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10 September- Blogs I'm Following - 3 of 5

10 pm MDT

Escaping Paternalism Book Club Round-up

Bryan Caplan at Econlib - 11 hours ago
Thanks to everyone who participated in the Escaping Paternalism Book Club, and special thanks to authors Mario Rizzo and Glen Whitman for joining the discussion. In case you missed any of the installments, here’s the full list. Book Club Announcement Book Club, Part 1 Book Club, Part 2 Book Club, Part 3 Book Club, Part 4 Book […] The post Escaping Paternalism Book Club Round-up appeared first on Econlib.

Two Cheers for Small Business

Alberto Mingardi at Econlib - 11 hours ago
We live in societies where we see a “near-universal appreciation for the aesthetic benefits of a thriving small business community,” but almost no empathy for small business owners. This is an interesting point made by Will Collins in an article published by The American Conservative and that makes use of James C. Scott’s work. Collins […] The post Two Cheers for Small Business appeared first on Econlib.

Understanding Wildfires

GCD at ClimateCite Corp - 11 hours ago
Presentation by Dr. Willie Soon from DDP 38th Annual Meeting, August 15, 2020, Las Vegas, NV

Tennessee Officials Searching for Tiger Spotted by Deputy

AP News at Snopes.com - 11 hours ago
A deputy spotted the animal at night at an industrial park in Knox County.

Indigenous students want Haudenosaunee language instruction in public schools

The Buffalo Chronicle at The Buffalo Chronicle - 11 hours ago
There are four local public school districts that serve large populations of Native American students living on area Indian Reservations: Gowanda, Niagara-Wheatfield, Akron, and Salamanca. Students and parents in those districts — both indigenous and non-indigenous — have been demanding

Fixing Poverty & Feeding the World

Kurt Williamsen at rss - 11 hours ago
[image: fixing-poverty-feeding-the-world] Leading development economist George Ayittey says that to fix world poverty, we merely need to recognize failed efforts, find out why they failed, and not repeat the failures.

Airlines Once Again Approach Congress With Captain’s Hat in Hand

Veronique de Rugy at rss - 11 hours ago
[image: airlines-once-again-approach-congress-with-captain-s-hat-in-hand] The federal government should refuse another airline-industry bailout.

Climate hustlers exposed — September 24th — Be there!

Craig Rucker at CFACT - 11 hours ago
This is going to be tremendous fun for us, but not for the climate hustlers. The post Climate hustlers exposed — September 24th — Be there! appeared first on CFACT.

Chasing Footnotes - Howard Lake, Minnesota (UFO Occupant) Edition

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 11 hours ago
It has been a long time since I was able to chase a footnote or two but I have finally had a chance to do it again. I was working on another project and came to a case that fit into that framework. In *UFO Reports Involving Vehicle Interference* written by Mark Rodeghier and published by CUFOS, he cited the following: January 25, 1967: 0430 – U.S., near Winstad, Minnesota: The engine of a car stalled and the driver got out and saw a bright light coming nearer. It landed on the road on a tripod: it was 25 meters (75 feet, more or less) in diameter, longer than it was wide. A ma... more »

Kevin Zeese: The Passing Of A Warrior For Peace And Justice

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 11 hours ago
Having met Kevin Zeese during the Occupy movement in September of 2011, by Merwin’s metric we passed unknowing the day that had finally come for Kevin nine times. Nine times we, (Kevin, Margaret Flowers -his loving partner, and I) were engaged in the struggle in one way or another. Occupy DC, Occupy the EPA, Hands Up Don’t Shoot, Justice Mondays at the Department of Justice to name a few and lastly only hours before his transition -- the fight to stop the desecration of Moses African Cemetery in Bethesda, Maryland. The post Kevin Zeese: The Passing Of A Warrior For Peace And Just... more »

new slow-acting Novichok in field trials

Bob Dinn at balance10 - 11 hours ago
-Bortnikov, FSB director, with Putin “Navalny was poisoned with a novel development of the chemical weapon Novichok — a variant that the world had not known until this attack but which is said to be more vicious and deadly than all known offshoots of the Novichok family,” Die Zeit reported. Only the Russian intelligence services could have carried out “an operation with such a lethal and complex poison,” Die Zeit reported, citing German intelligence. German military scientists in Munich found residues of the new type of Novichok on Navalny’s hands and the neck of the water bottle h... more »

GWU Professor Resigns Amidst Backlash Over Years Of Lying About Being Black

Arrman Kyaw at Diverse - 11 hours ago
CNN reported that George Washington University (GWU) announced that Dr. Jessica Krug has resigned from her faculty position at the university. This resignation came less than a week after university officials decided that she would not be teaching this semester after it was revealed that she had been lying for years about being Black. “Dr. […]

Steps Beyond Statements: Presidential Leadership in Building a Case for Inclusive Excellence

cmaadmin at Diverse - 11 hours ago
To say we live in interesting times is a vast understatement. The confluence of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting economic upheaval, combined with the structural racism and the ensuing race-related tragedies that continue to plague our nation, has created a “perfect storm” of conditions shining a glaring light on the inequities in our society. Community college presidents are in the eye of this storm, and it is critical for us to demonstrate a commitment to eradicating racism and supporting social justice and, more importantly, to set forth a strategy to effect reform and a... more »

U.S. President Trump Calls Americas Generals 'Suckers, Losers, Warmongers, And Pussies'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
And he wins me back! https://t.co/7nhtSuC4k9 — Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 10, 2020 *USA Today:* *Trump's tensions with the military grow after reports that he disparaged soldiers, generals* WASHINGTON – Suckers and losers, warmongers and pu-----. President Donald Trump has reportedly used those labels to describe American war heroes and Pentagon brass. It's enough to rankle even key Trump allies, including the top Republican on the House Armed Services Committee. And it shows just how fraught Trump's relationship with the U.S. military has become. "It’s a mix," Rep.... more »

Who Are The Anonymous Sources That Claimed That President Trump Insulted Dead US Soldiers?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*WNU Editor:* Some in the "right-wing" are speculating that it was Eric Ciaramella and [Lieutenant] Colonel Alexander Vindman who talked to Jeffrey Goldberg .... *Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova on Last Week’s Atlantic Hit Piece: “My Guess is that Two of the Anonymous Sources are Eric Ciaramella and [Lieutenant] Colonel Alexander Vindman of Impeachment Fame”* (Gateway Pundit). I am not sure about that. But I am willing to bet that the person(s) who talked to Goldberg were not even on the trip, and they were certainly not in the loop on President Trump's reasons for changing his tr... more »

Julian Assange News Links 10 September 2020

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 11 hours ago
10 September 2020 — The New Dark Age [Once again, not a single story about Assange on the BBC’s website. A total news blackout by the British State Broadcasting Company! WB] Reprieve’s Clive Stafford Smith on US Judicial Unfairness, Assange’s Show Trial Assange targeted for political views in “terrifying threat to First Amendment,” expert witnesses tell … Continue reading Julian Assange News Links 10 September 2020

Not Just an Orchard, Not Merely a Field, We Demand the Whole World: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2020)

