The Final Frontier, Goodbye Dad

(Please read the below post and you will understand why I reposted this episode in my life..December 16th/2013) *Written By grant G* Anger, frustration, love, jealousy, followed by guilt, fear and finally loneliness........ I left humor out for that is the one secret that Dad and I shared exclusively, never cry, never tell, never show your weakness and when all else fails make people laugh, today my laughter rolls down my cheeks in the form of wet salty tears.... My postings have been down because of medical issues, trip after trip to the big smoke where my humour and presence... more »
The analysts cheer their Uncle Drum!
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013* *Drum comes fighting back:* Thirty minutes ago, spirits picked up among the analysts. Their spirits brightened after Kevin Drum offered this new post. It concerns M. Night Shyamalan’s rather peculiar recent statements concerning American education and/or test scores. For our previous post, click this. Shyamalan’s factual statements are crazily wrong. In his new post, Drum says he agrees, though not completely entirely. Here’s his basic framework: “Shyamalan is exaggerating, and I sloppily let it pass because I wanted to address what I thought was his ... more »
BC Liberals Murdered My Dad And Other Seniors At Burnaby General Hospital And Other B.C. Hospitals Over Politics And Trying To Avoid Bad Press

UPDATED AGAIN, December 16th/2013... Vancouver Sun through recent FOI documents has learned the Fraser Health officials and Government of British Columbia officials knew there was a major C Difficile outbreak ongoing at Burnaby General Hospital, and rather than posting warnings they allowed senior after senior patient and other younger patients to continue to enter that hospital, seniors who grab railings and walls for balance are the most vulnerable.. Documents show that the BC Liberal Government tries to squalch the information..This political cowardice resulted in the needless... more »

*Lisa Biron* We have some sympathy for Lisa Biron, an American lawyer. Lisa became an evangelical Christian Lisa went to work for the anti-gay Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), a network of lawyers aligned with the Christian right. In May 2013 Lisa was sentenced to 40 years in prison. From the New Hamphsire Concord Monitor: Lisa Biron "took a teenage girl to Canada, had her engage in sexual activity and convinced her to let it be filmed..." Other juveniles were subjected to Biron’s sexual activity and drug use. Is Pat Robertson gay? State representative Phillip Hinkle (Repub... more »
Rocketship Education, or Dud Missile?

From Alternet under the title *Charters Get Kids Cubicle Ready*: *Rocketship charter schools are backed by some of the biggest names in the tech world and claim high test scores. But the schools look a lot like miniature call centers.* *December 16, 2013 * | From Silicon Valley, the Rocketship chain of charter schools is hoping to expand across the country. It’s backed by some of the biggest names in the tech world and claims high test scores. Rocketship leaders brag that they think outside the box. Teachers, for instance—who needs them? The company says it saves half a million do... more »
Federal Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional

The NSA headquarters are pictured. | AP Photo *Judge: NSA phone program likely unconstitutional* http://www.politico.com/story/2013/12/national-security-agency-phones-judge-101203.html?hp=l2 *The ruling is the first significant legal setback for the NSA’s surveillance program. * By JOSH GERSTEIN | 12/16/13 1:36 PM EST A federal judge ruled Monday that the National Security Agency program which collects information on nearly all telephone calls made to, from or within the United States is likely to be unconstitutional. U.S. District Court Judge Richard Leon found that the program app... more »
*Koch Sucker oil group sues Louisiana AG over SLFPA-E wetlands lawsuit ~Kevin McGill, AP*
We had a big storm yesterday that brought about a foot of snow. I spent hours yesterday and today shoveling and raking off the roof. I enjoy being outside, particularly while the storm is still in motion, in the wind and swirling snow. For me it's a mystical experience and takes me back to my young days in blizzards while living in South Dakota. Those were great times for me in so many ways. The storm ended just in time for the driveway to be plowed and we lit the wood stove in our living room. Then just after it got dark key folks from our recent BIW corporate subsidy campaign ... more »
CBS TV's show '60 Minutes' used to break many important news stories. In recent years they've taken the dive and increasingly have become apologists for the corporate agenda. This particular show on the NSA runs cover for the agency in order to put the American people at ease. Of course the NSA is lying but what's new. They've fragmented the surveillance state system in such a way that they can offer this kind of "deny-ability about doing harm" and the corporate media has to let them slide. Such is the pervasiveness of the clamp down machine these days.
A Gentle Detox & Stress Reducer That You Can Do In Your Bathtub At Home

Source: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Living-with-Common-Sense/154468647938561 *I have taken such baths many times with good results. There are other oils you can use and this knowledge can be easily gotten with a little research. This treatment would be good for a number of aliments. Perhaps for those who have had chemo in the past or have taken drugs for many years and have stopped. These poisons froms vaccines, prescription drugs and chemicals in the environment can be stored in the body for many years.*
Holiday Pin Art

We introduced my 5-year-old to pin art this last week. You remember pin art from elementary school, right? A simple project with really pretty results. My 5-year-old was capable of doing it pretty much all by herself. She enjoyed it and it kept her busy for quite a long time. You will need: construction paper a coloring book page (in this case, we used holiday pages) a pin with a head on it tape Rip your coloring page out of the book and tape it to the center of the construction paper. We used mostly red and green paper for Christmas. Take the pin and poke small holes all around ... more »
Johnny Rocket Roppongi
This is a burger joint that sits a little above the superhighway that bisects Roppongi from the sky. Its something about Japan that I can not take away. Even though its a burger joint that want more money from me and you. It tried the burger it was not fine, it was even worse considering that from a twenty I would not be able to pay the smallest bar fine. But something about Johnny Rocket an American Invention was sitting high above Roppongi a area long remembered for other affections, makes me want to sit there , coldly staring at all the people who have no idea what it means to h... more »
Only one Rocket named Richard
The Rocket he ricochets in my brain like a oxy synapse gone wild, with a half life of a lifetime. Fire on Ice this is my life. Not an easy thing to do considering the dichotomy. (hey I spelled it write without spell check) I could not get a red glare in my eyes without compromise. I tried the pipe and I liked it. My eyes glows red and I was the Rocket brought up from the dead.
Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner Jr., Chair of the Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security Committee on the Judiciary, demands that the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper be removed from his position and prosecuted for lying to Congress. Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, defends Clapper as a “direct and honest” person. In this matter, I stand with the Republican.

------------------------------ Original Here Blogs / Ray McGovern's blog / Fire the Liar *Fire the Liar* *By Ray McGovern - Posted on 11 December 2013* Obama Urged to Fire DNI Clapper December 11, 2013 (Editor Note) Last March – before Edward Snowden revealed the NSA’s sweeping collection of phone and other data – Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said no such operation existed. Now, a group of ex-national security officials urge President Obama to fire Clapper. MEMORANDUM FOR: The President FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) SUBJ... more »
UN's Syria "Aid" Appeal is Bid to Relieve Trapped Terrorists

*December 17, 2013* (Tony Cartalucci) - In August 2011, the Telegraph reported in an article titled, "Libya crisis: Rebel leaders hoping to starve Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte into submission," that: Rebel leaders hope to starve Colonel Gaddafi's home town of Sirte into submission, laying siege to his last remaining stronghold in an attempt to avoid mass bloodshed, according to the man spearheading efforts for a peaceful takeover. Assisting them in the starvation of the 100,000 civilians who populated the coastal city of Sirte was NATO who rained bombs down upon the besieged city re... more »
Benjamin Fulford - Dec 16, 2013: Nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies

Monday, December 16, 2013 *Benjamin Fulford - Dec 16, 2013: Nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies* 2011 nuclear terror perpetrators in Japan to be included in ongoing Asian purge of cabal flunkies The execution last week of North Korean number 2 Jang Song Thaek and the arrest of former China security chief Zhou Yongkang mark the beginning of a purge of cabal influence in Asia, according to Chinese and North Korean sources. The purge has been long planned and will lead to the ouster of over 20,000 people, according to a Chine... more »
How Many Senate Seats With The Republican Civil War Cost The GOP Next Year?

