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11 September - Blogs I'm Following - 4 of 5

10 pm MDT

Which Party Is Going To Have to Rebuild After The Trump Debacle?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago
*Cone Of Shame by Nancy Ohanian* If someone was to start an essay with "I was a Republican for most of my adult life," there's a good chance I would stop reading. How much of a moron or bigot would someone have to be to have been a Republican for most of their adult life? I wasn't even an adult when I figured out that even a horribly flawed Democratic Party in practice wasn't as bad as the Republican Party in aspiration (*and* practice). But the title of the new Tom Nichols essay for *The Atlantic*-- This Republican Party Is Not Worth Saving-- I wouldn't have heard his compelling ar... more »

In 1980, A Burning B-52 Bomber Almost Sent Radioactive Debris Across America

Michael Peck at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*Michael Peck* *Security, * “'You are talking about something that in one respect could be probably worse than Chernobyl.' *Here's What You Need To Remember: *“Had the wind shifted, a fire that raged for three hours on a B-52 bomber at the Air Force base near Grand Forks, N.D., would have reached the plane`s thermonuclear weapons and touched off the conventional explosives inside them,” according to a 1991 Knight-Ridder article. As the U.S. and Russia develop a new generation of nuclear missiles, the winds of a new arms race blow ominously. But 39 years ago, it was another wind... more »

These 5 Aircraft Carriers Made A Huge Impact Wherever They Sailed

James Holmes at The National Interest - 16 hours ago
*James Holmes* *Security, Americas* Here are the best of the best. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Less robust carriers use ski jumps to launch aircraft. That limits the size, fuel capacity, and weapons load—and thus the range, flight times and firepower—of their air wings. Larger, more capable carriers, then, can accommodate a larger, more capable, and changing mixes of aircraft with greater ease than their lesser brethren. Anyone who's tried to compare one piece of kit—ships, aircraft, weaponry of various types—to another will testify to how hard this chore is. Ranking air... more »

EU agrees to cut taxes on US lobsters in modest trade pact

bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 The EU agreed to drop its 8% tariff on US lobsters while the US agreed to cut in half tariffs on EU imports, including some prepared meals, crystal glassware and cigarette lighters.

L'Angola et l'UE veulent passer à une nouvelle dimension

bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 L'Angola et l'Union européenne vont lancer des discussions exploratrices en vue d'un accord d'investissement.

Mukhisa says planned Kenya-US trade deal unfavourable

bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 The Donald Trump's administration is seeking abolition of import duty on agricultural exports to Kenya.

British farmers will be trampled in the rush for free trade deals

bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Farmers were once part of the Tories' national identity, but this government's Brexit strategy will ruin many

UK signs first major post-Brexit trade deal with Japan

bilaterals.org - 16 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 The UK has struck its first major post-Brexit trade deal after signing an agreement in principle with Japan which aims to boost trade by about £15bn.

Wikileaks helped end secret U.S. killings, Assange extradition hearing is told

barovsky at The New Dark Age - 16 hours ago
REVELATIONS published by Wikileaks helped to end a secret U.S. assassination programme and freed unlawfully detained prisoners from Guantanamo Bay, the Julian Assange extradition hearing was told today.

9/11: We remember . . . and we prepare

Peter at Bayou Renaissance Man - 16 hours ago
Nineteen years ago, in New York City, the twin towers fell to a terrorist attack like none ever experienced before. We remember those who died, and we honor their sacrifice. We also take note that there are those among us who seek to do precisely the same thing all over again, *this time to our entire Republic:* to overturn and destroy it, in the name of a poisonous ideology that has caused misery and death across the world. Marxism drives Antifa and Black Lives Matter, by the open - even proud - admission of their founders and leaders. *Antifa and BLM and their supporters se... more »

Links 9/11/2020

Lambert Strether at naked capitalism - 17 hours ago

Florida medical cannabis edibles sales could reach $250 million in first full year

Jeff Smith at Marijuana Business Daily - 17 hours ago
Edibles are hitting the medical cannabis dispensary shelves in Florida, launching a new market segment that could generate up to $250 million in sales in the first full year. Tallahassee-based Trulieve, the state’s dominant medical cannabis operator, was first out of the gate, selling edibles in its hometown dispensary on Sept. 2. The first sale […] Florida medical cannabis edibles sales could reach $250 million in first full year is a post from: Marijuana Business Daily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs

