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10 September - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

10 pm MDT

Did Transverse Myelitis Halt the A-Z CoVax?

Age of Autism at AGE OF AUTISM - 16 hours ago
ePainAssist.com The New York Times reported that the Astra-Zeneca CoVax injury may have been "Transverse Myelitis." As ominous as that name sounds, the laymen's term is worse and would scare the pants off Americans: spinal cord injury. The individual also... more »

Will RAGE Mean Anything To Trump Supporters?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but do Trump supporters read books? The release of Woodward's book, right on top of *The Atlantic*'s revelations about what Trump thinks of American military servicemembers, should be the *coup de grâce*. But we've all lost track of the instances that were the straw that broken the camel's back. They never are and never will be. Not the stuff from Michael Cohen, from Trump's niece, from Michael Wolff, from Brandy Lee, from Amanda Carpenter, Tim Alberta, Arlie Russell Hochschild, Phil Rucker and Carol Leonid, Jonathan Karl, Doug Wead, Neal Kat... more »

Venezuelan National Assembly Reports Inflation Over 1,000 Percent in 2020

Juan Martinez at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The year-on-year price increase stands at 3.078 percent, as reported by the Legislative Branch, the only body that is not controlled by the Maduro dictatorship. Four out of every five Venezuelans are unable to cover the market basket. Up to August, Venezuela accumulated . . . To read the full […] The post Venezuelan National Assembly Reports Inflation Over 1,000 Percent in 2020 appeared first on The Rio Times.

Colombia Has Opened South America’s Longest Road Tunnel: 8.5 Kilometers

Oliver Mason at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Colombia opened South America’s longest road tunnel, the Tunel de la Linea, on Friday after more than a decade of construction work. The tunnel, which is 8.65 km long, aims to reduce the time and cost of moving goods from the Pacific port city of Buenaventura to the centre of […] The post Colombia Has Opened South America’s Longest Road Tunnel: 8.5 Kilometers appeared first on The Rio Times.

Guedes: Brazil’s Administrative Reform Could Have Impact of R$300 Billion in Ten Years

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Minister of Economy Paulo Guedes estimated on Wednesday, September 9th, that the administrative reform submitted by the government to the National Congress last week could have an impact of almost R$300 billion (US$60 billion) in ten years. He said the reform focuses on The post Guedes: Brazil’s Administrative Reform Could Have Impact of R$300 Billion in Ten Years appeared first on The Rio Times.

US Should Ease Entry of Brazilians Starting Next Week

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The US government is expected to relax the entry of Brazilians into the country as of next week. Currently, direct flights . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium Membership Plan. Already Subscribed? Login Here Subscribe Login Here The post US Should Ease Entry of Brazilians Starting Next Week appeared first on The Rio Times.

Without Samba, New Year’s Eve and Carnaval, Rio Loses Tourists as Economy Lacks ‘Fuel’

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Covid-19 hit the heart of Rio de Janeiro. An icon of national culture and the main destination for foreigners who come to the country in search of leisure, the city has a large part of its economic based on creative activities and tourism. However, both sectors are among the most […] The post Without Samba, New Year’s Eve and Carnaval, Rio Loses Tourists as Economy Lacks ‘Fuel’ appeared first on The Rio Times.

Fires in Brazil’s Pantanal Wetland Threaten World’s Largest Jaguar Sanctuary

Adele Cardin at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The fires that ravage the Pantanal, the largest wetland on the planet, are threatening a natural reserve known to shelter the largest population of jaguars in the world, alert the authorities of the state of Mato Grosso. "Reinforcements have been deployed . . . To read the full NEWS and […] The post Fires in Brazil’s Pantanal Wetland Threaten World’s Largest Jaguar Sanctuary appeared first on The Rio Times.

Police Protest in Buenos Aires Province Could Have Political Ramifications

Juan Martinez at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Police officers in Buenos Aires Province of Argentina continued their protests on Wednesday to demand higher salaries and better working conditions, but the situation seems to be coming to an end following promises of announcements this Thursday meeting the demands. Buenos Aires province Axel Kicillof and his Security Secretary Sergio […] The post Police Protest in Buenos Aires Province Could Have Political Ramifications appeared first on The Rio Times.