I wish I could remember where I read it-- because it was so funny-- but I did come across an assertion that Mitch McConnell doesn't want to be Senate Majority Leader if he has to preside over a bunch of Know Nothing sociopaths that include Steve Stockman (R-TX), Joe Carr (TN), Milton Wolf (KS), Richard Cash (R-SC), Paul Broun (R-GA), Erick Bennett (ME), Chris McDaniel (MS). No need to mention Matt Bevin (KY), for obvious reasons. And then there are GOP extremists in non-Republican-held seats that can't be all that exciting to McConnell either-- Ron Maness in Louisiana, Greg Branno... more »
Glitch Gloating? Good
I'm not sure whether it was in response to my earlier item or not, but Andrew Sprung tweets: So constructive to have all hands in a major political party poised to highlight & gloat over every glitch in major new gov service. Presumably he's being sarcastic, but you know what? It is constructive! It's absolutely a good thing to have a major political party poised to highlight every glitch in what government is up to. Not so much the gloating, but that's not doing any harm. The highlighting is definitely a good thing. One of the strong points of the two-party system is that it leave... more »
Snow fell at the Sphinx in Egypt, for the first time in 112 years!

* On December 13th snow fell at the Sphinx in Egypt, for the first time in 112 years! *
"Cosmic Awareness" on the Nature of ISON...

*As with all channeled information use higher discernment as channelings are sometimes mixed with the personal beliefs and views of the channeler... I found this one of interest... -Bill* *Excerpted piece with info about ISON from the PDF of a channeling of "Cosmic Awareness" found HERE...* ...this Awareness is happy to announce that it can no longer be so, there are many reporting on Ison and the peculiarities of Ison. That they who try to squash will be unable to do so entirely. However, they will certainly mislead and those who do not wish to search deeper, who have no inter... more »
Rachel Maddow is a nightmare!
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013* *Rachel Maddow is Fox:* By now, there can be little doubt. Rachel Maddow is an official party-line, partisan hack. She’ll fill your head full of stupid shazam. Last Friday night, the current episode continued. For our previous report, click here. Good God! Once again, Maddow *opened her show* with a 17-minute segment about Chris Christie and the traffic lanes leading onto the George Washington Bridge. She could have been discussing something that actually matters—the interests of low-income children, let’s say. Rachel Maddow doesn’t care about the in... more »
Peter O'Toole

Peter James O'Toole (2 August 1932 – 14 December 2013) was an Irish actor. He attended the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art, and began working in the theatre, gaining recognition as a Shakespearean actor at the Bristol Old Vic and with the English Stage Company, before making his film debut in 1959. He achieved stardom playing T. E. Lawrence in Lawrence of Arabia (1962) for which he received his first Academy Award nomination. He received seven further Oscar nominations – for Becket (1964), The Lion in Winter (1968), Goodbye, Mr. Chips (1969), The Ruling Class (1972), The Stunt Man (... more »
On Measuring Changes in Income
To divert attention from the disastrous rollout of his health reform, President Obama has decided to change the national conversation to discuss increasing inequality. This phenomenon is not new--the trend started about four decades ago--but it is real and important. In case you are a new reader of this blog, you can find my personal views on the matter in this paper. This national conversation has generated renewed attention to the highly influential Piketty-Saez data. It is worth pointing out, therefore, some limitations of these data, which have been stressed by Cornell econom... more »
Murder Ruins Christmas for One Percenters

A guy gets shot to death at an upscale mall, and the ensuing investigation is interfering with conspicuous consumption at the only emporium in Jersey that caters to the obscenely wealthy. Oh the humanity. This was the actual headline in today's *New York Times*: *Fatal Carjacking Makes Christmas Shopping at US Mall a Nightmare* *Police on Monday were seeking an armed pair of suspected carjackers who a day earlier shot to death a man Christmas shopping with his wife at a high-end New Jersey mall and then fled in the couple's luxury SUV, prosecutors said.* Never mind a lifetime ... more »
Decarbonization Updates
While I was working on *The Climate Fix* I published several peer reviewed articles on climate policies of the United Kingdom, Japan and Australia. In recent months I have updated these analyses and summarize the updates here. (Note: for information and links to data sources, just click through to the various analyses referenced below). *United Kingdom* In my 2009 paper (here, open access) on the emissions reduction targets mandated by the UK Climate Change Act I wrote: Given the magnitude of the challenge and the pace of action, it would not be too strong a conclusion to suggest ... more »

The evil 'big meat' corporations, which supply fast food firms and supermarkets, run the equivalent of concentration camps. On a typical pig farm, 10,000 pigs are crammed into tiny cages, shit is piled three feet high, there are bleeding snouts and the cries of broken-legged pigs. Each pig spends four or five years in a tiny crate, is kept perpetually pregnant, is made sick from breathing in its own waste and is fed food packed with growth-promoting drugs, and garbage. Sometimes the factory farm workers torture the pigs. In factory farms, dairy cattle have teats leaking pus, ... more »
Nullification vs Article 5 Convention...
*important.* *From Reaganite Republican:* *Who's Next to Follow South Carolina's Lead on the FULL State Nullification of Obamacare? (Yoo-hoo, Rick Perry...)* *From Publius Huldah:* *Fair warning: * This article is lengthy with many links. It is not an easy read, but a very necessary read. *I happen to agree with this very brilliant woman. *Also please access her many links on the sidebar. A wealth of information. *Mark Levin Refuted: Keep the Feds in Check with Nullification, not Amendments!* [...] The claims of the nullification deniers have been proven to be false. To *... more »
Russia to dangle carrot of loan for Ukraine?
And perhaps lower gas prices? While the west offers up destabilization. *Irish Times* A Kremlin aide made clear today that* Russia was ready to extend a credit to Ukraine to help Kiev cope with its economic problems* and keep the country in Moscow’s orbit. Economic adviser Andrei Belousov said it was possible that a credit could be agreed at talks tomorrow between Russian president Vladimir Putin and Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich, who has turned to Moscow for help after spurning a free trade deal with the European Union last month. “I do not rule out that, if there is a re... more »
Blame Obamacare/Disappearing Obamacare
Kevin Drum notes that everyone is blaming Obamacare for things that would happen anyway, and that the incentive structure calls for this to continue, for a while at least. Sam Baker had a longer, and also good, item about this last week. I'm gonna be churlish and say: Called it! Way back when I was a wee baby blogger, and months before the ACA passed: On health care, it's safe to predict (if the bill passes) that even though few provisions will go into effect before the 2010 and 2012 election, Obama and the Democrats will totally own health care, at least for high-information GOP p... more »
Iraq Improves On World Bank Ranking Of Doing Business
For the last several years the World Bank has released its Doing Business report on laws rules, and taxes that regulate business around the globe. Iraq has done poorly on these reports since it has yet to shake off the yoke of years of socialist state-run economic planning from the Saddam years. As the United States Agency for International Development pointed out, Baghdad gives lip service to loosening the role of the government over the economy, while doing little in practice. Despite that Iraq did slightly better in 2013 than 2012 according to the World Bank due to some less c... more »
Trey Gowdy: Executive power overreach? President is abusing his power? ...
*starting the week off right.* South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy said Sunday that the Obama administration’s deliberate flouting of congressional law “has reached an unprecedented level,” claiming the time is now ripe for Congress to take the White House to court over executive overreach.
*Sean Payton is (rightfully) pissed off ~Federico Ferrari, Who Dat Dish* *Letter: With Oil & Gas Industry, state is subsidizing its own failure ~New Orleans Advocate* *In The Bagneris? ~Adrastos, Humid City* *Louisiana Tech opens digital trenchless technology reference room ~Shreveport Times* ~The Trenchless Technology Center evolved from the Trenchless Excavation Center at Louisiana Tech, established in 1989 by Tom Iseley, with a primary focus on microtunneling and horizontal directional drilling. Expanding its reach to other trenchless technologies, the structure and name was chan... more »
Special request...