Leonardo DiCaprio Steps Up Anti-Bolsonaro Campaign on Social Media

Oliver Mason at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Leonardo DiCaprio used social media to endorse the Defund Bolsonaro campaign, which urges foreign consumers to challenge brands and governments that benefit from President The post Leonardo DiCaprio Steps Up Anti-Bolsonaro Campaign on Social Media appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazilian Prosecutors Investigating Petrobras Forex Transactions between 2008 and 2011

Newsfeed at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil’s federal police were serving 25 search warrants as part of an investigation regarding foreign-exchange transactions done by oil company Petrobras between 2008 and 2011, according to a statement from federal prosecutors on Thursday, September 10th. The raids are part of the 74th phase of Brazil’s Lava Jato (Car Wash) […] The post Brazilian Prosecutors Investigating Petrobras Forex Transactions between 2008 and 2011 appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazilian Maya Gabeira Breaks Record for Biggest Wave Ever Surfed by a Woman

Adele Cardin at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian Maya Gabeira set a new world record for the largest wave ever surfed by a woman: 22.4 meters (73.5 feet). The mark was reached on February 11th, 2020, during the Nazaré Tow Surfing, the giant wave championship held at Praia do Norte, in Nazaré (Portugal). The announcement was made […] The post Brazilian Maya Gabeira Breaks Record for Biggest Wave Ever Surfed by a Woman appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil Consumer Credit Rater Launches Tool That Enables Consumers to Raise Scores

Oliver Mason at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Wednesday, September 9th, the SERASA (credit research firm) announced a new tool for its platform. Called SERASA Turbo, the tool will allow the consumer to know how much their credit score will increase when paying off a debt. The credit score is a rating behind each individual taxpayer registry […] The post Brazil Consumer Credit Rater Launches Tool That Enables Consumers to Raise Scores appeared first on The Rio Times.

Covid-19: Brazil Counts 922 Deaths in 24 Hours, Exceeds 129,000 Fatalities (September 10th)

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Since the start of the novel coronavirus pandemic in Brazil, 129,575 people have died from Covid-19, point out yesterday's data from the media outlets consortium. In the past 24 hours, 922 deaths were reported. Between . . . To read the full NEWS and much more, Subscribe to our Premium […] The post Covid-19: Brazil Counts 922 Deaths in 24 Hours, Exceeds 129,000 Fatalities (September 10th) appeared first on The Rio Times.

Analysis: In Fux We Trust – Will Brazil’s New Chief Justice Be Subservient to Bolsonaro?

Lachlan Williams at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
[image: Ministro Luiz Fux speaks about the Supremo Tribunal Federal] RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - One question concerning the inauguration of Justice Luiz Fux as Presiding Justice of the Federal Supreme Court (STF), is whether he will be as subservient to President Jair Bolsonaro as his predecessor, Dias Toffoli, sometimes proved to be. Their profiles are different. But even among the STF justices, there is […] The post Analysis: In Fux We Trust – Will Brazil’s New Chief Justice Be Subservient to Bolsonaro? appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil’s Education Minister: Brazil’s Youths, Lacking Faith, Are ‘Existential Zombies’

Xiu Ying at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Thursday, September 10th, Minister of Education Milton Ribeiro said that part of Brazil's youths have become "existential zombies" who no longer believe in God. In an event to launch policies against mutilation and suicide, The post Brazil’s Education Minister: Brazil’s Youths, Lacking Faith, Are ‘Existential Zombies’ appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil’s Agricultural Minister Says Government Took Steps to Control Rice Price

Lachlan Williams at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Agriculture Minister Tereza Cristina said yesterday, September 10th, that the government has taken the required measures to try to contain the rise in the price of rice and prevent a shortage of the product on supermarket shelves. "The measures that could be taken, were so, The post Brazil’s Agricultural Minister Says Government Took Steps to Control Rice Price appeared first on The Rio Times.

Brazil’s Retail Trade Grows 5.2 Percent in July, Nears 2014 Record

Richard Mann at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In July, Brazilian retail trade maintained the vigor recorded over the previous two months, closing the month with a 5.2 percent sales increase, as reported on Thursday, September 10th, by IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics). It was the highest growth for the month since the start of the […] The post Brazil’s Retail Trade Grows 5.2 Percent in July, Nears 2014 Record appeared first on The Rio Times.

AstraZeneca Still Believes in Effective Vaccine Against the Virus by the End of 2020

Adele Cardin at The Rio Times - 17 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The abrupt suspension of the coronavirus vaccine clinical trials developed by Oxford University and AstraZeneca pharmaceutical company sounded the alarm worldwide. However, Pascal Soriot, executive director of the Anglo-Swedish company, minimized the event on Thursday during a videoconference. "It is very common, as many experts can confirm. The difference with […] The post AstraZeneca Still Believes in Effective Vaccine Against the Virus by the End of 2020 appeared first on The Rio Times.