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 11 hours ago
10 September 2020 — Tricontinental Sunil Janah, Mallu Swarajayam and other members of an armed squad during the Telangana armed struggle, 1946-1951. Dear friends, Greetings from the desk of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research. When news of the revolution in the Tsar’s empire filtered into British-dominated India in 1917-1918, the reception was universal: if they could … Continue reading Not Just an Orchard, Not Merely a Field, We Demand the Whole World: The Thirty-Seventh Newsletter (2020)

Los Angeles Times “record breaking” temperature headlines fake news

drinkingwateradvisor at The Drinking Water Advisor - 11 hours ago
Clearly there was nothing “record breaking” about any of these sites, and at most of them there is a clear decline in temperatures since the early to mid 20thC. Probably the only exception to this is Pasadena, where the temperature … Continue reading →

New coldest high by 14 degrees in Midland, Texas

Robert at Ice Age Now - 11 hours ago
53 degrees (11.7C) was the coldest high for a Sept. 9 in Midland’s history. In fact, the high temperature was 14 degrees lower than the previous coolest high temperature of 67 (19.4C) set in 1948. https://digital.olivesoftware.com/Olive/ODN/MidlandReporterTelegram/default.aspx Thanks to Don Bishop for this link The post New coldest high by 14 degrees in Midland, Texas appeared first on Ice Age Now.

A Pair Of B-52 Bombers Are Showing That They Can Sink Warships

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*National Interest*: *A Pair of B-52 Bombers Just Sunk a Destroyer in a Wargame* Two B-52s took off from Fairford and flew south to "hunt" the Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Roosevelt (DDG-80), which was one of four of the class of warships that operate from Spain in missile-defense patrols. The capabilities of the United States Air Force's B-52 Stratofortress have expanded greatly since the aircraft first took flight in the 1950s. The Cold War-era heavy bombers have received regular updates, which could keep the venerable B-52 flying high for decades to come. I... more »

200 000 people homeless after severe floods hit Far North, Cameroon

About 200 000 people remain homeless as of September 10, 2020, after severe floods struck the Far North Region of Cameroon. At least five fatalities have been reported, livestock and crops have been affected, and thousands of houses have been damaged or destroyed....... Read more »

Preserving Food Security in Africa's Urban Areas

NAIROBI, Kenya/TORIT STATE, South Sudan, Sep 10 (IPS) - In Torit State, southern South Sudan, Margaret Itto is one of the farmers in Africa's youngest country who have invested heavily in agriculture. But she is not able to access the lucrative market for her produce in the capital Juba simply because of poor roads. Read the full story, “Preserving Food Security in Africa's Urban Areas”, on globalissues.org →

Getting the Basics Right - India's National Education Policy 2020

Sep 10 (IPS) - The National Education Policy 2020 (NEP) lays out a compelling, ambitious agenda for education reform in India. Yet, as others have noted, without concerted action the NEP's promise will remain unfulfilled. Read the full story, “Getting the Basics Right - India's National Education Policy 2020”, on globalissues.org →

When Should the War Against Biden's Neoliberal Policies Begin?

Gaius Publius at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
*The plague doctor cometh, and he don't cometh cheap.* *by Thomas Neuburger* *A re-elected Trump will almost certainly be welcomed with a General Strike.* —Yours truly Cynic that I am, I'm convinced that Biden will betray us the minute he's in office. OK, not the exact minute, but pretty soon thereafter. His current campaign promises include... - No ban on fracking. - No Medicare for All. - No withdrawal from Afghanistan (or anywhere else we're "at war") - A "baby steps" Green New Deal that won't hurt his Big Oil donors. - A return to austerity spending as soon as Co... more »

Israel and the UAE Hope to Turn Yemen’s Remote Islands into an Intel Gathering Hub

Ahmed Abdulkareem at MintPress News - 11 hours ago
Often a flashpoint for tensions between international rivals and a major chokepoint for much of the world’s maritime transit, the waters surrounding Yemen have become a much-vaunted prize for regional intelligence services. The post Israel and the UAE Hope to Turn Yemen’s Remote Islands into an Intel Gathering Hub appeared first on MintPress News.

The West is on Fire!

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Photo Bidwell Bar Bridge, Oroville, Calif. Breaking News! Wildfires spread across the West! Wildfires are spreading in Washington, Oregon and California, and free meals. The Colville area is among the Native areas being hard hit by wildfires. Relief food and help is available in several locations from River Warriors, World Central Kitchen and others. Please go to our Facebook page for the

The Coup Plotters — Who Are War Hawks? — Go Into Hyper-drive Against President Trump

adam at LaRouchePAC Feed - 12 hours ago
The Coup Plotters — Who Are War Hawks? — Go Into Hyper-drive Against President Trump Video of The Coup Plotters — Who Are War Hawks? — Go Into Hyper-drive Against President Trump The daily escalation of lies and disinformation about Trump, Putin, and China shows that those pushing geopolitical confrontation to defend their collapsing world order are panicked. The announcement of troop withdrawals from Iraq and Afghanistan, and the prospects of a Trump-Putin summit mean we can expect more, bigger lies in the days to come, and possibly false flag operations bringing the world to th... more »

No Matter Who Wins The U.S. Election, COVID-19 Social Unrest Could Be Rampant

Hank Campbell at Science 2.0 blogs - 12 hours ago
Are Proud Boys and Antifa fighting each other 'to oppose fascism' a product of the COVID-19 pandemic? No, militant groups have always attracted people with pathologies who just need a reason to be violent, but pandemics do cause social unrest, at least historically. There is a lot more isolation than in past pandemics but also a lot more community around SARS-CoV-2, the 2019 form of the coronavirus that has locked up most developed countries. Unlike the past, where nature was just trying to kill us, and the randomness of it all caused panic, people know where it originated and how. ... more »

Review The Master Plan, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy For Final Victory

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
*Fishman, Brian, **The Master Plan, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy For Final Victory**, New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2016* Brian Fishman’s *The Master Plan, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and the Jihadi Strategy For Final Victory* has an inherent problem. The start of the book tries to link a plan for the future jihad written by Al Qaeda’s security chief and the book *The Management of Savagery* with the Islamic State. The problem was the Islamic State came up with its own strategy and had a history of not listening to Al Qaeda. If that part was removed *The Master Plan*... more »

This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 10

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 12 hours ago
1921 1st Iraqi cabinet formed under newly coroneted King Faisal (Musings On Iraq review *The Role of the Military In Politics, A case study of Iraq to 1941*) (Musings On Iraq review *The Chatham House Version and other Middle-Eastern Studies*) 1922 King Faisal returned to office after appendices removed Thanked UK Iraq High Comm Cox for silencing opposition 1958 Arif dismissed as Deputy Commander in Chief of Armed forces because of his opposition to Gen Qasim 1960 Gen Qasim convened meeting in Baghdad of Iran Kuwait Saudi Arabia Venezuela to raise oil prices (Musings... more »

Fresh Polling Shows Trump Surging Among Black, Hispanic Voters

Bob Adelmann at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: fresh-polling-shows-trump-surging-among-black-hispanic-voters] Likely black and Hispanic voters are driving the surge the president is enjoying in the latest polls.