I'm having some issues with my Mac since October, and its worse after upgrading my Mac to OSX Mavericks (which seems to have a few bugs that are not yet addressed). I need to revert my Mac to the prior release of OSX Mountain Lion so that I can do videos and timely blogging, the Mac "finder" app keeps crashing on me which is causing me no end of frustration. For those of you with PCs its the equivalent of Windows Explorer that your browse files with on the PC. I also really think my Mac was compromised once I announced I was coming to Morocco...its not been working correctly si... more »
Read Stuff, You Should
Happy Birthday to Steven Bochco, 70. I'm traveling and in meetings early this week, so posting may be sporadic, but that's no excuse for skipping the good stuff: 1. I mostly blame the mainstream conservatives who make up the bulk of the GOP conference for the shutdown; here's a perspective that puts Speaker Boehner at fault. I disagree, but plausible! 2. Josh Huder on the future of the filibuster. 3. And Dan Drezner: Yankees, or North Korea?
The War on Christmas

Yes, it's that time of year again when the silly season gets even sillier when right-thinking Christians impose on the rest of us how we ought to be spending a pagan holiday. Such as the above gift idea for that gun-clutching relative every family has and pretends to tolerate every Christmas. And what better way to silence blasphemous liberal tongues calling for background checks and national registries than to figuratively shoot their tongues off with these semi-auto ice cubes? Imagine the looks on your liberal relatives' faces when they look into their drinks and see this ba... more »
The Same People

As finance ministers meet today, Jim Flaherty argues that our fragile economy can't afford enhancing the Canada Pension Plan. It's the latest version of an old argument -- the very argument that got us into our mess in the first place. Paul Krugman writes that Flaherty's world view is at the heart of the problem, Focusing on the United States, he writes: Start with the numbers. On average, Americans remain a lot poorer today than they were before the economic crisis. For the bottom 90 percent of families, this impoverishment reflects both a shrinking economic pie and a declining ... more »
FIVE KEYS AND ELEVEN SOLUTIONS: M. Night Shyamalan, educational expert!
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 2013* *Part 1—Flamboyantly wrong on his facts:* Film director M. Night Shyamalan has been busy proving our various points. Five years ago, Shyamalan decided to become an educational expert. In September, he published a book with a lengthy title: “I Got Schooled: The Unlikely Story of How a Moonlighting Movie Maker Learned the Five Keys to Closing America’s Education Gap.” Are there really five keys to “closing America’s education gap?” If so, does Shyamalan know what they are? We’ll consider those questions later this week. For today, consider some things Sh... more »
Is Marijuana Legalization Now Part Of The Political Mainstream?
Over the weekend, David Freedlander did a story for the *Daily Beast* on The New Politics of Pot: The 2014 Candidates Who Want to Legalize It. "Forget decriminalization or medical marijuana," he wrote in way of introduction. "Bolstered by state ballot victories, top-tier contenders in 2014 are seeking full legalization, the drug’s highest-profile advocacy ever… Advocates for marijuana legalization say the 2014 elections represent the first time that serious, top-tier candidates for major state and federal offices are advocating for full legalization of the drug. The pro-pot cand... more »
Greece updates December 16 , 2013 - Lack Of Cash Flows Ends Greek Export "Miracle" ..... Health workers about to be placed in mobility scheme ......Greece close to deal with troika on EAS that would secure 1-bln-euro tranche ......... Report questions transparency of troika's use of financial consultants

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2013-12-16/lack-cash-flows-ends-greek-export-miracle Lack Of Cash Flows Ends Greek Export "Miracle" [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/16/2013 07:59 -0500 - China - Greece - Hong Kong - International Monetary Fund - Markit - World Trade inShare1 While cash flows may be an anachronism in a time when the return of the dot com bubble means only future corporate prospects of growth matter, and the lower the actual profits or earnings the greater the upside stock potential due to ridiculous future P... more »
Saudi involvement in 9/11 and the US cover up into the role that wealthy Saudi hardliners , Saudi diplomats and Intelligence Officers played in the high crimes ( helping not just financially but also logistically ) - slowly trickling to the surface with details and names of the Saudi Officials and Agents involved ! Fascinatingly , on the same date of this stunning report , we see a Saudi Prince blasting Obama as being indecisive - maybe he should all the Saudi taunt by being decisive about releasing the missing / redacted 28 pages of thee 9/11 Investigative report covering not just the role of the Saudis , but also the role of the US to cover for the Saudis . Maybe folk will ask why this has been allowed to not just happen , but still be covered up for all of these years ?

Two Congressmen claim secret report on 9/11 pins the blame on Saudi Arabia POSTED AT 8:23 AM ON DECEMBER 16, 2013 BY ED MORRISSEY What we *know* from the New York Post’s report on the claim from Democratic Rep. Stephen Lynch and Republican Rep. Walter Jones is that two administrations have kept 28 pages of a 2002 report on the 9/11 so highly classified that they don’t contain redactions — just an ellipsis noting their absence. Lynch and Jones claim that the report from Congress after the attacks that left 3,000 Americans dead contain material that “absolutely shocked” them — a... more »
Argentina: More on the "Giant Humanoid" Photograph

We are still awaiting an official analysis from Luis Burgos and the FAO team on the nature of the alleged "Giant Humanoid" photograph taken on the beaches of Necochea. In the meantime, *Mundo Esotérico Paranormal* ( *http://www.mundoesotericoparanormal.com/fotografia-muestra-humanoide-gigante-argentina/*) had the following to say on its 10 December 2013 post, translated below: *Photograph Displays a Giant Humanoid* *MEP - 10 December 2013* *Last year, media reported on a surprising photograph that appeared to show a transparent alien creature photographed by a police officer ... more »
Links n stuff