15-storey Dartmouth apartment building approved, including some federally-financed affordable and accessible units

Zane Woodford at Halifax Examiner - 17 hours ago
One fifth of the units in a new 15-storey apartment building in Dartmouth will rent for less than market value, and 20 units will be accessible — as long as the developer secures financing with the federal government. The municipality’s Harbour East Marine Drive Community Council, tasked with development approvals on the Dartmouth side of […]

The Epic Story of the First Aircraft Carrier Air Raid in History

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* The Tondern raid was a landmark in the history of naval aviation. *Key Point*: The Royal Navy pushed its technology as far as it could go in the Tondern raid. Nearly a century ago during World War I, the Royal Navy launched the first air strike from an aircraft carrier ever, targeting a zeppelin base in Tondern. After dropping a cumulative bomb load that barely exceeded the weight of a single five-hundred-pound bomb carried by a typical World War II fighter, the naval strike planes all proceeded to crash in the sea or were forced to land on n... more »

Was Donald Trump Right to Downplay the Pandemic?

Mark Kenny at The National Interest - 17 hours ago
*Mark Kenny* *Coronavirus, * Governments and their officials have often considered the dangers of public overreaction when disseminating emergency advice. How much should leaders say and when? News that US President Donald Trump was fully seized of the deadly potential of the novel coronavirus, despite his sustained public dismissals, has provoked anger and surprise. Audio recordings from interviews granted to veteran reporter Bob Woodward expose a clear disconnect between the president’s many public utterances, dating back to January, and those he made to Woodward intended for ... more »

Melbourne curfew is not based on advice

TOTT News at News – TOTT News - 17 hours ago
Daniel Andrews is facing calls to lift Melbourne’s controversial COVID-19 curfew after confirming the decision to impose a night-time stay-at-home direction was a government decision. Andrews confirmed earlier comments from the state's Chief Health Officer, Brett Sutton, that the curfew decision was not based on his advice, nor that of health officials. [...Continued]

Nearly half of British public say they will never buy an electric car over charging fees

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Nearly half of the UK public say they will never buy an electric car because of a lack of charging points, according to a new survey. The cost of EVs is the other major reason why 46 per cent of people say they would not buy one in the future, the […]

The Weekly Volcanic Activity Report: September 2 - 8, 2020

New activity/unrest was reported for 2 volcanoes from September 2 to 8, 2020. During the same period, ongoing activity was reported for 12 volcanoes. New activity/unrest: Kavachi, Solomon Islands | Sinabung, Indonesia. Ongoing activity: Aira, Kyushu (Japan) |...... Read more »

Funny Friday

Terry at 'Nox & Friends - 17 hours ago
Most Importantly Today….. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Presented in our patented ‘Slideshow-O-Ramo’ ® Ever hear of r/RoastMe ? Yeah, I haven’t either. But apparently it is a ‘Reddit’ community where losers post their picture to be made fun of. Some get roasted. Many get incinerated….. Two Polish hunters named Joe and Don, hired a pilot to fly them into the Canadian wilderness, where they managed to bag two big Bull Moose. As they were loading the plane to return, the pilot said the plane could take only the hunters, their gear and one Moose. The hunters objected strongly saying... more »


Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 18 hours ago
From Jenna Orkin Wildlife in 'catastrophic decline' due to human destruction, scientists warnFirefighters told to disengage with wildfire in Clackamas County, fire officials said Teacher Deaths in Three States Role of Black Bourgeoisie in Coopting Our Movement Panic amid towering inferno at Beirut's port Dozens of Amazon's own products have been reported as dangerous -- melting, exploding or even bursting into flames. Many are still on the market (Broadway) Coronavirus pandemic strains companies along key avenue; survey finds 78% increase in empty storefronts since 2017 Electric Cars ... more »

9/11 – Never Forget

Larry-Lambert at Virtual Mirage - 18 hours ago
ALL Enemies, both foreign AND domestic… I’ll let you decide which is which. Before The attack Rebuilding On September 12, 2001, what would you have given in the way of odds that President George W. Bush would be succeeded by a Muslim-affiliated, half negro, sexually ambiguous, child of communists from Chicago, that he’d do two […] The post 9/11 – Never Forget appeared first on Virtual Mirage.