Driven by Blind Prejudice and Sometimes Jealousy, Leftists Again Target Nick Sandmann

Selwyn Duke at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: driven-by-blind-prejudice-and-sometimes-jealousy-leftists-again-target-nick-sandmann] Because Nicholas Sandmann wasn’t destroyed during leftists’ first attempt, inspired by the January 2019 Lincoln Memorial incident, they’re now attacking him again.

President Trump's Executive Order Taking Control of Rental Property Under Scrutiny

Joe Wolverton, II, J.D. at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: pres-trump-s-exec-order-taking-control-of-rental-property-under-scrutiny] President Trump's executive order taking control of rental property is coming under constitutional fire from lawmakers and others.

MAGA Violence, or Mega Snow Job?

Steven Neill at rss - 12 hours ago
[image: maga-violence-or-mega-snow-job] Fifty-plus progressive groups attended a conference to fashion their response should Donald Trump contest a Joe Biden victory (which they feel is assured) in the November election.

The devil is in the details - urban crime edition

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 12 hours ago
President Trump has claimed that violent crime rates in numerous Democrat-controlled cities are getting worse, and has offered to provide federal law enforcement personnel to help with the problem. Most cities have rejected his claims and his offer, insisting that things are either not as bad as he says, or are in fact getting better. The mainstream media are downplaying the President's claims, too. As an example, the BBC reports: President Trump has said the crime rate in certain cities such as New York is "through the roof". But in many major US cities, including Chicago and N... more »

Fmr Detective Out on Bail for Child Sex Crimes, Arrested Again for Role in Child Sex Trafficking Ring

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: child]While out on bail for attempting to have sex with a child, a former detective was arrested for allegedly participating in a child sexual exploitation and child sex trafficking ring.

After Video Showed Cops Taser Man to Death ‘Without Probable Cause’ Taxpayers Shell Out $4.5 Million

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 12 hours ago
[image: taser]Law enforcement experts deemed police had no probable cause to arrest a man who would later be hit with a taser so many times that it killed him.

South Korea's Geopolitical Fear: Getting Stuck Between China and America

Mark Episkopos at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Mark Episkopos* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC23EI9RQT0U&share=true] As China continues to stake out a military sphere of influence in the Asia-Pacific region, South Korean policymakers fear that Seoul may soon be confronted with an impossible ultimatum: either abandon the U.S. security alliance, or risk sliding into hostile footing with a militarily ascendant Beijing. As Washington and Beijing plunge deeper into a new Cold War, South Korea finds itself navigating uncharted geopolitical waters. Speaking at a ... more »

How the U.S. Navy Learned To Hunt Submarines (Thanks To World War I)

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Americas* The skills came in handy in later conflicts. *Key Point*: The U.S. Navy learned valuable lessons in the Great War about employing convoys, smaller submarine-hunters and maritime patrol planes. When Congress voted on April 6, 1917 to declare war on Imperial Germany, the task before the U.S. Navy was clear: it needed to transport and supply over a million men across the Atlantic despite the Imperial German Navy’s ferocious U-Boat campaign, which reached its peak that month, sinking over 874,000 tons of shipping. Indeed, Germany’s decision to ... more »

How to Watch Tonight’s Chiefs-Texans NFL Game

Stephen Silver at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * There seems to be a few different options. Here is what will work for the big game. Following an offseason dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, which included a virtual NFL Draft, fewer than usual offseason workouts, and no preseason games, pro football will return Thursday night, with the annual Thursday “kickoff” game. As is the custom, the defending Super Bowl champions will host the game, with the Kansas City Chiefs hosting the Houston Texans at Arrowhead Stadium in Kansas City. The game represents a matchup of two of the hottest young quar... more »

Study Reveals Mask-Wearers Get Less Sick From Coronavirus

Ethen Kim Lieser at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Health, Americas* [image: Reuters] Wearing a mask appears to increase the probability that an infected individual will be asymptomatic—which means they will endure a less severe case of the coronavirus. Face masks and coverings already have been proven to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus—but, apparently, they can also offer heightened immunity against the contagion, according to a new study out of the University of California, San Francisco. Most medical experts are in agreement that face masks prevent the wearer from launching virus-laden dropl... more »

Death Under the Sea: How Submarines Came To Rule the Oceans

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *Security, Europe* From a leather-covered rowboat to a streamlined modern vessel with nuclear warheads, the submarine has made great strides since its conception. *Key Point*: The modern submarine is a deadly weapon. The concept of a ship that could submerge beneath the water and then resurface dates back as far as the late 1400s, when Italian Renaissance artist and inventor Leonardo da Vinci claimed to have found a method for a ship to remain submerged for a protracted period of time. However, da Vinci refused to reveal his discovery to the world becaus... more »

After The USSR Died, America's Fierce Los Angeles-Class Submarines Became Underwater Spies

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Technology, Americas* In addition to the traditional roles of undersea, surface and strike warfare, the Los Angeles class was capable of conducting special operations. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Although intelligence gathering has long been a role for submarines, starting in the 1990s the U.S. submarine fleet began using an Army phrase, “intelligence preparation of the battlefield,” to describe intelligence gathering in support of operations on the ground. Lacking a underwater enemy to fight, American submarines could linger off the coastlines of potenti... more »

Fauci: I’ll Never Be “Muzzled” When Talking About Coronavirus

Ethen Kim Lieser at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Politics, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2ZUI998EU6&share=true] The disease expert has at times been in public disagreement with the President. White House coronavirus advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci asserted Wednesday that he will never be “muzzled” when talking about the science and facts behind the ongoing novel coronavirus pandemic. “I would never be muzzled about anything when it comes to science and evidence and the facts,” the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases sa... more »

Yes, H&K USC .45 Carbine is the Pistol Carbine Version of the Universal Submachine Gun

Richard Douglas at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Richard Douglas* *Security, Americas* [image: https://hkusa.s3.amazonaws.com/20180416195502/USC_Right_Web.jpg] This gun has mixed reviews for a good reason. It may not be worth the $1800 price tag for everyone. The HK Universal Self-loading Carbine (USC) is a pistol caliber rifle, and the civilian version of the military’s Universal Submachine Gun (UMP). First made in the early 2000s, it came back in 2013 with an all-new black polymer look. Many people buy the USC specifically to convert it to a UMP, but is the USC itself worth the money? Keep reading to find out... *Accuracy* ... more »

Israel to Get Even More F-35 Stealth Fighters

Caleb Larson at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Middle East* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2016%3Anewsml_S1AETMZDWNAA&share=true] The F-35Is—tailor-made to Israeli specifications—would bring the number of IDF stealth fighters close to 100. The open source intelligence group Jane’s reported that the Israeli Air Force is mulling over buying even more stealthy F-35 fighters. Israel currently operates two squadrons of twenty-five F-35s each and is the only country in the Middle East that operates the powerful airplane—though Israel’s F-35s are one-of-a-kind. The F-35I ... more »

Why Record Numbers of Americans Are Giving Up Their Citizenship

Brett Goodin at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Brett Goodin* *Society, * While many liberal Americans threatened to move abroad after Trump’s election in 2016, rising renunciations are not directly attributable to any particular election result. The trend began in 2013, mid-way through the Obama administration. That year about 3,000 Americans suddenly gave up their passports – three times more than usual. President Trump hosted a televised naturalization ceremony at the White House, aired during the Republication National Convention. “You’ve earned the most prized, treasured, cherished, and priceless possession anywhere in ... more »

When The Navy Stopped Building Skipjack-class Submarines, No One Was More Relieved Than Russia

Kyle Mizokami at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * Six Skipjacks were built—Skipjack, Scamp, Scorpion, Sculpin, Shark and Snook. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The Skipjack class was an example of how innovative new technologies can combine to produce a weapons system with vastly improved characteristics. The design was so successful that it provided a basis for future submarines, not only in the United States, but elsewhere around the world. Skipjack’s motto was “Radix Nova Tridentis,” or “Root of a New Sea Power”—an accurate description of this unique class of submarines. The Skipjack-class s... more »

What is MIS-C and How Does it Affect Children Recovering From COVID-19?