Suspect of Creating Child Pornography Forum in Portuguese Detained in Brazil

Oliver Mason at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Federal Police (PF) yesterday detained a suspect of creating and maintaining one of the largest Portuguese-language forums on child pornography on the Internet, official sources reported. 'Operação Desvelada' triggered yesterday morning by the PF, through international police cooperation, was investigating . . . To read the full NEWS and […] The post Suspect of Creating Child Pornography Forum in Portuguese Detained in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil’s Top Prosecutor Keeps Famous ‘Car Wash’ Anti Corruption Task Force Active

Iolanda Fonseca at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The office of Brazil’s top prosecutor has decided to keep the country’s famed Car Wash (Lava Jato) anti-corruption task force active through January 31, it said in a statement on Wednesday, September 9th, in an at least temporary victory for the embattled group of prosecutors. The Car Wash task force, […] The post Brazil’s Top Prosecutor Keeps Famous ‘Car Wash’ Anti Corruption Task Force Active appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazilian Government Zeroes Tax on Rice Imports Until December

Arkady Petrov at The Rio Times - 16 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The GECEX (Management Executive Committee) of the CAMEX (Foreign Trade Chamber) decided to zero the tax rate on imports of husked and processed rice until December 31st of this year. The temporary reduction is restricted to a quota of 400,000 tons, levied on products covered by codes 1006.10.92 (non-parboiled husked […] The post Brazilian Government Zeroes Tax on Rice Imports Until December appeared first on The Rio Times.

Washington state’s new Marijuana Odor Task Force to tackle issue confronting broader MJ industry

Bart Schaneman at Marijuana Business Daily - 16 hours ago
Washington state regulators are believed to be among the first in the nation to take a closer look at an issue that has bedeviled cannabis growers and sparked costly lawsuits targeting the marijuana industry: odor emanating from growers and processors. The state is forming a Marijuana Odor Task Force and seeking an outside expert to […] Washington state’s new Marijuana Odor Task Force to tackle issue confronting broader MJ industry is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Venice and North Port Sept. 11 Ceremony Plans

Ragnar at 'Nox & Friends - 16 hours ago
From the Herald-Tribune: This was sent in by a concerned reader of Nox…. Excerpts: SOUTH SARASOTA COUNTY – The annual Sept. 11 memorial ceremony at Patriots Park in Venice has been canceled because of COVID-19 social distancing protocols, while the city of North Port will conduct a remembrance virtually. (Bold and Italics mine.) Gene Sweeney, organizer of the 9/11 Memorial Ceremony in Patriots Park, noted that while the ceremony was canceled, the two-ton steel beam from the World Trade Center wreckage is open at Patriots Park, 800 Venetia Bay Blvd., and he encourages people to visi... more »

Links 9/10/2020

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 17 hours ago

Elon Musk Thinks We Can Hack the Human Brain. Good Luck with That.

Andrew Jackson at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Andrew Jackson* *Technlogy, The Americas* Musk hopes to unlock the ability to read and write thoughts and memories, enable telepathic communication and ultimately merge human and artificial intelligence (AI). But the barriers can't be overcome by technology alone. If thoughts, feelings and other mental activities are nothing more than electrochemical signals flowing around a vast network of brain cells, will connecting these signals with digital electronics allow us to enhance the abilities of our brains? That’s what tech entrepreneur Elon Musk suggested in a recent presentation... more »

China's Railgun Development Could Outpace America's

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Asia* [image: Wikimedia Commons] Beijing may end up beating America in building a working, viable naval railgun. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *It seems just as likely that China wants railguns because America wants railguns. As we know from the Cold War, keeping up with the Joneses—or the Wangs—can leave both parties with expensive gear they never really needed. China could have the world’s most powerful naval gun by 2025, according to a U.S. intelligence report in 2018. China is testing a ship-mounted railgun “capable of striking a target 124 mi... more »

How Two Russian-Built Submarines Tried to 'Attack' Each Other (In a Wargame)

