10 pm MDT
Sturgis Bikers Not Superspreaders
Jennifer Beam Dowd writes at Slate The Sturgis Biker Rally Did Not Cause 266,796 Cases of COVID-19. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. The recent mass gathering in South Dakota for the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally seemed like the perfect recipe for what epidemiologists call a “superspreading” event. Beginning Aug. 7, an estimated 460,000 attendees […]
The Justice Department's Policy Against Election Interference is Open to Abuse
Attorney Gen. Bill Barr stands with President Trump at a memorial for fallen law enforcement officers (Office of Public Affairs, https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NPOMS_2019-121_(47809907132).jpg; CC BY, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0). If you are a federal prosecutor, you know not to interfere in an election. You know it because it is (and should be) the ethos of your office, or because someone explained the policy to you when you were new, or because you read the quadrennial memo issued by the attorney general. Regardless of how you first learned it, you under... more »
The 9/11 Commission Report, the Pandemic and the Future of Homeland Security
A man pauses by the National Sept. 11 Memorial in New York City. (Flickr/Sarah Le Clerc, https://flic.kr/p/dPcJkN; CC BY-ND 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/) *Lawfare has from time to time allowed me, as a longtime contributor, to use this space to acknowledge the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, and reflect on some aspect of the 9/11 Commission Report, the definitive accounting of the federal government’s failure to prevent the attacks on New York and Washington, D.C., formally titled the “Final Report of the National Commission on Terrori... more »
Yelling at People Who Aren’t Wearing Masks Won’t Work
People can better convince others to wear masks if they share the fear, loss and uncertainty that motivates their concern rather than use their outrage to shame others.
China threatens US with economic disaster
Gatestone produced an article on September 10 called “China Threatens Total Economic War by Dumping Treasuries: Be My Guest.” Their article is built on the premise that the U.S. government should fight back against the Chinese Communist Party publicly talking about an American default. They claim that this kind of talk is essentially a declaration of intent to destroy the American economy. They think shoving China out of the U.S. “door” would economically greatly weaken China. Their assertion is that many Americans have been intimidated, saying Washington cannot oppose China because ... more »
Are you being GASLIGHTED? Yes, you are!
What is gaslighting? Found on the State of the Nation: Excerpts: The term originates in the systematic psychological manipulation of a victim by her husband in Patrick Hamilton’s 1938 stage play Gas Light, and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944. In the story, the husband attempts to convince his wife and others that she is insane by manipulating small elements of their environment and insisting that she is mistaken, remembering things incorrectly, or delusional when she points out these changes. The play’s title alludes to how the abusive husband slowly dims the gas ligh... more »
No, the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally Didn't Spawn 250,000 Coronavirus Cases
[image: undefined] Here's what we were told: An August motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota, helped spread COVID-19 to more than a quarter-million Americans, making it the root of about 20 percent of all new coronavirus cases in the U.S. last month. So said a new white paper from the IZA Institute of Labor Economics, at least. And national news outlets ran with it. "Sturgis Motorcycle Rally was 'superspreading event' that cost public health $12.2 billion," tweeted The Hill. "The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally held in South Dakota last month may have caused 250,000 new coronavirus ca... more »
Navalny, Nordstream 2, Belarus, and the American Elections:
[image: undefined] The narrative is banal and so familiar: Russia is once again accused of having “poisoned” an individual trumpeted by the Western media as threatening the Russian government’s interests. The minor political activist Alexei Navalny made the headlines after a suspicious incident at the airport in Tomsk on August 20, 2020 sickened him and necessitated emergency medical assistance. Russian doctors at the hospital in Omsk fought for his life for two days and stabilized his condition. Questions abound concerning the way in which the events surrounding this incident have... more »
Not For Sale: Brazil Won't Sell Its Ancient Aircraft Carrier
*Peter Suciu* *Security, * The hand-me-down aircraft carrier: Brazil didn't build the warship, but rather the Clemenceau-class aircraft carrier was constructed in France and launched in 1960 into service as the FS Foch. It served in the French Navy for some 40 years, until the decision was made to sell rather than scrap it In 2017, the Brazilian Navy changed course in a very big way. After a plan to retrofit its vintage carrier *São Paulo,* which would keep it in service until at least 2039, was scuttled – the decision was then made to sell the former French carrier to a ship rec... more »
Could the F-15EX Transform the U.S. Defense Industry?
*Robert Farley* *Technology, * Can Boeing, the Department of Defense, and the U.S. Air Force use an old fighter to teach the U.S. aerospace industry new tricks? As was widely reported in July, the Air Force has decided to acquire a large number of F-15EX fighters over the next several years. The F-15EX was initially expected to replace the elderly F-15 C/D, but the latest reports indicate that it may also replace the Air Force’s fleet of F-15Es. Essentially, the F-15EX concept binds generations of technological innovation into the very old F-15 airframe. The F-15EX uses the clas... more »
Oregon Can’t Fight Wildfires Because Its Helicopters Were Sent To Afghanistan
Many of Oregon’s largest firefighting aircraft are not available because the Department of Defense has sent them to Afghanistan to fight in the 20-year-old war. The post Oregon Can’t Fight Wildfires Because Its Helicopters Were Sent To Afghanistan appeared first on MintPress News.
ENERGYCAST: Reliable renewables? Duke Energy’s renewable control center
Welcome Jay Dauenhauer's Energy Cast to CFACT.org. We hope you enjoy his informative explanation and analysis of the realities, potentials and pitfalls of how vital energy is produced and consumed. Let's take a listen! The post ENERGYCAST: Reliable renewables? Duke Energy’s renewable control center appeared first on CFACT.
US Cyber Command Has New HQ, Looking to ‘Attack’
*Antiwar.com* | Cyber Command General sees opportunity for more offensive posture.
Top Oregon Democrat Staffer Arrested During Antifa-BLM Street War on Cops. Charge Dropped.
[image: top-oregon-democrat-arrested-during-antifa-blm-street-war-on-cops-charge-dropped] After 100 days of arson and destruction in Portland, yet another is barely news. Except for one thing: Cops collared a top Oregon Democrat in Saturday’s flaming riot.