Todays factoid, from a discussion on Forumosa: "I'm sure it is true of civil servants all over the world, but Taiwan may be a special case. A quick Google search shows that the US fires 0.55% of federal employees each year. Taiwan has about 320,000 civil servants (including employees of state enterprises). If it fired at the rate the US government does, you would expect to see 1,760 civil servants lose their job each year. Taking a quick look at the 2012 statistics from the "Commission on the Disciplinary Sanctions of Functionaries", it appears that just 15 civil servants lost the... more »
Thailand: Ending the Regime's "Red Terror"

Breaking down the barriers of fear and intimidation. *December 16, 2013* (Tony Cartalucci) - The Bangkok Post reported today in their article titled, "Reds surround Dem house, burn effigy," that: About 100 red-shirt demonstrators rallied in Ubon Ratchathani province on Sunday against the anti-government People's Democratic Reform Committee (PDRC) movement. Pichet Tabudda led the red shirts to block an outbound section of Chaeng Sanit Road in front of former Democrat list-MP Vithoon Nambut's home in Muang district. The demonstrators blasted PDRC leaders, including former Democrat ... more »
A common mistake but surely the BBC should know better
This BBC article about 10 common Christmas card dilemmas makes a rather stupid, albeit common, mistake. Number 2 dilemma runs thus: *2. Round robin revival? * The round robin letter - usually sent out with the Christmas cards - has become something of a seasonal joke. "Darling Theo is doing frightfully well in his eurhythmy lessons at Charterhouse - and little Imogen has gone back to advising Ban Ki-moon at the UN." Simon Hoggart, Guardian columnist and author of The Cat That Could Open the Fridge, a collection of round robin letters, is not a fan. "Round robins are hopeless because ... more »
Can you spot any pattern?

This is a French language map of the countries in the world where the penalty for homosexuality is death (marked in red), where it is a prison sentence of over 10 years (marked in orange) or a prison sentence of less than 10 years (marked in yellow). Can you spot any pattern?
Soldiers's Suicides: Too Little, Too Late
So retired general Rick Hillier is calling for action, a public inquiry, a Royal Commission, something, into the recent spate of soldier suicides, and, as well, he offers qualified criticism of the harpercons' Veterans Charter: The other area Hillier pointed to for improvement was the new Veterans Charter, in particular the part of the charter that replaced a pension for life or payment system with lump-sum awards and allowances. "Many of us, certainly, almost all of us, agree that the charter is now lacking," he said. He said the system now does not provide ill and injured veterans... more »
Stephen Harper`s Relentless attack on Canadian Workers Exposed

As written here many times, Canada`s current advertised by the Federal Government labour shortage in Canada is nothing but BS and a deliberate attempt to drive down wages.. Read the shocking story here..courtesy *The Tyee...* _________ *As Foreign Temp Program Rolls on, Oil Patch Workers Replaced* * http://thetyee.ca/News/2013/12/16/Oil-Patch-Workers-Replaced/* *________*and for good measure, a double shot of Stephen Harper hypocrisy..courtesy *The Tyee* *______*http://thetyee.ca/Opinion/2013/12/16/Harper-Mandela/ The Straight GoodsCheers Eyes Wide Open
State Legislators Propose Changing Constitution To Limit Federal Government by Tara Dodrill

State Legislators Propose Changing Constitution To Limit Federal Government by Tara Dodrill Off The Grid News, 14 December 2013 A movement to call a constitutional convention and tweak America’s founding document in order to limit the federal government appears to be gaining momentum among conservatives. Approximately 100 legislators from a total of 32 states recently converged at George Washington’s home in Mount Vernon, Virginia, to debate the possibility of calling a convention of the states. Article V of the US Constitution details the process state lawmakers could utilize... more »

*One of the most beloved of Roman emperors, Trajan, who was also well known for his homosexuality and fondness for young males. * Before the Roman Empire became Christian, several of the Roman Emperors were in same-sex marriages. Timeline In the year 390, the Christian emperors Valentinian II, Theodosius I and Arcadius declared that homosexual sex was illegal and that those who engaged in gay sex were to be burned alive in public.[22] In the year 390, the Christians began burning homosexual boys in Rome. Sin, sex and the very alien morality of the Romans *Saint Bernardino of Sien... more »
Sony Xperia E2 Hadir di 2014
Sony diberitakan akan segera merilis sebuah smartphone android baru yang masih dalam varian Xperia E di tahun 2014 mendatang. Nantinya smartphone yang akan beredar ke pasaran dengan nama Sony Xperia E2 ini sudah menggunakan Android 4.4 KitKat sebagai OS dan akan mendukung aktivitas penggunanya hingga jaringan 4G LTE. Selain itu, berdasarkan lansiran tersebut, smartphone Xperia E2 ini juga akan
Smartfren Andromax I2 dan Andromax G Resmi Meluncur
Smartfren Andromax I2 dan Andromax G Resmi Meluncur. HP Android tersebut diluncurkan untuk memenuhi harapan masyarakan akan HP android harga terjangkau dengan spesifikasi yang mumpuni serta fitur-fitur terbaru. Smartfren Andromax I2 adalah smartphone penerus dari generasi Andromax New-I. Andromax I2 hadir dengan desain lebih tipis dengan ukuran 9,9 mm dengan sistem operasi Android 4.1
PlayStation 4 Masuk Indonesia pada Januari 2014
Akhirnya perangkat game terbaru PlayStation 4 dipastikan hadir di Indonesia pada january 2014. Sony secara resmi sudah memulai penjualan perangkat ini di Asia Tenggara, dengan salah satu negara sasarannya adalah Indonesia. Kedatangan PlayStation 4 di Indonesia akan diresmikan pada Januari 2014 mendatang. Rilis ini sama dengan beberapa negara Asia Tenggara lainnya seperti Thailand, Filipina, dan
Hasil Benchmark Xperia Z1 Mini
Hasil Benchmark Xperia Z1 Mini terungkap di media. Hampir dapat dipastikan versi mini dari Xperia Z1 bakal mengusung sebutan Xperia Z1s. Tidak seperti versi mini dari hp android kelas atas lainnya yang hadir dengan spesifikasi yang lebih rendah, Xperia Z1s menggunakan jeroan yang persis dengan Xperia Z1. Berdasarkan data resmi yang dimiliki oleh AnTuTu, Xpria Z1 tercatat memiliki skor sebesar
Your moment of Zen

Aurora Borealis over Iceland. [NASA photo]
And that's that
Just as a coda to the BBC's Nelson Mandela coverage, here's some more statistical evidence that the BBC went OTT with its coverage. Comparing the number of BBC website articles that were published about Margaret Thatcher over the ten days between her death and funeral (8-18 April 2013) with those published about Nelson Mandela over the ten days between his death and funeral (5-15 December 2013) reveals: *287 *News articles about Margaret Thatcher on the BBC website following her death *451 *News articles about Nelson Mandela on the BBC website following his death ...which is* 57%... more »
Steve Israel And Paul Ryan-- Working Together To Screw Military Veterans

Israel and Ryan, bad for veterans, bad for America Although the NRCC has a deal with Steve Israel not to back Republicans who oppose his reelection efforts, Stephen Labate, a straight-shooting 25-year Army officer now in the Army Reserve, is taking him on again. On Friday, after the Ryan-Murray "compromise" passed in the House, Labate explained how Israel-- and Paul Ryan, so, essentially, the corrupt transpartisan Beltway Establishment-- betrayed military veterans to benefit their wealthy campaign contributors who are part of the Military Industrial Complex. "Yesterday," wrote Labate... more »
Peter Norman and the Black Power Salute

"They asked Norman if he believed in human rights. He said he did. They asked him if he believed in God. Norman, who came from a Salvation Army background, said he believed strongly in God. We knew that what we were going to do was far greater than any athletic feat. He said, *'I'll stand with you'*." Carlos said he expected to see fear in Norman's eyes. He didn't; I saw love." 15 PETER NORMAN The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the motion of Dr Leigh— That this House: (1) recognises the extraordinary athletic achievements of the lat... more »
The Global Warming Hoax: The UN Global Warming Hoax Is Slowly Dying (To Me, Not Fast Enough!)