TNI Staff at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*TNI Staff* *Security, * In 2017, two Russian submarines went to war. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The present day Russian Navy, which is a shadow of the once mighty Soviet fleet, has focused most of its limited resources on its still powerful submarine fleet. Senior U.S. Navy commanders have said that in recent months, the Russian undersea force has been the most active it has been since the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991. Back in 2017, the Russian nuclear-powered attack submarine *Obninsk* fired a torpedo against one of Moscow’s newest nuclear-powered ballistic missile... more »

DF-100: Are These Chinese Missiles Ready To Sink a U.S. Aircraft Carrier?

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, * The DF-100 was recently unveiled. How much damage could it do in a war? *Key Point*: Many important characteristics regarding the DF-100 remain unclear. On October 1, 2019, the People’s Liberation Army rolled out an impressive procession of advanced new weapons systems to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the foundation of the People’s Republic of China. Still, many of the weapons officially debuted that day, like the DF-17, the first hypersonic missile to officially enter regular service, had been public knowledge for some time. But that was no... more »

Human Intelligence As We Know It Showed Up Late in the Evolution Game: Here's What Fossils and DNA Can Tell Us

Nick Longrich at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Nick Longrich* *Science, World* A flourishing of technology that occurred 50,000-65,000 years ago is called the “great leap forward”, supposedly reflecting the evolution of a fully modern human brain. But fossils and DNA suggest that human intelligence became modern far earlier. When did something like us first appear on the planet? It turns out there’s remarkably little agreement on this question. Fossils and DNA suggest people looking like us, anatomically modern *Homo sapiens*, evolved around 300,000 years ago. Surprisingly, archaeology – tools, artefacts, cave art – suggest... more »

Sculptures that can kill your friends???

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 17 hours ago
I have to admit, this is one of the weirder stories I've covered on this blog. It's mostly in translation, too, which only makes it stranger. Marcus Copper was a Finnish sculptor and artist. Born in 1968, he died last year. He seems to have had a weird fascination for sculptures and other "works of art" that were *waaay* out of the ordinary. Here's his "Archangel of the Seven Seas" from 1995, currently in the collection of the Kiasma Museum of Contemporary Art, part of the Finnish National Gallery. Click the image for a larger view. Those huge horizontal "posts" are actuall... more »

“Systemic racism” is emotional semantics

David Wojick at CFACT - 17 hours ago
This is hyperbolic semantics, not science. There is nothing new here excepts the names and the anger they evoke. The post “Systemic racism” is emotional semantics appeared first on CFACT.

Inside the Gorbachev-Bush “Partnership” on the First Gulf War 1990

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 17 hours ago
Washington, D.C., September 9, 2020 – Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev quickly decided that joint action with the United States was the most important course for the USSR in dealing with Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait 30 years ago, rather than the long-standing Soviet-Iraq alliance, and built what he explicitly called a “partnership” with the U.S. that was key to the international condemnation of Iraq’s actions, according to declassified Soviet and American documents published today by the National Security Archive.

Assange: Ask not for whom the bell tolls

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 17 hours ago
The western world is inhabited by those who know we are ruled by sociopaths … and that much larger group which, taking at face value the surface forms of democracy informed by independent media, either cannot or will not accept this admittedly frightening truth.

The 1% blunder: How a simple but fatal math mistake by US Covid-19 experts caused the world to panic and order lockdowns

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 17 hours ago
In February, US Covid guru Anthony Fauci predicted the virus was ‘akin to a severe flu’ and would therefore kill around 0.1 percent of people. Then fatality rate predictions were somehow mixed up to make it look ten times WORSE.

Hold Corporates Accountable for Using Child Labour

MBABANE, Sep 09 (IPS) - The COVID-19 pandemic should give governments across the world an opportunity to hold corporates accountable against child labour. Kailash Satyarthi, the 2014 Nobel Peace Laureate, made this submission at the virtual 3rd Fair Share for Children Summit. Read the full story, “Hold Corporates Accountable for Using Child Labour”, on globalissues.org →

Just Count the Cold-Records that Fell over the Past 24hrs

Cap Allon at Electroverse - 18 hours ago
And in addition to the cold, 17 inches of global warming goodness fell in Wyoming, New Mexico saw its earliest flakes on record, and parts of Colorado suffered their earliest snowfall in decades... The post Just Count the Cold-Records that Fell over the Past 24hrs appeared first on Electroverse.