The Evidence Keeps Piling up: Lockdowns Don’t Work
[image: undefined] The toll lockdowns have taken on human life and human rights has been incalculable. Increases in child abuse, suicide, and even heart attacks, all appear to be a feature of mandatory stay-at-home orders issued by politicians who now rule by decree without any legislative or democratic due process. And then, of course, there is the economic toll on employment, which will feed negative impacts into the longer term. The economic burden has fallen the most on the young and on working-class families, whose earners are least able to work from home. These measures also ... more »
We Are Being Enslaved!
“It’s time to stand up and fight back and stop being the gutless cowards we’ve been for the past 9 months!” – Benito Lorez ______________ We Are Being Enslaved! Benito Lorez Fauici suffers from the “Napoleon Complex.” He’s a little man with a big ego that must be fed massive amounts of laurels in order ... Read more We Are Being Enslaved! The post We Are Being Enslaved! appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Kansas City smashes cold record set more than 100 years ago
That was two days ago. Then they smashed another record yesterday. Two days ago, on Sept 9, Kansas City set a new record coldest high temp of just 54 degrees, smashing the old record of 66 degrees set in 1907. Yesterday KC had another record cold high temp of 56 degrees. Normal high is 82. ... Read more Kansas City smashes cold record set more than 100 years ago The post Kansas City smashes cold record set more than 100 years ago appeared first on Ice Age Now.
Flu killing more people than Covid-19, and has been for months
Latest ONS figures show “pandemic” fatalities slowing to a trickle, and lockdown has nothing to do with it. A report from the UK’s Office of National Statistics (ONS) shows that since at least June 19th, more people in the UK have died of influenza than Covid19. This, of course, is despite the fact that “Covid19 ... Read more Flu killing more people than Covid-19, and has been for months The post Flu killing more people than Covid-19, and has been for months appeared first on Ice Age Now.
TPP-11 bajo la mira: Organizaciones vuelven a la carga ante implicancias en manejo de la pandemia y proceso constituyente
bilaterals.org - 11 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Mientras expertos a nivel nacional e internacional advierten las consecuencias que ha tenido el arbitraje internacional para distintos Estados en el manejo de la pandemia, este lunes más de 400 agrupaciones enviarán una carta al Presidente Piñera y a la presidenta del Senado, pidiendo que no se ponga en tabla la ratificación del polémico acuerdo.
Reino Unido da “gran paso” para unirse a TPP-11
bilaterals.org - 11 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Los altos funcionarios comerciales británicos han “abierto discusiones” sobre la posible adhesión con los negociadores en jefe de los 11 miembros del bloque CPTPP, que incluye al Perú y Chile.
COVID-19 and the risk of foreign investor challenges
bilaterals.org - 11 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Tensions are likely to surface between the public-policy directions of governments managing a challenging economic climate and foreign investors' private interests.
Sudamérica, región más demandada en arbitraje de inversiones en CIADI
bilaterals.org - 11 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Si sumamos los correspondientes a la zona de Centroamérica y el Caribe (7%), los casos rozarían el 40% de los presentados.
Sovereign rights to natural resources as a basis for denouncing international adjudication of investment disputes: A reflection on the Tanzanian approach
bilaterals.org - 11 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Tanzania's reforms show that the claim that African states should regard ISDS mechanism as the preferred method for resolving investment disputes is not only very contested, but that there are legitimate grounds for those contestations.
The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective
September 10, 2020 by Scott Hounsell A woman walks out of a liquor store past a sign requesting its customers to wear a mask Tuesday, June 23, 2020, in Santa Monica, Calif. The state Department of Public Health recorded more than 5,000 new cases Tuesday, putting the total number of positive cases at more than … Continue reading The CDC Accidentally Admits Cloth Masks Are Not Effective →
Barack Obama Links Fires on West Coast to Climate Hoax — He Gets Shut Down
September 10, 2020 by Becca Lower It was only a matter of time before they got back around to it. The climate change-global warming-global cooling narrative so beloved by the Left, that is. Sure, you may have caught some activists crying about the wildfires in Australia during their “summer” months, while those of us in … Continue reading Barack Obama Links Fires on West Coast to Climate Hoax — He Gets Shut Down →
The Data Clearly Shows That the Dem Panic Not the Pandemic Caused the Excess Death We’ve Suffered: Pt 1, the Official Stats
September 10, 2020 by Michael Thau Like pretty much everything about the press coverage of COVID-19, the accusations that President Trump is responsible for killing Americans by playing down the threat is completely surreal. We know for a fact that the panic is responsible for the official coronavirus death toll, not the virus itself. So … Continue reading The Data Clearly Shows That the Dem Panic Not the Pandemic Caused the Excess Death We’ve Suffered: Pt 1, the Official Stats →
Teen Who Went to School When He Wasn’t Supposed to Gets Arrested and Charged with a Crime
September 11, 2020 by Alex Parker Cropped image of prison officer putting handcuffs on prisoner. (LightFieldStudios/iStock/Getty Images Plus) You hate to see a kid racing down the wrong path. On September 9th, I covered the plight of Maverick Stow, the Long Island 17-year-old who went to school to kick off the semester Tuesday even though … Continue reading Teen Who Went to School When He Wasn’t Supposed to Gets Arrested and Charged with a Crime →
T-Mobile Merger Approval Violated Every Last One Of the DOJ’s Updated ‘Antitrust Principles’
from the do-what-I-say,-not-what-I-do dept Thu, Sep 10th 2020 6:21am — Karl Bode Earlier this month, the Department of Justice issued a new, “modernized” merger remedies manual that’s supposed to dictate agency behavior as it ponders approving, denying, or applying conditions to major U.S mergers. Superficially, many of the changes outlined in the document make perfect … Continue reading T-Mobile Merger Approval Violated Every Last One Of the DOJ’s Updated ‘Antitrust Principles’ →
Mattis Told Intel Chief They May ‘Have to Take Collective Action’ Against ‘Unfit’ Trump: Woodward