Up here, in central Canada (and yes, Toronto is not central Canada), the temperatures this time of year have been absolutely unbearable... Right now, we are experiencing temperatures that we usually do not get until mid-January! Everywhere across the Canadian prairies, we have seen recent record cold temperatures, with daily highs not getting anywhere above -20 degrees Celcius (That's -5 Fahrenheit for those still on the non-metric scale). Overnight lows have plunged to the -35C mark (-30F) and wind chill values have been in the -40C (-40F) range... People have noticed this unseas... more »
Rush Limbaugh, the Half-Billion-Dollar Mouthpiece for 1% Rightwing Billionaires, Attacks The New Pope For Them

Rush Limbaugh has attacked women by calling them sluts & FemiNazis, he attacks poor people, unions, people fighting for a living wage, muslims, made fun of Michael J. Fox's disease, people without health care, and so on. But can something be the ULTIMATE that he could never top? I think he finally did the ULTIMATE: he attack the new Pope! You can't get any higher than the Pope: *Pope Francis Rebukes "Marxist" Attack From Rush Limbaugh & Conservative Media* Rush Limbaugh's "dittoheads" think RUSH is the Pope! That's why he gets away with this. What did the Pope do? He spoke about... more »
“Is it my job to feed my neighbour’s child? I don’t think so.” UPDATED
That, from Harper Industry Minister and Harper MP for Port Moody, James Moore when questioned on the embarrassing levels of child poverty in British Columbia. The only words that don't fail me are, Fucking selfish ... greedy ... scumbag. Typical bloody-minded right-wing puke. Charles Dickens wrote books about people like James Moore. UPDATE: Moore is now claiming he was taken out of context.
Congress and Federal Reserve continue to gun the pedal - and they won't stop until there is a buyer's strike by foreign buyers of US debt ... Peter Schiff takes the Budget Deal to task , while Russell Lamberti of the Ludwig von Mises Institute hashes notion of trashing the debt ceiling.... Affluenza defense gets one kid off a dui deaths of four " not one percenters " ? ? Heck that is nothing considering what the bankster" one tenth of one percenters " have gotten away with and will continue to get away with .... Affluenza on HGH AND Steroids !

Peter Schiff Bashes "Feeble And Fictitious" Budget Deal [image: Tyler Durden's picture] Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/15/2013 20:28 -0500 - 30 Year Treasury - Bond - Congressional Budget Office - Gross Domestic Product - Obamacare - Peter Schiff - Quantitative Easing - ratings - White House inShare David Stockman's exclamation at the "betrayal" realized within the latest so-called "festerng fiscal" budget deal is taken a step further withPeter Schiff's head-shaking diatribe on Congress' *inability to show that it is truly "capable of tack... more »
About Pearson, the Golden Goose State Standards, And Then Some
On December 13, 2013, Pearson, Inc., agreed to pay a $7.7 million settlement for allegedly using its nonprofit, Pearson Charitable Foundation (PCF), to assist its profit-making parent corporation in developing educational materials– including software. In this post, I would like to offer additional discussion of Pearson the For-Profit, Pearson the Nonprofit, and some friends both […]
Neville Hodgkinson of the Sunday Times on the AIDS Crisis and Non-Existent HIV Test

In 2000, I attended the second of two hearings called by President Thabo Mbeki of South Africa. He set up an AIDS Advisory Panel after learning of problems and uncertainties in AIDS science. For his trouble, Mbeki suffered intense criticism from the South African and indeed world media At the International AIDS Conference in Durban, there were people with placards saying, *“One dissident, one bullet”. * It was as though we were traitors in a war. But how can you fight a war when you don’t know who or what the enemy is? There is irrefutable evidence, for example, that TB, a mas... more »
Seriously now, is there any reason why Senator McCranky should be taken seriously about military matters -- or anything else?

*Is Young Johnny McCranky explaining to NY Senators Gillibrand and Schumer about his superior background and experience?* *"The strongest argument for Senator Gillibrand's approach [to curbing sexual abuse in the military] is that the military's been saying the right things for about thirty years on this, and the problem hasn't been fixed."* *-- Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), quoted by*The New Yorker*'s Evan Osnos* *by Ken* One of the many reasons I'm grateful for Paul Krugman's years of intrepid op-ed service is his ongoing crusade against the concept of "seriousness" as applied to alleg... more »
Bitcoin: What have you got?
*In this Guest Post, Paul Van Dinther invites your best arguments against the new digital currency Bitcoins.* At the moment I am tentatively *for *Bitcoins, but I am very keen to hear a good argument *against**.* Here is my own take at present. I have not yet heard what I consider a solid argument against Bitcoins. One of the video bloggers I enjoy listening to is Peter Schiff. He appears a man with great insights and I tend to agree with many of his views. Recently however Peter and many others have taken to criticising Bitcoin, offering a range of arguments against the new digit... more »
Updates On Syria [12.15]: New Victories By Saudi-US-British Backed Jihadists Spells Doom For FSA, Influential Shiite Cleric Issues Fatwa Saying "Fighting In Syria Is Legitimate," PYD Leader Salih Muslim Says Results of Geneva II Are Meangingless Without Recognition of Kurds
- * New Victories By Saudi-US-British Backed Jihadists Spells Doom For FSA (Fictitious Syrian Army)* *- Influential Shiite Cleric Issues Fatwa Saying "Fighting In Syria Is Legitimate" * *- PYD Leader Salih Muslim Says Results of Geneva II Are Meangingless Without Recognition of Kurds* *1. An excerpt from, "Rise of Islamic Front a disaster for Syria" Al Monitor, December 15:* The ascendance of the Islamic Front sends the Syrian opposition into further, and now near complete, disarray. This column on Oct. 27 wrote that the consequences of Saudi backing of Islamic armed groups was t... more »
Longest Walk 4 Sacramento today Dec. 15, 2013
. . Thanks to Western Shoshone Long Walker Carl 'Bad Bear' Sampson for sharing photos of the Longest Walk 4 Return to Alcatraz today with Censored News. The walkers five month journey culminates on Dec. 21 at Alcatraz, with a Sovereignty Gathering at Oakland Friendship House on Dec. 22.
Joe Oliver, Stephen Harper Oil Spill Response Fake Out