Ritu Banerjee at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Ritu Banerjee* *Health, World* MIS-C is a rare but severe condition that can develop in children and adolescents who have been infected with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. It usually appears about 2-4 weeks following the infection. While most children who get COVID-19 develop little more than a mild illness, several hundred have ended up in hospital intensive care units with alarming symptoms that begin appearing weeks after the initial infection. This new condition progresses rapidly and can strike multiple organs and systems, including the heart, lungs, eyes, ski... more »

Don't Mistake China's Economic Wavering for Weakness. It's Stronger Than Ever.

Saul Eslake at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Saul Eslake* *economy, * There’s an emerging view that China is weakening, that its economic growth is “unsustainable”; and that it's veering towards collapse. But China isn't going anywhere. There’s an emerging view that China’s belligerent approach and “torching” of diplomatic relationships with the wider world is a sign of “insecurity and weakness”; that its economic growth is “unsustainable”; and that “everyone in the top ranks of the Chinese Communist Party” knows the day is coming when “China’s entire economic structure and strategic position crumbles”. These views are ... more »

The Japanese (Sort Of) Attacked the West Coast During WWII

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, Americas* [image: Wikimedia Commons] The “battle” lasted over two hours before common sense prevailed and the guns fell silent. The next morning’s Los Angeles Times headline declared in bold type, “L.A. AREA RAIDED.” *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The Japanese threat to the U.S. West Coast never became substantial. The Imperial Navy claimed to have sunk five freighters off the West Coast for a total of 30,370 tons. Five others were damaged but salvageable. Captains of the I-boats grossly exaggerated America’s military response to their att... more »

Could the Delta-Class Be The King Of Russian Submarines?

Robert Farley at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *Security, * The Soviet Union appreciated the need for a sea-based deterrent from an early point in the Cold War. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *In any case, arms control agreements with the United States, the end of the Cold War, and the collapse of the Russian economy made it impossible to maintain such a large fleet of boomers. The last Delta I left service in 1998, with the Delta IIs decommissioning at around the same time. The Delta III and Delta IV classes would remain the core of the Russian nuclear deterrent well into the twenty-first century, howeve... more »

Flying Dorito: A-12 Avenger Was the U.S. Navy Stealth Bomber that Never Was

Caleb Larson at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2MPI9I9FW1&share=true] Had the project come to fruition, the U.S. Navy would have been able to launch B-2-like stealth bombers from aircraft carrier flight decks. Needing a replacement for the aging A-6 Intruder platform, the U.S. Navy thought big, and hoped that a dedicated bomber armed with precision munitions would be able to serve in an attack role. Not only that, but the Navy also wanted something that would be more survivable against enemy air defenses—some... more »

Who is the Rogue State in the South China Sea?

Mark J. Valencia at The National Interest - 12 hours ago
*Mark J. Valencia* *Security, Asia* While it may be fashionable to demonize China regarding its policies and practices in the South China Sea, China is not the only country acting contrary to existing international law there. The term rogue state was coined by the United States to condemn states that violated the post-World War II international order which it led and helped build to its advantage. In 1994, Bill Clinton’s National Security Advisor Tony Lake singled out Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, and North Korea as rogue states. To qualify as “rogue,” a state had to be trying to obta... more »

Red Fawn Comes Home!

Unknown at CENSORED NEWS - 12 hours ago
Photos by Lakota People's Law Project Standing Rock Water Protector Comes Home Lakota People's Law Project said, "Welcome home, Red Fawn. After four years in prison, Red Fawn Fallis returns to Standing Rock to reunite with her loved ones. Political persecution is alive and well in the era of climate change. Thank you for your sacrifice, on behalf of us all, Red Fawn."

US Air Force Says B-52 Bombers Are 'Competing Every Day' Over Europe To Send A Message To Russia

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Six B-52s flying through Norwegian airspace en route to RAF Fairford on August 22. US Air Force/23rd Bomb Squadron. © US Air Force/23rd Bomb Squadron *Business Insider:* *B-52 bombers are 'competing every day' over Europe to send a message to Russia, top US Air Force officer says* * US Air Force B-52s arrived in the UK in late August for another Bomber Task Force deployment, and since then the bombers have conducted training missions spanning the Arctic to North Africa. * Those operations reflect the emphasis senior US military leadership in Europe has put on "competing every day,... more »

Assange’s Third Day At The Old Bailey: Bias, Politics And Wars On Journalism

Binoy KAMPMARK at OrientalReview.org - 12 hours ago
The third day of extradition proceedings against Julian Assange at the Old Bailey resumed on the point of politics. Assange as a figure of political beliefs; Assange as a target of the Trump administration precisely for having them. The man sketching the portrait was Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace […]

Five minutes of your time – listen to candid wisdom on COVID-19 mishandling

Keith at musingsofanoldfart - 12 hours ago
If people want to get a sense of the failure of the president to lead us during the COVID-19 pandemic, following his admission and confirmation he lied to the American people (and continued to do so) about the risk of … Continue reading →

Deadly flash floods paralyze north Algeria, more than 800 homes inundated

Heavy rains from September 7 to 8, 2020, triggered flash floods in Algeria's northern provinces, killing at least one person and leaving more than 800 homes inundated. A number of road accidents were also reported, causing major traffic disruption in at least...... Read more »

Voter Goes Topless After Anti-Trump Shirt Is Nixed

AP News at Snopes.com - 12 hours ago
A voter who was told she couldn’t wear an anti-Trump shirt at a polling place because it violated electioneering rules simply whipped it off and did her civic duty topless.