Chris Menahan InformationLiberation Sep. 10, 2020 Former defense secretary Jim Mattis appears to have been plotting a coup with then-Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats after growing furious with President Trump for banning transgenders from the military and moving to pull out of Afghanistan and Syria. From The Washington Post: Mattis quietly went to Washington … Continue reading Mattis Told Intel Chief They May ‘Have to Take Collective Action’ Against ‘Unfit’ Trump: Woodward →
ZUCKERBERG: Election May Take ‘Weeks’ And Cause ‘Civil Unrest’ Until Media Creates ‘Consensus’ On Next President
September 10, 2020 Source: national file In a recent appearance on Axios on HBO, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg suggested that his company and “and other media” should work to convince the American public there is nothing illegitimate, strange, or suspect about the results upcoming presidential election taking days or weeks to be tabulated due to … Continue reading ZUCKERBERG: Election May Take ‘Weeks’ And Cause ‘Civil Unrest’ Until Media Creates ‘Consensus’ On Next President →
NSA Chief Who Oversaw Sweeping Domestic Phone Surveillance Joins Amazon Board As Director
Tyler Durden Wed, 09/09/2020 Just days after Amazon published a scathing letter slamming President Trump for not allowing the American multinational tech company to get the $10 billion Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI) contract, which instead was awarded to Microsoft, Amazon’s board has just appointed former NSA head and retired general of the US Army Keith B. … Continue reading NSA Chief Who Oversaw Sweeping Domestic Phone Surveillance Joins Amazon Board As Director →
If You Feel Like Something Really, Really Bad Is About To Happen, You Are Definitely Not Alone
September 10, 2020 by Michael Snyder If this is “the recovery”, what are things going to look like once economic conditions start to deteriorate again? As you will see below, more than half of all households in some of our largest cities “are facing serious financial problems”, and Americans continue to file for unemployment benefits … Continue reading If You Feel Like Something Really, Really Bad Is About To Happen, You Are Definitely Not Alone →
Donald Trump designates his rallies ‘peaceful protests’ against the mob —crowd chants: ‘We love you’
President Donald Trump spoke in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Tuesday, as part of his reelection campaign for the presidency, charging former Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden with supporting the protests and riots. September 9, 2020 Collin Jones The Post Millennial President Donald Trump spoke in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, on Tuesday, as part … Continue reading Donald Trump designates his rallies ‘peaceful protests’ against the mob —crowd chants: ‘We love you’ →
Meet Chokwe Pitchford: Charisma, Perseverance And Empathy
Southwest Michigan has been under the glassy-eyed influence of a well-oiled Republican machine due to Fred Upton’s nearly three-and-a-half-decade career as Michigan’s 6th district congressman, with compounding consequences for Chokwe Pitchford’s generation in particular. The representation of Republicans Al Pscholka and John Proos, and now Pauline Wendzel and Kim LaSata in Michigan’s state legislature, together with historically Republican-controlled county and city governments has meant that Democrats rarely even get a seat at the table there, and they certainly don’t get offer... more »
La Niña ENSO phase declared at the peak of hurricane season
The Watchers » Latest articles - 12 hours ago
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has officially declared this year's La Niña phase on Thursday, September 10, 2020. The announcement comes at the peak of the hurricane season. This weather pattern occurs over the eastern Pacific,...... Read more »
South Korea's KF-X Stealth Aircraft Could Cost More Than an F-35
*Peter Suciu* *Security, Asia* While South Korea needs the 120 fighters to replace its aging fleet of McDonnell Douglas F-4D/E Phantom IIs and Northrop F-5E/F Tiger IIs, the KF-X might be the most expensive option. In June, the Republic of Korea (South Korea) announced that it would purchase 40 F-35A Lightning II stealth fighters. That was in addition to the 13 F-35A aircraft that the country received in 2019. That announcement coincided with South Korea's deployment of tanks and troops to the DMZ (demilitarized zone) along its border with North Korea. Last month, South Korea al... more »
Sling TV Debuts Air TV Anywhere, a Network Hub for Cord Cutters
*Stephen Silver* *Technology, * The device features 1TB DVR hard drive and four OTA tuners, and it is compatible with Amazon Fire TV, Roku and Apple devices. The product comes at a price point of $199.99. The service that is now Sling TV got its start back in 2005 with the Slingbox, a device that allowed users to watch programming from home while on the road. The two brothers who founded the device were San Francisco Giants fans who wanted to be able to follow their team while traveling. Sling Media was later sold to Dish Network’s then-parent company Echostar, and Sling TV laun... more »
How the U.S. Air Force Is Preparing to Deter (and Fight) China
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2020%3Anewsml_RC2MPI90DF0K&share=true] There are a lot of considerations when keeping training and readiness at the level needed. The U.S. Air Force is refining its bomber attack preparations by moving to a more “dynamic” operational and training deployment level throughout the Pacific theater to emphasize warfare “readiness” and deter potential adversaries. “We are sustaining a surge in bomber operations, vital to demonstrating peace and stability. We need to keep our adversaries ... more »
Did Dozens of Countries Order COVID-19 Tests in 2018?
A friendly reminder that COVID-19 is named so, in part, because the disease was first observed in humans in 2019.
Did a Gay Couple ‘Celebrate the World’s First Anal Birth’?
A routine review of content labeled satire.
Did a Black Man Invent the Lightbulb, as Joe Biden Claimed?
Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden tried to make a point about Black history in the wake of police shootings.
Operation Moonshot? Leaked documents
Boris Johnson announced on Wednesday plans for an enormous expansion of the national coronavirus testing programme, named “Operation Moonshot”, and estimated to cost “over £100bn” to deliver.
The Covid Crisis: A Brief History of the Pandemics of the 21st Century (2000-2020)
In times of great confusion and anxiety, when it feels like everything is going down the drain, like everyone is stumbling down a steep road, driven by a supposedly unstoppable disaster, it might be helpful to take a moment and a deep breath, to step aside and turn around. One might ask: What brought us here? What is the origin of this road? From where did we follow it? Who was sending us in this direction? Have we been here before? And, maybe even more important: Where will it lead us?