*Bitumen excluded from data for federal tanker study, documents reveal* * The possible effects of a bitumen spill on Pacific waters were not considered in the oil response preparedness report released last week by the Harper government, the background data study reveals.....** The Genivar study, however, does warn, that if the Enbridge Northern Gateway project does go ahead, the spill risk from diluted bitumen carrying tankers in Douglas Channel and along the north Pacific coast will jump from “low” or “medium” to “very high.” If the twinning of the Kinder Morgan pipeline goes ahea... more »
12 Academic Days of Christmas

Instead of the Monday linkage I thought I would start the 12 days of Academic Christmas. It represents that ‘to do’ list we all struggle to finish before the holidays. We’ll start with the first two and I’ll add another one each day- feel free to add suggestions! On the first day of Christmas my Continue reading

*"Without Africa, France will have no history in the 21st century"* François Mitterrand, then-minister of the Interior of France, 1957 *Clementine Churchill:* "General, you must not hate your friends more than you hate your enemies" *De Gaulle (in English):* "France has no friends, only interests." Once again, French television screens are full of images of joyous Africans welcoming French troops. In January, the French military intervened in Mali to help liberate large swaths of the country from *radical jihadists. *Now, for the second time this year, France has sent tr... more »
Did Christie's Inability To Control Himself Just Queer His Chances To Run For President? Bridgegate
Last week I was stunned when I heard Rachel Maddow's first report on how Chris Christie took revenge on a mayor for partisan differences by essentially shutting down the traffic on the country's busiest bridge for a few days. Turns out, it's the *world's* busiest bridge-- and Friday, Maddow did a little update (above). The words "dangerous sociopath" come immediately to mind. I wonder how many voters will see this as the ultimate example of why a self-entitled bully like Christie must be kept as far away from lethal power as possible. I sure hope so, because polls seem to show he... more »
Sunday Question for Liberals
Same question, plus a bit more. What's the general consensus of neutral experts going to be by, oh, the end of March on how the ACA is working? Series of disasters? Surprisingly successful, given the fiasco in October? Too soon to know? Or something else? And what of Barack Obama's job in implementing the law. Presumably he'll still be knocked for October, but among liberals, will it look not so bad in retrospect? Sign of all that is wrong with his presidency? Demonstration that he makes at least his share of mistakes, but is good at recovering from them? Or something else?
Mobutu Sese Seko, Glenn Close and the AIDS Crisis

NOTE: The AIDS Crisis *began* in the Congo, in Kinshasa, around 1975. It first affected the (hetrosexual) black urban upper and middle-classes of the Congolese Civil Service, and is believed to have originated radiating outwards from two brothels known to be frequented by government officials and other elites as their primary or sole clientele. AIDS in Africa is primarily a hetrosexual disease and intravenous drugs use is incredibly rare. The US Embassy in Kinshasa was the regional station for all of Southern Africa - the illegal secret war in Angola was run from there, by Philip ... more »
Pope Francis

“There is nothing in the Exhortation that cannot be found in the social Doctrine of the Church. I wasn’t speaking from a technical point of view, what I was trying to do was to give a picture of what is going on. The only specific quote I used was the one regarding the “trickle-down theories” which assume that economic growth, encouraged by a free market, will inevitably succeed in bringing about greater justice and social inclusiveness in the world. The promise was that when the glass was full, it would overflow, benefitting the poor. But what happens instead, is that when the g... more »

* Khadijah Azhari* What links model Khdijah to a top politician? *Top Moslem politician Luthfi, linked to illicit sex, money laundering and huge bribes.* Homophobic politicians who claim to be strong Christians or strong Moslems are usually liars and crooks. The scandal involving *Luthfi* began in January 2013. This was when anti-corruption investigators raided a Jakarta hotel room and found a man called *Ahmad* and a naked teenage student and 1 billion rupiah. *Ahmad* is a personal aide to *Luthfi *Hasan Ishaaq *Luthfi* Hasan Ishaaq was, until he was arrested, boss of Indonesia... more »
Who Needs the Debt Ceiling?

*Arguments about the U.S. debt ceiling refuse to go away. That’s a good thing, say Russell Lamberti in this Guest Post. The singular brilliance of the debt ceiling, he argues, is that it keeps reminding everyone that there is a growing national debt that never seems to shrink. That is a tremendous service to American citizens, and others, who live in the dark regarding the borrowing machinations of their political overlords.* US lawmakers reached a(nother) budget deal this week that will avert sequester cuts and shutdowns. These fiscal “roadblocks” supposedly damaged investor con... more »
Sunday Question for Conservatives
What's the general consensus of neutral experts going to be by, oh, the end of March on how the ACA is working? Series of disasters? Surprisingly successful, given the fiasco in October? Too soon to know? Or something else?
Democracy Is A Cesspool In Iraq And Everywhere Else
*Source. * Making the "world safe for democracy" is the dumbest idea man has ever come up with in his political history on earth. It's not surprising that the so-called leader who came up with this stupid slogan also gave the world the rotten Federal Reserve Bank. Woodrow fucking Wilson. The idiot to crown all idiots. A century later, Barack fucking Obama, a liberal-progressive in the tradition of Wilson, wants to make Syria "safe for democracy." Enough of this bullshit. Democracy is a cesspool in Iraq and everywhere else. The best thing Syria has going for it right now is Assad,... more »

*The Universal Declaration of human rights was adopted by the UN General Assembly of the United Nations* *65 years ago this week.* *The solution to the Israel / Palestinian problem starts and ends, as it eventually did in South Africa, with the restoration of human rights. Now the world's attention rightfully turns to the Garrison State of Israel where apartheid still rules and 650,000 Israel settlers are illegally living in Palestine territory: Allen L Roland * *Gaza from within the Garrison State* The Palestinian disintegration plot thickens as Gaza is recently flo... more »
Following a deadly U.S. drone strike on civilians in Yemen, members of a dozen peace groups wearing blue scarves gathered yesterday at the entrance of CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia. With guards and barricades on one side and cars whizzing by on Rt. 123 on the other, they held a vigil in memory of civilians, especially children, killed by U.S. drone bombings in Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. “The CIA touts that drones are accurate,” said Jack McHale of Pax Christi USA to about 30 protestors from groups including CODEPINK and Veterans for Peace. But, he said, according to ... more »
Hypocrisy, thy name is King
As NYSED Commissioner King’s traveling Common Core forum circus makes its way around the Empire State we are seeing more and more hypocrisy from New York’s educational leader. Example #1: “Special Interests” I have watched several of the forums, read about others, and attended one. At the first forum in Poughkeepsie King called parents and […]
Against the Ruin of the World