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 13 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin China Looks To Build Espionage Hub In Iran Under 25-Year DealOxford vaccine trial on hold because of potential safety issue Cryptocurrencies Rarely Used to Launder Money, Fiat Preferred Nuclear power facility in Scotland will not be safe for other uses until the year 2333, report finds One Tasmanian's 54-year obsession to catalogue all of the world's edible plants to end malnutrition Justice Dept. Intervenes to Help Trump in E. Jean Carroll Defamation Lawsuit Entire Rochester Police Command Resigns 1.3 million active-duty troops will have their payroll taxes deferr... more »

Disney's standards: Letting abortion is bad but concentration camps, forced abortions, forced sterilizations are good

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
Disney said it couldn't continue working in Georgia, the state not the country, because Georgia passed a law saying that unborn babies who had beating hearts couldn't be aborted. Disney thinks killing innocent unborn babies is good. In its latest movie "Mulan" Disney thanks the regional Xinjiang public security bureau. That's the organization that is involved in putting over 1,000,000 Uyghur, an ethnic minority which is Muslim, into concentration camps. China is also forcibly aborting Uyghur babies and involuntarily sterilizing Uyghur women. Disney thinks that concentration camp... more »

Catholic Bishops are calling out Joe Biden for his "I'm a good Catholic" claim

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
While Joe wears his faith on his sleeve, boasting about going to Mass and saying the rosary, he also says that he'll force Catholic nuns to go agains their deeply held beliefs. He supports abortion for any reason at any point in a pregnancy. He supports we the people paying for elective, ie not medically necessary, abortions. While he quotes Pope Francis he's very selective in what he quotes. As Bishop Stika of Knoxville pointed out Joe doesn't use these Pope Francis quotes: *“Unfortunately, what is thrown away is not only food and dispensable objects, but often human bei... more »

China is ethnically cleansing Uyghurs: Hunter Biden is still profiting from business dealings with the Chinese government

trinko at Conversations about the obvious - 13 hours ago
A Uyghur doctor, who is a woman, participated in forced abortions and serializations at the command of the Chinese Communist government. She's confessing her crimes to atone. She said: *“The clear intention was ethnic cleansing. We were asked to believe this was part of the Communist Party’s population control plan,” she said. “At the time, I thought it was my job.” “In 20 years, I participated in at least five to six hundred operations, including forced contraception, forced abortion and sterilization, and forced removal of wombs,” “We’d go village to village, gather all the ... more »

Few U.S. Firms Leaving China Despite President Trump's Call To Decouple

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Only 4.3 per cent of AmCham Shanghai’s members plan to move parts of their operations back to the United States, despite bilateral tensions between Washington and Beijing. Photo: AP *SCMP:* *Trump has called on US firms to leave China, but no mass exodus among ‘well-rooted’ companies* * The American Chamber of Commerce Shanghai’s annual member survey shows US firms are adapting to the volatile geopolitical situation * While few are planning to leave China, a third have found it difficult to retain Chinese staff due to the US-China tensions For American companies in China, the meltd... more »

Federal Judges Use SCOTUS Decision to Force Transgenderism in Schools

Luis Miguel at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: federal-judges-use-scotus-decision-to-force-transgenderism-in-schools] Judges are saying that bathrooms, and locker rooms, and sports must be open to students of both sexes or else they are “discriminating.”

New Bills By Senator Tom Cotton Would End the Parade for Rioters

Luis Miguel at rss - 13 hours ago
[image: new-bills-by-sen-tom-cotton-would-end-the-parade-for-rioters] Senator Tom Cottom’s trio of bills would allow riot victims to sue rioters, make it harder for rioters to get out of jail on bail, and cut off rioters’ welfare.

James Bond, ‘Avengers’ Star Diana Rigg Dies at 82

AP News at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
In later life, she played Olenna Tyrell in "Game of Thrones."

TLC con Ecuador, la quiebra para la industria camaronera sonorense

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 La industria camaronera mexicana ha manifestado su absoluta oposición a la apertura del camarón ecuatoriano desde el inicio de las negociaciones hace 10 meses.

Colombia: TLC con Reino Unido pasa tercer debate en el Congreso

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Según el Ministerio de Comercio, entre enero y julio de este año las exportaciones a ese mercado europeo sumaron US$228,5 millones.

Acuerdo Unión Europea-Mercosur: ¿algo para celebrar?

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 El presidente Luis Lacalle Pou y la canciller de Alemania, Ángela Merkel, mantuvieron una reunión a distancia el 31 de agosto para abordar el avance del acuerdo entre el Mercosur y la Unión Europea (UE).

Pelosi says UK can forget US trade deal if Irish pact broken

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 If the UK undermines the Good Friday accord, there will be absolutely no chance of a US-UK trade agreement passing the Congress, Pelosi, the nation's top elected Democrat, said.

Mercosur agreement a “direct contradiction” to European Green Deal

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 The proposed EU-Mercosur trade agreement is a “direct contradiction” to the goals of the European Green Deal, according to a new study.

Plus de 3 sondés sur 4 contre l'accord UE-Mercosur ! Qu'attend Emmanuel Macron ?

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Plus de trois Européens sur quatre – 78 % en France – souhaitent que l'accord visant à libéraliser le commerce entre l'Union européenne et le Mercosur soit abandonné.

Poll: Vast majority of Europeans opposed to EU-Mercosur trade deal

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Consumer group SumOfUs urges the EU to call off its free trade agreement with Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay in the face of Amazon rainforest fires.

UK starts talks with all TPP members to discuss joining pact

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 London is trying to strengthen trade ties with Asia after Brexit.

Algeria backtracks on its free trade deal with the EU

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Algeria has asked the EU to put on hold a free trade agreement that was due to be signed this year as it drags its feet on customs reforms, an EU official said.

EU nations breaking rules in bilateral trade deals with China

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Fifteen EU member states have breached bloc-wide rules in agreeing bilateral commercial deals with China as part of Beijing's ambitious belt and road initiative.

Fracking company sues Slovenia over ‘unreasonable' environmental protections

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 A British oil and gas company is using a controversial energy treaty to sue Slovenia, after being required to carry out an environmental impact assessment

Ukraine hopes to start talks on revision of Association Agreement with EU in 2021

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Ukraine hopes to reach an agreement to start negotiations on the revision of the Association Agreement with the European Union in 2021.

Australian mining firm launches arbitration proceedings against Poland

bilaterals.org - 13 hours ago
10-Sep-2020 Australian mining firm Prairie Mining has launched international arbitration proceedings against Poland, claiming damages for the alleged hindering of the development of its two coal mines located in the country.

The Ongoing And Unjustifiable Persecution Of Julian Assange

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 13 hours ago
A hugely important struggle for press freedom is currently taking place in the Old Bailey in London, where, on Monday, three weeks of hearings began regarding the proposed extradition to the US of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. In 2010 and 2011, WikiLeaks published documents leaked by a serving member of the US military — Bradley, now Chelsea Manning — that exposed evidence of war crimes committed by the US and, in the case of my particular area of expertise, Guantánamo. The post The Ongoing And Unjustifiable Persecution Of Julian Assange appeared first on PopularResist... more »

‘Green’ Billionaires Behind Suppression Of ‘Planet Of The Humans’

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 13 hours ago
It is hard to think of an American film that provoked a greater backlash in 2020 than “Planet of the Humans.” Focused on the theme of planetary extinction and fanciful proposals to ward it off, the documentary was released for free on YouTube on April 21. The date was significant not only because it was the eve of the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, but because a global pandemic was tearing through America’s social fabric and exposing the human toll of the country’s globalized, growth-obsessed economic model. The post ‘Green’ Billionaires Behind Suppression Of ‘Planet Of The Humans’... more »

Militant Protests Ongoing In Rochester

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 13 hours ago
On Sep. 2 a news conference held by Free the People ROC and the family of Daniel T. Prude announced that Prude, a 41-year old Black man, had been killed by the Rochester Police Department on March 30. The Prude family also released police body camera footage, obtained through a public records request, that showed Daniel Prude naked, handcuffed and held face down in the street while a light snow fell. Militant protests started that day and have continued. In the video, Daniel Prude can be seen wearing a so-called “spit-hood” that RPD placed over his head, though they offered no clo... more »

Assange Extradition And The War On Journalism

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 13 hours ago
A webinar/press conference organized by the late Kevin Zeese for PopularResistance.org streamed live on Sept. 9, 2020. The attempt to extradite Julian Assange to the United States for prosecution is a war against freedom of the press and our right to know. If the prosecution of Assange under the Espionage Act occurs, it will define journalism for the 21st Century. No journalist or publisher who exposes war crimes or corruption will be safe. The post Assange Extradition And The War On Journalism appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.