More patients receive cannabis prescriptions in Luxembourg
The number of patients who have received cannabis to treat medical conditions in Luxembourg so far this year has surpassed the total of 2019, local newspaper Luxemburger Wort reported. The data was disclosed Thursday by Health Minister Paulette Lenert in a reply to parliament. According to the Luxembourgian newspaper, medical cannabis was prescribed at least […] More patients receive cannabis prescriptions in Luxembourg is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Synthetic cannabinoid partnership devolves into $881 million lawsuit
A cannabis research and development deal hailed just last March as a $300 million partnership has morphed into a nearly $1 billion court battle. New York-based Lavvan filed an $881 million suit against its partner, California-headquartered Amyris, alleging misappropriation of trade secrets and patent infringement. According to a news release, Lavvan specifically accused the company […] Synthetic cannabinoid partnership devolves into $881 million lawsuit is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
Germany’s first medical cannabis harvests likely delayed until 2021
Germany’s first domestic harvests of medical cannabis flower – originally expected to occur by November – could be delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a government reply to a parliamentary query. “It cannot be ruled out that the persistent consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in many economic sectors could have a time-delaying effect […] Germany’s first medical cannabis harvests likely delayed until 2021 is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs
45 years on, US Intelligence Rehabilitates a Major Cold War Failure
[image: The greatness of the American CIA has been compromised by power-hungry hacks.]Submitted by Steve Brown… There are several CIA theories about what happened to Soviet defector Nick Shadrin after his disappearance in 1975, none particularly credible. Shadrin (true name: Nikolai Artamonov) was a Soviet defector to the West, a US intel asset secretly working for the KGB. In other words, a double agent. Some renditions portray […]
US and China continue to fight for Ukrainian defense plant
Today I would like to touch upon the problems of one of the largest enterprises of the defense industry – the Motor Sich company. After 2014, Ukraine stopped all forms of military-technical cooperation with Russia. The company stopped deliveries to Russia of aircraft and gas turbine engines for cruise missiles, stopped servicing equipment and lost […]
Turkey ORDERS NETFLIX to stop streaming CUTIES
*****News Topic 15***** Turkey orders Netflix to remove French film Cuties from its site. Turkey’s broadcast watchdog has the power to censor online TV platforms and streaming sites after a new law went into effect last year. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-netflix-cuties-movie-banned-underage-exploitation
Despite increasing trade with Chinese yuan US dollar is likely to remain the world’s biggest currency reserve
Speculation over collapse of the petrodollar and rise of the yuan still continues.
EU could sue UK over neglect of Brexit Withdrawal Agreement
Boris Johnson hatches a plan to override certain aspects of the EU Brexit deal, but should we be at all surprised?
Macron meets Hezbollah: Dr. Marwa Osman explains
Steven Sahiounie, journalist and political commentator Lebanon has been faced with political upheavals, and the huge explosion which destroyed the Beirut Port. Steven Sahiounie of MidEastDiscourse asked a noted expert on Lebanon, Dr. Marwa Osman, to explain the recent visit of French President Macron to Beirut, and what it portends. Steven Sahiounie (SS): Recently, France’s […]
Catalan independence struggle faces collapse from within
Catalan president is likely to be barred from politics for over a year.
Power balance in the East Mediterranean is changing as France sends nuclear-powered aircraft carrier
Russia insists the region’s issue must be resolved diplomatically according to international law.
Tucker Carlson Makes the Case that the BLM/ Antifa Revolution Is Not about Race, But Class Warfare
The NYPD arrested people at a demonstration held by the New Afrikan Black Panther Party. A group of these destroyers was arrested, yet none were black, but came from affluent homes. They were the product of the educational system and the media.
George Soros Funds Jesuit NGOs with $1.7-Million
Open Society supports abortion, gay marriage, drug liberalization, and Islamization of the West. Why is this same foundation sending millions to Jesuit groups? And why are these groups accepting the money? What is the common goal? Is no one even curious?
600 Jewish Groups Declare Their Support for Black Lives Matter
Patrice Cullors, a founding member of BLM, has boasted that she is a 'trained Marxist', and the organization rigidly pursues the Marxist agenda.
US Homeland Security Says ‘Most Lethal Threat to America’ is White Supremacy
DHS claimed white supremacists are likely to target racial and religious minorities, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and globalists. Meanwhile, Communists and their agents in the Democrat Party are rioting, setting buildings on fire, and committing violence in the streets while being described as justice warriors.
Top US Infectious Disease Doctor Says Americans Need To 'Hunker Down' This Fall And Winter As Covid-19 Pandemic Will Likely Worsen
*Daily Mail:* *'Hunker down' for the holidays! Dr Fauci warns Americans 'don't underestimate the pandemic' as fall and winter approaches* * Dr Fauci said during a doctors panel for Harvard on Thursday that Americans should 'hunker down' for fall and winter because 'it's not going to be easy' * He also warned of possibility of Labor Day weekend surges in COVID-19 cases * Fauci also said that the US should not ever 'underestimate the potential of the pandemic. And don't try and look at the rosy side of things' Dr Anthony Fauci said during a panel discussion on Thursday that Amer... more »
Israel refuses to comment about attack on Syria’s Aleppo
[image: Israel refuses to comment about attack on Syria’s Aleppo] BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:25 P.M.) -The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said on Friday, following news about a missile attack launched on Syria’s Aleppo at dawn of Friday, that it did not comment on foreign media reports. “We do not comment on reports in foreign news outlets,” the IDF told Sputnik News Agency. In the early hours of the day, the Syrian state-run Al-Ikhbariya broadcaster reported that the country’s air defense systems were repelling an Israeli attack on Aleppo. Continue reading Israel refuses to comment about att... more »
‘Turkey is not a partner in the eastern Mediterranean’: Macron
[image: ‘Turkey is not a partner in the eastern Mediterranean’: Macron] BEIRUT, LEBANON (4:10 P.M.) – French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday, that European countries will try to work to reach a unified policy on Turkey, pointing to the need to take a strict approach against Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in light of the escalating tensions in the eastern Mediterranean. Macron stated during a press conference in Ajaccio, on the southern island of Corsica, that “work will be done to reach a unified European policy on Turkey,” adding that there is a desire to “avoid... more »
Iran issues warnings to US drones near Strait of Hormuz
[image: Iran issues warnings to US drones near Strait of Hormuz] BEIRUT, LEBANON (3:00 P.M.) – The Iranian army said that it issued warnings to U.S. drones that approached the area of maneuvers being conducted east of the Strait of Hormuz, the Sea of Oman and the northern part of Indian Ocean, stressing that they turned away after receiving the warnings. Shahram Irani, the spokesman for the “Zulfiqar 99” maneuvers, which began on Thursday morning, said that the army’s air defense forces issued warnings to foreign planes and asked them to stay away from the general area for the e... more »
First look at US F-35 disguised as Russian Su-57 jet: photo
[image: First look at US F-35 disguised as Russian Su-57 jet: photo] BEIRUT, LEBANON (1:20 P.M.) – The first photo of the U.S. F-35 stealth fighter disguised as a fifth-generation Russian stealth fighter, Su-57, has surfaced on the internet. This photo was posted on the Facebook page of an artist named Sean Hampton, who is also a veteran of the U.S. Air Force. The veteran U.S. officer revealed that preparing this design for the American fighter came at the request of the army. Continue reading First look at US F-35 disguised as Russian Su-57 jet: photo at AMN - Al-Masdar News | الم... more »
Lebanese President says new fire at Beirut Port may be cause of sabotage
[image: Lebanese President says new fire at Beirut Port may be cause of sabotage] BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 P.M.) – Lebanese President Michel Aoun said that the Beirut Port fire that broke out on Thursday, may be an act of sabotage or the result of a technical error, ignorance or negligence, stressing the need to know the cause as soon as possible and to hold the perpetrators accountable. “It is no longer acceptable for errors of any kind that lead to such a fire, especially after the disaster caused by the first fire,” he said at the start of the Supreme Defense Council session to d... more »
4 Cops Fired After Video Showed Them Executing Man on His Knees, Dumping 21 Rounds Into Him
[image: kneeling]A man was kneeling down with three bullet holes in him when 4 cops decided to open fire on him again, dumping 21 rounds into him, execution style.