A Camellia, in Charleston, South Carolina *Against the ruin of the world, there is only one defense - the creative act.* ~ Kenneth Rexroth*, **World Outside the Window* I found that quote in an essay written by Christy Rodgers which, thanks to the creative commons license, I am able to re-post (with deep gratitude) in its entirety, unmodified, other than to add some photographs. But let’s first start with an update of the last couple of weeks, since I’ve been very busy and unable to post here at Wit’s End. Does a road trip qualify as a creative act - performance art, perhaps? First... more »
A warning to teachers unions from collaborators in their demise, @teachplus
Teach Plus is a leadership development program (of sorts) for teachers in urban schools. Now, good leadership to me sounds like someone who distrusts party lines and examines issues from all angles. Our faculty was visited by Teach Plus one morning for a brief presentation, a lot of which focusing, oddly enough, on Common Core. […]
One Hundred KIPP 5th Graders in a Single Classroom on the Floor for a Week Until They "Earned" Their Desks
*Last updated 12/15/13*: The Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP) is the largest corporate charter school chain in the U. S, with 141 schools and 50,000 students in 20 states. KIPP was launched in 1994 by David Levin and Michael Feinberg, two former Ivy-Leaguers and Teach for America (TFA) corps members assigned to teach in Houston, where the first KIPP school was created. Since 2000 when KIPP students performed a skit at the Republican National Convention, KIPP has become the poster school model for “no excuses” education, and today it receives hundreds of millions in donations from... more »
Sunday Classics: Three duets from three Verdi operas
*Marcelo Álvarez and Sondra Radvanovsky sing the Act II duet from Verdi's A Masked Ball at the Met, Dec. 8, 2012.* *by Ken* In Friday's preview we heard answering soprano and tenor snippets from three great Verdi duets, and I hope you heard what causes them, as I noted, to blend in my head. I assume you also guessed that, although the act numbers (I, II, and III) were given correctly, they weren't from the *same*Verdi opera. Today we're going to listen to a larger chunk from each duet -- still not the full scene, though perhaps one day we'll get to that. Even though the full duets... more »
Lardbaugh Should Pick His Victims More Carefully: Picking On Pope Francis May Backfire
By Manifesto Joe I don't know how many Roman Catholic "followers" Herr Rush Lardbaugh has, but he risks alienating many of them when he trashes the new pontiff, Pope Francis. Quoting recent e-mail alerts, on his radio "show" Herr Lardbaugh apparently referred to the pope as a "Marxist" and implied that Francis was bribed into urging the church toward more tolerant, more charitable (perhaps more CHRISTIAN) views about gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people. I confess to having a lot of blue-collar attitudes. When it comes to LGBT causes, I can't say that I've ever had a do... more »

Peter Woodruff and I have had a weekly radio show on WBOR at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Maine for the past six years. Peter works at Bath Iron Works and is a loyal union man. We've had past union leaders on the show. We talk politics, play commentaries, and put on good music connected to our theme that night. Peter has been the stalwart spending hours each week finding new music and timely commentaries for us to share with our midcoast audience. How many listeners? Know one knows. I used to ask folks to raise their hands high if they were listening so we could count them... more »
Anecdotes on teacher evaluation, horror-show edition @NCTQ
The DCPS IMPACT is considered by many to be a model for the nation, or it was in its heyday just a few years ago. It is now derided, disliked, and distrusted by nearly every DCPS educator with whom I encounter. If not for the impact of IMPACT, namely performance bonuses and the keeping of […]

I meet Betty Bowers for lunch at *Taco John's* in Des Moines. Betty is 'America's Best Christian' and she is keen to talk about the greatest conspiracy of all - the conspiracy to promote bisexuality and homosexuality. "I can put you straight," says Betty, "Praise the Lord!" Baptist Betty begins tucking in to her hard-shell taco, made with a prefabricated shell. "You know," says Betty "Even my pussy has become bisexual. "The people promoting the gay agenda are putting strange things in cat food. "And you know, my neighbour's son was recently seen wearing a pink shirt. "And his ... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 15th, 2013
Sunday again, and of course time for my weekly rant... Is it just me? Or are others just as disgusted by the continuing world wide praise for the mass murdering terrorist known as Nelson Mandela. I for one cannot see what was so "great" about this man at all. He was a Communist, a terrorist, and definitely a mass murderer. He spent years in prison not for his stance against "Apartheid", but for his actions against the South African government. He called for the violent overthrow of a government, and rightfully should have been hanged for his acts of terrorism against the South ... more »
SWP: 'Comrade X' Resigns

The below comes from 'Comrade X', the woman who, like 'Comrade W' made a sexual assault complaint to the SWP's Dispute Commission about the alleged behaviour of a former leading member. Again, it is worth reiterating that "Delta" has never had charges brought against him and is entitled to the presumption of innocence like anyone else. The scandal, the putrescent stench has always been about the appalling handling of those allegations and hounding of alleged sexual abuse survivors by active SWP'ers. As you can see from X's resignation note (original here via Ciara Squires), her exp... more »
Libya updates- December 15 , 2013 ....Oil ports in Eastern Libya remain closed by Political Bureau of Cyrenaica, conditions not met allegedly by Libya nominal government .....petrol crisis in Tripoli hits third week.....fifty tons of ammunition destroyed in Misrata - that is good news......Sarir power station alleged to be restored to normal power by Wednesday.....more trial delays for Qaddafi aides as expected.....

Breaking News – Jadhran now refuses to open oil terminals *By **Aimen Eljali*. [image: Jadhran speaking today in Ajdabia (Photo: Nabba TV)] Jadhran speaking today in Ajdabia (Photo: Nabba TV) *Tripoli, 15 December 2013:* Ibrahim Jadhran, head of the self-styled Political Bureau of Cyrenaica, has refused to reopen oil ports in the east of the country, as promised, on the grounds that the authorities have failed to meet the conditions put forward by his federalist movement. Jadhran had said on Tuesday that he would reopen the oil export terminals at Sidra, Ras Lanuf and Zueitina today on... more »
Snowden still has 1.7 million docs. NSA considering amnesty. Is amnesty for real or just a lie to get Snowden and his documents back in US hands ? And how far does this proposed amnesty extend - are all Federal and State law enforcement Agencies who could potentially charge Snowden with civil , criminal and administrative charges , fines actions of any and all types really on board ? And what about Congress and the President - these parties on board ?

http://www.businessinsider.com/nsa-officials-are-considering-an-amnesty-for-edward-snowden-in-exhange-for-secret-documents-2013-12 ( Amnesty won't happen... think of what that could open up ? ) NSA Officials Are Considering An Amnesty For Edward Snowden In Exchange For Secret Documents [image: The Guardian] SPENCER ACKERMAN, THE GUARDIAN DEC. 15, 2013, 12:19 PM 261 2 - - inShare - - - EMAIL - MORE [image: Edward Snowden] Getty Images National Security Agency officials are considering a controversial amnesty that would return Edward Snowden to the United States... more »
Shocked, Shocked, I Tell You
As the outrages pile up, so does the outrage fatigue. So I'll be brief: Rich people get away with it. When plutocrats misbehave, they get special meetings with the attorney general and set the terms for their own deferred prosecution agreements. When garden variety rich people and spoiled brats misbehave they either go to celebrity rehab, or get off on a novel defense called *Affluenza.* So here's an idea for all you poor slobs out there. Next time you get arrested for robbing a bank because your unemployment and food stamps got cut off, try pleading not guilty on grounds of *Indi... more »
Do you think charter schools “know how to do middle school really well?”
According to DCPS Chancellor Kaya Henderson, charter schools “know how to do middle school really well.” When it comes to defining the phrase “really well,” are education reformers basing their narrative on quantity over quality, i.e. proficiency rates versus growth? What do you – @thechalkfacers – think? In this piece, you can compare the data […]
"According to [Washington's] self-righteous doctrine, America is the indispensable country.""A person might wonder what is exceptional and indispensable about a government that is a reincarnation of Nazi Germany in every respect. People propagandized into the belief that they are the world’s special people inevitably lose their humanity.""With the exception of the ACLU, constitutional rights groups and independent Internet voices, the American people including the Christian churches have accepted their government’s criminality and immorality with scant protest." -- Paul Craig Roberts