Iran’s IRGC forces carried out ‘largest military operation’ in its history

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Iran’s IRGC forces carried out ‘largest military operation’ in its history] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:50 A.M.) – The Iranian Tasnim News Agency revealed on Thursday that the ground forces of the Revolutionary Guards carried out the largest military operation in its history against forces it described as ‘hostile’ on the northwestern borders of the country. Although the agency close to the Revolutionary Guard did not mention the nature, name, and location of these enemy forces, it indicated that the operation led to the disruption of the hostile groups’ bases on the borders. Conti... more »

Ansarallah forces claim ‘important target’ hit in Saudi capital

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Ansarallah forces claim ‘important target’ hit in Saudi capital] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:40 A.M.) – The Ansarallah forces announced on Thursday, that it bombed “an important target” in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, after launching a ballistic missile towards the Gulf Kingdom. The spokesman for the Ansarallah-aligned Yemeni Armed Forces, Yahya Sare’a, said on his Twitter account that a “joint military operation” between the Air Force and the missile force was carried out using a Zulfiqar ballistic missile and four Samad 3 drones, without disclosing the nature of the “important targe... more »

Jordanian Army issues official statement over cause of massive explosion

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Jordanian Army issues official statement over cause of massive explosion] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:10 A.M.) – The General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces issued an official statement regarding what the preliminary investigations indicated about the causes of the explosion, which occurred at dawn on Friday, in an old mortar ammunition warehouse near the city of Zarqa. According to a statement by the Jordanian Army, “An explosion occurred at dawn today, Friday, in an old mortar ammunition warehouse under construction in the Al-Tafih area near the city of Zarqa, which is loca... more »

Iran unveils 2 new cruise missiles amid heightened tensions with US, UAE

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Iran unveils 2 new cruise missiles amid heightened tensions with US, UAE] BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The Iranian army tested two naval cruise missiles during the second day of “Zulfiqar 99” maneuvers in the southern part of the country. The army said that a Qadir cruise missile hit surface marine targets more than 200 km away and successfully destroyed them. They said that another Nasr cruise missile was launched from a warship and hit surface marine targets. The spokesman for the exercises, Shahram Irani, said that the surface-to-sea missile systems of the navy are de... more »

Russia strengthens military base near US troops in northeast Syria: photo

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Russia strengthens military base near US troops in northeast Syria: photo] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:30 A.M.) – The Russian military has reportedly strengthened its presence at the Al-Qamishli Airbase in northeastern Syria, a new report said this week. According to Avia.Pro, the Russian Air Force moved a number of helicopters and a cargo plane to the Al-Qamishli Airbase recently, which comes only two weeks after a traffic incident with the U.S. military. “The Russian military is actively using the capabilities of its second airbase in Syria. Continue reading Russia strengthens m... more »

Israeli warplanes use US Tanf Zone to bomb Syria again

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Israeli warplanes use US Tanf Zone to bomb Syria again] BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:00 A.M.) – The U.S. Al-Tanf Zone in southeastern Homs has once again been used by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) to bomb an area in Syria, a source in the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in Damascus told Al-Masdar News. According to the source, missiles fired from the Al-Tanf area targeted the town of Al-Safira in southern Aleppo, resulting in a number of explosions and at least two deaths. The source said a number of missiles targeted the Scientific Research Lab, with a few managing to hit the facility. ... more »

Watch: Syrian helicopters attempt to put out massive fires over Latakia, Hama

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Watch: Syrian helicopters attempt to put out massive fires over Latakia, Hama] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:45 A.M.) – The Syrian Air Force has been working overtime in the Latakia and Hama governorates to help put out the massive fires that are ravaging the region. In a video released this week, Syrian helicopters from the air force can be seen trying to put out the fires over the Latakia and Hama countrysides. !function(w,d,a){if(!w[a]){var s=d.createElement('script'), x=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];s.type='text/javascript'; s.async=!0;s.src ='//widgets.ad.style/native.js';... more »

Lebanese Army shoots down Israeli drone along southern border

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Lebanese Army shoots down Israeli drone along southern border] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:30 A.M.) – The Lebanese Army announced on Thursday that its forces shot down a drone belonging to the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) over southern Lebanon. According to the Lebanese Army, their forces shot down the IDF drone over the town of Aita Al-Sha’ab in the southern part of the country after it was seen flying over the area. The Israeli army later admitted on Thursday evening that its drone had crashed in Lebanese territory and made it clear in a statement that “there is no fear that the i... more »