Podcast — Guest: Richard Gage, AIA — Founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
[image: 9/11 truth]On this episode of the Free Thought Project podcast we sit down with the founder of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and cover the bombshell information from this organization.
PERFORMATIVE BELIEF: Kirk Herbstreit is a good, decent person!
*FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2020* *Kirk Herbstreit goes to church:* Kirk Herbstreit seems like the world's nicest person. It could be that he actually is. For that reason, we've always liked his work. That said, who is Kirk Herbstreit? Herbstreit, age 51, is a longtime college football analyst for ABC Sports and its corporate partner, ESPN. As a high school quarterback, he was the state of Ohio's player of the year. As a senior in college, he was co-captain of the Ohio State team, as his father had been before him. Thirty years later, he's still upbeat and youthful in his approach o... more »
Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It
While economies are being ravaged and individuals are finding themselves unemployed at alarming rates, one very small group of people is making billions hand over fist: America’s tech titans. The post Tech Titans and Censorship—The Same People Profiting From The Quarantine Are Censoring Criticisms of It appeared first on Children's Health Defense.
Is China sowing the seeds of its own dissolution?
I was unpleasantly reminded of the Soweto uprising of 1976 in South Africa by a recent article discussing China's crackdown on the Mongol language and culture. Chinese authorities are searching for protesters in Inner Mongolia after a new policy aimed at pushing Mandarin-language education across the region sparked widespread unrest among the country’s ethnic Mongols, with many angered by what they saw as a move to erase their culture. Thousands of students in Inner Mongolia have taken to the streets during the past week to rally against the government’s three-year plan to push Ma... more »
Assange’s Fourth Day At The Old Bailey: COVID In The Courtroom
As James Lewis QC for the prosecution, representing the US government, revealed, “I’m just saying about my charger. It’s in court and I’m going to run out of battery.” It was one of those moments that said much about the fourth day of proceedings at the Old Bailey regarding one […]
Is Sweden's Model To Fight The Covid-19 Pandemic The Right One?
Sweden, in brown, once had the worst infection rate in Europe measured by cases per million people - but while cases have surged in Spain and France and risen in Britain, Germany and Italy, Sweden's infection rate has fallen to an all-time low *Daily Mail:* *How comeback kid Sweden got the last laugh on coronavirus: Infections and deaths fall to record lows and economy improves as Britain removes the country that shunned lock-down from the quarantine list* * Sweden's infection rate, once the highest in Europe, is now lower than in UK, Spain, France, Italy or Denmark * Curve was fl... more »
Netflix goes all in for pedophilia; leftists defend it as "art"
Netflix just released a movie that involves 11 year old girls twerking in a highly sexualized manner; and that's not the worst of it So, I thought the Cuties/Netflix thing was being sensationalized... but the IMDB trigger warning literally describes "female breast nudity of a minor(!!!)" If you had that on your computer, you're going to jail. If it's on Netflix, it's art??? pic.twitter.com/0eu8dZDX5j — Cabot Phillips (@cabot_phillips) September 10, 2020 But the left is defending the film But don’t worry guys, child porn is fine as long as it’s in the name of fighting the patriar... more »
Dr. Fauci shreds Woodward's claim that Trump lied about the China virus
Bob Woodward is claiming that Trump saying he was trying to avoid panicking we the people in early February about the China virus. So? Do we want a President who wants us panicked? Remember when Trump was allegedly guilty of downplaying the virus Joe Biden was saying that Trump's China travel ban was "xenophobic". Nancy Pelosi was telling us to mingle in crowds in Chinatown. Cuomo was telling New Yorkers they had nothing to worry about; he had things under control. In comparison Trump telling us to not panic over a virus that will, at worst, leave 99.98% of us fine is hardly so... more »
The Sturgis Motorcyle Rally caused 260 not 250,000 new China virus cases
The #FakeNews media is reporting that the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally caused 250,000 new COVID19 cases and cost us $12.2 billion. The first thing to note is that the same media has never talked about the number of cases that resulted from the riots and protests. In fact while the #FakeNews media has condemned Sturgis from the get go they've also actually encouraged people to go to protests and riots where social distancing wasn't followed at all. However, as usual, they're lying to us. As of 9/9/2020 only 260 China virus cases have been linked to Sturgis. How did the liars in the ... more »
September 11, 2001
Remembering that terrible day, September 11, 2001. I was sitting in my office upstairs, and Bob hollered up the stairs to turn on the TV. But for about 24 hours we were united in our fear, pain and patriotism. My siblings and I all called our father. Why I'm not sure. But it was just a comfort to hear his voice. Then the attacks on President Bush began from the media. Why did he not anticipate this; how could he not know; there were 100s of warnings, tips and false alarms; why did he stop and hesitate while reading to children, and on and on. Drip, drip, drip. The media were buildi... more »
September 11, 1960 and 2020
Today is our 60th wedding anniversary. We're having a much smaller celebration than we had in 2010 for our 50th--a few Lakeside friends and neighbors for wine and chocolate in our neighbor's yard which is big enough for outdoor social spacing and lawn chairs. I've purchased individually wrapped desserts in a variety of chocolate flavors--peppermint, raspberry, peanut butter, etc., and some soda for the kids. We hope the weather will hold--it's turned a little nippy here in Lakeside. Last night Bob asked me what was our best year out of the 60, and I think it's not an actual calend... more »
Former Chief Of Intelligence At US Homeland Security Says The Trump Administration Sought To ‘Censor Or Manipulate’ Intelligence
*CBS:* *Whistleblower says top DHS officials tried to stifle intel reports on Russian interference* A senior Department of Homeland Security official alleges he was retaliated against after refusing to stand down on reporting Russia's attempts to interfere in the 2020 presidential election, according to a complaint released Wednesday by the House Intelligence Committee. Brian Murphy, who was principal deputy under secretary in the Office of Intelligence and Analysis at DHS before his alleged demotion, says in a whistleblower complaint that he was instructed by then-Acting DHS S... more »
Never Forget?...
