to be backing al-Qaeda, you see, but backing their ideological brethren so long as they’re at least nomin... more »
Movie Review - The Desolation of Smaug

Today was the last day of classes so Southern Man celebrated with a light dinner and drinks and then a double feature, in glorious IMAX 3D, of *The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey* at 8:30 and then the midnight release of *The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug*. Southern Man's fears (expressed in his original review of *An Unexpected Journey*) were put to rest tonight. Peter Jackson is handling the light-adventure and comic elements of the book with aplomb; for example, the conversation of the Mirkwood spiders is revealed only when Bilbo puts on The Ring. The film also clears up a ... more »
ObamaCare Updates December 14 , 2013 - Healthcare.gov fixed ? Don't bank on it ! October 1st and December 1st deadlines have come and gone , website woes continue.....And come January , more confusion likely as those folks who believe they signed up ( and perhaps even paid that first premium ) , find out the latest circle of hell from Obamacare and Healthcare.gov ! And as far as getting folks to pay - we shall how that plays out but it's not going swimmingly so far ...... Obamacare has even lost the confidence of the uninsured at this point ? That was a major part / point of this effort , right ?....

Weekend items - but first the prior post ! Catharsis Ours: *ObamaCare updates* - *December 9* - 13 , 2013 - top *...* Fixes they say ? Well , Fixes is not exactly the same as fixed...... WSJ: About those Healthcare.gov fixes … POSTED AT 2:01 PM ON DECEMBER 14, 2013 BY ED MORRISSEY The Obama administration insisted that they would have a working web portal for ObamaCare by October 1st, but they couldn’t even get people within a dozen clicks of determining their eligibility. Kathleen Sebelius tried pretending that all was well more than once in live events, only to have the webs... more »