Leaders In The Future - A Quotation by M.N. Hopkins

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 18 hours ago
*Leaders in the future will be true leaders with the gifts and talents necessary to lead Mankind back to Itself. * *No longer will Mankind be driven by lies and empty words, but by those of true inspiration and direction. * *No longer driven by fear, but directed by loving kindness which will be an outward expression of an inward hearts-light.* *©* *M.N. Hopkins* *To read more of my poems & quotations, please click on the link below:* *Poems by M.N. Hopkins* *or visit:* *Pinterest*

A former mayor of Taupo who advocated banning of aerial 1080 exposes the`gravy train’ that is “making a small group of people rich”

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 18 hours ago
Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: An article from Stuff dated 2010, on the gravy train that is 1080. Much has been written on this topic (ie the gravy train aspect) including by the late Bill Benfield in his book The Third Wave. I will be posting his information in the near future. And…

COUP D’ETAT: ‘Halting Our Descent into Tyranny’, Defeating the Global Elite’s Covid-19 Coup – By Robert J. Burrowes

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 18 hours ago
Originally posted on RIELPOLITIK: Source – freepress.org – “…Most notably, perhaps, Torsten Engelbrecht and Konstantin Demeter, the authors of the second reference cited above, wrote to the authors of four of the principal, early 2020 papers claiming discovery of a new coronavirus and each of them in their response ‘concede[d] they had no proof that…

History & Development of Vaccines using aborted Fetal cells and Animal cells.

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 18 hours ago
Originally posted on The Nightingale Files: Human Cell Strains in Vaccine Development – College of Physicians of Philadelphia https://www.historyofvaccines.org/index.php/content/articles/human-cell-strains-vaccine-development VIDEO: Stanley PlotkinPioneering the use of fetal cells to make rubella vaccine. https://hillemanfilm.com/stanley-plotkin THE ETHICS OF THE WALVAX-2 CELL STRAIN http://ethicalresearch.net/positions/the-ethics-of-the-walvax-2-cell-strain/ Issues Regarding DNA Altering Vaccines – Dr. Carrie Madej https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNvlxx3Pizs&ab_channel=YaWaKalIbad... more »

Smartphone Blue Light is Linked to Colon Cancer and Depression

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 18 hours ago
Smartphones emit several types of electromagnetic fields that can harm our health. In addition to harmful radio-frequency radiation, they also emit blue light. While humans have always been exposed to natural blue light frequencies in nature, our use of smartphones and screens has resulted in unprecedented exponentially increased exposures at all hours of the day … Continue reading Smartphone Blue Light is Linked to Colon Cancer and Depression →

Important info about 5g

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 18 hours ago
Watch at the Bitchute link below the image: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1uIiWvnGeMZj/ RELATED: https://thedailycoin.org/2017/10/18/deagel-report-eerily-accurate-view-america-will-look-like-2025/ Image by caeuje from Pixabay

Weather Weapons Are Real, They Have A Treaty To Regulate Them

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 18 hours ago
There is still a sizable portion of our society who cannot grasp the reality of weather altering devices and technologies which have made us all unsure about which weather is real, and which ones are not. This poses a big problem for those who understand how these weather devices are being used, but want to … Continue reading Weather Weapons Are Real, They Have A Treaty To Regulate Them →

Mild to Wild

Larry-Lambert at Virtual Mirage - 18 hours ago
Navy Moments Donna Donna Tobias, the first female hard hat diver in the US Navy, 1976. It took a lot of guts to do that. Breeches Buoy Into the Modern The Plague of Californication Destination states for people fleeing California… and all too often, they vote to keep what they had in […] The post Mild to Wild appeared first on Virtual Mirage.