Massive blast at ammunition depot rocks Jordanian city: video

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Massive blast at ammunition depot rocks Jordanian city: video] BEIRUT, LEBANON (9:20 A.M.) – A powerful explosion has rocked the Jordanian city of Zarqa last night, causing shockwaves near the capital of ‘Amman. According to the Sky News Arabia broadcaster, the blast took place in an ammunition depot located in Zarqa. The explosion reportedly caused a huge fire at the site. The Jordanian Minister of State for Media Affairs, Amjad Odeh Al-Adaileh, confirmed an explosion in a warehouse containing unsuitable mortar bombs, east of the city of Zarqa. Continue reading Massive bla... more »

Syrian tribe leader reveals 20 Saudi soldiers are deployed in eastern Syria

News Desk at AMN – Al-Masdar News | المصدر نيوز - 18 hours ago
[image: Syrian tribe leader reveals 20 Saudi soldiers are deployed in eastern Syria] BEIRUT, LEBANON (8:40 A.M.) – Sheikh Ibrahim Khalil Jadaan Al-Hafl, the general sheikh of the Akidat Tribe, said in a special statement to Russia’s Sputnik Agency in Al-Hasakah that the sons of the Arab tribes in the eastern Euphrates region are ready for any scenarios, repercussions and developments, with the end of (the month limit) that they gave to the U.S.-led International Coalition. Sheikh Hafl explained that the possible scenarios include several options, the first of which is to hold peace... more »

Brazil’s National Traffic Council Bans Hidden Radars on Roads

Dorah Feliciano at The Rio Times - 18 hours ago
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The CONTRAN (National Traffic Council) has banned hidden radars in Brazil. Under Resolution 798, published in the Federal Gazette on Wednesday, September 9th, all monitored routes must have signs stating the maximum speed allowed, with meters visible at all times. The monitored routes and the radars' location must also be […] The post Brazil’s National Traffic Council Bans Hidden Radars on Roads appeared first on The Rio Times.

CFSv2 Forecasts La Niña (cooling) into 2021

Cap Allon at Electroverse - 18 hours ago
La Niña’s are usually associated with cooler global average temperatures, droughts in the southern U.S., and anonymously wet conditions in Australia. The post CFSv2 Forecasts La Niña (cooling) into 2021 appeared first on Electroverse.

Nature’s Most Powerful Antibiotics (Recipe Included!)

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
I have watched the popularization of a holistic food based protective internal health regime for decades. The problem has always just how and how much of course. Most of us end up practising touch and go which limits the applicatilon of good sense. I do practice using a strong background therapy of vitimin D and C in particular and not throw in Glucosomine as well. All reflect real natural deficiencies we now experience in our lives and diets. Then i do make sure to consume plenty of complex veggies raw and otherwise to bring a complex phytochemistry aboard as well. I have ... more »

131 Ways For An Infant to Die

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
It takes real money and power to have doctors become blind, dumb, and stupid. Two take homes here. The prime driver of SIDs is vaccination and the entire medical industry knows this. They are all guilty of abetting a provable act of homocide. The science is not even fuzzy nor the blatent manipulation to hide that reality. The second take home is that two years has always been soon enough for all vacc ination. Natural immunity is good enough until then and adding vitimion C to the diet is an insurance policy. A doctor who has exactly one such event should automatically quit ... more »

A wall of trees is being built across Africa to hold back the desert

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
In fact the results have been wonderful. Better yet it is something that the people all believe in. Even more noteworthy they can often simply fence in a block of land to allow natural vegetation to take off. With that base it is much easier to insert productive trees and to bring in cattle for mob grazing to start building soil carbon content. This thinking will also encourage volunteerrism as well A farmer can grow shade trees to provide fertilizer. The knowledge is out there. A lot of it is easy as well.. *A wall of trees is being built across Africa to hold back the des... more »

Is China On The 'Brink' Of A Major Food Shortage?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago
We are in the middle of harvest season and this means we have ample time to sort things out. any problem will be next spring. Yet the massive flood season has certainly wreaked plenty of production. So yes we expect adjustment to take place. The good news is that they are buying inventory from the USA. They should be able to offeset losses by christmans. *Is China On The 'Brink' Of A Major Food Shortage? * *by Tyler Durden* *Sun, 09/06/2020 - 21:30* *https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/china-brink-major-food-shortage* *China recently launched the "Clean Plate Campaign,... more »

Utopian targets and dystopian outcomes: California brown-outs

Kenneth Green at CFACT - 18 hours ago
All told, power plants with the ability to produce almost 6,000 megawatts, or about 15 percent of the electricity on California’s grid, were reported as being offline when temperatures surged last Friday The post Utopian targets and dystopian outcomes: California brown-outs appeared first on CFACT.