Tweets for Today

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
LEBANON: A massive fire has broken out at the port of Beirut approximately a month after a huge explosion killed nearly 200 people. pic.twitter.com/tFNDJ3Bn5D — Conflict News (@Conflicts) September 10, 2020 More from the Woodward book: • Trump was impressed by North Korea’s Kim Jong Un when he first met him. • Trump described how Kim said he had his uncle killed. • Trump boasted about “law and order” after agents removed protesters near Washington church.https://t.co/lnTFYdYlkL — AP Politics (@AP_Politics) September 10, 2020 Bob Woodward had my quotes for many months. If he thoug... more »

In a Year of Social Distancing, Virus Alters Sept. 11, Too

AP News at Snopes.com - 13 hours ago
Some victims' relatives say they understand the ground zero observance had to change in a year when so much else has. Others fear that the commitment to "Never Forget" is fading.

Community land trusts could help heal segregated cities

Christopher Boone, Dean and Professor of Sustainability, Arizona State University at Politics/Election '20 – The Conversation - 13 hours ago
Some calls to resolve racial inequities in the US have raised an idea with roots more than a century old: community land trusts to assemble property for the benefit of Black Americans.

A Fascist Project

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 13 hours ago
Henry Giroux does not pull his punches. Donald Trump, he writes, is fanning white wing violence in an effort to establish a fascist state: Nobody should justify assaults that lead to needless human suffering and the destruction of neighborhood property, especially in impoverished cities. Nor should violence be used as a rhetorical device to include property damage. Violence is a term that should be limited to assaults, injuries and harm waged against human beings, not property. When talking about violence, it is crucial to make a distinction between the destruction of property and... more »


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 14 hours ago
*It’s Time to Start a New University* Two viruses—one biological, the other ideological—have delivered a mortal blow to American higher education. Hundreds, maybe thousands, of colleges and universities will soon be wiped out by an unprecedented combination of financial exigency and revolutionary ideology. Professors at collapsing institutions are desperate to leave, and slews of senior faculty, including some very distinguished ones, have taken early retirement. Empty campuses will flood the market, amid extreme softening in the commercial real estate sector more generally. Eager... more »

BREAKING NEWS: Quebec City says it will Isolate Uncooperative citizens in Secret Corona Facility...It's Happening, Folks

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 14 hours ago
*H/T RAH* Folks, I'm going to post about the situation being reported about Quebec City wherein "some authority" [we don't know who is in charge anymore...certainly not the elected officials] has decided to make an example of "uncooperative" citizens and imprison them. But first I will update readers on a similar initiative that is taking place right here on my "Greencrowasthecrowflies" blogging platform owned and operated by "Blogger". Just like the good citizens of Quebec City will be, *I am being forcibly imprisoned in* a new blogging format that operates like a prison. * It e... more »

Hedges: Primacy of corporate power

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago
Journalist Chris Hedges spoke to the Peoples' Convention - August 30, 2020. He lays it down like only he can do - not shaving any edges. It's a clear speech, he speaks truth with a force that comes from watching other nations disintegrate internally. His warnings often do not go heeded because most people fear having to recognize what Hedges has to say. They don't really want to be in the middle of the coming shit storm - maybe it will go away or we'll get a knight in shining armor to save us....they hope. The mistake is to think one can somehow escape the coming collapse. Bu... more »

Picture Of The Day

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
The Bay Bridge is seen under an orange sky darkened by the smoke from California wildfires in San Francisco, September 9. REUTERS/Stephen Lam *WNU Editor:* The above picture is from this photo-gallery .... *Fires turn California skies glowing orange* (Reuters).

Let's visit Nancy Pelosi's district in San Francisco...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 14 hours ago
* it's not pretty.* While Pelosi is busy running hairdressers out of business, her city, which used to be called "The Paris of the West," has turned into a feces filled "Baghdad by the Bay." The first time I visited San Francisco was about 1957. I was dazzled. The next time was about 1975 and I could already see the winds of change - and it was an ill wind. And now? After decades of commie/libtard leadership it's a ruined, filthy, and dangerous city. Good work, libtards! Chaos by the Bay: The Truth About Homelessness in San Francisco


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 14 hours ago
*3.2 BILLION people will have a shortage of drinking water by 2050: Study warns that climate change will cause supplies to decrease by 60%* *This the usual crazy logic we get from Warmists. Global warming would produce MORE rain not less. Warmed oceans would evaporate off more which would come down as rain.And capitalism is the solution to water shortage, anyway. Israel once had a severe water shortage, being a basically desert climate at the end of the Jordan river, which loses a lot of water upstream.So they now simply desalinate as much ocean water as they need. It cos... more »

Hardening the shoreline

Philip Moscovitch at Halifax Examiner - 14 hours ago
News 1. Mark Furey’s potential conflict of interest in the mass murder inquiry Tim Bousquet reports on PC leader Tim Houston’s affidavit, filed with the Conflicts Commissioner of Nova Scotia, arguing that justice minister Mark Furey is in a conflict of interest over the public inquiry into the mass murders of April 18-19. The conflict […]

Tim Houston says Mark Furey has a conflict of interest in the mass murder inquiry

Tim Bousquet at Halifax Examiner - 14 hours ago
On Tuesday, PC Leader Tim Houston submitted an affidavit to the Conflicts Commissioner of Nova Scotia stating that he believes Justice Minister Mark Furey has a conflict of interest in regards to the inquiry into the mass murders of April 18/19/ You can read Houston’s affidavit here. Houston notes that Furey worked for the RCMP […]

‘Is This the 1920’s?’ Internet Owns Cops After Post Bragging About Arresting People for Moonshine

Matt Agorist at The Free Thought Project - 14 hours ago
[image: moonshine]Cops took to social media to brag about arresting a man for transporting moonshine and the internet proceeded to let them know just how tyrannical and wasteful that is.

Canada’s cannabis concentrate market slowly comes to life, revealing producers’ strategies

Solomon Israel at Marijuana Business Daily - 14 hours ago
As cannabis concentrates become more widely available in Canada’s regulated adult-use marijuana market, new products illustrate the variety of roles such merchandise can fill for producers, including: Premium concentrates aimed at cannabis users accustomed to black-market concentrates. Simple concentrates created to entice consumers at relatively low price points. A path to upgrade production byproducts into […] Canada’s cannabis concentrate market slowly comes to life, revealing producers’ strategies is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news ... more »

Macedonian medical cannabis could soon be available in Germany, Poland

Alfredo Pascual at Marijuana Business Daily - 14 hours ago
PharmaCann Polska recently became the first company to obtain EU-Good Manufacturing Practice (EU-GMP) certification to produce medical cannabis extracts at its facility in North Macedonia, according to its CEO. That brings the Warsaw-headquartered company – along with its production facilities in North Macedonia – one step closer to being able to offer its medical cannabis […] Macedonian medical cannabis could soon be available in Germany, Poland is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Death From Above: Could Drones Threaten America's Nuclear Submarines?