What Rent Drop? Listed Prices Aren’t Budging Where COVID-19 Hit Hardest

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 18 hours ago
New York City disproves popular beliefs about flight from cities and rent declines.

How US Consumers Use Their Stimulus Payments

Yves Smith at naked capitalism - 19 hours ago
Contrary to right wing beliefs, giving citizens stimulus payments didn't lead them to loaf.

Andrews’ strategy cracks as top cop and CMO deny requesting curfew

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 19 hours ago
Editor, cairnsnews Sep 10 By TONY MOBILIFONITIS VICTORIA’S Chief Health Officer Brett Sutton and Victoria Police Commissioner Shane Patton have denied requesting the night-time curfew over the state. The move could throw into legal doubt the draconian anti-virus measure which locks Victorians in their homes between 9pm and 5am. Comm. Patton made the admission on … Continue reading Andrews’ strategy cracks as top cop and CMO deny requesting curfew →

Updated Arrests & Executions List as of 9/7/20

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 19 hours ago
Originally posted on Listen to everyone. Trust no one.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hIFTLzkiLwg conspiracydailyupdate.com UPDATED: LIST OF INDICTMENTS, ARRESTS AND EXECUTIONS!! Dismantling the Deepstate Operatives and Doubles!! UPDATED 7SEPT20 There is a new and updated lists that has been confirmed with many more added to it. The deal that they got was that if they gave information that…

‘You’ll get him this time for sure!’ Adam Schiff must have been jealous of others hogging the news cycle, because he’s found ANOTHER whistleblower

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 19 hours ago
September 9, 2020 by Doug P. Maybe Dem Rep. Adam Schiff got a little jealous of The Atlantic and Bob Woodward hogging the news cycle spotlight, because now he’s got another “whistleblower” to sound the alarm about: We’ve received a whistleblower complaint alleging DHS suppressed intel reports on Russian election interference, altered intel to match … Continue reading ‘You’ll get him this time for sure!’ Adam Schiff must have been jealous of others hogging the news cycle, because he’s found ANOTHER whistleblower →

South Dakota Governor, Health Officials Debunk Sturgis ‘Superspreading’ Study

NEWS WIRE at 21st Century Wire - 19 hours ago
*21WIRE* | The latest in a long line of dead end COVID canards.

Bad News: The U.S. Navy Has a Warship Shortage (And China Knows It)

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, Asia* Should America stay out of China’s way? *Key Point*: China wants the world to know that it is growing. Good news for American critics who warn that the U.S. Navy is overstretched. China agrees with you. Fang Xiaozhi, a researcher at the BRI Institute of Strategy and International Security, at Fudan University in Shanghai, said last year that the U.S. Navy has too few ships to meet its worldwide commitments. And more important, it doesn’t have enough vessels to defeat China in the Western Pacific. “Although it possesses the world’s largest naval f... more »

Chinese Submarines Are Becoming Quieter: Here's What We Know About The New Type 093

Caleb Larson at The National Interest - 19 hours ago
*Caleb Larson* *Technology, Asia* China's Navy has ambitions. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Since launching the first of the Shang-class in the early 2000s, the PLA Submarine Force has launched two improved versions of the Shang-class, which would in all likelihood be even quieter than the early Type 093s. It may be just a matter of time before Chinese submarines are as quiet at American submarines—if it hasn’t already happened. Though China has launched newer nuclear-powered submarines, the workhorse of their submarine fleet is not outmoded—and it may be as quiet as the ... more »

Trump Nominated For The Nobel Peace Prize Over Israel Peace Deal, Announces Iraq Troop Withdrawal

The Duran at The Duran - 19 hours ago
Trump Nominated For The Nobel Peace Prize Over Israel Peace Deal, Announces Iraq Troop Withdrawal. President Trump’s nominated also mentioned reducing US military presence in the middle east. A historic deal between Israel and the United Arab Emirates, Kosovo and Serbia, and a reduction of US troops in the Middle east are just some of […]

Leftists Accused of STEALING MAGA HAT from 7-Year-Old INDICTED for HATE CRIME!!!