The "Iron Duke" Battleship Carried Britain Through WWI

Robert Farley at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Robert Farley* *History, Europe* [image: Wikimedia Commons] HMS Iron Duke and its sisters perfectly captured the “super dreadnought” concept. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *HMS *Iron Duke* became flagship of the Grand Fleet upon its creation in August 1914. *Iron Duke* carried the flag of Adm. John Jellicoe, who had been promoted by Winston Churchill to command at the beginning of the war. *More From The National Interest: * *Where World War III Could Start This Year* *How the F-35 Stealth Fighter Almost Never Happened * *Russia Has Missing Nuclear Weapons Sitting on the ... more »

The Dos and Don'ts of Swimming with Whales

Chantal Denise Pagel, Mark Orams, Michael Lueck at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Chantal Denise Pagel, Mark Orams, Michael Lueck* *Environment, * Swim encounters with humpback whales are relatively new in the Australian wildlife tourism portfolio. But last month’s injuries have raised concerns about the safety of swimming with such giant creatures in the wild. Three people were injured last month in separate humpback whale encounters off the Western Australia coast. The incidents happened during snorkelling tours on Ningaloo Reef when swimmers came too close to a mother and her calf. Swim encounters with humpback whales are relatively new in the Australian ... more »

If NATO And Russia Fought, These 10 Weapons Would Be On The Front Lines

TNI Staff at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*TNI Staff* *Security, * NATO and Russian forces are in close proximity in Europe. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Russia has maintained that these missile-defense systems threaten to upset the nuclear balance by negating its strategic deterrent. The United States correctly points out that its missile-defense systems could never contend with a missile arsenal the size of Russia’s. However, this view assumes that Russia would be launching the first strike against the United States or its allies. Moscow’s fear is that the missile-defense system will give the United States great... more »

Here's How The Allies Survived Hitler's Missile Bombardment On London

Sebastien Roblin at The National Interest - 18 hours ago
*Sebastien Roblin* *History, Europe* [image: Wikimedia Commons] London was under siege as it never had been before. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *By the end of the main V-1 campaign against London, only one out of five V-1s on average was reaching its target. When Germany redirected V-1 strikes against Antwerp and Brussels starting in the fall of 1944, the U.S. installed a new radar-directed air defense artillery system called Antwerp-X which proved even more efficient—eventually knocking out 95% of incoming buzz bombs. London was under siege as it never had been before. S... more »

Lithium reserves: enough for 1-5 generations of "cars across the world" and nothing else

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 19 hours ago
Lithium-battery electric cars are a niche market and they will always be. And if most cars were replaced by lithium-battery cars, mankind would run out of lithium after the first generation of cars would be produced. Or soon afterwards. And it's possible that other materials such as cadmium (reserves are estimated at half a million tons only) are even more constraining. First, note that the number of cars in the world has surpassed 1.4 billion. How much lithium do we need for 1.4 billion electric cars with 70 kWh lithium-based batteries? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push... more »


Editor at Dances With Bears - 19 hours ago
by John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Vadim Belyaev (lead image) is not the first Russian bank robber to take Cyprus citizenship on his way to safe haven in New York City, and then find himself facing a billion-dollar recovery lawsuit from his Russian pursuers in New York Supreme Court. He is, however, the very first to attempt […]

Quebec City Says It Will Isolate “Uncooperative” Citizens in Secret Corona Facility

Summit News at Need To Know - 19 hours ago
Some people in a bar were ordered to wait until their COVID-19 tests came back, but left the premises before the results came back positive. This led to them being deemed “uncooperative” and forcibly interned in a quarantine facility.

Doctor Vapes Through Face Masks, Shows Smoke Escaping from the Sides, Bottom, and Top

National File at Need To Know - 19 hours ago
Dr Ted Noel, an anesthesiologist with 36 years of experience, uploaded a video purportedly showing the inefficiency of various face masks, by blowing clouds of vape smoke through the masks. He says that smoke molecules are the same size or larger than viruses.

Women Accused of Stealing MAGA Hat from 7-Year Old Charged with Hate Crime

Breitbart at Need To Know - 19 hours ago
Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy, accused of stealing a seven-year old’s “Make America Great Again” (MAGA) hat outside the Democratic National Convention, have been charged with second-degree robbery and felony hate crimes. One of the suspects is also accused of punching a man.