* it seems some people have.* Why else would states like Minnesota, Michigan, and Indiana vote for and support America and Israel hating radical Muslims? These same radical Muslims, 19 years later, are now supporting an attempted communist takeover of our country. We allow the scum of the earth to lecture us on how terrible we are in the name of tolerance and diversity. You, the voter, are the only thing that stands between the radical forces that are doing their best to create a "new normal." They've managed to move the line of outrage a bit further. While they may cease f... more »
Dough for Bread for the World
[image: dough-for-bread-for-the-world] The nominally Christian organization Bread for the World doesn’t — as most think — use donations to provide food for the poor. It simply lobbies for socialist causes.
Study: Pollsters Being Misled by Their Respondents
[image: study-pollsters-being-misled-by-their-respondents] The “shy voter” may be skewing political poll results reported by the mainstream pollsters.
A sad party run by sad people
As a fiscal conservative and social progressive, I left the Republican Party about twelve years ago. My main reasons for becoming an independent were the Republican stance on climate change, an unhealthy focus on evangelicals and guns, and a tendency … Continue reading →
There hasn’t yet been a COVID outbreak in Nova Scotia’s jails, but it could still happen
News 1. COVID-19 and provincial jails Provincial jails have not seen a major breakout of COVID-19. That’s the good news. The bad news is that the jails have improperly infringed on prisoners’ rights, and the programs, policies, and supports that were implemented in order to prevent COVID infections in jails have been defunded; as a […]
Collective Malevolence
Michelle Goldberg writes that Bob Woodward's tapes of Donald Trump reveal something we didn't know about him: The president doesn’t sound ignorant or deluded. Rather, he sounds uncommonly lucid. On Feb. 7, Trump described the virus as airborne and “more deadly than even your strenuous flus,” adding, “this is 5 percent versus 1 percent, or less than 1 percent.” It’s not clear whether Trump thought that Covid-19 had a 5 percent case fatality rate — a number that seemed plausible in February — but he clearly knew that compared with the flu, it was several times more likely to kill. ... more »
North Korea and America in 2021: What Comes Next?
*Harry J. Kazianis* *Security, Asia* What options does the next administration have considering the present state of Pyongyang’s various weapons of mass destruction programs? The Center for the National Interest's Korean Studies Program recently hosted an event to tackle this question. No matter who wins the White House come November 3rd, either Donald Trump or Joe Biden will have no choice but to make critical choices when it comes to North Korea, the threat its weapons of mass destruction and missile programs pose to the United States and its allies, and the policies Washingt... more »
The U.S. Air Force Wants More Than 100 B-21 Stealth Bombers
*Kris Osborn* *Security, Americas* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2001%3Anewsml_PBEAHUKXBCF&share=true] The size of the bomber fleet is actually rather small historically, so the branch wants more bombers to increase its number. The arrival of the B-21 is expected to more than triple the percentage of low-observable bomber aircraft in the Air Force’s fleet by adding larger numbers of a new “stealth” platform intended to reshape the service’s attack tactics and strategy for decades to come. “100 or more B-21s will mean two-thirds or more of our... more »
South Korea Has a New Way to Kill North Korea's Tanks
*Caleb Larson* *Security, Asia* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2004%3Anewsml_RP5DRIBABDAB&share=true] The open-source intelligence group Jane’s reported that South Korea will begin manufacturing their own, indigenously designed 120-millimeter self-propelled mortar system. The new 120mm mortar will be a big upgrade for ROK forces. Here’s why Imagine this scenario. A number of North Korean tanks have broken through the Korean Demilitarized Zone (DMZ), quickly followed by a number of soldiers. Prior to the breach, an advance group of North Korean ... more »
These American Boats Destroyed Communist Guerrillas During the Vietnam War
*Warfare History Network* *History, * The U.S. Navy’s river patrol boats played a crucial role in the Mekong Delta during the Vietnam War. *Key Point*: The advent of the Mobile Riverine Force in the delta marked a shift in the balance of power in the region. The U.S. Navy deployed a variety of small boats to South Vietnam during the Vietnam War, but perhaps the best known of these is the river patrol boat. The “patrol boat: riverine,” or Navy PBR, was the first watercraft built for the so-called brown water navy in Vietnam. During the height of the conflict, Navy personnel scout... more »
No, America Is Not Ready to Counter China and Russia in the Arctic
*Michael Lyons* *Security, * America only has two icebreakers but Russia has forty. The strategic jockeying with China and Russia are important developments in the U.S. Arctic Strategy and a far cry from half a decade ago, when calls for the United States to wake up about its Arctic destiny were in their infancy. For instance, take this summary from the June 2019 DOD Report to Congress on Arctic Strategy: “The United States has...broad, interlocking sets of national security interests related to the Arctic region…The Arctic as a potential corridor for strategic competition. The A... more »
Russian New Nuclear Cruise Missile Has Already Killed (Its Testers)
*Sebastien Roblin* *Technology, Europe* It could be a real danger. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Supposedly, the radiological event tied to the accident had been minor, and notices posted by regional officials were scrubbed from the internet. But locals were not convinced. In Severodvinsk and Arkhangelsk, demand for potassium iodide tablets, which reduce the thyroid gland’s intake of radioactive substances, skyrocketed and several pharmacies were sold out. At nine in the morning on August 8, 2019, an explosion resonated across the cold waters of the Arctic White Sea. A mis... more »
What Can the U.S. Navy Learn from Science Fiction?