The Duran at The Duran - 19 hours ago
Two Far Left Women Accused of STEALING a MAGA Hat From a 7-year-old Boy have been INDICTED on HATE CRIME Charges! In this video, we’re going to take a look at the charges against these far-left radicals, why leftists believe they’re justified in their acts of hysterical violence, and why even Democrats are starting to […]

NEXT!! Now MSM tries “Trump downplayed the Coronavirus” routine [Video]

Seraphim Hanisch at The Duran - 19 hours ago
This is hardly a shocker of a story, but the timing is about week after The Atlantic and its attempt to smear the president for calling the troops buried at a World War I American cemetery in France “losers.” Now we have “Trump told Bob Woodward he was going to downplay the coronavirus though he knew […]

STOCKS PLUNGE as Extreme Greed Leads To Market Fallout! Leverage At Record Levels

Dewey Fernfield at The Duran - 19 hours ago
source The stock market took another beating. And all the speculators have been wondering is, when will the Fed step in to help out? There can always be a down day, but 3 in a row? That’s impossible they say! At what point will people realize that this isn’t a game. You need to actually […]

Baltic States at the epicenter of military exercises

TheBalticWord at The Duran - 19 hours ago
The Baltic States have become the scene of NATO military actions especially aimed at provoking Russia and Belarus. At the end of September, this year’s largest military exercise “Sword 2020” will take place in Latvia. Approximately 1000 Vidzeme Brigade bodyguards and soldiers, representatives from the Lithuanian Armed Forces Volunteer Defense Forces and the NATO Extended […]

Section 230 liability protections up for change in new Senate Bill – [Video]

Seraphim Hanisch at The Duran - 19 hours ago
This just in from The Hill: Republican Sens.Roger Wicker (Miss.), Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Marsha Blackburn (Tenn.) introduced legislation Tuesday aimed at modifying legal protections for online platforms. The Online Freedom and Viewpoint Diversity Act would modify Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act by conditioning the protection on whether content decisions are “objectively reasonable,” while […]

The Democrat candidates openly reveal their radicalism [Video]

Seraphim Hanisch at The Duran - 19 hours ago
A lot of Democrat voters will disagree with this assessment. I truly and sincerely hope they do. This will be because many people who prefer Joe Biden this time around over President Trump do so under the impression that President Trump is some sort of “dividing agent”; that he makes people erupt in rage and […]

Don’t Fear the Germ – It’s a Catastrophic Distraction

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
There is ample reason to question our accepted understanding of disease transmission. Yet it is actually a palette like explanation model in which you pick and choose how you wish to explain what is happening. Empirically, some diseases do spread through manageble human contact and a spreading agent is an obvious mechanism. Yet a robust immune system makes short work of most prospective sichness. Just as obviously fighting all forms of spreading agents is done with a robust immune system. Thus vitimin C et al. The low death rate is a reflection of social immunity. That is w... more »

What is "Fascism?"

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
The problem with fascism was never the policy package it operated under in terms of cultural management, and economic management. They also had to suppress the Marxists as we are now relearning. The problem was the leadership. Their odd ideas took them far away from their economic and cultural path. The first takehome it that they were set up as authoritarian regimes and that allowed deviancy to take over. Good policy combined with bad decissions do not work out. The fundamental failure of pokicy has been the Wests accepance of the privately owned central banking scheme. Th... more »

Dozens of cops,judges,prosecuters,present letter to congress to legalize weed and to expunge convictions

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
I do think that a Trump majority will fast track this process. After all it is about common sense. The rest need to be decrimenalized as well in order to make the industry uneconomic, but we also need a new dispensation for the victims of addiction there. Not so easy but i do think that a mandatory year groomng forests would be a great start. Physical fitness and yte environment will at least restore personal discipline. Worst case we should have working addicts able to manage their drug of choice. We can all live with that and people do change. *DOZENS OF COPS, JUDGES, PR... more »