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 14 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Technology, Americas* Drones could undo the stealth advantages of nuclear submarines. *Key Point*: Antisubmarine warfare will never be the same. Submarines can run—but they can't hide—from drones. That's the contention of a new report by a British think tank, which argues that the growing numbers and sophistication of drones are depriving submarines of their stealthiness. The *report*, authored by science journalist David Hambling for the British American Security Information Council, was written as a briefing paper for Britain's Parliament, which must consider w... more »

The Tree of Human Civilization

Unknown at The Conservative Socrates - 14 hours ago
If the human civilization is compared to a giant fruit bearing tree, then the ancient mythologies are definitely the tree’s roots which tether humanity to the rich soil; the religions are the tree’s trunk which supports the system of the tree’s branches, leaves, and fruits; the actions of all humans and the chance events are the tree’s branches which take sections of humanity into random directions; the philosophical theories are the tree’s leaves which convert the light of the sun, or human experiences and learning, into wisdom; the scientific, technological, and social advanceme... more »

OSIRIS-REx: Tracking Bennu’s Unusual Activity

Paul Gilster at Centauri Dreams - 14 hours ago
OSIRIS-REx, the little spacecraft with the big acronym (standing for Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security-Regolith Explorer) has been on station for a year and a half at asteroid Bennu, monitoring the unexpected activity that distinguishes the object. Particle ejection from the surface is the subject of a revised special issue of the Journal […]


Steve M. at No More Mister Nice Blog - 14 hours ago
Tucker Carlson has duped a number of non-conservatives in recent months, persuading them that he's a fiercely independent thinker who doesn't toe the GOP/Trump party line. And while he might deviate from Fox News orthodoxy every so often, when Bob Woodward exposed the president's cover-up of the coronavirus's dangers, Carlson knew just what to do: Protect Dear Leader! We know that President Trump *chose* to speak to Woodward on the record and on tape. We know that he and his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, thought speaking to Woodward was a swell idea. We know that Trump was so eager to ... more »

The Ghosts of 2016 Haunt Joe Biden and Donald Trump

W. James Antle III at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*W. James Antle III* *Politics, * "Maybe Trump, like Obama before him, once again turns out voters who didn’t show up to boost his party’s candidates in the midterms. Maybe we haven’t really learned the lessons of 2016." Less than 60 days out, there are two ways to look at the state of the race between President Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden. One is to look at the eight or so swing states that matter most in terms of who will win in the Electoral College and see it, as *Politico *did recently, a “battleground haunted by the ghosts of 2016.” The other was advan... more »

Could China Build A 'Battleship' For The 21st Century?

James Holmes at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, * What would it look like? *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Supersizing has worked for Beijing up to now, and it fits with China’s fortress-fleet strategy. Why *wouldn’t* fleet designers one-up themselves—and keep a good thing going? S’pose China built a battleship. What would such a sea creature look like, and how would it fare in the bare-knuckles world of naval diplomacy and warfare? This is no mere flight of fancy. No, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is not about to embrace a retrograde approach to fleet design, sinking finite resources into m... more »

Seawolf: The U.S. Navy's Super Weapons Designed to Kill Russian Submarines

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * The Sea Wolf was designed as the ultimate submarine-hunter: stealthier, more heavily armed, and able to match or exceed its adversaries in speed and maneuverability. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Demand for the *Seawolf*’s high-end capabilities may rise, however, due to the return of an undersea arms race involving the United States, Russia and China. China’s submarine fleet will likely soon exceed America in numbers, though the majority of it consists of shorter-range diesel-electric submarines, and even its nuclear submarines are considere... more »

South Korea's Green New Deal: A Real Plan for Eco Friendly Economic Growth?

Sung-Young Kim, Elizabeth Thurbon, Hao Tan, John Mathews at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Sung-Young Kim, Elizabeth Thurbon, Hao Tan, John Mathews* *economy, South Korea* Scountries, such as South Korea, are using the current crisis to kickstart environmentally sustainable economic growth. We can learn a lot from the smart strategy of our Asian neighbour. As the COVID-19 pandemic devastates the global economy, there’s an opportunity for governments to support a green-led recovery. This involves spending fiscal stimulus on renewable energy and other clean technologies to create jobs while addressing climate change. The chorus calling for such a move is strong and dive... more »

Do Diesel Submarines Have a Future in the U.S. Navy?

James Holmes at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] The MITRE proposal deserves a fair hearing—not denunciation. Every ship in a global navy need not be a globe-spanning ship. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *During its westward advance across the Pacific, the U.S. Navy fashioned *techniques and hardware* to refuel, resupply, and repair ships from dispersed, often improvised island bases. The allies should ransack history for insight—thinking ahead about how to use Japan’s many islands and inlets as impromptu logistics hubs. What madman would propose adding diesel submarines to t... more »

"Slow But Deadly": The Iconic WWII Dauntless Dive-Bomber

Warfare History Network at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Warfare History Network* *History, World* [image: Wikimedia Commons] “Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make history!” *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Most of the surviving SBDs wound up being melted down for scrap at war’s end, though a handful survive today in museums and vintage air shows. Compared to the sleek P-51 Mustangs and mighty B-17s, they garner little notice from the crowds. For a few people, though, who know the story of the little Dauntless and its crews, what they did and how they did it, there is the undying respect and admiration for the little div... more »

Would George Washington Have Tweeted to Win the Presidency?

Sarah Burns at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*Sarah Burns* *History, * The requirements have stayed the same – just about any natural-born citizen over the age of 35 can run for president. But who decides who runs has changed substantially. So has campaigning. Presidential campaigns haven’t always looked the way they do in 2020 – or the way they did in 2016, before the coronavirus pandemic changed everything about conventions, political outreach and voting. The requirements have stayed the same – just about any natural-born citizen over the age of 35 can run for president. But who decides who runs has changed substantially... more »

The Opportunity Cost of an Aircraft Carrier: Thousands of Hypersonic Missiles

David Axe at The National Interest - 15 hours ago
*David Axe* *Security, Americas* [image: Reuters] “Which do you think the Chinese leadership would fear more: 2,000 conventional strike missiles possessed by the United States and its allies in the western Pacific capable of ranging Chinese targets, or one new carrier? Because those two things cost about the same amount of money." *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Griffin’s proposal came around the same time the Congressional Budget Office discovered a potentially $200-billion cap in the Navy’s shipbuilding plans. The Navy would have to spend around $7 billion per year for 30 ... more »

It’s time for change in our newsrooms: here's how

Shirish Kulkarni at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism - 15 hours ago
News organisations need to commit to and support diversity

Huge Fire Breaks Out at Beirut Port a Month After Explosion

AP News at Snopes.com - 15 hours ago
It was not immediately clear what caused the fire at the facility, which was decimated by an explosion on Aug. 4 that killed over 190 people and injured 6,500 more.