*James Holmes* *Security, Asia* [image: Reuters] Battlestar Galactica hints at subtler ways to outfight a stronger opponent. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Throughout most of its history, the U.S. Navy manned its ships under the reasoning that it takes a surplus of manpower to fight a ship in combat. Combat means losses. Now imagine Cylon pinprick attacks’ impact on *Galactica* and her coterie were it “minimally manned”—that is, if every crewman were assigned multiple jobs, and if the vessels lacked any manpower reserve when (not if) battle damage and casualties occur. How... more »
Is There A Problem In The Top Ranks Of America's Military?
Flanked by Secretary of Defense Mark Esper (L) and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Gen. Mark Milley, U.S. President Donald Trump meets with senior military leaders at the White House in Washington, U.S., October 7, 2019. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque *Andrea Widburg, American Thinker:* *There is something very wrong with some in the top ranks of America's military* With Bob Woodward's anti-Trump book about to be published, the media are focusing entirely on the easily debunked claim that Trump mishandled the Wuhan virus by "lying" to the American people. What the media are ignoring, ho... more »
What Is Populism? The People V. the People
“Populism” has received many definitions and historical interpretations. Some analysts take it simply as a more active form or stretch of democracy, but this may underplay the existence of very different theories and practices of democracy. One analytically useful definition of populism was given by political scientist William Riker in his 1982 book Liberalism Against […] The post What Is Populism? The People V. the People appeared first on Econlib.
More than 500,000 People in Oregon Flee Wildfires
West coast wildfire crisis extends beyond California to include parts of Oregon and Washington states, caused by rare windstorms..
Death toll jumps to 15 as record wildfires continue raging in California, Oregon, and Washington, U.S.
The Watchers » Latest articles - 14 hours ago
At least 15 people have been killed in record-breaking wildfires burning through the western U.S. as of Friday, September 11, 2020, with California, Oregon, and Washington bearing the brunt of the blazes. According to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC),...... Read more »
US Remembers 9/11 as Pandemic Changes Tribute Traditions
Americans are commemorating 9/11 with tributes that have been altered by coronavirus precautions and woven into the presidential campaign.
US Embassy Denies Funding Thai Protests Groups Listed on US NED's Own Website
The US Embassy has once again denied involvement in Thailand's ongoing anti-government "student" protests - despite virtually every core group involved being funded by the US government through the National Endowment for Democracy. *September 11, 2020* (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) - The US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand has been forced for a second time in a month to address growing evidence of its role behind current ongoing anti-government "student" protests. This time, it is defending pictures turning up online of core protest leader Parit "Penguin" Chiwarak's visits to the US Embass... more »
US Embassy Denies Funding Thai Protests Groups Listed on US NED's Own Website
The US Embassy has once again denied involvement in Thailand's ongoing anti-government "student" protests - despite virtually every core group involved being funded by the US government through the National Endowment for Democracy. *September 11, 2020* (Tony Cartalucci - ATN) - The US Embassy in Bangkok, Thailand has been forced for a second time in a month to address growing evidence of its role behind current ongoing anti-government "student" protests. This time, it is defending pictures turning up online of core protest leader Parit "Penguin" Chiwarak's visits to the US Embass... more »
WATCH: Cop Assaults, Arrests Man After Saying His Thin Blue Line Flag Mask Violates US Flag Code
[image: flag]After a man told a police officer that his thin blue line flag mask violated the US flag code, the officer took the man outside, threatened to taser him, assaulted and arrested him.
NEVER FORGET: In 2020, a 4 Year Study Found that ‘Fire Did Not Cause Building 7’s Collapse on 9/11’
[image: 9/11]As the media frenzy around 9/11 reminds us today to "never forget" there is some crucial information that the establishment absolutely wants all Americans to forget.
Boris Johnson presses on with BREXIT as EU pushes for delay
Via Zerohedge (https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/eu-demands-uk-scrap-new-intermarket-bill-months-end-brexit-talks-suddenly-matter-again)… As expected, Brussels isn’t thrilled about new draft legislation from UK PM Boris Johnson that would effectively invalidate the hated “Irish Backstop” – as the provision in the withdrawal agreement was known before the treaty was ratified – and in a throwback to the thick of the deal talks from the spring […]
SWEDEN turns the corner as cases drop to European low
*****News Topic 14***** Sweden Close To Victory Over Coronavirus; Never Had A Lockdown Or Mask Mandate“Sweden has gone from being the country with the most infections in Europe to the safest one.” https://summit.news/2020/09/08/sweden-close-to-victory-over-coronavirus-never-had-a-lockdown-or-mask-mandate/
What Happens if Donald Trump Wins?
While insiders in Washington, particularly of the Donkey brand, love to brandish the tired old mantra of Russian interference in America's political theatre, a document from the Transition Integrity Project or TIP shows who is really showing potential for interfering in America's growingly fractured and fractious political landscape. The Transition Integrity Project is a group that you have not likely heard anything about. TIP is made up of a group of Democratic Party insiders and former Obama and Clinton era officials as well as a selection of disgruntled neoconservative Republ... more »
NFL Season Started Yesterday. Who Cares.
*Daily Mail: **NFL fans boo a moment of silence for BLM: The Houston Texans walk out during the anthem and a Kansas City Chief takes a knee in front of 17,000 socially distanced spectators as the league opens 2020 season* * The Kansas City Chiefs and Houston Texas opened the 2020 NFL season on Thursday at Arrowhead Stadium with 17,000 socially distanced fans. Attendance was limited to 22 percent capacity due to the pandemic * The Texans remained in their locker room during the national anthem in a coordinated display meant to bring awareness to Black Lives Matter and other social j... more »
NSA spy bases in the UK
This is the third in a series of Global Network videos about the US program to establish 'down link' bases around the world to intercept all communications and to assist in the targeting of Pentagon attacks. The last video was about the NSA spy base in Australia called Pine Gap. This video, by GN board member Will Griffin, takes us to the United Kingdom where we learn about two similar bases - Menwith Hill in Yorkshire and Croughton near Oxford. See all other GN space videos *here*
A 9/11 Retrospective
Honoring those who perished, and those defending our nation in the Long War today. ~ Publius · Sep. 11, 2020 ~ “None of us will ever forget this day. Yet we go forward to defend freedom, and all that is good and just in our world.” —President George W. Bush on the evening of […]
Japan and the UK sign a trade deal but eyes are on Trans-Pacific Partnership
Japan and the UK sign a trade deal but eyes are on Trans-Pacific Partnership Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The United Kingdom (UK) and Japan, in principle, have signed an important trade deal for the UK. For Japan, the real focus is on continuity and not having supply related issues – […]
9/11/2020: Use The Truth to Stop the Insurrection Against the Presidency
New International Economic Order London-Saudi Global Terror Stop WWIII 9/11/2020: Use The Truth to Stop the Insurrection Against the Presidency Video of 9/11/2020: Use The Truth to Stop the Insurrection Against the Presidency *Join us live on Saturday, September 12 at 2pm EDT.* This week's national town hall meeting features William Binney, Kirk Wiebe and Colonel Richard H. Black (USA, Ret.) who will reveal why the events on 9/11 2001 were completely preventable and to expose a plan for an illegal takeover of the Presidency now openly being discussed by former and present, officers ... more »
Wisdom of Mythology; Superstitions of Atheism
Most people do not know the wisdom and knowledge that can be found in their books of mythology and religion; if they knew, they would not be attracted to the superstitions and false rituals propagated by the modern atheistic philosophies. I am not saying that what the mythologies and religions have preached three thousand or four thousand years ago are appropriate for the people in every age, including our own time—while the wisdom in the mythologies and religions is timeless, their teachings have to be calibrated to the moral and spiritual requirements of the modern age.