Strong M6.3 earthquake hits Tarapaca-Antofagasta border region, Chile

A strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.3 hit the Tarapaca-Antofagasta border region of Chile at 07:35 UTC (04:35 LT) on September 11, 2020. The agency is reporting a depth of 40 km (25 miles). EMSC registered it as M6.3 at a depth of 45 km (28 miles). The...... Read more »

A Marathon, Not a Sprint: Peru Needs Fiscal Reforms to Quell High COVID-19 Death Rate

ANTWERP, Belgium / BOGOTA, Colombia, Sep 11 (IPS) - "It's a major paradox, no?" asks Hugo Ñopo, a researcher at the Peruvian think tank Group for the Analysis of Development (GRADE). Since the beginning of the pandemic, Peru has presented itself as an example for the region: it quickly implemented drastic prevention measures, followed scientific recommendations and prepared an economic support plan for the most vulnerable segments of the population. Read the full story, “A Marathon, Not a Sprint: Peru Needs Fiscal Reforms to Quell High COVID-19 Death Rate”, on globalissues.org →

Understanding the FBI’s Two-Hop FISA Surveillance of The Trump Campaign…

sundance at The Last Refuge - 20 hours ago
The FBI spied on the inner circle of candidate Donald Trump’s campaign staff in 2016 and during the first 8 months of his administration. Even though Carter Page was the named target of the search warrant, 2-hop spying allowed the … Continue reading →

Amazing Polly Alerts Us about Signs that a Treasonous faction of the US Military, along with the Usual Suspect Oligarchs are planning a Coup after the US Election

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 20 hours ago
Amazing Polly presents evidence that the US Techn-oligarchs along with some Treasonous elements of the US Military are scheming to carry out a Coup and replace Trump. She seems to think that they think Trump will win in a landslide, but even if that happens, Biden has been ordered by Hillary Clinton and *Mark Zuckerberg* *NOT* to concede. What will happen then is...over succeeding weeks and months after "Election Night" they will erode Trump's victory by having "mail in ballots" counted and other tactics. They will turn what on election night appeared to be a victory...into a de... more »

Azmin: Malaysia to address sensitive issues before deciding on CPTPP ratification

bilaterals.org - 20 hours ago
11-Sep-2020 Malaysia's Ministry of International Trade and Industry (MITI) is engaging with stakeholders to get feedback on sensitive issues such as government procurement before deciding on the ratification of the CPTPP.

500 000 forced to evacuate as massive wildfires rage through Oregon, U.S.

The number of people forced to evacuate their homes in Oregon rose to an estimated 500 000 by Friday, September 11, 2020. This is more than 10% of the state's 4.2 million people and the number keeps growing. The fires have so far consumed a record 364 000 ha...... Read more »

Is Belarus crisis over?

KristupasGavelis at The Duran - 20 hours ago
World is frozen in anticipation: the real preconditions have appeared for resolving the political crisis and stabilizing the situation in Belarus. The media learned that the Belarusian authorities have presented Russia and the OSCE with a plan to overcome the internal political crisis, RBC reports. The plan stipulates that the Constitution of Belarus will be […]

The Merchant of V _ _ice

John Hagan at The Duran - 20 hours ago
http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/vice.mp4 From the Merchant of Venice to the Merchant of Vice. A video that looks at Epstein Island and its many visitors. Was this all an intelligence operation by Mossad, Wexford and the US deep state or was it merely a diversion for the sensational media? Will we ever know?

Assange as a modern Thomas a’ Becket

John Hagan at The Duran - 20 hours ago
http://www.cowdisley.com/videos/Assange.mp4 I see Assange as a modern Thomas Becket with the King’s plotters as: Blair, Cheney, Pompeo, Biden, Struck, Bush, Obama, Brennan, Trump, Dearlove and Lady Emma Arbuthnot. The friends are few but include Judge Koeltl, Chelsea Manning and Snowden plus all journalists of conscience.

NPP in Metsamor: another one stumbling block in relations between Armenia, Russia and the West?

Anastasia Frank at The Duran - 20 hours ago
Armenian-Russian relations have a long history. Countries have repeatedly proved their loyalty to each other by fighting side by side against a common threats and building together a common future. The current stage began in 1991, when new independent states were formed on the fragments of the former greatness of the USSR. Their main task […]

Nigel Ley (1947-2020)

TheDarkMan at The Duran - 20 hours ago
The barrister and author Nigel Ley has died after a lengthy illness. The above photograph is a screengrab from a YouTube video uploaded in 2013. He should not be confused with another barrister of the same name. Nigel Joseph Ley was the only child of Gerald Ley and Grace Ley née Betesh; they married at Manchester […]

More Than 50% of Households in THESE 4 Largest U.S. Cities Could NOT Pay Their Bills!