[A few of the] Scientists who warn of a coming Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age

Cap Allon at Electroverse - 15 hours ago
"The so-called ‘greenhouse effect’ will not avert the onset of the next deep temperature drop, the 19th in the last 7500 years, which without fail follows after natural warming." The post [A few of the] Scientists who warn of a coming Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age appeared first on Electroverse.

Analysis: Brazilian Inflation Remains Low, yet Supermarket Prices Rise. Why?

Adele Cardin at The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Last week was marked by events ranging from the administrative reform to the holiday crowds and the search for the Covid-19 vaccine. But among all of this, one statement attracted economists' attention: President Jair Bolsonaro's request that supermarket owners be "patriots" and not raise prices on their shelves. The request […] The post Analysis: Brazilian Inflation Remains Low, yet Supermarket Prices Rise. Why? appeared first on The Rio Times.

Nine Prominent Laboratories Commit to Ensuring Covid-19 Vaccine Safety

Lachlan Williams at The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Nine pharmaceutical laboratories have committed to creating a safe and effective Covid-19 vaccine. The chief executives of these companies have signed an agreement whereby they ensure that the trial and production of the drug will follow "high ethical standards and scientific principles". The companies' announcement comes amid an international race […] The post Nine Prominent Laboratories Commit to Ensuring Covid-19 Vaccine Safety appeared first on The Rio Times.

Half of São Paulo’s Cities Have Not Recorded Covid-19 Deaths in 14 Days

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 15 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Data released on Wednesday, September 9th, by the São Paulo State Health Secretariat continue to show the downward trend of the The post Half of São Paulo’s Cities Have Not Recorded Covid-19 Deaths in 14 Days appeared first on The Rio Times.

Thai Agitator Who Visited US Embassy Numerous Times Vows "Major Rally" in Bangkok

Land Destroyer at Alt Thai News Network ATNN - 15 hours ago
*September 10, 2020* (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) - Parit "Penguin" Chiwarak - who had visited the US Embassy at least twice since beginning his protests after the 2014 coup and to specifically meet with US Ambassador Glyn Davies - a specialist in "non-military instruments in persuasive, inducement, and coercive strategies" - now vows to "lead" a major rally in Bangkok on September 19. He has openly stated he will pick a venue specifically where political activity is prohibited. This is deliberately to provoke a confrontation the protest's sponsors have long-desired. *READ MORE: *The ... more »

Staff Refuse To Enter Unsafe School Building

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
Bronx, NY - The special education staff of P352X, composed of five different sites (buildings), will be coordinating a refusal to enter unsafe buildings. We have not received inspection reports from the UFT or the DOE for all five sites. When staff arrived on the first day, the promised PPE was not available and due to no fault of our administration, we still did not have enough information to have a plan for the first day back. Guidances from the department of education change and are updated daily. The post Staff Refuse To Enter Unsafe School Building appeared first on PopularRe... more »

New: Simón Bolívar Institute For Peace And Solidarity Among Peoples

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
Caracas, VZ - On Sunday, September 6, 205 years since the publication of the Jamaica Letter, the Simón Bolívar Institute for Peace and Solidarity among Peoples was inaugurated as a new space for the research, dissemination, debate, solidarity and strengthening of international relations. The inauguration took place via YouTube on the Institute’s Spanish and English channels. “Our institute is formally inaugurated today, but the truth is that it already existed. The peoples have raised their voices in favor of Venezuela, and we at the same time have raised our voices for humankind... more »

Lee Camp: Liberal Media Attacks Me And A Tribute To Kevin Zeese

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
A liberal media criticism outlet recently published an article where they used one of my jokes as evidence of a grand Russian plan to subvert the 2020 US elections. Also, my memories of a great man, lawyer, & activist -- Kevin Zeese. Rest in power. The post Lee Camp: Liberal Media Attacks Me And A Tribute To Kevin Zeese appeared first on PopularResistance.Org.

University Of Michigan Residential Staff On Strike

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
The bottom line is our health can’t wait. Our communities can’t wait. The University's inaction in the face of ResStaff’s explicit concerns and action items over the last few weeks has made it clear that public health is not the priority. The University has repeatedly referred to the Wolverine Culture of Care, but has not extended this same care to us. If U of M administrators do not want to live up to the Michigan Difference, we will be the difference ourselves. Health comes first. ResStaff will not stand for anything less than policies and adequate resources that reflect this p... more »

Expert Tells Court, Charges Against Assange Are Unconstitutional

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
It is immaterial whether one considers Julian Assange to be a reporter because he was engaged in "journalistic activity" when obtaining and publishing classified US documents, the director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation told the court on day three of the WikiLeaks publisher's extradition hearing. The US indictment against WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange represents an "unconstitutional" threat to the First Amendment of the United States constitution and to press freedom more generally, Professor Trevor Timm told the Old Bailey on Wednesday. The post Expert Tells Court, ... more »

US Sanctions Targeting International Criminal Court Are An Outrage

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
On 2 September 2020, U.S. Secretary of State Michael Pompeo announced the imposition of sanctions on Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda and prosecution jurisdiction director for authorizing such an investigation, including war crimes committed by U.S. forces, for which U.S. officials bear responsibility. These sanctions were based on a declaration by U.S. President Trump of a national emergency on this subject in June of 2020. The International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) rejects as outrageous these sanctions on senior prosecution officials of the International Criminal Court... more »

DeJoy’s USPS Changes Violate Federal Law

Terrace at PopularResistance.Org - 15 hours ago
Before USPS leaders may implement changes that will impact mail delivery on a substantially nationwide basis, the law requires certain procedures to be followed. Postmaster General Louis DeJoy, however, ignored that law, instead pushing ahead with changes that have slowed mail delivery across America. Removing collection boxes. Dismantling high-speed mail sorting machines. Reducing employee overtime pay and delivery hours. Telling 46 states and the District of Columbia that the USPS could not guarantee timely delivery of mail-in ballots for the November election. The post DeJo... more »

President Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

Steve Byas at rss - 15 hours ago
[image: president-trump-nominated-for-nobel-peace-prize] If the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to those who actually do something for "peace," President Donald Trump should certainly be considered.

Your Man in the Public Gallery – Assange Hearing Day 8

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 15 hours ago
The great question after yesterday’s hearing was whether prosecution counsel James Lewis QC would continue to charge at defence witnesses like a deranged berserker (spoiler – he would), and more importantly, why?

Assange’s Third Day at the Old Bailey: Bias, Politics and Wars on Journalism

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 15 hours ago
The third day of extradition proceedings against Julian Assange at the Old Bailey resumed on the point of politics. Assange as a figure of political beliefs; Assange as a target of the Trump administration precisely for having them. The man sketching the portrait was Paul Rogers, Emeritus Professor of Peace Studies at Bradford University.

Record-early winter storm brings much below-average temperatures and record snow from Montana to New Mexico, U.S.

One of the earliest snowstorms on record swept through parts of the United States, from Montana to New Mexico on September 8 and 9, 2020, bringing record-early snow and record-cold temperatures to much of the region. The weather system hit the region after...... Read more »

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