France Sends Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier to East Mediterranean
The delicate power balance in the East Mediterranean is changing dramatically and quickly as states begin to cooperate to contain and contract Turkish ambitions in the region. by Paul Antonopoulos Turkey’s drive to secure and control gas and oil supplies has seen its military involve in Iraq, Syria and Libya, while also threatening war with … Continue reading France Sends Nuclear-Powered Aircraft Carrier to East Mediterranean →
In A Pacific War Against China, The Navy Won't Fight Alone (The Army And Marines Have Plans)
*Sebastien Roblin* *Security, Asia* A U.S.-China clash would likely concern ships, missiles and airplanes, and perhaps a side order of special and amphibious forces. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Thus, the Army and Marine Corps’s growing anti-ship capabilities show a willingness to adapt weapons systems originally designed for a Cold War slugfest in twentieth-century Europe to meet the changing security environment of the Pacific in the twenty-first century. On July 12, 2018, the USS* Racine* met her grisly fate. The 522-foot long tank landing ship was struck by four diffe... more »
Time to Cut Commercial Ties With China
*Daniel J. Samet* *economy, Asia* America should no longer have doubts about what China intends to do with the prosperity it receives from continued trade. A just-released Department of Defense report on China’s military paints a sobering picture. Besides possessing the world’s largest navy and second-largest defense budget, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) is drawing closer to nuclear parity with its Russian and American counterparts. The well-armed Communist behemoth we now face is not Soviet but Chinese. What has helped abet its military rise are the many billions of dollar... more »
Navy Sailors May Dream Of Rifles That Shoot Underwater, But Russia's Special Forces Don't Have To
*Kyle Mizokami* *Security, * Spetsnaz troops were trained to infiltrate enemy territory over land, air and sea to reach their targets. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Soviet frogmen needed a weapon to ensure they could neutralize enemy frogmen underwater to complete their missions. Contrary to common perception, regular guns can indeed fire underwater. The main problem is that they are horribly inaccurate and their range is severely degraded passing through water. The widespread use of combat divers, more commonly known as frogmen, led to the inevitable question: how do frog... more »
COVID-19 Is The Most Amazing Virus—EVER ! ! !
Found on the State of the Nation: GREAT SARCHASM!!! Complete Post…. The key features of this truly phenomenal coronavirus are as follows: Cured influenza, measles, heart disease, cancers and most other diseases and abolished ‘death from natural causes’… (Bold and Italics mine.) It’s a smart virus, highly virulent in parks, gyms, churches schools, and on beaches… It has no effect on the thousands of employees who work at Walmart, Kmart, Home Depot, Target, Bunnings…. and especially in liquor stores… The virus seems to target mostly Mom and Pop businesses and barbershops, who always h... more »
My 9/11 Recollections (19th yearly post)
It is one of those moments in time that everybody will remember what they were doing when they heard, like the Challenger explosion, Ronald Reagan getting shot, the final Vietnam cease fire going into effect, Neal Armstrong’s “One small step for Man”, and for those even older than me…when JFK was hit by multiple assassins in Dealey Plaza. I was sitting at my desk in the Quality Assurance Division of Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department at Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Ft Worth, TX. I was inputting data into my tracker for some safety requirements, since my main job a... more »
Never Forget – Where Were You on 9-11-01?
September 11, 2001, is a date that will forever be known simply as 9-11. As we reflect on the day we think of those we lost in New York, Pennsylvania and Washington DC; and we remember the courage and bravery … Continue reading →
FUNAI Coordinator Killed by Arrow in Isolated Indigenous Territory He Was Studying
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Together with his friend Roberto de Barros Ossak, who is a Pastoral da Terra (a Roman Catholic organization for social justice and human rights in the Brazilian countryside) agent and researches agricultural law in the region, Rieli Franciscato made an expedition to the Uru-Eu-Wau-Wau territory to understand why the indigenous […] The post FUNAI Coordinator Killed by Arrow in Isolated Indigenous Territory He Was Studying appeared first on The Rio Times.
President Trump Uses 9/11 PREP Act History to Authorize Pharmacists To Administer COVID Vaccines To Kids 3 and Older
COVax - a new way to gamble at your local store? The nutshell summary: You can now take your child age 3 and older to a pharmacy for a COVID vaccine thanks to a Trump Administration action that uses the... more »
Michelle Goldberg believes we can stop arguing now about whether President Trump was in denial about the coronavirus. People who’ve spent time with him often conclude that truth has no meaning for him. [Bob] Woodward quoted Dan Coats, Trump’s former director of national intelligence, saying: “To him, a lie is not a lie. It’s just what he thinks. He doesn’t know the difference between the truth and a lie.” ... Yet in recordings Woodward has released of Trump talking about the coronavirus ... the president doesn’t sound ignorant or deluded. Rather, he sounds uncommonly lucid. On Feb. ... more »
New petrol and diesel cars could be made £1,500 more expensive to subsidise electric vehicles
By Paul Homewood h/t Patsy Lacey Of course, if we won’t do as we’re told, we will have to be punished! A feasibility study commissioned by minsters on ways to accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles has suggested making new petrol and diesel cars £1,500 more expensive. The […]