------------------------------ *Washington Drives the World Toward War — Paul Craig Roberts* ------------------------------ December 15, 2013 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *Washington Drives the World Toward War* Paul Craig Roberts Washington has had the US at war for 12 years: Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Yemen, and almost Syria, which could still happen, with Iran waiting in the wings. These wars have been expensive in terms of money, prestige, and deaths and injuries of bo... more »
Crown must prove the offence particularized
R. v. Sadeghi-Jebelli, 2013 ONCA 747: [23] When the Crown charges an accused with an offence, and particularizes the way the offence was committed, it must prove the offence as particularized in the charge. The Supreme Court of Canada affirmed this principle in *R. v. Saunders*, [1990] 1 SCR 1020 at 1023. McLachlin J. said: "It is a fundamental principle of criminal law, that the offence, as particularized in the charge, must be proved". So, for example, if the Crown charges an accused with trafficking in heroin, it cannot, without an amendment to the charge, obtain a co... more »
Fukushima updates - December 15 , 2013 - highly contaminated water in gutters and trenches - source may be reactor buildings...... #Fukushima I NPP: Workers Cleaning Out and Water-Proofing the Drainage Channel in Effort to Prevent Contaminated Water from Flowing into Ocean ( pity the poor workers doing that slave labor ) .... Fukushima is death by a thousand lies from Tepco and Government of Japan

drainage related issues - with high radiation naturally ....... http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/12/high-level-of-contamination-in-gutter-near-reactor2-tepco-doesnt-mention-the-possibility-of-reactor2-leakage/ High level of contamination in gutter near reactor2 / Tepco doesn’t mention the possibility of reactor2 leakage Posted by *Mochizuki* on December 14th, 2013 · 2 Comments Share on facebookShare on twitterShare on emailShare on printMore Sharing Services *Note : If you are from the international mass media, Don’t read this site before taking a contact with me.* Along a drain, ... more »
They Call That Accountability

Last week, the Harper government announced that it was going to tighten the rules on the transportation of petroleum by rail. But, for this government, the proclamation of the rules and the enforcement of them are mutually exclusive propositions. Cutbacks cripple enforcement. David McGuinty says: “My first concern is the cuts (are) beginning to take effect on the good people at Transport Canada,” he says. “There’s a serious capacity crisis.” Phil Gibson writes that the Harper government doesn't take the Ministry of Transportation seriously: Transport Canada has been “victimized... more »
Who is Watching the President...? - Part 247

"The VIP section was where Obama and dozens of other dignitaries sat, including former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton. This area was protected by a short pane of protective glass that covered only those in the first row of seats. Obama and his wife were several rows back. Large crowds were allowed to gather in front of where Obama sat, with *no visible security nearby.* When Obama made his way to the stage to deliver his speech, a South African sign-language interpreter stood an arm's length away. *This man later described himself as schizophrenic with violent tendenc... more »
Vietnamese Woman Rendered Stateless in cruel, hypocritical, racist act

The Taiwan government renders a Vietnamese woman stateless for the crime of having an extramarital affair. This move, so obviously racist in every way... well, no need to comment further. FrozenGarlic describes: A few days ago, the media gave a tiny bit of coverage to the case of Wu Tsui-heng (武翠姮). Wu, who is originally from Vietnam, came to Taiwan in 2005 for work, married a Taiwanese man in 2006, got ROC citizenship in 2010, and gave up her Vietnamese citizenship. She had an extramarital affair, and her husband divorced her in 2011. This week the government notified her that it ... more »
Texas Is Afflicted By Affluenza
Growing up, I never knew any rich people. I'm sure I saw some in movies and on TV but it was like the tooth fairy or a white Santa Claus… not real. I had aspirations but they weren't tarnished and perverted by a lust for money; I was lucky. Susan Berman was my first wealthy friend. Like most wealthy heirs, her money was inherited from criminals. Her father was a Las Vegas mobster, David "Davie the Jew" Berman, a bank robber, crime boss of Minneapolis and, finally, a pioneer in the Vegas gambling business in association with the Genovese Family, Moe Sedway and Bugsy Siegel. Her pa... more »
* George Rodrigue dies at 69* *~Please also see: Musings of an Artist's Wife* *And Statement from the Rodrigue Family * *It’s Not A Trap ~The Angry Who Dat* *Saints vs. Rams 2013: Game Time, TV Schedule, Online Streaming, Radio, Odds and More ~Canal Street Chronicles* *Legislative auditor won’t review legality of levee board’s contract ~Jeff Adelson, New Orleans Advocate* *Extra Caffeine Please ~Slabbed* *Sunday: Big Nine Social Aid and Pleasure Club second line parade ~Big Red Cotton, Gambit*
Prioritization of Individualized Programs has Completed
*Prioritization of Individualized Programs has Completed* by ÉirePort Prioritization of individualized programs has completed. Analysis of relevant Star Pattern contributions has begun and will continue for necessary time period. *Meritorious(1) procurements take precedence.* Flashes of Higher Light may be noticed as upgrades continue. ÉirePort | December 15, 2013 at 10:42 URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-qQ *(1) meritorious* Syllabification: (mer·i·to·ri·ous) Pronunciation: /ˈmeriˌtôrēəs/ adjective deserving reward or praise: a medal for meritorious conduct Law, chiefly North American ... more »
The BBC v free schools (2)

As you may recall, various right-leaning commentators took the BBC to task for spinning a recent report about free schools to make it look worse than it was. They accused the BBC of having an "anti-free schools bias". Toby Young, in particular, specifically charged BBC online education correspondent Hannah Richardson with having written a "misleading article", accusing her of "Left-wing bias". Just to test the grounds for this allegation, I've checked back through the BBC News website and tracked down all of Hannah's articles which focus (to a lesser or greater extent) on the iss... more »
A T Shirt for Princeton Students

Princeton University--the ivy league school known for its policy of "grade deflation"--has been experiencing a small outbreak of Meningitis B, for which students are now being vaccinated. Hence, this T shirt:
Dreams: Behind the Wall of Sleep

*Behind the Walls of Sleep* By Scott Corrales (c) 2013 *“But the dream is your enemy…”- Kate Bush* Research into dreams became mainstream in the 1960s thanks to the pioneering work of Dr. William Dement into the nature of sleep and dreaming. By the 1970s, even astronomer Carl Sagan was venturing into this territory in the pages of his landmark The Dragons of Eden from an anthropological and medical standpoint. “Statistical studies,” he writes, “have been made of the most common categories of dreams – studies which, at least to some extent, ought to illuminate the nature of dreams... more »
What constitutes a religion?

This morning's *Sunday *with Edward Stourton did mostly what you would expect *Sunday *with Edward Stourton to do. There were segments dealing with two of the programme's main obsessions - same-sex marriage and priestly abuse within the Catholic Church - plus three distinct features on Nelson 'Madiba' Mandela. The report on same-sex marriage featured a balanced range of voices but did what such reports tend to do on *Sunday*: End with the liberal point of view. (One day, when I've got some spare time, I'll properly test that hypothesis out). It looked at the continuing debate with... more »