Dewey Fernfield at The Duran - 20 hours ago
source The majority of people today have serious problems with their finances. They are running on fumes. Redlining it. Pushing it to the max. When a person gets a raise at work, they buy a new car, move into a new house, take expensive vacations, and generally spend more. They don’t have more left over […]

Q Drop 4653 – Media Hits the Panic Button

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
September 10, 2020 by Number One (Patrick) BERLIN, GERMANY – AUGUST 28: Querdenker Q buttons lie in a bin for sale next to copies of the right-wing magazine Compact at a gathering of coronavirus skeptics on the eve of a planned protest march on August 28, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. Tens of thousands of protesters … Continue reading Q Drop 4653 – Media Hits the Panic Button →

Conspiracy Article In Qatari Daily: Perpetrators Of 9/11 Were Trained In U.S. Military Centers

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
Qatar | Special Dispatch No. 8926 On September 7, 2020, the Qatari daily Al-Sharq published an article by the country’s former ambassador in Tunisia, Ahmad Al-Qadidi, who was also an advisor to Qatar’s former prime minister, Hamad bin Jassim, in which he claimed that the perpetrators of the September 11, 2001 attacks had been trained … Continue reading Conspiracy Article In Qatari Daily: Perpetrators Of 9/11 Were Trained In U.S. Military Centers →

History & Development of Vaccines using aborted Fetal cells and Animal cells.

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
Originally posted on The Nightingale Files: Human Cell Strains in Vaccine Development – College of Physicians of Philadelphia https://www.historyofvaccines.org/index.php/content/articles/human-cell-strains-vaccine-development VIDEO: Stanley PlotkinPioneering the use of fetal cells to make rubella vaccine. https://hillemanfilm.com/stanley-plotkin THE ETHICS OF THE WALVAX-2 CELL STRAIN http://ethicalresearch.net/positions/the-ethics-of-the-walvax-2-cell-strain/ Issues Regarding DNA Altering Vaccines – Dr. Carrie Madej https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNvlxx3Pizs&ab_channel=YaWaKalIbad... more »

Global Uprising, Spain Fights Back

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
Global Uprising – Spain Fights Back! Thousands Rally in Madrid against their corrupt Socialist Govt's tyrannical Corona restrictions. Same pictures everywhere – bludgeoning peaceful people demonstrating against restrictions that infringe on their rights & harm their economy. pic.twitter.com/R4Hw7lJSF0 — Amy Mek (@AmyMek) September 8, 2020 via Global Uprising – Spain Fights Back!

What Possible Disruption Is Coming That Requires China To Start Massive Stockpiling Of All Possible Commodities

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
Tyler Durden 09/10/2020 By Michael Every of Rabobank Today is like one of those rare occasions when the Broadway understudy for a leading role finds out that the star has the ‘flu (not Covid-19) and so they get to go in front of the audience for once. Yes, Europe, today is your time to shine: … Continue reading What Possible Disruption Is Coming That Requires China To Start Massive Stockpiling Of All Possible Commodities →

Doctor Who Served 35 Years In Shantallow, Derry, Speaks Out About Systematic Killing Of Elderly People

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: Doctors, nurses and administrators watching Netflix, doing knitting and catching up on paperwork during the Fake ‘pandemic’, fake death certificates, suicidal patients seeing a big rise, and Bill Gates. Thank You Dr For Taking A Stand, But To Say You Are Not Against Vaccines Is Appalling! Drs Are Given…

Heading Back Into Lockdown – The Puppets Read Their Script – David Icke

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
Originally posted on Truth To Power: If Humanity Doesn’t Draw A Line Now We Will Be Living In A Dystopian Existence That Will Be Impossible To Imagine! Link To Banned Video: https://2020electioncenter.com/watch?id=5f5a1f3daf4ce8069e7274fb

Kamala Harris Pushes to Make the Rolling Blackouts Taking Place in California a Standard for the Nation

j at Wake Up To The Truth - 20 hours ago
September 7, 2020 by IWB via Kamala Harris Pushes to Make the Rolling Blackouts Taking Place in California a Standard for the Nation

Terrorism is “Made in the USA”. The Global War on Terrorism is a Fabrication, A Big Lie

Pam Vernon at Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch - 20 hours ago
Originally posted on Counter Information: By Prof Michel Chossudovsky Global Research, March 11, 2015 perdana global peace foundation Prominent academic and author Dr Michel Chossudovsky warned that the so-called war on terrorism is a front to propagate America’s global hegemony and create a New World Order. Dr Chossudovsky said terrorism is made in the US…

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