The Coming Coup

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago
This is extraordinary. Understand that the losers have been attempting a coup for literrally four years now and this is an open declaration. The scale of the ioperation took a long time to flesh out ,but the intent was clear from the beginning. Observe the comment on been escorted out of the whitehouse. Do you not think that in late 2016 they actually thought about this and were disabused by the marines. Now they pin their hopes on disgruntled generals. Are they joking? The so called compromised are likely already long neutralized. Massive arrests have been taking place ... more »

Acidic Masculinity

KATHMANDU, Nepal, Sep 10 (IPS) - The recent attack on 22 year old Pavitra Karki has yet again stoked the discourse on acid attacks and gender based violence in Nepal. Pavitra is one of the many young women in Nepal who were targeted by young males, a tragic but more and more common occurrence in the country and elsewhere in South Asia. Read the full story, “Acidic Masculinity”, on globalissues.org →

Trump Is Mobilizing ARMED MILITIAS as CIVIL WAR Appears IMMINENT!!!

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
Dr. Steve Turley President Trump Is Mobilizing ARMED MILITIAS as CIVIL WAR Appears IMMANENT! In this video, we’re going to take a look at what leftists are saying, how President Trump has successfully co-opted the riots throughout our nation to his political favor, and why they believe Trump using that success to push back on …

Civil War II Is Going Hot and Threatens to Expand to Outer Space! Continuity of Government Has Been Invoked

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
See also: – Massive Amounts of Military Have Been Deployed to Kingman to Guard the Underground Continuity of Government Tunnel System-Has Continuity of Government Been Declared? – Civil War II Is Going Hot and Threatens to Expand to Outer Space! Continuity of Government Has Been Invoked by Dave Hodges, https://thecommonsenseshow.com/home By now, most readers are …

Tucker: President Trump Wants US Troops Out of The Middle East

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
Fox News While the left wants more U.S. intervention in Syria. #FoxNews #Tucker end

Direct Energy Laser Weapons (DEW) — California Wild Fires ??

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
Revelation 13:11-13 The Beast from the Earth 11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in …

Science Alert: Earth Appears to Be Travelling Through The Debris of Ancient Supernovae

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
Earth Appears to Be Travelling Through The Debris of Ancient Supernovae by MICHELLE STARR, 24 AUGUST 2020, https://www.sciencealert.com/ Radioactive dust deep beneath the ocean waves suggests that Earth is moving through a massive cloud left behind by an exploded star. Continuously, for the last 33,000 years, space has been seeding Earth with a rare isotope …

UAE: Israel War on Gaza Will Not Affect ‘Warm Peace’ with Tel Aviv

mosesman at Socio-Economics History Blog - 20 hours ago
UAE: Israel War on Gaza Will Not Affect ‘Warm Peace’ with Tel Aviv by https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/ A prominent Emirati official said yesterday that the controversial normalisation deal with Israel will not be affected even if Tel Aviv launches a war on the Gaza Strip. In an interview with Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, Ali Al-Nuaimi, chairman of …

Scientists Hoped to Cap Global Warming at +1.5 Celsius: Why That Might Not Be Realistic

Pep Canadell, Rob Jackson at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Pep Canadell, Rob Jackson* *Environment, World* The five-year period 2016-2020 is on the way to creating a new temperature record across much of the world, including Australia, southern Africa, much of Europe, the Middle East and northern Asia, areas of South America and parts of the United States. The Paris climate agreement seeks to limit global warming to 1.5℃ this century. A new report by the World Meteorological Organisation warns this limit may be exceeded by 2024 – and the risk is growing. This first overshoot beyond 1.5℃ would be temporary, likely aided by a major clima... more »

Small, But Fast: Russia's Noisy Alfa-class Attack Submarine Was A True Interceptor

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 20 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *Technology, Europe* Was she overrated? The Project 705 *Lira*—better known abroad as the *Alfa*-class submarine by NATO—was basically a submarine race car, and looked the part with svelte tear-drop shaped hull, rakishly trimmed-down sail designed to minimize aquadynamic drag, and even its convertible-style pop-up windshield. Military vehicles are generally designed out of a relentless quest for efficiency, but the *Alfa*’s iconic shape exemplifies how kinematically optimal designs often possess a striking aesthetic of their own. Soviet nuclear-powered a... more »

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